Video Transcript: How Do You Protect Yourself from Cancer?
Ty Bollinger: Speaking of protection, what are the best protective steps that you can implement in your own life to prevent cancer?
Robert Scott Bell: Sending your kid to school wrapped in Saran Wrap. No, I’m just kidding of course. I’ve always laughed at that scenario and when you brought up the issue of infectious disease − how some kids or some adults don’t get sick when they’re exposed and of course the parents aren’t sending them wrapped in plastic.
Ty Bollinger: Boy in the plastic bubble.
Robert Scott Bell: Yeah exactly. The reality is that their strength is such that it protects them. So how do we protect ourselves from cancer? You know we’ve got to live differently. We’ve got to think differently. We’ve got to believe differently. We’ve got to find our mission and our passion in life.
When we talk about the spiritual reason for being here; you can develop cancer from having that spiritual toxicity where you don’t know who you are or why you’re here. [That] could create such depression and misery and disconnect that that alone can create corruption to your physiology. That’s the connection we have. The body, mind, spirit concept.
But if we talk about the simplest things because sometimes it’s harder honestly to be spiritually disciplined than it is to be disciplined in your physical body. Like to exercise which is vitally important. But how do we exercise choices that benefit our physical body? That means choosing food that is not corrupted. Food that has not been poisoned or intoxicated by the additives, preservatives, colorings, flavorings, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and beyond.
We’ve got to go with… not organic. We’ve got to go beyond it and really clean up what’s coming in. Get to know your local farmers, even if they’re not certified organic. They might be cleaner than organic but the process of dealing with the federal bureaucracy may be such that it’s untenable to do, so I won’t say only organic. I will find out that is the farmer growing things the way that I would grow something; that I would feed my own children.
And grow your own food, bring that back in. We’ve all got to do like after World War II, we had victory gardens. We now have to declare liberty, liberty gardens. Everybody should plant even one thing. If it’s just an herb, if not a bed of lettuce. Something that can change and transform our lives because we don’t have enough control over the food supply and it is contaminated around the world. Even the organic food is not as clean as it once was.
So for me it’s very important what goes in. That means also purifying, cleaning the water. Talk about structuring the water as well because there’s an energy to water. That’s why homeopathy is so amazing. That goes beyond merely filtering it and cleaning it. So there are other nuances to protecting ourselves from cancer.
There’s always something more to do, but at the proverbial end of the day just do what you have genuine control over, right? You can do that which you can. That you can turn over to God, pray on it. But that which you have control over, we are asked to do.
We can’t slack off on that which we have genuine control over to choose cleaner foods, to choose cleaner waters. To not do certain things that we know are self destructive. These are within our power. We’re asked to do that.
We can’t abuse the privilege of life and say, “Well nah, I don’t want to do that one.” Ultimately we have to take control over that which we have been granted and given control over.
It is really ashamed that we live in America and we are exposed to GMO’s and that the president of the USA signed a bill to allow Montsanto to include GMO’s in all the wheat products.
I enjoy listening to Robert Scott Bell. He is informed, careful, interested and passionate about health. There are many complicated issues in health that we have to understand. Some corporations are saying, “Here, let me take care of you. Buy our product.” We need to be skeptical and use a perspective about culture, history and science that helps us see beyond a narrow marketing perspective. Robert Scott Bell helps us to do that.
John S
Hello Ty and all Family; I feel this post is closer to my belief system and I am in more alignment with. Everything else is amazing too. I am more into the In-spirational, the inward spirit, where our power is. The power of your words and intent to change the vibrational frequency of something that we drink and eat by prayer. If we change the vibration we change the manifestation. Many things are included in this application. The power of our thought, the power of our words, the power of our beliefs, and the cleaning up of our emotional trauma. In teaching Reiki I took a apple and asked the students to hold the apple and feel its vibration and then I blessed it and used Reiki and then asked the students to feel the apple again and they said the the apple vibrated faster and that it had more life force. Jesus said, It is not what what goes into your mouth that defiles you but what comes out of your mouth that defiles you. This is my experience, my truth, yours is your truth. We are all to use what we believe in and do what we feel is best for us. We are the deciders. Think clean, eat clean be clean of our past of our now. With All Love, Honour and Respect. Thank you Ty so much for this wonderful informational and interactive format so that we get to share. Loving Blessings to All yourself alan.
It can be very difficult to prevent cancer sometimes. Even if the food is organic, how organic is it? If we buy organic food from a supermarket, it is difficult to know whether the farmer sprayed herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides or not? Where I live in Canada, it is difficult to grow your own vegetables and fruit in a garden, where I get snow and ice.