Do you remember the “Mad Hatter” from Alice and Wonderland? Did you know that the term “mad as a hatter” originated from a disease peculiar to the hat making industry in the 1800s?
A complicated set of processes was needed to turn fur into a finished hat. With cheaper fur, an early step was to brush a solution of mercury compound on the fur to roughen the fibers. This caused the hat makers to breathe in the fumes of this highly toxic metal, leading to an accumulation of mercury in the hatter’s bodies.
This resulted in trembling (known as “hatters’ shakes”), slurred speech, loss of coordination, anxiety, personality changes, depression, and memory loss which eventually became known as “Mad Hatter Syndrome.” This term is still used today to describe mercury poisoning.
Fast forward 200 years, and let’s focus on pharmacists rather than hat makers…
Back in September 2004, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH) released a dangerous-drug alert with the title Preventing Occupational Exposures to Antineoplastic and Other Hazardous Drugs in Health Care Settings. The alert warned that working with chemotherapy drugs and other common pharmaceuticals can be a serious danger to your health.
They were right because on July 10, 2010, the Seattle Times carried the story of Sue Crump, a veteran pharmacist of 20 years, who had spent much of her time dispensing chemotherapy drugs. Sue died in 2011 from pancreatic cancer and one of her dying wishes was that the truth be told about how her on-the-job exposure to toxic chemotherapy drugs caused her own cancer. The list of chemicals Crump worked with included cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, fluorouracil, and methotrexate.
Does Chemotherapy Cause Cancer?
I am not surprised by Sue’s story because one of the effects of chemotherapy is that it actually CAUSES cancer! (Yes, the very thing it is supposed to “cure” it literally causes. Insane, right?)
You may have heard it said that folks who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Well, much like the hatters who went mad from the mercury, when it comes to chemo… pharmacists and other health care workers who dispense toxic drugs shouldn’t be surprised if one day it kills them.
Interestingly, the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) does not regulate exposure to these toxins in the workplace − despite multiple studies documenting ongoing contamination and exposures. Studies reaching back to the 1970s have linked increased rates of certain cancers to nurses and physicians.
Every oncologist knows that chemotherapy drugs cause genetic damage. Due to inadvertent spills, chemotherapy drugs have been found on floors, counter tops, knobs, keyboards, printers, computers, and garbage cans. Most chemo is genotoxic, meaning that it interacts with genes (DNA) and causes mutations. And yes, genetic mutations are a known risk factor for developing cancer, while secondary cancers are a known side effect (actually a “direct effect”) of chemo.
Danish epidemiologists used cancer data from the 1940s through the 1980s to report a significantly increased risk of leukemia among oncology nurses and doctors. In 2009, another Danish study of over 92,000 nurses determined that they had an increased risk for brain cancer, breast cancer, and thyroid cancer.
Playing Chemo “Roulette”
Dr. Glenn Warner (who died in 2000), was one of the most highly qualified cancer specialists in the United States. He used alternative treatments on his cancer patients with great success. On the treatment of cancer in this country he said, “We have a multi-billion dollar industry that is killing people, right and left, just for financial gain.
Their idea of research is to see whether two doses of this poison is better than three doses of that poison.”
Dr. Alan C. Nixon, past president of the American Chemical Society writes, “As a chemist trained to interpret data, it is incomprehensible to me that physicians can ignore the clear evidence that chemotherapy does much, much more harm than good.”
And according to Dr. Charles Mathe, French cancer specialist, “If I contracted cancer, I would never go to a standard cancer treatment center. Only cancer victims who live far from such centers have a chance.”
Truth be told, if a person has one type of cancer and allowed themselves to be injected with chemotherapy, this person will later often develop a different type of cancer as a result. The oncologist will likely claim to have cured their initial cancer even though a second or third cancer developed which was directly caused by the chemo used to treat the original cancer.
The serious toxic effects of chemotherapy have long been ignored by virtually everyone in medicine and the federal government. Chemotherapy drugs have always been assumed to be safe just because they’re used to treat cancer. This is an outright lie!
The truth is that chemo is toxic, carcinogenic (causes cancer), destroys erythrocytes (red blood cells), devastates the immune system, and destroys vital organs.
Obvious Signs that Chemotherapy is Highly Toxic
Think about it… a person’s hair falls out, their immune system is destroyed, they are constantly nauseous and often vomit. Frequent dizziness is also the norm as are severe headaches. Are these signs that maybe, just maybe chemotherapy is poison and doesn’t belong in the human body? I’m not a doctor, but I think this is a very, very strange way to “heal” someone.
Chemotherapy is a derivative of the mustard gas used in World War I. As the Seattle Times reported, “A just-completed study from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (10 years in the making and the largest to date) confirms that chemo continues to contaminate the work spaces where it’s used and in some cases is still being found in the urine of those who handle it…”
Yet drugs (like Tamoxifen) are routinely used to “treat” breast cancer even though the World Health Organization declared Tamoxifen to be a “known carcinogen” in 1996. The level of quackery in the cancer industry is amazing. Chemotherapy doesn’t work at anything other than causing cancer! If you have cancer and are considering chemotherapy, please ask yourself this vitally important question: If chemotherapy causes cancer, how can it also treat or cure cancer?
I absolutely love this quote from Mike Adams…
“Treating cancer with chemotherapy is like treating alcoholism with vodka. It’s like treating heart disease with cheese, or diabetes with high-fructose corn syrup. Cancer cannot be cured by the very thing that causes it. Don’t let some cancer doctor talk you into chemotherapy using his (or her) fear tactics. They’re good at that. So next time he insists that you take some chemotherapy, ask him to take some first. If your oncologist isn’t willing to take chemotherapy in front of you to prove it’s safe, why on earth would you agree to have it injected in your body?”
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I am a 19 year survivor of muscle invasive bladder cancer and my son is a 40 year survivor of metastatic Wilm’s tumor.
I’m just finishing up a book that is designed to help you and your loved ones cope with a diagnosis of cancer. The title is Healing with the Seven Principles of Mindfulness: How to Thrive and Succeed in a Complex Cancer System, and I’m wanting to share this content with you. With that, I created a special Facebook group that I would love for you to join, in which you will be the first to know when my book comes out and special opportunities. By joining this Facebook, I’d love to give you a free guided meditation recording that you are sure to love.
Very interested in book. Mfg1823 at gmail dot com
Would love to read your book and receive your meditation recording…
Thank you so much for sharing!!!
Looking forward to learning more and moving forward, every bit helps… so I’m able to share with others!!
Where to I go to check out your Facebook group? Also interested in your book.
Thank you,
Hi I would like to know about cancer treatment so please help me out
Max Gerson therapy
Budwic diet
Pure T H C
Injections of vitamin C
On January 3, 2019, a friend is going to be buried. A little over a year ago, I understand he was placed on chemotherapy treatment as a result of prostate cancer and this treatment was ongoing. About three weeks ago, he was driving to hospital, possibly for one of his treatments, he could barely see. He nearly ran into another vehicle at the parking lot. In the hospital, tests were conducted and it was discovered that he had tumors/infections in the brain. Surgery was performed. He never came out of it. He was placed in intensive care. About a week later, he died. From the article above, am I right to assume the brain tumors may have been as a result of nearly two years of chemotherapy?
Your 100 percent correct great article by mike Adams and. Ty bollinger
I don’t think there are many oncologists who would deny the fact that drugs to treat cancer are poison. It’s all we have right now, and it works for many people. My cousin chose not to do chemotherapy for the very fact that she did not want to put poison in her body. When she became very sick she changed her mind, but it was too late.
I am very sorry for the loss of your cousin. No one should have to lose a friend or family member to this awful dis-ease. Frankly it sucks.
But a question, did she also change her diet? Did she use only natural items on her skin and hair, and in her home? It’s all part of the problem. Our environment is inundated with caustic chemicals and they use them on our food as well. Chemo harms…it really doesn’t help. I unfortunately didn’t do my research and am now suffering the ill effects of having had chemo. I do not believe it is why I am here today. I did my due diligence and I I did change my diet, what I use on myself and in my home… immediately. I went vegan immediately. I believe that is the biggest factor to improving your chances. We too easily opt for unhealthy options, – clean food, air and healthy homes are essential. Choose organic, leave the animal proteins as they grow cancer cells, and just say no to Chemo.
Animal protein causes cancer cells really? what if you eat organic meat, eat according to blood type and don’t burn the meat?
Look into the Gerson therapy. Tumors feed on fats.
Chemo is poison but perhaps it is a gun for battle and when thee enemy is gone, the rebuilding can begin. Those who chose to not do chemo, often die sooner and quicker. The support one gives the body through diet and reduced stress during and after chemo does seem to give a chance for a better life. Life is a crap shoot and that which works for one body may not work for another. h
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015, my oncologist said I would definitely need chemo, the tumor was 6 centimeters but nothing in the lymph nodes, I knew chemo wasn’t good for you, but I did it and did it well, positive through it all. I refused radiation and tamoxifen, chose to detox, eat healthy, and work at becoming healthier in mind, body and spirit!! Life is about making the most of everyday with the people that matter the most., I wish there was more articles about how to rebuild after chemo, then scaring the heck out of people who have done it!!!!! Life is not over because you have made that choice, I so appreciate all the wonderful work that has been done by The Truth About Cancer Team, but for those of us that have done chemo, maybe a few positives on how to get healthy after. Your life is powered by the direction of your sails!!
Hello, Connie!
Thank you for your thoughts and comments. All much appreciated!
You might find the below article that talks about “how to rebuild your health after chemo” helpful.
Unfortunately, chemotherapy is mutagenic in that it permanently alters your DNA structure. The damage is manageable but irreversible. The best option to recover from chemotherapy is to eat a whole-food plant-based diet on a daily basis and avoid any mutagens and carcinogens that are laced in most of today’s modern “convenience” foods, drinks and products. Processed foods, especially processed meats and cow’s milk, have been proven to considerably increase cancer recurrence and hinder recovery.
The question is why are companies allowed to continue making his poison and our government allow it. Just come out with the cure for this diease and help people to live without poisoning them.
In order to answer your question, you must first ask yourself this: why does the government allow cigarettes to continue to be manufactured. although chemotherapy and cigarettes are two completely different things, you get the point though?
In response to your second question, the answer is that there are hundreds of different types of cancer, each with a different genetic makeup, which means that each one will have a resistance to a different chemical substance. This is one of the reasons that they are incapable of creating a “cure all wonder drug”
in a study that was done in Alberta a scientist was able to develop a drug that had next to no side effects on mice that were exposed to a certain cancer, when the drug was introduced into the mice it ended up curing the cancer. He then tried it with another cancer. This chemical had the exact opposite effect on a different cancer, it caused the cancer to grow and ultimately lead to the death of the mouse.
I feel that it is the way of controlling the human population. Like mentioned above the word “chemical” is a toxic substance that is being used and the human body was designed and made with an innate ability to heal itself and with that being said, that tells me that all the sources that we all know about, we unfortunately do not bring to use! The term(s) that comes to mind here is 1.) Research which brings, 2.) Knowledge which can bring a strong form of common-sense.
People do not like to change, the truth is more often than not cancer is caused by an unhealthy lifestyle that builds acid and toxin levels in the body creating a cancer friendly environment. One thing I believe all cancer patients need to do is begin flushing the body with large volume of high alkaline water (cancer does not survive in an alkaline environment) to immediately begin flushing acid and toxins from the body, the very things that feed cancer. A person with cancer must change their lifestyle to high volumes of alkaline water, high alkaline foods and excersize or their remission won’t last. To grasp the importance of a healthy high alkaline water, watch episode 7 of ‘The Truth About Cancer’ and pay attention to the findings after the Chernobyl power plant disaster. I remember this and find it interesting that main stream media reported on all the doctors from around the world who packed up their traditional snake oils and potions to go help the people of the area but they never reported about the group of people who were not as affected or not affected by the fallout whose naturally high alkaline water supply was the only difference from surrounding towns and villages with high damage from the radioactive fallout. We need truth, not money making propaganda designed to fill big pharma’s bank accounts.
Be careful and read the labels, over 90% of bottled water is very acidic, it is worth your health to spend a little more money now to drink natural spring water bottled at the source and packaged in a thicker more sturdy bottle.
Enjoy a higher quality of life now, spend your money on quality food and drink now instead of draining your bank account later on what will rob you of your life and break the hearts of your loved ones.
Instead of buying bottled water, get an osmosis system in your home to use not only for drinking, but also in your cooking. Then you will have water that is 99% free of the chlorine the gov’t puts into the systems to kill bacteria, YUK! and free of mercury, carcinogenic pesticides and many other carcinogenic chemicals found in our tap water. You could have purchased the osmosis system by the time you have bought about 400 individual bottles of water, water that in reality is still not nearly as pure as with an osmosis system.
Did she have a biopsy or just ct scans? Thank you
Interested in your book.
Very interested in your book and/or guided recording.
The medical researchers do have a cure but they will be found dead if they tell us. The pharmaceutical companies make billions on all those chemo drugs.
600 billion dollars was donated for cancer research, so where’s the CURE.?
As it is not a disease, there can never be a medical cure. Treatments yes, but never a cure. Our bodies natural state is healthy and in a healthy body mutated cells are killed and removed by the immune system. The cure is a better a state of health.
We are bombarded with chemicals in everything from fire retardants in our furniture and carpets to bleached flour in nearly all bread. To really do something about cancer we should start with food production and nearly ban all additives no matter what their purpose. lets start with flour and accept that bread is not naturally white.
Anyone know if the newer “immunotherapy” drugs are any less toxic? ie ‘keytruda’ ?
Hello; my name is Mr. Anthony J.J.Ffierro/ Univ. Of Scranton Graduate 1971 I am 69 yrs young/maintain a prophylactic daily intake of Certified Organic Sea Salt(minimum 1 tsp) daily. Take 16oz potable alkaline water w/ 1/4 tsp every 8 hrs /carry in my pocket container Eat sardines, eggs apples;olive oil;dark green leafy vegetables ;drink ginseng,ginger,black & green teas,eat lots of garlic, onions raw ;black pepper on everything applicable; fresh yellow fruits and vegetables. The best environment of protection throughout the rest of the world with proven testimony for cures of all Western incurable killer disease are the Hydrogen Peroxide 1 Minute cure(by and read the book) Bio-Oxidative Therapy and Ozoneization. Proven for 70 yrs by 15,000 health practicioners throughout the world esp Cancers. USA is the silent killer threatened by the ghost Commissioner of the FDA Appointed by Obama /Clinton Adm. Pd by bigt pharma cartel legal drug dealers. Research it for4 yourself and loved ones if not too late. Truly Yours Brother in Christendom
am a practicing truth sayer not soothsayer.
The problem with chemotherapy is that by its very nature it can only provide a blunderbuss approach. By this, I mean that in addition to the fast growing cancer cells it poisons, chemotherapy also kills (more effectively, actually) white blood cells derived from multipotent cells in bone marrow. White blood cells and sub-types such as T cells provide the potency for immunotherapy, which is more effective than chemotherapy in suppressing the spread of cancer cells. By its harmful action on such blood cells, chemotherapy more or less destroys this potency. Until specifically targeted cancer drugs are developed across the wide cancer spectrum, which is a rather tall order as it stands, the best way to extend cancer survival rates, especially when metastasis has occurred, is through boosting the immune system as far as it is possible to do, and in this case one would be well advised to avoid chemotherapy. There is nothing particularly dramatic in this statement. Many doctors would opt to not have chemotherapy if they were told that their cancer had spread, and they would almost certainly live longer as a result. Having said this, chemotherapy can be of use in certain types of cancers, such as leukaemia, but that is because it destroys the leukemic cells that reside in bone marrow – and bone marrow and chemotherapy are hardly the best of friends! Even then, the success rate is far from 100% because the chemotherapy severely compromises the immune system through its destructive capabilities; bone marrow transplants can help in this respect and in fact this is the main reason for success in this type of cancer treatment.
yeah it be cancer is muafion of the dna and you ethier have to find something that could restore dna or deystroy the mutated dna and dont blame everything on big pharma they are universite student and gradutes studying tea tree oil for non melonma skin cancers and if all goes well in animal studies and vitro they are looking to see if theh can do human trails which wouldn’t take very long as while tea tree oill is a poison it welk tolretated by many people and very eaay to get access to warring do not try this yoursel as they are still looking for coorect dosge anx preparation of this proudct to warrant effective treatment
My mother has just had her breast removed after confirmed cancer in a 1/2 inch breast tumor. The cancer found was categorized as aggressive. She has been diagnosed with cancer before where the tumor was removed along with all lymphs in her left side. She was treated with radiation and anti hormone for 5 years. Today 10 years later it is a new cancer type and the breast has been completely removed because the radiated tissue can not heal well. She is now being treated with chemotherapy as a precaution since some shadows could be seen on one lung, The shadow is presumed to be caused by the radiation from earlier treatment and it is confirmed that cancerous cells are present.
My brother and I have advised against chemotherapy but the doctors were more convincing then us. I have chosen to accept her decision as she is convinced it is the right thing to do. I am worried that she just finished penicillin treatment from the surgery and again a single treatment before starting on chemotherapy. This time for operating the dosing tube in her vein.
Talking to people the most common reaction is that she should do the chemo. This in every case said without a doubt in their voice.
I am from Denmark which has the highest death rate amongst cancer patients in Europe.
All cancer is treated with surgery, radiation and or chemotherapy.
I can only find comfort in her own belief that this is best for her.
Show her the the book The Cure by Timothy Bradley and the website These people have helped a lot of others overcome cancer without chemotherapy. It’s scary to go against what the doctor says and not do chemotherapy, but with your support she can do it!
Timothy Brantley not Bradley
Also always remember to ask for God’s help. He will always be there!
Revision to line 5-6: …but it is not confirmed that cancerous cells are present.
And,,,,,,,, you can shove your ‘moderations’ where it will NEVER see light of day. Wankers!
hi dear, am a survivor of cancer of the breast. it really going through a lot of pains to get cure. if you going through the same you can message me on my mail so i direct you to where i was cured. message me on my email
What is your cure? What worked for you?
Indeed. Anti-chemotherapy supporters and scientists from the Department of Radiation Oncology, Northern Sydney Cancer Centre, Australia posted shocking statistics: a common chemotherapy course earns the medical establishments circa $600,000 to $800,000 per year. And that’s why chemo is so popular. It has become a business.
I agree with this article completely. The large cancer centers make a fortune! They protect their poisons and use them even when they never would take chemo themselves. Many of the cancer centers have done positive studies on AHCC, a mushroom compound that builds the immune system and is known to be anti tumor. I think about 28 studies. They say it is safe to use with chemo, and effective. These studies go back to 2008. But only a few doctors will mention it to their patients! So why did they do the studies? I think to cover themselves. In case they get sued by an angry spouse,, for losing a chemo patient. They did not tell the patient that AHCC could possibly save their life. They can say, “We published a study on AHCC saying it worked and it is available for anyone to read. The compound can be bought by anyone online.” So they have covered their butt. Now they just go on using their poisons like there is no better treatment.
I love the truth illustrated by this website and I wish to share the great idea written by a great Traditional Doctor author Dr. Yijun Peng of Taiwan. I have translated and excerpted from the Preface of his book [Medical Key]
as the followings:
Medical care is related to the life and health of the people, and national finances, and it also affects the rise and fall of a country and the continuity of a nation. Therefore, any person or medical group can correct improper medical behaviors or wrong medical theories to protect the lives and health of his own people in order to safeguard his nation as one’s own responsibility. Conversely, no one or any medical scholar can stand on the standpoint of fundamentalism as an attack on other kinds of medicine.
Today everyone knows that the tonsils are the two guards standing at the door when air enters our lungs, in order to prevent viruses that are not suitable for the body from entering the lungs and causing physical injury. Why does modern medicine not think about and solve why the tonsils become inflamed? Why is it swollen? Instead, the two guards (the tonsils) at the front of the lungs were surgically removed. The “Cold” foods (such as cold drinks) and “dry hot” foods (such as biscuits, peppers, fried peanuts, fried food, wine, etc.) enter the stomach. Cold and hot foods compete in the stomach. The cecum is the “alarm bell or signal ” to signified and balance the stomach cannot handle such cold and hot food which could harm the body, but modern medicine says that the cecum is useless and the alarm bell (cecum) is removed by surgery. Gastric bleeding is nothing more than a pencil-sized wound, but surgery for gastric bleeding has created a bowl-shaped wound in the stomach. From the surgery of the tonsils and cecum to today’s stomach, thyroid and hysterectomy, to organ transplantation. As long as the patient does not die on the operating table, it’s already considered a medical success! But the patient’s life and health recovery are widely ignored. This result in today that the medical science has more and more caused harm to the patients’ life and health. Such “science” makes that medical practitioners become famous and profitable and the public blindly believes that this is the progress of modern medical science. Hence, the traditional Chinese medicine and medical theory which can really heal the disease and restore the health of the patients are repeatedly distorted, stigmatized and discredited. But why?
Since I joined the medical profession, I believe that any medicine is to prevent or cure diseases and restore the patient’s health as its major purpose. Therefore, I have no intention of attacking western medicine or medical theory. But I hate any medical cheating just for making money in the name of “Science”. Since my research found that many medical scams in the name of “science” have consumed many lives, health, and taxes paid by our people, stealing the national treasury. I found many people are poor or died due to wrong medical treatment and not by the illness itself. I am seeing that our country will also suffer financial difficulties due to this ridiculous medical “science” expense. I decided to write this book to expose the truth. I think “If I don’t do it, who will do it?” I believe that any medicine, no matter it is Eastern or Western, should be put on the table and to be openly discussed in a scientific basis. Those medical therapy or treatment that can really cure diseases and restore the health of patients is to be preserved, promoted, and circulated. Medicines that cannot cure diseases and continuously hurt people ’s lives, health, and property should be removed and discarded without wasting human and material resources. Especially those on the name of “medical science” only to make money and kill lives share be condemned and kicked out. Do not use the topic of “the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine” in order to switch the focus and deceive the innocent people or patients. Shouldn’t we work on to make the public aware of the truth – right or wrong of medical science – so that they no longer harmed by wrong medical treatment? Science should make no distinction towards the traditional eastern medicine or the western medicine.
Great article and website. I would also add that any woman being bullied into a hysterectomy alleged cancer or not should contact the HERS foundation for referrals. I deeply regret not calling. The doctors literally bullied me in the hospital and emotionally beat me up until I gave in.
#QuestionYourDoctor . You’re life depends on it.