It is with great sadness and heaviness of heart that I write this article. Our good friend and health warrior Bill Henderson passed away on Monday, July 4, 2016, at the age of 84. Perhaps the date of death – July 4th – is significant, since Bill was a patriot and a veteran. He retired from the US Air Force in 1977 as a Colonel.
Rewind 22 years to November of 1994. After a 4 year battle with ovarian cancer and multiple rounds of chemotherapy, Bill lost his wife, Marjorie. After watching that, it was hard for Bill to believe that millions of people each year had to endure that same torture. He set out on a mission to let people know that they had options in their cancer treatment, writing numerous books and publishing a monthly newsletter.
Fast forward to 2006. When nobody had ever heard of “Ty Bollinger” or “The Truth About Cancer,” Bill Henderson supported me. When I published my first book, “Cancer-Step Outside the Box” in August 2006, Bill wrote a stellar review of the book and promoted it to his faithful email followers. He didn’t have to. But he did. He believed in me and he believed in our mission and supported this movement with his entire being.
In December of 2015, at the TTAC Charity/Awards Gala in Nashville, we were honored to present Bill with a “Lifetime Achievement Award” for his work as a “cancer coach.”
In an email after the gala, Bill told me “It was the highest point of generosity either of us have ever experienced. Your paying for our airfare, our stay in the most delightful hotel either of us have ever seen, the two marvelous meals, the transportation to your lovely home and, of course, the magnificent trophy − the most impressive recognition for the minor contribution to people’s health I’ve been blessed with for the last 17 years. We will cherish the memories of those two wonderful days for the rest of our lives.”
Little did Bill know that the next month he would be diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) which is a form of cancer that starts in the lymphocytes. Over the past half year, Bill had been successfully utilizing multiple natural treatment protocols, with visible results and lab report improvement, steadily gaining momentum against the malignancy.
However, Bill’s form of NHL required frequent blood transfusions, especially platelets. The problem was that Bill also had thrombophlebitis, which resulted in blood clots in his legs. According to the physician who was treating Bill, it was a combination of heart attack, stroke, and pulmonary embolism in the wake of a blood transfusion which took his life. It was not due to cancer.
Bill’s widow, Terry, will be stepping into his shoes, to honor his legacy and continue his work. Bill’s most popular book is entitled “Cancer-Free – Your Guide to Gentle, Non-Toxic Healing” and it’s available here:
I urge you to purchase this book and help support Terry and honor Bill’s memory. We love you Bill. You will be sorely missed.
So sorry to hear this. Bill was an amazing man with such compassion for those with cancer. Rest in Peace. Praying for his family.
My prayers are with you all!!
Rest in peace Biil. Your love and contribution for cancer patients (including me) will live on. Ty, Fins say “we are taking part in your sorrow”.
So sorry to here of this extraordinary person’s passing. I watched your series and it is a life changer, I too, lost both my parents to cancer. Just previous to your launch of this wonderful series, I became an Arbonne consultant which is a Swiss Co. Certified vegan and gluten free and non GMO that is botanically based and on the cutting edge of science. It adheres to European standards which bans over 1400 chemicals and compounds. It’s a wellness, and skincare Co. That’s been around for 36 yrs. Arbonne adheres to its motto- safe, pure and beneficial, and has been green before people knew what that was. So with that and your knowledge I can help people make better choices for their well being. Thank you again for all that you have done, you and your family for telling the truth about the medical system and its alternatives!
Read a lot of his words of wisdom to learn about treatment alternatives and in the long process of changing my lifestyle to be proactive. I was diagnosed with Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia. When I was told don’t worry you will die of old age before CLL gets you. That really made me feel relaxed. I am calmer now with what I have read than how I was before. My wife died of Kidney Cancer and I have promised myself that I would never let big pharma get their hands on me. Besides being optimistic like I am I just bought a passport good for ten years. LOL
I’m so sorry to hear of this great loss. I very much enjoyed listening to Bill talk when I watched the full series “The Truth about Cancer” He seemed like a truly wonderful person and I feel the world IS a better place because he was here and shared his passion will us all.
My deepest Sympathy for you, Anita and your Beautiful family.
Heartbreaking passing of a genuine hero. Thank you for the tribute Ty and warmest thanks to Terry and Bill for their commitment to the truth and generosity to the community.
Blessing to all those people believing in the truth. May Bill be rewarded in heaven, RIP and God bless all in this time of mourning.
Beautiful tribute. Bill’s book was the first I read on my successful healing journey. Sending so much love to him and his wife. Thank you Bill. You are an angel.
I’m sorry you lost a good friend and advocate. I’m praying for those who knew and loved him. What an important legacy he left behind.
So Sad! It goes to show that so many so called health experts miss the big picture in terms of true health. Eating oils, eating gluten, and not taking the 90 for Life that Dr. Wallach has proven to be essential for life, results in needless suffering. Yes there are remarkable Cancer treatments not approved but preventing is the most important thing. Ignoring these facts are detrimental. This tragic loss proves that. Prayers for the loved ones during this difficult time!
Rest in peace and thank you for your contributions dear one!
My son-in-law passed away with NHL 10 years ago. At that time, I saw Bill’s site on doing a search, so followed his work. At the time, he was giving away copies of his book while hearing your story, so I wrote him mine. I received his book. Unfortunately it was too late for my son-in-law, but I have followed his newsletter ever since. A remarkable man—RIP Bill.
I, too, received cancer information too late for a loved one. I know how heartbreaking it is, and all the “if only’s.” We need a lot more Bill Hendersons to get the word out. Most people don’t take action like he did after seeing the ravages of cancer. He really is a hero.
My condolences to the family
I’m really sad to know this. I was aware that he had non-Hodgkins limphoma. And I am happy to know that the cause of his death was not the disease he fought for so many years. He is in a good place now.
Another example of why Natural Cancer Treatment thought leaders keep saying, the treatments kill you faster than the cancer does. Unfortunately Bill’s form of cancer required the use of conventional therapies performed by conventional doctors.
We have to find a way to incorporate certain therapies into our natural treatment settings so cancer patients can be safer.
R.I.P. Bill. You will always be remembered by this Natural Cancer Cure Gladiator.
Thank you for sharing! Bill sings like a wonderful man. Sorry to hear of his passing!
Bill was a “champion” in the cause to help everyone realize that you can help the body heal from chronic disease without the “cut; burn; poison” methods that have injured so many. We will miss him greatly!
Bill was beacon of hope when I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. I learned so much from his youtube videos and book. May he rest in peace!
Prayers to his family and friends.
A moving eulogy to an obviously very special person. Thank you, Ty, for sharing this story.
This is indeed so sad as I looked forward to receiving is news letters. His last communique left me feeling as though he might be losing his courageous battle. This man was an inspiration and life line to so many people. God has called him home and all we can say is Thank You Bill for giving your selfless service to so many and in so many ways. Rest in peace good and faithful servant. My condolences to his wife, his family and the people who knew him personally. He will be missed greatly.
In the memory of many forever Bill !! Rest in peace.
So sad to lose another cancer Truth warrior! Press on Terry, you will have a lot of support. May The Lord Bless you and keep you!
Sleep in peace Bill. Ty, thank you for Honoring him. Stay Blessed to be a Blessing Ty, I pray for you often.
May You Rest In Peace in The Lord Bill.You are now in Heaven with Our Lord enjoying great rewards.
Thank you for preserving his legacy Ty. You and Bill are an inspiration.
Thanks for contributing your knowledge to help reduce suffering for so many. Rest in peace
RIP <3 thankyou for all your wisdom snd condolences to his family, so sad to hear he passed. I really enjoyed listening to him full of wisdom.
Thanks Ty for your good words for a great man. Bill did great service to many including me and mine. He, through his books, gave me strength to try. Using Colodal Silver delivered by nebulizer in fifteen minute sessions we cured my wife of lung cancer.
Similar to Bill, blood problems (clot and stroke) after a transfusion took her.
I wouldn’t known about your work and all the great things you’ve done for humanity were it not for Bill Henderson’s glowing review of your book, “Cancer: Step Outside the Box”. And I wouldn’t have gotten to know you as the wonderful human being that you are either. I feel this loss just as much as you do. Bill was truly a blessing to us both.
I am so sorry to hear this. It was the first one I discovered when I find out last year that I have breast cancer and followed his protocol and advices to the lettre. Today I can say, I am well off than some people I started my journey with and who have the same type of cancer and even discovered it at the same time as mine and all this THANKS TO BILL. I WILL MISS YOU. Rest in Peace. God bless and help your family during this hard time.
Thank you for sharing this sad news. His experience and wisdom has made an impact for the better. He seemed like a gracious and humble man.
Eternal Life grant unto him O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in Peace.
Thank You.
For all you are, for all you do, thank you.
For those who thank you, thank you.
For those who do not thank you, thank you.
For those who can not thank you, thank you.
For those who will not thank you, thank you.
–St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
May we merrily meet in Heaven,
–St. Thomas More
So Sorry to Hear about the Loss of a great Man and one who forwarded the Cause of Self Cure for this horrible infliction. I have read his little Booklet called, “How to cure almost any cancer for $5.15 a Day”. I found it a great help and am still using the methods in his teachings.. Rest in Peace Bill..
His contribution to his compassion and our cause is deeply appreciated. RIP. This article was a nice tribute.
Hello Ty. Losing a true friend, whether it be a mom, a dad, a wife, a husband or anyone who stood behind you, is the most difficult adversity to deal with in life. I feel for your loss as we know how important Bill was to you personally. You have my deepest sympathies.
The greatest of all gifts is love and you have shown us all that this is even more important than that which you so courageously fight for. We thank you for your families’ love Ty. I do not have the good fortune to know you or your family personally but we can honestly say that we feel your love. Thank you for your love! enzo and carmela palcich
wanted to let you know that mr Henderson advised me to contact these people over 15 yrs ago–the FDA forced them out of the US in 2010–I had very advanced prostate cancer and am still doing very well.–these same folks are now treating all types of cancer now–GOD BLESS BILL and thank you ty for what you are doing–
Very Sad News, I am moved to tears as I write this. His was the first book I read when diagnosed in 2010. The world loses a champion to the Cancer Cause. May he rest in peace and may the Angels comfort him as he has comforted so many here on earth.
May his soul rest in perfect peace. Heroes always leave too soon.
Bill Henderson and people like him, are a true inspiration to all who are touched by cancer. RIP Bill. @ultrarun1617 – please follow my small contribution towards the global fight against cancer.
Ty- this was such a beautiful tribute. He was MY HERO in that his book is what I first read to make my decision to pursue nontoxic healing. My healing took 6 months until remission after following the protocol laid out in his book. The cancer protocol Bill put together was so gentle I was able to continue on it when I was pregnant with my 1st daughter. He saved lives and provided options that allowed families to be made whole! I love him dearly and will miss him always!! Love to Terry and his family! Please know how much of a hero he was to so many.
My deepest sympathy. Bill will always be there in spirit to help TY and Charlene with their good work. Bill will continue to be an Activist in Spirit.
This is very sad news. Bill Henderson saved my father from stage IV lung cancer by reading his book. RIP Bill Henderson and thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your knowledge about beating cancer the non-toxic way.
Blessings of Peace, Love and wholeness for Bill and the family……
May his lovely soul and brave good spirit soar in the lights of heaven in the presence of the Almighty. We will always remember. When the world wakes up to great contribution to save man from cancer, he would be accorded the global garlands he deserves. Goodbye old warrior. You were pure in spirit.
As a stage 3 colon cancer survivor using natural medicine, it was my privilege to do a seminar with Bill in Houston TX in 2004. Bill had just come out with his book. He was very knowledgeable and eager to help people know the truth about cancer. I am sad to hear of his passing, but his knowledge and legacy will live on and will continue to help others. RIP, Bill. Terry, we send our condolences to you and the family.
So sad for his family, will pray for Bill and them…
Ty, thanks for your words.I did not know it, and when I read his last “hello to all letter” I already felt some unsecurity whether all would work out well for him.
I contacted Bill years ago, where Ty was not yet known to me here in Germany, and Bill and I had some email exchange.
I have all his books and admire his work with all my heart. I never had cancer but I lost a number of friends and that was the point of connection with Bill. He was a big fighter and a wonderful person.
Bill Henderson
I come to know about Bill in 2014…while doing research about Cancer, after my sister was poisoned with Chemo, and other drugs, for two years she was steadily being poisoned…in 2013 she died from that poison “Chemo”. All because she regularly went for check-ups…it’s a long story, I will tell about later…. Bill Henderson was a true pioneer in search for truth about Cancer and how to treat it…I latched on to everything he said and did correspond with him directly, on two occasions…. Bill will be missed by all…. having paid the ultimate price “Death” thus, relieving him of the Adamic curse…we are all subjected to…now, he will be a recipient of: being brought back to a re-standing as promised in: John 5: 28,29. 11: 25.
Larry Pelley
I am So Sorry to hear of Bill’s Passing . He will be sadly missed After Finding out I had breast Cancer I bought his Book , the 4th edition and followed the Bill Henderson Protocol. Also Bill Coached me for my first 6 months .while following his protocol
At this time my Cancer is in remission, I am still following Bill’s Protocol I owe my good health to God & Bill
Thank You So Much Bill & God.
Rest In Peace and may God Bless your family.
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma can be due to Celiac/gluten. Serrapeptase may eat up clots. Low thyroid due to gluten may cause clots. No gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO…taking vitamins/good oils/minerals…probiotic…LDN…detoxing may help Non- Hodgkin’s Lymphoma/cancer and much more brain/body health issues. Gluten is hidden in food with a label/certified gluten free/nuts not sold in the shell/meat basting etc. LDN and gluten enzymes may help block out gluten. Gluten can be in the air/get on the skin/in food. It is hard to avoid. GMO make it worse…may also hurt the gut lining. Eating at any restaurant may have gluten contamination in the air/oven/cutting boards etc. Eating pure organic foods/sunlight/exercise/nature and more may help.
I am glad he realized Chemo/radiation were not the answer and helped get people natural help which may heal them fast.
Bill was a friend of my father. They both served in the USAF and Bill was a great encouragement to my father during his battle with cancer. My father had his kidney removed and was diagnosed with liver cancer that went up to his veina cava. The Drs gave him three months to live and convinced him to have experimental chemo that sent him into convulsions. To make a long story short, I convinced him to detox, change of diet and a protocol that extended his life 9 yrs. he moved back to Texas got off the program and died two yrs later. You will be missed Bill, thank you for all your work. Raine
So sorry to hear of Bill’s passing, he was a great advocate to many ,may his soul fly with the angles and rise in glory
Bill’s book was the first I read when I was diagnosed with stage IIIc breast cancer several years ago. I spoke with him several times and was impressed by his kindness, knowledge, and compassion. He truly had a heart for those with cancer and helped countless people recover. He will be missed.
My heart is so heavy. I will be forever grateful to Bill for all the ways he has helped me and others in my family, along with the rest of the the community. Praying God’s peace, love, and comfort over his family and all those who are mourning this wonderful man. He was loved, and will certainly be missed.
Lovely tribute, Ty. Thank you for sharing. So terribly sorry for your loss…and the loss of a man so passionate about the Truth. *sigh* Prayers and light to Bill’s family and friends. Rest is peace, Bill.
An Angel was given to guide us, We didn’t appreciate him enough so God took him back to heaven above, Maybe he will do his best work there, guiding his warier’s left behind.
I’m so sorry for your loss Terry… And for all our loss. I am grateful to you Ty for writing this piece about Bill’s life so that in my own very small way I had the opportunity to read this, take a moment and pay tribute to a beautiful man who was such an important piece of the movement to offer alternatives to those with cancer.
Pocivao u more Bozjem…svima ce nedostajati njegova snaga I rijec..pokoj mu dusi
Have never of him until now but gathering from various comments he was a great person.May he rest in peace and his legacy remembered.
Thank you Ty for getting this sad news out, Bill Henderson will be greatly missed, first of all condolences to his family, he is a warrior for humanity, and his legacy lives, his voice and his knowledge helped me when I needed some hope, Bill Henderson and his work lives on !!
Thank you !! Ty
SO very sorry… May his legacy live on…
My sincere prayers and condolences to both his family and yours, the loss of an amazing man who did great deeds, he will be remembered.
Gods Peace and healing to you all
So sorry to hear this sad news but so thankful my husband was able to benefit from his protocols. B. H. passed exactly one year after my husband less one day!
We had learned about Bill’s program and my husband followed it even while on conventional chemo treatment and beyond. I wish comfort to Bill’s wife and family at this time and for the future some happiness in knowing that he helped so many others during his life. RIP.
Thank you Ty for sharing your beautiful story with us. May Bill rest in peace. Sending positive healing thoughts to Bill’s family and friends.
I am saddened to hear of the passing of this good man. I am also saddened to see the extent to which Ty’s desire to protect the promotion of his books, videos and products has colored even his tribute to Bill Henderson.
Ty gave a link to Bill’s book, which I purchased in order to support Bill’s wife during this time. They are both supporters of alternative cancer treatments.
You and others were extremely blessed to have known Bill. I do not know much about him but I know that it takes an extraordinary person to make their voice known if the powers that be do not want you to speak the truth. From experience I know that it is always much easier to comply- but some of us that know compliance is not always the appropriate route, especially when it comes to BIG PHARMA and BIG AG- their goal is far different than “our health and quality of life”. Bill took “the road less traveled” and “that has made all the difference”. Let us remember to not let his work go unfinished.
Thanks for being a witness ty of God’s ways. – love
Hello Mr. Ty Bollinger, What a great person Mr Bill Henderson was. I am sure you had always felt inspired especially in his company. He obviously had a heart of gold always on the go to find ways to help others who very likely had as much and likely more health issues than hi did.
He is certainly missed by those who knew him. This man would have never had a selfish streak since he always p[ut others before him. As we would call him he was a true altruist. Incidentally, a brother of mine back home in Australia is also a reader of your Newsletter and he has often made mention of you. I am sure he would have read about our dear friend Bill Henderson….RIP Thank you so much Ty…. Joe
I am sorry to hear about Bill Henderson’s passing. He did so much for people who had cancer. He will be missed.
Bill Henderson and his work were my first lifeline after surprise surgery on Labor Day 2010, which turned out to be stage 3 colon cancer. Through the grace of God, the knowledge of my aunt and uncle (who have been on a raw vegan diet for many years and are now in their 80s), and Bill’s protocols, I am cancer free with no chemo or radiation. I continually share Bill’s message with others who ask me how I beat cancer. Bill has gone on to his eternal reward, and his message will never die. God bless you, Bill. And God bless you, Ty!!
Thank you Ty So sorry to hear ! Lord rest his soul ~
Thank You Ty for getting this sad information out on Bill Henderson . You also are a great person. You have done So much , and continue to help healing Cancer the Natural Way . Thank You kindly
Such sad news. I have a lump in my throat. Like others, his was the first book I read in my search. I was looking for something to help my daughter in her battle with Hodgkin Lymphoma. We devoured his book and she followed it to the letter. So thankful for his life and legacy.
My condolences to Bill’s wife Terry, his family and friends.
Dear Ty, we will never get use to death because our heavenly father put eternity in us, he wanted us to live forever on a paradise earth. But he promised in (Revelation 21:3, 4,5) And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away. And the One seated on the throne said: “Look! I am making all things new.” Also he says: “Write, for these words are faithful and true.”
” And Bill’s friend Larry Winfield mentioned (John 11:25) Jesus said to her: “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life; (John 5:28, 29) 28 Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice 29 and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, and those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment.
God is gonna make this earth a paradise again as he had in mind, Satan who rules this world will be done away with and we will see our friend
Bill again. (Titus 1:2) 2 and is based on a hope of the everlasting life that God, who cannot lie, promised long ago;
Hope that this will ease the pain of sorrow.
We can all turn the tide of this greatest Challenge to each Soul on earth Now by going and looking at Happy Science .org. Gods Wish for us. Thanks Ty in love and Light Harry Balodis +61412855918
RIP Bill Henderson. By the way, I believe RIP means Return If Possible. I lost my baby sister in January. My thoughts are with his family and friends. In peace, my friend
So sad to hear of Bill Henderson’s passing. I have his book and upgrades which proved very useful to me when I had cancer. What a great legacy he has left us all. We can all be like him and help to spread the word and introduce people to the acquired knowledge that works, as it did for me. I had previously read about Cancer and was reasonably informed so that when I got cancer, I recognised it but had no fear and that fact, I believe, helped my recovery enormously. I feel it is important for people to understand all about Cancer, that it is curable if the right steps are taken and not to feel fear. Just get on with the job in hand which for me was eating the right foods and supplements, eliminating the bad foods, exercising and staying away from toxins. You are doing a great job and long may it continue! Thank you so much.
I’m so sorry to hear about the passing of Bill Henderson. I’ve been following his protocol for the past few months after getting a diagnosis earlier this year. He has blessed the lives of so many. May he rest in peace.
Oooh, so sad… Condolense to his family and friends. May his soul fly with the angles. Thank you kindly.
My prayers are with Terry and family as well as ALL who knew and loved Bill. May the Lord comfort you in the coming days, weeks, and months.
Peace and Comfort,
Even if I did not know Bill Henderson, I am sorry about his passing away. He was certainly very useful at stating that all stages of cancer can be healed naturally without using those ghastly conventional therapies.
Very Sad. He seemed like a very nice person and very knowledgeable. The first time I saw him was in “Cancer is curable Now” DVD. I don’t have his book but one day I would like to get it and read his book. May you RIP Bill Handerson
Another great humanitarian has left us….many thanks for your helpful work Bill……courage for you Terry……Ty and Charlene also many thanks for your work.
Wonderful tribute Ty Rest in peace Bill Henderson
Thank you Ty for your tribute to Biil Henderson. I didn’t know of him until now; however, it seems from the replies that have been written here that he was a selfless warrior for others’ well-being–that in itself, with the hope of him believing in Christ Jesus and His finished work–has given him a place in Father God’s Kingdom. Peace and love to his widow & love ones! You have a ‘lighted path’ to follow–continue on it knowing that you’re assuring his legacy lives on while continuing to help others–He will be PROUD of you!
Grace always,
Rest in peace Bill
So sad to hear about your friend. Will be keeping you and his family in my prayers.
Does anyone know what Ty Bollinger’s email address is?
Very sad to hear the news about Bill Henderson. His books helped me a lot. My deepest condolences to his family.
I am very sad today of Bills passing, I live in Queensland, Australia and use Bills protocol every day.
I gave a friend of mine who had been diagnosed with sarcoma cancer, given 7.50 months to live and advised to do 22 rounds of chemo.
I gave my friend Bills book and advised him to use Bills protocol.
Well 2.1/2 years later and cancer free my friend is doing great, thank you Bill. one great man.
We send our prayers to family. I have lost too many family members and friends to cancer sad to say.In search of Dr Wallach a N.D. for severe back pain & overall bad health help,is when I first seen Ty to be one of God,s chosen ones to search for the cure for cancer on YouTube. I tell every body,young and old about cancer and how we can avoid it.Let,s face it God wants us to be healthy and happy,but like Ty and others you must “search for the truth”. The M.D,s can,t tell you how to live healthy,they Die at 56 yrs. God promised us 120 yrs. What happened to common since? “GOD BLESS AMERICA” Ray & Clara Smith Waldron AK.
There has always been a world with out “Cancer” It can be prevented and even cured, by alternative processes. The Power of prayer applied the right way is paramount. For Yeshua is the great Healer. see Psalm 23 and Psalm 107 V19-20. And with the faith of a mustard seed you will be healed in the Holy Spirit. It is not from God but by man these curses prevail. YE must be born again in the Holy Spirit to receive the blessings. It is all to do with having a relationship with Yeshua The Christ The One with the pierced Hands. For all your sorrows and pain and secret woes, Just Hang It On the Cross.
i’m so sorry, about your friend, it wasn’t the cancer i bought his book combo pack so i can share, my Dad finished chemo radiation recently doing well but i watched the series i want to be prepared. Keep up the good work you are doing. Love & prayers for you all.
RIP Bill
I am a Hypnotherapist and many of my clients have chronic conditions including cancer. I have a client that had brain cancer and colorectal cancer and she also didn’t have much money for expensive treatments. I had several recommendations but most of them were out of her budget. I had a couple of protocols I used and I was willing to donate my time and equipment but she needed additional options because she had been fighting cancer for 7 years. I said a prayer one night asking God for help and guidance and the next morning I went to the internet and Bill Henderson’s book “How to cure CANCER on $5.15 a day” popped up. I bought everything he recommended and immediately started her on the protocol along with what I already had her on and she started to improve.
His book and his words are never far from my thoughts and my own words when working with clients each and every day. Thank you Bill for your wisdom
So sorry to hear of Bill Henderson’s passing, over the past three years I have viewed his videos and have suggested them to other cancer patients. He definitely paid his dues on this earth by educating many, many people. My deepest sympathies Ty. RIP Bill Henderson.
i’m so sorry about your friend Bill
I’m so surprised to hear he accepted blood transfusion-very toxic to immune system!!!
I have stage 4 metastatic breast cancer to the bone. I have survived with this cancer for over 5 years now because of Bill Henderson and his Cancer-Free protocol. He will be greatly missed.
RIP dear friend. I subscribed to Bill’s newsletters for years and still have them all saved. He was such an inspiration to me on the beginning of my journey into natural treatments for Cancer and in return for a testimony on how I helped a man go into full remission, he sent me his ebook, Cure Your Cancer, which I printed and still use to this day to help others. Its so sad to see him go but he will live on in all his inspired teachings.
RIP Bill…. Sincere Sympathy to you Terry and Family xx
Deeply devastated and crying after losing our dear friend, Bill. We published his book in 2007 and it’s been our best selling book (of more than 8,000 titles!) ever since. We visited him in his state a few years ago. He then came to see us in Maine. You’d never, ever meet a nicer, sweeter guy. He truly cared about his fellow human beings, and wanted to help every hurting person get better. He left the world a MUCH better place, and he saved countless souls from painful, unnecessary cancer treatments. R.I.P., friend. We will miss you bunches!
THANK YOU Bill Henderson. You are Truly a BLESSING for us. May GOD welcome you in HIS kingdom. Thank you TY .. More power to you and to all the people like you. To GOD be the glory!
So sorry to hear of Bill Henderson’s passing! Bill we will miss you. Rest In Peace.
Bill Henderson was my “cancer coach.” In large part due to him and his information, I am alive and well today. Thank you, for posting such a beautiful and sensitive tribute in honor of Bill. I have reprint your article on my blog at
I am puzzled. It’s been 5 years now for me, changing to a healthy diet. Now after watching TTAC, it confirmed my belief in the power of food. With that being said, was Bill not following his own advice? I thought my healthy way of life would keep heart and artery ailments away, not to mention blood clots and… Please help!!!
I’m a little confused here, if he was living the anti cancer diet how did he aquire cancer in the first place and how did he treat it if what he was doing did not prevent it in the first place???
You didn’t read his book.
That’s exactly what I wanted to know too! Very disheartening to know he still got cancer. Seems hopeless now if you are ever diagnosed ????
I’m with you there Skip. I’m trying to educate friends and family, but how do I answer that question, when they ask me?
Other articles said it was from a blood transfusion, not cancer.
In Memory of Bill and all true believers, Read your Bible and realise the beauty and purity of God’s creation. Minimise ‘Man Made’ pollution and poisons in your body. Fight to stop the spread of chemicals that are poisoning our bodies. From the time Adam and Eve sinned, God restricted the years of our life on Earth, Disease and conflict entered the world, but, He gave us Free Will and knowledge to enable us to make choices. We can choose to practice good nutrition that will allow our bodies to function as healthily as possible until our time comes to meet God.
Mar God bless Bill’s family both now and in the years to come.
I never met Bill …I never spoke to him personally I never emailed him…but it seemed like he was one of my dearest friends it is with tears in my eyes I write this tribute to a deeply good man… God said to joshua…..Josh 1:2 Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them…..I guess its your turn now ty
prayers are with Bills wife and family and for you ty as you carry the extra mantle… God Bless you!
Very disheartening to know he still got cancer. Seems hopeless now if you are ever diagnosed ????
Thank You for sharing this sad news Ty.May Bill rest In Peace With our Lord.What a wonderful courageous,Loving man.He will be greatly missed. Blessings to his family.Love Betty
I would like to voice my sorrow and prayers for such a wonderful dedicated man. May he rest in Peace. The TTAC is a magnificent contribution to the health of humanity against this dreaded disease. I will forever laud the contributors Ty and Bill, for giving hope and sustainance to those in need.
Sincerely, Elaine.
Sorry, to hear of Bill’s passing. He will be missed by many! A Hui Hou {till we meet again}
I don’t want to be disrespectful, but I had the same question. I realize there could be many reasons for getting cancer, maybe he had a high level of stress in his life, for example. It is none of my business, but for the sake of being able to promote natural remedies and nutrition
for cancer and prevention, why did he get cancer in the first place if he was doing all he said he was doing in his book???
Thank you for sharing Ty. Such a great loss for all.
Thank you for the nice tribute to Bill. It is sad that most people do not die from cancer, but from side effects of the treatments. My daughter died in October, not from the cancer she successfully battled for 4 years, but the last horrific chemotherapy they convinced her to take. She died from liver failure, not cancer. I continue to recommend Bill’s book and The Truth About Cancer.
Hi I am worried that he died of the same thing he was coaching I am just scared that’s all. He was sooo incouraging and great but he died after doing what he said he could cure. Maybe some it works some it doesn’t still I am scared.
Angie, I had quite a bit of contact with Bill way back in 2005-2006 and I can assure you that man did everything he preached about and kept his subscribers up to date with feedback on everything. For me, this just makes me realize how much more vigilant we have to be with Cancer prevention. To know how much Bill actually did to prevent Cancer and still get it, just proves how easy it is in the toxic world we live in to succumb to Cancer’s odds. I believe we should never stop detoxing, never stop working on rebuilding health and never give up on educating ourselves on better ways to do it.
So very sorry for the loss of your good friend. Bill made a great contribution in helping people in their fight against cancer.
What a tragedy to lose such a wonderful man and teacher…… I am worried now people won’t believe in what he taught !
Dianah – Bill was a pioneer of this work but others like Ty have taken up the fight. My own experience is that young people are more open to alternative treatments. Bill was not a lone voice and his work will endure.
I am sad to hear of Bill’s loss. He was a champion of alternative medicine. However, at the age of 84, I look upon that as dying of old age. Both of my parents died at 85 and that is a good innings. Bill left a legacy of helping people.
Thank God for our hope beyond this life in Christ Jesus. Sadly Adam & Eve chose wrong and infected our world in alliance with the devil, rather than trust of God. But our hope in Revelations 21 & 22 is much greater than our temporary life. Awaiting new body with no more illness. May Bill’s joy in Christ Jesus be eternal!
My Mom has been diagnosed with brain and lung cancer. Want to offer her hope in Vegan options. Some critics are overlooking all side effects of chemo & radiation, ignoring reality of horrible death rates of up to 98% with conventional treatments. We know Vegan diet is not 100% cure for all time, despite Dr Greger’s over the top title 🙂
Our family went Vegan a few years back. Thankful for healing my wife from her cancer with no chemo and no radiation.
Obviously chemo & radiation side effects would have destroyed his life long ago. Curious if there is an update on some questions above, since we know Vegans blood is cleansed, allowing the blood to avoid most heart disease. Cardiologists and NIH agree with this but NIH says no one has willpower to keep to Vegan diet , so they promote alternatives 🙁
But also curious what caused Bill continue to have heart problems and struggle with cancer?