Statement from Ty and Charlene Bollinger
February 9, 2021
The recent baseless CNN attack on us is a fake news media hit job of epic proportions which lacks all journalistic ethics and impartiality. CNN’s attack demonstrates that it is not just questioning of the alleged safety of vaccines but “free speech itself.”
What is indisputable (but not mentioned in CNN’s biased report) is that the COVID vaccines are being used under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the FDA. An EUA makes the vaccine available for “public health emergencies,” but also means that the FDA has not yet compiled all the evidence and clinical data that it would examine before fully approving a drug for public distribution and use. When combined with the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Declaration of February 4, 2020 and the invocation of the PREP Act, the vaccine manufacturers are immune from legal liability (i.e., they cannot be sued for money damages in court) for losses relating to the administration or use of covered countermeasures (like vaccines) against COVID-19.
Despite over 500 reported deaths from the COVID vaccine (according to the CDC’s VAERS database), the CNN report insinuates that vaccines are undeniably “safe” while totally ignoring the indisputable $4.4 Billion paid out to Americans damaged by previous vaccinations – an amount paid by the DHHS itself! Congressman Adam Schiff once sponsored a House Resolution declaring that there have never been any deaths attributable to vaccinations. This is like claiming that the holocaust never happened –a repugnant and idiotic notion.
Along with thousands of cases of vaccine damage acknowledged by the US government, scientific research clearly indicates that there are legitimate concerns about the safety of vaccines on the CDC schedule, since most vaccines include adjuvants that can cause neurological damage, according to peer-reviewed scientific literature and Material Safety Data Sheets.
CNN’s attempts to depict us as “profiteers” running an “empire” is yet another dishonest and deceitful attack. We are extraordinarily proud of the work we have done in our documentary films – The Truth About Cancer and The Truth About Vaccines. And while we have generated income from our documentary films, we find nothing wrong with making a living. What CNN’s “hatchet job” failed to mention was the fact that over the past six years, we have donated over $250K to charities that help people with cancer and vaccine damage, and we also have personally funded events to bring awareness to health freedom and the legitimacy of questioning the safety of vaccines.
And while brazenly disparaging us for selling products, in true “fake news” form, the CNN report failed to mention the record profits made by the vaccine manufacturing pharmaceutical giants in 2020, with the top 10 companies accumulating revenues in excess of $400 billion.
Not surprisingly, they also failed to mention that the four companies that make all 72 of our vaccines (Merck, Pfizer, Sanofi, and Glaxo) are four of the most corrupt companies in the world. They are serial felons, and have paid $35 billion the last 10 years for falsifying science, for defrauding regulators, for lying to doctors, and for selling drugs that they knew were poisonous and knew were going to kill people, but still acquired FDA approval and took to market. Even the FDA admits, on its own website, that over 106K Americans die each year from “adverse drug reactions” to pharmaceuticals which are “FDA approved” and properly prescribed and used.
That we would sponsor an event on January 6th, a day when many conservatives, Republicans, Libertarians, Christians and other free thinkers were in Washington, DC, is only logical. These are the Americans who, un-brainwashed by the mainstream media and outlets like CNN, will honestly examine the scientific research regarding vaccines.
The CNN piece ridiculed and mocked us for our religion – this is not only elitist but also beneath contempt. The senseless acts of violence inside the Capitol on January 6th were committed by misguided individuals, and we had nothing to do with promoting or inciting violence. Those who were engaged in the illegal and politically senseless acts should be punished, however a broad-based smear of anyone who asked legitimate questions about the integrity of the vote in the 2020 elections and asserting that they are somehow responsible or connected to these unlawful acts is despicable and appalling. It’s the new McCarthyism.
The report also insinuated that Charlene was somehow responsible for inciting violence at the Capitol, which is patently absurd. She had no way of knowing that anyone was being violent or destroying anything at the Capitol, nor did she utter a single word that could be construed as “inciting” violence. We were there peacefully protesting the abuse of power from very corrupt politicians and fighting for freedom of both our health, for our children, and for their future. We have never and will never advocate violence.
As a Presidential candidate, Donald Trump, who was then friendly with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK), seemed quite open-min
That CNN’s attack on us was a “hatchet job” is demonstrated by the fact that CNN never contacted us directly before their vicious and malicious “hit piece” was scheduled to be aired. Instead, they sent an email to our customer service department a mere 24 hours before the piece went live, yet they had our mailing address the entire time. They even sent us a physical letter (image below) asking for comment, but we didn’t receive it until 2 days after the report had aired. Obviously, CNN had no real desire to give us a “fair shake,” they just wanted to be able to conclude their ludicrous report and state “Despite multiple attempts, the Bollingers refused comment.”
Lastly, the coup de grâce! If there were still any doubt that CNN lacks all ethics and common courtesy, CNN’s so-called “reporter” Drew Griffin had the unbelievable audacity to pull up Google maps and show actual photos of our personal residence, while he shared details about our home and where we live. Clearly, Drew is not a “journalist” and has less regard for the truth than a pathological liar.
Bottom line: CNN is fake news. They should be ashamed.
For interview requests, please email
Stay in the fight my old GA friend! Let’s connect soon.
I didn’t catch the interview because I no longer trust certain news outlets. Sorry to hear you went through this. Keep up the fight and stand strong. Prayers for your continued success in rooting out natural cures. in Jesus’s Holy Name, Amen.
Clearly, the state of what used to be called “Journalism” needs a new name. Based on the CNN
letterhead shown written by Drew, this new term should have as few letters as possible. Also, CNN should require that their employees prove they can meet 6th grade standards of communication.
In some known language.
We will keep you in our prayers as The King Of Kings doesn’t need our vote…just our devotion!
The new name should be trash!
What we are going through as a nation, is truly disgusting. The corruption and swamp is much deeper than any of us realized!
Thank you for all you do for the good of man and America. You are truly inspiring. Stay strong and remember there are millions of Americans just like you. We have your back!
Keep up the great work. I am very sad for your family. It’s despicable that I cannot even forward your email on aol. It blocks me by returning it as “spam was found”.
Hiii LORI,
Use or……..
difficult to understand anyone using Yahoo, google, gmail, or microsoft for email service. Anything worthy of reading won’t get thru.
Shouldn’t use Mozilla, Google, Firefox or Yahoo as a browser. It’ll block sites like Ty’s. Use STARTPAGE.COM or
Cheers and God bless
Re startpage, I tested it by doing a search for Mercola and the results came up just the same as the censored g ** g l e results. I think this was because startpage was using a g ** g l e search system (I don’t know the technical term). So that was it for me, I certainly didn’t find starpage a freedom supporting service. So now I have been using Qwant search engine very successfully for quite a while, along with the Brave browser which screens out ads and trackers. It’s worth reading their own information on their sites.
Lori: Select it all and then under File, click Edit, Copy and put it into your email and then send it that way (instead of a forward).
Don’t worry, we don’t believe you are guilty of ANYTHING.
Even Trump didn’t do what the-evil-powers-that-be said he did. They outright lied. He did not provoke any violence at the capitol. I heard his speech, live. It was very peaceful. When he was done, all he said was something like, he had to get over to the capitol now so let’s all go over there now (to the capitol).
I don’t even like Trump, but he did not incite ANYTHING. Nothing at all. The powers-that-be know this, and once again, we are being played. Trump, too, is involved in playing the game. This game is screwing with the American people. Ignore all these evil game players/idiots in D.C.
Well said Patrick.
Lori, Under Edit, click SELECT ALL & then click COPY and pull up your email and PASTE it into your email. Sometime glitches occur. This should work.
What you are doing is so important, not for a moment after reading and learning so much from you both would anyone believe the garbage of cnn. No matter how we will keep reading any information you have discovered and pass it on.
You are obviously on the right trail if they are barking so much! You have been on the right trail for years and I thank you both for your sacrifices and hard hard work to expose the truth!
Glad there are Christians like you who advocate for this vaccine truth. We live in scary times. Chemicals run rampant and even when the harm is verified and well known, they are still marketed “round-up” . I am a victim of the “ Lymerix” vaccine fiasco of the 90’s Most young folks never knew that vaccine existed. Ruined my life and the doctor refused to even supply me with the lot numbers. On my 2nd knee replacement as are many folks who had that damn shot and have had from age 42 on from being fine to miserable orthopedic problems. Keep up the good fight and God bless you🙏🏻💕
I cant tell you how grateful I am for all the information you offer and all your work.
Everyone is free to believe as they wish but can only say grateful thank you
you are my true heroes concerning healing in an effictive and safe and proven way – thank you Ty and Charlene from the bottom of my heart – stay safe and protected – ☀️🦋☀️ – Anita from The Netherlands
Romans 4:16
Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham; who is the father of us all,
Typo … It’s ROMANS 14:16
Let not then your good be evil spoken of:
Maybe net a typo but divine intervention?! ♥️
…..almost CERTAIN that the network has absolutely EVISCERATED itself this past year especially; LITTLE likelihood it’ll survive – and, GOOD RIDDANCE.
I have eliminated CNN completely out of my life long ago. But, I must admit, your article caught my attention. They lost my respect, but …YOU just gained a FOLLOWER🙏
stay strong. what you are doing is awesome and needs to be heard
Thank you for all you do! Prayers to you!!!
If there are no deaths from vaccines, then there are positively no deaths from Covid-19 either.
Years ago the Supreme Court stated that vaccines were unavoidably unsafe!!!!
Thank you Ty and Charlene!! Keep going! Stay strong and may the Lord Bless you and keep you safe! Your work matters so much!
Amen to your statement. They are doing a very good job.
Wishing you health, safety and success. I admire your passion for natural health and truth. Rest assured, most sane people are with you.
I’ve always often noticed that once you reveal the truth in times of lies you become a tall target. I’ve seen it with pastors, and others of similarly high minded ethics. This is certainly the proof of that theory. We will never desert you. Keep the faith, and we will keep it with you.
The whole Bollinger family.. Working tirelessly to get the truth out there. You’re integrity speaks volumes..
I can not thank you enough for what I have learned from all your series, books and travels over the years! I know some day the truth will b set free!
This is really distressing to hear, and makes one want to retaliate against these low-lifes. I am very sorry you have been attacked in this way. I suppose if there’s an upside to this it will be that traffic to your website will not be adversely affected at all. 🙂
You are my heroes. I am with you 💯 %. May God continue to be with you and bless you in your amazing wonderful work that you are doing for the human race. Never give up. ❤️🙏😁
Wow, who wrote that letter from CNN, a 2 year-old child? What horrible handwriting, not to mention the spelling errors.
Whoever wrote that note seems to function at a level of some developmental challenges.
Nothing sinister, just wondering.
Charlene and Ty have tirelessly worked to inform general population worldwide to widen up and refrain from the highly toxic meds and look into other natural remedies.
CNN should stop their baseless info the give to the public especially Ty and Charlene.
I thought the same thing… Wow
Ty & Charlene,
Thank you for all you do! You are an unstoppable team, and an inspiration to millions of skeptical, truth-seeking, health-conscious Americans. Your work has literally changed my life and helps me to bring others to the truths the conventional medical establishment suppresses. I am a proud supporter and love your work. Don’t stop telling the truth!
with you
What a disgrace – but it is a war so obviously it’s going to be challenging as President Trump endured. The good part is they’re doing hit pieces so they’re losing and fighting to their death so the end is in sight for CNN and all liars and warmongers.
Ty & Charlene, you both are my hero’s. I have been practicing holistic medicine since the 1970’s as mainstream medicine failed me many times. When you first came on the scene I listened to and purchased your programs. I have shared them with many as well. CNN is ONLY FAKE NEWS. But to do a report without your ok and using your address. I would be talking to my attorney, putting you in a terrible position.
Don’t know where our country is going these days, but keep hoping and praying it turns around soon. Keep up the excellent work you do. There are many behind you.
I agree! Time to talk to a lawyer! I would think that would be slander for sure. Adding on top of the slander, sharing the Bollinger family address and picture of their home, CNN was doing more to incite a riot than the Bollinger’s.
If they did a hit job on you’s,why are you allowing it?It sounds like you’s have the monies to correct this.
Ty and Charlene you have helped me to heal from cancer. I admire you and the work you do. Regardless of what others say or do, you are not afraid to tell the truth. As Christians you are and example to us all.
keep your strength and the fight going.
CNN is an arm of the federal Mafia. If you trust the government with your life you might as well write your obit now. Did you need to offer a rebuttal? Too bad you needed to because when you have to defend yourself against lies, that too many believe without critical thinking, it is unfortunately essential. In this case, if your words are not widely disseminated you have spoken to the choir-which is OK because even some choir members need to get a jump start on truth sometimes.
CNN is an enemy of “we the people”
The two of you do a great service to the public that wants and needs the information you provide. Fake news is destroying a lot of people just because we do not think the way that they do. The mere fact that the pharmaceuticals are not liable should scare the heck out of everybody. Thank you for what you do. Now more than ever we need the information that you provide. People need to get their heads out of the sand and read.
I appreciate your stand for Jesus & the truth!! Please keep up the OUTSTANDING work. They will reap what they have sown. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. PSALM 91
They are beyond shameful. TTAC was instrumental years ago in my research into cancer treatments and options for my MIL and understanding the history behind the drug/govt connection. I’m incredibly grateful for all the work you do seeking out truth and answers and backing it up with real science. Thank you.
God bless you for never giving up amidst persecution; thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Thank you for all that you do to get the truth out,🙏 from Anne in the UK
I have never listened to CNN and never will.
I’m reading this while listening to RFK Jr on “Vaccines Revealed COVID Edition”
Keep telling the truth!
Never back down!
Keep abiding, dear friends! You are the truth seekers. God will honor you.
Thank you for not giving up amid persecution. God bless
carry on with your fantastic work and please thank mr kennedy for finding out the truths about vaccines.although i am british and live in europe plus have a lot of family living in the good old usa, it seems that freedom stops as soon as you question why your child changed after a reaction to child hood vaccine. belitled humiliated abused and insulted plus called paranoid. godd bless you both and please keep up the honest work.. ps i am the fatherf of an autistic child who in my opinion changed after her last vaccine. but iam not allowed to say that . i have to rely on peoples like yourselfs and r kennedy.
This is an atrocity which seems to get worse each day! Big pharm continues its assault on all of us. I read as much as I can and pass it on to my family..these covid vaccines are just another example of a way to control and hurt us. When we got covid I called a dr. In Texas to get help and meds. My husband had a worse case than I but we did well. I’m following you and thanks for your efforts to keep us informed and safe. Praying for you and your family as well as the others!
I have learned so much from your incredible research. Your love for God and our country shines through in all your documentaries. Please keep up the great work you and your family do on behalf of the people of our country and the world to deliver the truth to us. The education I received from your research and the people I have met through your films have helped me with knowledge to not be afraid on my journey to fight cancer. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. God bless you and your team.
CNN = FAKE NEWS I don’t watch or listen to any of there so call “news “ . You two help keep us informed about how to keep us healthy and avoid BIG PHARMA money grabbing agenda. Thanks for all you do
Congratulations on being doxed! You are taregeted because you are effective in spreading truth that does not meet consensus.
Unfortunately, the way to deal with those that disagree with you is to completely and utterly destroy them. This has been decades in the making and what is occurring these days amounts to global Stockholm Syndrome. I have a friend, a radio station owner, very active in my community, that received the shingles vaccine in August of 2019. Within 30 days, he started experiencing neuropathy. Now, he’s wheelchair bound. His name is Carl Goldman. He was the first American citizen in CDC quarantine in Nebraska following his positive Covid diagnosis. He was a passenger on the Diamond Princess docked in Yokohama, Japan in February 2020 and spiked a fever 2 or 3 hours in to his flight to the US on a modified military transport sent my the US to bring Americans back home. It would be worth your time to reach out to Carl and get a first hand account of his experiences. The push by his physician to get the vaccine, the onset of negative side effects, the inability to provide a diagnosis as to why this otherwise healthy person would experience brain fog and neuropathy leaving him wheelchair bound. Modern medicine nearly killed him with the best they had to offer. Today, I have been taking Carl to see my doctor. He’s receiving CAEDTA chelation, vitamin IV’s with high dose glutathione, a controlled release Alpha Lipoic Acid, many other supplements to clean up his gut, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and something new on the horizon that reverses neuropathy, ARA290 Peptide daily injections. His doctor is Shiva Lalezar in Los Angeles, California. Dr. Lalezar is trained in GOOD medicine, healing medicine, common sense medicine and I see Carl getting out of his wheelchair and back to living.
So sorry you have been put through such despicable mis-representation but keep the faith and know how much we appreciate you.
So thankful for you and the work you are doing. Without organizations like yours we would never know the truth. Sadly, I think the fight will be getting harder. Thank you again for standing for truth.
please sue cnn, they have crossed the line and a law suit should be brought against them. they cant be aloud to keep doing this over and over with out being punished for there behavior. what they have done not only to but to our president and still our president is criminal. after all CNN really stands for Crazy Numb Nuts. God bless you Ty and Charlene
I just wanted to let you know how thankful I am for the work you do. I’m sure we don’t know how it feels to walk in your shoes and deal with all the lies and threats that you have. Please remember that you are doing great things for so many! God bless you.
You are on the side of truth. May God give you strength and courage in this battle. He will not fail. Thank you for all you do. God bless you both.
I love your work and keep going inform the truth with no fear the day that you are scare that’s the day you loose
My husband & I appreciate your stand for Jesus & the truth!! Please keep up the OUTSTANDING work!! No weapon formed against you shall prosper. They will reap what they have sown. PSALM 91
Just the mere fact that you are under attack by CNN, underscores that you are on the right side of truth and are doing something good. I’ve followed and supported you since we met in 2013 at the Healing Strong conference in GA. These attacks will only further confuse the lost. Those walking in Truth will not be swayed. Praying without ceasing and trusting the Truth will prevail.
I am grateful for your work, My daughter struggles with many aliments from vaccine trauma. I think congratulations are in order, you are scary enough to get an attack..that means you are powerful and true and folks are listening to you! It only makes you stronger in the public eye as far as I am concerned ! Congratulations on hitting the target and bringing to light the truth!
What the enemy meant for bad, Almighty God will turn around for his Glory!
I absolutely Love you Guys.
I own the Truth About Cancer & I love the work you do.
Even Jesus said We will be persecuted for our Love of him & our Faith.
I know it hurts but so obviously it means YOU ARE DOING SOMETHING GREAT!
Thank you for been on the “frontline ” and holding on !!
Bless you !!
To Charlene and Ty, dearest to my heart. This is outrageous! I never watch CNN because I do not have a TV, however, this is a hugely influential medium which is spreading malicious, vicious, appalling lies about you. I am astounded! However, when one considers the influence that Big Pharma have on the media, perhaps it is not surprising as they will stop at nothing to protect their insane profiteering. Criticising your religion is not only hypocritical in the extreme, but I would imagine that it was enough to put off the viewers, or at least I hope it did. Any sane viewer would dismiss the whole piece as wholly biased.
Sending you love and support and infinite appreciation
God Bless you two and your crew. We know they are evil and deceptive.
Thank you for your splendid work and honesty. People are believing the lies.
I believe if the cheating, lying, evil white house/congress democrats are not
arrested for treason against us the USA, we are doomed.
I just got in trouble for just answering questions about not taking the vile vaccines
and it made them uncomfortable. In reality they are stupid.
I bought your entire first series which came out not long after my Cancer Cured & Prevented Naturally book (2007/2009)..The attack by CNN is despicable but it shows the dark forces (big Pharma)with backs to the wall, fighting back. Light & Truth will win eventually. Betty L Khoo-Kingsley
Arm yourselves with the glow of the coming revelation. We support your work, as do many. CNN is a dead organization. Much love
Thank you both so much for your courage and willingness to fight against a seemingly unstoppable opponent — Big Pharma! Thank you for your faith in Jesus Christ! Thank you for your determination to continue the struggle to save lives! May God continue to Bless and Protect you! I am praying diligently for you and all the other gallant and brave souls who daily take up the fight against those Evil Ones who only care about amassing even greater wealth at the expense of the people they are supposed to serve. The Evil Left, Big Pharma, and the Fake News do not respond to anything but the pressure of lawsuits. It’s the only language they seem to understand. I think it’s time to start piling on the lawsuits. So many they can’t stop to breathe! God Bless!
I like to think that the publicity these slanderers generated may have piqued the curiosity of at least some of their viewers who will independently investigate you and discover your true worth.
As the slanderers are but paid standard-bearers for those without integrity, humanity or respect for life, not much can be expected from them.
I am wishing you and your mission much further success.
With gratitude and kindest regards.
I have followed you for years, especially for your natural cancer treatments , so I have confidence in you , but I have an appointment to have the moderate vaccine this week ! Should I cancel my appointment !! ?
You mean “Moderna” right? That’s an experimental gene therapy masquerading as a vaccine. If you feel you really need a vaccine, none are safe, but there are degrees of danger. Both Pfizer and Moderna are mRNA “vaccines” and the initial reactions to them can be horrific (see VAERS), but no one knows what the long-term effects will be. If you’re being forced, try to opt for anything but those two, and then follow advice for what to do in case of vaccination to try to minimize serious effects.
Guys, you did yourselves and your great messages no favors by attaching to a slimeball.
You are loved, treasured and prayed over.
Truth is always unpopular to those who oppose it, and the fact that you stand with such clear convictions on what you believe and your work and the fruits of your work are clear, the liars who have no intentions of good will do what they’re supposed to, and listen to their father. Should I say anymore? Keep doing what you’re doing keep stirring the pot; keep inspiring truth seekers to follow in your example. As we say back home in Jamaica “Nuff respect!”
Sending you both so much love and gratitude. We know that the Censors only target those who are the real truth tellers and getting heard by a real and expanding audience. So be proud of the fact that you are seen as a big threat to the Narrative. God will protect you. Blessings Be.
Wow. The Communist News Network (cnn) is using Hitler’s playbook to instill fear and spread disinformation again. People are waking up, and they are scared of losing control. Stay strong, God is on our side! Keep up the good work helping other human beings find freedom from needless pain and suffering. Much love to you both!
LaLa, thank you for the perfect name foe CNN, ‘Communist News Network’! Their network does not belong in our country!
Bless you,
I would love to have a link to all the speeches given on January 6th about vaccinations. I was not able to listen continuously and I know there is some vital information I need to know. Can this be made available to us?
We need an international committee about was is happening with media, labs, polititians, health institutions, etc. about this pandemia, about the despair of the goverments to aquire vaccines, as if they were a cure to the virus or some kind of virus, and then what? for the next new virus will we have another panic vaccine shop?, is it the “only way to cure? We need that committee desperately.
Keep fighting the fight! Darkness is being exposed.
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12)
“He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1john 4:4)
Your videos sent me on the path for truth. It’s been eye opening, shocking, disappointing and pure anger learning all the hidden information. But it has also been inspiring, informative, educational and empowering to understand that we can heal our bodies. Your videos show both sides. I always direct my friends to start their journey of answers about their health and the entire Pharma industry with The Truth About Vaccines. It reveals so much and causes you to question everything, Which is good .We need to be critical thinkers. Nothing should be hidden from the consumer. Give us facts. Then let us decide. Thank you for your courageous and powerful work. It has sparked many of us to search for truth. 🙏🏻💕
Thanks for all your efforts to keep the faith in the fight for good health and being in Washington. If I get through with my day I am planning to pass your email to a few of my friends. I have a friend, a poor person, age 60 with no insurance, who is struggling to stay alive and to stay out of jail for child support reasons because he has had an on going battle with prostate cancer, and after effects from chemo. Also I have a lively, strong, female friend, age 82, with bone cancer, a second cancer after breast cancer years ago. I keep telling her to try “Carnivora,” or the peroxide cure. I keep looking for what she can afford which is not much. AND another 50 year old friend who has lumps in her breast. Many years ago was diagnosed and had the lymph nodes under arm removed. Apparently, it has not metastasized into the rest of her body, even though she says she has another lump or two in the affected breast. She is another one with no money. I am 83 and take a lot of supplements and seem to be OK so far although the memory is going. I supported two of these people for years. Anyway, the purpose of this comment is to thank you for your efforts in your fight to put out the information.
I’m with you against the msm attack on free speech and their agenda to stifle the truth Thank you for what you do
I am really sorry to hear you have been attacked in such an offensive, horrible way by CNN. I can imagine how shocked you must have been. Fortunately, many people know that CNN is Fake News
and are boycotted by many. I suppose it’s not so surprising that that attacked you in this callous way so that you were unable to defend yourselves. I am English and live in Italy and never watch the television, unless it is to look at a Documentary. I am pleased you have each other to stay strong against these evil people. I hope you sue them for defamation and invasion of privacy. I offer little consolation by saying that I appreciate your work, as do your faithful followers. I am horrified at the Worldwide corruption and it’s also thanks to people like you that we are being informed of the dangers of vaccines. I am especially worried for my two year old granddaughter, as my son trusts the doctor’s advice to give all vaccines. He accuses me of believing in Conspiracy theories. It’s very difficult for me to talk to him about the dangers. I’m worried because so many people are trusting their doctors and through ignorance are having the Covid-19 vaccine. We are living in a horror movie. I am praying for divine intervention.
Stay strong and above all stay safe. I send my very best wishes, Janet
Keep fighting the good fight and thank you for all you have done over the years to bring heightened awareness to the true pandemic in our nation, cancer lies spewed out by big pharma and the lame stream media. Because of your courage and persistence over the years, many, many lives have been changed and saved through your documentaries and continual fact finding info you and other experts in the field have graciously shared with us.
Congratulations on being attacked by the lamest source of news out there… truly shows that you’re making a HUGE impact in delivering high quality and expert knowledge and data through some amazingly dedicated and brilliant experts in their field.
Thank you for all you continue to do to share the truth about cancer and vaccines. God bless you, your family and all who have taken the time to stand up for our health rights and get these life saving truths out to the masses!
Dr Kimberly Burger LAc
I am horrified as I watch what is happening to our country, as I see brothers and sisters divided at each and every turn. If they didn’t disagree about “this topic”, another story will be churned for another opportunity to create the divide – our government is using “Divide and Conquer” against its own citizens, and it profoundly saddens me.
It pulls at my heart strings to know that people who are out there doing the work, like you, Ty and Charlene, become targets of maliciously manufactured untruths by people whose pockets are lined with dirty dollars. Integrity and ethical standards are no longer needed nor desired in the world of journalism, media, and Big “Anything – you fill in the blank” – Ag, Pharma, Banking, Insurance, Government…
Prayers for protection for you and your loved ones coming your way. Prayers for love and light, strength and endurance, safety and peace in the knowing that the work you do is seen and heard, and the lies being generated are not resonating as even remotely truthful. As such, they don’t even “stick”.
Please keep up your brilliant work. You are lighthouses in our stormy days.
Thank you for all you do!
Exactly why I have not tuned in to them for over a year now (along with others)!! They are digging their own grave. By media showing their true colors, many are waking up! So thankful for those like you who we can look to for facts.
We need men and women like you both who won’t be bought or sold. Praying with you and for you ❤️
You have Truth and our Savior on your side! That is all that truly matters. May our Lord and Savior continue to bless you and your work! We are truly fighting evil, but at the end of the day we have the ultimate defender!
The enemy is in a rampage but not for long. Thank you for enduring persecution for the truth. Remember, if you are persecuted, you are blessed and it only shows us that you must be on the right track. My love and prayers for you.
This too shall pass…the fact that they are disparaging you is a strong sign that you are on the right path. Keep the faith!
Stand strong…many are with you! Thank you for living in God’s grace and being warriors of truth!
Thank you for all you do in getting the truth to us!!
Ty and Charlene,
Thank you so much for exposing the pharmaceutical companies and CNN for what they really are. Please keep protecting us and our families from the evils around us and being our beacon of light and hope in this evil world! May Gods bless you for the truths you speak!
Just recently found you… Thank you for all your truth!
Thank you does not begin to express my deep gratitude for your courageous and untiring efforts to bring the truth to us. I pray for your safety and well being.
You folks are real as sunshine , and help purify the atmosphere , maybe God is using you
As angels unaware, may God favor you in abundance, in Jesus name I pray.
God bless you both for fighting this fight. Our nation is full of such thick corruption and evil that it has blinded eyes, stopped ears, and poisoned tongues. You two are great examples to us of what we all should be doing to combat it. We all should be praying for each other. May God use you as tools in His hands and give you the strength to continue. May you be inspired in how to proceed and may you be protected by His almighty hand. And above all, may you be blessed with peace as you fight for what you know to be right.
Vaer site may say 500 deaths after the vaccine. It does not say the vaccine caused them. In UK there are 147 deaths following the vaccine but they weren’t caused by it.
I should point out that AZ vaccine is sold at cost with no huge profits – which should be true for all in this situation.
I SOOO APPRECIATE the work to truly help others that you two have done & I’m PRAYING for you 🙏🏻
I’m VERY GRATEFUL that Isaiah 43:2-3 is true for us🤗🎚🤗
You are amazing with all that you do and are admired by millions around the world! Stay strong and safe ; this strange world needs you!
Long time customer and fellow Christian who recommends you to Family and friends says “Hang in There” to you both as I have seen you blessed and the Truth of your work and products! Bob
Thank You Ty and Charlene (and your team) for the work you do and who you are! I am so grateful for your loving care for life and humanity, as you bring together the people and share this vital information that is being dangerously suppressed. Big Love and Gratitude! May we all be so brave, honest and generous.
You are true seekers, truth revealers and a true inspiration to all concerned with the future of humanity.
Bless you both
The Communist Network News was the first “news” network I blocked months ago. This attack is beyond comprehension. It’s up to each of us individually to see and hear both sides of the argument concerning vaccines or any issue then decide for ourselves the truth. The arguments against vaccines are to compelling.
I have not watched CNN for several years and I have even asked for it to be deleted from my programming, everyone on there is paid by the notorious politicians that are trying to destroy our freedom. Anyone that has any knowledge in their brain will not watch any of their lies.
Stand strong. I have learned so much from you. God bless you and keep you safe.
You are the best and most caring people for the American people that I have ever seen. Take care and walk in God’s path!
Because of your Truth about Cancer documentary I was able with the help of God to help save a friends life who was receiving “overkill” amounts of chemo. When speaking with his doctors I was armed with knowledge I wouldn’t have ordinary had. The chemo nearly killed him and there were more sessions to go when I told them to stop. Of course my friend agreed. He had another 2 rounds to go. He was tested months later and found the cancer was gone! He would have received 2 more treatments for nothing! I’m convinced It would have certainly killed him. I am so grateful for all the knowledge I got from Ty and Charlenes documentary.
Grateful to God for connecting me just at the right time to that documentary. I had never heard of them before!
I found that documentary just weeks before my friend’s diagnosis!
So keep doing the amazing work you do. You are saving lives! God bless!
Thank you (once again) for shedding some light on a dark subject! It’s so sad when a large company picks on a smaller member of society..who’s main goals is to provide FACTUAL INFORMATION, unlike they do. Yet feel it’s ok to lie cheat and payoff whom ever to get their child like. Smh terrible! The truth shall provail. THANK YOU and your family for all you do.
The new depths of evil that we see daily is nothing more than the birth pangs of a new time of glory where we the people will prevail. Courage is needed, that’s true, but your following and support is global. The previous comment is from The Netherlands and this is from Finland. God bless you both, and your family. Thanks for the incredible TTAC series you’ve given us, and the truth will come out widely very soon.
Go Ty and Charlene.
Don’t let those conscienceless people intimidate you.
You are made of more.
My prayers are with you and all the righteous folks who are working tirelessly to uphold good in spite of opposition.
God bless you.
Stay the Course, there are many you do not hear from who are with you, praying for you.
We knew there would be the chaos, false reports and outright lies against God’s people.
May you be in God’s protection as you continue to bring truth about cancer, vaccines and Pharma’s
role in all of it.
Big Big hug from all the friends in Portugal, We Love you !!!
Thank you for all you do. Please stay safe. God bless you and your family.
Keep up the good fight !
Wow – I am still a loyal follower and thankfully I don’t watch any fake news. I seen on fb some making ignorant comments which they felt was okay to express but not you. I trust in the plan and pray that Donald Trump and rfk have things under control. You gave me hope when I had none during my cancer journey and I am a Christian and believe good will prevail.
Sincerely Cindy McRae – Manitoba, Canada
The bar is so low now, that they are lying on the ground to get under it. Any person with common sense and a concept of gratitude knows the truth. It is just laughable. Sorry you guys had to bear the insult. You have all the support from everyone that matters. They really are insufferable!
What is wrong with turn-a-bout fair play and show the world where Drew Griffin also lives’ what a scum bag he is fits right in with CNN or the communist news network
Thank you for posting this. The media needs to be called out every time they post lies which of coarse is 100% of the time. For those of us who still have integrity, common sense and belief in first GOD, and country and Freedom it is sad to see so many who are willing to lie and discredit others for a paycheck. Control the media, control guns, control healthcare and you control the people.
May GOD bless this nation and protect us from those who are willing to destroy it for power and profit.
So sorry you had to endure the attack on your fine work and personal efforts. Your rebuttal was very clear and I applaud you for courage!
CNN has revealed themselves as completely corrupt. 80 million Americans know the truth and do not watch them. It’s sad that they resort to these tactics but I have faith that they will be held responsible for their vile actions. Stay strong. You have God and alot of supporters behind you.
Thank you for your hard work and courage to continue to wake up the population to the evil running rampant! I appreciate you!
I am so sorry that this happened to you guys. Just know you are touching and changing many lives, regardless of what fake news says about you. Anyone who actually has followed you guys and your documentaries knows that you are truly out there searching for the truth and fighting for the freedom of us all. Don’t let it get you down and please keep fighting the good fight! I appreciate all you guys have done and are doing! You are an inspiration to us all!
God see what you do and where your heart is. You will be protected and rewarded. Keep the faith and we believe in you both and what you do for the health and well fare of people.
God bless,
Your good information is appreciated by those of us who want our freedoms! I live in Canada, and we are getting the same “misinformation” from our “questionable” leaders, doing things to take our freedom away. CNN has long been known by a lot of people as “Constant Negative News” and really not worth listening to! May you and you family and friends be safe – and know we look forward to hearing updates from you.
I pray that good will conquer the evil in the world these days.
I can’t believe how brain washed human beings are to fall for the worst hoax in history.
Shalom! I am praying for you. He that dwell in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. No harm will come nigh your dwelling for YAH has given His angels charge over you to keep you in all thy ways. A thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.
Be encourage. Stay focus. You are very appreciated. The wicked will have their day. We know the TRUTH.
It is sad that you are being attacked for what you believe.
Keep up the good work that you are doing.
Thank you Ty and Charlene for all you do. The piece they did on you–I did not see because I do not watch CNN, was utterly despicable, but not surprising. I pray for you and your family. Continue the good fight. Mary Ann from Ohio
Ty and Charlene – you guys are the best! I love all the information you present to us and as a Master Herbalist, your info has been extremely useful to me, my colleagues, and my clients.
Keep up the good work! Stay safe!
Their focus on you both validates the immense impact that you’ve been able to create … an irreversible crack … on their distorted map of reality and darkness radar screen. You are so bright and full of Love that they cannot stand it and are desperately choking now.
In fact and for those whom are too busy to look out the window… we are World War III now — it is the information, knowledge, wisdom and spiritual battle of ages, interdimensional and of galactic proportions. All the hearts, minds and eyes of all known and unknown, seen and unseen civilizations are looking at Earth today. We are experiencing the REAL deal.
The question in every case is whether the words used are used in such circumstances and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger that they will bring about the substantive evils that the United States Congress has a right to prevent. It is a question of proximity and degree. When a nation is at war, many things that might be said in time of peace are such a hindrance to its effort that their utterance will not be endured so long as men fight, and that no Court could regard them as protected by any constitutional right.
You’ve become and represent an existential barrier to CNN’s false narrative or more specifically to Ted Turner. His despise for Love, Life, Liberty and Creation is so great that a single photon of love makes his weak ego tremble in horror and fear of losing his grandiose dreams of planetary dominance. He is such a retard and an immoral animal, second only to Dick Cheney that, he doesn’t understand that he’s been dead since selling off his soul to Satan.
May Archangel Michael and his celestial armies forever protect You. May we expose, chase and destroy Satan’s and its legions of soulless slaves on, below and above Earth and on every Universe.
Thank you Ty & Charlene for taking a posición for truth & justice, you’re my truly heroes that In a time like this you guys took such a courageous position in front of Fake news CNN, May God Bless you and protect you always
CNN knows that you speak the truth and they are threatened by the truth getting out. We should all be encouraged by their acts of desperation. Thank you Ty and Charlene!
Sorry you have to put up with this nonsense Ty and Charlene. The BBC in the UK has lost all credibility too. Free speech is going the way of the dodo I’m afraid.
BRAVO…Ty & Charlene, we are GRATEFUL & THANKFUL for Die-Hard Martyrs like you & we COMMEND your BRAVERY & TRANSPARENCY in your tireless efforts of SAVING the humanity👍👍🥳👏 (although in our humble opinions, you were WAY TOO polite in your response to those Disgusted Compromised, Biased, Corrupt, Bought, Lying, Evil, Demonic, Satanic, Luciferian Deep State Swamp Cockroaches Puppets & SCUMS of the earth👎🏿☠️🪳🤬)!! Keep up the Good FIGHT, we’ve got LOTS to do, the TRUTHS are ON our side!
How this assault on you and others does not surprise me. The media no longer want to find the truth. They are being controlled by the $$. The current government is out to silence those who want to share the truth and the people they reach out to. Keep the fight. And thank you.
CNN is top heavy with long noses, that’s Pinocchio speech for liars.
CNN jealousy is the best form of flattery.
We all know you are the good guys…….and push back as you have done is
justified even though unnecessary.
CNN should not be ashamed, they should be liquidated, along with all the other corrupt media franchises that belong to the larger corrupt corporations that own them…how’s that for justice! These CORPS are all functioning unlawfully, never mind that their traitorous and subversive actions to undermine America is in your face…
In Truth and Freedom
You have heard the old saying, “the closer to the target you are, the more flack you get”.
Dear Ty and Charlene,
Sorry you are going through such a difficult time. It’s clear that this is a passion and driven by conviction of what is right. Thank you for all you have done. You have been a part of my journey in health.
I’ve worked in a hospital as a nurse since March of 1996. My journey began in 2002. I too have met with much conflict. I have been made fun of and called a conspiracy theorist. One day recently, as I was driving to work, I prayed to God about my dilemma in my job. My dilemma was; How can I function as a nurse and know what I know? So much of what I do is causing harm. My absolutely amazing God spoke to my heart, “I placed you in that job to simply be the hands and feet of Jesus”. That was a defining, attitude changing moment. I still challenge people to change their lifestyle and give them resources.
I love you guys for all that your doing. But remember Satan roams around like a roaring lion to seek who he may destroy. Seek the Lord Jesus in all things and do not let your heart be troubled. We are only passing through this world. It is not our home.
Pray fully yours,
Pamela 🙏🏼
Absolutely disgraceful and irresponsible behaviour from CNN. If people like me want to pursue natural therapies or alternative ways to fight Cancer then we have every right too. Ty Bollinger and his wife have exceptionally well researched evidence and are responsible in the way they present it. They are entitled to make a living just like everyone at CNN is. They don’t force anyone to purchase anything. They have loads of free and well researched prices on their website. Shame on YOU CNN for once again allowing big pharma to dictate what is allowed on your channel. Thank you Ty and Charlene. Forever grateful. From Ireland 🇮🇪
You don’t need a handwriting expert to determine the letter was written by somebody who is “all over the place” LOL (A little humor to help you). I love you guys and over about 2 years have been following you and bought your information regarding vaccines. Your courage and ethics are so inspiring to see and have given me courage to speak the truth even though I am trembling inside. But guess what, you and the Bible are correct: the Truth WILL set you free. Going inside to find our truth and authenticity will stead us well in the next few years. Thank you for your beacon of light and please continue on.
Ty and Charlene are stellar human beings on so many levels. Stand strong, we are with you.
We are grateful for all the work you have and are doing. Your Light is too bright to be dimmed…even by CNN (crazy nutcase non-humans)
Be brave, don’t worry, God bless you all! And thank you for everything! Regards from Budapest!
Truth always sets us free with God’s Blessings. We do not need or believe CNN as the past 4 years have shown their true colors and who they support. Keep up the fight! You have my prayers and thanks for how much you have helped my family enjoy better health.
Dear Ty & Charlene – your series about cancer in Asia was and is inspiring. Your series about vaccines was harder to watch with what was happening to children, but the round table discussion was extremely interesting and very useful to have this information. Your religion is your own choice – and I am told that 60% of America is Christian – so what’s the big deal. I am sorry you have to take this flack – but it does show that your work is a major thorn in their side. All bright blessing to you both and for all your good work. Many thanks. Sheila xx
TTAC should be elated that CNN did a piece on them! When a Light shines in the darkness of this fallen world the ‘cockroaches” must try to continue to hide in their excrement of deception and lies. You have the Holy Spirit to protect you, what do these demonic creatures have? Stay strong and keep the Faith……your work has awakened millions to TRUTH!
It’s just an indication that you’re making a big impact. Keep up the good fight! You’ll probably get more subscribers because CNN’s free advertising. People will be able to see that you’re both the real deal!
Keep up the fight. Truth and goodness will eventually prevail.
Thank you for putting yourselves out there, risking your reputations, and fighting for freedom for all of us. you guys are awesome! I stand with you.
The mainstream media has learned its lesson and learned it well: you don’t bite the hand that feeds you.
I have always believed it is none my my business what anyone else thinks of me. God will fight our battles. Keep running your race and know that we love you both.
All that men need do to let evil prosper is nothng. I find you comment that God will fight our battles totally void of logic given it is related to a topic where people are telling truth and being attacked by evil and lies. Get off your couch or your freedoms will be gone. Respectfully
Stay strong Ty and Charlene. The good news is if CNN bothered to do a story about you even a hit story, that means you are on their radar (great news)!!! You both are informing, educating and waking people up by the hundreds and thousands by the day. Thank God that I discovered your work years ago and have learned so much. I learned about the cancer Industry racket and that it’s ok to ask questions and say NO to some tests and procedures. My health is in my hands not my doctors. They are there to help but ultimately it is me that will make the life changing decisions for myself. And thanks to you I have the information to do just that!
Ty and Charlene I just read what Pamela at 12:51 PM wrote my name also is Pamela and I agree with everything she said. You have been a blessing to me in many ways, and I know you’ve been so much help to so many people may God grant you wisdom and peace in all you do. Thank you and may God bless you.
I’m not surprised you have been attacked personally. Big pharm is out of control. Just know how much we appreciate all that you do to get the truth out! Clearly your doing something right otherwise they wouldn’t even bother you!
I’m so sorry that you have to go through this hatchet job, they are funded by big pharma so need to destroy any dissenting voices! They did the same to Robert Kennedy Jnr not too long ago and he as well was not given a right of reply. Thank you so much for all that you do, I have watched your Truth About Cancer and Truth About Cancer in Pets. I stopped vaccinating my two cats several years ago and their health never looked back. One of my cats had years of inflammatory bowel and hospitalisation – now gone, he is 13 years old and remains robustly healthy. My 7 year old girl has never been to the vet since her initial vaccines and she is the healthiest cat I have ever had. Love and light to you and all the people that you work with to open up the eyes of the masses.
So sorry and disgusted to hear what you – upstanding, wonderful, charitable and God loving – people had to go through. I have stopped watching all mainstream media and am not surprised at their lies. May God bless and protect you in all you do. There is a God and there will be justice for these people even if it feels powerless to hear them gleefully crush the truth. Keep the faith and fight on. I am an owner of your products and love what I get from you.
Keep up the good fight! I have studied with you since your first TTAC info I definitely believe in natural healing, and am disgusted with the push to make everyone take the vaccines.
Several observations:
my husband has Crohns – we treat it completely naturally. No Humira or other.
Our 6 year old granddaughter had rashes after her 12 month and 15 month vaccines. Thankfully her mom treated her with natural healing and detoxing.
our 20 month granddaughter has major psoraisis and eczema – since 12 month, and especially after her 15 month. It is all over her head, face, chest, and some on arms etc. Her mom & dad are trying natural therapies – but so far it is so sad to see her beautiful little face so full of spots! Both her mom & dad have psoraisis, and keep it mostly under control – so our little granddaughter has a double whammy – and then the immune-compromising of the vaccines…
I have psoraisis, but have treated it naturally since 1978 – and have very few breakouts – almost NO issues.
So, we believe in what you have started, and know we all will be condemned – but we also know that we all must stand together – with God’s help – to fight this!
This is why I DO NOT watch CNN and no one I knows watches it either. It’s just another propoganda arm for the Radical Left.
Thank you for standing strong during this time of absurdity among our fellow Americans (but, are they truly Americans? I have my doubts).
Anyway, thank you both for everything you do to inform us of alternative medical care. I discovered you during my battle with cancer in 2014-2015 when I decided to search for natural & holistic ways to treat it & heal. I am happy to say I have been cancer free & healthy since April 2017. I have never had a vaccine since my childhood in the 1940’s, and I can unequivocally say I will not get anywhere near this Covid 19 “vaccine”.
Keep up the good work you do & know that there are millions of us out there supporting you and praying for you and your family.
Anyone who has taken the time to research the owners and political persuasions of the MSM knows enough to not watch them. So by simple deduction anyone who might have seen the CNN hit piece would have discounted it straight away (because he or she is well informed) or is not interested in the truth. Genuine wisdom is one of the most precious treasures you can seek, however a large group of people are intellectually lazy and are unwilling to seek truth.Ty and Charlene you are truth seekers and are doing a wonderful service for humankind I’m sure you wont allow Satan’s instruments to stumble you.
I don’t watch mainstream media anymore because there is nothing but propaganda and lies. That letter is a clear indication of the level of intelligence for those attacking your integrity and character. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. I tried to read it several times and still can’t understand it? Has Charlene changed the spelling of her name?! Keep up the wonderful work you do in the name of truth and respect! God bless you!
My grandmother was illiterate, so when I was 8 or 9 years old I talked her into letting me teach her how to write. She did not get far, but her handwriting was more legible than that one. I can’t believe a sane person would send such a thing.
When someone gets bullied, people think of the opponent too. If they had to comment something bad about what you’re doing, please understand;
Don’t worry about your reputation. We follow your work, & appreciate your work (I don’t even listen to CNN).
So let’s think positive, WHAT ELSE CAN YOU DO THAT THEY SHOULD BASH YOU (but will automatically create more FREE ADVERTISEMENT)?
I understood that President Trump used this method when he was running for office the first time. The more the media spoke against him, the more publicity he had, & he actually WON THE ELECTIONS!
Just keep up your LIFESAVING work & make sure to do anything in your power so the media should talk against you. It means that you’re a threat to them, & it’s FREE ADVERTISEMENT.
(Maybe you should thank them too??)
P.S. We have some success stories to share with your team, thanks to all the work that you’re doing.
Congratulations on receiving the highest form of recognition an Empire of Lies can offer! You have my highest respect…but please forgive me, I will be praying for your safety! The swamp has overflowed and it is dark all around now. Please God keep the Bollingers safe!
CNN is garbage as they masquerade as journalists. I only watch newsmax and listen to good honest people like yourselves. I am glad you responded to their lies and disrespect for anyone who has a difference of opinion, based on medical research. No dialogue, just abusing people with a different way. They would not dare invite you on their program as they are a pack of liars and elite socialists. Keep doing the wonderful work you do, you are a light shining in the darkness. Also like Mrs Trump you both are beautiful classy intelligent women.
Dear Ty and Charlene thank you for your realistic view of what media like CNN doing to the freedom-loving people. Your family like mine, are small people standing at the front of a giant money-thirsty spiritually blinded US mainstream media. Stay strong and believe that behind our back BIG GOD standing preparing to split it in half as He did with the waters of the sea when Israel was followed by Egyptian soldiers. The media on the side of the demonic power and they think that they can do everything. GOD who created everything can do everything !!! As Egyptian soldiers had been lost so demons will follow them in the future. As mainstream CNN media feels good doing bad stuff to you then we need to remind them that God already feels good by allowing the spirit of lie to fill the minds and souls of these people preparing them for self-destruction. They will self-destruct themself when health issues will start to arise every day in life. Pray for the media and have a hope that they will repent. Leave everything, what can happen to them, into God’s hands, because only He can decide the consequences. I’m praying for you. God Bless you.
Dear Ty and Charlene
We love you. We love your book. We love your work.
You hit a nerve.
One day the truth will come out, it will never stay hidden.
CNN will pay for all the fake news given to people.
I’m so thankful my husband (a DO) introduced me to you both. You are a true inspiration to me and my marriage and my motherhood (13 yr old, never vaccinated, super intelligent son). Ty, you have every right to protect your wife and your “mission”, I appreciate this article! We’ve met Andrew Wakefield and listened to Del when they were both in Seattle. I will continue to tell everyone about you, your previous series of TTAV and this recent V-Revealed series. I am a totally changed woman since I learned the truth about Vaccines 13 yr ago, which may’ve had saved my sons live and several of my baby nieces and nephews. Thank GOD I have intelligent family members! No autism or auto immune disorders with 9 siblings and 45 nieces and nephews!
Keep it up…for we are not fighting against flesh and blood….
You two are legends. Keep up gods work. Much love from Australia
Perhaps your next project should be “The truth about CNN”. How do these creeps sleep at night?
After all your hard work and all the help you have given to people, It must be hard to listen to these people attacking you. Know you are in good company. So many doctors and researchers are under attack now because they think outside the box and don’t fall in line with the pharmaceutical companies.
God is all seeing & all knowing. Their time will come to an end. Hopefully sooner rather than latter. You will get your reward.
Thanks for the good fight . The Truth won’t be silenced
I am so sorry for the attack by fake news..CNN..You, surely are not the only ones..there are so many Drs. who are being assaulted and being,Dr. Mercola..he is just one of many.
Keep up the good and honest work you do, honesty and truth will always prevail.
Hi both, this is privilege, used in the most abhorrent fashion. CNN should be ashamed, but they won’t won’t be as they are full of shameless individuals.
They are in a position of privilege, yet they use it to hoodwink the masses and bring down the amazing sharing of information and compassion and caring you have shown throughout our interactions.
Well done you guys for a very well thought out rebuttal, strong and to the point.
The argument is easy to follow and I for one got angrier with CNN the more I read.
The gaul of them to question your credibility because you make an honest living from what you do!!
They can’t see their own argument is flawed by the mere fact that there are Big pharma selling snake oil and poisons with impunity having bribed the right people and then making billions.
Thank you both. Keep going . I look to you guys for the truth.
Love and health and peace .
Warmest wishes
Bharat UK
You know your arguments are solid and based upon empirical truth when the messenger is attacked, rather than the message itself. Keep up the good work guys – I detect a growing unease amongst people that anything challenging the official narrative is dismissed as invalid and to be suppressed. It is the height of ignorance to dismiss and condemn a point of view without having first examined it. True science has never shirked from having light shone upon it.
We all know how horrible the media has been for the past 4 years and CNN was at the head of it all. I am so grateful that God has given Charlene and Ty the strength and heart to keep fighting to give all of the truth about cancer, vaccines, etc. I resigned from an alternative cancer clinic in CA and have plenty of time to help out with whatever is needed.
My heart feels sad for all the bad media and big pharma people because when the Lord comes back, they will never see the face of God.
Please let me know if I can be of any service to you.
Hilda – Texas
Can you sue them for defamation and slander?
Sounds like a good idea in principle Lu, though I’m sure those CNN lying scumbags have an obscene amount of money at their disposal to contest multiple defamation cases even though there is absolutely no doubt that CNN slandered & defamed Ty and Charlene. I would love to see the CNN Bastards sued to high heaven and having to pay out millions. Criminal News Network is a much more suitable name for the compulsive lying bastards. I’ll bet that a huge number of their lying reporters are paedophile bastards too. Such evil, dastardly goings on are absolutely rampant among the mainstream media as well as among grotesque western governments and utterly obnoxious judiciaries.
Throughout human history, the best of people, God’s messengers, were called “liars”, “magicians”, “rebels” and much worse by those with sick and blind hearts in their time.
What you are experiencing is proof you are on the path of truth!
I love you♥️
God continue to bless you both and all you have done for so many. I have to believe that the truth of all the media lies, especially CNN, will be exposed sooner than later. Keep believing and standing for justice and free speech and honest elections!
Even in the CTV, CBC, and Global News in Canada, they keep on talking about the COVID-19 vaccines and how our lives will go back to normal once we take those vaccines.
What a terrible story they put up about you. I am so sorry for all the lies that people are telling on the television and have been disgusted by it for years. Thank you for all you are doing and the information you are trying to put out there. I know it is a battle out there and God bless you for all your hard work!!
Thankfully we don’t get Communist News Network in Australia! However many people here DO get your TTAC reports I’m given to understand.
It’s totally unbelievable that a so-called news channel like that is still operating unchecked!
Anyway, Ty and Charlene, keep up your fabulous work…we loved your video about vaccines and have just finished your book “Monumental Myths…” which is a must read!
Sounds like a good idea in principle Lu, though I’m sure those CNN lying scumbags have an obscene amount of money at their disposal to contest multiple defamation cases even though there is absolutely no doubt that CNN slandered & defamed Ty and Charlene. I would love to see the CNN Bastards sued to high heaven and having to pay out millions. Criminal News Network is a much more suitable name for the compulsive lying bastards. I’ll bet that a huge number of their lying reporters are paedophile bastards too. Such evil, dastardly goings on are absolutely rampant among the mainstream media as well as among grotesque western governments and utterly obnoxious judiciaries.
CNN is “Evil” …. the demise of that evil empire of lies is upon them!
I’ve been following and supporting you and your mission for years. With that said and as a black American, I am keenly aware of the feelings of some Americans have and believe about me and my race. I saw your emails leading up to the insurrection and I have to say I was deeply hurt, disappointed and disturbed by the way it was presented. The perception for me was any political opinions about the election that didn’t aligned with yours was deemed as anti-american. You did a lot of good work to open our eyes to the truths about our health and I appreciate that, however, I wished you would’ve stayed out of the election results fiasco. People loss their lives and this country is forever changed because of this and not for the better.
Thank you Ty and Charlene, for all the good you have done in giving the world a chance to know the truth!!! I have purchased both your Truth about Cancer and Vaccine video series and have tried to share them with others. Only a few are interested in seeking for truth—they are so brainwashed!!!. Too many are content to trust their health and their knowledge (or lack thereof) to what others spoon feed them—mostly via fake news for sure!! I know GOD WILL BLESS YOU for having the courage to take a stand for Him and for truth in all things!!! Prayers for you and yours!!!
The far left is trying to discredit and stomp out opposing views. Thank you for everything you do
I appreciate your courage and strength and faith in Jesus. Keep strong. You have a lot of supporters
Dear Ty & Charlene
I look upon you as heroes and I am sure many share my sentiments and admiration. Obviously you are feared for spreading the truth. I live in London and totally ignore news from BBC. The mainstream media, especially BBC and CNN are just plainly scums who spread filth and lies. I have no time for them.
I wish I was as strong as you.
My very best
Taiwan report on CNN. It’s a sick world! The only TV news station in English in Taiwan is CNN and unfortunately the Taiwanese in downtime are glued to the TV. The smart ones will watch CNN to garner English ability. If only they knew they were listening to criminal rubbish. But it’s so hard to convince people. 99.99% of Taiwan has their head in the sand and this includes the president TSAI YING WEN who I went to LSE like me, and also LI YONG DE the culture minister who is a poncy twat. Best wishes to you and let me know if there is anything I can do to help. I’d love to help heroes like you two especially as you are a couple and the UN is trying to surreptitiously destroy family. It’s about time the UN was policed independently.
I have applauded your work on the Truth About Cancer for years.
What’s to stop every losing candidate from claiming they lost and urging their followers to “fight like hell” and violently and murderously attack the US Capitol? Every losing candidate could have done that, but none of them did except Trump.
CNN has news broadcasts that are neutral. Fox “News” doesn’t. They both also have opinion shows that aren’t neutral.
As a country, we need to be able to speak with those on the other side of the political spectrum without demonizing them. Trump was never able to do this. Presidents Ford and Carter could. David Brooks can. William F. Buckley could, but today we can’t seem to do that as a nation. Our country depends on calm discussions of issues in a respectful way. We need the peaceful transition of power from one administration to the next. Violent attacks put our democratic republic in doubt. Please pray for our country.
Never watch the fake news!!!
It’s CNN. I didn’t hear the broadcast because I wouldn’t waste my time. “Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.”
The rampant hypocrisy in our government is astounding. While saying you all were inciting violence, they in effect did that by showing where you live. Why would that even be relevant? I wish you peace and many blessings.
Debra D
I have cancelled CNN from my life
They manipulate and hide the truth
Keep fighting for free speech and truth.
Keep strong
We have watched your series on the Truth about Cancer and it so helped me in my own fight against cancer. We are in the UK the lies and deceit in the media about what is happening with Covind with so much fear to make the public take the Jab is inconceivable. There are families who know the truth telling their parents not to take the vaccines but its seems the sheep are just following the herd. All over the world this plandemic is happening. Thank goodness we have Doctors, Scientists, from all over the world coming forward to tell the truth. We have a PCR test which is not fit for purpose yet the whole world is being locked down. People loosing their jobs, businesses going into Bankruptcy and peoples immune system being effected wearing masks. You have been attacked as anything which goes against their narrative of alternative health, real living changing healing it destroys their whole preception of treating patients. We all know there are many cures for cancer & they work. God created this world with everything we need to heal. I never watch mainstream news or fund any of the charitys who are connected to cancer research. They have had billions in funds yet they have no intention of bringing out any cure as there is no money in people being well. I have been appalled that the vaccines contain aborted foetus and I think if more people knew of this they would not take the vaccines. Anyone going against the vaccine agenda is being targeted and debunked of many platforms. Thank goodness for the internet as no matter what we don’t need social media as many platforms independently has grown to give free speech to all of us. Keep up your great work we don’t need their FAKE CONTROLLED NEWS any more..
The audacity of journalists’ these days is unfathomable.
I know most of them only read the teleprompter and it seems if they reported anything of their own due dilligence, it would cost them their job. So they just read the script…
Really sad to hear you’ve gone through this. I don’t watch network tv or the Ciminal News Nitwits and it’s cronnies so I missed it too…
But while your family stance is the hope for the next generation, I’ve been proudly sharing your content for years….
Truth’s have been covered up by big bro for centuries around the globe. Truths and admissions will catch up to these lousy peddlers of fake news. We can only hope to see them cower and beg for mercy while we honor them slow painful death.
I say that because decades of evidence shows that all one with privelidge and power has to do to plead guilty is write a check. And we don’t want that.
Keep up your mission. You have a wall of supporters standing with you.
Thank you for your work exposing the cancer and vaccine military industrial complex and their methods of eugenics for all ! I was at DC presentation and know what really bothers CNN , we prayed for them as well as our fellow like minded family and they hate that we are not consumed with hatred and know that we are stronger and more well informed than they pretend to be !
CNN literally paid for the DC riot that was provoked by their operatives and I am glad I overcame my basic instincts and didn’t run to the sound of the explosions and instead sat back and documented my location and tried to figure out how and if President Trump and his organization had set us up for and excuse to take the 300 million the RNC had raised to stop the steal , still not sure ?
The Fourth Reich of our government is using the plandemic to win on many fronts . First they are able to transition medicine from Socialist model of past 50 years that required HCA to fund into a Fascist totalitarian system using COVID as cover .
Second the evolution of technocratic manipulation of medical science and statistics can not function without ownership of media to propagate fake science and statistics , and money is pouring into fake news from government and pharmacy at record rates !
Thirdly planedmick is being used to cover up cancer epidemic , diabetes epidemic and continuing failure of modern medicine to do anything about heart disease other than sell lipids and treatments for side effects of this class of drugs !
Modern medicine is an overpaid class of tyrannical eugenicist who will have to plead the Nuremberg defense when they meet their maker !
Thank you all for your good works and fear not , Bill
Getting attacked by CNN is a great compliment. It means you are doing good and making a difference. It’s like getting the Pulitzer Prize for Real Honest Journalism. Thank you for all you do.
I have always loved an appreciated what you both have brought forward. It astounds me how hard people in my life fight not to allow anything that I can share to enter their ears. Very sad how brainwashed people are.
keep up the awesome work. don’t forget who owns cnn. att does. they bought in 2017
You are both exposing all the corruption and lies. MSM and big pharma are afraid of you and will try to do anything to stop you!
I have always been amazed at the truth you expose and have been fearful that they may try to take your life. Please be extra vigilant… and I hope you have some big bodyguards! God bless you and Charlene!
Keep up the good work Ty and Charlene, Ive bought many of your dvd’s and reading your book now. Our government is so corrupt, its sickening. I believe the one person trying to change things was Trump. You don’t have to like him to know he was doing some good. To bad the dems figured a way around him…cheating. If i could I would vote to make hin KING just for all the crap ;they have put that man through just trying to straighten out our broken country. I hope people especial those in the democratic party have woken up and vote Republican every time till we get these Antifa trash and bad Dems out of our government. And that of course includes all the help they have been giving to the damn drug companies. If I could I’d forbid drug companies from ever operating in this or all countries forever. Drs. that put people back together are good, but big pharma sucks. President Eisenhower told President Kennedy when he was coming into office about the deep state. He was trying to do the right thing. We need to ban government agencies such as CIA, FBI, and others that are too secrete to have their initials known. As well as Fauci’s group and chemical companies, big AG I could go on and on. EPA doing nothing good!
Thank you so much for all the TRUTH you both are sharing. I’ve learned a lot about health in the few days I’ve been on your site and the Lord also used it to give me some insight on the health of my livestock. He is so good! Thank you for letting your voices be heard. Keep up the good work!
Matthew 7:7