Treating cancer is BIG business! In fact, each year in the USA alone, allopathic (conventional) treatments generate over $200 billion!
Big Pharma, physicians, and others involved in the “Cancer Industry” profit heavily each time a cancer patient submits to the conventional “Big 3” treatment model:
- Cutting out essential body parts via surgical intervention,
- Poisoning with chemotherapy, or
- Burning the body with ionizing radiation,
…or perhaps a barbaric combination of the three… hence the slang “cut, poison, burn.”
In this article, we’re going to focus solely on chemotherapy (chemo).
A Lethal Accident Spawns Medical “Breakthrough”
Chemotherapy was discovered during World War II when a ship carrying sulfur mustards (a nerve agent to be used in chemical warfare) was bombed and the troops on board were exposed to the chemical.
Those men affected tested for depleted bone marrow and lymph systems – cells that naturally divide faster than other cells. Scientists at the time wondered if mustard gas could be used in the treatment of cancer cells that also divide faster than normal cells in the human body.
The first versions of chemotherapy drugs were called “nitrogen mustards.” In 1942, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center secretly began treating breast cancer with these nitrogen mustards. No one was cured.
Chemotherapy trials were also conducted at Yale University around 1943 where 160 patients were treated. Again, no one was cured. But, since chemotherapy shrank the tumors, researchers were so excited that they proclaimed the chemotherapy trials to be a “success.”
Chemo Destroys Healthy Cells Along With Cancer Cells
Gradually, synthetic versions of the nitrogen mustards were developed, but they all had one common trait… they are unable to differentiate between “healthy” cells and “cancerous” cells and they kill everything.
All the healthy cells (bone marrow, immune cells) that are naturally fast dividing are mowed down as surely as the fast-dividing cancer cells.
As an analogy, suppose you were to tell an exterminator that you have a termite infestation in your home. The exterminator is a professional whose advice you trust. Image he tells you that the best course of action would be to use a chemical which is known to eat away at both the wood and foundation of homes, as well as cause irreparable damage to furniture and windows. Would you still go ahead with it?
Common Side Effects of Chemotherapy
The repercussions of chemotherapy on the human body are intense. Some people call them “side effects,” but the truth is they’re “direct effects.”
Cognition is affected during chemotherapy. Many patients who have undergone this modality refer to it as “chemo brain” – difficulty with memory, basic thought processes, coordination, and mood.
Peripheral neuropathy is tingling in the extremities and may be accompanied by general fatigue or weakness, shakiness, numbness, or pain. These symptoms also affect basic balance, reflexes, and coordination.
Xerostomia is extremely dry mouth and can lead to sores in the soft tissues, difficulty swallowing, and make you more prone to bleeding. Patients report that taste is also affected.
Nausea is one of the most common direct effects of chemotherapy.
Dehydration as a result of vomiting or diarrhea is a concern and drinking plenty of water is critical during chemotherapy treatment. Adequate hydration may ease symptoms of xerostomia and protect your kidneys (working hard to flush the chemo toxins from your body) as well.
Anemia occurs when your body can’t make enough red blood cells. Red blood cells carry the oxygen to your tissues and lack of necessary oxygen results in fatigue, dizziness, inability to concentrate, feelings of being cold, and overall weakness.
Neutropenia is what happens when your body doesn’t have enough white blood cells – the backbone of your immune system. This leaves you more susceptible to infection and reduces their ability to fight the residual cancer.
Thrombocytopenia is caused by a low platelet count. You need platelets for blood clotting and not enough means you are more likely to bruise or bleed. This can cause issues with your menstruation, cause bleeding in your digestive tract that manifests in vomit or stools, and cause you to have nosebleeds.
Cardiomyopathy is a weakening of the heart muscle. This may cause irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia) which can increase your risk of a heart event.
Alopecia will affect all the hair on your body and usually occurs quickly when this treatment is begun. Within several weeks after the conclusion of chemotherapy the hair begins to grow back. Fingernails and toenails may change as well, either turning colors or becoming very brittle.
Skin Sensitivity is also common and patients report symptoms of irritation, itchiness, rashes, dryness, and burning more easily in the sun.
Infertility in both men and women can occur with chemotherapy, affecting hormones and sperm count. It may also wreak havoc on menstrual cycles, impact overall sex drive, and cause extreme vaginal dryness. Sometimes it even triggers the onset of menopause.
Osteoporosis is the loss of bone mass. As you age, this is a natural occurrence (women are most at risk). Chemotherapy speeds up the process by lowering estrogen levels rapidly and weakening bone marrow.
As you can see, the impact of chemotherapy on the body can be brutal. It lays waste to your immune system, which is your first line of defense against cancer.
As a result, another direct effect of chemotherapy is… ironically… cancer. Yeah, it’s printed right on the chemo drug warning labels (in small print, of course). For instance, Doxorubicin may increase your risk for developing leukemia (cancer of the white blood cells), especially when it is combined with other chemotherapy drugs and radiation. Cyclophosphamide increases the risk of bladder cancer and ovarian cancer. And the list goes on and on…
If you go into a cancer treatment clinic with one type of cancer, and you allow yourself to be injected with chemotherapy, frequently a second type of cancer develops as a result. Your oncologist will often claim to have “successfully” treated your first cancer even while you develop a second or third cancer directly caused by the chemo used to treat the original cancer.
According to a study conducted by the Department of Radiation Oncology at Northern Sydney Cancer Centre and published in the December 2004 issue of Clinical Oncology, the actual impact of chemotherapy on a 5-year survival in American adults is a paltry 2.1%. (See the chart below.)
Sadly, the truth is that many people who “die from cancer” really die from the conventional treatments long before they would have actually died from the cancer itself. To put it plainly, the treatment kills them before the cancer kills them. As a matter of fact, the chemotherapy drug 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) is sometimes referred to by doctors as “5 feet under” because of its deadly side effects. Not to mention that a team of researchers at the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC) and Harvard Medical School have linked 5-FU to a progressing collapse of populations of stem cells and their progeny in the central nervous system.
For most adult cancers, the typical best case scenario is that the “Big 3” buys a little time. In a worst case scenario, you will die from the treatment rather than the disease.
Natural, Non-toxic Treatments for Cancer
There are solutions to treating cancer naturally that involve more than just doing nothing. Here at The Truth About Cancer, we are dedicated to bringing you the latest and most up-to-date information about natural, non-toxic treatments for cancer. Herbal remedies, B-17, hyperthermia, hemp, bio-oxidative therapies, frequency machines, and detoxification are just a few non-toxic treatments that are being successfully used by thousands of people across the globe to treat their cancer.
Want to stay abreast of new ways to stay healthy? Be notified each week when cutting-edge articles are added by clicking here. You’ll be glad you did.
Very keen to understand -how many people across the world who have been diagnosed with cancer have refused chemotherapy and lived for how many days post diagnosis? Need to run survey…. can some one help?
My father was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer in 2011 and refused chemo. He is healthy right now (Dec 2019) and is on completely natural diet with no allopathic medicines for cancer.
How wonderful, Saurabh! It warms our hearts to hear stories like this. God bless your father! ❤️
Thanks a lot!! Blessings to you!!!
I am so worried about my mom she was diagnoised with ovarian cancer in Sept. 2015 had surgery Oct. 2015 she had full hysterectomy and was told tumor was also attached to colon so they did reconstructive surgery on colon ..she was reluctant to under go chemotherapy and was searching for an alternative but 12weeks had passed since surgery and I believe she got scared into it ..My mother is 83years old and was able to live alone and was very healthy mentally she could still drive herself across 2-3 states to visit her children ..she started chemo on Jan.7th 2016 she was set up for 18 treatments and she just had her 8th chemo treatment on Thursday March 3rd. On about the 6treatment her white blood count was low and she also has cognition she has gotten so bad she can’t understand our conversation on the phone she says she has brain fog and diizziness. She is in Oklahoma and I’m in Mississippi. Although I’m going to be heading up there this week to do what ever it takes to get my mother off that chemo and get her health back …I sure would appreciate and be so gratefull for some input and guidance during my quest … Thank You!
Hi Camille, I would suggest consulting with one of the experts that we interviewed in our series to get further advice. Here is a link to their info:
Hi, I know your mother’s health means a lot to you, but it’s important that patients be allowed to make their own medical decisions as much as possible.
Also, you might like to look at some other sources. This site, sciencebasedmedicine, specifically talks about the types of claims made on this site, where the citations come from, and how these citations can be best understood. Always good to keep in mind that science is made up of lots of studies with various strengths and weaknesses, and you have to know something about the study design and sometimes what other studies that are out there, before you know whether the study is telling you something useful. (If you can’t read up on studies yourself, you can usually find a blog author who has done it for you! Usually best to “shop around” a bit and make sure you’re getting a good representation.)
Best wishes to you and your mother.
sciencebasedmedicine website still does not acknowledge the value of vitamin c….which…I have personal experience with and have knocked out around 8 viruses in myself within 3 days from first symptoms to no…symptoms…when properly consumed..there is nothing better for viruses…and I suspect…the other claims for vitamin C are probably true…I am a nobody…no education no money…no sickness and no pharma drugs at age of 67…just need to stop the damn cigs… sciencebasedmedicine claims there is no..or not enuf research on the value of vitamin c… PUBMED there are over 57,000 reports/studies available to look at….everyone..except for people with a couple of exceptions….should be taking LOTS of vitamin C…regardless of what their health condition is..if I had never “discovered”…ha…vitamin C…I would not even be able to type this today….there is lots..of info…studies on vitamin C…it is not….however…..accepted by mainstream…big pharma….cookie cutter doctors…good luck to us all
I have heard several times that IV vitamin C and D are VERY important to recovering cancer. I totally believe that all these “medicines” for everything are what’s killing people as well. I work with seniors every day and cannot believe that many 60-year olds and older take so many DRUGS! I’ not a dr or nurse but it is my opinion….People – get off all this crap. Save yourself.
Ty please, I would like your recommendation, Alternative medicine is unaffordable, I´ve been looking for alternative medicine in Oasis of Hope, Sanoviv, Hope4Cancer and all of them offer similar alternatives but de price is from $31,000 USD to $50,000 USD. ¿Could you give me your advice to find maybe a clinic that could offer just the treatment? it doesn´t matter if doesn´t have the all inclusive offer, after all what we are looking for my father is to fight the cancer with an effective treatment. He already had 2 chemos but he doesn´t feel well.
Thank you.
Hi Elizabeth, I would suggest looking into some of the clinics and doctors that we interviewed in our Global Quest Docu-Series. Here is a link to their information:
Liz, I had good results at Nature Works Best, a clinic in Tempe AZ. It was not curative for me, but I did get rid of both liver and lymph mets (from breast cancer originally). My bone mets continued to grow and I am still dealing with those, but for stage 4 in Sept 2012 to now, I have surpassed all expectations of longevity many times. Currently my quality of life is not ideal, but I do believe this is just a small hurdle that I’ll overcome shortly. Many blessings to your dad.
Please be careful. I had powerful chemo and radiation for Hodgkins Lymphoma in 1987 at age 23. I have led a healthy and productive life for 30 years and have two healthy teenagers. My tumor was the size of a football in my chest. I hate that i had to go through this, but I have spent a lot of effort eating healthfully, exercisIng and monitoring my health. I would not be here today if I had not made that choice to have chemo. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. You can use medicine and natural treatments. The internet will frighten you. Be logical and don’t assume all doctors are in it for the money. My doctors lovingly cared for and supported me. Yes, I face higher risk of future cancer, but would I trade it for the last 30 years of life? No!
I agree with you Shelley. Before i had mastectomy i consulted a natural doctor, he charges $200 per visit and on top of it the herbs or supplements are way too expensive. It’s just another business. My doctor specialist is a very good doctor, who helped and supported me throughout. My chemo doctor was the same, the nurses who took care if me were all fantastic, loving and caring. Yes occassionally there are some doctors who are horrible too but not all of them. In fact most of doctors are very good people.
What you totally fail to mention which is a disgrace is that your treatment would be a targeted therapy and not scatter gun chemo.
Treatment for Hodgkins Lymphoma is totally different than say fro breast cancer. Suggesting loving caring oncologists exist who scatter gun chemo around people’s bodies is utterly ignorant..
I agree Shelley, I had Glioblastoma Multiforme Grade 4. The first hospital, whose Dr. had 0 bedside manners performed my first brain surgery and said they removed all they could without paralyzing my right side and rendering me speechless. He said I might have 6 months left and to get my affairs in order. That was Nov 21 2012. MD Anderson performed my second surgery and was able to remove the rest of the tumor. The difference in the two surgeons was beyond belief!
Hello Tracy, what treatment did you get? Could you please give me more info? It is very urgent now. Many thanks in advance. Yveta
Tracy, please, this is urgent. Can you tell us the name of your surgeon at MD Anderson? Thanks!
Thank you Shelly for that. It’s great to talk of the alternatives to chemo and beat it down but when facing your own possible mortality you have a short period of time to make what is most likely, the biggest decision of your life. I have heard of success stories without chemo but as for me…. I had three young children- stage 2 breast cancer. I chose cut, poison, burn putting my life I. The hands of physicians who have studied cancer and immunology longer than I’d been alive. I just got to watchtower youngest graduate from high school- my dream come true!! There is some comfort, laying your head on a pillow at night, saying you’ve done EVERYTHING you could to fight this- and the rest is in Gods hands. I actually did not Choose 2 less aggressive treatments for the reasons mentioned above. I do not regret it. Some finalizing of studies and tracking of alternative treatments is necessary to make it an educated option for those who’ve been in our shoes.
This is great info as far as it goes. I am one of those who trusted mainstream medicine and prescription pad doctors without doing much needed research beforehand. I trusted them to get rid of the cancer and do the right thing. Now all my treatments are over and they have no clue how to fix the direct effects that haven’t “gone away”. So here I am trying to do it on my own. The TTAC experts info sheet is great but the doctors do not respond. So it is a great effort to educate the masses so hopefully more don’t hear those awful words “You have cancer” or if they do they don’t go into mainstream treatment with their eyes closed but I’d truly like to see information for those of us who have already gone through the Big 3 (cut, poison and burn) and are now trying to regain some of their life back.
BTW, items not addressed above: your hair doesn’t always regrow, chemo eats your teeth, radiation damages nerves (I get electrical shocks if I touch anything cold), they tell you your body will return to its previous state in regards to hair, taste, sensitivities but it does not. My treatments were completed 2 yrs ago but nothing has reverted back to normal. My research has put me in contact with other “survivors” who are still waiting for a return to normalcy after decades.
An interesting side note: My surgeon doesn’t believe there’s anything better than a mammogram and when challenged, he got very painfully aggressive, my oncologist found out I’m looking for healing through natural means and has cancelled my appointments, and my gp thinks its okay that I’m not going to them any longer, has no clue how to help me because nutrition isn’t his thing, and has no opinion on the healthy changes I’ve made in my life other than if I don’t do what he wants me to do, I’ve cancelled out all the benefits from those healthy changes. Time for new doctors!
These articles are great and informative, however, what is never said is where you can get these non cemo, rad or surgery treatments. I’m not very computer savy, so how do I know where to look or which one is a scam an which ore not?
Totally agree. I’ve just finished my 6th and final chemo and have started radiotherapy. In the words of my nurse, ‘your blood count is amazing considering what you’ve been through’. In the words of my Oncologist ‘it’s unheard of for people to have had as much chemo as you’ve had and to still to keep as much hair as you have!!! I’ve worked hard with nutrition, exercise, mindset and good, clean, organic supplements to go alongside chemo. Like I said to my doctor ‘it’s your job to make sure the chemo kills the cancer, it’s my job to make sure chemo doesn’t kill anything else!!’ You can’t leave it ALL up to the doctors to ‘fix you’, you have to help yourself, you’ve been given a warning sign, learn from it!! I have and there’s no way you’d look at me and know I’ve just had 6 rounds of chemo!!
I lost my father from cancer in 2006. At that time I had know idea about it. Practicing in natural treatments I gain a lot but now through your posts my knowledge about cancer became more wide! Thanks!
July 2015, tumour in left breast picked up by mammogram. Surgery to have it removed soon after. Chemotherapy for 3 months then radiation treatment for 3 weeks. Still have large seroma in breast (painful at times) and have all my hair back again. Was extremely ill after each chemo, bedridden for a week or so. No feeling in the nipple, but sharp shooting pains in the arm and around the breast. Have my first mammogram plus check up next week. If i had to do it all again, i would have the breast removed and not go through all the discomfort and pain that goes with it all.
George Meredith MD
This is but the tip of the iceberg!
Consider: the breast cancer death rate per 100,000 US women is essentially the same today as it was in 1970. The treatment then was some type of mastectomy and adjunctive radiotherapy (hopefully 5000 Rads as opposed today’ more dangerous 6500 Rads).
Surgeons knew back then that adjunctive chemotherapy did not appreciably improve the 5 and 10 year survival rates and so no adjunctive chemotherapy was given back then.
Today, we have genetic testing, the Cancer Treatment Centers of America, a plethora of adjunctive chemotherapeutic agents and a host of oncologists who can cite statistics that indicate that the new chemotherapy that they have just been licensed to use….why this new chemotherapeutic agent offers real hope. Emphasis in the words fear and hope!
Go back and look at chemotherapy in Cecil and Loeb’s textbook of Internal Medicine circa 1970 and you will find….surprise….surprise….the cancers that were being cured by chemotherapy back then, are the same ones that being cured today. Except for Lance Armstrong’s testicular carcinoma and perhaps the rare Burkitt’s Lymphoma
The Hodgkins Disease, some lymphomas, childhood luekemias are the same cancers that were being cured back in the seventies and about in the same proportions . But not the breast, lung, prostate and pancreatic cancers.
Read my lips! The adjunctive chemotherapy that oncologists are pushing off onto an incredibly naïve American public, do not work! Do not produce cancer cures! Play on patient fears. And simply feed patients’ false hope. Prolong their misery. And wreck and bankrupt their families!
Wakeup America! This is but the tip of the iceberg! Many of you are being scammed by or are about to be scammed by your local oncologist!
George Meredith MD
Virginia Beach
“Chemotherapy was discovered during World War II when a ship carrying sulfur mustards (a nerve agent to be used in chemical warfare) was bombed and the troops on board were exposed to the chemical.” The incident :
Reading this stuff makes me think that people should research this subject very carefully BEFORE or if they are diagnosed and are perfectly healthy. File information and links to doctors (That reply… They will if you ask them their fees not just advice…) If the worst happens to them or friend all the information is ready sorted to be followed with no panic and clear mind.
Hi all,
I personally don’t have any form of cancer,its my daughter,she has had about 6 surgery’s for three different types of cancer,and although she’s having conventional treatment “and that’s her choice” I believe alternative remedies are better!!!!
As working in the medical profession in a former life I’ve seen what conventional medicine does,when doctors are willing to strike you off the list for looking to help yourself,surely that tells you something!!!!
If you go into the sites the “truth about cancer” have sited,the info you can pick up by listening and taking notes is mind blowing what you learn is amazing!!!
I’ve learned so much about keeping myself healthy and tips of how to protect oneself from alsorts of addictives ie:- fluoride ,chloride,and many more.why don’t the medical profession what you to take supplements ,is it because they know it helps and if you get better it would cost them mega bucks!!!!!!
There is another truth about chemo and such truth is that the maximum limits for radiation exposure for workers at the nuclear plant is within 20 to 50 microSievert, it is equal to 2% – 5% of one Sievert. Those are the limits established by the IAEA (Internation Atomic Energy.Agency). When doing chemo sessions, every patient is exposed to 2 Sievert of radiations for each session. A patient did not sign any contract to play as guinea pig nor to play as a laboratory rat, they don’t get paid in case of death or serious health damage. How can all this be legal?
This from my site will help explain the above information to people more clearly:
You all need to do more research work. Too much information is missing that could be crucial. You need to find out what was the state of mind of the person that got cancer: open minded about radio treatments or against any form of radiation. You need to find out if a person was exposed to travels in other countries before getting cancer. You need to find out if a person was living near power lines or power generators before getting cancer. All of these statistics need to be out there available to all. You also need to determine how you can get compensation from the government when contracting cancer. Cancer is a modern disease of modern societies often caused by negative state of mind and/or exposure to bad elements. In any way, is very likely that governments of democratic countries need to provide a compensation to the patient.
Hi, I had a ( medulloblastoma )brain tumor in 1999. I had all three “cures” cut, poison, and burn. It’s been a very long, and difficult journey for myself, and all of my friends and family. I now suffer from the direct affects of the “cures” I now have chronic fatigue, and chronic migraines, and have lost most of my hearing, and I have difficulty eating/gaining weight. I have switched to eating organic, and have tried detoxification, and have been using homeopathic medicine ,and have switched from taking pain killers, to using essential oils for my migraines. I feel though, that my greatest help is the Lord, Jesus .
Hello..I had breast cancer found by myself Jan 1st 2015 ,although my GP found a lump Sept 2014, but no mamagram done as they said it was a fibroid. I had the lump removed and delayed chemo for 2 months while doing alternatives and researching. I was told it was aggressive and would need chemo for 3 months and herceptin for a year.. I was told my prognosis was fair with the treatment !! . I was scared by the oncologist and did 1 chemo that was stopped because I reacted and 1 herceptin that was also stopped.. morning after H i had a nose bleed and extreem pain in my head (pressure ). I did not more treatment with them and did all alternatives. 20 months on I am still here healthier than before with no signs of C in my body.. I chose quality rather than quantity of life ( ie death from treatment ). If it came back I would still not have the conventional treatment , There are many ways to rid your body of cancer and prevent it returning .. Diet very important. Do your research, the series TTAC was airing when I made my decision and I have applied many things from this. I had the cancer lump removed with no lymph node involved . Research your own cancer type and ask for help there are lots of places who will guide you. Wish all of you a . Happy Healthy disease free life. >>> X
Correction ..Sept . 2013.
I agree, I just finished Chemo. Sure I had side affects but I was always referred to as the healthiest patient in the oncology ward. I was back renovating two weeks after surgery. Without surgery I was in a lot of discomfort and contemplated ending it all. But now after all I have been through I feel great. A second lease on life.
Best of luck in your recovery.
Hi, Are there Natural, Non-toxic Treatments for Cancer in Australia – South Australia?
I agree Roberto. Conventional treatments – you are no more than a guinea pig. My daughter has been fighting breast/metastasis to brain and lung since 2009. Had the 3 types of treatment. She is very sick. We started w. alternative med. June 2016 but she has declined. We found out so late about the alternative and went to hospital for 3 wks and then more complications. They keep getting the same outcomes over again, that chemo doesn’t work and is a carcinogen as well. God help us all. Reg. drs think you are wacko to try other alternatives and scoff at you. But when they get thru poisoning you they say…… go get hospice, we can’t do anymore for you. I don’t need to rehearse the details of all the treatments that haven’t worked.
I was very interested to read Dr Meredith’s note….. I wish he could give us things he thinks work as we are all desperate. I have been researching morning noon & night for things I hope will help my struggling daughter.
What works best for small cell carcinoma? A friend has it in lungs, kidney, liver, lymph and brain. Was “cancer free” for two years.
I have recently been diagnosed with MDS and have taken one month of chemo. I needed 4 units of blood after the treatment and I do not want to continue with chemo. What have you seen in natural treatment that will help?
Hi Rose,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Hello my best friend has been diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma for the 2nd time. He had been in remission for 11 years and it has just now come back. He currently has started chemotherapy but I am looking to help him with more holistic methods. Can you please help me? Carmella