Chemical pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and disinfectants have been in use for so long and and in so many places that many of us don’t even give a second thought to the ongoing damage these poisons are causing the environment… and us!
Pesticides are a broad class of substances used to control, kill, or repel certain plants and animals categorized as pests. Fungicides keep mold and mildew at bay. Disinfectants kill off any bacteria that may be a threat and prevent its spread. Herbicides destroy weeds that steal nutrients from crops. Insecticides repel and kill any insects that may feed on crops.
But Aren’t these Chemicals Keeping Us Safe?
Not so much. The residues left over from these compounds are everywhere. There are at least 70 widely used pesticides in use that are classified as probable or possible human carcinogens. Pesticide residue is found in homes, schools, hospitals, workplaces, and the food supply of both people and animals.
And while we often worry about the toxic air outside (and we should), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) discovered that dangerous contaminants (including pesticides) are as much as five times more prevalent indoors as outdoors. That means you could have more residual toxins inside your house than you do in your yard!
The Link Between Pesticides and Cancer
The major danger of pesticide use is the amount of chemical residue in and on our food. Residue is left behind on the crops sold to supermarkets and food manufacturers. People purchase and ingest the food. The chemicals kill beneficial bacteria in the digestive system and wreak havoc on the immune system.
We’re being poisoned from within because our bodies have difficulty expelling and defending against the ever-present chemicals. Bear in mind that these very same pesticides were approved for use by the EPA!
To “protect” us and allay our fears, the EPA has set limits on pesticide usage on crops as well as how much they think is okay for us to ingest. However… do you really trust these Government agencies?
After all, they are the folks who banned DDT for use in the United States, but had no problem allowing it to be sold to other countries. These other countries then use it on food that is imported to the U.S.
And who is to say how much pesticide exposure is too much? For the person who rarely eats vegetables, the risk might be small. But what about the rest of us… what about the children?
Pesticides are thought to play a significant role in the incidence of childhood cancers. Children as a group are considered to be more sensitive to chemicals in the environment than the general population due to their size relative to exposure.
Exposure to pesticides does not necessarily mean that you will develop cancer, but it certainly will increase your risk. Other factors are at play such as a person’s sensitivity to a specific substance, repeated exposure, and the cumulative effects over time.
Do Pesticides Increase Cancer Risk for Farmers?
In an Agricultural Health Study (a collaborative effort from the National Cancer Institute and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences), farmers were studied to determine whether or not they were at higher risk for cancer due to frequent exposure to agricultural pesticides.
What the researchers found is that farmers had lower overall death rates for heart disease and certain cancers (such as lung, bladder, and colon) than the general population. They attributed this to their lower smoking rates, healthier diet, and their physically active lifestyles.
However, cancer rates for some types of cancer (such as leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, multiple myeloma, and soft tissue sarcoma, as well as cancers of the skin, lip, stomach, brain, and prostate) appeared to be higher and were thought to be linked to work-related exposures.
The researchers suspect that exposure to high levels of pesticides in the home is a potential initiator of cancer in young children not only from early childhood exposure, but also during the preconception (via sperm) and in utero stages as well.
What Cancer Risk do Pesticides Pose to the General Population?
If you don’t work with dangerous pesticides in your daily life or spend an inordinate amount of time spraying your home garden, how much are you affected?
Numerous chemical substances are present in our environment. They are found in the air we breathe, the water we use for drinking and bathing, in the food we eat, and in the health and home products we use.
Children appear to be in the greatest danger, and not so coincidentally, childhood cancers are on the rise. Studies have found that children from homes that have a higher use of pesticides (including insecticides and herbicides) have a higher rate of cancer − especially leukemia and lymphoma. These two cancers are rare, except in children repeatedly exposed to these chemicals at home.
The risks are not limited to leukemia and lymphoma, nor is the threat only to children. A 1990 case-control study examined brain cancer rates relative to pesticide use. The researchers found that those families using pesticides had significantly higher rates of developing cancer. Subsequent studies have found consistent results.
Some cancers take longer to develop, so studies must have a longer duration in order to produce accurate results. Ongoing research is working to identify if the development of different cancers later in life is due to childhood exposure to pesticides. Cancers being studied for this factor include prostate and bladder cancer.
Professor of pediatrics and the Director of the Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit at the University of Washington, Dr. Catherine Karr, said, “We are starting to get to the place where there is enough science, it just starts to add up to say that we can’t really ignore anymore…the role of environmental factors like pesticides in health.”
How to Protect Your Family from Cancer-Causing Pesticides
You can start by choosing organic foods as often as possible. If organics aren’t an affordable or available option, properly wash your fresh fruits and vegetables at home before eating to minimize exposure.
Soak produce in a clean sink full of water and then thoroughly rinse. Do not just quickly rinse beneath the faucet. You can add ½ cup of white vinegar during the soak as well. This will effectively remove most of the chemical residue. If skins are removable and the produce is not organic, they should be peeled even if the skins are normally edible (such as potatoes).
Even organic produce should be washed! All produce is exposed to potential bacteria during growing, reaping, and shipping. The majority of food poisoning cases in the United States are due to unwashed produce, and of course there is always the risk of airborne cross-contamination in the growing fields.
6 Other Ways to Minimize the Dangers of Pesticides in Your Home
- Stop pests from getting in your home – Avoid the need for indoor pesticides by repairing all of the cracks in your home where pests could invade. Mice need less than a ¼” gap to squeeze through. Caulk around windows, pipes, and faucets that may provide them entry.
- Clean up immediately after meals – Make sure to put food away and wash dishes immediately after a meal to discourage insects or rodents from invading. Should these fail, consider organic sprays and natural solutions that do not contain chemicals, such as old-fashioned mouse traps and boric acid. Always follow the directions on any of these products used in the home.
- Go natural for pest control elsewhere in the home and garden too – Home mixtures can be helpful in ridding your lettuce of hungry leaf eaters or your basement of spiders. Check into homemade recipes using non-toxic ingredients such as vinegar, lemon, and essential oils to accomplish the same results as those dangerous chemicals.
- Open the windows – As mentioned, indoor air pollution is toxic. When possible, let in some fresh air and consider air-purifying plants.
- Invest in quality soil – In the garden, organic soil is your best defense. This produces strong plants able to fight off or survive some insects without the use of sprays. Mulch, manure, and organic compost are the best amendments for soil.
- Grow the best plants for your area – Plants that grow well in Alabama may not do as well in Michigan without the use of chemical helpers, so stick with plants for your specific zone. Some insects can be beneficial to a garden as they can aid in keeping the bad bugs away. Do your research and know every single aspect of what you’re growing and how it’s grown. If you’re especially adventurous, consider canning those fresh vegetable to help you make healthy meals during the months when your garden may not be producing.
You may not be able to avoid 100% of dangerous pesticides in your food or your environment. But, you can learn to control, reduce your exposure, and thus minimize the risks of cancer. New studies may shed more light on ways we can all protect ourselves from chemical pollutants.
In the meantime, clean up your diet, lifestyle, and environment as best you can. Educate yourself and empower your family to make the changes necessary to provide the healthiest home atmosphere possible.
Article Summary
Pesticides are a broad class of substances used to control, kill, or repel certain plants and animals categorized as pests. Fungicides, disinfectants, herbicides, and insecticides all fall under the umbrella of pesticides.
There are at least 70 widely used pesticides in use that are classified as probable or possible human carcinogens. The EPA discovered that dangerous contaminants (including pesticides) are as much as five times more prevalent indoors as outdoors. This means you could have more residual toxins inside your house than you do in your yard!
The major danger of pesticide use is the amount of chemical residue in and on our food.
Pesticides are thought to play a significant role in the incidence of childhood cancers as children are more sensitive to chemicals in the environment. Farmers are also at risk and cancer rates for some types of cancer appear to be higher in farmers and even in the children of farm workers.
The best ways to minimize your exposure to pesticides is to eat organic foods as often as possible. If organics aren’t an option, properly wash (and peel when possible) your fresh fruits and vegetables before eating. Other ways to reduce your risk include:
- Stop pests from getting in your home
- Clean up immediately after meals
- Go natural for pest control elsewhere in the home and garden
- Open the windows
- Invest in quality soil for gardens
- Grow the best plants for your area
I’ve already registered for the online program ( acouple times per your prompts) But I cant figure out how to get to it. Also I have referred a LOT of people to watch (Privately) & they are now emailing & messaging me to let me know they aren’t getting connected either.
Hi DR, Here is the link to view episode one:
Hope that works for you! Best wishes.
I found late ,so how can I get # 1 for tonight ? My husband die from Agent Orange prayed in VN , I think Pesticide almost like Agent Orange ,maybe not that strong ???,I don’t like chemicals ,drugs , etc. etc. I really want to learn . Thank you for all you done .
Clara Johnson
Hi Clara, Here is the link to view episode one:
CORRECTION: Ty has not touched the hearts and changed the lives of ONLY thousands of people … but HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS. I have passed this information on since 2014 = his first “The Quest for the Cures” to THOUSANDS of people, myself! [word-of-mouth]
Ty Bollinger is shining light on the darkest corners of the Earth … ♥♥♥
Wasn’t this presentation on last year? If so, prostate cancer was the poor stepchild to breast cancer in that presentation – one episode was largely devoted to breast cancer, but I never saw any mention of prostate cancer. What is going on here? I have come to expect femicentrism from conventional medicine (and the cultural statuis quo), but I was sure hoping for a little more equality here.
My husband died from prostate cancer in 2004. I wish I had this information back then, particularly the info on glutamate feeding cancer more than sugar. I have three sons. I too wish to hear a bit more on prostate cancer alternative therapies.
I haven’t received an e-mail today, can’t find a link anywhere to episode 2.
Hi Karen, Here is the link to episode two:
lHad much difficulty last night and so far no success tonight in finding the link for viewing episode 2. Bless you for presenting this material and please help reduce my frustration by providing linkage.
Hi Michael, Here is the link to episode two:
Thank You!!! Thank You!!! Thank You!!! I had vocal cord cancer(Squamous Carcinoma) in April of 2014 had 30 radiation treatments in June & July of 2014 fast forward to this present day, I suffer from Chondronecrosis and Dysplasia of the vocal cord and larynx area.
I am going to Fox Chase Cancer Center of Philly for my 2nd opinion, today I had a CT Scan and 2 weeks ago I had my PET Scan and thank GOD it did not spread to my lymph nodes. the doctor at fox chase is talking about a Larynegectomy which scares the heck out of me!!!
my 2nd doctors at Penn Medicine wants to go in and laser and cut it out now I don’t know going in and keep touching this area is a good idea because of spreading?
Can someone help me out with some educated advice, I truly need guidance! I seen the first episode last night and it blew me and a friend of mine AWAY!!!
Anthony Schraft
I’ve had a chemical applicators license since 1976 when the license came out.I was mad when Dursban was banned in 2000, now I’m a member of P.A.N. pesticide action network. What a long strange trip. Keep up the good work.
I keep registering and getting a link that gets me to the same page!
Could I please get the links to the second and third episode. Thanks
Hi Chantal, Here is the link to view episode 2: Episode 3’s link should be emailed to you. If you cannot find it in your main inbox, I would suggest checking your spam/promotion folders. If you still are having trouble finding it, it will be posted on our Facebook page. Best wishes!
I have also registered but am not getting any links. I have tried you tube but I can’t get it there either Please help Lynn
Hi Lynn, Please make sure you check your spam/promotions folder for an email containing a link to each episode. If all else fails, you’ll be able to find the links to each day’s episode right here on our Facebook page when that day’s episode starts. Here is the link for episode 3:
I have seen episodes 1 and 2 but didn’t receive episode 3 yesterday or today I still have time to watch No.3 today but I’m worried No. 4 won’t show up either today. What’s going on?
Hi Roy, I would suggest checking your spam/promotions folder for the links. We also post the links on our Facebook page. Here is the link to episode 3:
I registered on my gmail account (tablet) received notices for show. Registered on computer (Comcast) received, nothing on time. Just got 4/15/16 for show 3, (a day late.) I am wondering if Comcast and the Powers To Be don’t want this to be seen. Have my own copies so can watch when I have time. Also would like Ty to put out a schedual more in advance so people with limited contacts can at least print out flyers. All the people I have talked to a work I know of, only one watched the first “The Truth About Cancer” series.
i am registered and have watched the first three episodes. I tried to watch episode 4 tonight, but cannot access it.
Hi Julie, Here is the link for episode 4:
EAT ORGANIC! It is worth the extra money. It is better for your health and the environment. Support ORGANIC farmers, eat at organic restaurants and request organic items at your favorite restaurants, purchase organic personal care products, buy organic children’s sleepwear and bed linens, etc. Support The Organic Consumers Association.
The Truth About Cancer is a fantastic series. Also, FIVE THUMBS UP for The Stink Movie as well. There are 1000’s of chemicals that are highly toxic (carcinogenic, hormone disruptors, etc) in everyday products. Children are especially vulnerable due to their immature immune systems. Please watch and share.
I need to see the rest of episode 4. Can you send me a link?
Hi Bea, Episode 4 is no longer available for free. We are currently airing episode 6:
I just found out about the episodes but when I registered, the e-mail I received started at episode 6 and there aren’t any links to the first five episodes. How can I view the previous episodes?
Hi Cathy, Episodes one and two are available on our YouTube channel. The other episodes are only available for 23 hours.
is there a link for Episode 7?
I’ve just registered on 4/30/16 (very behind on my email) and apparently, according to the string of emails I just read after I signed on to your group, I will not be able to view them at all. I don’t use a smart phone and don’t have access to streaming services except Netflix which I share with my daughter & fiance. What do you suggest? Are the transcripts or a summary of each episide available? Hopefully by email? One of my sisters is in her fifth year fighting ovarian cancer and recently had to drop out of an experimental study conducted by U of Iowa due to dilatory side effects. I’d really like access to your information for her and because I have a spot on my right breast near the breastbone. I’m having a 6 month followup handheld mammography on May 6. Hopefully, I’ll be okay…
Hi Karen, Episodes one and two are available on our YouTube channel. To view all the episodes you would need to purchase one of our packages. The packages come with the videos and a transcription booklet for them.
Here are the purchasing links:
Really helpful blog thank you for information about pesticides and-cance
Where I grew up in NW Iowa in the 60s, the Mayo clinic called it The Cancer Belt–not the Corn Belt. Many farmers die of cancer in that home town to this day. Young women died when I was young. The smell of manure has changed and is not a healthy smell any longer–it smells of chemicals.
Opening the windows is not the best idea.
The air is not safe to breath outside either.
You are better off getting an inside air purifier if you can afford one.
Good information TY. Thanks a lot. Ignorance is what is killing the world. The more we get such good information, the more the world will be saved. can you please touch on natural remedies on herpes? it seem to be on the increase now. thanks, love.
TTAC- Thank you so much for all the blood sweat and tears you and your supporters/employees/family have put into this compelling material! You are all fighting the good fight. This question is meant for Ty and his team and I’m not sure how else to get a hold of them.
What about cosmetics, perfumes, shampoo, soap etc. These other substances we use on a daily basis that have just as much of an intimate relationship with our bodies as food. Has there been any discussion on providing research/information to your subscribers on this?
Thank you for all you do and continue to do.
This does not relate to pesticides but I was uncertain how to contact you. There was a front page article in the Springfield Journal Register (Springfield, IL) yesterday (9/18) titled Special Report The Politics of Pain ~ Addicted to Profits which I think you would find most interesting.
The Cancer Action Network is mentioned. It primarily deals with highly addictive drugs.
I realize this article is “going around again”, but wanted to give ya’ll a heads up. Checking out the ingredients on my S’s “organic” yogurt, I found the ingredient “pectin” which was not identified as organic. Knowing that pectin is produced from apple skins mainly, I realized the apple skins are from non-organic apples–after they’ve been processed for applesauce or other things. Taking it one step further, I recalled that most pesticides sprayed on fruit trees are dissolved in a petroleum or wax base so rain doesn’t wash them off. So, there I was, purchasing “organic” yogurt and ingesting pesticides from the pectin! Now, I drive further to find yogurt w/o pectin. Sure, it separates. So what? Take a spoon and stir…duh.
Keep in mind that commercially grown organic foods can be dipped in fungicide, (but not the same 1-MPC chemicals of conventionally grown produce that is used in 50 countries) to prolong shelf life in the grocery stores. The organic food also must be washed diligently. i buy my produce directly from a local organic farmer as it’s pulled from the ground… lucky me.
For pests in the house: Borax (Twenty Mule Team Boraxo works too) can be put in a squirt top bottle and a light spray around appliances and inside electric outlets. It lasts a year & is safe for pets & humans.
i also found ants and silver fish do not like the smell of my oregano plant. i keep one in each bathroom. I used to see an occassional silverfish,, but haven’t seen one in a year with this method.
Something I haven’t seen mentioned is any toxins become concentrated as it is consumed and concentrated up the food chain, so for example the plants may be sprayed but the animals that they are fed to concentrate them, and eating the animals gives us concentrated multiplied exposure. I eat mostly plant based for many reasons, my health, the animals, and the planet, we cannot sustain our population eating meat three times a day, when even carnivores only eat meat a few times a week! Insane!
Pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, DDT, and disinfectants are not good for people. They cause more harm to people than good. My mother was exposed to DDT, when she was a girl in Brazil from age 5 to 18, because my grandmother use to put tons of it in her mattress, since she was worried about flees in the mattress. My mother thought that her breast cancer could had been caused by her exposure to DDT. My sister and I could be exposed to DDT, because we drank her breast milk as babies, since we are both afflicted with mental illness. I suffer from Asperger’s syndrome and my sister is bipolar. Do you believe that DDT might had caused my mother’s cancer and my sister and I’s mental illness?
Wow!?! To think how heavily your mother was exposed and then you and your sibling by such a healthy natural and beautiful thing as being breast fed is so sad.
I feel 100% that the mental illnesses as well as your mothers cancer are definitely attributed to the use of DDT.
Sometimes I feel that our bodies are under attack constantly and seemingly on purpose by those in the know.
I have a memory issue, I feel very bright until it comes to recalling specific names or items in an article that I have to take notes or I simply can’t remember all that I wish to. I feel this is because of my own exposure to chemicals even though I do everything to keep these toxins out.
Thank you for sharing your story
Ty mentions soaking vegetables in this article. How long do you soak them?
How di I PROVE pesticides cause cancers and other related toxin problems?
In Australua I am hitting a brick wall.
My family has 3 generations of related problems and even the Cancer Council is not on board.
My family experience fogging in our community
over years, for mosquiyo control.
Thank you