On 29 August 2020, our good friend and brother in the fight for freedom, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whom we affectionately call “Bobby,” spoke to hundreds of thousands of freedom-loving people in Berlin, Germany.
This amazing event happened 57 years after Bobby’s uncle, President John F. Kennedy, delivered his famous “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech in West Berlin.
In the same fashion that President Kennedy denounced the repressions of individual freedom by communist regime, Bobby spoke to what is being called “the largest crowd in German history” about the COVID plan-demic, the rise of global surveillance, Big Pharma, and bio vaccines coming soon.
During his opening remarks, Bobby said that the corrupt American mainstream media are telling people he came to Berlin “to speak to about five thousand Nazis.”
Speaking to hundreds of thousands of freedom-loving patriots, Bobby remarked:
But I look at this crowd and I see the opposite of Nazism. I see people of democracy. People who want open government. People who want leaders who are not going to lie to them. People who want leaders who will not make up arbitrary rules and regulations to orchestrate obedience of the population.
We want health officials who don’t have financial entanglements with the pharmaceutical industry, who are working for us, not Big Pharma.”
He continued:
The pandemic is a crisis of convenience for the elite who are dictating these policies,” said Kennedy Jr., who praised the huge Berlin crowd for being on the frontline of the fight against global totalitarianism.
Fifty years ago, my uncle John F. Kennedy came to this city. He came to this land, because Berlin was the frontline against global totalitarianism. And today again, Berlin is frontline against global totalitarianism,” said Kennedy Jr. to a roar of approval from the crowd.
I look at this crowd. I see all the flags of Europe. I see people of every color. I see people of every nation. Every religion. All caring about human dignity, about children’s health. About political freedom. This is the opposite of Nazism.”
Governments love pandemics. They love pandemics for the same reason they love war. Because it gives them the ability to impose controls on the population that the population would otherwise never accept.”
It’s a mystery to me that all of these big important people like Bill Gates and Tony Fauci have been planning and thinking about this pandemic for decades. And yet, now that it’s here, they don’t seem to know what they are talking about.”
They are making it up as they go along. They are inventing numbers. They cannot give us a PCR test that actually works. They have to change the designation of Covid on the death certificates to make it look more dangerous. The one thing they are good at is pumping up fear.”
An inspiring number of patriots and freedom lovers in Berlin shouted “We Don’t Consent”… “Freedom Not Fear” … “No to Masks in Schools” … and other inspiring slogans.
Bobby explained that “the only thing a government needs to turn people into slaves is fear.”
They haven’t done a very good job about protecting public health. But they’ve done a very good job of using the quarantine to bring 5G into all of our communities. And to begin the process of shifting us all to a digital currency, which is the beginning of slavery. Because if they control your bank account, they control your behavior.”
QUESTION: Where is the “lame-stream” media on this? Why isn’t this front page on every newspaper and the top story on every TV news program? When Joe Biden stumbles through 2 sentences without forgetting what he’s saying and actually completes a logical thought, it’s all over the news. But when the nephew of President John F. Kennedy speaks to hundreds of thousands in the same city where his uncle gave a historic speech 57 years before … crickets!
Since the “official story” about COVID is that we should all be very very very very afraid, the message of empowerment and freedom MUST be squelched! That’s why the MSM isn’t covering this amazing story about a true patriot, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., speaking to the largest crowd in German history! They are sellouts!
But keep the faith and keep fighting! We will win!
Freedom will triumph over tyranny!
Ty and Charlene,
I just wanted you and readers to be aware of other videos of Robert Kennedy’s speech in Berlin last weekend-specifically one here, that edits out the German translator but films a frontal view of Mr Kennedy and has excellent sound quality. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=5&v=PIh4-sbCfR0&feature=emb_title
Keep up the excellent work. Walt
They were flying a Nzi flag over the parliament!!!!!!
Nazis were present.
Wow did you bend truth here or what!
You obviously need glasses. And a brain!
I am a German born U.S. citizen with parents who experienced the Nazi regime; and indeed, the protesting crowd were far-right sympathetic. Guess the real colors of Truth About Cancer are being exposed here; too sad … I wished they would have stayed true to their mission; instead, they jeopardize the advances and acknowledgements alternative/complementary medicine has achieved so far!
@Gena — There were at least 2 (two) demonstrations going on that day.
There was the general demonstration which the majority of people attended, which is the one that Robert F Kennedy Jr. spoke to.
There was also another demonstration where people “stormed the Reichstag” (their parliament building). This happened because someone was trying to redirect a *portion* of potential demonstrators by telling them that Donald Trump was in town — at that point some of group number two got angry and it appears they wanted to protest Trump being present.
That second event was clearly said to be a different event, even in the biased reporting of German DW (Deutsche Welle) — in DW articles they clearly said there were two different sets of demonstrators, and that the second group who “stormed the Reichstag” was not the same group because at around the same time that group number two were “storming the Reichstag”, group one had gone to a park to have various people speak to (address) the gathered crowd.
If I recall, DW said the crowd was “about 40 thousand” (but did not clearly define which crowd), but then they conflated all the numbers and drastically underreported the crowd size of the main demonstration.
DW’s news reporting was in the same vein as the New York Times had done for the August 1st demonstration (which happened in Germany in the same city as the August 29th gathering). For the August 1st demonstration the New York Times had said the attendance was “only 17,000”.
Independent researchers have shown side-by-side photographs of an event from about two years ago, and the August 1st demonstration, and the photographs show that the attendance was just as full on both occasions. For the two-year-old event, the New York Times reported the attendance to be 1 million people, but then for the August 1st event the New York Times stated that it was only 17,000. That is why independent reporters know that the Times (and Deutsche Welle) are misrepresenting the event (aka: lying) to try to conceal the importance of the event.
Robert F Kennedy, Jr. anticipated this biased reporting of the event, and called attention to it during his speech when he said that the only reporting which would be heard in the US-based news outlets would be that 5,000 Nazis were rioting and protesting masks and lockdown in Germany.
Unfortunately, Kennedy *overestimated* the potential of US-based reporting.
I may be wrong, but I have yet to see any US-based news source report on the event — again, I might be wrong, because I do remember seeing one *non-German* article written that tried to claim there were only 20,000 people present, and that the attendees were all “conspiracy theorists and Neo-Nazis”.
The state of the reporting would actually be quite comical if it were not so serious.
As confirmation of the demographics of the crowd, I saw a man post a video on YouTube where he travelled the full length of the demonstration and there were crowds of people who were clearly on the “political left” of the spectrum, many carrying rainbow flags (which are clearly *not* a symbol of any Nazi or Neo-Nazi).
So, the controlled media in the US and Germany are practicing what is called *”dynamic silence”* — which is a passive-agressive technique of marginalizing a group by never speaking at all about them.
“Dynamic Silence” ensures that no one else of the sleeping masses will ever come in contact with the political arguments that the “silenced” person or group is trying to make.
A final point regarding the actions at the Reichstag: the Germans themselves who were present stayed away from the group that did the “storming of the Reichstag”.
The thinking Germans who are behind the large demonstration are actually more awake than Americans are to situations of *”agents provocateur”* and *”controlled opposition”* — so the Germans who were present recognized that there was someone who was trying to mar the reputation of the mass demonstration that had gathered by pretending to be part of the movement, and then trying to attract followers to do something destructive.
A person practicing that tactic is called an *”agent provocateur”*, literally: an agent who tries to provoke others to do something destructive, but he himself is a member of “the establishment”.
The “agent provocateur” is often a military or police official who acts in an undercover fashion to provoke people who might not otherwise have acted in a destructive fashion.
On one hand, the game of the “agent provocateur” is to give the mind-controlled masses the concept that a righteous movement of people is somehow evil, which is easy to do if the provocateur can provoke any of the crowd to destructive acts.
On the other hand, the role of the “false leader” rising to be the head of a movement is a method of “controlled opposition”, and is used to intercept the righteous indignation of a movement, and to redirect the energy of the movement into some political position that is ultimately benign or beneficial to the ruling elite.
So, @Gina, and other readers, please don’t be deceived — both forms of manipulation were occurring that day in Germany.
Be *careful* of leaders — do *not* let them do your thinking for you, and *do* plan to stand for righteousness.
Vaccine danger is real.
Global tyranny is real.
Financial manipulation is one of the tools of the global tyranny.
Christ warned you of that fact when He was here, as did the apostle John in the book of Revelation, and the apostle Paul in several of his letters to the churches.
Satan *does* want to rule, to steal, to kill, to destroy — but he will show himself as an “angel of light”, and his collaborators will appear to be “ministers of righteousness”.
Don’t forget that Judas Iscariot deceived all of the other disciples all the way up to the night before Christ’s crucifixion.
Also notice that Judas Iscariot masked his evil by pretending to be *interested in the poor* by saying, “why wasn’t this ointment sold for 300 pence, and given to the poor”.
When you see a “global philanthropist” who is interested in “the poor”, remember Judas.
John said this about Judas’ philanthropy: “This he [Judas] said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was put therein.”
Brilliant! Thank you for the clear insights into some of the manipulations used by media, government and others to control the narrative and, ultimately, people. I am hopeful that more are becoming aware of the truth and misguided bias of MSM. Also, this is yet another Kennedy that would be amazing in the White House, although I am sure he would want no such thing, and clearly he is doing what could prove to be far greater work for the common good with his current actions. Thank you to all who are sharing the truth and exposing untruths, and a special thank you and prayers for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Thank you for this amazing article.
I follow your emails, etc. Used to get your newsletters. Moved across town about 18 months ago and no longer get it.
Thank you for the continued work you do to expose MSM and Big Pharma. I’m amazed at the people who refuse to believe what’s going on in our country.
Thank You for your courageous effort to expose the truth.
Oh my goodness!!! Thank you for sharing this important news story. I am so glad that RFK Jr is getting this out there to the people. Now the people on the USA need to start paying attention to him.
Thank you for helping spread the truth, to fight the good fight for freedom & a true domocracy!
Here’s what I posted on Youtube for this video:
Bravo! This is one of the most powerful gatherings of people standing up for personal & national freedom. Bobby Kennedy is a man is tremendous courage & intelligence, and with brave men & women like him, we will prevail over this attempt at mind & body control by those who have NO business trying to control those that make these countries great.
It is so good to hear people like this to keep pounding away at the truth
All of you are heroes. You know what can and probably will happen to us. You are fearless leaders who have tirelessly worked under cover and in tremendous danger for 20-30 years. If we are conspiracy folk why are we so despised by the self touted truth slayers, (sayers??).I have waited since I was a child and taught by my father how the world worked; for some movement to happen. Now near my 80th year I feel vindicated and no longer alone no matter what happens to all of us. My prayers support your spirits and souls.
I wonder why no one else has commented? I totally agree with what Bobby is saying. I think we need someone with the same views but a more passionate deliverance! We need a real leader who can unite the civilians of all nations against the tyranny of the few! A leader like in the old days!
Yes. Where are the leaders to unite the world against the few evil ones that want to control the world.
I hope and pray to God that RJK Jr always has a security detail around him. He is the voice of reason and intelligence on these issues. Thank God we have him in our corner.
I am so proud of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and all of the people around the world that are Awake and Aware! It’s Time once again in human history to Make a Difference in our futures, the future of our children, grandchildren and for those coming behind us for 7 generations!!! This is Awesome!
Thank you for sharing this article. I intend to forward this to as many as I can. There will be an awakening if we continue to stand together and keep spreading the word.
Truth cy
The silent majority need a leader that inspires. We can defeat these evil psychopaths that want to control the world.
Yes, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaks the truth about Big Pharma, all you have to do is see who sponsors most TV shows. But our current ‘Commander in Chief’ is not the answer! He has no idea what he is doing, speaks out of both sides of his mouth, so he can claim he agrees with any position, and he creates fear among everyone! He feeds fear to his supporters and opponents. He is a compulsive liar, he cannot be trusted and must be removed. He pretends to be wary of vaccines, then tells us it’s the only thing that will keep us safe and restore our world. And he has spent tons of our tax dollars on creating a vaccine and rushing it without any safety considerations. Don’t be tricked by his two-faced actions.
The dems are really going to screw you and your families over. Read into what Trump says don’t take him literally. He may be saying that to help deceive the deep state and reveal who their bad actors are. A great Meme of Trump pointing a finger like the uncle Sam character the post says ” They are Not after Me they are after You ….. I’m just standing in their way.
God chose Saul in the Bible to do GOD’s Bidding …. who was Saul he was a murderer and other wise bad man ….. Saul became Paul one of Jesus choosen 12 disciples. Don’t underestimate the reason Trump was chosen, the reason He decided to run and why He did win over evil hilary …. do you know there are aprox. 65 people dead that have been associated to the clinton’s over many decades. Some suicided ?murdered all these deaths were to keep clintons secrets /dealings secret …. and that couple somehow was a better choice then Trump??? None of us are perfect, neither was Saul yet GOD chose him for HIS Reason and like Saul GOD chose Trump and put him in a place of power yes to drain the swamp like Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple. Have faith Trump next term will get even more things done. Did you know many people in other countries love Trump they want him to win …. Why???? because if he does He will make good changes and stop a lot of evil corruption at the top of the food change all for the betterment of mankind world wide and allowing GOD’S plan to be implimented just like the evil cabal deep state and banksters have layed out their plan for total world domination over all people and governments to seize control over everything. Do not get wrapped up in the politics and what Trump says and does …… look deep look around behind you what the deep state is doing while your fixated on what the media tells you look at trump look what he did or didn’t do …. did you just hear what that jack ass said …… Don’t get wrapped up in that if your not a truly awake yet watch more video’s from people that are connected to good intell from patriots around the world X22 Reports Dr. Steve Turley or Turley Talks David Icke from england Dr. Charlie Ward from england living in Spain so he has lots of knowledge and connections world wide intell and financial Q Anon and so many more people in the know with intell connections and what do you have????? Just an opinion not based on any facts or idea what President Trump is revealing to the world by his inaction to things like the riots he give these dem mayors and governors the chance to ask him for help and what did they do they blamed the riots on trump hahahaha thats just so laughable. The idiot premier of ontario canada I live in be moans trump all the time he talked badly of Trump when Trump closed the borders and wouldn’t give canada any PPE /masks …. what and idiot our premiur is. Trump basically said no bring jobs back to your own country Trump gives people Gifts its how you look and hear things …. take a different perspective with what Trump says and does. You know its kind of like in the Bible its sometimes hard to see, understand and figure out what its suppose to mean. Remember what I said above ….. GOD put Trump in as President GOD will use Trump to say things people can’t seem to figure out just like bible verses take a Deeper understanding to see the true meaning of what Trump says and does. Trump is a self made Billionaire he does not need the cabals money so he can’t be bribed or bought and they are having a heck of a time to blackmail him into submission under them to do their bidding. He is GOD’s Man and will do GOD’S bidding in this battle Good vs evil and you better hope and Pray Trump gets to finish GOD’S work or you really will be Prey for gates and the rest of the club.
Thank you Robert Kennedy Jr. we need to listen and engage against this tyranny.
God bless you mr Kennedy and keep you and your loved ones strong and free. A voice from and for us all.
It’s odd, but a couple of days ago, I was reading through these comments and I saw a comment where a person mentioned that Mr. Kennedy supports Hilary Clinton who is a major supporter of bad vaccines via Merck (where she got the most money for her campaign), which you can search and find plenty of proof. This information is truly disturbing. And now that comment has disappeared which had a link (which I followed). Mr. Kennedy insists that all Americans should get vaccinated when on the website Vaxxed.com (and their Youtube show), they show that unvaccinated children are healthier than the vaccinated ones. I don’t want to get vaccinated. Do you? This link doesn’t mention that, but does point out the dubious position Mr. Kennedy is in where he helps parents with vaccine-injured children and yet has endorsed, three times, Hilary Clinton who is a big advocate for Big Pharma. Am I missing something here? I stand for truth and I don’t want to be duped by people that have a hidden agenda (Robert Fr. Kennedy Jr.) I watched your Round Table and was very encouraged by the truthful knowledge that you provided. But, now I wonder if you all are aware of Mr. Kennedy’s political position and the lawsuit filed against him. https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.mad.221302/gov.uscourts.mad.221302.1.0.pdf
I am very disappointed with this new information and cannot, with good conscience, watch anymore of Mr. Kennedy’s videos or read the articles on his website. I wait for your responses Ty and Charlene as I would think that this information should disturb you too.
I wonder how long my post will last.
Joanne, Hay maneras de desprestigiar a personas como Robert Kennedy para descalificar su claro accionar contra las grandes corporaciones. Tu solo viste un comentario de alguien que no sabemos quien es, (tal vez un infiltrado) pero creo que se necesita mas que eso para poner en duda la legitimidad de lo que postula el Sr. R.Kennedy. Y acerca de la demanda hacia su persona, aqui en Argentina han “inventado ” (falsas) denuncias contra la expresidente Cristina K. en complicidad con jueces de la corte. Ya casi todas las causas han “caido” por falta de pruebas (eran puras mentiras lisa y llanamente) asi que la demanda en si no dice nada, sino el veredicto. Y como paso en Brasil con el Lava-Jato a veces ni siquiera pues tambien hay jueces corruptos….
Where is the post about Mr. Kennedy and Hilary Clinton? It seems to be deleted.
Truth cy
The government are bullies because they just want to control us all the time and not give us our freedom because of the coronavirus pandemic. One should speak up and tell the truth.