Video Transcript: Why There Can Never be a Cure for Cancer
Ty Bollinger: What was the name of your first book?
Bill Henderson: The name, the first book was called Cure Your Cancer. I discovered somewhat later that that is really not a very good concept, simply because you cannot cure cancer, there is no way. We will talk about that later if you like, but the cancer cure is never going to happen. Cancer is us. Everyday we have cancer cells in our bodies, all of us that have no cancer diagnosis.
I finally learned that and I decided, well, what you want to help people do is get cancer under control. That is the concept. Get this cancer under control. It has gotten out of control in your body, temporarily. And, it is not that difficult as it turns out.
Ty Bollinger: So, “control the cancer” is a better term.
Bill Henderson: Absolutely, yeah. It is much better.
Ty Bollinger: Because, you mentioned just now that we all produce cancer cells every day.
Bill Henderson: Every single day, probably hundreds of thousands. Nobody know the count, millions it could be. But, think about it. We have 75 trillion cells in our body, and about 300 billion of those divide every single day. The cancer cells are a very, very small portion of that, and if it is like 3/10,000 of 1 percent of cancer cells, of those dividing cells, that is a million cells every day.
Well, it could easily be that many, and the body takes care of these. The immune system with 130 different types of immune cells and about 14 trillion of them approximately is about 20 percent of our cells. It is taking care of these things that are non-self cells. Cancer cells basically get controlled by the immune system until it cannot do it anymore, and then we get a cancer diagnosis. Because the cells have exceeded our immune system’s ability to handle them and they form something, usually a tumor.
Ninety percent of the time, it is some kind of swelling in an organ somewhere. The other ten percent, it is not a tumor, it is melanoma on the skin or it is lymphoma, leukemia. It is all the same thing in my experience, and I think you agree, cancer is cancer. It is all the same thing. It is an imbalance in our bodies where the immune system has been overwhelmed temporarily. We can restore that almost entirely with almost any kind of cancer. But, we have to be aware of what this is in order to deal with it.
Unfortunately, the medical system does not teach us that. It teaches us that this is some kind of enemy that has invaded our body. It is the medical model of cancer the doctors are trained in, as you know. It is simply that this enemy has to be attacked with all of the armament at their disposal. Poison it with chemotherapy, burn it with radiation, cut it out of your body and dispose of parts of your body to get rid of this enemy. Well, that is completely ridiculous. The entire medical treatment system of cancer is based on that model of what cancer is.
What is it? Well, I will tell you what I believe, and see if you agree. I think cancer is simply a symptom of an imbalance. It is sort of like diabetes, fibromyalgia, arthritis. It is a chronic, degenerative condition in our body caused by an imbalance.
That imbalance, once you understand that that is what it is, you realize that this is not random, something randomly that happened to you. It has happened for a reason. Something has gone wrong in your body that has caused this cancer tumor to appear, or in whatever other form. Once you correct that reason, the cause of the imbalance, it goes away. The body is very capable of shrinking cancer tumors.
That’s a very interesting view on cancer. It makes a lot of sense. I would think that it is pretty well accepted that one’s body is definitely out of balance when it has some condition or other. Bravo, Mr. Henderson!
Why would you want to remove something from your body if it can return to its normal function? Some parts are more important than others but still.. We know surgery can rid of some cancers (faster) but it will return if you do not take care of your health properly. Which is what you should be doing in the first place. Organic plant base diet is the best way to go. And you can add super-foods and supplements.and make bone broth to build your immune system. It’s not that complicated… And don’t forget to manage your stress and spending time in nature.
I have always shared mr henderson’s theory. I’ve always thought that cancer is a miss communication of our cells. I wish our medical system would try and catch up.
I do not agree with Mr. Henderson. Cancer can be removed from the body and the immune system can handle any future cancers if we do not damage it.
Eugene, Mr. Henderson is correct in what he is saying because we all have some abnormal division of cells throughout out lifetime which become cancer if our immune system can’t handle the abnormal cells.. We do not keep the cells we are born with, but produce new cells throughout our lifetimes. People who eat a proper and healthful diet seldom develop any cancer because their immune systems stay in great shape and can wipe out the abnormal cells. If course environmental toxins can also cause abnormal cell division and cancer. Believe the scientists say that we rebuild our bodies completely over a 7 year period. Of course we don’t renew them all at the same time.
So what Mr. Henderson is saying is that we are creating new cells all the time, which will have some defectively dividing throughout our lives that can become cancer if we don’t give our body what it needs to keep our immune systems functioning.
We should basically eat an alkalizing diet to keep the immune system working properly which begins with cutting out all the highly concentrated sweets most of us eat today. An
alkalizing diet is basically fresh fruits and vegetables.
Agee learn to love & nourish your body.
There is dark purple flower that lives in a jungle that can be syncedied to cure cancer. You would not believe me if I told you but my mother died from cancer and not Little brother has it.
Eugene, Henderson is 100% correct. But what initially creates the imbalance is the body’s pH. When your body becomes too acidic it is a perfect environment for cancer cells. If you’re old enough to remember 50-60 years ago very few people had cancer. The reason is that very few people ate processed foods or fast foods. Additionally, we didn’t ingest added chemicals and adulterated foods like HFCS. Today we have an excessive number of people that come down with all sorts of disorders – ALL caused by not eating fresh real food!
you said it all
One thing to take into consideration is that removing / treating cancer with traditional medical protocols invariably also damages the immune system. The entire body is attacked with invasive, undiscriminating procedures. I compare it to throwing out the baby with the bath water. A gentler approach, that reflects understanding of the true cause of the body imbalance seems to make more sense.
I agree with you. Mother Nature is very good at her job. I am using an immunotherapy med that is curing the cancer 6 oncologists have told me will kill me in November 2016 if I don’t let them chemo me. They are ALL lying sacks. I am asymptomatic and have a brand new MRI showing my tumors are shrinking and disappearing as well. My oncologists are flabbergasted that I am A. Not dead. B. Not sick C. not being chemo-ed or radiated and they want to know how I did this. I tell them NOTHING.
Your thoughts create reality (what happens to you) There are no accidents in life. Know that you are healthy and loved and change thoughts that are not great for you.
How do you keep you body in balance if you don’t know what isn’t aligned?
Great question! Eating an alkaline diet, as mentioned before, is a good place to start. This means eliminating processed foods: processed sugars, grains and “boxed” and “fast” food and having a diet of fresh fruits and veggies, healthy fats and quality protein. There are some good documentaries like this website provides and others. You can also locate a natural physician or practitioner that can help you identify areas that need strengthening if there are specific health concerns or issues.
Dywnne, you can learn a lot on the internet but best to find a nutritionalist. They have tests they can do to help guide you in the right direction.
Most importantly get the mind in balance, then all else will be more effective. First and foremost you must believe! Acknowledge then release all negative thoughts, do not fear cancer. Meditate on self-healing.
I also believe what Mr Henderson is saying its true our cells keep on growing to replenish the dying ones and by so doing can overgrow and if checks are not there to keep them under control by condusive immune environment it becomes evident as a growth somewhere in the body. There’s therefore the need to learn more about how to improves ones immune system and eat healthily. Thanks
I agree. What awakens cancer cells is the consumption of toxins. Period.
Its extremely important to watch what we eat. Example: NEVER EAT SOMETHING NEW UNTIL IT HAS BEEN ON THE MARKET FOR A COUPLE OF YEARS.
John, I agree – just eat Whole foods: fruits/veggies – protein…. – It’s simple – NO SUGAR!! your diet is SO important!
Chemo, Radiation and Surgery is a joke, stay away from it at all costs!!
Cancer is extremely easy to cure, I can cure a whole clinic myself if i was allowed to and all this “Run for the cure, Pink ribbon bulls#@$ is theft from cancer research institutes, we get robbed clean , people need to wake up and stop funding or supporting cancer research?
I sooo agree…i have read through the pink ribbon websites, who slam natural methods and promote chemotherapy and radiation therapy. They say theres not enough evidence that natural methods work or control cancer… really?!! I will never give to those charities ever again and try to warn others, I have even copied and highlited parts to show others, but people are already brain washed and are not open to a different direction. There are the 2% that actually get to live for 5 years after chemotherapy, and thats what people cling to, the hope that they are part of that 2%. Hopefully, with all of us who do the research, we can change peoples minds.
Hi, I can tell whole world that the cure for cancer has been on our planet since more than 7000 years. The Knights Templars hid the formula and a man called DaVinci also knew. His knowledge was passed on to me, and I have in my possession the chemical formula. The problem is that society wont make me reveal it. The Government does not want me to make it public for financial reasons. I have tried to get help to make the medicine available but the pharmaceuticals are against it. I wish someone can help me to have my formula synthesized and tested. This formula also stops the cells from aging when in mitosis. The result would be a much longer life span, possibly thousands of years.
If someone is serious please contact me.
Robert, what’s the best way to contact you?
he gives phone number, scroll down to first comment. I do not believe him, ans suspect scam.
HI Walter,
First of all, the person asked me for contact information so I gave it. I have nothing to hide or gain from my research. I worked many years with freemasons and have acquired much knowledge. I have proof of my research, and would be glad to share it with people who believe in scientific research for the betterment of mankind. If I were a scammer I would not give you my personal phone number and E-mail. Tel 514-961-5756 or 514-4947302 home.
Robert Gurreri
I live in Italy and most people I know eat a healthy diet without even thinking about it. However cancer is increasing rapidly even here. I think a lot has to do with how the body handles environmental issues too
This is the same theory of Dr. Sam Chachoua. I do believe in it. It makes great sense and it has been cured using this approach.
BTW: I am surprised Dr. Chachoua was not in the TTAC Live Symposium… Any comments on this? Thank you!
I know people that eat really healthy and still get it but why are companies still allowed to put all these cancer causing things in our food, spray our food and pack in plastic. Girls are put on the pill too young and our rivers and water through our taps full of oestrogen. It’s a minefield to live and eat healthy when working round the clock.
MMS works great as well.
Can you more elaborate sbout the use of mms for cancer cure?
Do you know something from your experience being cured or just by reading on net?
My brother is diagnosed with Leukemia and i try fo find a natural help before he starts chimo. Can someone give a good advice?
Thsnk you in advance.
Hi M.Bar,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Thanks for the article from Bill Henderson. He was one of the first “gurus” I read about on my quest for better heatlh. There is one very important concept in Bill’s teachings that stuck with me: Cancer cells don’t like Oxygen, so the more O2 we can get in our blood stream, the better. Bill said that we just follow the “Budwig” protocol(flaxseed oil and cottage cheese) every day, it would be the simplest way to prevent any future chance of
cancer. Dr. Johanna Budwig was decades ahead of her time, and reading her books would be well worth your while.
I have faithfully enjoyed a “Budwig” shake in my morning smoothie for the past 2 years, and I can tell you that my health has improved greatly.
My O2 rate(measured with a small home oximeter) has consistently remained between 98 and 99.
Ron P
I too have a great respect for Bill Henderson and I do the Budwig protocol. However I am fortunate to be able to make quark from raw cows milk by using a room temperature culture to make yogurt then hang in a cheese cloth for 10hr to make yogurt cheese (quark) which I blend with the flaxseed oil. I use it over fruit for my morning breakfast. Yum! It is quite easy to make and I love the taste.
I think our thoughts are a huge contributor to being healthy or not. As a society we’re moving too fast to hear our thoughts, to be aware of our thoughts, to be aware of what’s not working in our lives because of our thoughts. Good comment Judi.
He’s absolutely correct. I learned the same principles nearly 30 years ago studying nutrition for the perspective of a movement called Natural Hygene. My personal thought is the greatest damage we do to our health and our immune system is chronicly high insulin levels due to the massive amount of toxic levels of sugar we consume. When you consider the ideal level of sugar in our entire blood stream is approximately 1 tsp it’s easy to see how friequently we poison ourselves. One can of Cola has 9-12 tsp of sugar.
We all love the stuff but it’s the curse of modern society.
Can anyone explain why young children sometimes a yr or 2 old get horrible cancers?? They havent been on this earth long enough to be exposed to all these toxins. I do believe it is a matter of what we eat causing or reversing cancers but in the case of children i am stumped.
Mind body and soul. In that order or not. Just get all three on board.
I was diagnosed with a benign brain tumor, left side of my brain between skull and brain, they want to do surgery, I DON”T, it is causing seizures because of the swelling. I don’t even know where to start, doing Frankincense oil,
Myrrh, turmeric, prayer, and keppra for seizures.Any recommendations, not doing well on the Keppra and the seizures are horrible to experience! Thanks.
Hi Terri,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
I can hardly believe that no one would be interested to test your formula. What goes in it? I have a biology, biochemistry, microbiology, organic chemistry and molecular genetics background. I might see the potential it might have if anything. No need to give me how much of each compound, just what they are will be sufficient to give me an idea.
Hi Isabelle,
Did you receive my answer yet ? Not sure if this web site works properly. You can reach me at.
Actually, a Ketogenic diet is the way to go. Cancer feeds off of sugar (glucose). Any type of sugar entering the body will feed cancer.
Hi Isabelle.
I hope we can work together on this. I will show you step by step how I found the formula. The formula is a neuro-transmitter inhibitor carrying agent that carries a specified protein kinases made of specific amino acids. The specific percentages of amino acids are from a specific animal protein. The neuro-transmitter must also be synthesized with this specific amino acid chain. The nuero-transmitter acts as the chemical messenger. The cells telomeres which acts as the molecular clock will then receive the new message.
I live in Montreal, Canada, and would like to know where you are from. I can also be reached at
514-961-5756.I will tell you much more if you believe in me.
Robert Gurreri
I am currently in Montreal for the holidays. I will try to find some time to contact you.
Hi Isabelle,
Great news. I live in Rivieres Des Prairies in Montreal. I would be pleased to show you my research. Let me know.
Hi Robert. I wish you were able to tell us what you know. I was told I have breast cancer two months ago and I am really struggling. I am supposed to go in for surgery to remove the lump and some lymph nodes in two days. But I really don’t want to have it done. They will went to do radiation and chemo which I a totally against. So hard to know what to do.
If I had it to do over again, I would not have surgery. I was diagnosed with breast cancer and finally decided to have a mastectomy since I had left the lump go for two years. I decided I was not to going to have chemo or radiation. My lymph nodes were clear. A year and a half later the cancer had metastasized in my pelvic bone. After a lot of checking and praying, we decided to go the alternative route. That is what I wished I would have done in the first place but didn’t know it then. I went to Century Wellness Clinic in Reno NV. It is expensive and insurance doesn’t cover it. It works much better if you have not gone through and chemo or radiation. I feel well. Have no pain. Check their website for more information.
Hi, you can try cryotherapy. It is an experimental procedure using liquid nitrogen. This procedure is very simple with a very high success rate. Your doctor should know about it. Good Luck
Here’s what I know about the chemo that killed my sister and that they tried to force on me but I went for a cure instead!
Chemotherapy is a 100 year old poison that started life out as World War One mustard gas.
In the Auschwitz concentration camp they experimented on inmates and started using it as a medicine.
Today globally 1.5 million people a year are murdered by chemotherapy for profit.
Every doctor who prescribes it breaks his Hippocratic oath to “administer no poison”. It is a $200 billion dollar industry mostly based in the USA. The chemo lobby is possibly the most powerful in the world. They’ve changed the laws in most western countries so that only their product, the poison of chemotherapy, is allowed to be prescribed by doctors. And good, life saving treatments for cancer, of which there are many, are concealed from patients who are pressured into chemo, usually with ghastly results. My oncologists, Francisco Xynos MD, Karuna Murray MD and Brian Slomowitz all tried to FORCE me to have chemo as a pre-condition to them surgically removing my tumors that were the smaller than the first joint of my thumb. They lied to me by telling me that they had to shrink the tumors before they could be removed. This is an absolute fucking lie–they routinely remove BENIGN (non-cancerous) that weigh 10 pounds or more without “having to shrink them first” because they you can’t coerce someone who doesn’t have cancer into allowing themselves to be voluntarily POISONED for profit. Also, it’s illegal to poison people and chemo drugs are POISON. If someone gave you this poison who either wasn’t a doctor or you didn’t have cancer, they would be arrested for attempted MURDER if you live and Murder if you die. My sister didn’t die from her cancer. She died from a ruptured esophagus brought on by chemotherapy-induced vomited so VIOLENT that she ruptured her esophagus and BLED TO DEATH IN FRONT OF MY PARENTS in November of 2015. Her death certificate reads “CANCER” but it’s a lie. The scumbags sold her false hope and robbed her of a million dollars to treat a cancer that DOES NOT RESPOND TO IV CHEMOTHERAPY ACCORDING TO EVERY RESEARCH PAPER ON THE SUBJECT.
The side effects of chemo can be horrific – your organs may shut down, you may lose the sight of one or both eyes, you get “chemo brain” where your brain is often permanently damaged and you can’t function, you may become unable to walk due to painful neuropathy in your feet and hands, severe vomiting, anemia from red blood cells being killed, your immune system is totally destroyed meaning any kind of infection can kill you AND you get cancer AGAIN in a few years (guaranteeing FUTURE PROFITS for Big Pharma) mouth sores that keep you from eating along with ulcers in your intestines/bowel–losing all your hair is irrelevant by comparison!
Many of these side effects can be permanent.
Worse, chemo usually destroys your immune system and blood counts, so particularly in stage 4, you are likely to to catch some infection you would normally have fought off and die from it.
Many chemo drugs are listed as “a known carcinogen.” The poison is so powerful that nurses who administer it have to be protected from it with gloves and monthly tests. Some chemos can’t become safe even if they are heated to 1,800 degrees centigrade.
John Cairns of Harvard University published in Scientific American that chemo drugs help, at most, one in 20 of the people they are given to, my research shows the cure rate to be 2.1% with all of them happy to die to end the suffering. I’ve lived LONGER with NO chemo than my poor sister lived with every chemo (and all that false hope) the scumbag oncologist sold her.
Chemo makes cancer cells immortal
“When chemotherapy (is given) to kill the bulk of your cancer cells, a small remnant of these stem cells regenerate and renew the cancer, too” ——–Siddhartha Mukherjee, MD “The Emperor of All Maladies”
According to the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, Washington, USA in their WNT16B paper, cancer cells become resistant to chemo, “chemotherapy resistance” which makes the disease worse.
Yes, chemo may shrink a tumor, but it makes the cancer come back stronger. In particular it usually creates the secondaries that kill you 2 years later. The FDA considers ANY treatment that shrinks a tumor by 50% for 28 days to be an effective cancer treatment. Shrinking a tumor doesn’t do JACK SHIT toward curing cancer but the bought and paid for Big Pharma whores on the FDA don’t care how many people are suffering and dying from a curable disease as long as they protect their 200 BILLION a year–EVERY YEAR–in profits. They control organizations.
The FDA in the USA has chemotherapy corporation directors on its board. They want $900 million spent over ten years before they will authorize a new drug. That way they ensure no inexpensive, effective treatment ever makes it.
The FDA will license a chemo drug provided it is below LD50. That means a lethal dose, it kills 50% of lab animals.
The FDA standard for drug safety is known as LD 50, LD stands for lethal dose, and the 50 is the percentage threshold of lab animals poisoned to death by the drug tested. As long as the percentage killed is under 50%, FDA will approve it!
In the UK they fund the MHRA, which licenses drugs. Their men sit on the boards of licensing authorities so the drug companies license their own drugs. That’s why they kill so many–around 2 million people a year including chemotherapy.
Cancer Research is still fraudulently raising money for cancer research when more than enough cures have already been found. It trashes and discredits these, to promote chemotherapy. All they care about is protecting the profits of oncologist and Big Pharma.
The big pharma lobby is in government medical departments, making laws. They control charities with their directors on its board.
American Cancer Society fraudulently raises money to find a cure for cancer, when a dozen cures have been found over the last 100 years. They use the money they raise to trash established cures–because if people know the cures have been found, there is no point in giving money to Cancer Research. The charity should either concentrate on getting the cures out to the people, or close itself down and put its officers up for trial, arrest and imprisonment, because it has been killing people by concealing the truth. Their real purpose is to push the poison of chemotherapy and increase the profits of the pharmaceutical corporations.
Big Pharma uses these “charities” to attack university professors, PhD’s and doctors who are researching or using excellent treatments that are a threat to chemotherapy and other drugs. They try to get scientifically excellent research papers that are published in prestigious journals retracted if they are a threat to their drugs.
If you try to update Wikipedia pages they don’t like, eg by adding the names of scientific research papers, in minutes someone has deleted it. Wiki enables you to have an email conversation with them, and they don’t give a damn about the lies and destruction they perpetrate.
Who funds them? It can only be chemo controlled charities.
Whereas most doctors and nurses are doing their best. the people at the top of the medical and pharmaceutical industries are deeply involved with murder for profit. Its a big pharma mafia, but they kill many millions more than the mafia’s few hundred victims. There are many pharmaceutical company directors, medical government officials and hospital directors/managers who need to be arrested on criminal charges.
Want the rest of the story?
Hi Hose, what is the 100% natural cure that you have?
Diet alone will not necessarily prevent cancer. Exposure to chemicals is hard to completely avoid – think plastics, modern building materials. Also it is virtually impossible to avoid electromagnetic radiation as it really is all around us even if we are sensible enough to avoid mobile phones, cordless phones and wifi. Stress is an enormous contributor to cancer and other diseases be it physical, emotional or biochemical. Cancer prevention needs a multifaceted approach which, given all these factors should also include good quality dietary supplements preferably taken with the advice of a naturopath or intergrative medicines practitioner.
Lorraine… Being a health researcher and consultant for over twenty years, I find that the nathuropaths and other so-called practitioners refuse to look at what actually works. We attempted to introduce to methods that bring 100% results but they refuse to take a look. Like the medical professionals, if the were able to teach people to heal themselves, they would probably be out of a job. Of course if they used methods that actually do work, they would get more clients. See my other posts on this site.
Louis Hoolaeff HR HC ACS
Hi Leslie,
You can reach me at.
or call me at 514-961-5756 anytime.
Hope to hear from you soon.
You are correct Dr. Gillum. Cancer LOVES sugar and uses it for energy. That’s one reason why oncologists use a sugar molecule tagged onto chemotherapy and the cancer cells gobble it up and die. I don’t think that sugar causes cancer, but it sure maintains the life of the cell and enables it to reproduce itself. In addition, normal cells thrive on oxygen to survive but cancer cells will die from the exposure. How do we get oxygen into the cancer cell? Not by breathing it…that doesn’t work. Enter.. Hypothermia Chambers which are used in Germany and some other countries. This method is used to infuse the body cells with oxygen killing the cancer cells. Another treatment used is to elevate the body temperature to around 106 degrees using another type of chamber. Since cancer cells are fragile, they dye leaving normal cells alone in the process. When the treatment in other countries makes so much sense, it makes me sick to see this country so motivated by greed and profits!! Interestingly Ronald Reagon developed cancer at one point in his life, went to Germany and came back cured. Then lived on many years after that and did not die of cancer in the end. Of course all that was kept a secret from the Media.
Please excuse the error in my last statement. Just was in a hurry to write. The oxygen infusion chamber used as treatment is called: Hyperbaric Chamber. Not Hypothermia. Cancer cells die in the presents of oxygen and this chamber infuses oxygen into the cancer cells without harming normal cells.
NANCY: You say He went to Germany ? Maybe he contact the Budwig institutions there. The Budwig system add oxygen to your body. I am taking my flax seed oil ( from canada, the best ) and cottage cheese, as prevention, because I smoke for 60 years. No prostate cancer or nothing at 82. lifting weights at local gim. keep my D3 with K2 to take care of calcium and I feel in good health.Ahh Stevia, no white sugar, less high corn syrup,never.Hope to stay a little longer here.
AAny feed back on what to take for myeloma bone marrow cancer, soursop ? What’s the k2 and D3 any how do u get it please?
Roberto: You are doing the right thing by taking D3 and K2 along with calcium because those two vitamins direct the calcium into the bone. Without those two vitamins, the calcium circulates in the blood stream causing plaque to build up in the arteries causing heart attacks! Better to get your calcium from foods instead of supplements also.
And, environmental toxin overload, as well. Eating well…. clean, organic, whole foods and much of it raw…..will help our bodies and immune systems functioning optimally. It is important to consume mostly plant-based foods so that all of our stored toxins can be detoxed by the body’s organs properly and easily. It’s called biotransformation. And, is necessary for cleansing our bodies of toxins and maintaining an optimized immune system and all of our other physiological systems too.
Judi, I completely agree with everything you just posted! The best part is negative, bad thoughts can be changed! You just have to realize them when they are happening and shift 🙂
I believe that cancer and diabetes in young children today is caused by what the mother eats during pregnancy. Cravings for ice cream, doughnuts, cakes, chocolat, fried foods and sodas is usually the diet they consume when actually the body is telling them its lacking nutrition for her and the baby.. without the protein and nutrition the baby is born with a poor immune system which the dieases have already started..
Are you a cancer survivor
Please share it with us, Jose. I love learning about all possible treatments/cures. I have a long family history of several different cancers. I would love to hear what you have to say.
Do vegetarians get cancer?
Google Linda McCartney
so Lynda McCartney was vegetarian yet she died from breast cancer… as Paul McCartney’s most beloved wife and with the money to invest in a proper cure why did she die?
One more important thing to know…. The immune system can “never” destroy cancer cells that have matured because the cells protect themselves from the immune system by surrounding themselves with a protein coating. That is why some treatments, probably in other countries, use enzymes to melt the coating and then build up the immune system to destroy them. It is possible however, for the immune system to destroy cancer cells before they mature and form this protective coating. So for that reason, it is important to maintain a healthy immune system.
Ooops…sorry, I meant to say “HYPERTHERMIA” meaning to heat the body. Not HYPOTHERMIA which means the opposite..cold.
Conventional cancer treatments and associated cancer-treatment centers and fundraising entities are all a sham to perpetuate the notion of curing cancer to simply perpetuate the pharma-AMA duopoly that merely lines their pockets.
Hi Cheryl
Reading from The China Study, dairy causes a lot of tumours and today’s children are fed a lot of dairy with yoghurt, cheese, milk etc. When rats were fed casein (protein in dairy) >20% of their diet they developed tumours 100% of the time. Also children getting huge amounts of sugar in cereals etc
Nancy Nanarello
December 19, 2016 at 7:41 PM
You are correct Dr. Gillum. Cancer LOVES sugar and uses it for energy. That’s one reason why oncologists use a sugar molecule tagged onto chemotherapy and the cancer cells gobble it up and die. I don’t think that sugar causes cancer, but it sure maintains the life of the cell and enables it to reproduce itself. In addition, normal cells thrive on oxygen to survive but cancer cells will die from the exposure. How do we get oxygen into the cancer cell? Not by breathing it…that doesn’t work. Enter.. Hyperthermia Chambers which are used in Germany and some other countries. This method is used to infuse the body cells with oxygen killing the cancer cells. Another treatment used is to elevate the body temperature to around 106 degrees using another type of chamber. Since cancer cells are fragile, they dye leaving normal cells alone in the process. When the treatment in other countries makes so much sense, it makes me sick to see this country so motivated by greed and profits!! Interestingly Ronald Reagon developed cancer at one point in his life, went to Germany and came back cured. Then lived on many years after that and did not die of cancer in the end. Of course all that was kept a secret from the Media.
HI, try asking your doctor about EBC-46, an extract made from Blushwood berries found in Australia. Should kill cancer cells within 72 hours. Good Luck
In the interest of time, of all the alternative doctors interviewed, who has done the most research and has the best results with Multiple Myeloma?
If doctors examine cancer it has a white surface and is fungal. It is linked to candida albicans
Totally agree with Bill henderson. our bodies do need to be in balance. but what happens when you have bacterial bug, borrelia , nearly impossible to totally eradicate from your body, that throws your body into imbalance regardless of how clean you eat and live?
Please tell me how to get the cure 100% Natural.
No…the reason we will never overcome cancer is that the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical companies wouldn’t make as much money by selling all the chemo and radiation as they are now making. That’s what I think!!! My daughter had 6 1/2 weeks, 5 days a week, 20 minutes a day and her bill was $95,000. Oh well!
You are 100% correct.
Not a “round” of six treatments–JUST ONE TREATMENT.
Because chemotherapy drugs are so expensive and the insurance companies pay at least some of the cost, wouldn’t you think that those companies would push to support the more natural alternative treatments that are so much less expensive. If they would agree to pay for alternative treatment, they could save a ton of money! That always puzzled me! There must be a rule that prevents them from doing that. Perhaps because those treatments are not accepted or approved by the FDA. How sad!
Yes Roberto, The Budwig system is another way to add oxygen to the body. Hyperbaric Chambers for infusing oxygen into the body cells and Hyperthermia to create intense heat to kill the fragile cancer cells are the most common natural treatments used in Europe mainly Germany. These chambers are extremely expensive however. I did make the correction in my last statement of the two terms. You are smart to be taking D3 and K2 for your bones because without those two vitamins, the calcium you eat will simply circulate in your blood vessels never reaching your bones and can cause heart attacks. Remember however, never take K1 or D2 as these are synthetic forms created in the laboratory and not well tolerated by the body.
Nancy Nanarello
December 21, 2016 at 7:41 PM
Always remember that Cancer LOVES sugar and uses it for energy. That’s one reason why oncologists use a sugar molecule tagged onto chemotherapy and the cancer cells gobble it up and die. I don’t think that sugar causes cancer, but it sure maintains the life of the cell and enables it to reproduce itself. In addition, normal cells thrive on oxygen to survive but cancer cells will die from the exposure. How do we get oxygen into the cancer cell? Not by breathing it…that doesn’t work. Enter.. Hyperbaric Chambers which are used in Germany and some other countries. This method is used to infuse the body cells with oxygen killing the cancer cells. Another treatment called Hyperthermia is used to elevate the body temperature to around 106 degrees. Since cancer cells are fragile, they dye leaving normal cells alone in the process. When the treatment in other countries makes so much sense, it makes me sick to see this country so motivated by greed and profits!! Interestingly Ronald Reagon developed cancer at one point in his life, went to Germany and came back cured. Then lived on many years after that and did not die of cancer in the end. Of course all that was kept a secret from the Media.
CBD oil will greatly improve seizures!
Thanks for your statement Claudia. I have learned that there are no accidents in life and to pay attention to one’s thinking. You can empower yourself by saying I am loved, etc.
Great statement Megan. Many people(we are really more than just people) are on automatic and do not pay attention to what they are thinking.
Louis, I can only assume that you are referring to some practitioners in the USA though I am sure not all. I can assure you that this is not the case with all natural health practitioners in other countries (of which I was one until retirement) and one of my goals as a practitioner was to help people learn to heal themselves. It is rather dismissive, insulting and somewhat ambiguous to imply that we don’t use methods that work through either lack of knowledge or fear of losing clients. I don’t know anything about you other than that you appear to sell a brand of supplements. Given that the aim of The Truth About Cancer is to encourage people to seek help and knowledge to help themselves you should refrain from making such statements about natural health practitioners and instead encourage people to seek out practitioners to assist them in their journey back to health.
Thanks for the comment, Lorraine… I’m not referring to all practitioners. Sure that some do look at what actually works. I have known some close people that relied on certain practitioner methods and they did not make it. And I only refer to what I experienced.
Yes, we do have products that do bring results. Do not most others supply products? Years ago my wife attended a nathurapath and was sold a giant bottle of vitamin/mineral pills. I though it was a joke.
We have products that BRING RESULTS… without them our method would not work.
There are other methods to eliminate cancer and other illnesses but that could take a lot of time. Dr. Loraine Day, a surgeon of 18 years, who had breast cancer would not go the medical route… she used a raw juice method which took over two years to eliminate the cancer. Our method could take as short as two months. So why suffer needlessly?
And yes, we do want people to seek out methods that do work for them. But in experimenting methods, does that not delay the healing and what about the suffering they go through. We have people that eliminated brain cancer, colon cancer, from death-bed cancer to cancer-free in sixty days… funeral arrangements were already made… and much, much more…
Our philosophy… “Supply the body with the tools it needs (proper nutrients) and the body will heal itself.”
Visit our sites… e-mail:
Do you have the answer, cure, for a benign brain tumor between the left skull and brain with edema, swelling?
they don’t want a cure they make more money on treatments.
They won’t!!
Laura: K2 and D3 are vitamins that you can purchase in any health food store in the country. Be careful though to make sure they are not K1 or D2 as those are synthetics made in a laboratory from chemicals which are not absorbed very well by the body.
Hey what’s the immunotherapy med? How can we find about this? So so pleased for u u should b so proud to stand up to them ?
May I ask what the immunotherapy med is? Please.
Thank you Megan, I just saw your statement. We create our reality with our thought consciously or unconsciously. I learned this from the ancient school I attend. I am writing a book on Teen Self Love.
Thats terrible those oncologists tried to make you have chemo. I soo agree with everything you say, thanks for taking the time to share your story. X
I am so sorry for people with cancer, they have a cure but wont use it because they make more money with treatments, sick world.
I suspect her cancer started way before she was vegetarian.. That is usually the case. It takes many years to get cancer to develop.
If one, or more, have the answer to cancer…why not share it? I have prostate cancer. The only answer available from the AMA is the ‘Gold Standard’ Geez!!
Our program has helped many eliminate cancer. Visit our site to see a few results…
Louis Hoolaeff HR HC ACS
A cure for cancer does exist. You know that but you wont give credit to anyone else. This is what our Society has become. Each individual wants to believe that they know it all. The secret is to listen to someone that might know the answers.
Cancer is very easy to eliminate. Do not have to travel anywhere. We have to understand what the CAUSE of cancer is and only then we can eliminate cancer and any other illness. We have many that DID eliminate cancer through a natural process. On our site will be found some stories of cancer elimination… 1.From death-bed cancer to cancer-free in sixty days, 2. Eliminated cancer and MS. 3. Cancer tumor literally came out of the navel and coughed up cancerous tissue…. and much more. Why do people refuse to even look at natural methods that bring results…???? Beyond me…!!! Of course many that did refuse are not with us today. Visit our site…
Cancer Cure:Love
Better to do the natural way and don’t use crazy ways to cure cancer
Hi, when you mentioned a purple flower do you know what type it is ? Does it have a yellow center ? Is it from the Belladonna Family ? I would like to know if possible who told you this, and I could use your information for my research.
It’s about balance clean living everything has a knock on effect so say you eat excessively and suppress your emotions then stress on the body and mind produce symptoms like ulcers diabetes depression when you eat healthier exercise little and often you release toxins from your body and produce good hormones that uplift the body and mind this has endless advantages like healthy heart liver kidneys etc.
Everything is connected the blood is filtered by the kidneys and through the heart.
The blood has something called haemoglobin which carries oxygen around the blood but when we smoke we deplete them and then loose the red blood cells which then cause anemia which is low iron causing tiredness etc but can cause later a blood transfusion cancer hiv and blood loss.
What I’m trying to show is it really does matter what we do young and old and can be the key into having a long and healthy life.
Cancer Does Have A Cure:Love
Thanks for your comment!
Israeli Scientists say otherwise. Cure to be released within 1 year! Check out Jerusalem Post.
i dont want to be a smart alack but i found the cure for cancer when cells get sick the the brain tells the cells to do something called CELL SUICIDE were the cell kind like self destructs the mitochondria is like an engine to a car . if the engine doesn’t work then the whole thing is kinda like a mindless zombie so when the brain tells those cells to die the cells wont die because they are not sick(they are not working properly) this is called mitochondrial dysfunction cells that go through mitochondrial dysfunction cant work or respond to the brain or the rest of the body.
those cells have no way to get energy so they start using glucose for an energy source soon they will be starved for energy and that cell will break into small bits of broken mutated cells that will grow rapidly and cause a tumor the tumor cells will use glucose in order to produce energy. since other cells dont rely on glucose anyone can simply cut off the glucose supply all of the tumor and cancer cells will die.