Curried dishes around the world wouldn’t be as delicious without turmeric. Turmeric is an orange-colored spice native to India and Indonesia, revered for its culinary and therapeutic benefits. Turmeric gives the curry its bright yellow or orange color and contributes to its peppery, warm, and mildly bitter taste. It also provides a tangy and ginger-like fragrance.
Turmeric is a root crop known for its tough brown skin and bright orange flesh. For more than 5,000 years, it has been cultivated in the tropical regions of Asia. In the 13th century, Arab traders introduced turmeric to Western countries.
Its popularity has slowly spread across the globe. Today, the leading producers of this aromatic spice are India, Indonesia, China, Taiwan, the Philippines, Haiti, and Jamaica.

Turmeric has been used in Chinese and Indian pharmacopeia for thousands of years. It is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties, and it is used to treat conditions such as toothache, chest pain, urinary tract infection, flatulence, jaundice, menstrual discomfort, bruises, hemorrhage, and colic.
Today, researchers are investigating the countless benefits of turmeric, which has shown incredible promise in the prevention and treatment of cancer.
Curcumin Versus Cancer
Turmeric’s active ingredient is an extracted compound called curcumin. Studies have shown that curcumin helps prevent several forms of cancer including breast, lung, stomach, liver, and colon because of its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It stops the development of cancer by interfering with the cellular signaling aspects of the chronic disease.
Lab results have found curcumin capable of…
- Inhibiting COX-2, an enzyme that causes negative inflammation, which can lead to cancer.
- Impeding vascular epithelial growth (a polypeptide that stimulates new blood supply) to starve cancer cells of their oxygen and fuel source.
- Inducing a tumor suppressor gene.
- Stopping metastasis (spread from one organ to another) of cancer cells.
- Killing large cell B-cell lymphoma cells (the most common reason for non-Hodgkin lymphoma).
- Preventing regrowth of cancer stem cells.
Based on a 2011 study conducted by the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, researchers found that the curcumin extract effectively differentiates between cancer cells and normal cells while activating cancer cell death (apoptosis).
Investigators concluded,
Curcumin exerts its biological influence through epigenetic modulation, a process that continues downstream staying one step ahead of adverse genetic influences.”
One study investigated how much curcumin colorectal patients could safely take. In the trial, participants took 3.6 grams, which is considered a high dose of curcumin. Results revealed that high doses of curcumin didn’t cause ill effects among colorectal patients.
Curcumin is not well absorbed in the blood but is absorbed well into the colon lining, giving it an advantage against cancerous tissues in the colon. It can help prevent prostate cancer because of its ability to interfere with the spread of cancer cells and inflammatory responses that are considered to be the precursors of cancer development. Curcumin also fights prostate cancer by reducing the expression of sex hormone receptors in the prostate gland.
It has shown incredible promise in the prevention of cervical cancer, the leading cause of cancer death among women in developing nations. Curcumin’s anti-inflammatory property blocks the factors that induce human papilloma virus and activates cancer cell death within the uterine lining.
Incredible Benefits of Turmeric
Turmeric is powerful and effective against more than cancer cells. Researchers are fascinated by the broad range of conditions it can help.
- Combats arthritis. Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties aid in managing arthritic conditions. Those who suffer from osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis have found relief by consuming turmeric regularly, especially when eaten raw. Turmeric neutralizes harmful free radicals that can damage the body’s cells and lead to inflammation.
- Regulates blood sugar. Turmeric can improve the effects of diabetic medications and help in controlling the disease. It reduces the risks of developing insulin resistance, a physiological condition in which the cells fail to respond to the normal actions of the insulin hormone.
- Helps you lose weight. Adding turmeric to your diet helps increase bile production, a necessary factor in the breakdown of dietary fat. To help obtain your ideal body weight, a teaspoon of turmeric powder in your meals boosts this process. More efficient bile production aids in better digestion and prevents liver disease.
- Promotes faster wound healing. Turmeric’s antiseptic and antibacterial properties make it a natural disinfectant. To heal wounds, sprinkle turmeric powder on the affected area. Turmeric can also be used to treat psoriasis and other skin conditions.
- Protects against Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease is believed to be caused by rampant inflammation within the brain. Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory property removes accumulated plaque and fats in the brain, improving oxygen flow.
The medical community only recognized turmeric’s health benefits in the past decade, but researchers are wasting no time conducting trials on this amazing spice.
Turmeric is for more than just curry. You can add turmeric powder to your classic egg salad, in soups, to season meats, and added to sauces and dressings. Try this recipe from Charlene for Curried Eggs Florentine Mornay {Turmeric Recipe}! A little goes a long way and adds a unique and delicious undertone to common foods.
Add this spice to your grocery list, include it in your nutrition plan, and enjoy the far-reaching health benefits of turmeric right now.
Editor’s note: This post was originally published in December 2015. It has been updated and republished in April 2024.
Wonderful to hear there are people like you! I’m trying turmeric for my dog. We will see what happens!!
i am not sure by now if you have tried or are in the middle of the treatment for your dog…but i can attest to the wonderful power of turmeric in a treatment of a large tumor on my dogs underbelly…IT DOES WORK…it is not pleasant to see the process…and you must be patient and diligent…but this is definitely a wonder treatment…i mixed about a tablespoon of turmeric and enough castor oil to make a paste to apply to the area…completely spreading over the tumor…put a gauze bandage on it…wrapping it securely with an ace bandage to keep her from licking it…then i would remove it about 12 hours later….cleaning it with warm water and leaving it open for her to lick…as the vet did say a percentage of licking does help them to heal..just monitor the licking so it is not excessive…i also put a about 2 teaspoons in each of her feedings (for her 2 a day)…within in about 2 weeks we started to notice a softer appearance…than one morning i got up and she had gnawed it completely in half…it seriously looked as though someone took a knife and cut it in half…anyway…it was slightly bleeding …was gross looking…and inside of it was this white nucleus looking thing…i got tweezers and pulled it out…it was the size of my little fingernail…a ball…i flushed it after inspeciting it a bit…she was in no pain…we kept up the process i have described above…now it is healing over…pink new skin is forming…about twice a week now i put the turmeric on it…it does have its own antibiotic property as well…so great for healing…at times i do put peroxide on it…but then wipe it away in about 1 minutes time as not to overly irritate the new skin…she has NEVER been in any pain thus far from this treatment…she is not stinking like death any longer…i still give her the turmeric in her food…i hope that you will continue to try this wonderful medicine provided by nature…i also use turmeric in my food daily as i have flexor tendonitis in my right hand…it is miraculous…the inflammation is no longer a problem…i will continue to use this the rest of my life…i do not take any medications and rarely over the counter drugs…i am 61 and healthy…i have lived pretty much a healthy life but i do like anyone else…live normally…so i hope you will take advantage of adding turmeric to your own life as well…ok…thanks for letting me share….
I am glad to hear that you’ve had success with turmeric! My dog had a rather large mass surgically removed from his jawline in the middle of October. Two weeks later, the vet called to tell me that it was fibrosarcoma. I started him on turmeric a few days later. A few days later, I noticed the mass was back – barely a month post-op!!! Up until that time, the growth was just a lump under his skin and smelled horrendous, as it had pre-surgery. On Thanksgiving day, however, a large raw-looking area erupted alongside the mass. It looked red and inflamed and he smelled again. I started him on antibiotics. Then the red area started to turn black and crusty. I have continued the turmeric throughout this whole time, however, I found that I was not including fat along with it. Four days ago, I made up a mixture of tumeric, coconut oil and black pepper and have been giving him this mixed in his food. The mass looks so disgusting! We can’t figure out why it looks that way. He doesn’t seem to be in any pain, his nose is wet and cold and he’s been a very eager eater. I haven’t thought of applying the turmeric directly on the mass. I will definitely try this. I do take a warm wet washcloth and wipe around it 2X a day. Also, my dog is about 15 lbs and I am giving him about 1/2 teaspoon 2X a day. Should I increase his dosage? Is there any advice you can give me? Is there anything else that I should be doing? Thanks for sharing your experience!
Awesome story/testimony. But regarding peroxide, I would never use it on wounds (human or animal) as it actually “burns” the edges of the wound/tissue. Any vet or person who recommends using peroxide in this manner isn’t aware of the potential harm it can cause.
I just want to say thank you for the information I underwent surgery for colon cancer stage II and am looking for alternative treatment for reoccurrence.
Is turmeric safe for people with Kidney disease? I heard that it wasn’t. Is that true?
Thanks for all the wealth of knowledge that you provide 🙂 I am wondering if you would have more guidance on how to prevent Blood Cancer, there is a DX calls MGUS which is known to be benign but sometimes it is a Marker of precursor to Blood Cancer ( Multiple Myeloma) is there any information we can get about how to stop MGUS from progressing to cancer , I read many articles about Curcumin/Tumeric but is there ay other detailed resources that we can read. thank you
Hi ty
Thank you so much for your research. I was unable to cut and paste my forwarding page about the truth about cancer as per the instructions. I did however forward your movie to my frien
Sorry the last word is supposed to be friends. If you’d like I can forward you the e-mail addresses of my friends.
Have you tried Protocel. The book Outsmart Your Cancer by Tanya Harter Pierce has many great alternative cancer treatments.
Longvida aka Curcubrain has been shown to be highly bioavailable. Could this help fight cancers outside the GI system?
Ty, Charlene, and TTAC Team: thank you for your dedication, perseverance, and following your calling. I feel so fortunate to have seen the TTAC. A relative purchased the Silver package for me and I will share with family and friends. One family member has stage 4 colon cancer and watched TTAC. I can’t thank you enough.
you mention curcumin helps fight prostate cancer. i had a prostatectomy, but my PSA is slowly starting to rise again over 7 years. my doc is not sure the cells are even cancerous. how does it act when you don’t have a prostate?
Read about Dr Charles Major who reversed his Multiple Myeloma with iv vitamin c and Dr Forsyths’ help.
My Father was diagnosed of brain cancer march 2015 and ever since then we have been searching for cure. About Few months ago i heard about Dr Max Gerson Chemotherapy and radiation and its healing effect and i sourced this therapy from Australia( Within a week, my father went for therapy immediately with Dr Max Gerson there was a total cure and as i write now my father can walk around the house by himself without support from anybody and go out anytime he chooses.
Best Regards,
Monica Smith
I’m on a blood thinner and was told I could not take turmeric because it thins your blood. Is that correct?
Becky. I too am very interested in taking turmeric but have extremely low counts so am quite hesitant. Have you found out anything?
Dear Holly, Have turmeric powder very effective..”any cell deprived of oxygen by 30% turns cancerous”…Otto Warburg 1930s…So if turmeric thins the blood, it will flow effectively through the system and oxidize the body effectively. Cancer will disappear.,Take it from me …my experience.
Is Turmeric safe for people on blood thinners?
Brethren,i have suffered cancer for a long period of time, i have tried so many remedy, but known seems to work. But i had contact with a herbal doctor who i saw so many people testifying on how they were all cured of their various disease and viruses by this doctor. So i explained my entire problem to him, and he promised to cure me. So i gave him all benefit of doubt, and behold he prepared the herbal mixture,and send it to me in my country. Today, i am proud to say i am cancer free without going to surgery. So in case you are out there suffering from cancer and other disease and or virus, i want to tell you to quickly contact Doctor ubuale for your cure. His email is ( you can also call or text him on (+2348027124279)
I just want to say thank you for the information I underwent surgery for neck cancer stage I and am looking for alternative treatment for re occurrence, Can you please lemme know how to consume Curcumin?
Timing of Consume ?
Before or after food.
It will be great if you send me an information
I have heard tumeric can help with canine mast cell cancer. I take the capsules everyday since I broke my ankle so I was wondering can my bulldog take them for his cancer?
I am an Indian and we eat turmeric everyday. We do not keep antiseptic at home as turmeric powder heals all wounds rapidly. Just beware of yellow stains.
Join Turmeric User Group for more information
Six months ago diagnosed with a mass in my left breast, Got results from this last week mammo/sonogram and it is COMPLETELY GONE! VANISHED! I have been taking Turmeric and eating antioxidants.
What kinds of antioxidants have you been eating in addition to taking turmeric?
TURMERIC POWDER + PEPPER PODER + few spoons of lime juice in salad of cucumber or turmeric slices or both..Very effective antioxident and alkalised the body…Cancer automatically is eliminated..
Other effective things (a) Lime juice (b) pomogranate..Please ensure unadulterated turmeric and pepper powder..
I am here to testifies on how Dr Odia help me to cure my sickness called CANCER OF THE LUNGS which has been eating me up for 2 years and 4 months, and when I go online I saw his email on how he cured so many people, so I emailed the Dr and tell my problems to him, and tell all his necessary needy for the healing, after that day he gave me an assurance of 3 days of his herbal healing, and said I should go for a medical check up on the 4th day of which I get to the hospital the new result now shows that the cancer was gone,And now am so happy and free from it thanks to Dr Odia. Please if there is any one in need of his help should kindly contact him on his email address ( drodiaherbalistcenter @ gmail . com )
Hello there. My dad doesn’t have “lung cancer” but he has a mass that is growing on top of it. First time the mass was surgically removed. Unfortunately, it came back 2 years ago. As of now it’s not affecting his daily functions but if it grows big enough it may cause complications to pressing nerves or surrounding organs. Of course the surgeon highly recommend surgery (similar to open heart where bones have to be cut and stapled back). My dad is approaching 67 and does not want to go through this process again.
Sorry for the long message and cases varies but may I ask what what the herbal remedy is? Where can I can them?
Please email me if you can. Thank you for your time.
If tumeric thins your blood, then why take the blood thinner, which is actually rat poison. Take the tumeric instread, or take vitamin E, also a powerful blood thinner.
That’s what I have been doing.
Wow, that is amazing, I want to try this for my female rat who has a mammary tumour, I have been using iodine and magnesium and although `I think these have been keeping it soft, it still needs to be shrunk in size
That was meant in response to Gina about her experiences with her dog, thanks!
Please post your finidings on effectiveness of turmeric…Please note turmeric treatment to be continued for atleast 6 to 10 it impacts SLOWLY but EFFECTIVELY..
I love this article. But please link in studies to each claim Ty! My customers like solid evidence to support health claims.
Hi Daisy,
Please refer to the sources and references tab that is below the article summary.
Turmeric (with main ingredient curcrumin) can be had in whatever quantity you like..No restriction and more is not dangerous. Have it with cucumber or carrot together with pepper to aid in better absoption to body. Have it twice or even thrice a day. One of my friend who had cancer even used to have turmeric powder mixed in water two to three times a day and got his complex cancer cured.
Please ensure UN ADULTERATED CURCUMIN from the market ..
Mr. Jayasankar my Mother is in last stage of cancer. Spread into lungs. Can u please tell me can turmeric recover my Mother? ??? I am from West Bengal.
Try the above…Call me after your mother recovers. This will work as in many…God Bless
Where can one buy unadulterated Turmeric in Los Angeles please.
You may try online “Patanjali turmeric”.. Generally Patanjali products are un adulterated. But you may check before use.
It will reduce the tumour after repeated use..Provide turmeric and pepper in raw form together with rise etc…Twice a day..Even in water you may add turmeric powder and bit of pepper…
That is a great story, Gena. I’m so glad you thought outside the box and that your dog is alright. It had a white core. That’s an interesting comment.
Yes….mix it into his food if he’ll take it. I would change his diet, too, as that is likely the cause.
Anyone had any experience with osteosarcoma?
yup,, i had but i choose holistic treatment . but now i got pain and i chew turmeric root tastes like wierd but it works beidhnillah
send me your email address brother if God wills we shall help each other out and will succeed in defeating it beidhnillah
How can you treat Leukimia ?
What diet to follow if you have Leukmia?
What moderation?
This dose is not specifically for any ailment.
In general, it is how much you can take if you’re interested in taking turmeric.
I’ve been taking since I was a kid, as a part of the daily Indian cooking.
This what my mom did, and what her mom did.. and so on…
The easiest form is the powdered form ( Which is the root dried and pulverized into a powder )
You can buy this at any Indian grocery store, and perhaps even at your local grocery store.
The amount you can take is 1/2 teaspoon
add a pinch of regular ground pepper (this improves absorption in the body) (don’t even need to do this part, it is an added benefit that boosts absorption up to 2000%, so worth doing if you want, otherwise, just turmeric works too)
Mix both into a cup of water, lukewarm to warm (warm water absorbs faster into the stomach, while cold will contract stomach and slow absorption)
Note both the turmeric and pepper don’t dissolve, so you may want to mix between sips
Mini gulp as the idea is to get it into the stomach, and not taste it. If you’re new to turmeric, it may taste earthy.
Turmeric is highly beneficial for your overall well being.
There are not enough studies showing the benefit of turmeric against many diseases, but it is being taken more seriously. The University of Arizona is conducting many tests and even clinical trials in some cases with just raw turmeric like suggested here.
BTW, more is not better, so take little amounts regularly.
Also, check with your practitioner because turmeric does conflict with many medicines because turmeric has natural blood thinning properties.
Wonderful – thanks for sharing, Bobby!
Dear Arindam, Very sad to hear that… But I am sure she can get better with some change in diet.
You may go for cucumber/ carrot (or both) with pepper powder and turmeric powder sprinkled and take it twice a day. Please ensure they are un adulterated. The turmeric powder from Patanjali is much better.
Drink only lime juice (preferably salt not sugar) in water (NOT SODA) twice or thrice a day. This is the only acid which turns the body alkaline. When body turns alkaline cancer disappears.
TOTALLY AVOID beef, mutton, shell fish (prawns, crabs), pork etc…..No soda, fizzy drinks at all..One bottle of this drink will make the body acidic for min two weeks.
Minimise oil and fried food. You may use Virgin Coconut Oil or rise bran oil for cooking. Others with high cholestrol may be too risky.
I am sure she can fight back and survive
Jayasankar, I have ovarian cancer and I am intrigued by your recipe. I would love further information. For example, is pepper powder the same as the ground black pepper we sprinkle from a shaker? Also, what amount of cucumber or carrot do you suggest, and what amount of lime juice added to water? I anxiously await your reply. Thank you so much Jayasankar, Gail Sakaloglou
What are the measurements for each item or is there a recipe?
Cancer is a misunderstood disease (intentionally) by the medical community. It happens continually in many parts of the bdoy and the body itself removes it from the system. Sometimes this mechanism of the body fails and the unwanted cells pile up forming tumour… Keep having turmeric ( UN ADULTERATED say Pathanjali turmeric) powder + pepper powder + little salt in salad of carrot or cucumber for 6 weeks (twice or thrice a day)..Get the malignancy checked..AM SURE THIS WILL SHOW DRASTIC IMPROVEMENT. Convince yourself and then continue further…
Please stop beef, pork, mutton, shell fish,crab etc…Preferably be a vegan..Have more pomogranate/ juice once or twice a day.
I’d like to share my experiences. I had Stage 3 brain cancer, and nothing worked. I tried everything. I then decided to try turmeric, and invested in buying 1000 kilos of the root from India, which I shipped to my home in the UK. I decided to eat nothing but turmeric every day for 17 weeks, which caused a few side effects, I cannot deny. Firstly, I lost a lot of weight. Really huge amounts. Actually, I shrank to a third of my original body-weight, and lost most of my hair also. My family thought this was because of the massive amounts of chemotherapy to which the hospital submitted me, but I am sure it was because I ate nothing but turmeric for 17 weeks. Anyway, I also developed terrible gas as well, which became a major issue for my family also. The reality is that many of them wanted me to die, so terrible was the smell, but it was worth it in the long run. I also boiled turmeric into a paint, with which I painted the walls of my house, and the inside of my car. Some of this began to rot, true, but I’m sure that inhaling nothing but turmeric helped. In the end, I had 19 different operations, which was grueling, but I’m sure my return to health was due entirely to the turmeric. In case anyone wants some, I have 674 kilos left, which I’m happy to sell on.
Hi Mathhew if turmeric had cured..then why 19 different operations..
so glad to hear of your recovery good job ever heard of the movie bug though look it up does remind me of your story as for the gas got to have a little something to laugh about otherwise we die of embarrassment but yes keep them laughing good health to you keep going keep shareing keep laughing keep living
Unfortunately, you can’t say it was the turmeric if you were also undergoing medical treatment, chemo and radiation. Turmeric , if it was the ONLY treatment, could only then be given credit. You put yourself at great risk by overdosing/ingesting. Never wise to do that.
Great article :).
I’m a massive fan of curcumin and turmeric root.
Curcumin almost seems to have an endless list of health benefits.
Tery I dont know you..But believe me (i) Turmeric + pepper powder with cucumber or carrot and bit of lime juice sprinkled is a miracle food for cancer.. (ii) have lime juice with salt Both these you may have it twice a day…Dont forget to walk about 2 to 3 kms a day…Its basically alkalising and oxidising your body and you will never have any disease even cancer…Trust me..
Is it effective in all type of cancer including blood cancer? did you learn this from your experience?
Hi there, is there a Tumeric curcumin supplement you recommend that is effective in killing cancer cells?
Hi Fanny…Never go for supplements. Always go for the basic source like pure turmeric rather than the turmeric extract “curcumin”. Turmeric posses these magical property (anti cancer, anti diabetic, anti alzheimers etc) not just because of the single ingredient curcumin, I am sure. There are micro nutients too in turmeric of which we (the so called elite scientists, doctors etc) might not be aware. “Extract” is always a way of making money by companies and not that effective as the base substance which has micro and macro nutrients and components. This is my advise. Hope you agree with me.
What about the health benefits of water,kale,spinach,broccoli,ginger nub,whole pear or apple and lime smoothies which make me urinate way more than usual. Living healthy is important since my wife once already had breast cancer and survived through the ordeal so I have done as much research on the Internet to find out which foods fight, kill or prevent cancer from coming back or starting in the first place. Cancer is a waste of time and just a money maker for gov’t. We the people need to enlighten each other and defeat this beast, sharing the positive cancer killing natural foods and suggest how to live better cancer free healthy lifestyles. Amen to the internet for saving us the time to gather information. I love hearing about success stories how people helped loved ones or their pets survive after being diagnosed with cancer or a tumor. My question is how do I know if I am acidic or alkaline?
You can know by testing with those test strips you get at the drugstore. Do you know which foods are either? Well that’s how I’d test for acidity or alkalinity.
can you send me the procedure of taking turmeric or luyang dilaw?
Make a cup of sliced cucumber of carrot (2 to 3 nos). Get a tea spoon of pure turmeric & pepper powder (unadulterated) and sprinkle on the above cup and mix well. The cucumber should turn yellowish with pepper . The more yellowish the better. Sprinkle some salt , the minimum the better. Y
Mix the above properly and have it twice or thrice a day…
This will turn your body alkaline in about 4 to 6 weeks and will be disease free even from cancer..
Cucumber OR carrot I mean…sorry for the typo error.
Is it ok to also mix some vinegar with the curcumin and tumeric/pepper in your opinion? Thanks!
With the cucumber and/or carrots.. thanks!
Can it be cucumber AND carrot?
Can you please state what kind of salt.
Thank you
what brand turmeric is best? Where to buy unadulterated pure turmeric powder?
How often should one take turmeric?
I use Turmeric to control my Blood sugar. However, I’d like to know the dosage for cancer prevention – how much how many times daily
I have just been diognosed with stomach cancer, I don’t know to what extent yet but I will know in two weeks. I am keen to know the amount of Tumeric and how to best take this spice to help me combat this frigthening disease, in the coming days. Thanks, Adele
We wish you all the best on your healing journey!
My father is diagnosed too with stomach cancer stage III. He is taking 8 spoon of pure turmeric powder with pepper. Pepper increases the bioavailability of turmeric by upto 2000%.I am looking for curcumin but it’s not available in Nepal. There is good hope with curcumin with bioperin. Wish you good luck and fast recovery.
I have digonsie locally advanced triple negative breast cancer.I have finished my chemo, wating for surgery. I would like to take turmeric.Please
How much turmeric I should take to prevent it’s coming back in future? Should I take turmeric or turmeric capsule?. What is best ?
Hi. I have just recently been told my Multiple Myeloma is back. Would taking Curcumin help the cancer cells from coming so fast? Thankd. Reply please
Take a tea spoon of organic turmeric powder mix with two table spoon of organic coconut oil and a pinch of black pepper boil at low flame and sip it when it is still warm.
Linda, when were you diagnosed multiple myeloma
I use AYUSH Co-Curcumin for fighting inflammation. I have fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis. AYUSH is an Ayurvedic company. I get it from my Naturopath at his cancer center. He feels it’s the best. It does have black pepper in it for better absorption. You can google it and get it online easily. I believe for cancer patients, he actually uses a stronger Co-Curcumin, however.
Black pepper added to turmeric supercharges it’s effects and speeds uptake of curcumin
Hi I am Margaret from south africa,So the turmeric powder from the health stores, is it the real one? I
Dear Friends,
I was interested to read all your comments on Turmeric. I use Turmeric and ginger, fresh from the market, for us it grows in Queensland. I have had Melanoma for about 3 years and it seems to be pretty clear at present, but I have recently had a lump on the back of my neck for which I had a biopsy, result Melanoma, but we seem to be keeping it at bay in the rest of the body, but Melanoma can pop up any time, anywhere, but we still keep battling it.
Best wishes and keep up the good work, Peter
Hi Peter.
My name is Peter Upton. I have stage 4 Melaoma and have started Immunotherapy . I am also
on Tumeric pills and powder. I hope you are still going well and may be able to give me a few tips
on moving forward. I have lung lesions which suggest Melanoma Braf Negative or wild braf. It is supposed to be less aggressive. I am also on a Keto diet with no carbs or sugar but lamb fat ,butter etc. Best Wishes.
Peter. Mob 0418 711199.
Hi five years ago I was diagnosed with aggressive prostate cancer, had it taken out, which didn’t work, so four months after I had six weeks of radiation, which also didn’t work, as my PSA is still going up.
I have changed my whole diet over the last three years and also exercise, but my PSA is still going up my urologist said it’s my testosterone that’s pushing up my PSA.
Is there anything else I can be doing
Hi M. Tanweer. This is Linda. Was that yoyr reply to me about reoccuring multiple myeloma. Curcumin plus coconut oil and black powder. Thanks. I am new to website. If it is you thanks for the reply.
Hi. M. Tanweer. June 23, 2018. I just wondered if you are the person who sent me a reply it was about my reoccuring multiple myeloma. You said curcumin coconut oil and black pepper. I just wanted to say thanks. Do you know of anyone that takes that recipe?. I am new on this website.
nice comments keep working
My mom was diagnosed w stage 4 gall bladder cancer that has mestasized to liver and outside stomach lining. They say she has 6-12 months to live. Your saying turmeric can help her live longer? I bought the turmeric root yesterday any ideas on how much and how to eat it to fight this disease?
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Hello, My sister has squamous cell carcinoma of the throat. It started in the mouth cavity, tongue and is now spreading rapidly into the throat. Any ideas??
Hi Jane,
We are sorry to hear what your sister is going through. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Any luck with Renal cancer? I have been fighting for 4 years this time and saw my renal doc today…not looking good for the home team. About a week ago Igor’s some intense pain in my right flank area.
Hi Lee Ann,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Does anyone think turmeric would help fight melinoma it’s in my chest limp nodes and abdomen
Hi Christopher –
We appreciate you reaching out to us about this.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global Quest series so they can give you the most appropriate advice based on your exact condition.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
Wishing you the very best!
There is a huge ingredient often overlooked as well. October 9, 2019 Vibrant Hemp Super Salad Recipe
The hemp seed oil and hemp seed add superfood nutrients and flavors to rebuild damaged tissue and increase metabolism while helping to balance blood sugar and support good blood pressure.
When I buy ground turmeric, I buy organic and put a teaspoon of it in my tea and add 1/2 teaspoon to my salad.
I need to see the original research that led you to write: Based on a 2011 study conducted by the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, researchers found that the curcumin extract effectively differentiates between cancer cells and normal cells while activating cancer cell death (apoptosis). My husband is currently fighting b cell lymphoma. Your statement of its turmeric’s usefulness in b cell lymphoma is encouraging, but doses, etc are not included here. I need research I can share with the oncologist. MD Anderson is well respected. I can not find anything myself on the MD Anderson website. As his cancer was very aggressive he jumped into chemo, but we don’t want to stay in that world any longer than seems necessary. Indeed, we never thought we would go there, but it was his choice.
Greetings everyone. My mother has a mass in her uterus, this has caused her to bleed a lot. If she takes curcumin (turmeric) will that increase her bleeding? She was admitted to the hospital where she was given blood transfusion because of the high blood loss.
She wants to take turmeric but is hesitant because of the bleeding issue.