In direct contradiction to the scare stories about carbon dioxide being relentlessly pushed by the climate change alarmists, a scientific study published in Nature Climate Change and highlighted by NASA reveals that rising carbon dioxide levels are having a tremendously positive impact on the re-greening of planet Earth over the last three decades, with some regions experiencing over a 50% increase in plant life.
And you probably won’t be seeing too many polar bears in the mainstream media anymore now that the climate brigade has decided to drop the furry arctic animal from its “propaganda” lineup. The reason has to do with the fact that, contrary to the prevailing propaganda, polar bear numbers are increasing, not decreasing.
My comments: So carbon dioxide is actually “greening” the earth? I thought it was supposed to be “destroying” the planet! You see, the “global warming” crowd can’t get their stories straight. In August, Scientific American (which I call “unscientific” and “un-American”) published an article entitled Earth Stopped Getting Greener 20 Years Ago but Forbes published an article in February entitled NASA Says Earth is Greener Today than 20 Years Ago. Both cannot be true. And despite the alleged pandemic of “global warming” and melting polar ice caps, polar bears are doing just fine – so well, in fact, that in some areas hunters are being encouraged to kill more of them in order to thin out their population numbers. HMMMMMM……
In September, three public schools in San Francisco took kids as young as FIVE YEARS OLD to march in a protest. The teachers indoctrinated the children that Donald Trump is a racist that hates immigrants, despite the fact that neither of these accusations are true. I guess that the truth doesn’t matter when it comes to indoctrinating children. I mean, it didn’t matter to the Nazis either! The Hitler Youth were told that they were superior, that Jews should die, and they believed the lie. It’s easy to convince children.
Back to San Francisco … these poor kids are being lectured in public school on the “goodness” of open borders, while concurrently being taught to HATE their President with their “teachers” coaching them on their anti-Trump chants! “Who do we hate? Donald Trump! Who do we hate? Donald Trump! Who do we hate? Donald Trump!” The pathetic excuse for “teachers” should be ashamed!
My comments: Your taxpayer dollars at work – Indoctrinating kids with communist propaganda at age five! Can you imagine if the same thing had happened when Obama was President? There would have been wailing and gnashing of teeth by the mainstream media!
In June, a British judge ordered that an abortion be performed on a mentally disabled woman who is 22 weeks pregnant, despite objections from the woman and her mother, who is a former midwife and told the court that she could take care of the child with the support from the daughter. A social worker who works with the woman also said the pregnancy should not be terminated.
But that doesn’t matter to Justice Nathalie Lieven (a monster) who admits in the ruling of the “heartbreaking” case that it’s an “immense intrusion” to order the abortion against the woman’s will, but argued that it’s in the best interest of the woman.
Really? Who died and made you god, Ms. Lieven? Judge, you should realize that abortion does not call into the question the baby’s humanity … but YOURS!
My comments: This is where the liberals want social medicine to head to in America. They provide your health care and they get to decide what’s best for you. Even against your will and the will of your family. Think about that before you vote for socialized medicine for all. “But this could never happen in the USA” you might say. WRONG! It already has happened! In the Buck vs. Bell decision of May 2, 1927, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a Virginia statute that provided for the eugenic sterilization for people considered “genetically unfit.” The Court’s decision, delivered by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., included the infamous phrase “Three generations of imbeciles are enough.” Upholding Virginia’s sterilization statute provided the green light for similar laws in 30 states, under which an estimated 65,000 Americans were sterilized without their own consent or that of a family member.
Thank God a U.K. appellate court overturned this insane and immoral decision!
In September, a Florida teacher was fired for giving her students zeros for missing assignments. Diane Tirado had been a teacher for years, and was an eighth-grade history teacher at Westgate K-8 School in Port St. Lucie, Florida. Diane gave her students two weeks to complete an Explorer notebook project, but several students simply didn’t hand it in. Since there was zero work done, Diane gave them zeros.
She got fired for it. Apparently, there is a policy active at the school that is called the ‘no zero’ policy. The policy states that the lowest possible grade is 50%.
My comments: I used to teach high school mathematics, and I would give students a zero if they forgot to sign their name on the paper! I am guessing that I wouldn’t last long in today’s “PC” school environment, where you get a 50% for NOT doing anything! Wow!
During the summer of 2019, in one devastating “algorithmic stroke,” Google removed many of the top natural health and health freedom websites from their organic search results, with some of them losing as much as 99% of their traffic. “The censorship that is being applied to alternative health is nothing less than demonic,” said Zach Vorhies, 39, who worked as a Google software engineer for 8 1/2 years before coming out as a whistleblower. “That may seem extreme, but I’ve been following the happenings in the new cures that are being suppressed.”
According to Vorhies, in the past three years, Google has rolled out changes that purposely down-rank independent health websites, even extremely high-quality and independent medical articles that are written by credentialed health care professionals. “At the same time, establishment, big corporate pharma websites like WebMD are monopolizing the first page of results,” said Vorhies. “What’s terrifying is that many of these establishment medical articles landing on the first page do not even have a stated author and make assertions that are contradicted by science.”
(Photo Courtesy “Project Veritas-Google Whistle Blower Interview” by Project Veritas)
My comments: Here at TTAC, we lost over 90% of our “organic” traffic once Google implemented the “anti-natural-health” algorithm during the summer of 2019. But the suppression of natural remedies in favor of pushing drugs to make money isn’t new for the “Medical Mafia.” We gave our health over to the faux faith of maligned science and technology over 100 years ago (back in 1910) with the Flexner Report. However, what is new and novel is that now Big Tech is collaborating with Big Pharma to suppress free speech. As if Big Pharma doesn’t do enough harm, Big Tech is harnessing their power to modify search algorithms to align and appease an agenda of “sickness perpetuation” in the name of the supposed “safety and protection” of the public. In other words, Google surreptitiously manipulates its search results and auto-suggestions to conform to a very specific set of socio political and economic agendas intended to manipulate elections and promote private interests.
Meanwhile, accredited professionals who stand for health freedom and who criticize Big Pharma, Big Agra, or pretty much “Big Anything” are losing posting privileges, finding themselves de-ranked or digitally assassinated, and eventually “shadowbanned” or outright banned!
While we’re discussing the subject of “BANNING” …..
The city of Portland apparently has a gender problem with bathrooms. In October 2019, the largest city in Oregon banned urinals in its remodeled administrative building to “remove arbitrary barriers in our community.” While urinals use less water than toilets, according to a spokesperson, “they are a relic of a bygone era when men and women were recognized as biologically different.”
According to a KGW report, Chief Administrative Officer Tom Rinehart emailed employees last February, saying, “There will be no urinals in any restroom in the building … I am convinced that this is the right way to ensure success as your employer, remove arbitrary barriers in our community, and provide leadership that is reflective of our shared values.”
Apparently, Portland has redesigned all the restrooms to be gender-neutral, which means urinals are banned even in the men’s restrooms.
My comments: I’m sorry… did we somehow slip into an alternative universe? This whole notion of “gender fluidity” and “trans-genderism” is a bunch of nonsense. Men and women are biologically different. That’s why a guy and girl are needed to create a baby. And regardless of what sex you “identify” with, if you strip “buck nekkid” I can tell you with 99.99% certainty if you’re male or female. No other “identification” is necessary. And regardless of how “gender fluid” someone might think they are, it won’t change the way their pee comes out. Oh yeah, Portland, just be ready to have a whoooole lot more urine on the toilet seats!
In further news: all residents of Portland will be required, by law, to sit while urinating.
(Natural News) The sick, twisted agenda of the deranged Left came full circle in July 2019 when Whole Foods sponsored a “Drag Queen Story Hour” event to indoctrinate children into transgenderism and perversion.
According to Mike Adams, “Drag Queen Story Hour is a front for the pedophilia wing of the extreme transgender pervert community, which exploits young children for the sexual gratification of sicko adults, many of whom have been found to have criminal histories of sex abuse and child exploitation.”
My comments: DISGUSTING! I’m not asserting that every drag queen is a pedophile. That is patently absurd. But if you want your children to be drooled over by fat slob males dressed as females, then keep supporting Whole Foods. A retailer that once promoted organics and clean food is now saturated in absolute filth. By the way, normal people do NOT take their children to listen to stories read by fat old men dressed as clown women who are, in reality, attempting to indoctrinate them into “gender fluidity” and trans-genderism. Remember, no culture has ever survived epidemic sexual perversion and these trends ONLY appear in the decline of a culture.
Earlier this month, there was a “modern art” exhibit in Miami Beach, and a banana was duct-taped to a wall by Maurizio Cattelan, the Italian artist. And a couple actually bought this “piece of produce” for $120,000!
Billy and Beatrice Cox of Miami, Florida released a statement to Page Six on their acquisition, calling the work “the unicorn of the art world” and comparing it to Andy Warhol’s iconic 1962 Campbell’s Soup Cans. The couple also shared their intention to loan and eventually donate the artwork to a museum.
(Photo by Sarah Cascone)
My comments: Days later, the viral banana made headlines again after a man ate it. Video footage showed artist David Datuna approaching the exhibit, as others had done to take photos. He peeled the banana off the wall, announced that he was participating in “performance art” and dubbed himself a “hungry artist.”
During 2019, states like California and New York openly attempted to get rid of all vaccine exemptions. And New Jersey tried, but thanks to a huge uprising of peaceful protesters, we gained a temporary victory. But the suppression of freedom and censorship of information wasn’t limited to those states, and it’s just beginning!
In the first quarter of 2019, TTAC’s Pinterest account was deleted due to their assertion that we “violated their policy against self-harm” by posting content that dared to question vaccine safety. In April, “anti-vaxxers” were banned from raising money on GoFundMe. Then, in June, digital marketer Mailchimp banned anti-vaccination content. In early July, Vimeo announced that it will no longer publish sites critical of vaccines, or sites that question vaccine safety. In July, Facebook shut down the largest anti-vaccine group on its platform. Facebook, whose committee members include former Big Pharma employees, has also censored legitimate scientific inquiry and debate regarding vaccine safety. Also in July, a Canadian chiropractor was fined $100,000 for criticizing vaccines on social media!
Technology used to counter violent messages online is being adapted to counter the spread of “anti-vaxx” conspiracy theories, searching for certain extremism-linked keywords, and focusing on the problem of “vaccine hesitancy”, identified by the World Health Organization as one of the 10 greatest threats to global health this year. Here’s a June 2019 PDF article from InfraGard which asserts that the “anti-vaxx” movement poses a threat to our national security!
My comments: Apparently, the new enemy of the social media people is — drumroll, please — the anti-vaccination movement. Remember that vaccines are the “sacred cow” in the RELIGION of modern medicine, where the doctors bow at the altar at the church of pharmaceutical mysticism! But no matter what your view is on vaccines, the point I’m illustrating here is that Big Pharma’s tentacles now extend to Big Tech, and that prohibiting the sharing of (health) information – a tenet of the internet – is immoral and just plain wrong! And the fact that you cannot even QUESTION vaccines without being censored should alarm EVERYONE!
Unless, of course, you do not believe in the First Amendment.
It’s 2019 …about to be 2020 … or wait … is it really “1984”?
(Natural News) If you disagree with the medical establishment’s lies about vaccines, you have no right to exist in society at all, say pro-vaccine authoritarian tyrants. In case you were wondering what the real plans are for people who oppose the quack science dogma of the vaccine industry and its child murdering vaccine advocates, look no further than a rant from anti-Trump neocon Rick Wilson posted earlier this month. “Anti-vaxxers are a scourge and a strong argument for re-education camps, the immediate seizure of their property, and putting their children into protective custody,” tweeted Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson).
This demand sums up the medical police state tyranny and anti-human authoritarianism that characterizes vaccine advocates, almost all of whom are “medical child molesters” who maim children for profit. They quite literally seek to throw parents in concentration camps if they refuse to have their children injected with nearly a hundred toxic vaccines that contain neurotoxic substances such as aluminum, squalene, mercury, aborted human fetal tissue, formaldehyde and even complete DNA sequences of aborted human babies whose genes were genetically engineered to cause cancer.
Here’s a screenshot of the tweet, since Rick Wilson is likely to delete it soon:
My comments: Make no mistake! The vaccine industry is a dictatorial, tyrannical, anti-human rights, medical mafia that believes it owns your body and the bodies of your children AND that their cartel can force you to be injected with literally anything they call a “vaccine,” regardless of what it contains! These philosophies are incompatible with fundamental human liberty and civil rights. And if you dare to disagree, they want to throw you in a concentration camp! Heck, Rick Wilson even adds that the government should “seize” (aka steal) your private property and kidnap your kids!
In the words of Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), “This is literally what these people believe. They are not joking. This is what they demand. And since the vaccine industry now has total immunity in the courts, in the press, and also complete protection by the tech giants who ban and de-platform all alternative views, there is nothing the vaccine industry won’t attempt to silence dissent and force its brain-damaging poisons on all children in America and across the world. We are witnessing the true desires of the vaccine industry now on display, so thank you, Mr. Wilson, for finally admitting what all the other vaccine pushers have been demanding behind closed doors.”
OK, that concludes the top 10 “bizarro” stories of 2019.
Please don’t fret and don’t fear.
Truth will triumph and the lunatics will be defeated.
Please keep sharing the truth with your friends and family.
God Bless and Happy New Year,
– Ty and Charlene Bollinger
And the manmade climate change farce is right up there with the worst of them.
While I view your information about cancer as being priceless (I have your great book), this article is politically slanted. Please stick to natural HEALTH.
AGREED. I was quite taken aback by the blatant and equally judgmental tone of the responses. A TOTAL turnoff. I’m unsub’ing to the entire group. I had no idea my support was going to people who promote this kind of division and propaganda.
Bummer. I really thought you were for ALL mankind.
I am in full agreement with Art and Nicole. This story was the final straw for me, and I’ve just unsubscribed from TTAC. For the first time, I see the Bollingers’ political/social bias in full view – I don’t know if it stems from Christianity or just general social conservatism, but I can no longer support or be affiliated with a purported healing organization that publishes such divisive rhetoric.
~ a Proud Portlander
I sure wish that you would not combine politics with your message of healing cancer. I am not a deranged liberal but I am a liberal. I don’t see any of my liberal friends promoting what you say here. You sound extreme.
I’m really turned off by this post.
Walnut Creek CA
My father went to the ROM museum in Toronto and he watched a small documentary and the Inuit said that the polar bears are doing quite well. I even watched a documentary where polar bears were catching Arctic cod in the rivers in the summertime.
Regarding Google’s censorship of natural remedies, I have noticed recently that when I try to find information on alternatives to medical approaches to any kind of malady, WebMD’s sites are in the majority of sites among the first 5 to 10 listed. I ignore them. I’m wondering if the time will come when ALL other sites will be censored off-screen, and we’ll no longer have any other choices.
Hi Marilyn, yes, Google is pushing WebMD and other conventional medicine sites to the top and pushing alternative and natural health sites to the bottom of search results. They also have a habit of pushing bad reviews of natural health sites and prominent figures in the natural medicine world up to the top as well. We highly recommend using DuckDuckGo as a platform to avoid this censorship. And we will hope, pray, and continue to fight for transparency. Thank you for your comment!
Whoa… what. a mess we are in. I know this is really just the tip of the iceberg, and there is really much more going on. Crazy. Scary. Sad.
One interesting thing is that about a year ago, I got on the Natural News mailing list and started reading lots of the articles. I was surprised, shocked, and disappointed at how much filthy language, and references (symbols, pictures of gestures, etc.) to foul language I saw there, mostly in the comments, but also within the articles/video shots. One commenter used a scripture reference as their identification and then used language not fit for a sewer.
I made a few requests that people clean up theit language. Some of my posts were “removed,” although I am in agreement with most of what is said, just not the language used, and wanted to be able to recommend the site, which I will not do when the language is offensive in the extreme.
Then I stopped receiving the e-mail notices of articles posted. I sent an inquiry to let Natural News know that I was no longer receiving their e-mails. This was right around the time Apple was causing them some trouble and I had sent Apple an e-mail stating my dismay over what I had heard was going on. I received no reply from Natural News. Since I had been using an Apple e-mail, I sent the e-mail from a different e-mail address in case the issue was due to Apple not liking my complaint. I never heard a word from Natural News and have never received another e-mail from them, despite the fact that I did not unsubscribe.
I suspect some of the higher ups at Natural News use filthy language, which may be the reason the commenters feel free to also use the same filthy language in their comments. Although I have known about Natural News for years, not having been an ongoing reader, I had assumed it was a polite society and had not realized that foul language was acceptable there.
Needless to say, I no longer go to the site. The way so many people now talk and write is another sign of cultural decay and decline , as well as a rejection of purity and morality. I figure if someone can’t say what they want to say without dragging their tongue through the gutter first, I don’t need to listen to them. Either there will be someone else saying the same thing in a more polite way, or it is no doubt something I can live without.
Hi Deanne, we are sorry you are having this issue and we recommend reaching out to Natural News again to be added back to their list. As small companies trying to fight censorship and publish truth, we are guilty of missing an email or two as well… although we certainly try our best! As for foul language, there are many people on the internet out to censor natural health. With that being said, we have found some commenters trying to stir the pot with language and profane statements. We remove these from our site completely, but it can be hard to catch each one. We certainly don’t condone that behavior and we know that Natural News doesn’t either. We encourage you to try again and tune into Mike Adams’ free, uncensored media site, brighteon.com. Wishing you health, hope, and truth in 2020!
Hi Ty and Charlene,
Thank you. That the vaccine situation has reached this level of crisis in a “free” democracy, is so appalling that I can hardly take it in. The utter brazenness of the medical mafia and their cohorts is now beyond what I could ever have imagined. Thank God for people like Del Bigtree, Polly Tommy, yourself, and many others. Knowing that God is over all gives me peace I wouldn’t otherwise have. What these proponents of forced vaccinations don’t consider is that they are up against Him, and there will be a day of reckoning!!! May He continue to bless you and your family, and may you have a very happy and blessed new year.
Well this is all very interesting. There was a time I watched many Scifi movies, one was called Solient Green (excuse name spelling).
These stories seem to be developing our world into a scifi scenario. Re-education camps!!
L-rd only You can stop these satanical controls in peoples lives.
Wow… your hate for transgendered people is a shock to me. I am a natural health physician in Vermont; have been to your TTAC events, share your info with my patient base.. I am now out in a position to defend your hate with the more evolved people in my community.
Super disappointing that you allow your political views and your phobic paranoia leak into your professional views. It hurts your credibility .
May you and your family be protected from the same hate you are spilling..
Dr Suzy Harris
Openly gay physician/non pedophile
Shame on you
Couldn’t have said it better myself. I 100% agree with your comment and feel sad that people I respected have shown such ugly views.
While I agree it’s stupid to pull out urinals (I went to MSOE, which–being originally “all male”–still had urinals on what became women’s floors), I beg to differ with your claim that you can tell the biological sex of “anyone” if they’re “nekkid.” Given all the hormonal chemistry running wild in the environment and the extent of surgical alteration, I think it’s quite possible to visually present a sex opposed to one’s biology–even naked. And then there’s the true hermaphrodites …
I’m sure you will get lots of “Amen” comments regarding your opinions and of course everyone has a right to voice their views. I found myself negatively triggered by some of your comments as I am now aware that I put you on a pedestal and thought if anyone you would dig in and do some research and interviewing before judging others lifestyle.
I get a sense that you lump all liberals as one nasty group. This to me creates even more divide as you, whoever you are, pit yourself against them liberals and liberals are what…evil? This saddens me as for some reason evangelicals think they have GOD and no one else does. With all my heart I know they..you,are wrong. What do you really mean by liberals?
2nd…do you know 100% truth that Trump has always been embracing of people of color? Do you know 100% that he has Jesus in his heart like he says he does?
As far as pedophiles, which I wish we could erase from all human behavior. Yet, have you done your homework to see that majority of child molesters are within the clergy or church?
Do a summit on that.
As far as transgender, we do not have that experience that they do..yet there is no reason to attack and not find some compassion and empathy. If you did your reaseach..there have been documentaries on children being born and having both sexes and parents or Dr’s making the decision for them. Some ended up committing suicide because they didn’t feel right in their body.
Is it possible that there are a lot of humans having more hormones of the opposite sex running through them? Research.
Humans are very complex,multi dimensional and all spirit but lately it has come to light that so called, Christians, think they are the only ones on this planet that have a moral compass.
I get google and social media and tech industry…something out there wants to control us. Who are they? I do not feel they are “The Liberals”.
Thank you Kim. I too have found interest in Ty’s website and have been aligned with many ideas proposed, but I am lost on many of the personal comments he has presented here: “fat slob males dressed as females”, “epidemic sexual perversion,” the blindness to the fact that many of the families in this school district he refers to, have relatives who are being detained in holding camps for immigrants, and most of all…a denial that we have a climate crisis which, if not addressed as a crisis, rather than an environmental boon, will have disastrous effects for future generations.
Thank you Ty and Charlene for your courageous and ongoing battle to educate a trusting and mislead public about the greed, corruption and extreme overreach of of our medical institutions and the pharmaceutical industry. Shame upon the corrupt media giants who uphold and abet these criminals in their attacks on the constitutional and human rights of all of us. It is difficult for many people to believe how far these monsters will go in the name of greed, money and power. God bless you and keep up the good fight. We need your gift and courage!
I think your material about cancer is interesting and groundbreaking, but a lot of today’s material and very personal opinions isn’t necessary and has nothing to do with why I originally signed up for this newsletter. Kind of unprofessional to use your platform for some of your opinions here about sensitive subjects. I think it’s my cue to unsubscribe, unfortunately
I’m shocked by your negativity and derision of other people, particularly liberals. Your views on cancer are particularly liberal. I thought you were a family that believes in unity and love. A lot of hate coming out of you today. An apology and a review of your narrow minded, somewhat hateful opinions is in order. Very sad.
This post is exactly the same as the Bollingers’ criticism of Google, i.e. “to conform to a very specific set of socio political and economic agendas”.
My New Year’s resolution . . . Unsubscribe
I have been checking back every so often to see if my comment had been posted yet, and I see it now has. Thank you for your reply.
In reading through the other comments that have been posted since I last looked (there were none when I last checked), I see that you are taking some flack from quite a few people. I, for one, would like to thank you for taking a public stand on these issues, despite the fact that you must have realized there might be consequences, including financial repercussions. I will say I was kind of surprised at your forthrightness when I first read the article, knowing that it might be your “coming out,” so to speak about your beliefs.
I’m not sure what people thought your perspective might be, considering some of the things I have heard you write or say. I am saddened to read these angry or insulting comments, but it should not be surprising to anyone who has read Romans 1. It is fine for them to approve of any and every wacky thing people do, but for you to say something is wrong is not okay. Only their opinion/belief is justified and you are “WRONG” to say otherwise.
I feel very much on the outside of this culture and agonize as I watch the downward spiral. I think you are right … it is getting close to being the worst of 1984, combined with the the worst moral decline in history. And those who are willing to call evil what it is are accused of being hateful. “They” want us to smooth things over and say everything is okay – this craziness is normal, and in fact, it’s GOOD.
Thank you for taking a stand.
Thank you, Deanne. The beauty of this great country is that we may all speak our minds and share what we believe and what we stand for. Thank you for your comment <3