Video Transcript: Should Protein Be Part of Your Anti-Cancer Diet?
Ty Bollinger: What does your diet look like?
Dr. Ben Johnson: My diet that I want my patients eating looks green, very green. Vegetables, lots of vegetables, all kinds of vegetables in all forms, but key to that is the fresher the better. So, cutting to you the less time the better. If you have your own garden, that’s awesome. And then secondly is organic, because you don’t want those pesticides and chemicals and artificial fertilizers and things working against you.
Ty Bollinger: Okay.
Dr. Ben Johnson: So fresh, raw, organic are the keys, vegetables and then nuts and fruits. And I do allow my patients to eat small portions of meat. I want it to be organic, free range, or wild caught, harvested.
Ty Bollinger: Okay. So the way that the animals are raised affects the meat.
Dr. Ben Johnson: You know we have all these studies showing that two eggs a week causes increase in prostate cancer and red meat causes colon cancer in all of these studies. But you don’t see anybody comparing organic free range eggs against pen fed, chickens.
Ty Bollinger: Right.
Dr. Ben Johnson: You don’t see the free-range meat. Again, so I would love to see those studies done. Of course, no drug company is going to fund those. And no independent farmer has the money to do that. I don’t think the meat, the eggs, the things are the problem. I think it’s what we do to them. We put a chicken or a cow in a pen or a hog. And we feed them genetically modified corn.
That’s not their diet. I mean they’re out there eating grass, including the chickens, and crickets. So they’re out there eating things that we, when we raise them commercially, that’s not what we’re feeding them. So now they have concentrated, genetically modified corn and other chemicals in their body. And then we eat that and concentrate it in ours.
Ty Bollinger: Wow!
Dr. Ben Johnson: I’m not a vegetarian. I have no problem with vegetarians as long as they get adequate amounts of protein, which is sometimes difficult to do unless they’re educated as to how to get those. And there are certain amino acids you just don’t find in vegetables at all. But we have nice supplements these days.
So you go to a supplement store and get those. So I don’t have a problem with a patient being a vegetarian. But I certainly don’t have a problem with them being omnivarian because we need protein; especially our immune systems need protein. I just want it to be healthy protein.
Hello Ty and Dr Johnson…well i just have to say that cancer is not only a question of eating organic and doing the right combinaitions etc etc we are made of way more than the eating part…i know you know all this..and certainly you have to say things about meat because there is specially in America loads and tons of people who are only meat eaters..and of course they have health problems..
…but they need to know that we are a huge part made with spiritual needs…and killing animals is not an option to nourrish ourselves….eating cadaver is not a very good way to heal a sick body…and the fact of killing sensible beings just for our plaisure is certainly not a healing process …….i do of course understand the fact that you have to say slowly to meat eating patients that it could be avoïd …for their health…..but they will have to realise that these animals are suffering when we kill them..of course…..
So yes organic..of course….using all that the nature can give us to heal yes….but not to the extent to sacrifice living beings…for our sake…the spiritual need is not met in this way of seeing things..and it has it’s important part to do with healing also…
I and you both know….that we can avoïd eating leat ..,and should do so….to heal properly inside out and vice versa….
There are so luch other things to be said but i did express lyself enough letting you know ….that …wanting to heal ….ok it is’normal ….but without adding to this process the burden of knowledge that we killed…..and we were not obliged to do so to heal….thank you Angie
Don’t like other opinions……as i can see
It is fine to be vegetarian, but the problem with being a vegetarian, one is lacking certain proteins. I suppose, if one adds red kidney beans, black beans, spinach, and lentils to their salad, that would be fine, because those foods contain iron. Eating many blueberries are good for you, because they consist of antioxidants and iron. However, it is not going to hurt a person to eat a little bit of meat, eggs, and dairy as long as a person does not eat too much of it. It would probably be safer to buy eggs, meat, and dairy that are organic and are grass fed.
Hi Silvia…yes of course being vegetarien is good for the physical body and the mentality….there are not only what you said that is good for health as protein but also seeweeds…which containes loads of good things for health…..and cannabis seeds and chia..etc etc ..a person who wants to be vegetarien because they can’t support the fact that loving animals are being killed for our pleasure…then this person with no doubt will learn how to live without meat…don’t be mistaken……..there are many many people living like this for all their lives and feel good….and almost don’t have health problems… long as they try to do the best they can……thank you for your answer..
Which supermarkets in Canada can you buy chia and cannabis seeds? I live in Ottawa, Canada. I do not want to purchase anything from the Internet, because there are too many scams. Would Whole Foods, the Nutrition House, or a Health Food store have those particular seeds available?
There is a simple question that will trip up most people, as it did me when I first heard it, but one of critical importance for addressing the idea that we need to be meat eaters to get adequate protein in our diets.
Here it is: “Where do cows naturally get their protein to build their muscle? Or Apes? Or Gorilla’s? Or any muscular creature?
For your consideration – and I understand the incredible work done to condition our minds to buy into this logic – but has it ever crossed your minds to study places where they’ve done years of study or healing on thousands with lifestyles plant-based, vegan, vegetarian, etc…, whatever one wants to call it, and assess the merits of the idea? Places like Hippocrates Health Institute with over 60 years of clinical experience, wisdom and records of their successes.
The very best dietary protein, in clinical studies, comes from hen eggs and even it has 52% catabolic waste our bodies must eliminate which taxes the liver and kidneys. The average for other dietary proteins like beef, chicken and pork are 68% catabolic waste while trying to get your protein intake from supplemental powders like whey, soy and casein comes in at a whopping average of 82% catabolic waste. Living in as toxic a world as we currently do and with cancer rates so high maybe we all ought to be more thoughtful of how much we are putting into our bodies that will tax those organs that process toxins?
BTW – Spirulina, one of many vegan options, is a great source of Protein while being an incredible natural multivitamin and provides the following compared to to Steak:
Protein: 57g vs 25g
Iron: 158% vs 13%
Calcium: 12% vs 1%
Fat: 8g vs 19g
Source it right and you’ll save a lot of money on your purchases and your health care.
Food for thought.
I agree more than you can imagine.i am vegetarien…and not the only one either…..and of course these arguments being… most natural, logical..and common sense ones,… will not bother at all the meat eaters …because they are drugged with meat toxins……
I add to your arguments the truely fact that all sensible beings should have their life spared from the humains meat eaters….and i always hear other people saying to me ..”well respect if other people want to eat meat! “…do i have an option?..can i fight the whole world full of meat eaters? don’t think so..
all i have the right to do is to try to explain in different situations why it isn’t good to eat meat….even if i beleive above all that it is first a matter of ethic…afterwards of health….well thank you for making the water run under my bridge ….i did really appreciate your thoughts…
Yes they should have those items…..i live in France and I find all those in organic stores…..and if you want to do your own gomasio..which is sesame seeds crushed with flower sea salt is the recepee….143 grammes of sesame roasted seeds…and max..7 grammes of flower sea can even use less then 7 grammes……you crush them little by little with a hand grounder..because if you use a mechanic grounder it will harm the enzyms..of the sesame seeds……either you buy sesame seeds already roasted or you can buy the sesame seeds raw and roast them yourself in a frying pan..,but be careful they roast will have to stir them very often…do not let them burn…once finish let them cool down before crushing…
I did give you this recepee because it will be something less to buy since it can be expensive…and it taste so good…
hi there, can you leave a comment here about what one can do for brain tumors, thanking you
I believe that we humans DO NOT Need animal protein in our diet. There are many misconceptions here. We DO need indeed all essential aminoacids to build our own protein, these we can obtain from some plant foods like quinoa, amaranto, chia and even soja or a combination of vegetables. A vegetarian diet based on any single one or combination of unprocessed starches (rice, corn, potatoes, beans), with the addition of vegetables, nuts and fruits, supplies all the amino acids, essential fats, minerals, enzimes and vitamins (with the exception of vitamin B12) necessary for excellent health. To wrongly suggest that people need to eat animal protein for nutrients will encourage people to add foods that are proven to contribute to heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and many forms of cancer, to name just a few common problems. And I am not even mentioning the animal rights to life which is a more serious issue when we consider the bioethical point of view.