Due to our society’s love of sugar, scientists and manufacturers have been busy producing synthetic artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners are designed to satisfy our taste for sugar without the added calories and dangerous effects of triglyceride formation and insulin response.
Examples of these sweeteners and flavor enhancers are acesulfame potassium, monosodium glutamate, sucralose, aspartame, and sodium benzoate. Unfortunately these substances − designed by man − metabolize into toxic compounds that cause metabolic dysfunction, disease, and cancer.
Natural sweeteners are minimally processed and offer at least some nutritional value to the body. These include stevia, lao han extract, coconut sugar, blackstrap molasses, yacon syrup, raw honey, and maple syrup. These natural sweeteners are far better than artificial sweeteners because processing depletes nutrients and increases health risks.
Artificial sweeteners are synthetically produced in a laboratory, or are sugars that have been highly processed. The following artificial sweeteners and food additives pose grave dangers to your health and increase cancerous activity.
1. Acesulfame Potassium Weakens Immunity
Acesulfame potassium (acesulfame-K) is often found in other artificial sweeteners like sucralose to hide an unpleasant aftertaste. Although acesulfame potassium does not raise blood sugar levels it does produce insulin secretions.
High insulin levels promote inflammatory conditions and weaken immune function. Hypoglycemia is a condition of low blood sugar which can result because this artificial sweetener does not elevate blood sugar. Even in small doses this artificial sweetener may increase risk for atherosclerosis because it causes abnormal functioning of high-density lipoproteins (HDL) which are necessary to maintain optimal cardiovascular health.
Disrupted metabolic pathways from acesulfame create abnormal cell activity, genotoxicity, and imbalanced homeostasis. Acesulfame is associated with increased risk of leukemia, thymus cancer, breast cancer, and chronic respiratory disease.
2. Monosodium Glutamate: A Neurotoxin
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer and preservative added to many packaged and canned goods. So dangerous, the Arizona Center for Advanced Medicine believes this product increases the growth of cancer cells in the body and stimulates neurotoxicity. Its consumption is associated with symptoms of headaches, heart palpitations, brains lesions, and Parkinson’s disease. Non-industry supported research concludes that MSG acts like an excitotoxin slowly poisoning cells in the entire body.
Monosodium glutamate, like mercury, fluoride, cadmium, and other neurotoxins, is taken up into circulation and accumulates in the NTS (nucleus tractus solitaries). Impairment of this region of the brain is linked to the increased risk for developmental disorders like autism. MSG builds up in the NTS and competes with normal circulatory processes.
Unlike other areas of the brain which close openings by the first year of age, parts of the NTS remain open allowing neurotoxins to contaminate the nervous system and brain. For this reason MSG exposure to newborns may result in delayed onset autism.
Other research has found that monosodium glutamate is associated with chronic inflammation, liver damage, weight loss resistance, and chronic pain. Autoimmune diseases result when the body’s natural immune response becomes weakened by a constant heightened state. The chronic inflammatory response resulting from MSG increases risk not only for autoimmune diseases but also elevates the risk for infection and cancer.
MSG is hidden on food labels under dozens of different names. Just a few examples of the deceptive names include natural flavorings, autolyzed yeast extract, textured protein, soy protein, and whey protein isolate.
3. Sucralose (Splenda®) Causes Gut Microflora Imbalance
From the way this artificial sweetener has been marketed you would probably assume it is real sugar. You would be wrong. Sucralose (Splenda) is produced with three chlorine atoms in a highly processed series of reactions which results in damaged gut microflora. Biochemist Dr. James Brown states that “sucralose is simply chlorinated sugar.”
Sucralose causes inflammation in the kidneys and liver, and damages the thymus gland. The natural antiseptic properties of chlorine damages the human gut creating microbial imbalances. This disturbance causes chronic inflammation and weakened immunity that is associated with the elevated presence of Candida, irritable bowel syndrome, obesity, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and cachexia.
Increased permeability of the gut including the intestines and colon is seen in cancer patients. Individuals with colorectal cancer, ovarian cancer, and other cancer types have disturbed gut microflora. This condition generally referred to as gut dysbiosis elevates unhealthy bacterial concentrations, lowers the population of beneficial bacteria, causes vitamin and mineral deficiency, and causes a state of hyper-immunity. Gut dysbiosis leads to an array of problems and diseases including cardiovascular, autoimmune, neurological, psychiatric, and cancer.
Imbalanced gut microbiota has been evident in patients with colorectal cancer and is also present in conditions associated with cancer, such as obesity. Colorectal cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma are two major cancers linked to abnormal gut composition. Repairing the gut lining, decreasing permeability, increasing mucous, and improving healthy bacterial balance are some of the first strategies for the treatment and healing of patients with these cancers.
4. Aspartame Is Neurotoxic
Originally approved in 1981 for use in food, aspartame is 200 times sweeter than sugar. Aspartame is made up of phenylalanine (50%), aspartic acid (40%), and methanol (10%). High concentrations of phenylalanine has been found to cause abnormal serotonin levels in the nervous system resulting in depression and emotional and psychotic disorders.
Individuals who regularly consume aspartame have excess phenylalanine in their systems. Phenylketonuria is a disorder in which some individuals cannot metabolize phenylalanine. Therefore, aspartame should never be consumed by infants or pregnant or nursing women.
The chemical aspartic acid functions as an excitotoxin, stimulating neurons and destroying nerve cells. Researchers have found that when cancer cells are subjected to aspartame, they directly increased in activity and mobility.
The neurotoxin methanol increases in bioavailability when aspartame is subjected to temperatures greater than 86 degrees Fahrenheit. This heating process disturbs methanol formation, breaking it down into formaldehyde causing nervous system damage and carcinogenic activity.
Evidence suggests that elevated doses of aspartame increases risk of blood related cancers including lymphoma and leukemia. Because the dose of aspartame from enjoying one or two diet soda beverages has not been associated with health dangers, food manufacturers and many individuals believe the risk of such health problems is low.
However, the high prevalence of aspartame food coupled with continuous consumption of the neurotoxin over years weakens nerve function, stimulates cancer growth and metastasis, and may also increase risk for multiple myeloma.
5. Sodium Benzoate Dangers
The combination of sodium hydroxide and benzoic acid is added to this water soluble preservative salt to produce a sweetener. Sodium benzoate is added to food and beverages like energy drinks and soda. Neurodevelopmental disorders such as ADHD, asthma, and other inflammatory disorders have been linked to sodium benzoate consumption.
Vitamin C, found as ascorbic acid, is also added to many popular beverages. When sodium benzoate is combined with ascorbic acid, the two form a highly carcinogenic compound − benzene. Benzene is strongly linked to cancers including leukemia and lymphoma.
Many research groups, including the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), state that the evidence for sodium benzoate to cause cancer in humans is strong enough to classify this agent as carcinogenic. Benzene alone stimulates stress and oxidative damage to DNA inducing cellular abnormalities and increasing risk for the development of cancer.
Unfortunately a lack of a complete understanding involving the pathogenesis of cancers like leukemia and lymphoma have organizations timid to classify this sweetener as definitely cancer-causing. Until your health is protected from governing agencies, it is perhaps best for you to decide what foods pose a harm to your body and consider the exposure risks yourself.
Sodium benzoate is commonly used as a food preservative and also in many soft drinks to intensify flavor. On a label, look for E211 which is its food additive number.
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Article Summary
Artificial sweeteners are synthetically produced in a laboratory, or are sugars that have been highly processed. The following 5 artificial sweeteners and food additives pose grave dangers to your health and increase cancerous activity:
- Acesulfame potassium (acesulfame-K)
- Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
- Sucralose (Splenda®)
- Aspartame
- Sodium benzoate
Acesulfame is associated with increased risk of leukemia, thymus cancer, breast cancer, and chronic respiratory disease.
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer and preservative added to many packaged and canned goods. Research has found that monosodium glutamate is associated with chronic inflammation, liver damage, weight loss resistance, and chronic pain.
Sucralose (Splenda®) is produced with three chlorine atoms in a highly processed series of reactions which results in damaged gut microflora. Gut dysbiosis leads to an array of problems and diseases including cardiovascular, autoimmune, neurological, psychiatric, and cancer.
Aspartame is made up of phenylalanine (50%), aspartic acid (40%), and methanol (10%). The chemical aspartic acid functions as an excitotoxin, stimulating neurons and destroying nerve cells. Researchers have found that when cancer cells are subjected to aspartame, they directly increased in activity and mobility.
Sodium benzoate is added to food and beverages like energy drinks and soda and has been linked to ADHD, asthma, and other inflammatory disorders. When sodium benzoate is combined with ascorbic acid (common in soft drinks), the two form a highly carcinogenic compound − benzene. Benzene is strongly linked to cancers including leukemia and lymphoma.
thank you for this article….for years i have been using sweet & low…..today, i will begin to use
thank you for all of your articles.
What about sugar alcohols like Xylitol and erythritol?
Hi Terry Brooker,
Please refer to our article that we wrote about xylitol: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/xylitol-sweetener-sugar-substitute/
You forgot XYLITOL.!
Why does noone ever mention this product, , from birchwood.
Would you please give us some information on Xylitol? I’m not familiar with that one. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Linda,
Please refer to our article about xylitol for more information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/xylitol-sweetener-sugar-substitute/
I was wondering the same thing!
Does xylitol really lead to cancer? Would love to hear from the person who wrote the article about this.
I am interested to know on xylitol too because I heard there are two kinds: a synthetic and man made one and the other is natural and from trees. Apparently there is a big difference of price for xylitol depending which one you buy.
He forgot to mention Xylitol as an artificial sweetener to avoid or as an artificial sweetener alternative?
Hi everyone!
Please refer to our article about xylitol for more information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/xylitol-sweetener-sugar-substitute/
In the Netherlands glucosamine is allowedto be added without limit! Myself , I have a reaction on it, whenever I am invited to eat outside that same night my throat tightens so that I have to use Salbutamol (against asthma) , further I feel nausea, tiredness , cannot sleep etc. It is a shame that it is allowedto be used. The further trouble is that is very cheap, Since it tastes slightly saltish, they can use large quantities of it!!!
Thanks for this and for all you do. I climb trees in the dead of winter when it is -40 degrees sometimes to get Chaga to help cancer patience. Ten percent of it I gift to people with cancer locally. CanadianChaga.com
What are your thoughts on sweetners such as xylitol or erythritol?
Hi Heather,
Pleas refer to our article about xylitol for more information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/xylitol-sweetener-sugar-substitute/
I’m hoping this is not a bad substitution!
Great information. Is xylitol bad for you too ? I have tried to find out information about this sweetener but could not get a straight answer.
Hi Armelle,
Please refer to our article written about xyltiol: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/xylitol-sweetener-sugar-substitute/
I was under the impression that the chlorine used in sucralose is plant based like you find in lettuce. Can you point me to the data supporting your statements about it? I would like to understand better.
What about xylitol?
Hi Sarah,
Please refer to our article about xylitol for more information and sources about this subject: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/xylitol-sweetener-sugar-substitute/
FYI: Monosodium glutamate has MANY other names. Please check the work of Dr. Russell Blaylock. All best. Faye
You should look at how Stevia available in supermarkets is produced. It is not natural at all, it has an industrial process much more complex than Sucralose.
Thank you!
Sweet’N Low down
I try to avoid these at all costs. I also share the info with friends, many of whom ignore me! Doing my best!
I never hear about cyclamate either….it is available in Canada as ‘Sugar Twin’….and all over the world but is banned in the US….Thanks for the wonderful work you are doing!
even our Dr allows his children to drink aspartame laden drinksd
Thank you for this most valuable information. Any information on Xylitol sugar and syrup please ….. from Gavin
Hi Gavin,
Please refer to our article about xylitol: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/xylitol-sweetener-sugar-substitute/
So how do you find these people or get in contact with so you know what you should be doing for the cancer. I have had endometrial cancer of the uterus. Had surgery and took 4 chemo treatments and radiation.
Hi Phyllis,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
Seven years ago I stopped drinking all sodas and juices to get back to water in order to stop spiking blood sugars. I did not stop there, instead vowing to not buy processed foods preferring to use my own processor. There is nothing much to say other than my body is much happier.
The great part is rediscovering herbs and spices, raw nuts and seeds. Cooking or putting foods together is so much tastier than buying shelf food. My big health gain was dissing wheat forever. My family is all in after seeing my success.
We have such control over whether we feed a negative biological terrain or create a positive biological terrain. Such hope?. Thank you!
Isn’t Xylitol made from birch trees okay to use as a sweetener?
Hi Karen,
Please refer to our article about xylitol: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/xylitol-sweetener-sugar-substitute/
I notice that in non of your articles when you talk about natural sweeteners ou never mention Agave syrup. I believe that’s one of the natural sweeteners. I just preferred it to maple syrup. And I am sensitive to honey. Thank you for clarifying this for me!
Hi Rika,
Agave is mentioned in this article: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/sugar-white-death/
Hello for both of you!
Re: HONEY, commercial honey that is not produced by apiarists who farm it correctly, no heating or any processing apart what is part of harvesting is the normal honey we need. Processed honey that in fact not organic most likely been contaminated from sprays for weeds and artificial fertilizer residues, even of pesticides that didn’t kill the bees but part of the pollen. Intelligent, dedicated beekeepers product we need that is free from allergens and any additives. Some of us react to quite a few fruits and vegetables and allergist and nutritionist advise, or we decide to avoid them for the wrong reasons. Trying to help my daughter who was severely reacting to select fish, grains, fruits and vegetables like tomatoes, strawberries, and we almost run out of what she could eat till I realized it is often not these per see, what the problem is but the residues and additives. Found an organic shop who did not rip us off, the same stuff was no problem Until a nasty surprise taught me the lesson to make sure the scary event won’t be repeated: having lunch we ordered fish after asking the owner is the fish treated with the common preservative? ( nitrites, sulphites, sorbates, benzoates) He assured us the fish is safe, Swallowing the first bite she she started to get into an anaphylactic shock, but luckily it did tno get into a full-blown one I was waiting if I have to try save her with my penknife cutting into her air-pipe. The nearby hospital was a traffic delay and sitting on needles to make the decision she slowly got better.. The proprietor (a friend) probably didn’t understand my query I should have grilled him more.
Thanks Joseph for writing this enlightening comment.
Am wondering what the “chlorinated sugar”, Sucralose, does to our thyroid hormone. I’m picturing the Cl from the Sucralose molecule, knocking off the Iodine atom from T4 or T3, attaching to the hormone and rendering it inactive. Any research on this??
Sugar? See above sugar substitutes…Coconut Sugar, Maple Syrup, Raw Honey, Stevia are all much better than sugar!
I’m type 1 diabetic I need a little sweet in my coffee but never like the taste of artificial sweeteners except Truvia ingredients Erythriol, stevia leaf extract. I don’t see it on your list should I look for something else?
Hi Margie,
You can refer to our other articles about sugar and sugar substitutes on our website: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/?s=sugar
I got hooked on xylitol mints, after a month or so, I all of a sudden got huge nose blowing situation, man never saw so much snot, lol…no other symptoms. I laid off all my vitamins, I am 69 and take no medications of any kind. Finally I stopped the mints, after two days it all stopped. To test it, I took mints again for two days, about 10 mints a day. Bang it was back..
I would suggest that your careful with this sugar.
My question is, I use GMO free beet sugar in my coffee from health food store..it taste just like sugar, I see no mention of beet sugar. Ty
Or try the stevia! It’s natural.
My N.P. tells me to use Stevia. Now foods Better Stevia taste great. I have had some that taste terrible.
what about diabetics?
Make sure it is cane sugar. Most beet sugar is GMO
Stevia, for the win!
I have started using beet crystals in tea and Tevana sells it – am wondering if this type of sugar is healthy? I can’t seem to find any info on this type of sugar.
Can you explain a bit more, Carlos? Thanks!
GMO beet sugar tastes like sugar, to me Stevia does not taste like sugar.
Dear Ty Bolinger,
I do not use sugar in my coffee or tea, but I have instead used an artificial sweetener called Hermesetas. The only thing they promote is that you are getting no calories. Everything else is left out from the description. Therefore I would be happy if you could explain to me what sweetener I should use, or if I might ask you to send me this sweetener.
Kind regards
I have been using Stevia for at least 20 yrs… but isn’t it processed as well? I don’t use a lot but just wondering. I use the Stevia leaves as well which is so much healthier! Thank you for any info –
I was wondering that as well. There are over 100 studies proving that sucralose is safe – I would appreciate help in believing that it is not. I use very little, but don’t want to continue if this is scientifically truthful.
use raw honey instead of sugar
I grow my own stevia. It’s easy to grow! Not yet skilled at using it to sweeten. Becoming suspicious of commercial stevia. I recently attended a colloquium on synthetic biology at the local university, and the presenter (proudly!) said that his friend & colleague is now commercially supplying stevia made from genetically engineered yeast. Yuck! When possible (like smoothies), my preference is to use dates for sweetening, and Sayer Ji has an article extolling their health benefits despite their high glycemic index (>100). Mostly, I’m learning to just appreciate foods without sweetening. My fruit trees supply ample sweetness: figs, persimmons, apples, peaches, etc.
…Stevia is natural safe! Use it instead of all other artificial sweeteners!
I know on your website that Stevia is one of the sweeteners to use safely But doesn’t it have to be processed in order for it to be white? I still use very little in my tea but the way to go are the Stevia leaves if you use stevia. I also use raw honey which I love!
Harvard Medical Journal says Stevia causes cancer and reproductive issues in animals. The FDA won’t approve it. Just because something is natural doesn’t mean it is safe. Random bushes in the woods have berries. They are natural, but it doesn’t mean they are safe to eat based solely on whether they are natural.
Is sugar alcohol bad for you to?
All of our food products in Australia has to have the code number on the label’s, like 211 Sodium Benzoate, 621 MSG, 951 Aspartame, 954 Saccharin, 950 Acesulphame K .. The book with all the numbers is called Additive code breaker..
what of sacharine ?????
Alcohol and sugar is bad for diabetics honey is sugar mostly anything you buy in chops contain sugar even if they told you on the product no sugar or salt added it still contain sugar read your labels even natural foods contain sugar that can only be use in small portions if your sugar is to low you can have a small bandanna or even a half glass of milk it will lift the sugar carrots also small amounts lot of sugar butternut we can eat but with no sugar only little cinnemon and butter also small portions and only in the afternoon I don’t use any sugar or milk in my tea only cinnemon mint ginger lemons in my tea a teaspoon of cinnemon a day and have half a teaspoon of ginger a day the ginger and lemon together reduse pain with the mint