If you’re a man, the American Cancer Society estimates that you have about a 1 in 9 chance of developing prostate cancer at some point during your lifetime.
Although the condition is highly treatable, many men are suffering needlessly because they didn’t know the signs of cancer to catch it before it reached an advanced stage. Or they didn’t know the causes of prostate cancer and what to do to avoid it.
Knowing how to identify the early-onset signs and symptoms of prostate cancer is critical. It could mean the difference between having to undergo invasive radiation treatment and surgery (and suffering through a laundry list of side effects in the process), or making simple dietary and lifestyle changes now to nip this cancer in the bud and stop it from growing and spreading.
Where Is Your Prostate?
The prostate is a walnut-sized gland located directly under the bladder in front of the rectum. It surrounds the urethra, the tube that carries urine and semen out of the body. The prostate gland can affect urine control, known as continence.
How to Know if You Have Prostate Cancer: Is PSA Testing a Valid Risk Indicator?
Getting your prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels tested on a routine basis is what the medical system says is the best way to catch prostate cancer early and eradicate it with minimal intervention. High PSA levels are suggestive of prostate cancer onset, the public has long been told. Men who fall into this category are often encouraged to get biopsied and undergo invasive treatment like surgery and radiation.
The problem is that a biopsy or the prostate “removal” operation can cause a dormant cancer to spread through the rest of the body. The PSA test is known as the “gold standard” for detecting prostate cancer. But is it really? Does a high PSA equal prostate cancer?
This is an important question, because a high PSA leads most men straight to biopsies, then to “the knife,” and then straight to pain, incontinence, and erectile issues such as impotence. Of course, let’s not forget that these procedures will guarantee billions of dollars for your doctor and the medical industrial complex.
According to recent articles in the New York Times and Washington Post, PSA tests are essentially worthless. You see, the PSA test simply reveals how much of the prostate antigen a man has in his blood, which is a marker of inflammation and can indicate cancer, but not necessarily. You see, infections, benign swelling of the prostate, and over-the-counter drugs (like Ibuprofen) are all factors that can elevate a man’s PSA level.
Dr. Thomas Stamey of Stanford University was one of the original boosters of the PSA test. At a 2004 conference, he stated,
PSA no longer has a relationship to prostate cancer. The PSA test is not relevant any more. You might as well biopsy a man because he has blue eyes.”
In fact, the PSA test has been such a dismal failure in detecting prostate cancer, its inventor (Richard J. Ablin) has been speaking out against his own discovery for more than a decade!
Most recently, in a March 2010 edition of The New York Times, Ablin wrote,
The [PSA] test is hardly more effective than a coin toss. As I’ve been trying to make clear for many years now, PSA testing can’t detect prostate cancer…The test’s popularity has led to a hugely expensive public health disaster.”
On a side note, a large body of evidence demonstrates that PSA is not a “prostate-specific” antigen at all. As a matter of fact, PSA has been shown to be expressed in many forms of female tissues. The breast is a major female organ able to produce PSA.
Your Urine Can Reveal 4 Signs of Prostate Cancer
Truth be told, prostate cancer is a relatively common occurrence among men in general. But, only a very small percentage of men actually develop a clinically significant form of it. In other words, most prostate cancers remain perpetually latent and, for all intents and purposes, are completely harmless. Only a minute percentage of prostate cancers actually develop into a form that causes serious health problems.
To avoid this latter type, it’s important to educate yourself on the most common signs of prostate cancer in men associated with the development of prostate tumors.
4 Early Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer
Symptoms of prostate cancer in men include bladder and urinary problems that result in:
- painful or difficult urination, and frequent urination, especially at night
- loss of bladder control
- reduced urinary flow or velocity
- blood in the urine (a condition known as hematuria)
Many of these signs of prostate cancer develop slowly over time. However, if you notice that you’re suddenly having more difficulty releasing urine, or there’s a buildup of pressure in your bladder or urethral area, this could be an early warning sign that a prostate tumor is forming.
Are You Eating Right to Avoid Prostate Cancer?
If your diet is marked by heavy intake of caffeine, alcohol, refined sugars, and unhealthy fats (these include processed vegetable oils and trans fats) you’re already at a higher risk of developing prostate cancer. A consistently bad diet is an automatic early risk factor that you need to address now for optimal health and disease avoidance.
Nutritional programs for prostate cancer prevention include diets rich in zinc and selenium, both of which have been scientifically shown to feed the prostate gland and protect against cancer. Research published in the journal Clinical Interventions in Aging in 2007 identified further how these and other nutrients, including B vitamins, stinging nettle, pumpkin seed, garlic, and more can help minimize prostate inflammation and protect against cancer.
Consuming plenty of healthy fats is part of this equation as well. Omega-3 fatty acids serve as the building blocks of healthy cellular membranes throughout your body, including in your prostate. Omega-3s also minimize the inflammation that can lead to prostatitis, hormone dysfunction, and ultimately cancer.
Healthy Digestion Can Make All the Difference
Also integral to optimal prostate health is a well-functioning digestive tract, which means if yours is out of whack, now is the time to make a change. Part of the nutrition-based prostate cancer prevention protocol involves balancing your digestion. This will avoid gut complications such as constipation and irregularity, both of which can lead to systemic toxicity.
Digestive enzymes and probiotics can help in this area. Also helpful is hydrochloric acid, or HCL, a supplemental form of stomach acid that ensures proper food breakdown and nutrient assimilation. Other beneficial nutrients include vitamin D3 and curcumin, which studies have shown help aid in keeping the prostate from becoming inflamed and oversized.
Probiotics are particularly beneficial in that they help balance your digestive microflora, the bacterial ecosystem that regulates your immune system and nutrient uptake. Recent science has shown that up to 90% of all prostate cancers may be caused by a bacteria known as Propionibacterium acnes. Your body can successfully fight off if it has its own healthy arsenal of beneficial bacteria.
Even though prostate cancer statics may seem scary, understanding the signs of prostate cancer and proactively taking steps now can go in a long way in keeping prostate cancer at bay.
Please share these important prostate cancer signs (and tips to prevent it from developing) with friends and family!
Editor’s note: This post was originally published in June 2016. It has been updated and republished in December 2019.
Article Summary
Prostate cancer is very common in men, with 1 in 9 developing it at some point in their lives.
There are many simple dietary and lifestyle changes men can take now to reduce prostate cancer risk.
Many early proponents of the PSA test are no longer advocating for its use.
Most prostate cancers remain perpetually latent and, for all intents and purposes, are completely harmless.
It’s important to educate yourself on the most common symptoms associated with the development of prostate tumors:
- painful or difficult urination, and frequent urination, especially at night
- loss of bladder control
- reduced urinary flow or velocity
- blood in the urine (a condition known as hematuria)
A consistently bad diet is an automatic early risk factor that you need to address now for optimal health and disease avoidance.
Thank you very much, Ty. Your article is especially important, in light of the fact that the CDC has proposed ENTIRELY eliminating funding for prostate cancer for Fiscal Year 2017.
My maternal grandfather died of prostate cancer at age 65 over forty years ago. My mother told me that his prostate cancer spread to his intestines and liver. My grandmother told me that the past two years, he was not urinating properly and he thought that it was just a sign of old age. My grandmother complained that he never went to the doctor and his prostate cancer was caught too late. My mother told me that he was very healthy and fit, until he had prostate cancer. My mother cried a lot for one year over her father’s death. I hope never to develop cancer like my mother and grandfather did and die from this horrid disease.
Thank you very much for sharing the very useful information on prostate cancer. I find men are not too keen on paying the doctor a visit, they find, my husband too, the check up is pretty intrusive for them. This has caused the cancer to grow and will only come to their knowledge when it is already at stage 4. May the info you shared bring more awareness to us.
My husband did everything right but when he found his psa number kept climbing he went to a urologist and they felt he needed a biopsy, which showed cancer and close to escaping his prostate. He took care of that. if it hadnt been for the psa test numbers changing then he wouldnt have known.
Similarly my PSA began around 4.0 and rose linearly to 7.5 in the length of 4 years. Since my father had prostate surgery I had finally a biopsy and was diagnosed positive for prostate cancer. This article is good but fails to go into tracking rising prostate numbers every 6 months, watching for a rising curve via a graphic representation. Thanks to my rising PSA indicator my problem was caught before it spread outside the prostate. For this reason I do not agree with the finding that PSA has absolutely no bearing on prostate cancer. I am half way through Proton Therapy as I post this with no side effects so far. My Dad, although still living at age 89 warned me that his surgery resulted in complete impotency and by researching patient results and side effects reported on the website YANANOW.ORG instead going by doctors opinions, I finally decided on Proton therapy.
i have a friend just Dx with PC and bone lesions, how are you doing with the proton beam therapy? much appreciated, blessings, robert
My husband was diagnosed over 15 years ago with prostate cancer. We made the decision that he would not have surgery, chemo or radiation. Back then I started googling and started him on one month supply of Essiac, after which his psa dropped by 20%. I continued giving him selenium, and throughout the years have put him on guinea hen weed, raw turmeric, soursop bark and leaf, Vit B6 and B12, calcium with D3, moringa as well as other things, And these are things I researched on my own, and to see that hear you are now basically telling me I’m on the right track. All his friends and other family members that has been diagnosed with prostate cancer – some over the last 6 years, have had 1 or 2 surgeries, chemo, radiation and are now dead. The bone broth tea is another I didn’t know of but guess what, we get the bones that the West Indian people has always from time immemorial has been using to boil soup which is a Saturday staple in our homes culturally.
All I can say is the Holy Spirit guided us and now you Ty has confirmed it for us.
Thanks a million
Can you please update me more yolabaker ….need more information please…my email address Damon_Heffernan@hotmail.com thanks and praise the Lord.
Hi Damon,
Just got your message. We live in Jamaica. On his diagnosis he was told he needed to start radiation immediately.
We decided at $1 million/treatment (Jam dollars @ J$80 to US$1), back then, there had to be a better way. I have a book – MIRACLE FOOD CURES FROM THE BIBLE by Reese Dubin. Found the article on Essiac in it and googled it. Found where I could get it in Canada and ordered a month’s supply. I heard about a cancer research retired doctor here in Jamaica and we went to talk with him. He told us we were on the right track. He told us once the patient goes for surgery and the body is cut open and air hits the tumor cells, even though the tumor might be removed, the air helps in speeding up the cancer cells growth to spread throughout the body, and the chemo and radiation kills the good cells and when the operation is over – trust that the cancer will return in the future. He said when most people die and claim that they die from cancer, it is really not cancer that kills them, it’s the good cell deficiency and low immune system without the proper supplements.
So most of the products that has been in Ty’s “TRUTH” I had been using them a long time ago because a lot of them grows wild in Jamaica and I use them in their natural form.
Some others that I have not seen in Ty’s episodes, unless I missed them are – Guinea Hen Weed – it grows wild in our yards and normally we dig it out and throw it away. Didn’t realize it was so valuable. We use it to make tea. Neem is another. It is very bitter but we use the leaves to make tea. Moringa is another we also use to make tea. Sour sop is a fruit but we use the bark and the leaves to make tea. These are all plants that we have growing in our yard. Some of these products are being sold in capsule form and as tea bags here.
Good luck. Thru Ty’s episodes, I’ve been able to spread the word and even my personal family doctor has now conceded that we’re on the right track so I have referred him to the “TRUTH”
I would like to know more of what you did to negate the cancer. My dad was diagnosed today. He is 88 yr old, healthy, still drives and goes to the gym. He does not eat healthy. Anything that you could suggest that we can get started on.
I was told I should have my prostate out by a urologist on the 5/12/2013 ( booked in for opp) I decided this was not for me at the last minute . He never contacted me after not turning up for the opp. n I could be dead for all he knows! I have done Everthing to remedy myself n I’m doing great , thank you( no thanks I think to my money grabbing urologist ) We will all die eventually ,however , not because of our lack of trying every natural way possible . Google The truth about cancer n Dc Mercola n you can’t go wrong. If I die tomorrow everyone tells me how great n fit I look at 66 yrs old. There are more /better ways than your doctor will tell you,I promise you, Alan
I was diagnosed of Stage 4 prostate cancer by my urologist on my second visit to him in February 2014, almost 5 years ago. He performed surgery on me to remove my prostate gland and seminal ducts. He told me it would be a minor surgery, WHAT A LIE. I have been having urinary incontinence, impotence, and no sperm production ever since the surgery. I wish that I had the chance to read your comments and do some research on prostate cancer before the surgery, but I just didn’t have the time because my urologist scheduled my surgery within 48 hours on my second visit with him. He basically told me that I would die within 3 to 5 years. He really scared me into signing the authorization for the surgery. My advice to whoever happens to read my comments is NOT to undergo surgery of any kinds. Let it be, chances are you will have a much happier and better life even if you have to live with prostate cancer. Trust me, it is not worth getting treatments whatsoever.
A prostectomy does not mean a man will be incontinent or impotent, please get those facts right. If not for a PST test my husbands cancer would neve have been found until it was too late.
Unfortunately I don’t understand how the serious cancer is detected and what the approaches are to taking care of it!! Your information is valuable but just for the beginning…what happens in the more serious cases?
Your article is misleading. You state that “Although the condition is highly treatable, many are suffering needlessly because they didn’t catch it early enough, or didn’t know what to do to avoid it.” Not true, if you are referring to conventional intervention. There is no evidence that getting it all or getting it early have any significant benefits with any type of cancer. In fact with prostate cancer there are serious side effects from conventional treatments and no significant benefits.
If you meant this to apply to alternative treatments, then fair enough.
1. Benjamin DJ. The efficacy of surgical treatment of cancer – 20 years later. Med Hypotheses (April) 2014; 82 (4): 412–420. sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306987714000127
2.Hegarty J, et al. Radical prostatectomy versus watchful waiting for prostate cancer. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 Nov 10;(11):CD006590.
3. Ilic D, Neuberger MM, Djulbegovic M, Dahm P. Screening for prostate cancer. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013 Jan 31; 1:CD004720.
My husband died 3 mths ago with prostate cancer they could not operate on his as it was outside so was on 3 monthly injections then they stopped working then went to chemo for 7 lots it stopped working then another 6 of a different type it then spread to spine which he had 3 operations on in Melbourne then a week of radiotherapy the last 3 months he spent in hospital where all treatment stopped as it had spread to his liver , lungs etc had lost the use of his legs after the spine operation was going to come home the week that he died as palliative care had been set up all happened within a week and so fast .
I just had a friend diagnosed with prostate cancer, they are telling him they caught it early. However, his only two options provided were surgery or radiation. How do you find a reliable doctor who will be willing to think outside the big pharma box?
Hi Margo,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
I have prostate cancer I went to temple hospital in Philadelphia to see Dr Daniel Eun after talking with him two times I have decided to have the robotic surgery. I’m am having it removed August 4 th . I was told that we could watch it with a biopsy every 8 months but it’s always in my head is it moving is it still contained or did it spread. I have talked to a lot of men the had the prostate removed and everyone is glad they did !! Good luck you can look him up online Dr Daniel Eun
If a biopsy can activate a latent prostate cancer and if the PSA test is no good, how is it diagnosed.
Great question . . . I’d also like to know which tests can detect early prostate cancer in particular.
Thanks for your information…so as Ty!!
There is sufficient responses above to confuse. Herbal treatment, surgery, Biopsy, diet and any other witch doctor recommendations abound. ESSENTIALLY the term “practice” is accurate for the medical industry. Particularly in the US.
This is really great information about prostate cancer. My uncle was just diagnosed with prostate cancer, and is going to need to undergo some surgery. I didn’t realize that there were so many simple dietary changes men could make to reduce their chances of prostate cancer. I will have to look into those for myself as well as my uncle!
My husband has just been diagnosed ,what did your uncle do ?
Dear sir the psa lavel of my father is 11.57 so please suggest what we have to do and he feel no problem in urine pass and no blood coming
I have been diagnose with cancer PSA level 120 but I am feeling well bbut I got blood in sperms and ED .Now I have changed my diet .what else can I do to stop the blood & ED.
Hi Collins,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
Best wishes!
Far out !! what units are you using when you say 120 ??
normally the range is 0 to 4µg/L or ng/mL
I am glad that you pointed out how painful or difficult urination, and even loss of bladder control can be signs of prostate cancer. My neighbor is approaching his mid-60s, and he has been complaining of painful and frequent trips to the toilet. I will be sure to advise him to get to a prostate cancer clinic as soon as possible to get tested immediately.
I recently have had trouble (occasionally) urinating. I can get it out, but, have to push hard to accomplish this. should I try something like Beta Sitosterol? I’ve heard it helps shrink the prostate. is this true?
My urolgist told me today that I need a biopsy of my prostrate which is at a level of 6.94. A year and a half ago it was 6.08.
I guess im wondering should I get a 2nd opinion? I want to be proactive but have been told for 15 years I have a larger prostrate. He examined me too and said it indeed was larger and there were no bumps or growths he could feel.
Any suggestions?
Hi Larry,
We are sorry to hear about this. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
Best wishes on your healing journey!
My Dad Have Got Difficultaies When Urinating And He Claims That His Urine Have Got Blood Can It Be Prostate Cancer Since He Had Not Been Screened Yet
is back pain always one of the symptoms of prostate cancer?
Hi Boris –
It’s best if you reach out to a health practitioner directly about this.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area: https://www.ifm.org/find-a-practitioner/
Hope this is helpful to you.
Wishing you many blessings and love!
Yes been reading all the comments about prostate I was just told my is at 11whivh went fro 5 to 11 ion about a year but still strong urine flow for my age which is 72 no blood only quire frequent trips at night to bathroom only because I drink a ton of water and gator aide but since I Ben ready these comments it seems every case is differ I am sechedule for bi biopsy on the 12 of June any recommendations may a second opinion I go to VA so would appreciate any advice like I said no symptoms!! So any advice would be greatly appreciated!! Thank u James!🇱🇷🐬
Hi James –
We appreciate you reaching out to us about this.
We’ll be sure to keep you in our prayers.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global Quest series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area: https://www.ifm.org/find-a-practitioner/
Blessings and love!
How do you define heavy caffeine intake?
I have a12oz. cup of coffee every morning… twice a week I’ll have a 2nd cup later in the day. I drink very little tea …as for soda, I buy 8oz. cans for portion control, and I have about 3 of them per week.
Hi Kevin, the Mayo clinic sets heavy caffeine intake at over 400 milligrams (~ 4 cups of coffee). Other expert opinions vary but this seems to be the standard. Be sure to monitor how you feel, but we suggest keeping a low-to-moderate caffeine intake.