Video Transcript: Water Fasting: The Most Cost Effective Method of Healing?
Charlene Bollinger: Have you ever thought of fasting as a method to heal your body? Why is it that fasting is mentioned over 40 times in the Bible? Our colleague and friend Dr. Edward Group, founder of the Global Healing Center, and his team have dug into past documents and have found extensive information on fasting.
Ty Bollinger: Watch the upcoming video and find out what they discovered about water only fasting, which Dr. Group also calls the most cost effective method of healing in the entire world. Enjoy and be sure to watch all the way to the end.
Dr. Edward Group: So, I actually hired a research scientist to work with me all year long and to find all of the information they could possibly find on fasting, trying to dig up all those documents from the past and put everything together and see. Because what I want to talk about is hardcore fasting.
I mean there’s a lot of talk about ketogenic and juice fasting, and that’s all fine, but I’m like looking for what is a hardcore method that’s been used for a long period of time? And I didn’t really know a lot about it, or at least didn’t dig into the history of it, but this guy worked all day long every single day for almost a year with me to try to pull up and find a lot of the information that was out there.
So, what I found I want to share with you today, which is incredible because looking at some of these old doctors that have spent years and years in the past with doing water fasting protocols. This is a bold statement, but think about if you could really eliminate disease for $1.99 a day. That would be pretty cool. That’s how much a gallon of water costs, right? I mean if you think back at the benefits of water, I mean how many times do we talk about water?
It’s weird that I’ve been doing all this fasting all year, and then all of a sudden, Hurricane Harvey, I’m from Houston, comes in and just goes “Here’s a bunch of water,” that just goes “whoosh” and rinses everything out and my house floods, and it’s just like I’m going through this cleansing process and then my environment gets cleansed with water, too, which has actually been a great experience.
You don’t hear too many people saying that, but it’s great to just kind of have a good cleansing of your life every now and then. It just puts things into perspective in reality.
And the more I study fasting, I’ve been telling people, “Well, how would you like to get $120,000 stem cell treatment for free?” I mean your body is so powerful. Your body has the power to heal itself. I’ve always been talking about the self-healing mechanism and how effective it is. And looking back at religious texts doing research, I mean I think the Bible mentions fasting over 40 times. And people didn’t have a lot of medicinal herbs and different methods of healing themselves a long time ago.
So, I used to be one of those doctors that had 400 different vitamin supplements in my cabinet. And it’s weird, after 25 years, I’m coming back to simplicity again. Like everything is in simplicity. Your body wants to heal itself and it’s not really that hard to heal from any disease.
And the abstinence of food really is the definition of fasting. You know? There’s juice fasting, there’s intermittent fasting. I like all of those. But water-only fasting is to me probably the most cost-effective method of healing in the world.

So, fasting was God’s original medicine. I mean if you look at the flood, Noah, all that stuff, water, not only did people in the past, whether it’s Egyptian, Ayurvedic, every society fasts. But it was also a staple used for spiritual reasons and purification.
Everything’s about purification, you know? If you’re pure. That’s why detoxing and cleansing always works. And doctors that have been around for ages will tell you that if the body’s pure, the body’s healthy.
And if you look back at some of the methods years and years ago, what did they have? I mean all of this stuff that’s been created recently with the food and all this other stuff is damaging to us. But really, all they had was sunlight, water, air, and rest. And that alone, the reason I don’t have food in there is because food wasn’t a big staple a long time ago because animals, when they’re sick or they’re ill, they fast. And anybody who was sick a long time ago didn’t really utilize a lot of food.
So, we’re taught to eat several meals a day. And the more that I started getting into this and looking at this covert agenda between the USDA and the FDA and the American Dietetic Association, all these associations, big pharma, big agriculture, I mean there’s literally been a covert agenda that’s been happening for a long time to create fear in us that if we don’t eat we will die. Not only that, but all the chemicals and all the poisoning of the food and everything else.
So, I kept asking myself “Why are so many people scared of fasting? Why are so many people scared not to eat? Why do they think that something’s going to happen to their body if they don’t eat?” I started talking to people and asking them, “I’m just going to starve.” But all of this conditioning that’s been done for years and years and years is what we need to kind of get out of our mind.
And then I was saying “Why aren’t doctors using fasting?” Well, first of all, they’re taught that it’s dangerous, that you’re going to starve, that you’re going to have a mineral deficiency, that you’re going to waste away, that you need a bunch of protein in your system. And it really is kind of a dark secret of the medical community, because if you look at the past and how everything’s been structured with those relationships with the food industry and the big pharma industry, it’s all designed really to keep us sick. It really all revolves around money.
And that’s why. Why are they going to teach fasting in medical school? Why are they going to teach you how you can get rid of any disease, not like Down syndrome and stuff, but any degenerative disease? Because there’s no money in it.
As I was working with my research scientist trying to find documentation on fasting, one thing led to another and led to another and led to another, and it was really hard to find stuff. I mean we know, because of all the research and all the books on natural medicine from the 1800s, even back to the 1600s, when you look at Paracelsus and you look at Pythagoras, who had made his students fast for 30 days before he even accepted him as a student. It’s been going on for a long time.
But all of those books, all of those books were pretty much taken and burned by the pharmaceutical companies because they don’t want to give you the information that you need so your body can be healthy.
Now let me tell you, it’s been amazing that we’ve been able to track down some of these old documents and some of these successes. Some doctors that did over 100,000 supervised water fasts. I’ve read so many case studies on water fasting of what it can do to the body and how fast the body regenerates. And I put some in here to share with you how powerful it actually is.
Yeah, water fasting is amazing, can be hard for some at start though, especially if you eat refined stuff.
Over the course of these months, I have developed better focus, long-term memory, energy, mood,sleep etc. and I also think my immune system, willpower, energy, productivity improved. Though I meditated also some times a week and avoided unhealthy food so that may also make a difference.
Almost reaching 24 hr mark and I feel just good.
Thanks for sharing your experience with us Abhinandan!
Yes, the bible mentions fasting which means not eating or drinking and we are to pray for guidance and forgiveness.
For how long should one do the water-fasting?
There is cleansing fasting 1-3 days and healing one 4-40 days. I highly recommended book by Joel Furham ( I don’t think I spelled his name correctly)” eating and fasting for optimal health “. $12 on Amazon
About five of my friends from church with in a three fast with water only. We went to a camp site so there would be no interruptions. On the second day I got the worst headache ever, cause I used to drink coffee, and I also got sick to my stomach. We went on this fast for a purpose, all of us had something or someone to pray for. The third day came and I had no headache, no throwing up, my mind was clearer than it had ever been. And being a believer of Jesus I could sense His presence, I could sense his everywhere I went, it was awesome. After the fast I went to work and my Co-worker says to me your face is glowing, what do you put on your face. My body was healthy and my spirit was refreshed. And the Lord answered my prayer.
So, did you fast on water for 3 days or how long?
So you did water fasting for 3 days or how long?
I used to fast before I was a christian. As a Christian I went on a two week fast on just water. I was on trial ay a bank and they said I was unsuitable. I got another job in a bank still fasting but in a way I was isolated from relationships but broke the fast when starting the new job when they did coffee and biscuits. I kep up fasting for quite a while but then got funny about food and was scared to eat a whole meal. I was kind of isolated in relationships. In the end God told me to eat and relationships opened up and some people got saved. When I had got used to eating again, it took a few years, I then got frears that God would tell me to fast. I have learned to eat again and stay healthy as when I was fasting my skin went funny and I was too thin. When I pressed my shins there was a dent where my finger pressed. It took me a few years to get back to normal and am very careful now to only fast as the Spirit shown me which is not too often. I am very healthy now and will be very careful not to deny my body the food it needs.
Know I have not tried water fasting before really. Fasting for a day or two with liquids only preparing for a Colonoscopy. How long is a proper time to fast with water only is a question I would ask? And what if any side effects are there. How often should one this.
OK Wonderful! I will try that next. I do intermittent fasting 6 days a week. Once I did a real fast and lasted 38 hours. Like Dr Group, I have lots of bottles of Supps to get rid of before I try the water fast. I believe this is one I can easily adopt with no pain!! Love it and Thank you again for all the good work you do. I am happy for you that your family is treating your work like a family business. GOOD WORK!
I ‘m doing Intermittent fasting at this time. I lose a pound a day. its great and I have way more energy! I discovered fasting is easier than I thought.
Thanks, it was great,
Hi Mike,
The full-length video isn’t available at this time for free.
Best wishes!
but if it says that before and after follows you should have shown us that.
Apparently there is money in fasting
In 2016, I water fasted for 30 days. I say That I water fasted, but I did occasionally have black coffee, un-sweetened tea, or boullion cube broth and pickle juice. I maybe did this on 4 or 5 days through out the fast. It was a wonderful experience for me. I felt extremely clear headed and very very close to God. There were no distractions. Physically, I did experience weight loss, a drop in blood pressure, and hair loss, all of which are to be expected, but I also experienced autophagy, and I know this to be true because several warts literally disappeared that I have had for years, and two years later have not reappeared.
I would say that fasting is much more a mental battle than it is a physical. Really, once you get past day 4, it is like coasting….as long as you don’t have a big up Hill climb, you can make it. I did walk daily and do some calisthenics. I was overweight when I started, and I did gain my weight back, but that is not a negative of fasting, as I have gained my weight back with every diet I’ve tried!! I will definitely fast again. Losing my hair was not expected, and I was not prepared for that. I didn’t lose it all, it just thinned alot. I would guestimate that I lost about 25% of my overall hair, which has now fully regrown. I did do a few coffee enemas, maybe one a week. ( My next fast will include a home made Gatorade consisting of liuid minerals and magnesium.My first fast did not.) I can second that refeeding is crucial on a long fast, as you have no gut Flora, because it has died back due to lack of nutrition. I did my refeed with watermelon and cantaloupe and a product called Flora-baby which is actually a powdered pro-biotic to help new born infants who have digestive issues. I slowly added spinach and lettuce with shallots and tossed them in a bit of vinegar and honey dressing with Sea Salt. It took me about a week to build up to a regular meal. Many say to wait longer, but I didn’t find that necessary. I hope this will be truthful and helpful for anyone looking for the honest lay-person’s experience. I would recommend, but do your research and be confident in what you are doing or you will talk yourself out of it. I did this on my first fast on day 18! Prepare mentally and physically and you will do great!
Hi were can I get the full report and what is the cost. Paula
Hi Paula!
This is a clip from Dr. Group’s presentation at our annual live event – The Truth About Cancer LIVE 2017. Recordings of the full event packed with presentations of today’s most respected doctors and other health experts can be found here:
My husband and I were both pre-diabetic and we are doing the 22 hour intermittent fasting. All of my husbands levels from his blood work showed improvement and we are no longer pre-diabetic. We find this easier than other diets.
Great to hear about the success that you and your husband had! Thank you for sharing Patty.
I find when I lose weight quickly I end up having a gallbladder attack. It’s the only time I have gallbladder attacks. (3 times). If I water fast and lose weight quickly will this happen to me? I understand losing weight quickly makes stones!.
I am on a 5 day detox at the moment so it’s great to hear this video.
I use to fast a lot when I was younger and would do 3-5 day fasts! I was told not to do just water , but 1/2 pure unfiltered apple juice to 1/2 distilled water. Can also add lemon or lime to it, but never just water! Also very important to do at least 2 enemas during this fast as you can release toxins so quickly that if you don’t help clean things out, it can go back into the system make you very ill! Also was told that the mixture listed above was to help stay on the fast and keep your blood sugar stable! I always did this and it was easy, never got ill, my mind and energy was up and I got rid of toxins and the weight!
That’s not a true fast and you never felt I’ll cause your body never reached autophagy and went through die off and healing. Also by intaking sugar your ensuring that the bad microfora had a consistent source of food to survive the fast. You just essentially bwent on an extreme diet which likely only benefited from weight loss
Is the full length version of this video available for purchase? If so, where?
Hi Tyler!
This is a clip from Dr. Group’s presentation at our annual live event – The Truth About Cancer LIVE 2017. Recordings of the full event packed with presentations of today’s most respected doctors and other health experts can be found here:
I have RA. 11 years ago I went to Dr. Scott’s clinic in Ohio. I fasted water only 21.5 days. The Dr. took blood work a lot. The majority of swelling went away but I still had some. The Dr. said because I had had RA so long it was hard to reverse. The clinic I went to would not allow excercise or TV. Dr.l Scott wanted the body to focus on healing. At night it was hard to sleep. We broke the fast with watermelon juice then salads. I lost a lot of weight but it came back. I think it really helped cleanse me. I would do it again if I had the time and money. It was expensive like maybe $5k. I also was able to stop smoking at this time and have not thought about going back to it ever. It was super easy because all you want and can think about was food, not cigarettes.
There was an amazing Amish lady I met there that was on a 40 day fast. She had cancer in her intestines. They surgically removed a piece of her intestines before fasting. Then instead of chemo she did the fast. She got really sick when she broke the fast. She ended up in the hospital. Her intestines healed together due to the lack of food. The hospital fixed it. Everything was ok then she ended up passing away maybe a year or so later. I guess a lot of Amish went to this clinic.
Dr. Scott was super old like 80 something. He faster regularly. He also up passied away. If I recall correctly Dr. Scott’s wife passed away from Cancer.
Hi Guys,
I’m talking to my fellow church members about all the work you and your wife are doing to expose the myths about cancer.
One of the church members has just been diagnosed with “brain cancer.” I am going to contact him and let him know that his cancer can be healed, and suggest that he not take the “chemo” and radiation that the hospital has or will offer him. I will talk to him and explain the diet of raw, juicing, supplements and water that will help to heal him and much more!
I will keep you informed. Your cancer series is awesome!!!
I am a vegetarian and will tweak it up…
Hi, I have a stubborn fast growing triple negative invasive ductal breast cancer, I’m on day 11 of my water fast. So, far no luck in stopping the tumour growth. Any thoughts would be very welcome.
Hi Abelha, I’m only 6 hours in so don’t have anything to add, but i also have invasive ductal breast cancer and wondering how it’s been since you posted? J
In 1982 Dr King and Dr Petrakis published a study in the British medical journal called The Lancet.
They came to the conclusion that women who move their bowels 1=2 times a week have 4 times the propensity for breast cancer than women who move their bowels 1-2 times a day.
Dr Hiromi Shinya, a retired gastroenterologist, showed through a youtube film that the stress, fear, panic and dehydration causes the colon of breast cancer patients to not be able to really clean itself thoroughly even for a colonoscopy. When he was working with patients he would insist that they eat a plant-based diet that has a good deal of enzymes and fiber and drink the cleanest water available, preferably Kangen high alkaline water.
Dr Otto Warburg won two Noble Prizes for bringing to light that cancer cannot live in an alkaline, oxygenated body. Thus high enzymatic, live organic lifestyle will be exceedingly helpful for you in your healing journey.
Also, Dr Nicolas Gonzales, who had 85% success rate healing cancer could spot those who would not do well because they were stressed and panicky. Their clinic employs the liver and gallbladder cleanse. Positive emotions play a significant part in healing.
My book, Gallbladder and Liver Super Cleanse, Now Made Simple for You, will be out on Amazon later this month. I hope what I have elucidated will be of help to you.
Have you looked into DMSO or mms/oxygen therapy? Check it out! Just don’t even look at pubmed or wiki lol
Please do more thing than just fasting. Ozone treatments, coffee enema’s, serraphastase, herbs, hbot, PEMF, etc.
Hi Abelja.
I know someone who had cancer of the lymphatic system. He started chemotherapy and his hair started to fall out he stopped chemotherapy treatment and went on a juicing cucumber and greens diet. He recovered from
His cancer. He said he juiced cucumbers all day long thruout the day. I sincerely pray it helps
You .
All the best.
Love Alia xxx
Hi Abelja.
I know someone who had cancer of the lymphatic system. He started chemotherapy and his hair started to fall out he stopped chemotherapy treatment and went on a juicing cucumber and greens diet. He recovered from
His cancer. He said he juiced cucumbers all day long throughout the day. I sincerely pray it helps
You .
All the best.
Love Alia xxx
very interesting topic, would love to know more and hear about the case studies Dr. Group mentioned in the video no 1
In Germany it is common to fast several weeks per year sonce ancient times. My mother, grandmother and grand grandparents tpgetber with lots of friend do so. Tbere is plenty of literature on it in German.
I did this a lot during treatment- then I’d go to my juices from Organifi , as my nose allowed, and adding bone broth- then eating what I could. It helps. Especially when it’s so easy to become constipated during Chemo. Really really constipated. I also upped my emu oil capsules daily, coconut oil and other colon movers, like oatmeal and grits… know your body’s doing it’s minute by minute daily needs. It changes throughout!! Just be careful of over consumption of water… watch for swelling and watch your heart! Be aware of YOU. Have a good team.
(Pulmonologist, cardiologists, Endocrinologist, oncologist, Primary who is up on cancer patients needs and quirks and a good masseuse! (which I still need to acquire) )
I found this subject very interesting, several years ago I was led to fast for 40 days on water only. At the time I was in my early 40s I did it as a fast unto the Lord really not knowing what I was doing or why. Obedience is better than sacrifice. The first few days were very challenging to say the least. After it was very easy. I was covered in much prayer & the grace of God kept me strong. I did not know what was going on in by body at the time however with hind sight I learned that my body was detoxing, I went about doing my daily duties with great energy! I am aware that my body was totally cleansed, my mind was renewed no brain fog etc. At this time I am 83. Many people think I am in my 60s. Glory to God! As I said I was guided by the Lord & I give Him all the Glory. Check out my Facebook picture I really enjoy excellent health. Water Fasting Works. Jo SantoStefano
We started a water fast for my hudbands retronasal metastase . four years ago my husband has stage three h HPV throat cancer he refused chemo and radiotherapy had the surgery only we have been on an alcaline mainly raw organic vegetarian diet for four years coffee enemas and followed ty Blinger all this time. Now he has this 8 cm retronasal metastase inopérable no biopsie done and the doctors say its the end He has not one lymphe swollen not one other tumour nothing no where just this one he now sees double and is loosing his hearing he decided to do a water fast he did 6 full days only water lost weight 5 milos in 6 days he now weighs only 60 kilos the doctor said he had to stop so he did we are now asking if he is dying but has only one tumour every thing else is healthy maybe he should do a longer fast even if he does die What do you think? He is on the cannabis at present and still alcsline vegies only eggs no meat no lactose very little fruits berries mostly vegies and nuts
Hi Darling,
Thanks for sharing part of your husband’s journey with us. We are sorry to hear about his diagnosis. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
I found Dr Group through TTAC just over a year ago. I studied and learned about intermittent and long term water fasting. Then I went on a year long quest that has changed my life, given me my good health back and made me feel at least 10 years younger, so far. Just started a new long term water fast today. Shooting for 7 days this time
I would love to hear more about your journey, very inspiring.
Hi.i like ur topic.plz learn about fasting in month of Ramadan. I think it will help u in Ur could be more baneficial for us.Thanks for Ur sincere help our world need sincere peoples like u.thanks again.
Yes, like Cris Wark said, Stop the conveyer belt from bringing in the food, and let the body go to work cleaning house, however, where on earth do you find refreshing stream water that your body wants to drink????I hate the taste of distilled water and filtered water, it’s just not the same as pure stream water which you can drink tons of and your body actually wants more???THATS THE BIG PROBLEM……IHATE THE TASTE OF the other waters….”.I remember as a child, telling my mother that I loved the stream water behind our house which flowed freely and was so pure….do you see why people tend not to drink water anymore!!!!!! That’s the KEY…..the water is not the real water anymore…..
I wonder how much water to drink per day. I think Dr. Group mentioned 1 gallon. I am not sure if I have 5% body fat. I am 5’6″ and weigh 105 lbs. Also, I use Cannabis oil at night for Osteo-Arthritis. Right now, my CT scan shows my whole colon is filled with excrement. Working with a gastro-interologist, but I really want to get back to having a healthy bowel, I have diverticulosis which has caused a lot of pain. I will ask about body fat, etc., but I really think this might be the solution. Anyone have feedback?
Do coffee enemas……the Gerson institute has the recipe……get , do them, You will see a major difference in your system., and your colon will be completely cleansed, and because it’mainly to drain the toxins from you liver, your liver will be pristine…….mine is and I have the lab work to prove it…..Lynda
Hi Lynda,
Recently I discovered Gerolsteiner water with electrolytes from Germany. Trader Joe’s and Safeway has it. I think it is delicious – maybe not like stream water, which I have never had.
Hi Lynda,
Recently I discovered Gerolsteiner water with electrolytes from Germany. Trader Joe’s and Safeway has it. I think it is delicious – maybe not like stream water, which I have never had.
When I drink it, I want more it is so good.
I just saw the emails watched this segment, I’m very keen to learn much more, where this doc’s practice is, see the full video or how to attend one of these live events re: the latest research!
I was diagnosed with a very rare soft tissue sarcoma the end of summer of 2015, even left the hospital and they knew I had a cancer but they didn’t know what kind!, then the sarcoma-oncologist informed me I was ‘unable’ to get another surgery for curative intent (by
then I had 4 tumors removed, 1 tumor spill, it was radio/chemo resistant and no FDA recommended treatment at the time, and so he was unable to even give me a prognosis).
So, I tried to de-stress as much as I could, went back to work as an RN (due to keep healthcare insurance as astronomical medical bills), switched to almost all organic v.s. conventionally grown. Learned meditation and as much integrative medicine as much as possible.
But by 3 mos later, by December, I became seriously acutely ill, developed innumerable non-painful lumps under my skin, and also some exact type of symptoms that I had felt prior to the discovery of cancer. I was at home, alone, weak, and unable to have energy/strength to drive myself to ER, pondered calling EMS, then decided if it’s full blown cancer-metastasis, then I’d rather die at home vs in hospital, I wanted to save my kidney function so I only had strength to fill large mugs of water and just drank it for 5-6 days straight, I think my PCP was on vacation, and couldn’t get in (nor trust the other who dismissed my concerns prior, and I had that sarcoma ma all along). So, I kept drinking as much as I could, to visibly tell I was hydrated, I kept thinking to keep my kidneys functioning and if they don’t, then call ambulance and get to hospital, then all I did was slept, drank, etc… just water or matcha powder in water…., prayed…. more water….,I gradually started to recover/gain some strength by end of week l, then the next wk I saw my PCP who felt the innumerable under skin lumps, didn’t know what they were, then I returned to cancer center out-of-state but still gradually felt on the mend! or over the worst of it. My oncologist said just to ‘keep doing’ what I’ve been doing and then much later, like last year told me that he originally thought I probably would have died in ‘about 3 months’ but didn’t tell me that then!!!! And he thought that since I made it through that period, he thought I’d make it ( live ) longer now !!! It was almost a full week of mostly WATER ONLY!!! And today was the 1st time I’ve ever heard of ‘water fasting’ and am keen to learn more of what you shared to the public!!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing!!!, I now believe that what ever happed back in that initial December 2015, and then again intermittently in Sept 2016, Dec 2016, July 2017, Nov 2018, I kept ‘doing’ what I did back then, mostly consume lots of water!!!, and some how I get thru it!!! I’m still surviving, and it will be 4 years this Sept 2019!!!! And, I think ‘fasting’ on water may have had something to do with it, especially after this read/view
*** I return to Houston periodically for oncology check-ups, and am interested in learning more about Dr Group’s practice, or any public tickets to events as filmed above, any info about this!!!
Please contact me via my e-mail
Kind Regards,
Ms A
Hi Ms. A –
Thank you so much for sharing this amazing journey of recovery with us.
Your testimony is a huge inspiration to us.
We do have an upcoming event in October of this year called The Truth About Cancer LIVE 2019. TTAC LIVE 2019 offers you everything you’ll ever need to know about healing and preventing cancer, natural healing remedies for multiple health challenges, and the truth about vaccines – all packed into a single weekend!
Here’s where you can find out more about this life-changing event:
Hope this is helpful!
Blessings and love!
I have been water fasting since I read T.C. Fry’s article which pointed me to Dr. Shelton’s book on Fasting in the 1980″s. First I had supervised fasts with Natural Hygiene proponents in Barbados and Los Angeles. I now do them 3-5 days yearly, with distilled water, and yes I stay put and break it on watermelon juice on day 1 and fruit and veggies for the other 2-4 days. I live in Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean.
Today is my first day, which is always tough. I wanted to quit and was so happy I stumbled on Dr. Group’s video, which reminded me why I need to stay the course.
Thanks for sharing your experiences also. This is a Treasure Group. Thanks Ty and Charlene Bollinger….for bringing the Truth, now matter what ‘they’ all throw at you. Keep this up you do have like minded folks who need you.
Thanks for sharing, Jessica!
We’re so glad to hear of the journey you’ve been on and that our info has been helpful to you.
Wishing you endless blessings moving forward! 🙂
Every year, I did a one full month fasting.
Before fasting, in early morning, I take a light breakfast. When the sun goes down…I finish my fasting. At least there is a few kgs of weight decline. I feel more fresh, more fit.
After years of trying to eat healthy and beating cancer twice, I was made aware of the healing benefits of a water fast. Dr. Daniel Pompa sent me the instructions to strengthen my white blood cells and stem cells using a six week diet, culminating with a five day water fast. He called this process Autophagy. I followed the rules and just completed the diet. I can honestly say that other than getting my High School waistline back, I have not seen or felt any of the promised improvements. I’m assuming that four days after the fast is too soon to judge the results. He advised to do additional 5 day fasts for the next 4 months to achieve maximum benefits.
Are you allowed to share the diet. My ANC count is super low and I keep being told there is nothing I can do to boost my counts. I would love to learn about anything that could help.
I have used wheat grass, raw fruits and vegetables, juicing to cleanse my body and brain. Cutting way down on meat and dairy is a must as well ! Read the China Study.
Spirituality speaking though I’m seeking the Lord even in a deeper more meaningful way so I’m being led to do a water fast. Sort of Leary of losing my endurance and muscle at the gym.😀
I did my very first Fast back in 1971, but, it was not voluntary : ( I had run out of money to buy food ) !! and then, the SAME thing happened to me 5 years later, summer of 1976. I did not know about Fasting, back then—to me, it was akin to STARVATION !!!! Then, I read a book by Minister Franklin Hall, titled “The Fasting Prayer” ( was first published 1947, underwent a few revisions since then). I was COMPLETELY SOLD on the idea of fasting–really got serious about it in the early 90″s, and have been doing it regularly since then. I can attest to the fact that it is a BLESSING, and a God-send—have not had ANY SERIOUS ILLNESSES, since I started doing it !!!! ( plus–added benefit–helps to keep you youthful-looking)
Great info about why to fast, but I would have liked some recommended guidelines about fasting durations and whether they relate to different outcomes in regaining health.
Pretty much most of my adult life I have used water fasting a few days a month. I progressed to water fasting the first week of every month, and occasionally ten days of water fasting. The longest period of time I have fasted was for 43 days consecutively. This was about December of 2000. The first two weeks was the most difficult, and after that its became easier every day. My intention was to fast for 30 days, but I felt so good I continued my fast. During the fast I did a lot of meditating and studying, but I was not fatigued. My weight was ideal before the fast, and I only lost a couple of pounds by the end, which was most likely from cleansing. Coming out of the fast I felt fantastic and was very careful about introducing foods, though I did not have any problems when I began to eat. My body, emotions and mind were cleansed, and I felt as though I had a new lease on life. I am almost 67 years old, and continue to fast on a regular basis. My health is excellent and I am strong and independent.
I used water fasting on my dog who was diagnosed with Hemangiosarcoma. It is 14 months later and he is still alive.
He was only supposed to live for 2 weeks because of how advanced the cancer was.
Wow – what a blessing!
Thank you for sharing, Dal.
Wishing you and your dog good health always!
I just finished a 2-week water-only fast under medical supervision. (Others have done up to 40 days- yes, on distilled water only). The center where I fasted has doctors who check your vital signs each day and blood is drawn/urine checked once/week. Their rule of thumb is “anyone” ( who is not on any medications ) can safely fast for UP TO 3 days (72 hours) on distilled water only. HOWEVER after 72 hours the metabolic changes will become more dramatic. Blood pressure gets much lower, some cellular dehydration is common and expected. Light-headedness when standing too quickly and falls are a real danger. It is also critical that re-feeding after a prolonged fast is done correctly. Severe metabolic damage can occur if re-feeding is too abrupt. Water fasting longer than 3 days should be done under supervision—at the very least, by someone very experienced with water-fasting. Having said all that, I believe Dr. Group (and all those who came before) to be absolutely correct. Water-only fasting is probably the missing link to TRUE health!
I was diagnosed with uterine cancer in Feb. 2019. I flew to Reno to get a diagnosis from a more naturally minded doctor. Likely at the worst stage. I started water fasting with healthy salt (stopped putting it in my water). Salt gives me electrolytes and this helps me not get headaches. My first water fast started in April and I’ve tried to do them every 2 weeks. Either 2 or 3 days. Never reached a 5 day fast. I recently changed to fasts that allow herbal teas and lemon.
A doctor did help me start this, but now my time is up with him, so I am trying to learn more through books. Finding a new doctor who understands fasting and healthy eating seems like a huge challenge. Hoping and praying for direction.
Thank you truth about cancer folks! I have really enjoyed so many of your interviews with doctors. Ty & Charlene, your cheerfulness and love for the Lord have blessed me so much. Especially, in your last series when you traveled to Asia. So interesting!!
Hi Stef –
Thanks for sharing this with us. We appreciate it. 🙂
Bless you for doing your own research and beginning your journey of self-awareness. This is so important in the healing process.
Please also see the resources below in case they will be helpful to you.
From our beginning, we have supported charities that really help these cancer patients.
HealingStrong supports MANY cancer patients and are amazing. HealingStrong, a nonprofit organization, is supported 100% by volunteers, who are experienced in using natural strategies. The organization’s mission is to educate, encourage, equip, and empower those seeking comprehensive natural strategies to heal strong and stay strong.
HealingStrong Connect Groups meet monthly in various areas of the U.S. and South Australia to link others interested in natural strategies, holistic protocols, and local resources. Their groups focus on mind, body and emotional healing based on Biblical promises, as they believe the God of the Bible is our healer. For more information on how to start a group, or become involved in one, please go to, and like us on Facebook at
Cancer Crackdown is so awesome and helps patients without a lot of money get supplements and treatments and even helps them raise money:
Also, the Independent Cancer Research Foundation is another charity that we support, also known as Cancer Tutor. They have been a TREMENDOUS help for cancer patients and have a TON of life-saving information they give out freely and they do real research into treatments for cancer that are outside of the toxic Big Pharma Big 3:
The best that we can suggest is to contact Healing Strong and Cancer Crackdown for any need in financial resources.
We also support Mary Beth’s “Nick Gonzalez Foundation” which is bringing Nick’s protocol to the people…which is one of the most powerful cancer-killing protocols out there.
I hope this is helpful! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us again if there’s anything we can help with.
Wishing you endless blessings and love!
I find fasting without food not good for my body. I eat extremely healthy with lot of fruits and veggies, soaked nuts and seeds. Grains etc. I have lots of energy and feel great. I personally feel that our bodies need antioxidants to help counteract all the chemicals and pollutants we are exposed to. So eating very healthy organic fruits and veggies is what I teach my clients to do. I understand the importance of fasting in some situations when fighting cancer., but don’t recommend it to clients that are already in a physical deficit from not lack of food but lack of nutrients.
I’m the same it is not suitable for everyone. Fasting drains my energy which means I don’t keep fit. If I am bored fasting then I don’t believe it is of God. When He shows you it is right you don’t get bored. I think you need something to do if one does do it.
The first thing I did when I found I had Breast Cancer was to do a 21 day fast. (50 years ago a fellow among us cured his cancer by fasting 4 weeks-but it may have been digestive tract.) I was going to do 4 weeks, but I had reactions, and decided it was time to stop. It didn’t cure the cancer but I think a week at a time may be better. When I returned to U.S. I started to research & got in touch with a fasting group in N Cal. Anyway, I found your book “out of the box” in the library and read it twice in 2 weeks. I like the grape cure best, but will have to wait until the fall to get Concord grapes. There are only seedless red grapes in the stores we have here in never never land. Are these valid for cure? I would be willing to do as MANY protocols that will fit together (I do these now– broccoli (etc), bicarbonate of soda, walnuts, brazil nuts (3-4 a day), tumeric/black pepper, Soursop…
OK the library is going to close, gotta go. It was mentioned that some protocols don’t work together. For this I need your help. Also I would like to buy a newer edition of the book, or the other one you mention. I MUST SHOW FOLKS!!! Thanks Chandra
I had to go 200 miles round trip to get black grapes. I bought 14 lbs. to start. (There is only 1 bus every two weeks to Yuma –thank you SPROUTS, the only place I could get black grapes). But after several days they started to mold. I juiced the rest and have the last few doses in the fridge to go, but a week before the next bus. So, I drink a big glass of grape juice in the morning after the fast (i drink unsweetened green tea from 2am to 8am). About 6pm I eat veggies (mostly broccoli & yellow bell pepper) with turmeric (very lightly sautéed for best absorption) a dollop of cottage cheese or yogurt (for calcium) & walnuts. Then fast the night, until the green tea.
Please, friends, could you give me some pointers to correct my protocol?
PS, The reaction I had from the 21 day fast was EXTREME dry mouth (my teeth stuck to my lips & my tongue glued to the roof of my mouth). I couldn’t even talk. I would take a drink of water and within a few minutes, my mouth would be dry again. Other than that I was completely fine with lots of energy.
I lost 35lbs, but gained 10lbs in 4 days -the intestines filling again- & 10 days to poop normal.
I have been an avid Dr. Mercola fan since the turn of the century. He, you(s) and all his (our) experts are my HEROS!!! Thank you CHANDRA {*!*} PS I am NOT VAXXed!!!!!!!!