Imagine your 17-year-old daughter gets the diagnosis of cancer. You both do research on treatment options and see that chemotherapy is toxic with potentially long standing, irreversible consequences: damage to the reproductive organs, bladder, heart, lungs, nervous system, kidneys, and more. You and your daughter decide not to do it and choose to take a different route; one that is safer and is non-toxic.
Much to your shock, while you are out shopping, your daughter is home and the Connecticut Department of Children and Families (DCF) shows up at your door (with 12 police cars no less, to kidnap your daughter and force her to do chemotherapy against her will and your wishes).
What would you do?
Finally, revealed in The Truth About Cancer’s exclusive interview is the true story about Cassandra Callender (aka “Cassandra C.”) and her real life medical kidnapping and how she was forced to do chemotherapy against her will.
This is the first video interview that Cassandra has given, and The Truth About Cancer is honored to be able to share this exclusive interview with you.
Finally The Truth Revealed: The Medical Kidnapping of Cassandra C – The Truth About Cancer Exclusive Interview
You may remember the news coverage that back in September 2014, after having a portion of her lymph node removed for a biopsy to diagnose stage 3-4 Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Cassandra and her mother (Jackie Fortin) wanted a second opinion. This seemed like a reasonable request, especially in light of the fact that the prescribed treatment was going to be toxic chemotherapy, which, according to the Mayo Clinic, has long-term side effects including heart damage, lung damage, and fertility issues. But for that simple request, Cassandra soon became a target of “gunpoint medicine.”
Medical personnel told Cassandra and her mother that chemotherapy was her “only option” and without it, there was a 100 percent chance that she would die. Apparently, the oncologists at Connecticut Children’s Medical Center (CCMC) had never heard of a man named Billy Best, who was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 1995 and ran away from his Massachusetts home after a couple of chemo treatments. His runaway from chemo made national TV news at the time. Eventually, Billy used Essiac Tea and 714X to treat his cancer, and is alive 20 years later, completely cancer free. He even published a book, The Billy Best Story: Beating Cancer with Alternative Medicine.
So, I guess maybe the 100 percent chance of death without chemo was an exaggeration (also known as a lie) intended to coerce Cassandra into submitting to chemo. But I digress. Back to our story…
Not wanting to undergo the horrific side effects of chemotherapy, in November of 2014, Cassandra ran away from home. However, after learning that her mother might be thrown in jail if she didn’t return, she came home. Then, in December of 2014, when she was alone in the house, Cassandra’s home was surrounded by a dozen of “Hartford’s finest” (police cars) and workers from the Connecticut Department of Children and Families (DCF). They banged on the doors and windows and terrorized the 17-year-old while she hid in a closet and cried.
Later that day, Cassandra was kidnapped by DCF workers and the police and was taken back to the hospital to begin chemotherapy. Amazingly, it took a dozen police cars surrounding her home to capture this “hardened criminal” named Cassandra (yes, sarcasm intended). I assume that there were no robberies or rapes that day in Hartford, as they had so many police cars available to surround the house. Or maybe there was a donut shop down the street…
Within a few days, Cassandra was back in the hospital and scheduled to begin forced chemotherapy. But even then she wasn’t ready to submit to this gunpoint medicine. It took no less than 12 workers to strap her wrists and ankles to the bed and control her while the nurse stuck a needle in her neck to sedate her. She woke up in the recovery room with a port in her chest. Had this horrific abuse taken place on the streets of Hartford, the assailants would have been guilty of assault and battery. However, since these human rights violations occurred in the hospital, the assailants will never be charged with the crimes that they committed against Cassandra. In her own words, “At that point, I didn’t feel like a human anymore… I feel like I’ve been violated… My ankles and wrists were bruised when I woke up.”
Over the course of the next 5 months, Cassandra received round after round of toxic chemotherapy; always letting the violators know that “I don’t consent to this treatment” before they forced deadly poison into her body. She was told that if she fought them, that they would starve her. Eventually she quit fighting. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that she couldn’t leave her room (there was an armed guard at the door), she couldn’t make phone calls, and she couldn’t have guests in her room unless they were “approved.“ Cassandra wasn’t even allowed to go outside! In her own words, “even prisoners are allowed to go outside for an hour a day. I didn’t even get that.”
Whatever happened to the Hippocratic Oath: “First do no harm”? Ignorance and arrogance go hand-in-hand. Government officials on the payroll of Big Pharma. Oncologists prescribing toxic treatments that they themselves won’t take. Sadly, in the US, we aren’t just a police state and a fascist oligarchy, we are actually a medical tyranny, as is evidence by this horrific story of gunpoint medicine and “medical rape” being forced on an innocent 17-year-old whose only “crime” was asking for a second opinion.
It’s legal for a 12-year-old to get birth control and have an abortion without the consent or knowledge of her parents in most states. But a 17-year-old isn’t allowed to reject poison (chemotherapy) and is held as a prisoner, strapped to her hospital bed, injected with poison (medically raped), isolated from her family and friends, confined to her room, with an armed guard at the door. Did I miss anything? Oh yes, this treatment is “legal” and “approved”!!! If the US military did that to Guantanamo captives, what would folks think of that?
Bottom line… this won’t end with cancer treatments and we all know it.
We’re just getting started on this slippery slope to complete medical tyranny. Can you imagine what they’ll use these court decisions to justify making compulsory in the future? We are already seeing “forced vaccination” in California with the recent passage of SB 277, despite the fact that vaccines have been linked to autism and cancer.
America has already had the most aggressive vaccine schedule of any nation on the planet and has the highest rate of infant death. States are already in the process of making it harder for parents to opt out of vaccinations, as the number of “required” vaccines continues to grow. Where will this madness end?
Founding father Benjamin Rush warned over 200 years ago that medical freedom should have been added to the Constitution:
“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.” – Benjamin Rush (1746-1813)
But they didn’t… and now here we are.
You’ll never see a news report stating that a conventional treatment (such as chemo) killed a cancer patient. It’s always “the cancer won after a valiant fight.” But somehow, after all the years and trillions of dollars spent on the war on cancer, cancer keeps winning out while the cancer industry keeps profiting with treatments that don’t really work.
That’s why The Truth About Cancer is vigilant in our fight to educate about real cancer treatments, to expose the lies, and to eradicate this disease once and for all. We all need to stand up and fight for our medical freedom just like Cassandra did. In her own words, “I made it through it. I wouldn’t let them break me. They locked me away but I’m still here.”
Cassandra thank you for sharing your story. This is an outrage. I will do my best to get the word out, and hopefully force the courts and medical officials to stop their horrendous acts.
Cassandra thank you for sharing your story. This is an outrage. I will do my best to get the word out, and hopefully force the courts and medical officials to stop their horrendous acts.
so how do we change this wen constitution is being ignored and there trying to do anyway with it?
Ty, it just hit the news here in CT. Cassandra had another mass. Please help her. She’s 18 so she wants to go her original route.
In the last TTAC they told about her recurrence (prob from the chemo and trauma) and are trying to help her all they can. Other natural sites have donated juices etc. after she had the first round of chemo. She also has a go fund me site.
Hi Cassandra. Ignorant and uneducated people responsible for forcing such behaviour should be locked up – where has free will gone? Sending you lots of healing, light and love now. You can also receive free healing at one of my websites and lots of great free ebooks to download you may find helpful. If I can help anymore just let me know !!! xxx
Vaccines don’t cause autism…
Yeah ok Nunya.
Um, actually yes, they can, have, and will again and again. Not only that, they have also killed many children and will continue to do so. You need to do your research.
my heart is broken and I am in tears I cannot believe that this is the kind of America that we live where we have no choice no personal autonomy when we are diagnosed with cancer, an America where a seventeen year old cannot choose what goes on with her body, I am so sorry this happened to you
A country like yours, going to war for human right violation of other countries should get brought to the international court. You all know about this, and a 17 year old girls is violated of her human rights! Shamefull.
I’m sorry but pairings have the right to refuse treatment. And there’s not a thing they can do about it. So many pairings rights have been broken here … All involved should have their lisense taken away and never be allowed to practice their jobs again. They should also all be seid and prosecuted for false impressment. Clearly Cassandra did not want these treatments. If a pair isn’t refuses treatment YOU CAN NOT FORCE IT ON THEM! It is their Hod given right to either give you permission or not to treat them. Casandra get yourself an attorney and be compensated for the wrong doing and please put these people out of the medical field. They give it a bad name. Stay strong and make your mark in this world!
I’ve been following this story and am outraged….AGAIN! This country is out of control in so many ways, but this is agonizing to hear what she went through, as a mother myself and to think this could have happened to my own son. I’m a nurse who actually worked at Hartford Hospital when living there in 1986 and my ex was doing his residency in neurosurgery there. I was terrorized into doing chemo myself, actually during Cassandra’s ordeal, in NJ in Dec 2014-March 2015 and it was a huge mistake for me to cave into the fear my dr instilled upon me. I showed up after my 3rd treatment in 3 wks and angrily told my dr that I would NEVER do this to myself again and she simply said”I know, I know. I didn’t know she was getting paid to poison me to the tune of Thousands of dollars. I was also not Told of any of the long term side effects that I’d be potentially subjected to…such as another type of cancer, organ problems…heart, lung, bladder etc or that I’d have permanent nerve damage from the assault of the toxins, which I have and it is god awful! I had no idea at the time about any alternative treatments other then cannibis which I suggested and was told it doesn’t work and that she dosent know anything about it…..does that make sense to you? She dosent know anything about it…..BUT knows it dosent work! I saw this series a few mths ago and with my medical knowledge all the reasons why chemo and radiation not working and why, and the reasons that alternative treatments do makes absolute and perfect sense and WE ALL have to keep speaking out about this issue and to demand change about what were are ALLOWED to know about all health related issues as well and to fight for legal changes to have the RIGHT to decide what we want to be done to our OWN bodies or not….especially if you are agreeing to do treatment(s) of some sort…especially when THERE way causes serious health and life style problems and your choices of natural treatments with little to none. I know Cassandra will be fine as she is being guided by Ty and others….but what about all the other children now and into the future? I am so thankful to Ty and others like him getting the word out and trying to change a serious and deadly game the government is playing with us…censoring our information and forcing children, and ALL of us really, to endure this terrifying situation of forced abuse with chemicals when there are so many other options. I don’t recognize my own country anymore and I’m fearful for all of us because this kind of thinking and legal abuse will spread into other areas of our lives. It’s a completely corrupt government now and has been for many, many decades and literally has anxiety attacks sometimes when I hear this kind of thing and I feel more and more that I live in a communist country RATHER then living in the land of the free. Very sad indeed.
Cassandra, this is an opportunity to begin natural treatment! Don’t wait! Do it now. Truthaboutcancer people have a wealth of information. You and your mom can start so they won’t find anything on the next PET scan.
Invoke Common law and prosecute and win
do not stand in court until jurisdiction has been proven
only accept common law jurisdiction and jury
Charge all who were involved and accept nothing less than a full charge of all persons involved
seek other cases of medical law in UK where hospitals have been sued for Chemo failing
Gods Will is on your side