Video Transcript: This Popular Breast Cancer Drug is a Known Carcinogen
Ty Bollinger: We’ve talked about breast cancer and mammograms. Tamoxifen, that’s a known carcinogen.
Dr. Ben Johnson: Absolutely, it is a known carcinogen. Women should not be taking it. And there are great ways to naturally—What is Tamoxifen? So, on a cancer cell, especially a breast cancer cell, it has receptor sites. Tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of receptor sites. And some of these receptor sites are for estrogen. Tamoxifen is a drug that hooks to the estrogen receptor site and occupies it.
Now, you want that site occupied. There are three natural female estrogens: estrone, estriol, and estradiol. Estradiol being the more potent naturally cancer causing one. So you want to occupy that receptor site to keep estradiol from docking there. But you could be giving that patient − and I do give my breast cancer patients estriol − a normal hormone that their body makes and is used to.
I just give it in abundance to block those receptor sites. You can block those receptor sites with soy. You can block those receptor sites with many non-stimulating things. You want those estrogen receptor sites blocked, but not with Tamoxifen.
Ty Bollinger: Well, I know you’re not a conspiracy theorist. But nothing better to create repeat business than to perpetuate the disease that you’re supposedly trying to treat.
Dr. Ben Johnson: Mammograms… Tamoxifen… you’ve got a built-in clientele. You’re gonna get that patient back. They’re going to get, you know, if they don’t have breast cancer, you take enough mammograms and they will have breast cancer. You give them Tamoxifen, you know you’re going to get that patient back. Good repeat business. It’s a good business model.
Ty Bollinger: It’s a good business model if you don’t have very many morals…
Dr. Ben Johnson: Yes.
Ty Bollinger: …or a conscience.
Why can’t preventative breast cancer vaccines be used to prevent women from getting breast cancer the first place and stop it from spreading to other parts of the body?
They would not make as much $ with vaccines. Cancer is a huge industry on many levels of the medical community from the oncologists to surgeons, radiologists and hospitals…it is a gold mine. It will never go away. It’s up to individuals to be pro active, educate themselves and keep their Ph not receptive to cancer cells growth. Don’t eat sugar….it feeds them…..stay thin, eat organic… some research.
What about the drug Femara
where can I see the statistics for this?
That would be nowhere – they never back up these ridiculous claims with statistics involving human research trials. These claims are invariably not evidence based!
I just did online research when it was recommended to me. I refused it and have been cancer free for four years. This site has a multitude of information on how to prevent reoccurrence And to heal your immune system.
Yep me too. 4 years this July. Did take for about a year and decided against it.
Pamela, what type of treatments did you use to get rid on your cancer? What stage were you in? Did you do chemotherapy and radioation therapy?
I am a breast cancer patient. It has metastasized to my spine and liver. By using natural methods, I have reduced the liver tumors significantly. But the bone cancer, though slowed down, continues to be a problem. The doctor has me on examesthane. How harmful is that? And what products could I take that will block those estrogen receptors?
Marti, what type of natural remedies are you using to try and cure your metastasized breast cancer? Do you eat a raw vegan diet, do juicing, and what type of vitamin supplements do you use? Do you use frankincense oil and essiac tea?
I took tamoxifen for a year and decide not worth the risk of side effects or getting cancer again. I took control of my health. I eat better , exercise and more rest.
Hi Silvia; I eat as many raw veggies I can, but do eat fish and chicken as well. As homegrown as I can get it. I am on Velvet Elk Antler for the calcium and vitamins; I use essiac tea; I use frankincense religiously both under my tongue and on the bottom of my feet; and the biggest one, imo, is the use of two tsp of baking soda daily; I add it to my water, and drink 2-3 litres a day. Other than that, I am outside in the sunshine as much as possible and allow nature to do its wonders. I am still mobile, though I have steel rods in my back to keep me upright, and they may have to replace hips and knees. The cancer seems to flair up and then slowly recede until it is inactive, but it leaves the holes in my skeleton. One of them is on the C1 vertebrae.
Is Essiac tea and frankincense really good for everybody, even those who do not have cancer? Where do you get essiac tea and frankincense available? Have you ever tried cannabis oil, vitamin B-17, and apricot seeds?
Silvia, you can buy EVERYTHING from….I got the frankincense and Essiac tea (get the 1 with the nurse that 1ts packaged it on the label, Renee Caisse, RN) . I get all my essential oils, apricot seeds, all my other suppliments, essential oil diffuser, castor oil for detoxing my liver and I even got 5yds of un bleached cotton flannel for those liver detox packs on Amazon. I swear they have anything you want, just read the reviews AND the ingredients because some are better then others. Good luck
I need serious info on how to mitigate the pain caused by the lactic acid produced by cancer cells – they say the ketogenic diet is the way to do that, but is there anyone out there who can direct me on the effectiveness of the ketogenic diet.
What about Ameridex? Is it as bad as tamoexifin?
Hi Lori, I used Arimidex a few months but didn’t like the side effects. I have been taking I3C. Indole 3 carbinol. It is more effective than arimidex.
Studies at UCLA, Berkeley show that I3C inhibits MCF7 human breast cancer cells from growing by as much as 90% in vitro.
Try googling it, it’s 100% natural and there are no side effects. Good luck
Thank you for the info. I will check it out.
Both are very good for everyone and cannot harm you. Even if you don’t have cancer. Frankincense can be purchased anywhere that sells essential oils. Usually in health food stores. It must be therapeutic grade. Essiac tea is also available in health food stores but I’ve seen it in quite a few drug stores as well. It is great for the immune system. I did try cannabis oil, but I get very sick from just about any narcotics; but I know someone who gave it to their 2 year old son who had a severe type of lymphoma – within two weeks the cancer disappeared. I haven’t tried B17 (though there is some in the supplements I take) or apricot seeds.
Ik heb ruim 3 jaar tamoxifen geslikt en het heeft me geen goed gedaan. Vreselijke pijnen in de benen en moeilijk lopen, bukken en opstaan. Nu ben ik aan de medicinale wietolie TBC en THC en hoop de oude weer te worden. Ook neem ik gember kurkuma zwarte peper en kaneel. Voel me al wel wat beter.
Twenty four years ago, my gynecologist gave me a laminated card that could be used to get a mammogram whenever I wanted. He said because I had fibrocystic breasts I needed a mammogram ever six months. Well, of course I never went but had I followed his advice, I’m pretty sure I’d be dead now.
My wife had fibrocystic breasts and the doctors SCARED her into have a mastectomy. A few years later, shortly after I met her, they found more lumps in the other breast, and once again scared her into a second mastectomy. After both mastectomies, the tissue was sent in and found to be benign. AFTER the second mastectomy they prescribed Tamoexifen, it caused sever aches and pain in her hands and feet. The doctor said she needed different shoes, she said she felt like taking one off and smacking him with it. She came home and we did research and found it was supposed to be used to prevent breast cancer, and she didn’t have any breasts! One of the side effects was uterine cancer!. She through the pills away and never went back to the doctor. I wish I had known then what I know now about cancer prevention and could have spared her all of this. Unfortunately cancer has one advantage: to make a lot of money off of people by keeping them uninformed and in fear.
I’ve recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. I had Hodgkins 30 years ago and was treated with radiation and chemo. It saved my my life but I live with the side effects. It’s a shame that our insurance will only cover “traditional” treatments. I can’t afford on retirement the non traditional methods..i.e. cannabis, laetrile etc.
Please comment on Arimedex.
I got diagnosed with breast cancer April 2014 (3rd time!) I said ‘no to mastectomy and chemo (again) – and changed my lifestyle completely: only raw organic food, juicing – supplementing with vit. C treatments and a lot of other supplements recommended to me by my integrative doctor + numerous other treatments as recommented by TTAC. I was very confident I would beat the cancer. However after 8 month I knew something was wrong. The tumor had grown significantly and after a testing I was told they would no longer be able to operate on me as the cancer had spread to the local lymph system and grown into the chestwall. Only solution would be to try chemo if this could decrease the cancer so I could be operated before it spread even further. Another oncologist suggested trying arimidex (letroxole) as it has lesser side effects compared to chemo. After 8 month on the medicine I had a mastectomy. Right now I’m cancerfree – but have to stay on the medicine.
It does have a lot of side effects – but I believe they are somewhat relieved by my raw lifestyle. At the moment I dare not skip it. The lifestyle, supplementing and alternative treatments may help some people. It didn’t do anything for me in relation to cancer. I have to admit that letrozole and operation was the only thing that really helped to fight the cancer.
Arimidex is an aromatase inhibitor. The natural aromatase inhibitor is “Chrysin.” Made by Swanson Vitamins, maybe Jarrow Formulas, maybe other companies. Over the counter, of course.
I used Arimidex a few months but didn’t like the side effects. I have been taking I3C. Indole 3 carbinol. It is more effective than arimidex.
Studies at UCLA, Berkeley show that I3C inhibits MCF7 human breast cancer cells from growing by as much as 90% in vitro.
Try googling it, it’s 100% natural and there are no side effects. Good luck
I’m sorry that spell check changed the spelling of your name to Lori. Good luck and enjoy every day of your life! I do 🙂
I am in the medical profession, was diagnosed with Breast cancer and chose surgery refused chemo & radiation and treated it with natural methods. As much as “conventional” therapy does not resonate with my soul and big pharma has their hand in everyone’s pocket, I feel that your damned both ways as far as cash out put. I can attest to how much money “natural” supplements cost. It is a big business natural or conventional. If we had a perfect world we would live in a climate that grew all the plant medicines and we could go into our backyards (jungle) and pick what we needed, bubble and brew, make our own treatments as needed. Be careful with what you read and who you listen to as there are so many on the Internet that do not have the education behind them and are telling people what to do, what to take etc. we are all bio-individuals and require different supplementation. Peace & Love
Paula ~ Plant Medicine Warrior ????
Please advise me about arimedex!!
I start using it 3 months ago. Is there something natural instead of arimedex?
I used Arimidex a few months but didn’t like the side effects. I have been taking I3C. Indole 3 carbinol. It is more effective than arimidex.
Studies at UCLA, Berkeley show that I3C inhibits MCF7 human breast cancer cells from growing by as much as 90% in vitro.
Try googling it, it’s 100% natural and there are no side effects. Good luck
I would like to know about Arimidex too. My doctor was pushing me to take it but I refused because of side effects. I did take Tamoxifen for 5 years. Stopped it too now. 6 years since I finished radiotherapy. I go to a Chinese doctor for acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine. No tumour markers. But I should say my breast cancer was a non-aggressive one.
Looking for natural also instead of arimedex
I used Arimidex a few months but didn’t like the side effects. I have been taking I3C. Indole 3 carbinol. It is more effective than arimidex.
Studies at UCLA, Berkeley show that I3C inhibits MCF7 human breast cancer cells from growing by as much as 90% in vitro.
Try googling it, it’s 100% natural and there are no side effects. Good luck
Arimidex is similar to Tamoxifen in that it is given to patients with estrogen dominant cancers due to the “way it helps” blocking the receptor sites, as mentioned at the beginning of this article. My mom was on Arimidex for close to a year, but the pain in her bones was worse everyday, so she decided to stop taking Arimidex. The pain has not stopped, but it is now a bit more tolerable. She also started eating organic and free of gluten, wheat, dairy and soy.
Janet, I am also on Arimidex and had horrible bone pain. On another site, I read a post from a lady who said she started taking fish oil and CoQ10 to help with the pain. I started both about a month ago and my pain is now minimal. Hope tis helps.
Why don’t ever mention ovarian cancer?
I am a 2 time breast Ca survivor. Took Tamoxifen for a few years before changing to Arimidex. Developed a rare aggressive form of uterine Ca 4 years ago . Was told a strong possibility is that it may have been caused by Tamoxifen. 3 years later had to undergo lung resection due to met. So now I am a 4 time survivor moving on with letrozole and many natural supplements along with low glycemic diet. Praying/hoping/fighting/living to be around for a long time yet.
You go girl! Congratulations
I thought soy was also a carcinogenic. It depletes the bodies natural iodine supply. Has been linked to thyriod cancers. When mentioning soy in this video it is important to mention the types of soy that are safe…like fermented soy. If one thought oh soy & started drinking soy milk the anti-cancer effects are not there, it’s the opposite.
It is also important to know that soy should be ingested sparingly if your cancer is estrogen +!
Hi Aurora
Had stage 1 breast cancer…did a full mastectomy, no cemo etc…but they told me I have to take Tamoxifem…seriously doubting this…should I take it like you for at least 5 yrs? Did you have back and bone pain whilst on it?
I’m taking arimidex. After mastectomy. I don’t want to be on it but they tell me it can prolong my life. Side effects horrendous but lessen with better diet and exercise and less stress! My Daughter was diagnosed with breast cancer 3 months after me and had chemo, radio and herceptin treatment. She is taking tamoxifen and says no side effects but I do worry…
I used Arimidex a few months but didn’t like the side effects. I have been taking I3C. Indole 3 carbinol. It is more effective than arimidex.
Studies at UCLA, Berkeley show that I3C inhibits MCF7 human breast cancer cells from growing by as much as 90% in vitro.
Try googling it, it’s 100% natural and there are no side effects. Good luck
Hello Paula. I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. I don’t want radiation or chemo. I have been praying and asking God for guidance. I wanted to know how you are doing after surgery and natural treatments to prevent it from coming back?
You can get the Laetrile (b17) on both EBay and Amazon. It is not expensive. The best thing you can do for yourself is cut out ALL sugar including corn syrup, etc. (Read the labels on everything.) Cancer cells feed on it! Add fresh cruciferous vegetables and carrots. Eliminate dairy and meats.
If you go to the tamoxifen Web site, you will find 2 pages of side effects, one of which is cancer.
Jackie, the doctors try to block the information we get, but the are statistics for the research. You just need to know where to look. First start with a University library. They contain many research abstracts. There you will find your statistics. If you ask most doctors, they will tell you that they do not exist or that the results were fabricated. Big Pharm controls doctors and will make sure doctors who give out information openly lose their licenses or suspiciously die. Several doctors who have done research that exposes the lies of the medical profession and “big pharma”, have been murdered suspiciously. I’ve been doing medical research on my own for years and I’ve written and had articles published on different topics relating to alternative medicines.
Hi. I recently had a total hysterectomy. Just started chemo 6/6. Also will need radiation. In 2007 had a lumpectomy and took tamoxifen about a year or two and just walked away from it. Now during my CT scan for the hysterectomy, my oncologist wants me to have a mammogram(last one 2014), scheduled for 6/8. What, if any, suggestions.?? Are any of these alternative medicines still helpful while taking chemo or radiation?? I now realize that I do have to change my eating habits ,especially the sugars!!
If you can, see a Natropathic Doctor that specializes in working with cancer patients. Make sure they are actually licensed as an ND. A second thing is that not all states recognize ND’s license. Even through they have gone through school and such. If your in a state that doesn’t recognize them, you will not be able to reap all the benefits that they can provide, but still reap some benefits in the form of a individualize package on what to eat, how much, supplements, and essential oils, expertise.
My stage 4 friend out West has been under the care of her oncologist, OB, GP, AND ND. The oncologist didn’t like the fact she was being treated by an ND during her active treatment, but she didn’t care. She herself is a Physcians Assistent. She not only changed her diet, but is able to receive IV infusions of Vit C, and other vitamins, medicinal MJ…..not the smoking stuff…the actually oils from the organic grown plant, as well as supplements. It’s very comprehensive.
Myself, I was stage 2 triple positive, and did not know about all this when I went through chemo. And the chemo took its toll on me….body and mind. My friend was diagnosed after me. She did much better than I did going through chemo. In fact, she has much energy and just looks so radiant. We had the same type of breast cancer, except for stage. I am now following my ND’s plan. Yes, he can work here in my state, although the state doesn’t recognize his license. He can still do a consult with me (2 hours) review my medical records, and come up with an eating and supplement plan (f/u visit 2 hours). This also includes changing what products we use on our body, as many have a lot of chenilles in them, and it’s absorbed into our body. And the price was well worth it. $250.00 for 4 hours total of visits. I just can’t receive the care to the extent he could provide if I were in a state that did recognize ND’s. Like the Vit. C and other Vitamins…and the medicinal MJ oil as our state considers it illegal as of now….we will see this Novemeber.
I hope this helps. Their is so much information out there and it can be confusing. This is where an ND cones in and helps pull it all together. And then, you can add to it, as you and your ND work together in follow up appointments.
Good luck to you! I suggest I-3-C. Insole 3 carbinol. 2-200 mg a day. It is working great for me. A healthy diet and positive attitude work well too. Big hugs.
NotWorldly, does Arimidex prevents womens’ cancer from recurring? What shops can you get this Arimidex? Does the doctor order this aromatase inhibitor? Does it cause side effects?
Hi Silvia, Arimidex is by RX only. I have taken it for 3 months. My only side effect so far has been horrible bone pain. Another lady on another website said she took fish oil and CoQ!0. I started taking 1400mg of fish oil and a CoQ10 daily. My pain has greatly subsided. Hope this helps.
I just receive a message today of someone that has breast cancer and the doctor has given up on her because the cancer spread.
please what natural treatment can she take and can Frankincense, Turmeric and the other essential oils help at this stage?
I have had DCIS which was oestrogen sensitive and 6 2weeks radiotherapy and took Tamoxifen for a few weeks but got off it because it made me so Ill. I am interested in Dr Ben video with Ty saying that he gives his patients Estriol?? . Is it safe for oestrogen sensitive breast cancer
I had bone pain from another anti estrogen Med, Letrizole. BCM95 ( bioavailble turmeric/cur cumin) extra strength “pain relief” helped tremendously.
Donna my daughter has breast cancer with mets to the spine. She has horrible pain in her back and down her leg. Does tumeric really work? Shes on pain killers that take hours to work so shes suffering quite a lot. I bought herTumeric Gold from Mike Adams of Natural News in the US. Not much difference in pain. She is also on Letrazole too and other things.
She lives in London.
I hope you continue controlling your pain.
Kind regards
Jacqui Salazar
Donna did tumeric really help? My daughter has terrible pain from breast cancer mets in her spine – she also takes Letrazole. I gave her tumeric Gold made by Mike Adams of
I was diagnosed with breast cancer stage2a and been doing chemo every other week. After chemo suppose to have a mastectomy (both) but I’m having second thoughts and leaning towards natural remedies. What do you all think any suggestions?
You may want to try a website my sister used (to CURE her cancer naturally) it’s called, the man who created it knows quantum physics, basically each of their supplements have an action to treat your cancer or disease – these supplements are not expensive (compared to Chemo $$$$$ and they don’t cause cancer to come back like chemo does!). Go to the website then call and speak to a representative they are very knowledgeable and helpful. My sister had Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and wasn’t doing well now she’s cancer free and doing very well (it’s been 4 1/2 years). She used OXYGEN products – oxygen kills cancer cells. But you need to do the diet – raw, fresh, organic vegetables, only fruit low on the glycemic scale (blueberries, blackberries, raspberry’s) NO CARBS, NO SUGAR, NO DAIRY, and small
amounts of chicken and fish (again no hormones or antibiotics!). And, you must become ALKALINE! My family drinks Green drinks to do this.
Acidic bodies grow cancer cells. I wish you well!
Has anyone been taking Anastrozole? I’m having no bad effects from it but don’t think it’s helping. After taking Essiac tea my tumor shrunk by half. That’s been 11 months ago and since then the tumor is stable. Also took apricot seeds, no sugar, no fat, vegan diet, etc. Have started eating some meat (grass fed) because of extreme weight loss. No Naturalpathic Dr’s in my area (IA/IL). Any suggestions will be appreciated. I am very thankful for the progress I’ve experienced but want to be cancer free. Also have not been in any serious pain.
Joyce, what is Anastrozole? Are they vitamin supplements or an essential oil? Where do you get apricot seeds from? Are apricot seeds fine to eat? I have heard that they contain laetrile and too much laetrile is not good for you. Is doing those treatments cure cancer completely? What stage of breast cancer are you?
Good answer Niki 🙂
Anastrozole is Arimidex
I used Arimidex a few months but didn’t like the side effects. I have been taking I3C. Indole 3 carbinol. It is more effective than arimidex.
Studies at UCLA, Berkeley show that I3C inhibits MCF7 human breast cancer cells from growing by as much as 90% in vitro.
Try googling it, it’s 100% natural and there are no side effects. Good luck
Arimidex (“Anastrozole?”) is a prescription aromatase inhibitor (stops conversion of body’s natural testosterone to estrogen?). Sorry I’m very late answering Silvia Logan’s June 8, 2016, comment. Also see her October 10 comment.Also see my June 7 comment. I seem to remember reading the pharmaceutical manufacturer’s printout where it can cause uterine cancer, and that it can cause liver problems. Then I found out that “Chrysin” is also a natural aromatase inhibitor, over-the-counter. I take 1000 mg in a.m. of Chrysin with DHEA (lowish 20 mg dose) and 500 mg evening, because I also take DHEA for the hormones my adrenals lack (and I’m low on), and because I have high cortisol,. But I don’t want the testosterone that can come from the DHEA to convert to estrogen.
See Gwen’s June 13 comment on the subject. I had lumpectomies for stage 1b tumors, not having chemo or radiation ever, plus do many other anti-breast cancer natural things.