Video Transcript: Why You Need a Strong Immune System to Fight Cancer
Ty Bollinger: Dr. Forsythe, the immune system. You talked about—you’ve got the Forsythe Immune Protocol. Can we stress the importance of the immune system enough in fighting cancer?
Dr. James Forsythe: No we can’t because as you know, with the AIDS epidemic, which was finally defined in the early 80s, Ty. We know that if your B-Cells are depleted, your helper cells are depleted, you’re going to be susceptible to a number of cancers, which ordinarily would not hit young men or women. Like CNS lymphoma, like in neck cancers, like Kaposi Sarcoma, like Hodgkin’s disease, non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, anal/genital cancers.
Those are all much more common in the AIDS population. But any time your immune system… if you’ve had a liver transplant or kidney transplant, bone marrow transplant, you’re going to be susceptible to a malignancy.
So, building your immune system, keeping it strong, [is] very important. We do an immune competency test to see what your B&T Cell populations look like, your natural killer cell population, we want to know those things.
We do a lot of other things to look for triggers like hormone balancing. In women, even though they’re estrogen positive, we want them to be on progesterone or testosterone, DHA, cortisone if necessary.
And men, even though they’re sometimes—the prostate cancer could be testosterone driven, we like to have their DHA normal; we like to have their cortisone level normal.
Growth hormone we stay away from, just because the FDA thinks that growth hormone promotes cancer. We don’t really think so, but it’s one of those things that’s red flagged for the FDA.
Ty Bollinger: You’d rather not cross that line.
Dr. James Forsythe: I’d rather not.
Ty Bollinger: Pick your battles, right?
Dr. James Forsythe: I’ve already done that. I’ve already been in battle with the FDA and I won the court case.
Ty Bollinger: One of the things I appreciate about what you’ve shared, is the fact that you look at the immune system. You look at hormone testing, the genomic testing, the diet. So you’re looking at each patient as an individual. They come to you, and you find out what would be proper for them.
Dr. James Forsythe: Yeah.
Ty Bollinger: Would help them individually as opposed to having kind of a one size fits all.
Dr. James Forsythe: It’s not a one-size fits all as you know. Cancer is very individual, and everyone’s different. Even the same cancer, the same stage of cancer is different in different people.
Ty Bollinger: Yeah, well you’ve been a hero of mine for a long time. I’m really honored to have been able to interview you today Dr. Forsythe, and I really appreciate your time today.
Dr. James Forsythe: Well thank you, thank you, Ty. It’s good to see you. Thank you. Thank you and take care.
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Everybody has a different immune system. Even if the person has the same disease and the same stage of cancer as the other person, does not mean that they will respond to this particular type of treatment or natural remedy as the other. Do they have treatments for AIDS in which this disease will go away and never come back?
I believe there IS a treatment, or even a cure, for every disease especially since they’ve all been manufactured in the lab itself. Diseases are ways used to cut down the population and ways of generating capital. This is a greedy world we’re living in. Lives do not matter.we’re considered to be just another#!
What are the name of the lab tests I should ask my Dr to do to see how strong my immune system is and what my hormone levels are? And is it true that a lot of people that get cancer they have found that their body is very acidic?
Sue, if you’re having cancer right now and your current doctor doesn’t know about these tests…. it’s time to change Doctor.
Ty, my wife and I just arrived home after spending three weeks with Dr. James Forsythe, Dr. Maged and their incredible staff. For what it’s worth to ANYONE whom is seeking answers to cancer treatment for themselves or their loved ones, I must confess that there is HOPE. Reality is that no one treatment is one hundred percent effective, but, our experience with integrative cancer treatment, as delivered by Dr. Forsythe and his caring team, has been more than what we expected. My wife responded very well to treatment, her immune system was strengthened and her tumors feel much smaller (breast). She still has a long journey before we can declare her ordeal cured, but, this is the first steppingstone to a road of recovery. There are options and only one can decide what treatment to subscribe to…conventional, alternative or integrative. For us, it was an easy decision.
Really not the time for grammar correcting Nancy.
I have to take anastrazole for 5 years and am worried about the side effects. The NHS won’t monitor to the extent I want. If I am total getting rid of oestrogen, how can I get other hormones. Do I need them.
Terri Browett. Terri find out all you can about raising your Glutathione levels. This will give a huge boost to your immune system; as Dr James Forsythe and Ty are talking about. While we are all different, we do find the PhotoTherapy patches we use can be extremely effective for boosting the immune system, removing harmful toxins and heavy metals from the body and creating that wonderful calmness and wellbeing we are all searching for – and all without the harmful side effects of traditional drugs. Traditionally Glutathione levels are raised by around 10% to 20% over a month when continually using expensive Ingested or IV Induced products. This can be of some benefit. However, the low cost PhotoTherapy patches are raising the Glutathione level by up to 300% or more over 24 hours and keeping at a high level as long as the body needs it and the patches are regularly used. We can provide links to doctors calls discussing these patches along with other details on request. Rob
I have access to a cannabis oil that cures cancers. And many other immune deficient problems. This is not an advertisement. I give alot of this oil away to people that can’t afford the so called “doctors” that have advertised themselves as the cures. I have personal experience with many human beings and not rats and mice that thank God for the improvement to their system by using an oil that works. I have attempted to contact Ty Bollinger but to no avail. Maybe someone out there can share this with him or others who work with him. Im busy but never to busy to answer the calls and crys of many people each day. Send me a way to get this info out Ty. I dont charge a thing for a little help. JMS.
Does cure type 2 diabetes Jerry.
jerry call me about the oil please 4056501685 ray thank u
HI Jerry. I would like to know more about your oil that you have acces to. thank you. Mila
Mila, if you hear anything back on the oil, please contact me also. Thanks.
My dr has given me referrals to see a cancer,blood and heart DR’s, I no it is the amalgam in my mouth. When I broke a very large mercury filling my symptoms got way more severe, I have been to sick to work. I can’t find any resources to help is there anyone who no’s what I can do to get all the poison out of my mouth and then detox. I was also exposed to a large amount of chromium six and I feel like I will die soon and I am only 49. I can pay some Iam not asking for a handout. I lost my spleen in a car accident so my body is not fighting off infection. As for the oil article how do I get ahold of you and would it help my immune system?
Jerry, I am interested in knowing more about this cannabis oil that cures cancer. I know two people right now that have been told they have cancer and trying to decide what treatment to use. Thank you very much.
Jerry could you send some to london
HI Jerry would like to try your oil PLEASE! Thank you. Mike.
Does the cannabis oil help for heart problems too?
Jerry I need to know more about the oil call me 562-201-7536
Trying to get cannabis oil that cures cancer but can’t cause I live in a illegal state. What to do?
i was wondering if the immune system had anything to do with the blood rh and if so what shall a person do to make her immune system go way up…could it also have anything to do with each caracter …it has been said that when we are optimistic..this fact builds up high the immune system…maybe because of the hormones that this fact makes the body build up quickly immune system..
I don’t know what you feel when you see people wounded and /or animals suffering…but to me the view…with my eyes…which means that the images…then thoughts….makes my legs instantly …I mean at this very instant without anykind of delay….twitch…my mucles twitch …so to me this is a very strong proof that …thoughts are at work directly on the body…electrically I would say…and is another proof that meditation should be part of all the process of healing…
I am even wondering if in a pituiary dish we could influence by our thoughts what is going on with the cancer cells…I would love for the docs in ttac …that Ty interviewed would try these experiences and tell us their conclusions…
RH Factor is different. I’m very sensitive to vaccination.
I’m a 2x cancer survivor, thank God. However, I don’t fear a relapse as much bc of knowledge & being proactive. One quick point is that I have increased my Glutithione by 300% with the all natural supplement Protandim, Nrf2 pathway activator. Look at the science , it has been featured on this series.
Jerry, I would like to try your cannabis oil. Please let me know how I might buy it.
Thank you.
Jerry my sister has the worst breast cancer that is common in black women. The doctor said she needed to start chemo immediately because it grew from 2 centimeter to 9 in a month and was causing her pain. She cannot afford the oil and breast cancer have taken 4 aunts and a few cousins. We checked into Rick Simpson oil but she lives in New York and cannot afford what they are asking so if you have some to spare I ask you now to spare some so she can go on living. She has started the 2 dose of chemo and is eating right thanks to Ty’s videos on the truth about cancer but needs a real healing and not a temporary one, please help Jerry. My number is 4086009099 if you can really help and may God bless you.
Hi Guy,
Please contact our friends about financial help at:
Healing Strong:
Cancer Crackdown:
Both have many resources available.
Mary, where did you get this natural supplement?
Where do i go from having cancer to possibly having it again in the liver and stomach and my body was destroyed including my Immune system and having high levels of Inflamation, acquiring many other health problems, taking per-scribe meds for everything and then my mind and my body wanted to die. Did not have enough money to do anything the natural way. I made a quick decision to get off all meds and I wanted to live. I had to do what I could without money. I quickly re-connected to my spiritual source and my mind was strong again, so my body had no choice but to follow and i lost 63lbs and I’m doing exercises that I was told I could not ever do again. Those are good starting miracles and more is needed and more are coming. I hope and pray that as I stay focus and positive and believe i can that I will attract the right people that we can help each other. I do have a more deeper and profound story to tell – those that really need to hear it. God be with and bless those, without enough money, that have a second chance, to get the help and start they need. PLEASE! change the mind set that we have always told ourselves and heard others tell us that, I CAN”T, to YES I CAN and everything else will follow and you are on your way. This is for real!!!! ( Money can not buy this and many other things that we can do to stay on a healthy journey and it all starts with what you feed and tell your mind to do for your body. Our mind is the command center for our body. For Real.
Yes I agree…totally. The power of prayer is huge:)
Hello Rosalia, would be nice to hear your story completely..are your you have any kind of moral support?….to tell you you are very strong morally…our cells are our companions and they try to tell us Something…,usually it all ends up with a lack of love…sometime at a certain moment of our life ..either love for ourself or love from a mother or else….iard this story of the gynecologist inclifornia..if I look up his nme mybe I will find it .lbut the min thing .,is that he erned very very well his life..and at a certain point he hd enough…nd he started looking for answer on can er…he asked a friend of his who worked in a lab if he could try sole experiences with pituitary dish full of deseases..he did mental experiences with them and did have success…and he thought of cancer cells…so he did the same with them sending love, and light…all this by thoughts..and after not long time after had the result that the cancer cells dimished at 50%percent ,,and then the next day dimished again and again.,just by thinking and also telling them that they should do as they were programmed ..after a certain time they should accept to die ,for other new ones to replace..and that they were marvellous that they did a good job .,but now they are suppose to leave and that he loved them..etc etc ..
So all this was new to him but to all..ven if we know that these vibrations about positivity are very very important…
Will try to find his video…
The state of the immune system is irrelevant, especially after cancer is initiated. Cancer cells completely evade the immune system through many different mechanisms. One mechanism is the up-regulated expression of CD47 on the cancer cell outer membrane. CD47 is know as the “don’t eat me signal”. Cancer cells use the immune system to their advantage in different ways. Boosting and building the immune system will do absolutely nothing in the cancer treatment phase. I have personally seen many stage IV cancer patients in a perfect state of health and highly functional immune systems. There is no relationship between an established cancer and immune function. It is a waste of time and resources attempting to bolster the immune system to “fight” cancer.
This is the path I have chosen also, Rosalia. May God bless and heal you. Anna Marie