In a move that has sparked intense interest and anticipation, President Donald Trump announced the declassification of all remaining files related to the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The announcement came as he signed an executive order at the White House on Thursday, marking a significant moment for those who have sought transparency on these historic events for decades.
After an aide formally introduced the action as an order “ordering the declassification of files relating to the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and Dr. Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.,” President Trump remarked, “That’s a big one, huh? A lot of people are waiting for this for a long—for years, for decades.” The comment underscored the gravity of the moment and its significance to the public.
In a symbolic gesture, the president instructed his aide to present the pen used to sign the order to our good friend, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the son of the late Senator Robert F. Kennedy. RFK Jr., who has been nominated by Trump to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, accepted the pen as the legacy of his father—a former U.S. Attorney General, New York Senator, and 1968 Democratic presidential candidate—loomed large over the occasion.
The executive order tasks the director of national intelligence and the attorney general—both awaiting confirmation—to develop plans for releasing the files. Within 15 days, a strategy must be set to disclose the JFK files, with another 45 days allotted for unveiling documents related to RFK and MLK.
What will these long-hidden documents reveal? Oh, just the small detail that our own government was deeply involved in — if not outright responsible for — the assassinations of RFK, MLK, and JFK. Shocking? Hardly. We’ve been sounding the alarm on this for years! Back in 2012, we published Monumental Myths, a book that devotes entire chapters to debunking the laughable “official stories” surrounding the murders of Martin Luther King Jr. and John F. Kennedy. Naturally, we were dismissed as “crazy conspiracy theorists” by the establishment back then. But guess what? Those “conspiracies” are about to become facts as these documents finally see the light of day. Vindication tastes sweet, doesn’t it? So, to all the naysayers: take a seat, read the declassified documents, and grab a copy of our book. 🙂
Since we’ve already shared part of the chapter on Martin Luther King Jr., we thought it was only fitting to go ahead and release the chapter on the assassination of JFK as well.
The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy
(Excerpted from Monumental Myths)
President John F. Kennedy (“JFK”), the 35th President of the USA, was shot in Dallas by Lee Harvey Oswald, a Communist, anti-American, ex-military “lone nut.” The “kill shot” was from over 260 feet as Oswald was located on the 6th floor of the Texas school book depository building. Oswald used a rifle he obtained via mail-order using a false name. While in the custody of Dallas police, Oswald was shot two days later by Jack Ruby. Ruby eventually died in prison. Case closed.
There are so many anomalies involved with the assassination of JFK that I can’t possibly cover all of them. But I’ll cover enough to convince you that something smells fishy in Norway, as the saying goes. My good buddy, Liam Scheff, wrote an incredible book, Official Stories, in which he covered the assassination of JFK. His book was an inspiration for this chapter, and I’ll be quoting from it throughout. So, are you ready to take the red pill and stay in Wonderland? Ready to feel like a nut? Ready to go deep down the rabbit hole? I hope so, because we’re heading south … way south … like Antarctica … with the penguins!
Anomaly #1 – The Magic Bullet
To believe the monumental myth concerning JFK’s assassination by “lone nut” Oswald, one must believe that the laws of physics were somehow “suspended” for a couple of seconds on the afternoon of November 22, 1963. As Liam wrote, for a single bullet to achieve “what no piece of metal fired from a gun has ever achieved. Seven wounds in two people across shifting planes, through a back and neck, a ribcage, a wrist and into a thigh, at jumpy angles over most of 2 seconds, emerging unscathed – not smashed, bent or squashed due to impact, but only lightly scuffed and nearly pristine.”
Why does the government’s mythical story require a magic bullet? Let’s look at the facts. The Secret Service and the FBI reported that three cartridge cases were found at the scene. This information was given to the Warren Commission and it became their “ball and chain” because they were forced to work within those parameters (i.e. three bullets and three bullets only).
So let’s account for all three bullets, shall we?
One bullet hit JFK in the back. The best evidence of this exists in the form of his suit coat and shirt. One bullet hit JFK in the head. This evidence is found in the Zapruder film, and attested to by numbers of witnesses. One bullet hit Governor Connally, and one bullet missed, injuring James Tague. The Warren Commission admitted this fact of the missed shot.
This forced them into the “magic bullet” scenario that combines the back shot and the Connally hit. According to Arlen Spector, who came up with what is now known as the “magic bullet” theory, Oswald fired his gun in a right-to-left trajectory, and the bullet went through the back of JFK’s neck, exited the front of his neck, turned right to enter into Governor Connolly of Texas, who was sitting in the front seat. The bullet entered right behind his armpit, then changed angles, crushing a rib, exiting the front of his chest, then changed angles again, moved upward and then angled down, going through his wrist, changed angles again, and eventually lodged in his thigh. Seven wounds … one bullet. Eventually, like most bullets do (sarcasm intended), it plopped out of his leg and deposited itself on a gurney next to the governor, where it was later found by an employee at Parkland Memorial Hospital. Oh yes, it was in pristine condition.
Seriously? They want us to believe that? Hey, I know what happened! A miniature leprechaun leapt out of the gurney and transformed the bullet back into perfect condition. Yeah, that’s what happened! It was … a leprechaun! That’s the ticket! Oh, by the way, for his “magic bullet” balderdash theory, Arlen Spector was made Senator, practically for life. A non-zombie, thinking person knows that there were at least four bullets fired. We all know the precise timing of the shots by means of the Zapruder film. We all know that the indisputable “fourth” bullet means at least one more gunman. Two (or more) gunmen mean a conspiracy. This is the pin that bursts the balloon of the mainstream media’s monumental myth that Oswald was a “lone wolf nut.” From here on out the discussion is purely academic, relatively trivial, and mostly contrived. The official story is all done with “Four bullets, Two gunmen.” Game Over! But I’ll continue just to humor you…
Anomaly #2 – Secret Service Behavior
JFK’s motorcade was scheduled to head straight down Main Street. It wasn’t supposed to turn right on Houston and then left on Elm, slowing down to around 10 miles per hour, with the bullet-proof bubble top removed, under open windows. Isn’t it the sole responsibility of the Secret Service to protect the President, to evaluate the landscape and identify potential risks, and to keep the motorcade away from dead-ends and potential areas of triangulated fire?
Where were the Secret Service agents? Do a web search for “secret service stand down” and you’ll find dozens of videos in which you can watch Secret Service agents Clint Hill and John Ready (who were jogging alongside JFK’s limo) being waved off by Special Agent In Charge Emory Roberts. You can see them argue with him as they appear flabbergasted at the order to leave JFK with no bodyguard while riding in an open car. Their body language screams, “What? You want us to do WHAT?” They shrug their shoulders then follow orders.
Is this the kind of conduct you would expect from an agency that routinely sends an advance team to a city a month (or more) prior to the President’s arrival in order to make preparations? The assassination of JFK would have been very difficult if those agents had been flanking the limo, which they always did. This is stunning in itself, but is only one of more than fifteen indications that the Secret Service set up JFK for the hit, which include that two agents were left behind at Love Field, that the vehicles were in the wrong order, that the 112th Military Intelligence Unit was ordered to “stand down” rather than provide protection throughout the city, and that the motorcycle escort was reduced to four, who were instructed not to ride forward the rear wheels. Open windows were not covered and the crowd was allowed to spill out into the street – totally violating protocol. Surprised? I’m not. I mean, didn’t the Praetorian Guard pull away from Caesar and allow the mob to remove him from his throne?
And after all, the purpose was to get rid of JFK. And they did. Less than a minute later, JFK’s brains were splattered all over the limo. After the assassination, Secret Service Agent Roy Kellerman essentially had to steal JFK’s body from Parkland Memorial Hospital to prevent the coroner, Dr. Earl Rose, from performing an autopsy (an honest autopsy) as required under Texas law. There was a loud, ugly altercation between Dr. Rose and Kellerman at Parkland, and the Secret Service agents eventually had to show their weapons in order to snatch JFK’s body away from the hospital. Why would they not want an autopsy by the Dallas medical examiner? Let’s examine that question in the next section.
If you get the chance, read the work of Vincent Palamara. He has interviewed many of the JFK Secret Service men and reveals many details unknown before.
Anomaly #3 – The Post Mortem
From where did the fatal shot come? What exactly happened on that historic Friday in 1963? What did the autopsy conclude? Let’s examine a few quotes from people who were at Parkland Memorial Hospital and who saw JFK’s body up close and personal.
According to Dr. Charles Crenshaw, surgeon at Parkland Hospital: “The head wound was difficult to see when he was laying on the back of his head. However, afterwards when they moved his face towards the left, one could see the large, right rear parietal, occipital, blasted out hole, the size of my fist, which is 2½ inches in diameter. The brain, cerebral portion had been blurred out and also there was the cerebellum hanging out from that wound. It was clearly an exit wound from the right rear, behind the ear. A right occipital area hole, the size of my fist.”
Doris Nelson, emergency room nurse at Parkland Hospital, stated: “We wrapped him up …. and I saw his whole head … There was no hair back there … It was blown away. Some of his head was blown away and his brains were fallen down on the stretcher.” Then we have Dr. Kemp Clark, neurosurgeon, who stated: “I was called because the President had sustained a brain injury. It was apparent the President had sustained a lethal wound. A missile had gone in and out of the back of his head, causing extensive lacerations and loss of brain tissue. Shortly after I arrived, the President’s heart stopped. We attempted resuscitation, initiating closed chest heart massage, but to no avail. We were able to obtain a palpable pulse by this method but again to no avail. President Kennedy died on the emergency table after 20 minutes.”
There are more. Dozens more. People that have two things in common. 1) They all saw JFK after he was shot, and 2) they all testified that there was a huge wound at the back of JFK’s head. Not the front. At the back.
So where did the fatal shot come from? While one straightforward official investigation (like the 1963 Warren Commission) should have settled this matter, but in this case it didn’t. On a side note, in the words of Liam Scheff, “Who did the Warren Commission appoint to investigate all intelligence leads and witnesses for the official story? Our friend from the Central American Banana Wars, the United Fruit Company, lawyer for Bush family interests in Germany, kingpin of coup d’états, former head of the CIA and proud member of the don’t-worry-about-that-swastika-school-of-international-banking – the man you know as: Allen Welsh Dulles. Go figure. Fired from the CIA to investigate the murder of the guy who fired him. I guess they really wanted to get away with it.”
There were three additional, publicized probes: those of the so-called “Clark Panel” in 1968, the Rockefeller Commission in 1975, and the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) in 1978. And there was also another one conducted without public disclosure in 1966 and 1967 by the US Justice Department. Yet despite repeated investigations, there still remain glaring gaps in the “evidence.” For example, all five groups of investigators failed to question at least one key medical witness, the President’s personal physician, Admiral George Burkley. The admiral was the only physician who was intimately involved with both JFK’s emergency care in Dallas and with his autopsy at the Naval Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland. Yet he was not asked to testify by any of the investigators. The ironic tragedy of this omission is that Burkley had repeatedly said he believed there had been a conspiracy. But they didn’t want anyone even insinuating the “C” word. No, a lone nut did it. That’s what they told us. That’s what we were supposed to believe. “Don’t think about it. Don’t investigate it. Just shut up and repeat the official story. Don’t worry about the anomalies and glaring inconsistencies.”
Among the glaring issues that cry out for explanation is the multiple delivery of JFK’s body to the Bethesda morgue on the evening of the assassination. After JFK was declared dead at Parkland Hospital in Dallas, his body was wrapped in sheets and placed into an extremely expensive, heavy, ornate casket. The casket was taken from Parkland and delivered to Dallas Love Field, where it was placed into the back of Air Force One, the plane in which the new president, Lyndon Johnson, was traveling. A few hours later, the plane landed at Andrews Air Force Base outside Washington, D.C. The casket was removed from the plane and placed into an automobile (carrying Jackie Kennedy) which slowly made its way to Bethesda Naval Hospital where JFK’s casket was officially carried into the morgue at 8:00 PM
There was one big problem. Something Jackie didn’t know. The casket did not contain JFK’s body. Unbeknownst to her, his body had secretly been removed from the Parkland casket and placed into a body bag and a cheap shipping casket which (with JFK’s body inside it) was secretly placed into a black hearse containing a team of men in suits. They transported the casket to the back of the Bethesda Naval Hospital, where the morgue was located. A waiting team of soldiers carried the cheap shipping casket into the morgue at 6:35 PM, even while Jackie was still slowly traveling from Andrews Air Force Base to the Bethesda facilities under the erroneous assumption that JFK’s body was inside the casket that was in the back of her car.
How do we know this happened? Because it was witnessed by several Navy and Marine enlisted men who were there and saw it happen. Moreover, their eyewitness accounts are supported by two documents that were discovered in the 1990s by the Assassination Records Review Board, the agency that had been created in the wake of the storm over government secrecy in the JFK assassination produced by Oliver Stone’s 1991 movie JFK.
According to his incredibly documented article “The Ongoing Kennedy Casket Mystery,” Jacob G. Hornberger explains, “The first document was a written report of the funeral home that handled the embalming of the president’s body. It contained the following notation: ‘Body removed from metal shipping casket at NSHN at Bethesda.’ The second document was an official military report filed four days after the assassination by Marine Sgt. Roger Boyajian, which stated in part: ‘The detail arrived at the hospital at approximately 1800 [6:00 PM] and after reporting as ordered several members of the detail were posted at entrances to prevent unauthorized persons from entering the prescribed area…. At approximately 18:35 [6:35 PM] the casket was received at the morgue entrance and taken inside.’ “
What about the photos? Here’s where the rabbit hole gets deep. The autopsy photos show that the back of JFK’s head was virtually without a blemish, except for a small red spot near the top of the back of the head, with a large wound at the front. However, the autopsy photos were inconsistent to photos taken at Parkland Memorial Hospital, where doctors had testified that JFK’s gaping skull wound was not in front, but in the back. So what happened?
The preponderance of the evidence renders a nearly unavoidable conclusion: that sometime between Dallas and Andrews Air Force Base, unidentified US government agents secretly removed JFK’s body from the expensive, elaborate casket into which it had been placed at Parkland and then secretly delivered it in a cheap shipping casket to the Bethesda morgue at 6:35 PM How did the “wound to back of the head” disappear and morph into a “wound to the front”? Did someone altar the corpse of JFK prior to the autopsy?
In the previous section, I posed the question, “Why would they not want an autopsy by the Dallas medical examiner?” Are you getting the picture? What was the purpose of the secret, early delivery of JFK’s body to the Bethesda morgue? Why was the entire episode kept secret?
Think. Be logical – not emotional. There is only one conclusion. They needed to change JFK’s wounds prior to the start of the official autopsy to hide evidence of shots having been fired from the front. They needed to cover up the huge hole in the back of JFK’s head and clean up all the brains. Because a large hole at the back of the head indicates a shot from the front, which then would have ruined the official “lone nut” Oswald story.
Don’t forget, after all, that the team of doctors that treated JFK at Parkland held a press conference immediately after the president had been declared dead, at which they announced that the hole in the front of Kennedy’s neck was an entry wound. Don’t forget also that several witnesses verified that there was a big hole in the back of JKF’s head that denoted an exit wound, indicating that he was shot from the front. It is undisputed that Oswald was situated behind JFK and, therefore, could not have fired any shots from the front.
You see, now it starts to make sense that the team of Secret Service agents at Parkland Hospital (led by Roy Kellerman) brandished guns and threatened to use force to prevent Dr. Earl Rose (the Parkland coroner) from conducting the autopsy, as Texas law required.
It would also explain the need to place the autopsy under the control of the military, which could be relied upon to follow orders, do their duty, and keep the entire episode top secret.
Anomaly #4 – The Christchurch STAR
I used to live in New Zealand. I never could get used to the fact that the time in the USA was approximately 18 hours behind the time in New Zealand (depending upon the particular time zone). I frequently had problems converting the time, especially when I was trying to watch the Super Bowl (in the middle of the night).
Apparently, the “powers that be” also have problems with time zone conversions. You see, JFK was hit at 12:30 PM on Nov 22nd, Dallas time, which was 6:30 AM November 23rd in Christchurch, New Zealand. The Christchurch STAR reported JFK’s assassination in the Saturday edition. It is evident that much of the “news” items about the assassination that appeared in that issue of the STAR, had to have been written before the shooting took place. The paper had to have been printed before Oswald had been arraigned for the crime of killing JFK.
Keep in mind that Oswald, although picked up by the police on suspicion for the murder of a Dallas Patrolman (J.D. Tippet) only 35 minutes after Kennedy was shot, was not arraigned for the assassination of JFK until 11:26 PM on November 22nd, which was 6:26 PM on November 23rd in Christchurch. It was typical for the STAR to be “on the streets” between 1 PM and 2 PM each afternoon, which was between 7 PM and 8 PM on November 22nd in Dallas. Here’s the kicker. The Christchurch STAR printed an article stating that Oswald was arrested under suspicion of shooting JFK … before he was charged! On the following page is the actual photo from the 11/23/1963 Christchurch STAR. I have enlarged the caption to make it easier to read.
Are you getting the picture? Do the math. A newspaper on the streets between 1 and 2 PM on the 23rd, in Christchurch, had to have been printed and on the streets at least 4 to 5 hours before Oswald had been arraigned for JFK’s murder.
Amazingly, this early afternoon newspaper, published in New Zealand, contained many columns of Lee Harvey Oswald’s biography that must have been assembled, written, and transmitted around the world many hours before Oswald had been arraigned. Other papers were given the same material about Oswald. They printed it too. Keep in mind that Oswald was picked up by the police as a suspect in the crime of killing a Dallas policeman and not for killing JFK! As a matter of fact, Oswald didn’t even know what he had been charged with, and once he found out he was charged with murdering JFK, he uttered his infamous words: “I’m just a patsy.” He claimed that he hadn’t even been at the window when the President was shot. He was sitting floors below, eating his lunch. And, for the record, his supervisor agreed with him.
Back to the Christchurch STAR story. In the lower left‐hand corner of the front page there is a story under the heading, “Arrested Man Lived in Russia.” At that time the STAR, and other papers around the world, also published a fine studio photo of Oswald. There is no way that the newspapers could have run that select photo unless it had been provided to them before the murder and his arraignment. There were not picture quality scanning machines in 1963! There was no email, thus images could not be transmitted electronically. Plus, Oswald, who had yet to be charged, was wearing street clothes that day, not a suit coat and tie. There can be no question but what this “Oswald biography” that was flashed around the world even before he was charged with the crime was a preplanned part of the monumental myth.
Anomaly #5 – The Weapon
Early reports from newsmen and authorities on November 22, 1963 indicated that the weapon allegedly used to assassinate JFK was a 7.65 German Mauser bolt action rifle. The rifle had been found by Dallas police on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository, a building which overlooked the Presidential motorcade at the time of the assassination. The man who found the gun, Deputy Eugene Boone, signed a sworn affidavit claiming the weapon in question had been identified as a Mauser. So did Deputy Constable Seymour Weitzman. Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig, who was present when the rifle was found, even claims to have seen “7.65 Mauser” written stamped on the murder weapon. Dallas District Attorney Henry Wade passed on this bit of information to the press with a moderate degree of certainty, and various news anchors such as Walter Cronkite presented the Mauser claim as fact to the American public. Why not a 7.63 Mauser? Why not a 7.90 Mauser? Why? Because they found a 7.65 Mauser. That’s what they saw. The truth is the truth.
Not widely reported in the annuals of the Mauser controversy is the Warren Commission testimony of Malcolm Price. On October 26, 1963 Price was at the Sports Drome Rifle Range in the next booth over from Lee Oswald and took note of the rifle he was using. He reportedly talked to Oswald about the rifle and was allowed to handle it. He identified the weapon as a German Mauser with a Tascosa brand scope. Anyway, back to November 22, 1963. Within a matter of hours, these initial reports about the 7.65 Mauser were “corrected” and news-hungry Americans were informed that the alleged murder weapon was actually a 6.5 Italian Mannlicher Carcano bolt action rifle with a leather strap and telescopic sight. So when did the switcheroo take place? Your guess is as good as mine. In the end, the rifle was traced to the post office box of A.J. Hidell, an alias used by Oswald.
How could three police officers, all experienced with firearms and the identification of weapons, miss pinpointing this important piece of evidence? And why would Oswald use a Mannlicher Carcano, since in Texas he could have bought a superior rifle for cash without a paper trail? Can you grasp the sheer stupidity of it all? In the Texas of 1963 Oswald could have bought a rifle across the counter with few if any questions asked. He could have done so and risked only a future debatable identification by some gun shop worker. Instead, we are told, Oswald ordered the murder weapon by using the alias “A. Hidell,” gave his own post office box number, committed his handwriting to paper, and then went out to assassinate the President of the United States with this same “Hidell”-purchased rifle and while carrying a “Hidell” ID card in his wallet! Oh yes, I almost forgot, the Dallas police said nothing about the fake ID card until the FBI later announced that the alleged murder weapon had been ordered by an “A. Hidell.” Can anybody say, “Patsy”?
Seriously folks. The Mannlicher Carcano is not exactly the gun that an ex-Marine would use if he were planning to kill the President from almost the length of a football field. It’s a lousy gun because it’s so inaccurate. It’s a carbine, for Pete’s sake! A carbine is a short barreled rifle that originated many years ago for use with cavalry. Very inaccurate. So, if he did it, he must have been the first sniper to use a carbine, because no real sniper uses that type of rifle. And the actual gun supposedly used to kill JFK had a misaligned scope, which would have made it even more difficult to make the kill shot, especially for Oswald, who was not a very good shot, according to his military peers. Add the fact that it is nigh impossible to take 3 shots in 5.6 seconds with a manual bolt-action rifle like the Mannlicher Carcano. Since the shooting, which was over 40 years ago, numerous attempts have been made to duplicate this amazing feat, to no avail. Not one FBI sharpshooter, military or private citizen, or marksman has been able to reproduce the alleged shots by Oswald. Not even with a superior rifle and immobile object, much less with a bad scope and a moving target.
Interestingly, there was no gun powder residue on Oswald’s hands when he was arrested. Odd, in light of the fact that he allegedly took several shots from that infamous 6th floor window. In addition, after his arrest, according to Dallas police testimony, there we no fingerprints on the rifle. None. Miraculously, after Oswald was shot and killed, the rifle somehow developed his palm print on the gun barrel. Very odd. Strange. Almost sounds like something that would be accomplished by placing someone’s hand on it in the morgue. Incidentally, Paul Groody (director of the funeral home that buried Oswald) told investigative reporter Jim Marrs that the FBI showed up with the gun and pressed Oswald’s dead palm to the rifle. In his own words, “I had a heck of a time getting the black fingerprint ink off of Oswald’s hands.”
Back to the law enforcement officers that found the rifle. Eventually, officers Boone and Wetizman recanted their stories of finding a Mauser. How could this be? Here are men that had given numerous reports and testimony under oath, that the rifle they had discovered was a Mauser carbine. A weapon that Craig said Weitzman had examined up close. Did somebody get to these men? Sounds like it to me. Importantly, it should be pointed out that no signed or sworn affidavit by any police officer (involved in the finding of the rifle) listed it as a Mannlicher Carcano. All sworn affidavits listed a Mauser.
However, Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig never would recant. Some people insist he was a liar, others claim he was an American hero. Either way, he went to his grave insisting that the gun found that day on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository was unquestionably a 7.65 German Mauser. And the sad series of occurrences which led Mr. Craig to that grave is perhaps one of the most heartbreaking footnotes to the Kennedy Assassination tragedy. Craig’s refusal to change his story about the Mauser, like all the other officers had done, caused him to be ostracized by his peers. He was fired from the Dallas Police Department in 1967, apparently for discussing sensitive information with a journalist. Roger Craig never found steady work again, he lost his wife, and then began suffering a series of bizarre accidents. He was shot at, driven off the side of the road, and at one point his car engine mysteriously exploded. The injuries induced by these incidents left Mr. Craig in almost constant physical pain. In 1975, Roger Craig took his own life.
Anomaly #6 – The Body Count
The problem with a crime as big as the assassination of JFK in broad daylight in downtown Dallas was that there were countless witnesses, investigators, reporters, Secret Service agents, etc. Hundreds. So they should all corroborate the government’s story, if that’s actually what went down, right?
Oddly enough, since that auspicious day in 1963, there have been over one thousand murders, suicides, and mysterious deaths of the people who were either eyewitnesses or otherwise involved with the investigation of the JFK assassination. Quite honestly, investigations were thwarted by the number of material witnesses who died in the first few years after the assassination and in periods of renewed interest in the case during the 1970s. Many key people died at strategically significant moments.
Here are a few of the more “attention-grabbing” cases, many of them gleaned from Carl Oglesby’s paper entitled “Who Killed JFK”:
- Jack Ruby died of cancer. He was taken into the hospital with Pneumonia. Twenty eight days later, he was dead from cancer.
- David Ferrie, a militant anti-Castroite and associate of Oswald, died of an apparent brain embolism in February 1967. He was just about to be arraigned for conspiracy in the JFK assassination by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison, whose investigation convinced him that the CIA was involved. He supposedly left two suicide notes.
- Eladio Del Valle, a friend and political comrade of David Ferrie’s, was shot at close range the day after Ferrie’s death. Jim Garrison had been trying to find Del Valle for questioning.
- Mary Stults Sherman was found stabbed and burned in her apartment in New Orleans. Dr. Sherman had been working on a cancer experiment with David Ferrie.
- Albert Guy Bogard, an automobile salesman who worked for Downtown (Dallas) Lincoln Mercury, showed a new Mercury to a man using the name “Lee Oswald.” Shortly after Bogard gave his testimony to a Commission attorney in Dallas, he was badly beaten and had to be hospitalized. Upon his release, he was fearful for his safety. He was found dead in his car at the Hallsville (Louisiana) Cemetery on St. Valentine’s Day in 1966. A rubber hose was attached to the exhaust and the other end extending into the car. The ruling was suicide. He was just 41 years old.
- Gary Underhill, a CIA agent who claimed the CIA was involved in the JFK assassination, died of a gunshot to the head in May 1964. His death was ruled a “suicide.”
- Guy Banister, a former FBl agent and acquaintance of Oswald, died of an apparent heart attack in June 1964. Files containing information on his anti-Castro activities were missing by the time authorities reached his office.
- Mary Meyer, a mistress of JFK during the White House years and the estranged wife of CIA veteran Cord Meyer, was murdered in October 1964 in a park in Washington, DC. Cord Meyer was a fishing companion of CIA counter-intelligence chief, James Jesus Angleton, who seized Meyer’s diary after her death.
- D. Jackson, senior vice president of Life magazine, died of unknown causes in September 1964. Jackson arranged for Life to buy the Zapruder film soon after the Dealey Plaza shooting and then locked it away. (The film was not widely seen by the public until it was shown on ABC’s Goodnight America in 1975.)
- Rose Cheramie, a prostitute and strip dancer in Jack Ruby’s Dallas nightclub, died in a Texas hit-and-run accident in September 1965. Two days before the assassination, she told police in Louisiana she overheard two men plotting to kill JFK.
- Delilah Wallewas a worker at Jack Ruby’s strip club. She was married only 24 days when her new husband shot her. She had been working on a book of what she supposedly knew about the assassination.
- Jack Zangetty, the manager of a modular motel complex near Lake Lugert, Oklahoma, remarked to some friends (on the day after JFK was killed) that “three other men – not Oswald – killed the President.” He also stated that “A man named Ruby will kill Oswald tomorrow and in a few days a member of the Frank Sinatra family will be kidnapped just to take some of the attention away from the assassination.” Two weeks later, Jack Zangetty was found floating in Lake Lugert with bullet holes in his chest.
- Dorothy Kilgallen, a prominent columnist and TV personality, was ruled a suicide by drug overdose in November 1965. She had just completed a lengthy interview of Ruby in prison and told friends privately that she was about to “break” the JFK case.
- Hale Boggs, House majority leader and a member of the Warren Commission, was killed in a plane crash in Alaska in 1972. He had begun to express public doubts about the Warren Commission’s findings.
- A. Milteer, the far-right Miami activist, died when his heater exploded in February 1974. He predicted an attempt on JFK’s life and the capture of a scapegoat shortly before events in Dealey Plaza – and a man looking a lot like him was picked up by the police that November afternoon.
- George de Mohrenschildt, who befriended Oswald in Dallas, was found dead of a gunshot wound, deemed self-inflicted, in March 1977. Two hours before his death, an investigator for the House Assassinations Committee came to interview him about the JFK case, but de Mohrenschildt was not at home. In a manuscript found afterwards, de Mohrenschildt supported Oswald’s view of himself as “a patsy.”
- Charles Nicoletti, also on the House Committee’s witness list, was shot three times in the back of the neck in the parking lot of a suburban Chicago shopping center in March 1977, less than 48 hours after de Mohrenschildt’s death. Nicoletti was said to have been a “handler” (that is, supervisor) of Mafia assassins in the ClA-Mafia plots.
- Carlos Prio Socarras, a president of pre-revolutionary Cuba, was found dying of a pistol shot in April 1977, just six days after Nicoletti was gunned down. His death was ruled a suicide. He, too, was on the House Committee’s witness list because of his alleged links to Jack Ruby and anti-Castro Cuban militants.
- Lieutenant Commander William Bruce Pitzer was the technician who filmed the JFK autopsy. He died in October 1966. It was ruled a “suicide” despite the fact that he was shot in the right temple and was left-handed.
- Lou Staples, a radio announcer who was doing a good many of his radio shows on the JFK assassination, lost his life May 13, 1977 near Yukon, Oklahoma. He had been having radio shows on the assassination since 1973 and the response to his programs was overwhelming. Lou’s death was termed “suicide,” but the bullet ending his life entered behind his right temple and Lou was left handed.
- Roger Dean Craigdied of a massive gunshot wound to the chest. Supposedly, it was his second try at suicide and a success. Craig was a witness to the slaughter of JFK and testified at the Jim Garrison trial. Only Craig’s story was different from the one the police told. Dallas Police Department’s “1961 Man of the Year,” Craig lost his job because he would not change his story of the assassination. Craig wrote two manuscripts of what he witnessed: “When They Kill A President” and “The Patient Is Dying.” Craig’s father was out mowing the lawn when Craig supposedly shot himself.
- Sam Giancana, mafia boss of Chicago, was shot to death in the basement of his home while in the Federal Witness Protection Program in June 1975. At the time of his murder, Giancana was scheduled to testify to the Senate Intelligence Committee on the CIA’s alliance with the mafia in an attempt to kill Castro.
Anomaly #7 – Oswald’s Associates
Lee Harvey Oswald was undoubtedly an ex-Marine, possibly a “nut,” but he was definitely not “alone.” Oswald worked in Guy Banister’s office at the heart of the “intelligence community” (CIA, FBI, Secret Service, Navy) in New Orleans. Banister was a former FBI agent who “ran guns” to Cuba and hated Castro. He also hated JFK. Also working at Banister’s office were David Ferrie and Clay Shaw. Ferrie was a bizarre, nervous, nasty, anti-Castro mercenary and gunrunner, skilled pilot and known deviant pedophile. Clay Shaw was a wealthy, powerful homosexual businessman who ran the International Trade Mart. Shaw also had CIA connections and was a known CIA “handler.”
Oswald was one of Shaw and Ferrie’s operatives. In 1963, prior to the assassination of JFK, Oswald was seen handing out pro-communist literature. However, the address on the pamphlet was 544 Camp Street, which was one of two doors on intersecting streets that led to the same corner office. The address of the other door that led to the same office was 531 Lafayette Street. Interestingly, the office to which both doors (with different addresses) led was the office of anti-communist, Guy Banister. David Ferrie, that peculiar pervert pedophile, initially met Oswald when he was only fifteen. Ferrie also knew Barry Seal, whom I talked about in the “war on drugs” chapter. Both Seal and Oswald trained under Ferrie in a civilian branch of the military, called the Civil Air Patrol.
Another interesting associate of Oswald was Jack Ruby, the man who killed him. That’s right, Jack Ruby knew Oswald, Ferrie, Shaw, and Bannister. As a matter of fact, Oswald and Ruby were quite frequently seen in New Orleans night clubs. But that’s not the only place Ruby and Oswald were seen together. You see, Ruby owned the Carousel Club, which was a strip bar in Dallas, and was also a well-known figure in the Dallas underworld. Jada Conforto, a stripper at the Carousel Club, told friends about the Ruby-Oswald connection on the night JFK was killed. She was killed in a motorcycle accident before she could testify for the Warren Commission. According to an article in the Dallas Times Herald (May 22, 1975), Kathy Kay, also a stripper at the Carousel Club, danced with Oswald a few nights before the assassination at the club. Sharri Angel confirmed Kathy Kay’s account, adding that Ruby told Kay to do the “bump and grind” while dancing with Oswald to embarrass him.
Sharri Angel’s husband was Wally Weston, the master of ceremonies at the Carousel Club until five days before the assassination. Weston recalled hitting Oswald at the Carousel for saying he thought Weston was a communist. According to Jim Marrs’ excellent book, Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy, Weston mentioned this incident to Ruby when Ruby was in jail. Weston also related an incident that occurred on his last night at the Carousel Club, November 17, 1963. Ruby introduced him (but not by name) to “some friends from Chicago.” Weston left the club and tried to get back in, but he was told to stay outside. Inside, according to one of the attendees, Myron Thomas Billet (aka Paul Bucilli), were Jack Ruby, Lee Harvey Oswald, Sam Giancana, John Roselli, an FBI agent, and Billet. The discussion was about a hit on JFK. Giancana and Billet left, not wishing to take part.
Well, as you know, JFK was killed five days later on November 22, 1963. Then, on November 24th, Ruby managed to stroll into Dallas police headquarters with a loaded gun. Amidst dozens of cops and reporters, he fatally shot Oswald in the stomach. According to Liam Scheff, in Official Stories, “All of this was filmed and broadcast live on national television. Which is an effective way to send a message to the American public. ‘The man who shot the President is dead – and you all saw it.’ “
Before his death in prison, Jack Ruby went on record. He said (and I quote): “Everything pertaining to what’s happening has never come to the surface. The world will never know the true facts of what occurred – my motives. The people that had so much to gain and had such an ulterior motive for putting me in the position I’m in, will never let the true facts come above board to the world.”
Anomaly #8 – Bush?
Despite his protestations to the contrary, a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit memo unearthed in 1977-78 proves that former President George H. W. Bush was a member of the CIA and the recipient of a full briefing on the day after the assassination of JFK. According to CIA agent Frank Sturgis (victim of a covered-up poisoning death in October 1992 prior to the Bush-Clinton November election), FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover wrote the memo referring to the Bush briefing and on the night before JFK arrived in Dallas, Hoover met with Bush, Richard Nixon, and others at the Dallas ranch of Texas oil baron and Dallas Cowboys owner Colin J. “Clint” Murchison, Jr.
I’m sure you’ve seen the movie “Mission Impossible” with Tom Cruise. His character, Ethan Hunt, was based upon the real life Bay of Pigs-Watergate-Nixon administration CIA agent named E. Howard Hunt, a major lieutenant in the CIA’s “anti-Castro Cuban” program. According to his deathbed confession to his son, Saint John Hunt, he was in Dallas and involved in the assassination. Seriously. Just do a search for “E Howard Hunt deathbed confession” and you will be able to listen to Hunt’s voice as he tells his son how they “dunnit.” As a matter of fact, the April 5, 2007 issue of Rolling Stone featured Hunt’s deathbed confession as recorded by Saint John.
In his book, Bond of Secrecy, Saint John states, “According to my father, LBJ and it seems just about everyone else in the military industrial complex viewed Kennedy as a threat and wanted him out of the way. LBJ, knowing that if Kennedy served another term would place him completely out of the presidential throne, was open to suggestions and agreed to control the investigation and cover up in return for his chance at the oval office. J. Edgar Hoover and the Kennedys had been virtually at war, with Hoover having the edge and aligning himself with Johnson. It is known that just prior to the assassination, LBJ and Hoover held a secret meeting witnessed by LBJ’s mistress, Madeline Brown. Brown also has gone on record as being present when LBJ said in a moment of anger, that he was ‘taking care’ of Kennedy. Billy Sol Estes, close friend of LBJ, confided in his attorney Douglas Caddy that LBJ had told him he was part of the move to kill Kennedy.”
So … Hunt admitted that he was directly involved in the murder of JFK, and Bush supervised Hunt. But Bush probably supervised a lot of CIA agents, not all of whom were directly involved in the assassination. A high-ranking officer may be connected to all of the acts of all of his troops, by reason of his being their commander. But it’s not a direct connection. It doesn’t establish that the officer knew about, or approved of, or was involved in, all the actions of those troops.
Let’s continue. Until recently, Bush still claimed that he “can’t remember” where he was the day JFK was shot. Really? The mere claim itself is extraordinarily incriminating. Everyone who was alive can remember where they were on 9/11. And everyone who was alive in 1963 can tell you exactly where they were when they heard about JFK. Except Bush. Until recently. More on that in a moment. For now, check out the following page, where I have included the US government memo dated 11/22/63 with the subject line “Assassination of President John F. Kennedy.” You’ll notice that it records Bush’s phone call to the FBI at 1:45 PM from Tyler, Texas. This seems odd, doesn’t it? Bush couldn’t remember where he was when he made this phone call? Seriously? Walter Cronkite made the announcement that JFK was dead at 1:38 PM and then Bush makes a phone call only seven minutes later, but he doesn’t remember where he was? Even though the memo says Tyler, Texas. Huh?
James Fetzer wrote an article entitled, “Was George H.W. Bush Involved in the Assassination of JFK?” In the article, Fetzer asserts, “It only makes sense that Bush was staying at the Dallas Sheraton because his duty assignment was in Dallas. His phone call to the FBI cannot have been random. This James Parrott worked for Bush as a sign-painter; he was not an assassin; this phone call is not what it purports to be; Bush was fulfilling some obscure under-cover function in making this call. So the phone call has to be seen as part of his CIA assignment; which was clearly connected to the assassination. This memo then establishes that Bush was in the Dallas area, and on duty; and that his duty assignment was connected to the assassination. And if his men were in Dallas shooting the President, as they were, he was certainly on duty supervising them. If he were not supposed to be supervising them, his bosses would have assigned him to be at his home office in Houston, Texas; or on his oil rigs in the Caribbean.”
Fetzer continues, “But, even in context, this memo and the phone call it describes is still weird, no? I mean, how could Bush have been so stupid as to make this insanely incriminating phone call? Without this FBI memo, recording this phone call, we don’t know, or even have a good clue as to where Bush was, or what he was doing the day of the assassination. Do we? Bush has, until recently, simply said that he did not remember what he was doing the day of the assassination. But with this memo, Bush tells us where he was and what he was doing — he hands us his head on a silver platter. What could possibly have motivated him to make such a stupid error as making this phone call to the FBI? It’s a valid question. It’s not an essential question. We can still value this memo, and extract a great deal of important content from it without answering the question of why, but the question remains. And we can make a stab at answering it. Russ Baker in his fine book, Family of Secrets, suggests that Bush was attempting to establish an alibi. Now, by making this phone call, he, in fact, establishes that he was in the Dallas area, and that he was on duty, related to the assassination. So if he’s trying to establish an alibi to cover-up where he actually was and what he was actually doing, what he is trying to cover up must be some pretty bad stuff, some pretty incriminating stuff, if it’s worse than what he gives us with this alibi. And what could be worse than what he gives us? Well, obviously, he must have actually been in Dallas. In fact, I think, this situation suggests he must have actually been in Dealey Plaza. I mean seriously. Think about it. He’s so panicked about the truth coming out, that he puts his head in a noose and hands it to us. It makes me think he must have been in Dealey Plaza, he must have been in the company of the shooters, and he must have felt that there would be evidence to prove that.”
Looks like an alibi to me. But, hey, I’m not a rocket scientist. Of course, this is just speculation, but it makes sense, doesn’t it? If a guilty party is in a panic, trying to cover evidence connecting them to a crime, they may invent an explanation (alibi) that seems like a good idea at the time, but in reality creates a very damaging admission.
Then we have the bizarre Bush behavior at the funeral of President Gerald Ford, where Bush looks gleeful and laughs when he mentions the murder of JFK. Seriously. Do a search for “Bush Laughs at JFK Shooting” and you can watch it for yourself. In the YouTube video, you see Bush state, “… after a deluded gunman assassinated President Kennedy,” and then he chuckles. I’m not sure what’s funny about JFK’s brains splattering all over the car. But apparently Bush thinks something is funny about the “deluded gunman” theory. Does he know something?
Back to the “I can’t remember where I was.” Until recently, Bush had nothing more to say about his whereabouts the day of the assassination than that he didn’t remember where he was. However, now Bush has apparently concocted the story that he was speaking at the Tyler Rotary Club. I guess it took Bush almost 40 years to remember where he was on that day. Do you believe that? I don’t. He didn’t even include this in his autobiography. Sure sounds made up to me. Hey, maybe he was hanging out with the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus at the North Pole. Yeah, that’s it. That’s the ticket!
Bush was eventually made head of the CIA. According to John Hankey, who produced the documentary, JFK 2 – The Bush Connection: “George Herbert Walker Bush helped to supervise the assassination of President Kennedy, and from that point on, his political future was made – he was a ‘made man.’ He lost the race for Senate; they gave him a seat in Congress. He lost again for Senate; they have him a job in the White House. He lost the primaries to Reagan; they made him Vice President and he ruled while Reagan napped for 8 years.”
Who says the wicked never prosper?
Anomaly #9 – The Lady in Red
Jean Hill, a Dallas schoolteacher, was an eyewitness to history. To JFK assassination buffs, she is known as “the lady in red” because of the red raincoat she was wearing on November 22, 1963. She was not the anomaly, but what she said she saw was definitely incongruous to the official story of the assassination.
Standing less than 10 feet from JFK’s passing limousine, Jean Hill and her friend, Mary Moorman, were taking Polaroid pictures of the motorcade, when Hill saw the shadowy figure of a man fire at President Kennedy from behind the picket fence, atop what is now commonly referred to as the “grassy knoll.” She watched the President have his brains blown out, backward, onto the trunk of the car. Only seconds later, she also saw a man running from the direction of the School Book Depository, towards the Grassy Knoll. Jean Hill later identified that man as Jack Ruby.
As she ran up to the grassy knoll area to find out what was going on, two men in trench coats grabbed her, confiscated the picture of the assassination, took her to the Dallas County Records Building, and proceeded to interrogate her. When she told them what she had seen and heard (four to six shots fired), the agents told her that she didn’t see what she saw, that there was nobody on the grassy knoll, and the shots all came from the window.
In her own words, “They (Secret Service agents) took me to the Records Building and we went up to a room on the fourth floor. There were two guys sitting there on the other side of a table looking out a window that overlooked the killing zone, where you could see all of the goings on. You got the impression that they had been sitting there for a long time. They asked me what I had seen, and it became clear that they knew what I had seen. They asked me how many shots I had heard and I told them four to six. And they said, ’No, you didn’t. There were three shots. We have three bullets and that’s all we’re going to commit to now.’ I said, ’Well, I know what I heard,’ and they told me, ’What you heard were echoes. You would be very wise to keep your mouth shut.’ Well, I guess I’ve never been that wise. I know the difference between firecrackers, echoes, and gunshots. I’m the daughter of a game ranger, and my father took me shooting all my life.”
Hill later testified before the Warren Commission that she heard between four and six shots, and she was certain that some of the shots came from the grassy knoll. In interviews on television after the assassination, Hill said she saw “a little white dog” in the rear seat of the limo. As there was no dog in the car, the reliability of Hill’s witness statement was undermined. However, 25 years later, it was revealed that a small white stuffed animal was on the back seat of the car. A child had presented it to Jackie Kennedy at the beginning of the tour of Dallas. This information was suppressed in order to discredit Hill as a reliable witness.
For many years, Hill refused to give interviews about the assassination of JFK. However, in 1990, Hill agreed to work as a technical adviser on Oliver Stone’s motion picture, JFK. In 1992, Hill published her book on the case, JFK: The Last Dissenting Witness. Jean Hill, who worked as a schoolteacher in Dallas for over twenty years, died on November 7, 2000.
But it wasn’t just Jean Hill. The first people to say there was a shot from the grassy knoll were Secret Service agents and police officers on the scene. At least 34 witnesses would come forward to say they thought a gunshot had been fired from the grassy knoll area. However, the FBI studiously avoided interviewing eyewitnesses, like Bill and Gayle Newman, who were approximately 15 feet from JFK’s car, and both of whom said JFK was killed by a shot fired from the front. The Warren Commission never took the Newman’s testimony. Reporters of the New York Times, the Washington Post and other national newspapers never sought to interview the witnesses who said a shot had come from the front.
The Big Question – “WHY?”
Good question. Why would “they” want JFK dead? Since November 22, 1963, there have been over 2,000 books, dozens of television programs and countless movies filled with theory, conjecture and myth as to why JFK was gunned down in broad daylight on a downtown street in Dallas. I have my suspicions that he was murdered for three main reasons involving the CIA, Vietnam, and FRNs. And my friend, Liam Scheff, covers this topic quite nicely in Official Stories, so I’ll paraphrase some of his arguments while I elaborate and summarize.
The three men that ran the CIA in the early 1960s were General Charles Cabell, Allan Dulles, and Richard Bissell. They all hated JFK … thought he was a weak, mama’s boy, pill-popping, traitor, especially after the Bay of Pigs, where he refused to bomb and invade Cuba. In 1961, the Joint Chiefs presented JFK with Single Integrated Operational Plan for Fiscal Year 1962, or “SIOP-62.” It was a plan to preemptively attack any country in the world that had a nuclear bomb and was not our ally. Oh yes, with nuclear arms, by the way! An ELE (“extinction level event”) perhaps. It’s reported that JFK was so irritated after the meeting that he said in disgust to Secretary of State Dean Rusk at the conclusion of the meeting, “And we call ourselves the human race.” He nixed the plan. The Joint Chiefs were miffed. No unilateral destruction. Back to the drawing board.
The CIA presented plan B – perhaps you’ve heard of it – called “Operation Northwoods.” Wait’ll you get a load of this. The plan, which had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called for innocent people to be shot on American streets; for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere. People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hijacked. Using phony evidence, all of it would be blamed on Castro, thus giving Lemnitzer (Joint Chief) and his cabal the excuse, as well as the public and international backing, they needed to launch their war.
As Liam said, they wanted to “whip America into a war-frenzy against that terror of a banana-growing republic” of Cuba – a country that had not attacked the USA, but that Americans thought had attacked us. This is what is typically called a “false flag.” We’ll learn more about false flags in a few chapters. When presented the plan, JFK said, “Have you lost your freaking marbles?” Well, maybe not in those exact words, but he also nixed this plan. Then he proceeded to fire Cabell, Dulles, and Bissell. He told his advisors, “I want to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.”
And that leads us to Vietnam. Adding insult to injury, on October 11, 1963, JFK signed a National Security Action Memo (“NSAM”) #263, which did something unimaginable – it began a total pullout of CIA “advisors” from Vietnam. JFK was going to end the war before it started. That can’t be good for the imperialistic “war machine” we call the USA. Liam Scheff puts it in perspective in his book, Official Stories: “General Cabell had called Kennedy a traitor. He said it loud enough for people to hear. Cabell gave a talk in New Orleans. He was introduced by none other than Clay Shaw, Lee Oswald’s rabid anti-Castro, anti-Kennedy CIA handler. I’ll bet Cabell also told his brother, Earle. Earle Cabell was mayor of the big town of Dallas, Texas. I’ll bet it was Mayor Cabell, brother of General Cabell, who gave the orders to change the parade route, to leave the sniper windows open and to get the deeply corrupt and dirty police force their story before any of it even happened.”
On November 22, 1963, just hours after JFK was assassinated at Dealey Plaza, Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) became President of the United States. Just four days later, on November 26, 1963, LBJ signed a NSAM #273 as guidance for future Vietnam plans and policy. This brief directive most significantly initiated changes reversing JFK’s Vietnam policy of NSAM #263, in which JFK had decreed then that “the bulk of US personnel would be out of Vietnam by the end of 1965.” Despite NSAM #263, there has been much speculation and debate on what JFK would or would not have done in Vietnam had he not been killed. If I were to engage in speculation, I would tend to believe that the man who twice refused to submit to the Joint Chiefs and the CIA on bombing and invading Cuba (a mere ninety miles from our shore) would not have consented to sending hundreds of thousands of US troops half way around the world to slaughter Vietnamese peasants.
Then, on August 4, 1964, multiple US warships were attacked by North Vietnamese PT Boats in the Gulf of Tonkin – an incident that kicked off US involvement and initiated full-scale conflict in Vietnam. LBJ wanted war with Vietnam and he got it, without even declaring it. Except, ummm, well, it never happened. What? The August 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident was actually a “false flag.” It’s an American tradition. Big lies launch wars. Manufactured pretexts initiate them. Mass killing and destruction follow.
It would take over thirty years for the truth to emerge that the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a staged event that never actually took place. LBJ later admitted that he lied and that the Gulf of Tonkin attack never happened. He also said, showing his discomfort, that he believed there was a conspiracy to murder JFK.
Lastly, JFK was killed because of FRNs. What’s an FRN? A “Federal Reserve Note” printed by the Federal Reserve Bank (“the FED”). In a nutshell, the FED is a consortium of private banksters that own the US government via their ability to “print money” out of thin air and loan it to the government. We will talk more about the FED later in the book. On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110, was signed with the authority to basically strip the FED of its power to loan money to the US government at interest. With the stroke of a pen, JFK declared that the privately owned FED would soon be out of business. “United States Notes” were issued as an interest-free and debt-free currency backed by silver reserves in the US Treasury.
Let’s compare a “Federal Reserve Note” (issued from the FED) with a “United States Note” from the US Treasury issued by JFK’s Executive Order. They almost look alike, except one says “Federal Reserve Note” on the top while the other says “United States Note.”
JFK knew that if the silver-backed United States Notes were widely circulated, they would have eliminated the demand for Federal Reserve Notes. This is a very simple matter of economics. JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963 and the United States Notes he had issued were immediately taken out of circulation.
Because of his quest for world peace, his struggle to preserve the human race from a devastating thermonuclear war, and his desire to restore America to a real monetary system, our last “real” President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, was slaughtered by those who were tasked with protecting him.
Perhaps the assassination of JFK was a warning to all future presidents not to interfere with the Fed’s control over the creation of money. It seems very apparent that JFK starkly challenged the ominous “shadow government” that exists behind the USA. With true patriotic courage, JFK boldly faced the two most successful vehicles that have ever been used to drive up debt: 1) the Vietnam War and 2) the creation of money by a privately owned central bank. Here is an interesting quote by JFK which shows that he knew about the shadow government: “The very word ‘secrecy’ is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings.”
Interestingly, in contrast to the conclusions of the Warren Commission, the United States House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) concluded in 1978 that Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. The HSCA found the original FBI investigation and the Warren Commission Report to be seriously flawed. The HSCA stated that there were at least four shots fired (only three of which could be linked to Oswald) and that there was “…a high probability that two gunmen fired at (the) President.”
Oh yes, I almost forgot about Jackie Kennedy. Right after the assassination, they wanted her to change her dress since it was stained with JFK’s blood. She said, “No, I want the American people to see what they did to my husband.” What “THEY” did. She didn’t believe the “lone nut” crap either.
“JFK II – The Bush Connection”
“The Killing of a President”
“Secret Service Standdown”
“Conspiracy Theory: JFK Assassination” (Jesse Ventura)
“Deathbed Confession of E. Howard Hunt”
Official Stories (Liam Scheff)
Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy (Jim Marrs)
They Killed Our President: 63 Reasons to Believe There Was a
Conspiracy to Assassinate JFK (Jesse Ventura)
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