Video Transcription: How Suppression of the Immune System Leads to Cancer
Ty Bollinger: You said that cancer sometimes is eight, ten years in the making. What exactly is cancer?
Dr. Bita Badakhshan: Basically, cancer is abnormal growth of cell and basically they lose their apoptosis. Programmed cell death. They don’t die, they become immortal. And your body’s immune system usually takes care of the abnormal cells in your body. We do all have ten to a hundred thousand abnormal cells every day.
But our immune system’s job is to get rid of those cells. If your immune system is perfect. If you don’t have virus that it’s already trying to fight, you don’t have too much chemical or other stuff going on in your body. So, then they keep growing and growing and are increasing in number and then you get a tumor.
Ty Bollinger: And so the tumor is really a result of a lot of years of things going wrong.
Dr. Bita Badakhshan: Suppression of immune system, exactly. And I think one of the main things is the viruses. We do see a lot of different kind of viruses in patients with cancer. Not only HPV, herpes, you know, you see mono, Epstein Barr virus, even Lyme disease—which is not a virus—but Lyme disease even suppresses the immune system—and parasites. I have a handful of patients with breast cancer who have parasites. When they do coffee enema, garlic enema they actually see the worms coming out.
And what does parasite do to your body? It suppresses the immune system. So there are some doctors who believe you develop cancer because of the parasite, some believe candida, the fungus, yeast, but I believe everything has to do with that.
Ty Bollinger: So the thing they all have in common is they suppress the immune system.
Dr. Bita Badakhshan: Exactly. It’s all about suppression and there is a doctor who said cancer is a metabolic disease, has to do with mitochondrial dysfunctions. What is mitochondria? Mitochondria is the organelle in our cell that produces ATP—and other toxicity can affect it. What we call toxicity and all that can affect the mitochondria. Your mitochondria can become dysfunctional and that causes an anaerobic environment and then cancer cell grow, abnormal cells grow.
Ty Bollinger: In an oxygen deprived environment.
Dr. Bita Badakhshan: Exactly. But we still have—the cancer cells are very smart. In some cancer they shift, they change their metabolism to utilize oxygen. I mean we do say most of the cancer do not survive in high oxygenated environment, but now we see some cancer they do survive even in a high oxygenated environment.
I’m wondering why you would suppress the immune system when treating for Psoriasis when it is your immune systems that works to keep cancer cells at bey? Liver cancer is one of the side effects of these drugs, Otezla, Humira and so on.
I’m a prostate Ca patient and would like your best ideas on treatment without using surgery, radiation, hormones,and other dibilitating methods with poor side effects.
Can cannabis help I’m trying it and also using Salacinium protacal the past 18 months.
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We have a sovereign relationship with the Crow Indian Nation . Our board is developing protocols for cancer treatments and prevention.We would like you to consider getting involved! We are developing an education and awareness website called which promotes the concepts you stand behind!
Yes, I want you to inform me about your protocols for cancer treatments and prevention,
Hi Catherine,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Best wishes!
I was diagnosed with brain tumor three weeks ago and is scheduled for surgery but I am not sure that is what I should do. So I am researching the best approach and I found Center for New Medicine but there is a lot of bad reviews out there.
Hi Joycelyn,
We are sorry to hear what you are going through at this time. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Sending healing vibes your way!
In 1996 my daughter was diagnosed with osteosarcoma. She participated in a research study for MTPPE. The way it was explained to us those many years ago it was trying to get the super white cells to do their job. I have often wondered if the research study she participated in were the first steps of immunotherapy. I