There’s been an ongoing debate over the past number of years as to whether or not vitamin D is actually helpful in preventing cancer, and to what extent. Now new research supports that postmenopausal women with higher levels of vitamin D (≥60 ng/ml) have a much lower risk of breast cancer than women with low blood serum levels (<20 ng/ml)of vitamin D.
Vitamin D is automatically produced when the cholesterol in your skin absorbs the ultraviolet B rays from the sun. People who don’t get enough sun exposure often need to supplement with vitamin D in order to have sufficient serum (blood) vitamin D levels.
For several years, the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine has been out to discover if those with high levels of vitamin D in their blood have a lower risk of developing breast cancer. The study was conducted with help from specialists from Creighton University in Omaha, NE, the Medical University of South Carolina in Columbia, and the nonprofit organization GrassrootsHealth in Encinitas, CA.
The study focused on the pooled analysis of two randomized clinical trials and a prospective cohort.
Researchers looked at postmenopausal women over the age of 55 (average age of 63) who were all cancer-free at beginning of the trial. Researchers followed the health of these women for four years and monitored any potential signs of breast cancer.
The two trials contained 3,325 participants between them, and all drew research from a prospective cohort study with an additional 1,713 participants. There were 77 new cases of breast cancer within all the study participants.
Researchers discovered that there was an 82% lower incidence rate of breast cancer in women with 25(OH)D concentrations ≥60 versus those with levels under 20 ng/ml.
“Increasing vitamin D blood levels substantially above 20 ng/ml. appears to be important for the prevention of breast cancer,” stated first study author Sharon McDonell.
This particular study focused on postmenopausal women and principal investigator Cedric F. Garland noted that “Further research is needed on whether high levels might prevent premenopausal breast cancer.” Garland went on to say, “Nonetheless, this paper reports the strongest association yet between serum vitamin D and reduction in risk of breast cancer.”
Vitamin D deficiency is linked to a number of diseases including diabetes, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis and autism.
Scientists continue to disagree on the recommended daily intake of vitamin D and many believe the standards set by the government and the National Academy of Medicine are too low. Your best bet is to have your vitamin D blood serum tested so you know your current level and then work to increase it, if needed, under the guidance of your healthcare practitioner.
I recently read about a remedy protocol for alzheimers, brain forgetfulness, .. I forget where I read it ! Clearly, I need help restoring my memory and cognitive functioning….
Was it you?
As a 70 year youngster woman, I want to restore my facilities to full health and vigor 😉
I eagerly await your reply,
Thank you and God bless you and yours
Lynn Russell
Hello, Lynn!
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Thank you Ty for sharing all updates on ways to healthy living for everyone. Please keep up with good work!
God bless you!
Thanks again with much appreciation,
Thank you for your nice thoughts and comments, Thidar:)
Your support of our mission is very much appreciated!
Have a blessed day.
Excellent information. 40 years in Florida has made me aware of the vitamin D from the sun, and also living a lifestyle of 365 outdoor exercise. Balance is the key. Studies also show that
Concentrated broccoli, know to eliminate tumors in the breast is manufactured in this State,
(Endocarbinal). We have a plethera of fruits and vegetables in the tropics. Love you both.
Are there not multiple types of Vitamin D? Which one should be added to your diet for optimum results? I’d hate to add D3 and find later that it doesn’t assist.
“Vitamin D is automatically produced when the cholesterol in your skin absorbs the ultraviolet B rays from the sun.” It is interesting that from this we decide we need more vit. D , but could it also have to do with insufficient or impaired cholesterol levels – not a popular way to think, but one that should be up for discussion and investigation.
I am interested about bit.D, because I was operated about prostate’s cancer and n 2016.25 hidroxi vit.D. was <20 and I began to take supliments 4000 UI/ day.After 3 months the vit.D rose to 38.I am a question, please:
– Why we don't make 1,25 ( OH)2 vit.D3, because we take supliments about D3?
– what quantity about fructoza natural from frui t we can eat on the day?
Hi Cornel
It is difficult to understand your questions. However, you´re NOT vitamin D deficient if your 25(OH)D is 38.
We have no need of eating fructose and glucose, because our bodies make those sugars from starch and cellulose. Fruits and berries are healthy because they contain vitamins and antioxidants, not because of their sugar content.
Thanks Ty, but I’ve been taking over 6000 units of D3 gels daily for years. I think it has helped keep cancer away and flu and colds…..we never get them. I saw on Dr. oz one day that it’s safe to take up to 8000 units a day. I, too, have lost not only family members but recently dear friends to cancer, and they all were smokers, as well treated with chemo and radiation. It is a useless protocol as well contributes to further cancer and death as far as I am concerned. We’ve been aware of nurse Rene Caisse’s work with cancer patients, all of which she cured using an old Ojibwa native Indian medicine of roots and herbs. It can be purchased as a Essiac (her name backwards) which is expensive, or online it is the same as Ojibwa tea, and or capsules. We have been taking the capsules for years daily to keep cancer away, as a preventative medicine. It is a good detoxes as well for people going through chemo as it is so toxic.
Bless you for all your research. I’m
Praying No one in my family nor myself will have to face this fear. However, I’m not a proponent of chemo and radiation. I read your articles and like the route you talk about for healing. Thank you for what you do!
And THANK YOU Debra for empowering yourself with life-saving knowledge! Feel free to help us spread the truth by sharing the article with friends and family. Have a blessed day.
I take a D3 supplement, is that sufficient, or do I need to also take a Vit D ?
Ty & Team,
Can you give readers information on the Vitamin D test name and places to have Vitamin D blood tests done that are more reasonable than the typical blood labs? My insurance company did not cover the test and I’m sure many others are in the same situation.
Is my Vit D3 sufficient or do I need to also supplement with Vit D?
DR Clement of the Hippocrates Institute stated in a lecture, which I attended, that the cells taken from a cancerous breast, matched the DNA of the conventionally grown chicken. (I’m trying to remember and word it correctly). Also they found that the ethnicities having the highest breast cancer rates were Blacks and Jewish, correlating with diets high in chicken consumption…
When I was diagnosed with TNBC I learned my Vit D level was 22. Had the traditional treatment, changed to a whole foods plant based diet, and have worked at increasing my D level. I take 5,000 units of D3 daily and try to get 5-10 minutes of sun several times weekly (not so much this summer with our temps hovering around 100) but D level is stalled at 44. Would like to be closer to 60 – what can I do?
Excellent article.
To my knowledge taking vit D3, which is active form of vit D is more beneficial to raise blood levels to normal readings ,which ranges between approximately 40-180. Optimal level within this range would be around 100- 120, 60 is still acceptable and should be helpful for prevention of cancers and other diseases mentioned in the article.
For those who have difficulties to raise vit D levels to normal levels, I would suggest take 7000IU of vit D3 per day for at least two months then check your blood levels with your doctor. If levels are still low, we need to take into account our body weight ( being overweight will require higher intake of vit D for longer to reach needed results), issues with digestion, presence of chronic diseases ( all our organs including brain, breast, glands producing hormones, immune system, bones etc… require vit D for normal function , which means any anomaly in this areas will require higher demand and use of vit D ).
In regards to sun exposure, yes, this is natural way and would be the easiest to stimulate production of vit D by our body, for this we would need full skin exposure for 20-30min to sun without sun screens, ( we need UV B rays to initiate first step of vit D production in our body) 3-4 times per week in the so callled safe time of the day: before 10am or after 4pm. For next two steps to complete production of active ready for use vit D, we need healthy liver and kidney. So, any disfunction of this organs will effect levels vit D in the body.
Hope this information can be useful for those who need it.
My regards to all hard working people ,who provide much needed awareness to general population in need of knowledge how to stay healthy.