Video Transcript: How Big Pharma Controls Medical Schools
Ty Bollinger: First of all you mentioned the fact that we’ve got the pharmaceutical industry. We’ve got kind of an industry driven by money, and we’ve got doctors that are really smart people today, brilliant medical doctors. They’re using treatments that really don’t seem to work as well as some of these natural things. Why is it?
Can you go back into the history of the medical association, The American Medical Association (AMA), and maybe take us back 100 years and stair-step people to current day and explain why that is. Because I’ve heard you talk about this in the past and your explanation is fascinating, and I want the listeners to be able to hear this.
G. Edward Griffin: Well thank you for that. It is a fascinating story. It’s an important story, and I suppose we don’t have time to go into all of it, but maybe the best way here is to kind of back into it to start with where we are and then go back and see how we got there. Where we are today is that, just as you described, these very smart doctors.
Let’s face it, there’s a very selective process there. You just don’t get into med school unless you’ve got a pretty good brain on top of your shoulders, so yeah, it’s the cream of the crop. The best students go into these schools, these medical schools, but they’re not taught anything about natural cures. They’re taught only about drugs, primarily, and drug reactions and the chemistry of this and the chemistry of that. And they have to become really pharmacists in a way; they have to become chemists before they can even make it through pre-med.
So that’s not necessarily bad, but it is a bias. I have come to know a lot of doctors in the last couple of decades since we’ve been working in this field. Many doctors who came from that lair of education and who gradually and sometimes very painfully had to break away from that and go back and re-examine some of these fundamental issues.
Many of them have made the transition and they speak quite openly about it now. For instance, they’ll say, “when I went to medical school we never learned anything about vitamins except we had maybe two hours of instruction on the structures of vitamins and minerals and so forth.” Two hours compared to hundreds and hundreds of hours about pharmacies and chemical reactions and so forth.
I remember there was one doctor, he said, “you know my wife knows more about nutrition than I do when I came out of school.” And that is not surprising when you realize—now we start to go backward in time. How did that happen? The fact that these great medical teaching universities and teaching centers are so great is because they’ve had a lot of money given to them.
Where did the money come from? Now we’re on the trail. You know the old saying “follow the money.” And usually that’ll take you right to it. Well, if you follow the money you’ll find out that most of it came from the pharmaceutical industry.
The pharmaceutical industry knows that if they give large grants to these universities they have a double benefit. First of all they have the appearance of being philanthropists. You know they’re doing good things and that’s always—that’s good for public relations. I’m not saying that they’re not doing good things. They probably think they are. But anyway that’s one advantage to giving tax exempt or tax free deductible donations to universities.
The other advantage is far more important, because once you have financed a research project you now have sort of a “first right” to whatever comes out of that research and consequently you can determine in what areas the research will go. I can assure that if I’m a big pharmaceutical company and I give a twenty million dollar grant to a research group I’m not going to be very happy if they start to research whether or not dandelions can be used in the control of cancer.
I want to make sure they’re going to research a drug that I am working on in the laboratories right now. That’s where I want the research to go. So they realize that they can take their own research budget and transfer it to a university or some research laboratory and get a tax deduction for it, knowing full well that if that’s what they’re researching, that’s what the data is going to be.
So I don’t need to go any further. You can understand when the money is coming from a source which has a vested interest in the outcome, what’s going to happen is the outcome is going to be what the donor wants it to be generally.
I wish that doctors were taught nutrition and alternative therapies that are much better than the conventional treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy than nobody would be dying of this awful disease and the toxic chemicals from the conventional therapies. I have heard that many stage 4 cancer patients have done much better with natural treatments such as mild alternative therapies in Mexico, immunotherapy, viral therapy, raw vegan diets, juicing, vitamin B-17, hemp oil, Young Living frankincense oil, essiac tea, wheatgrass, acupuncture, and saunas than using the conventional toxic treatments.
I agree with you 100% and we are ALL now reading up what the alternatives are – my own Dr. is very confused because of my questions and obviously does NOT like the loss of his ‘God’ status these days. Sorry guys – it is quite simple – money is all that matters to any business so if a business says they will support you – there must be something in it for THEM – and now the only ‘treatments’ that are discussed are chemicals from Big Pharma*. We have had enough of this !
This would also require the medical insurance companies to open their acceptance and financial support for these much less costly forms of treatment.
It is a fact Silvia, sadly between the pharmaceutical companies controlling the media, FDA, CDC , health and welfare including most M.D.’s and the doctor/science/government worshipping citizens, it is very difficult to get this obvious information to people. The reality of medical kidnapping of children is the worst, you cannot say no to torturous and murderous medical treatments and procedures or a court order will be sought and CPS will take custody of children and force poisonous treatments and horrific procedures upon them. The main targets are low to middle income and minority families, they don’t have the money or the voice to fight back.
check out this website. lots of historical data
Go and see a naturopath before big medicine gets rid of us all!
The highest recorded cancer remission rates in the world belong to a Tempe, AZ cancer clinic entitled, Nature Works Best, led by Dr. Colleen Huber. Ten years in business and an overall 93% remission rate. Much higher if you bypass conventional therapies and follow their program.
All our lives we’ve been told by big pharmacy and the fda is that there is no scientific proof on various holistic medicines. But now we have hundreds of testimonies from people on the Internet who cured themselves from diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease and even cancer. That’s proof enough for me.
Lately TTAC emails are also selling drugs/supplements instead of objective reporting. Sad you’ve become a supplement seller, moving away from investigative reporting.
Hi Lij,
Thank you for the feedback. I will pass this onward!
Fortunately many are finding alternatives for themselves. Thanks to the internet, it’s probably the main reason for the growth in natural medicine, though I started with Vitamin C and omega 3s in the late 80’s and saw for myself their effectiveness for asthma, allergies, colds and flu all! Till now it’s still a hard sell talking to those in conventional medicine sorry to say.
Eustace Mullins spoke about AMA history. Because Americans don’t know this history, they accept the AMA as legitimate, and put their trust in them, when they are selectively and narrowly trained, don’t keep up on research, and don’t know as much about nutrition as a normal Gardener does for his plants. I read about the Student Medical Association, and at one time they recognized and began setting boundaries regarding the influence Big Pharma was having on their training. Most schools and Medical Conferences where doctors walk away again narrowly and selectively trained, have large contributions from Big Pharma. It’s like the Mainstream (or lamestream) Media, hosting stories approved of by their advertisers.
I have heard that putting a teaspoon of baking soda in your water daily is helpful with preventing or curing cancer? Is this true?
Stephen, study the PH of the Human Body. Too acidic an environment and things like sugar etc that feeds mutating cells, promotes the growth of cancer cells. Baking soda helps the alkalinity of the body. You can buy the testing strips at the pharmacy to do your own urin test. I haven’t has acid in years….after I changed my diet.
I have read that putting a teaspoon of baking soda in your water daily can help fight cancer and prevent it? Is this true?
Cancer only thrives in an acidic environment. Since baking soda is alkaline, this can be helpful. But I consider this to be rather bad advice as you are putting it into a naturally acidic environment – your stomach. There are better ways. I suggest that you don’t look for quick fixes, but rather examine what could be making you acidic in the first place – probably your diet.
It’s the foods one eats. What is ironic though most acidic foods as well as alkaline foods have the opposite effect once in the body.
In 5 minutes that was probably the best boil-down summary of the truth about mainstream medical doctors that I’ve ever heard.
I agree!!! And EVERYONE needs to know this simple truth.
I went on the Vegan diet a few years ago and dropped all my numbers: Cholesterol, Glucose, Blood pressure, BMI. And the bonus was that I lost 100 pounds. My doctor didn’t believe that food can bring those numbers down, until I proved it by doing it. He has since retired and I have returned to some packaged foods, having a difficult time getting back on track. My new doctor is not into healthy eating, and my insurance company has no resources to support a vegan diet. I’ve read a lot about this and Mr. Griffin is correct. It’s all about the money.
That is amazing Linda, I wish I could follow in your steps, you are an inspiration for me. I am embarrassingly 250 pounds, I hate it. It makes it hard to get around and to breathe, I hope to one day say like you that I have lost 100 pounds!! Thank you!
We’ll said Silvia! I whole heartedly agree, that conventional treatment should NOT be the only treatment offered. When my dad was going through cancer treatment they never encouraged eating healthy or taking supplements ! In fact I asked the oncologist about taking supplements and he looked at me like I was crazy and said why would you need to do that? I was shocked!
How in the world can you believe someone who is an HIV/AIDs denialist! I bet he thinks the Pulse nightclub massacre was full of crisis actors too.
I was diagnosed with breast cancer 7 months ago. Rather than conventional treatment (surgery, etc.), I decided to treat my cancer naturally with the “Budwig” diet. I just had another ultra-sound test which showed the cancer is almost gone – more than half the original size smaller. With the grace of God, my natural treatment is working. The cancer tumor is probably already dead, but I will continue with the Budwig until all signs of it are gone. Good nutrition is the answer! (but Big Pharma cannot patent that)
That is why I stay away from both…Medical doctors and Rx’s
I am a former pharmaceutical rep. Although I worked for a very ethical Swiss company, received excellent training, after a few years, I began to connect the dots as to the motives. I resigned, and have been telling people all these years “the pharmiceutical industry dictates what is taught and what is NOT taught in medical schools.” I could write a book on what I learned in those years.
Please write the book!,,
Amen! But I wish you would cover how John D. Rockafeller started the whole blinking MESS! The vanderbilts, the whoseit’s and the manipulators of our Entire Health Treatment System and the Dictatorship of “you can only teach alopathic medicine in your medicals schools”,,,, and what happens to a doctor if he or she steps outside the “box”.
Start with the Year it happened and so on.,
Please Ty, I’ve read about it on other blogs, and while the interview is wonderful THERE’S ALOT MORE HISTORY!
God Bless You!!!
Ty absolutely covers this in TTAC videos.
That would be great, i have read about that as well. A new book that pulled all of this together along with ties to vaccine industry would be a valuable addition to this information. It would tie in nicely with the Vaxxed movie and highlight the connection between cancer and vaccination. The movie focuses heavily on the MMR and autism and those new to the dangers may not research the other morbid reactions attributed to them such as cancer, the falsely labeled SIDS etc. I vCard know your focus is cancer but i believe the vast increase in vaccinations has caused a huge increase in childhood and adult cancer (the monkey kidney cells in the polio vaccine) etc.
I have read about the history of those families and what they did and you are so right, it starts with them. I’ve also been along since the beginning of TTAC, also read ‘The World Without Cancer’ by G. Edward Griffin and Tanya Harter Pierce’s ground breaking book ‘Outsmart Your Cancer’ which has the info about ‘Protocel’ which my family members have used to beat cancer. Big Pharma is about Big $$$$$$$ and NOT curing any disease as there is no money in that compared to the ongoing need.
You’ve really got to see the movie, Are You Good or Evil, as it proves that there really is a massive, and truly evil force behind cancer, and all other destruction of Gods good creations. This truly evil force commits evil on a daily basis upon millions of innocent human beings. And it IS truly evil to lie to innocent human beings and lead them to their deaths under the pretence that they’re being given cures, when, in fact, they’re being poisoned to death. Evil was prevented from herding millions of innocents to their deaths in the concentration camps of only just 50 years ago, so found another, far more vile way to do it, without being detected, until now. Evil has fooled good human beings for eons, and been leading us up the garden path, away from the truth, beguiling us with lies, confusing us with deliberate, pre-mediated, malicious vileness and killing us in sterile, white-coated concentration camps we call oncology hospitals. The wool was pulled over our eyes eons ago and we are led, like lambs to the slaughter, when we lie down on an oncology bed and bare our arms to allow the needles in to inject the poisons.
I heard someone once say that the greatest trick evil has ever performed is to trick us into thinking that evil doesn’t really exist. And Evil has been working very hard to convince the world that God doesn’t exist either.
In the movie, Are You Good or Evil, a genetic scientist proves that there is a species amongst us that does not have the CARE GENE. Those without the care gene do not, cannot, even blink an eye when they sanction the deaths of millions, as they don’t CARE. You’re not really human if you don’t have the CARE GENE. You’re another species. You’re not human.
Real human beings were made GOOD, as it says in the Bible.
The Bible tells the story of when the species without the CARE GENE came about, in Genesis in the story of why God flooded the earth. ‘..the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.” This one line tells the truth of when this species came about. The sons of God – Satan and 200 other sons of God (BTW Satan is called The Father Of Lies in the Bible) – came to earth and saw how beautiful Gods human beings were, and RAPED THEM, in order to desecrate Gods creations, as they had turned against God and sought nothing other than to destroy Gods creations.
There were also “giants in those days,” “when the sons of God came unto the daughters of men,” and these giants came and also raped Gods people, “and they bare children to them.”
This describes the exact time when the species without the CARE GENE came about.
The real reason we are led to the slaughter in oncology wards is because evil exists amongst us.
Edward Griffin has a photo of one of these evil species in his book, World Without Cancer, on page 243. Look at all the beguiled people in the background smiling at the betwixting (in the middle position – between human and evil) evil, bewitching (ensnaring/entrapping/bewitching/enchanting/blinding) a wide-eyed, innocent little girl.
There are many photos of this evil species in Edwards book. The most evil of all evil can be found on page 245. The ruler of all evil can be found on page 246. Pure evil emanates from the pages. I can’t look at them for long. Their evilness is utterly vile.
In, Are You Good or Evil, the genetic scientist says that the corporate world perfectly suits this evil species. Our world is ruled by the corporate world. This world is ruled by evil. “For we battle not flesh and blood (humans), but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, (EVIL) against spiritual wickedness in high places (high places like the places where the Rockefellers and the Carnegies inhabit). You’ve got to be truly evil to seek to kill millions of Gods human beings under the disguise of a white coat and lots of money.
So turn your back on evil, turn your back on cancer and oncology wards and turn to plants, turn to Gods creations. For God said, “Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of my life.”
God Bless You! Not everyone was able to see those and it bears repeating and repeating. I myself am so terribly busy I could not have time to catch everything. So keep driving it Home!!! Love you all!
Ok so it is recommended to put some baking soda in your water correct? Can’t hurt?
This reply was for Mostlydomesticated…. And btw Love your screen name!
Why should we believe that Mr. Griffin should even be listened to? He is just a man who could have made up all this info. Who says he didn’t? Where is the proof? There is none. It is his research into the matter, which is bias to begin with, is backed up by what?
Karen, Mr. Griffin is just another voice to almost infinite sources of history documenting the filthy conditions of cities, the death rate of children, and the rise of ideas and practice of “medicine”. ‘Dissolving Illusions’ by Suzanne Humphries, MD and Roman Bystrianyk is just one of so many books on this. Eustace Mullins (research his videos on Youtube) was a great historian, who delighted in poking holes in the baseless arrogance of science and medicine by showing its roots and corruption. He researched in the Library of Congress I believe. Interesting stuff. When I had a 2004 Endocervical Cancer Diagnosis, I started doing my own research. Education is truly the way to be free, to rise above class and ignorance and the greed of those in power. I handed my Oncologist a Study Abstract for instance on why I requested a CA-125 Cancer Marker blood test. She argued, but the first thing she said when I came to after my surgery (which I wouldn’t do now that I know what I do) was “You were right”. Many people don’t understand their doctors are narrowly trained, with Big Pharma’s influence, and they DO NOT keep up on research, or go outside their training parameters. Kind of like a religion I left at age 30 that threatened its members with Excommunication if they ‘read outside material.’
There are great nutritional supplements that are plant based very effective. People are getting amazing resul. Our body can heal given balanced nutritional supplements that works in synergy.
I question whether doctors-to-be really are at the top of the brain game. If they were, they would question what they’re taught, but most don’t. I think that rather than being the brainiest people, instead they have the best memories, but also follow instructions without thinking. VERY different.