How many times have you heard or been told by a doctor that it doesn’t matter what you eat if you have cancer and cancer patients are encouraged to eat whatever they want? This ONE thing PROVES they are completely wrong and HAVE TO APOLOGIZE to all these cancer patients and their families.
Do you think that eating sugar or anything that turns to sugar doesn’t cause cancer? Think Again!
Cancer cells are glucose metabolizers. Their only source of fuel for survival is SUGAR since their mitochondria are damaged. Based on continuous research, it is clear that sugar feeds cancer. That’s why the PET scan uses radioactive glucose to detect cancer cells. The simple mechanism of tagging glucose molecules with radioactive indicators that light up when the cancer cells ingest them further confirms that doctors are aware of cancer’s weakness for sugar.
Now oncologists are using diabetes drugs on cancer patients to keep sugar out of the blood and decreasing the amount cancer cells take in!
Here are three reasons why it’s important that doctors and researchers are doing this:
- It shows they are taking the initiative to find better treatments than chemo, surgery, and radiation.
- They are admitting SUGAR plays a role in reversing as well as causing cancer and it matters what you eat!
- They are getting closer to finding cause(s) of cancer. The Cause is the only Cure!
In a meta-analysis of 20 papers involving over 13,000 patients reported by Dr Ming Yin et. al. in The Oncologist (November 15th 2013), the researchers concluded that metformin helps increase survival rates in cancer patients with type-2 Diabetes, better than other plasma glucose-reducing drugs.
The Editor of The Oncologist, Bruce Chabner, said this study had removed concerns that metformin might have some causal effect, and could actually play a part in tumor reduction by helping to lower plasma glucose levels. As we repeatedly tell readers, glucose is the primary fuel for cancer cells.
What’s great about this is, it PROVES that lowering sugar and blood glucose levels increases SURVIVING and decreases the risk of cancer. The bad news is they are using a medication with many side effects (although nothing compared to chemo and radiation). But when there are so many natural/safe ways to heal from cancer, why wouldn’t you do these instead?
How to Lower Your Blood Glucose Safely
Lowering your blood glucose safely and naturally is one of the KEYS in reversing or preventing CANCER:
- Stop eating SUGAR and anything that turns to sugar. That means ALL grains, pastas, carbs, breads and most fruits − at least during the initial phase of reversing cancer. Measure blood sugar levels throughout the day with a glucose meter to ensure you’re keeping glucose down while simultaneously keeping INFLAMMATION down. Monitoring your blood sugar is one of the keys I teach to every cancer patient.
- Eat only moderate to low amounts of protein. Excess protein will convert to sugar.
- Take natural supplements that bring down blood glucose levels:
Dietary Supplements that Help With Blood Glucose Levels
Here are some dietary supplements may also help maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
- Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA): 300 mg/day
- Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine): 100 mg/day
- Berberine: 400-500 mg/day
- Cinnamon: 1 gram/day (food quantity)
- Fenugreek: a daily supplement of 15 g of powdered fenugreek seed significantly reduces blood glucose levels after meals
If we won’t be eating any of above then what would one eat while taking low sugar diet
Cancer patients are sure to die shortly. Let them enjoy life by eating whatever they want.
Cancer is business, not an ailment.
If they would know what is good, then medical pharma business will die soon.
Samuel Granite, that is a horrible thing to say. You seem to care more about pharmaceutical companies than a human’s life. If you had cancer what would you do? Refuse treatment and eat spoonfuls of sugar? Karma will find you one day. Truly unbelievable that you would make that comment.
Absolutely insane to hear comments some individuals say! I do know of individuals who had Cancer and continued to smoke snd eat nothing but trash! Geeeeee…
Its very difficult when you are tired and si ck to avoid sugar.
#1 – Stop eating SUGAR and anything that turns to sugar…
Everything we consume turns into glucose, it’s a matter of how quickly it turns to glucose… Proteins and fat convert much slower than carbs, but it all does turn into sugar…
So MUCH MISINFORMATION and IGNORANCE kicking about here… and such lemming faith in the CANCER INDUSTRY (AMA, FDA, & Big Pharma). Say “moo” all you future potential cash cows! If you really want to KNOW about cancer, it is best to start BEFORE you or a loved one has it! Otherwise, you will be scared, milked(bilked), and probably die! All who want to KNOW the mind boggling truth about cancer need to see the 20 documentary episodes produced by TheTruthAbout… 1) The Quest for the Cure Continues (11 episodes), and 2) The Global Quest for the Cure.
What about nutrition? Vegetables & fruit are carbs, some are complex carbs so slower glucose release. They have fiber & vitamins/minerals which we need. Grains? I would have thought so long as we avoided enriched white processed flour we could enjoy other pasta & grains. Trader Joe’s has an organic quinoa & brown rice pasta.
This is for Samuel Granita. I had cervical cancer in stage #5 in 1994 and I’m still alive in 2016. Think you have to correct your information buddy
What I would like someone to tell me is, is it the gluten in carbs that make them bad, eg pasta, bread, or if they are gluten free does this mean they are fine to eat?
If only we did not have to eat because from the list above there is nothing left to eat anyway!!!
I had cancer about 9 years ago, was given 2 years to survive, but I’m, still alive. i will take notice of the sugar influence and reduce the intake.
The ignorance of you respondents is staggering
You can eat vegetables, salads fish and meat in moderation
Mr Granita can take the fatalist course if it suits him when he gets cancer but cancer survivors like my son will beg to differ
Mr Schubert can eat saturated fats which do not metabolize to sugar but provide significant energy however we do need a significant level of glucose to power the brain
Supplements of vitamin C are useful as Vitamin C will mimic glucose, enter the cancer cell and form peroxide which will kill the cell
There is good evidence, from what I understand, that one of the keys is eating lightly, keeping track of calories and eating nutritiously to make sure that you are giving your body what it needs and not much extra to turn it into excess fat and sugar. See benefits of intermittent fasting and calorie restriction.
The main questions should be (i) how glucose is used in the body to provide energy that one needs and (ii) how much glucose does one need. The answe of the second question depends on how much physical work one does. If doing physical work one can burn off all the glucose, they will not have any extra sugar left that has to be discarded via Type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is caused by the body to stop producing insulin whose job is to push glucose into cells for burning. If cells burn all the glucose and the resulting energy is not used up, the temperature of the body will increase and if that goes above a certain level a quick death is sure. Hence is the prevalence of Type 2 diabetes among the people who eat more than they need. Now energy can be extracted from glucose in two ways – (I) burning with oxygen or (ii) via production of alcohol. The first one needs enough supply of oxygen which is not possible without proper ventilation in most of the places where modern men, women and children spend their time. None measures oxygen levels in classrooms, offices, crowded trains, buses etc. The cells in the bodies of tose who don’t get enough oxygen turns to convert glucose to alcohol to get energy. These cells change and become cancerous cells. As these cells do not need oxygen to survive, they thrive in oxygen depleted environment where most people who gradually develop cancer live. Prof Max Warburg proved the connection between lack of oxygen and cancer and got the Nobel prize for that discovery. It should not be so surprising that a drug for Type 2 diabetes also works for cancer. If we just eat as much we need and get sufficient oxygen, both of these diseases should become history. But then we also have bombs with depleted uranium and microwave to bathe in.
Congratulations Irma! I’m just beginning my journey… I was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer in December, had a mastectomy in January but have been consistent with my alternative protocols ever since. (No refined sugar or grains, no alcohol, nothing whatsoever processed…) I’m also on the Hoxsey tonic and diet, Essiac tea, lemon juice in the morning, etc… I decided against chemo (hello, POISON!) as well as radiation (to anyone who says radiation is not harmful, I wonder if the good people in Nagasaki and Hiroshima would agree!). I choose to believe, as I’m sure you do, that cancer doesn’t mean a death sentence. Our bodies made the cancer because of poor nutrition, so conversely immediately switching to whole foods, raw when possible, no GMOs, organic, our bodies can “UN-DO” the damage that resulted in cancer. I know SEVERAL people who were able to beat cancer with diet and some lifestyle changes! I plan to beat it as well!!
I applaud you ! I have been dealing with same thing ! Double Mastectomy in January stage 1 triple positive .I just decided not to do the poison protocol and I am looking for a holistic approach.
Any suggestions ??
Look into enzyme therapy, something I am doing at the moment after being diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer ER+ HER2-
There are so many other choices than the chemical route
❤️ Well said xx
Yesterday, April 4, 2016 I had a lumpectomy (Triple Negative Breast Cancer) and 2 sentinel lymph nodes removed. I’m still waiting on pathology report. I have many allergies to chemicals and hate the idea of chemo and radiation! I am totally against putting this poision in my veins and being exposed to radio active poision! I want to heal myself through diet and supplements. I stopped eating sugar of all types. I’ve been eating organic dark leafy greens, making salad dressing from Braggs apple cider vinegar, stevia, and organic soy sauce. drinking essiac tea, water, almond milk with a teaspoon of organic tumeric powder, four ginger capsules a day, vitamin c crystals in liquid. My biggest problem is finding a variety of cancer killing foods. I’m always hungry. Salads don’t keep me full for very long and would like some advice on what I can safely add to my diet so I’m not starving!
Sour sop fruit is good for fighting cancer cells too.
All types of fresh mushroom are good.
Yup a Doctor in natural healing got the secret to curing cancer over oncologists who devote more than 10 years of they life on research and also read more than 1000 articles and not selectively choose 1-2 sentences from one article just to prove their own point
And yea sure, tell a cachectic patient not to eat their favorite food as it promotes the cancer cells to live! Let them starve to death then! Since technically…. The cancer cells did not kill them but the wrong information sure potentially could!
Guess medical school is a scam 😉 all everyone needs is just to avoid sugar and live happily and healthily ever after
P.s (unless you are diagnosed with coeliac disease, gluten would not affect you)
I do not have celiac but gluten gives me 3-4 day long headaches. Some are migraines so bad that I throw up 2-6 times. No gluten for me.
And since I have discontinued gluten (May 3, 2015), I have lost 33 pounds, I feel much better, and I don’t have lower back or foot pains.
Both Gerson and Budwig protocols limit sugar other than freshly squized juices. Fruit sugar has a different orientation left spin vs processed sugar or artificial right spin. The reason Dr Max Gerson used freshly pressed juices 13 times a day 8 to 10 Oz is to provide maximum nutrients with the lowest energy expenditure from the patient. The only fat which doesn’t feed cancer is flaxseed oil. Avoid soy and other fats, carbs animal proteins other than Budwig mix. Juices carrot and green deacidify cells, this effect is boosted by Kangen water. Acidity in the cells decreases oxygenation and helps cancer spread. Stick to known protocols and clinics in Mexico who obtain great results on daily bases. Stage 4 cancer is not a time to experiment with various things.
There is scientific evidence showing that eating apples can help kill cancer cells.
Most of the posts here, seem to overlook the huge benefits of following the LCHF Lifestyle. (Low Carbs, medium proteins, high healthy fats/oils)
For more info, contact me.
Wouldn’t checking your glucose levels throughout the day be somewhat pointless unless you have diabetes or are taking medications that mess with blood glucose? Checking your blood glucose levels only shows you how much glucose is currently circulating in your blood stream. Your body naturally keeps glucose levels between 70-140 mm/dL unless you have diabetes or something else is messing with your insulin levels. After you eat a big meal, your body detects rising levels of glucose and releases insulin to control blood glucose levels by forcing glucose into cells of the body. Blood glucose tests don’t measure how much sugar you’ve eaten or how much sugar has been absorbed into the cells of your body… so wouldn’t it be better to monitor what you eat/add up how much sugar you are eating if you don’t have diabetes/a blood sugar problem?
+-It’s not the gluten, it’s the fact that simple carbs turn immediately into sugar/glucose, which feeds cancer. As far as the “gluten” craze, while there are undoubtedly some people sensitive to gluten, it’s now believed that people are instead sensitive to Round-Up herbicide/glyphosate, not gluten. Farmers spray their crops with Round-Up as a dessicant to kill them and uniformly dry-out the whole field, just before harvest. The glyphosate in Round-Up gets absorbed by the grain and eaten by us. Who wouldn’t be sensitive to weed killer? It’s poison! And people with lactose intolerance, once again, a few people may actually be, but when milk is cooked, or pasteurized, many if not all the beneficial probiotics and organisms are killed-off. Some of these assist in digesting lactose. When they are killed-off, the full load of lactose gets dumped into the stomach, and some people can’t handle it. In both cases (gluten and lactose intolerance) it’s not the food that is the problem, it’s the processing that is.
There is no Stage 5 in any type of cancer.
I had an interview with an ecologist today and when I brought up diet he scoffed at the suggestion, What a knob.
Gail, I am being treated for triple positive stage 4 breast cancer. I can give you a list of some things I am using if you want to email me at
Hi, to stop the hunger use healthy fats in your diet. Extra virgin coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, avocados, organic feta cheese, organic butter and organic nuts such as pecan, walnut and Brazil nuts and organic seeds. Look for LCHF diet low carb high fat. Hope this helps x
Well said like how you said things.
I searched The Oncologist website so that I could read the study mentioned in this article but could not find it. What I’ve read about Metformin (diabetes drug) is that some studies have shown that it might be effective at treating some types of cancers but no studies have proven that it prevents cancer. In fact a study mentioned in Science Daily stated that women who received metformin before being diagnosed with breast cancer had double the mortality rate than women who had never taken it previously. It was effective only after the diagnosis was made, showing the drug is time-sensitive. The data that is known about Metformin does not support the theory that sugar causes cancer.
A statement from the Majors’ family:
In September 2010, Charles was diagnosed with multiple myeloma which had spread to his brain in the form of four large tumors. A very rare cancer, multiple myeloma occurs in less than 1% of the adult population. Attempted surgery to remove the brain tumors was unsuccessful, and Charles was left with very few options for survival for this condition, considered to be incurable.
Having been given weeks to live, Charles sought the care of integrative oncologists, and embarked on a healing journey using all holistic, non-medical interventions. Through this care, Charles’ health improved dramatically. Four years after his diagnosis, shocking his conventional physicians, an updated MRI revealed no tumors in Charles’ brain. He was proclaimed to be cancer-free at the five-year anniversary of his diagnosis.