Over the past few years you’ve likely read or heard that flaxseeds are good for you. You may not have a clear understanding, however, of the many health benefits of flaxseed and why they play an important role in your anti-cancer diet.
What is Flaxseed?
From the name, you can tell that it is the seed of the flax plant. Its fibers are woven to make linen fabric and the oil (referred to as linseed oil) is used in wood finishing.
It’s the seeds, though, that are the stars of this pretty, ornamental plant. Flaxseed sometimes imparts a mild, nutty essence when added to food but other ingredients easily overshadow the taste. This allows you to add it to recipes without really altering the flavor.
What Makes Flaxseed So Healthy?
Flaxseed has an amazing amount of nutrients and is the best source of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fats are healthy fats shown to reduce levels of cholesterol in your system. Other sources of omega-3s include fatty fish and walnuts. Flaxseed also contains nine amino acids that, when appearing together, make a complete protein like those found in dairy and meat.
Their high fiber content (approximately 3 grams per tablespoon), is hugely beneficial to your overall digestive health. According to scientists, Americans should be consuming between 30 to 40 grams of fiber every day. Most people barely consume half of this suggested daily healthy amount.
What Else Can Flaxseeds Do?
The benefits of flaxseed make it a superfood you need to add to your anti-cancer eating plan. Ongoing studies like the one at the University of Illinois show that these sesame seed-sized kernels may prevent serious illness.
Experts believe this is due to the phytochemicals and phytoestrogens as well as the omega-3 fatty acids contained within. These compounds working together provide a strong protective benefit to our bodies.
Top 3 Health Benefits of Flaxseed
#1. Protection Against Heart Disease
The human body cannot produce omega-3 on its own and you must have an abundance of these valuable compounds for many critical functions. Consuming foods rich in omega-3 reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular issues. Some studies are working to prove that heart disease is reversible. Arterial plaque formation can be slowed and prevented by omega-3. Scientists are currently researching whether or not omega-3 can remove existing plaque buildup. Soluble fiber contained in flaxseed helps “scrub” the body clean of fat-soluble waste and toxic compounds that develop as a result of our body’s metabolic process. The incredible antioxidant properties found in lignans also assist by fighting against the free radicals that cause body-wide inflammation and cellular damage.
#2. Prevention of Osteoporosis
Post-menopausal women are at the greatest risk for loss of minerals, density, and strength of their bones. Findings from a research study at the National Research Center in Cairo, Egypt, show that omega-3 fatty acids present in flaxseed protect the bones and prevent bone demineralization and loss of density.
#3. Cancer Prevention
Regular consumption of flaxseed may protect the body from colon cancer, prostate cancer, and breast cancer. Omega-3 fatty acids prevent cancerous cells from latching onto healthy cells. If cancerous tumors attempt to form, the lignans contained in flaxseed stop the formation of new blood supply (anti-angiogenesis) that feeds tumor growth. In other words, they starve the tumor of their supply of oxygen and nutrients. If cancer cells can’t get these basic requirements, they are unable to multiply and spread.
To achieve the most health benefit from flaxseed it is best to use freshly milled or crushed seeds. This allows your body to efficiently absorb the available nutrients contained within its tough exterior. The shell is where the fiber originates so make sure your seeds are milled or processed properly. Flaxseed oil capsules, available in most health food stores, may not provide the benefits you’re looking for. Processing removes the crucial lignans and unless they’re added back to the oil, you won’t get the full benefits of flaxseed.
Ultimately, you’re better off consuming the seeds themselves. This doesn’t have to be an unpleasant experience! Add a tablespoon of the seeds or powder to a smoothie. Sprinkle it into your oatmeal for a nutty punch of flavor. You can mix it into some mashed sweet potato and you’ll never even know it’s there. Just because a cancer-fighting food is healthy doesn’t mean it can’t also taste delicious!
Store the seeds or powder in an airtight container in the refrigerator or freezer. Because of their high oil content, they can spoil if kept at room temperature. Consider buying whole flaxseed in bulk and separating into smaller containers. Grinding them is simple if you have a coffee grinder at home and only takes a few quick pulses.
If you are hesitant about the flavor, you can take a capsule of ground flaxseed with one of your daily meals. Remember that you need to find ground flax pills not flax oil pills because the oil doesn’t contain the protein or the fiber of the seeds.
Research continues on the benefits of flaxseed and the results look promising. Early studies have proven that it is a valuable addition to a healthy, cancer-free lifestyle. The lignans, phytoestrogens, proteins, and high fiber content all work in conjunction to protect your body.
Be sure to discuss any concerns you may have with your healthcare provider and work together to find the best combination of nutrients and lifestyle options for you.
Editor’s note: This post was originally published in November 2015. It has been updated and republished in December 2023.
Article Summary
Flaxseed is the best source of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids.
Top 3 Health Benefits of Flaxseed:
- Protection against heart disease
- Prevention of Osteoporosis
- Cancer prevention
Ultimately, you’re better off consuming the seeds themselves.
If you are hesitant about the flavor, you can take a capsule of ground flaxseed with one of your daily meals.
Is there any difference between golden flax seeds and the darker colored ones? Do they both help the same?
Thanks for all the information you share.
Sally Ann
Golden are best for baking
Can you roast flaxseed and grind it to use it on everything ?ot does have to be raw?
I would say for sure use them raw. Even storage at room temperature causes the seeds to loose their potency. In general, exposing nits and seeds to high temperatures (roasting) creates free radicals that are no good for our bodies.
Thank you for this great information. I heard that the light flax seed is much more healthy to the body, is this so?
Great page really good. In some respects the farmers should promote this kind of data as well. Wouldn’t it be great if you could buy cooked broccoli at a supermarket too for lunch. Are the remarks about a complete protein really true, or is this a nice catch phrase by the agricultural lobby to make us think meat is a complete food. I remember back in the good old days there were 23 amino acids for a complete protein. But folks don’t talk about that anymore. Especially Dr. Klaper.
I still don’t know how many grams of flax seeds I should grind up to get the 30 grams a day of omega 3’s. Does 30 grams of flaxseed equal 3o grams of oil for the RDA recommended daily allowance?
I am already using these every day and they are great for good bowel movement.
Keep up the good work/fight.
There are only eight amino acids that we cannot synthesize in the body to make the others.
I find it a little dangerous to not stress that the seed should be ” Organic “…
… and, I would be careful with sourcing the Flax. Even back in the 70’s it was obvious that flax spoils easily, and rancid oil is never a good idea to consume.. Many people know this.. but some do not.
Also, back in 2009 when i was researching GMO… i discovered a door into the Canadian Organic Flax industry… and they were talking about the fact that the EU had rejected their large shipment of FLAX, due to it being found that it was contaminated wtih GMO Flax, ( i think from N. Dakota fields? )
They were assuring the farmers that they would find customers that would buy the Flax.
This was as far back as 2009.
Because of the shrinking list of good sources of omega three’s now ( for instance fish products coming out of the Gulf are questionable
as are those from outside the USA, that are coming in ..) . and the fact that more people are turning to raw vegan food… Flax is a huge target
for the people who are trying to eliminate the competition….
…and organic flax, can easily be contaminated at the seed, field and distribution levels..
If this is all kept in mind.. yes, flax is an important addition to a diet…
Greetings Ty, I have been following your good work for several years, and use both organic flax seed oil and flax seed ground at time of use in a Budwig protocol mixture I use prophylactically. My note to you today is to suggest you edit this piece to explain the critical role of Omega 3 oil in the formation of cell membranes because of the electron cloud they add, which attracts oxygen out of the blood in ‘hemoglobin dissociation’, the critical step in aerobic metabolism. You can ‘flood your body with oxygen’, but if it cant get into the cells through the cell membrane, cells become anaerobic, and cancerous. The modern diet of trans-fats tricks the cells into making their membranes with oils that have had their electron fields saturated to prevent oxidative spoilage. Just as flax oil should be ground fresh, or refrigerated, so should all other vegie oils used in salad dressing. My source, Tanya Harter Pierce.
For arterial cleaning, I use Nattokinase fermented soy enzyme capsules to lighten the viscosity of my blood by reducing the fibrin content. It also has clot dissolving efficacy. And Ty, this is cutting edge, but my research says that the protein cell coating on cancer cells, used by them to cloak their identity from the immune macrophage NK killer cells, is the same fibrin protein. Check it out.
The other thing I have recently learned about vascular health, is that what does the damage is laceration by excessive calcium deposits in the walls of the arteries. The LDL cholesterol that is found at lesion sites is triage by the body to heal. Recent lit says that vitamin K2 has the ability to take away extra calcium wrongly deposited there associated with chronic arterial inflammation. And I eat a lot of curcumin to mollify the inflammatory response.
And, no Ty, like you I have no medical credentials. Just a careful and diligent researcher who lost several family members and friends to cancer.
My primary care guy is Hippocrates, and I follow his advice: A man who is not his own doctor is a fool. Let your food be your medicine, and v/v.
Richard Morgan
My mother was well known “festival cook” in our community and her mothers mother was as well. I asked from my mother do she know any dish flaxseed in it, Her answer was no. Flxseedis is no good for people to eat she continued. Old days flaxseed was not used for food. Food use is wery new idea, Money making bisnes.
Today we know flaxseeds contain cadmium an stryknin alkaloids. Personally I agree with my moms and her momsmom wisdom and I am not rekommending flaxseeds to anybody. There are better alternatives.
Regards Aarne Luimula
Thank you Aarne… Information from our elders is most important. Please keep us posted on better alternatives.
Mrs Budwig wrote her protocol in 30th years of 19 century and it appears now as very useful for cancer healing. The main ingredient is flaxseed and cottage cheese. Therefore Aarne do not talk it is money making bussine. It was helpful to me!
I have heard that flaxseed can promote prostate cancer in men. Not sure, but I quit it several years. back after reading several reports. I think it had to do. wit an activation of a certain hormone in men. Hmmmmmmm
I have read elsewhere that flax seeds are best eaten after having been soaked overnight – in the same way that nuts are best soaked before eating. Can you comment on this please. Thank you
It is essential that flaxseed (and any seeds/nuts, plus some grains) are soaked prior to use. Check up on the research done by the Weston Price Foundation. It makes complete sense and apart from the health benefits – these things TASTE BETTER.
Am truly surprised that this information has never appeared on the otherwise-excellent TTAC series.
Here is a great way to incorporate Flaxseed into you daily eating.
I used to grind seeds and dehydrate them into crackers a few years ago. reading this encourages me to continue. I stopped prostate cancer about 8 years ago by cleansing, eating organic raw vegetables and drinking alkaline water.
It’s good for my mind and body.
I was doing the budwig diet but had to stop it because of the viruses I have made them more active because of the flaxseed an oil that I was mixing the cottage cheese with, now what do I do ?? I have been living with Cancer 4 a year now an trying to keep it at bay , without doing the big 3, very difficult an hard !! No insurance an very poor. Had tumor removed from right neck an found a tumor on back of my tongue witch I left alone an still have it, they want to cut it out an do chemotherapy an radiation , an I said no thanks , I will probably die from it maybe if it don’t go away, I had 3 pet scan in the last year an no cancer anywhere else , but still have a live tumor on my tongue.
don’t get discouraged Bruce. It sounds like you’ve been doing an excellent job and been very successful so far. Like a friend told the Crazy Sexy Cancer gall Kris Carr, you don’t have to BEAT your cancer. TYING is good enough. I don’t have specific advice but I know you will find the next thing your body needs. It is hard to find THE right thing for yourself, when there are so many ideas out there – budwig, Essiac, enzymes, alkaline and on and on but just want to encourage you and say sounds like you are doing a great job. Keep reading positive info and believe. You have done well so far and you will keep doing well. peace and health to you
Frankincense oil May shrink tumors. Do some research. I read an article where a young girl put the oil on her tongue 3 times a day for a month and her brain tumor shrank. Organic oil.
Frankincense oil is a powerful oil! It has been part of my protocol for fighting breast cancer. I started using various essential oils 16 years ago to address cancer without chemo or radiation. It is important to get the oils into the body systemically as well as topically; especially for skin cancers. I will put 12-15 drops into a gelatin capsule to take internally or apply it neat (straight) topically. I ONLY use Young Living oils, as I am 100% confident about the quality, which is imperative when being concerned about putting only non cancer-causing products in or on my body. Do the research; frankincense is an amazing oil!
Hi Ty
Thanks for this helpful article. I do incorporate Flaxseed oil in my diet and mix it with Cottage cheese as recommended by other health sites, this provides the medium for it to be fully digested and release max benefits. Can you please provide the evidence that the oil is not as efficacious as the seed, please?
Admirer and enthusiast of your great programmes, revelations and challenging orthodox medicine & treatments.
In good health!
Hi Chaloner, I would suggest looking into the sources and references that we have available at the end of this article for help with your question.
I have a wonderful recipe for a seed cracker.
3 eggs
1/2 C. Pumpkin seeds
1/2 C. Sunflower seeds
1/4 C. Flax seeds
1/4 C. Hemp seeds
1/4 C. Sesame seeds
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1 Tablespoon of Italian seasoning
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Mix all together. Line large cookie sheet with parchment paper, and spread ingredients on paper. (I usually take a large piece of waxed paper over, and flatten ingredience). Bake for about 15 to 20 minutes. When cool, break into pieces. Yumm!
I have doubled up on one seed if I didn’t have all of the different kinds. Like1/2 C Flax and no Hemp seeds.
Thank you for your dedication for keeping us informed how to take better care of ourselves, our love ones, and man kind.
We have been subscribers of Food Matters TV for about 2-3 years now so we heard about him and the DVD series, Truth about Cancer through FMTV. We have been greatly affected by this series and hope to share it with family and friends. We are especially blessed to know that he’s a Christian, which makes,the entire series a greater blessing & for us much more powerful & effective. We have appreciated the various comments & references subtly but very appropriately injected by Ty and by several of those he interviewed.
I lost a sister to pancreatic cancer, who took very aggressive chemo treatments. Her husband was convinced it was the chemo that that took her & not necessarily the cancer itself. We also just lost a brother-in-law to liver cancer. We shall pray for this next series that it will be seen & received by many more people, and by especially many people who can take this information to those who can really help make the difference in cancer treatments & prevention.
May God continually lead you to the right people & sources and provide you all the resources to keep this going.
I had stage 1 cancer 3 years ago. I had surgery to remove it. After that they wanted me to take chemo and radiation just to be sure they got it all. I turned it down and the doctor even called my house to try and and convince me to take it. When I told her no again she wrote me some kind of a letter saying they didn’t want me for a patient since I refused to do what they recomended. I was determind to try everything possible to prevent the cancer from coming back. The doctor told me if I didn’t take their treatment it would be back in about 2 years and also there was an 80 to 90% chance of it returning. I studied all the natural ways to prevent it from coming back. I made a special diet for myself stopped working until 4am and stopped drinking 2 or 3 alcoholic drinks to get to sleep. My sleep schedule was ruined from working at night.I get enough exercise and am not over weight but I started taking yoga and pitates classes. I went back to the surgeon every 3 months for a year and a half with no sign of the cancer coming back.Then I decided to get a AMAS test for cancer. The test came back normal. I sent the results to the surgeon he said he was not familiar with the test so I should still come back to him several times a year ( at $420 a visit). I never went back there and plan to get the AMAS test once a year or more often if I need reasurance. The test caused me about $300 which is a lot less than $420 X 15 (thats the number of times they wanted me to come to check if the cancer was returning. Do you think I did the right thing and also do you know about the AMAS tes?. I feel so much better since the test came back normal. I also take some vitamins and food pills everday. The only other thing I should do is not eat any sugar. I hope I hear from you. I wouldn’t mind sharing my story on one of your programs but only after a some more time goes by without the cancer returning.
Ty, yes, flaxseed is great. I have been taking flaxseed oil and cottage cheese for the last two years because I have BPH bad and I am worried about prostate cancer. Anyone who has cancer or is worried about getting cancer should be using the Budwig protocol. Also, Kelley Herring (Healing Gourmet) uses ground flaxseed in many of her “good” bread recipes. I’m sure you know about her, but if you don’t you should check her out.
What about sprouted flax seeds? Does sprouting take away any benefits?
Love you and what you are doing for all of us. Keep up the good work!
My favorite way to eat flax is ground added to a bowl of shredded wheat. Super delicious!
Been eating ground seeds..sunflower, pumpkin, linseeds,sesame for years sprinkled on grated apple or fruit. Love them! But thank you for this latest helpful news on flaxseeds. Wish I’d known about the benefits for Osteoporosis before I’d developed it! Thank you Try…PJ UK.
I read just recently that flaxseeds contain a lot of phytic acid and thus are not good for our bones, as phytic acid prevents us from absorbing the minerals that we need. I am confused.
I would check your source!
You are completely correct, Carol. We need to soak nuts, seeds and certain grains before consuming them.
Please see my comment above
I understand that Flax is not good for women because of estrogen and can cause breast cancer?
I heard for men, it is not good for prostate issues, and my sources were excellent. Many do not know that if flaxseed is soaked or ground, it should be eaten in a very short time, as it goes rancid very fast when the seed is ground or soaked. Ty really has great series and post, however, this post needs to be studied closer.
Hey there– I have breast cancer–I’ve had a right breast mastectomy a week ago and I am consuming ground flax seeds in Greek yogurt and have made flax seed muffins. Up to a month ago I had pretty much zero omegas in my diet. A very interesting read about flax and estrogen is at the web site of Elyn Jacobs -breast cancer survivor — Hope that helps
I have been told they flaxseed causes breast cancer. I get a breast thermography regularly. A thermography does not expose us to cancer causing radiation as a mammogram does and that is why I get a thermography instead of a yearly mammogram. Anyway, I was consuming a fairly large amount of flaxseed in some “healthy” almond bars they I made myself. When I received my thermography report it showed vascular patterns in my breasts. The thermography report stated that flaxseed and soy cause breast cancer. Vascular patterns are where blood supply is increased to an area. The blood supply causes cancerous tumors to grow. The report said that I was at an increased risk for breast cancer because of the findings of vascular patterns and advised me to discontinue my consumption of flaxseed. I did so and when I returned for a follow up thermography there were no noted vascular patterns and the report stated that I had been downgraded for my risk of breast cancer. Anyone had this experience?
I have read that the benefits of flax seed are not easily absorbed.
Should flax seeds be soaked in water to remove phytic acid?
Hi Ty, First of all thank you for all your hard work. Would like to comment on flaxseed. I used to eat flaxseed, but not anymore. Flaxseed has phytoestrogens and estrogens do increase the risk for ovarian and breast cancer. Is it true or not?
Thanks for your feedback,
I have been using flaxseeds for a few years now, but if I don’t soak them first, dry them, and then grind them into a powder, they go right through me undigested. The reason for soaking and sprouting nuts and seeds is due to the enzyme inhibitors that cause them difficulty to digest, so soaking eliminates those inhibitors and easier to digest.
I have some every day with my oatmeal and unsweetened cereal
I have heard that you want to take the flaxseed a couple of hours away from supplements otherwise the flax will bind t9 the supplement tand pull them out of the body as well. Can you comment on this?
Ty – Could you comment on any potential issues arising from consuming flax seeds and women who have hormone related (that is estrogen) issues and cancers – as flax seeds contain estrogen. I have personally been warned off them for that reason. Any comments will be appreciated. Thanks 🙂
After reading all these comments I am as confused as ever. Should we or not be eating flax seed? Hoping to get to the right answer soon!,tu
Thank you!
I have read that flaxseed also has a lot of Omega 6 which most people overeat and it’s not good to have that much in our bodies since it causes disease. That’s why I don’t eat flaxseed.
I have a rather large bag of pre-ground flaxseed that I purchased at a local health food store. Is it OK to eat if pre-ground? I plan to grind in the future, but can I go ahead and finish this bag? Are there any beneficial nutrients, or should I just toss the bag?
Sorry, but, Ground Flaxseed goes Rancid quickly and can then do more harm. than good. It certainly is healthy ground, however, buy little quantities and best to buy in seed form and grind as you need with a regular coffee grinder. The seeds will usually last a long. time, but once ground, eat it.
I grind my flax seeds for about a week’s supply at a time and put in the freezer. Should be OK?
It should be kept refrigerated once it is ground up to stop it going rancid. So if you’ve had this bag opened and not refrigerated for some time I would get rid of it.
two years ago, I used flexseed that were organic along with zinc and my psa, which was 7.8. fell to 4.1 in six months, also eat oysters and coconut milk and coconut oil both were , cold pressed and virgin..
essiac tea..as hot as you can drink it…no sugar or honey with it..add more zinc, and cabbage in your diet..steamed,apples mineral water, bef bone soup or broth..organic, kale. spinach and…apples!!!
Grinding flaxseeds ahead of time and keeping the ground seeds in the freezer is definitely not good practice. I keep my whole flaxseeds in the freezer, spoon out what I need to grind for consumption within the next 20 minutes, grind them fresh then eat them, usually mixed in with the Budwig Protocol mixture of cottage cheese and flaxseed oil. This is the optimal way to obtain the maximum value from flaxseeds. Otherwise, you’r largely wasting your time. That’s just one man’s opinion, of course. But it’s based on a decades worth of personal experience and extensive study and research.
Just read Madame Budvig’s book, she was a genuine expert and cured thousands of folks of cancer etc, some a few hours away from dearth. Keep the seeds (buy organic) in cool place. Mix quark/cottage cheese and flax oil (organic if poss) and blend until the oil dissapears (ratios are important). Grind flax seeds and sprinkle and add if you prefer add a but of honey or fruit. Eat. Taste great. High in Omega3 but you have to read her Budvig protocol book to really understand the magic that happens, she was a biochemist and Germanys leading expert on fat.
Do the above and avoid cheap processed vegetable oils which are high in Omega 6 (inflammatory). Best oils are olive and flax especialy flax. Chia seeds also right up there with Flax. Don’t buy ground, if you want optimal health. Avoid trans fat like Margarine at all costs. Madame knew how nasty that stuff was at the time. But food companies did there usual evil *** anyway and pushed it.
To soak and grind up linseed what Is the best way, after grinding or before? if before wouldn’t it be very messy slimy and gooey?
As with all seed you soak them overnight, dry them and grind them !!!
I don’t understand the point in taking dry seeds, soaking them, then drying them again, before grinding them.
you, can now try…flexseed oil with low fat cottage in order to help your body produce..more oxygen, cancer tumor..hate oxygen.
Sounds great. I can’t eat sesame or egg right now, but I should be able to use flax “eggs” in this recipe without a problem. Can’t wait to give it a try!
I keep my giant Costco bag of ground flax seed in the freezer (along with all my nuts) to prevent rancidity.
Sophie, all seeds and nuts need to soak, “at least over night” before preparing them to eat…
Just a little research will explain why !!! You need to dry them,”DO NOT ROAST”, if you
need to use them as a condiment ie sprinkling on cereal !!!
are we buying spent seeds after the food industry has extracted they sell it as flaxseed for profit as well.
I have tried and tried to eat this Budwig concoction and I can’t get past the taste of the Flax Oil no matter how much fruit and Stevia I add to it. Anyone have a solution to the taste?
I put cucumber in that mix and taste delicious 🙂
Yes Jan I have had issues too with the taste — After mixing up the cottage cheese and flax oil I always mix in yougurt (what-ever flavor you want). Then I freshly ground brown flax seeds….fruit….usually I drizzle a small amount of honey….and to top it off I usually add hemp seeds for a little extra protein.
I have no problem now eating it and being a breast cancer patient I’m glad I know I’m eating something benefial for me. .. Good luck.
Ok, thanks, I’ll keep trying.
Research Dr Bradley Nelson’s the Body Code system. It’s an energy healing modality that heals traumas and issues embedded in the body and mind quite often passed down to us from our ancestors. It’s an amazing life review as one goes through the “releasing” process. Check out HealersLibrary.
I buy the flaxseed already crushed and love it sprinkled on top my salads.
What a great addition to your salads Lisa!
I made flaxseed waffles and used flaxseed as an ingredient for my bread and they tasted nutritious.
i’ve been grinding a couple tablespoons each morning for quite a few years now and am never constipated, ever. seems to keep me very healthy.
Dear Ty & Charlene,
First let me thank you for all you do!!!It took 3 yrs. to diagnose with a misdiagnosis of IBS.So many doctors have never even heard of it much less able to try to treat I have Neuroendocrine Cancer which is what Steve Jobs & Aretha Franklin died from & wondering if you know about that & could do an article about it.Mine started with a primary tumor in my ileum & metastasized with over 20 tumors to my liver as well as some to my small bowel & mesentery. There are over 200,000 undiagnosed people with NETs.It is a very sneaky cancer involving the hormones & metastasizes tumors to the liver & there is NO cure. It needs awareness desperately!!Even Dr. Oz had a show that said Steve Jobs & Aretha Franklin died of Pancreatic Cancer but they didn’t, they died of a Neuroendocrine Cancer of the Pancreas. Very frustrating!!It would be great to get if you could do some articles on that with some advice & help. Thank you
,Dixie Lee Olson
I also waned off of flax seed because of
The hormone issue her2 positive breast
Cancer I wish someone would clarify is
Flax seed good or bad for breast cancer?
Hi Paulette –
Thanks for your comment.
We have a lot of good info on flaxseed on our website. You can have a read through some articles to see if you find any information that can be helpful to you: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/?s=flax
However, please note that we’re unable to give medical advice. If you would like to speak with a professional about this concern, the best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
Also, during our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area: https://www.ifm.org/find-a-practitioner/
Hope this helps! Blessings and love!