Video Transcript: Is the Standard Cancer Treatment Killing Us?
Ty Bollinger: What do you think about the quote I have heard many times from several doctors that most cancer patients today actually die from the treatments as opposed to the cancer itself?
Dr. Bradford Weeks: That is not a new idea. That has been clearly described in many publications. It’s not surprising because these are toxic treatments. What I say to my clients when they go to see an oncologist is, ask the oncologist a couple of questions. Number one… Ask the oncologist how they plan to take care of the patient while killing the cancer?
We know it is a truism in surgery that the surgeon can really say the surgery was successful, but the patient died. The surgeon can do a good job and if the patient dies it could be the anesthesiologist or something else. So it’s not a surprise to hear a surgeon say “the surgery was successful, but the patient died.”
And it’s the same thing in cancer. “I killed the cancer tumor,” but the patient dies a terrible, terrible death in the process. It’s not okay. It’s not the best we can do.
Ty Bollinger: Because the tumor is a symptom of something that’s gone wrong in the body, right?
Dr. Bradford Weeks: We talked about this a little earlier. Samuel Hahnemann, who is a medical doctor who actually was so frustrated with the standard of care in his day he gave up his medical practice. He gave up his MD. And he went in and informed a whole field of medicine called homeopathy, which is a whole other topic. It’s a very fruitful study about healing. And one of his favorite quotes is that “the symptom is a healing gesture.”
The body is no dummy. If the body is doing something, it’s probably a wise thing.
It’s maybe not a permanent solution. It’s maybe a stop gap solution, like a fever. Fortunately if a child has a fever, guess what? The human being can live at a high temperature or a low temperature, but certain bacteria can’t. The fever is a naturally, tremendously beneficial symptom which can help the child get healthy.
Which is why after a fever our language says “I feel better.” Nobody says “I had a fever and I’m feeling like I felt before the fever.” It has been a cleansing, detoxifying process.
Of course, too much of a symptom can be, if not lethal, certainly terrible. Helen Keller is a classic example of too much of a fever. I’m not advocating for excessive symptoms, but I am saying if the symptom happens the body should pay attention. Often it is the, if you will, the auto-pilot telling us dummies, “hey you’re not doing something right.”
Cancer can be seen as a symptom as a healing gesture.
All I know if ever diagnosed with cancer? I would NOT destroy what healthy cells I have to kill unhealthy ones. I would “get out of Dodge.” I have know to many family and friends butchered, drugged and poisoned, left with NO quality of life to ever follow the lies tossed to humanity on a daily basis. I get SICK hearing about the money collected for the “CURE!” The cure is obvious and not a secret if willing to get head out of the sand. Go Ty and never stop. Hopefully someday all will get it.
Most people are so inundated with ‘the doctors as knowing it all’ that they can’t get their heads out of the sand to really think, research, digest and do the brave things to be healthy… grustrating watching people do statins and the toxic treatments thinking they are getting ahead with their health!
Dear Dr. Bradford and Family; I feel cancer and other diseases are our intelligent body letting us know of a situation that needs our attention. In the bible it says Physician heal thy self. And we could use all natural ways to heal it and one of the most powerful ways to help is to Forgive and and all trauma, we have experienced. In the gospel Jesus says, It is not so much that you put into your bodies that defiles you it is what comes out of your mouth that defiles you. And to me it includes all negatave thoughts, words and deeds, feelings and emotions. Leave your heredity of your parents out of it and take your heredity from your true parent God, clame your perfection from the source and it becomes Here-Deity. Loving Blessings, Alan.
I agree 100%
I suspect that people are dying more from the toxic drugs, conventional therapies such as radiation and chemotherapy, and surgery than the disease itself. Oncologists do not always tell the truth to cancer patients.
All I know is I live in Canada my mom was stage four 2 years ago she has lung cancer we are natives and practice our own medicines she’s still here two years later but she decided to go for chemo and radiation as well as traditional she was ok right up until last month when she came into hospital doctors are druging her up switching her pain meds sweeping our questions under the table I’m watching her suffer and her mind state deteriorate under the doctors care the more I watch the more I realize this is all just a big buisness doctors don’t seem to care all they care about is keeping her comfortable while we are fighting for her life she was walking right up until the doctors decided to up her pain meds now she’s to weak
Going through lung cancer with my mother was ok with tumor for two years until biopsy now on chemo because she thimks the doctors are helping cure it . But all i see is her getting weaker and dying . God help us
What a shame all these sincere people who raise money for a cancer cure don’t know they will never give a cure. They will keep sending us to our graves because there is no money in cures. They won’t give up trillions of dollars to save us. There are many cures for our diseases but they get swept under the rug by big pharma. When was the last cure in our lifetime. A cure for cancer was discovered at the university of Alberta in this last decade and the scientist was gagged or threatened after it was aired on CTV news. Never heard about it again.
If you wouldn’t take something orally why would we let them put it in our veins.
There’s a new radiation treatment here in the US. It’s called proton therapy and it’s is extremely targeted, like a photon torpedo. The protons travel until they lose enough energy to suddenly stop and “dump” their energy. There’s minimal collateral damage because of the physics involved. If I ever developed cancer THAT is the one mainstream treatment I’d ask for. Mevion Medical is pioneering the way for this treatment. BTW, I do not work for Mevion nor am I affiliated with them. I believe until we have standardized herbal remedies and tested cocktails of them, we should blend the best of the natural with the best of the scientific. PS: I’ve lost 3 loved ones to cancer in the past few years and that’s my take.