There’s nothing quite like fresh food straight from the farm. Whether it’s produce, eggs, meat, or milk… anyone who’s tried both knows that organically-grown, farm-fresh varieties are tastier and just all-around better than what’s typically sold at the grocery store. These “real” foods, as I like to call them, are also much healthier and safer than their conventional counterparts due to cultivation practices that, generally speaking, tend to avoid the use of things like chemical pesticides and heavy processing.
Despite all the pretty packaging and clever marketing, commercial grocery store fare simply doesn’t hold a candle to foods like a perfectly-ripe strawberry picked straight from the plant; a golden-yolked egg from a happy, pastured hen; or a tasty glass of chilled, grass-fed, raw milk − foods grown and consumed the way nature intended. There are a number of reasons for this, one of them being the rigmarole of government regulations that effectively bar many foods from being sold on a commercial scale due to “food safety” concerns.
Mandatory pasteurization of milk and other dairy products is one such regulatory requirement that supposedly makes these otherwise living foods “safe” for human consumption, but that actually does the exact opposite. Pasteurization destroys the nutritional integrity of milk, making it toxic for human consumption. It also functions as a cover for the filthy practices of large-scale dairy conglomerates that profit immensely from selling what can only be described as “swill” to unwitting consumers.
Pasteurization Destroys Beneficial Bacteria and Enzymes
From a nutritional standpoint, pasteurization is the equivalent of dropping an atomic bomb on your food. Whatever had been living in that food prior − delicate enzymes, probiotic bacteria, and various energetically-charged nutrients − is carpet-bombed with high-heat and left for dead. It leaves in its wake a trail of compositional casualties like altered flavor and texture, denatured proteins, and lost vitamins and minerals… among other damage.
Simply put, pasteurization is an absolute disaster for human health because it kills many of the nutrients in milk that our bodies need in order to process it, let alone derive any nutrition from it. And yet, per U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rules, all milk that crosses state lines as part of interstate commerce − the vast majority of milk currently on the market − must be pasteurized prior to being sold to the public. This is an antiquated policy that hinges upon irrational fear of bacteria and woefully outdated science.
The Link Between Pasteurized Milk and Lactose Intolerance
You’re probably familiar with a relatively common health condition known as lactose intolerance, from which at least 50% of the human population is said to currently suffer. Contrary to popular belief, lactose intolerance isn’t an allergy or intolerance to milk. It’s an inability to digest and assimilate pasteurized milk that no longer contains an enzyme known as lactase that’s a necessary cofactor for processing lactose, the disaccharide sugar in milk that makes it taste sweet.
The destruction of lactase by pasteurization heat renders milk nutritionally impotent in this regard, as many people’s bodies simply don’t know what to do with milk that contains only lactose without lactase. And while the human body is capable of manufacturing some lactase on its own, the levels it produces are often inadequate to properly handle the amount of “dead” dairy products many people consume on a regular basis.
Pasteurization also destroys the multitude of functional flora present in raw milk. These flora help stimulate not only the growth, function, and activity of lactase and other nutritive enzymes, but also the processing of milk and other foods in the gut. This includes the breakdown and clearance of glucose and galactose from the intestinal tract, an excess of which can cause symptoms like bloating, stomach pains, and bowel irregularities.
Pasteurization is a Disguise for Filthy Food
The original intent of pasteurization was never to make “inherently risky” foods like fresh milk “safe” for human consumption as we’ve all been led to believe. Rather it was to make inherently unsafe foods appear just safe enough so they can be legally sold to consumers rather than be discarded.
It was the many burgeoning “swill” milk systems in rapidly-urbanizing, post-War of 1812 American cities that resulted in pasteurization becoming a standard processing method for milk, even though milk produced correctly doesn’t need to be pasteurized.
Many people don’t know this, but the industrial-scale feedlots that were rapidly springing up across America during this changing period in history made a practice of feeding their cows “hot slop.” This was a non-nutritive (but inexpensive) waste product of whiskey production collected from nearby whiskey distilleries.
The cows that consumed this hot slop became diseased and emaciated due to its toxicity, and yet continued to generate “milk” in abundant quantities… of the filthy and absolutely-unfit-for-consumption variety.
But never fear − pasteurization is here! At least that’s how it went back then to cover up for the major shortcomings of swill milk, which was heated solely for the purpose of killing it so it wouldn’t kill the people who consumed it.
Milk producers who continued to graze their cows on grassy fields rather than shove hot slop down their throats in densely-packed urban feedlots were still generating safe, nutritious milk, but the damage was already done. Pasteurization would quickly gain preeminence as the solution to the problem of “dangerous” raw milk, and so it remains to this day.
Pasteurization Benefits Large Producers, Not Consumers or Farmers
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to recognize that pasteurization used for this purpose benefits only the “sloplords” at the expense of everyone else. Small-scale farmers who pasture their animals the old fashioned way don’t benefit. Neither do consumers who are basically being sold a bill of goods every time they pick up a gallon of pasteurized “milk.” Milk that’s been heavily processed and aggressively heat-treated to cover for all the pathogens and other filth that might be present as a result of how the animals from which this “milk” comes are being raised.
Industrial feedlots might not be feeding their cows hot slop anymore, but they are feeding them genetically-modified (GM) grains, injecting them with antibiotic drugs to fatten them up, and letting them wallow around in mountains of contained fecal matter rather than roam around naturally on grassy pastures.
If You Drink Milk… Drink Raw Milk
Milk produced the real way − via plenty of grass, sunshine, humane treatment, and love − continues to be a nutritive substance with many healing properties, so long as it’s consumed raw. The dead processed stuff? Not so much.
To find a source near you for raw milk and raw milk products produced the way nature intended, the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) has compiled a “Real Milk Finder” as part of its Campaign for Real Milk, which you can access at the following link:
Pasteurized or not cow milk is not for us..periode not for human is for baby cows that is all!!!
Save your opinion because that is really all it is. If you don’t want it for sure, don’t drink it. Just stop dictating your opinion to others. I happen to consider it, in the raw form, one of natures perfect foods. A whole lot of good nutrition you are missing out on with YOUR OPINION! Believe what you want, just don’t dictate your bunch of nonsense.
Come on, that’s rude and not in the spirit of this forum. Of course it was Capucine’s “opinion” since that is what this forum is for. Your reply was also an opinion, no?
You make a valid point, and to some extent I agree with you. However, two quick things to note:
1) There has NEVER been a long-standing vegan society, as far as we know. Even so-called vegan communities have eaten the occasional egg, drank some milk, or eaten a tiny bit of meat here and there.
2) I (and my family) always got sick – or at least congested – when using ordinary dairy. When we started to use RAW milk and cheese there was zero problem.
3) Having said that, I believe it is essential to do a dietary ‘clean up’ ever now and then, when no dairy, gluten or sugar is consumed.
4) Dairy can still form mucus if you consume it to excess – raw or not – an should be used only in moderation. Even raw green juices have to be kept at a reasonable quantity otherwise you get excess oxalic acids and other alkaloids which, at the very least, can make you feel a bit queasy (nature’s way of telling you to take it easy with a certain foodstuff).
Ha, ha…sorry, I said two quick things then got carried away and I went on to list 4 +
Oh well, just goes to show there is so much to say on this topic 🙂
As one who grew up on raw milk and has been lucky enough to have found a local farmer to continue that for the last 3 years will tell you NOTHING beats the flavor of fresh milk. I wouldn’t drink the the grocery store version ever again. I am sick to death of the “government” telling me what is good for me as the pass the pus filled, antibiotic, hormone tossed LIES. The chalk they toss as wholesome? Not fit for human consumption. I love this site and all the info, but if truth be told? .I figured out years ago that butter was better than margarine. I figured out animal protein, raised on grass versus grains was better, Meat, eggs and dairy! I told my children, back in the 1980’s it a dentist ever told them they were going to get fluoride to scream and I would come running. I ditched the Vaccination Regime in those same years. Now, if we as people, could just do something about the poison they are spraying over our heads. Look up.
When I was a child in Australia we bought/traded milk from a neighbour who had a couple of cows. It was fresh & Mother used to scald it & much cream would be scooped off & the remaining is what we drank or put on our oats/porridge (non Ge). I never was unwell/diarrhoea until the Primary School I attended supplied compulsory Governments sponsored processed milk in a sealed bottle. It was homogenised & pasteurised. Boy did that give me an upset stomach & later the local Dr took my tonsils out. Kinda sorted out the swollen tonsils but I still got diarrhoea from the rubbish… stopped it & the sickness in other areas stopped. Now Drs hate it when one asks for full disclosure on every thing they want to give us & the Government hate it when asked for full disclosure on a range of their force fed rubbish e.g. fluoride, vaccinations etc. Thank you Ty for this forum & your wonderful work.
I love raw milk, and there’s a place near me that sells it. I used to drink it, and it sure was good. It’s pricy for sure – like $12 a gallon – but worth it. But now that I have breast cancer, of the estrogen receptor positive type, I have been avoiding all dairy, except grass-fed cultured cottage cheese, as part of the Budwig protocol. Now I’m wondering if drinking raw milk would be just as bad as pasteurized in terms of the amount of estrogen in it. I miss drinking raw milk and would like to get some occasionally, but I’m under the impression that breast cancer people (especially of the estrogen-sensitive type) should avoid dairy products.
This is the most ridiculous article ever on TTAC. Milk and dairy whether pasteurized, raw, organic, from grass fed cows is fuel for cancer cells. IGF-1 is the most powerful tumor growth stimulating hormone so go ahead and drink your milk and eat your cheese. You will be stimulating tumor growth at a rate greater than can be induced by any other agent or hormone. Remember that cow’s milk is designed to rapidly stimulate the growth of a small calf into a massive cow in 6 months. It is growth hormones that make this happen and these same hormones will make tumors grow much faster. Ty, you need a much better informed group of science advisors. You must stop publishing this misinformation. If you need an excellent source of nutritional science, go to
Fuel for cancer cells is sugar, Fluoride also helps. it disrupts the reproduction of DNA, disrupts the immune system, and a whole host of other health problems, it even diminishes your IQ.
So disappointed to see TTAC essentially promoting dairy consumption (and previously bone broth). True, pasteurization is tremendously damaging, but that does not mean that stealing the food meant for baby calves is in our highest interest to consume. I believe that, not only can it promote tumor growth, but it adds a karmic burden to our human souls by virtue of the fact that we steal a part of the animal’s soul when we take any part of them. These stolen soul parts negatively impact our energy field and must eventually be released and returned to their respective souls. This does not happen with plants. The idea for both health and divine connectivity is to consume high-vibration, living raw foods, ideally grown organically with care and love. It is the energetic field of the food that is most important. I wish this site would discuss the benefits of raw foods for disease reversal and longevity. I don’t think we are getting the most accurate truth about nutrition here.
Human blood and plant blood are almost identical. Our blood has iron to make it red while plants have chlorophyll to make it green otherwise they’re the same. Guess that leaves you with only water to drink. Wait, that can be living too. Life only comes from life!
Is organic milk the same as raw milk.
Unfortunately no. Organic milk is just from cows fed exclusively organic feed. It is usually homogenized and ultra-pasteurized (even worse for the milk, but leads to long shelf life since nothing is left living in the milk).
No, organic milk is not the same as raw milk. Raw milk has not been pasteurized. Organic milk can be raw, but most of it is not raw. In most parts of the US raw milk is illegal, unfortunately, due to ignorance on the part of our lawmakers.
I believe that there are still about 27 states where you can still legally buy raw milk, and if you own a cow you can drink raw milk, that’s how I get mine in Canada.
I sent a presentation of the new radiation way to the address There was a text in the beginning in Swedish, but there was a link to English text, which I hoped to have comments to. You let me know that you do not handle this matter.
I agree that we need to improve our diets and the treatment of some of the animals on which we rely for food. However, for you to declare that dairy cows are fed antibiotics to fatten them up, shows ignorance–no one fattens their dairy cows bc dairy cows don’t fatten. They put their energy into making milk. Milk from dairy cows treated with antibiotics can not be shipped to the processors. Also, most dairy cows today are kept in clean, if confined, conditions and their milk must meet stringent bacterial counts in order to be accepted into the milk-hauler’s tanker truck. It is both untrue and insulting to farmers to say that their cows wallow in filth and that their milk is filthy. It is not, because if it was, it couldn’t even be taken off of the farm. I agree that cows should be given access to pasture and that states should allow clean, raw, whole milk to be sold to the public in unpasteurized, unhomogenized form. You could make this point without vilifying dairy farmers and their product.
antibiotics to keep them healthy, and growth hormones to increase the amount of milk produced (and fatten them up is for beef cattle.
Uh, no. I have dairy cows on my farm and they’ve never been given antibiotics. I only use herbs, homeopathy, and minerals.
It’s my understanding that milk in any form has a high level of protein. This high level is so that BABY COWS can grow quickly. As humans we do not need this high level of protein. Breast milk is VERY LOW in protein. This is the ideal food for infants. How long does it take a baby cow to reach maturity or full height? Compare this to how long it takes for us to reach that same goal. We spend at least 15 years or more reaching our “ideal” height in which we STOP growing. Baby cows need all that protein to reach full height quickly, as we do not. You can drink raw milk if you want to, but we prefer to eliminate milk and dairy completely from what we eat. Haven’t had a glass of milk, or a hunk of cheese in too many years.
While Ty has done a great job with his documentary and facts, I do not agree with this one at all. All milk is meant for baby cows. This means pasturized or raw.
Raw milk was said to cause tuberculosis in the early 1900s in Britain at least and that’s why they made it a law to pasteurize. Please research before you respond
That was to deter people from drinking it, you can live very healthy on just a few glasses of raw milk a day, if you needed to… Raw milk is a very nutritious food…
Which shops have raw milk available? Has almond milk, rice milk, soy milk, hemp milk, coconut milk, and cashew milk been pasteurized, because they do not come from an animal?
No vaccines, huh? Good luck with yellow fever, smallpox, polio, measles, mumps, rubella and all of the other childhood and adult illnesses. The tremendous reduction in childhood dental cavities was achieved by fluoridation of water. On the other hand, I also believe in real butter and veggies right from the local farms so we’re no that far apart.
Media hypnosis successful. You are very deceived. Do you watch the news nightly?
Well i can tell all of you my milk is pure milk nothing taken out nothing extra added strait from the teat through a milk strainer into the carton then chilled i love and will never be convinced of any thing else no titanium dioxide or other colors no pasteurization no homogenization just how it comes naturally.
The lower on the food chain, the less radiation from our toxic environment. I learned this from Dr. Gabriel Cousens. How are animal products anti-cancer? I have never heard of animal products curing cancer, ever.
I never heard of healthy animals causing cancer either!
My husband got over ulcerative colitis & raw milk had a lot to do with it. My third child got over asthma around the same time. He never even used his inhaler at school. Now my fourth child got over a close call with autism and drinks a2a2 goat milk. Raw milk is a superfood. I Cor 9:10 “Who tends a flock and does not drink of the milk of the flock?”
Good Lord! How in the world is a person supposed to feed their body properly with 5000 different opinions per item?? I pray over my food, ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom, eat as fresh and clean as possible and if a food causes ill effect I don’t eat it again. Steal a cow’s soul by drinking milk? No wonder our nation is in such turmoil with nonsense like that being taught! Do cows even have a soul? Oh, I shouldn’t have asked that…now the FEDS will tax us more to do a study on whether cows have souls or not (and probably outsource it so no jobs are created here). Jesus help us to be strong against the onslaught of nonsense.
We have our own goats and have wonderful organic raw milk. When our girls take a rest over the winter we get milk from a wonderful farmer who sells raw grass fed cows milk, cream and yogurt. Dr Weston Price has done a lot of research and has a sound protocol for healthy teeth and bodies. Its very easy to have goats and they are a wonderful part of the family, very much like dogs personality wise. they have miniatures which can do very well in a suburban environment. Just make sure you have at least two, goats should not be kept alone. As for statutes, everyone should contact their reps and demand this unlawful legislation that claims raw milk is illegal is unconstitutional, and therefore null, void and without effect. This also applies to statues claiming you cant have goats or chickens in the city. Pasteurization is not necessary and is harmful, it kills all the good things in the milk and this is why people have problems with dairy. Americans need to remember they are who are in charge in our Republic and our public servants must obey and respect our authority.They work for us. Instead most allow themselves to be treated like stupid children who need someone else to tell them what is good for them. This is the key to taking back our health and our freedom. An informed, intelligent committed citizenry is necessary in order to have a functioning Constitutional Republic. The people fail thru their ignorance and apathy to hold their reps to their oaths and that is why our country, and ourselves are in such dire straits.
I recently found a farmer that delivers raw milk, raw cheese, fresh organic eggs, sprouted bread, fermented veggies, etc. I have never felt better and I lost 11lbs. My daughter loves the raw milk and actually asks to drink it with dinner (that never happened with pasteurized milk) and I think it tastes like the milk I drank as a young girl. Thank you Ty for all your hard work and all the great info. I feel truly blessed! And I will never go back to pasteurized milk.
TB is known to be carried by cows. I stayed for 3 months with a family who owned the local dairy farm in a small Mexican town. Women came everyday with pots and pales to our house for freshly boiled, fresh milk. Boiling was their version of pasteurization. I don’t know if it is the same, only that the people in the area trusted the boiling process to kill TB bacteria. I would be interested to hear what Ty would recommend to kill unsafe bacteria, such as TB, in raw milk. Would he trust the FDA to assure it’s safety? How about mega dairy farms that provide to chain stores. Would he trust that business model to adequately police itself? Maybe clean raw milk is healthier than pasteurized, but contaminated raw milk definitely is not. You can buy digestive enzymes if digestion is a problem.
From what I’ve learned and seen so far most harmful bacteria can’t survive in real good raw milk. the source is important, could be that cows in Mexico don’t have access to the good pastures of the more cooler climates.
The tuberculosis in milk comes from infected cows which should not be used for commercial production.
In California, where it is legal to sell raw milk for human consumption, the herds are regularly tested and certified safe.
All farms producing milk should also be regularly testing their cows, and will allow consumers to inspect their site and learn about how they care for their cows.
In Florida it is legal to sell raw milk for animal consumption, but not for human consumption, so it can be found labeled “Not for human consumption”. It takes some doing, but with a little effort, consumers can join the hidden raw milk crowd.
I first sought out raw milk for making kefir and then began drinking it and really enjoy it.
We are the only species that drinks milk past birth age. I only buy almond milk. I do eat some cheese.
My son had eczema from when he was about 4 months old, going to the doctors and being told that dairy products where a lot to do with the problem and to avoid them where possible. About 3 years ago we were able to get raw milk on a regular basis, which I can get for less than pasteurized milk and since then his eczema is virtually non existent. We have been making our own butter and cheese from the raw milk which tastes so good. The thing is, living in Australia I am breaking the law by keeping my son healthy as it is forbidden to purchase raw milk for human consumption.
The comments on here are hilarious! Highly entertaining! I was going to comment on the many studies showing that dairy is not an optimum food, that it’s perfect for calves, etc., but I see that others have pointed that out better than I could have. If dairy was all that was available, go for it, it beats starving. But we have so many healthier options available to us, especially us rich norte americanos.
Hi Ty,
Thank you for giving us this feedback. I will pass it onward for you.
My wife was unable to drink pasteurized milk because of the lactose, but I convinced her to try real milk, and now she drinks more than I do, the hard part was finding a reliable source.
I understand that there is a difference between natural fluoride (which is in the form of calcium fluoride) and that which is added to water. The forms of fluoride that are added to water are reportedly more toxic.
Since many people have gotten better going vegan (it’s not for me, caused me to loose too much much weight got down too 90 pounds no matter no matter what.) and many others have gotten better going to healthy grass fed animals and stopping the obvious junk. Let’s just let everybody do what seems to be working for their own bodies without complaining at each other. Focus all the efforts on just doing the obvious we all know is right- like stopping the obvious junk in our diets and reducing toxins. All that anger no matter what ii is about is just another source of toxins.
Pasteurized and homogenized milk is not milk! I drink raw milk and am not the slightest bit afraid of it.
Superheating milk was also a way to kill harmful organisms that got into the milk by the unclean way that farmers milked their cows, once this cleanliness issue was solved, there was no need to heat or force the fat to be broken down by sending the milk through a very fine filter. After those two procedures are completed, I dare anyone to think of the end product as milk.
Thanks Rose. I love to pick fresh edible leaves & salad veggies from the garden & consume without cooking….olive oil/linseed oil & a lemon/lime juiceI squeezed on top…..the plant energy is strong at this time. My body thanks me 🙂 By the way…If folk want to kill water & food…..cook/heat it in a microwave oven. Amazing the changes in the structure of moisture/water to the detriment of user. A good read is Dr Osiki’s book “Don’t Drink your Milk”
The promise land was referred to as a land flowing with milk and honey, meaning it was good. I remember how the milk tasted when we drank it natural, we had to shake it up to mix the cream that rose to the top. And oh, how upset everyone became when we could no longer buy natural milk in the stores. What we get now is nothing like real milk. And the butter was so different too. Human beings think they can change and improve on everything God made, when in fact all they do is mess it up. God knew what He was doing, mankind … not so much!
I remember that when I was a teenager in the early 1990s, my grandmother in Italy use to get bottles of milk from a woman in a local store, because the woman from the local store use to go to a farm and buy bottles of raw milk straight from a cow. My grandmother use to tell me to fill the pans with two bottles of milk, so that she could boil the milk. I think that my grandmother was pasteurizing the milk.
Tag, I too feel fortunate that I now have a somewhat local farmer that supplies me with raw dairy… from a farm that I have personally visited many times. Both myself and my adult daughter have improved our health and believe that raw milk is a significant part of that improvement.
It has been a number of years now since I tried to drink any pasteurized milk but when I did I found that I could not stand to drink the stuff.
As for the ‘dairy was never intended for human consumption’ position, I can suggest a few thousand other foods that could easily be fit into that category.
Thanks for your post (and same for Bob and others).
Mmm the taste of raw milk is soooo much better anyways. Americans have nutrient deficiencies, mostly because we are fed obnoxious foods stripped of nutrients. Our suggested calorie intake has been increasing over the years due to nutritional values in foods. Why you may ask would we reach for Pringles instead of a veggie snack or a juice… we are glutinous sheep that reach for something “convenient and great tasting” when it’s just as easy to grab a hard boiled egg out of the refrigerator or juice drink over soda that was prepared the morning of. We don’t care to investigate the toxins our body takes in everyday, even the air we breath is harmful, the water from our taps are disgraceful with harmful properties. It’s time to really start hitting these parameters hard with what we all know is true, you may think you are a single voice but we all matter and should be standing as 1 large group that are outraged by what we have been exposed to, greed and fear mongering are the tools used by these fat cats.
I looked at your four sources to see where you found these claims and noticed that there isn’t one primary source. Just articles written that support views. Who is doing the studies to come up with your statistics? 50% of what I read was BS … Now am I an expert?
Hello, Luke!
Thank you for your thoughts and comments.
All our articles have the sources and references listed at the end for our readers.
Hope that helps!
This article is incredibly misleading, especially to those who do not have a scientific background nor the knowledge of what scientific results actually mean. You have cited a mere four references, which upon further inspection are either completely opinion based, or incredibly biased. There is much evidence out there to support some of your claims scientifically but it is as though you would prefer to make your claims share your opinion and hope that the readers will believe and follow your every move. Raw milk is a controversial topic and although you personally may drink it and are seemingly unaffected by the possible repercussions, I do not believe that you should be making such claims with out backing up with real data and evidence (which is readily available might I add). DRINKING RAW MILK IS IN NO WAY A PREVENTATIVE MEASURE FOR CANCER and I believe that even including this article on such a website is very disgusting. This world if full of enough ‘fake’ things as you so readily point out, make sure you are not one of them. May I suggest researching more before publishing such utter nonsense. As for your section on lactose intolerance I could not help but laugh and then cringe that you could write something so obviously incorrect yet believable to some. Lactose intolerance is not an intolerance? Merely and inability to process pasteurised milk? That is something you best tells the authorities and the scientists because I believe most people were under the impression that lactose intolerance was an intolerance to LACTOSE which is a natural product in milk (NOT just pasteurised)? The ‘lactase’ which you refer actually occurs in our own gut microflora and is how we process said lactose. Those who are intolerant do not have lactase and therefore cannot drink milk containing lactose with ease.
At 37 years of age, for ill health reasons (nose, throat & ears permanently sick, permanent headaches and left side neuralgia, mixedem – all capillaries, lymphatic system and nerve terminals clogged with toxins) and after a heavy treatment with lots of medication that made my skin worse (hands and legs skin cracked and some bleeding), I was blessed to read a book (How to live without to be sick written by Ernest Gunther) that was talking about cancer healing through eating mostly RAW VEGETARIAN FOOD (INCLDUNG RAW MILK).
And I was blessed to find and eat the raw milk (from cows that were grazing on grass only) and gave up cooking and food from animal sources (except raw milk).
I lost all the ill health problems (and 8kg of my body fat as a bonus) and been able to live sickness free for 20 years (and having 50kg).
Due to life problems I was depressed and lost more weight, being advised to give up raw food and given wrongly digestives with animal ingredients that made me balloon to 70kg and then a rollercoaster happened 3 times (down to 50kg and up to 70kg about every 4 years).
Last time of depression I had to take medication (first time after 30 years of giving up any medication) that had a very bad effect on my digestive and respiratory system and my weight that I am still battling to recover (by eating vegetarian foods, mostly RAW and taking some supplements).
Approaching 72 now, I found it hard to lose the weight (only 5kg) and recover from arthritis of the knees (had to give up grains, even those breads made of sprouted grains at 40°C only – except polenta – and -lately – raw milk and soy products that I lived on well for many years).
I am having nut/seeds milks and add walnuts/Brazil nuts to salads or milks.
For the time being I find it ok, hope to strengthen my body through exercises (TaiChi, aerobics, dancing) and get rid of the excess weight of about 10 more kg.
I welcome any good advise I could get, thank you.
Thankyou for this article! I was excited to see a link for real milk suppliers but I only see ones listed in the United States. I am from the UK, please could you tell me if you are aware of any located in the UK? Many thanks in advance.
There are loads of farms selling raw milk. Search google or look around your area. Within central Lancs and South Cumbria we know of 4 farms. 3 have cows on grass in summer and 1 uses an indoor feedlot
I never eat diary foods…no matter how appealing or tasty. The cruelty done to cows and their babies is horrific!!! If people only knew the truth about slaughter houses…
We have dairy cows, they are spoiled and get better treatment than most adult humans. We are in Wyoming so we can sell our fresh raw milk, which we do. We also hand milk. We have Jersey and Holstein cows. Our customers love the fresh cream and some even make their own butter. Where do you get your information about cows and their calves being mistreated? It doesn’t happen here, we also have dairy goats.
Are we baby calves? Why drink the milk from other pregnant species when we stop breast feeding our infants from a very young age. It doesn’t make sense.
Thanks for your comment Claire!
I live in Singapore and all milk is required to be pasteurised. I can still make kefir from non homogenised goat or cow milk and ghee from pasteurised butter. Is it okay to drink and eat those or am I better off avoiding all dairy?
Hi Peter,
We would suggest speaking with a trusted professional about this as we cannot provide you with medical advice.
As well as killing good bacteria and enzymes Heating milk in pasteurisation also alters the fats so not greeting the good fat we need. Similar you heating virgin olive oil it oxidises and hence don’t get benefits.
Thanks for sharing, Steve! 🙂
I have read your article and it seems to be a job well done. You have kept both the aspects in focus; pasturized and raw milk. Same is the case with water now a days. Please write an article on RO water as well and that how all these things which are perfect under our production laws but immensely dangerous to the health of human beings cum machines: who do not get enough time to research about whatever they are consuming or feeding their children with. Thank you
Thank you for sharing your support and feedback with us, Ria! We appreciate it!
I love raw milk, It does not last long, 7 day max in the fridge, I 100% agree with the authors on the Benefits of raw milk and the detrimental effects of Pasteurized milk, Cooked meat same issues, red meat every night is a killer, I look forward to salads, I cant say i am 100% eating healthy, but basically i try to eat only non processed foods, my grandfather said ” if it comes in a box or can, it not good for you”
Wonderful to know your feedback, Al. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Harmful bacteria and pathogens don’t just magically EXIST in raw milk, they either come from poor handling by humans or from an already sick animal that should have been taken out of the mix, which usually isn’t possible with factory farming because they’re are too darn many to keep track of.
There are so many cases of listeria outbreaks this year alone..not in raw milk though, in commercial cheese, milk, and ice cream…hmm I thought pasteurization kept us all safe and sound…just kidding, I never thought that.
P.s. Nuts don’t give us milk because nuts dont have mammary systems.