For the first time, cancer has overtaken heart disease as the leading cause of death – but only in wealthy nations. Two studies released this week in The Lancet described “epidemiological transition and growth” in cancer trends.
While cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death worldwide, the evidence shows that this could change in less than 2 decades.
Cancer Overtakes Heart Disease as Top Killer
The researchers confirmed that heart disease is still the leading cause of death worldwide – accounting for about 40% of all mortality. But in high-income countries, they said, cancer is killing twice as many people as heart disease. And the trends are alarming.
Globally, deaths from heart disease have been falling while cancer deaths continue to rise. The “war on cancer” simply isn’t working; the scourge of cancer is worse than ever. For decades, heart disease and cancer have been the first and second leading causes of death, respectively. But the way things are headed, they may soon trade places.
The CDC estimates that cancer will replace heart disease as the top killer in just two years. “We’re just on the cusp of the transition from heart disease to cancer as the leading cause of death,” said the study’s lead author Dr. Latha Palaniappan. At the current rate, children born today are more likely to perish from cancer than from any other cause.
A century ago, infectious diseases were the primary cause of mortality. With poor hygiene and food safety, polluted water, and other factors, these diseases were able to spread rapidly. It’s only been 90 years since the discovery of penicillin, when doctors were still using primitive treatment methods. Even in the 1940s, bloodletting was considered a valid medical treatment for pneumonia.
But as hygiene and medicine advanced, these diseases declined rapidly, and chronic disease became the world’s top killer. We’re now in a transitional phase. Cancer is on the rise, and wealth seems to be a factor.
Why are Cancer Rates Increasing?
Researchers were clear that cancer surpasses heart disease only in high-income or upper middle-income nations. But how can GDP determine the prevalence of chronic disease? For that, we have to look at the causes of each, and the growing trends in both developed and impoverished nations.
Heart Disease
The majority of cardiovascular disease and death are caused by “modifiable factors”. This means that stress, diet, exercise, and other lifestyle habits are directly responsible. In fact, at least 80% of all cardiovascular disease is preventable. Yet it remains the world’s top killer.
The reason for this is twofold: poor lifestyle choices and lack of medical resources.
Diet, exercise, drugs, and stress can all cause heart disease. And these things are a real problem. In the U.S., at least 160 million people are overweight (nearly 70% of the population). 79% of Americans say they are stressed every day. Over a billion people around the world regularly smoke cigarettes. And the quality of our food is dismal, with 70% of the Standard American Diet consisting of processed foods.
In most cases, heart disease is preventable, which means we can lower the death toll by making simple lifestyle changes. But there’s another factor when it comes to heart disease – medicine. People in wealthy nations have ample access to medical interventions that can extend the lifespan of someone who would otherwise succumb to heart disease. Thousands of heart surgeries are performed every year. The most common is bypass surgery, which redirects blood flow around an arterial blockage.
In the developed world, most people with cardiovascular disease are on medications that, while dangerous, can postpone the symptoms of the disease. In less fortunate nations, people simply don’t have access to this kind of medicine. Heart attacks and strokes are a death sentence in many parts of the world.
If you’re wealthy, you can often buy several more years, despite poor lifestyle choices.
That’s why heart disease, while on the decline, is more deadly in low-income countries: they just don’t have the same access to medical care that high-income countries have. But cancer is a different story.
While heart disease is mostly preventable and offers a myriad of medical interventions, cancer is more complex. The root causes of cancer are everywhere and becoming harder to avoid – especially in high-income nations. Even worse, the standard treatments and screenings for cancer are likely to cause cancer themselves!
It’s true that cancer and heart disease share many risk factors. But carcinogens in the developed world are becoming nearly impossible to avoid. Glyphosate is sprayed on fields worldwide. It’s in our groundwater and food. Even organic crops may contain trace amounts of the stuff. AND WE KNOW IT CAUSES CANCER.
Still, it’s hard to avoid.
Cell phone radiation (a much bigger problem in high-income countries) is another cause of cancer. People eat, work, and sleep with these devices all day long. And with the introduction of the 5G network and a growing presence of wifi networks and Bluetooth devices, the radiation is harder to avoid.
To keep cholesterol down and prevent heart disease (a giant myth, by the way), doctors prescribe statin drugs. Over 35 million Americans take these drugs every year, and yet they have been linked to cancer. Asbestos was used liberally for years, even making an appearance in our talcum powder, and it also causes cancer.
Toxins in conventional cigarettes? Cancer. Immune systems weakened by drugs and vaccines? Cancer. Commercial sunscreen? Cancer. GMOs? Cancer. Charred meat? Cancer. Processed foods? Cancer. Mammograms? Cancer. Amalgam Fillings? Cancer. Cleaning products? Cancer. Sugar? Cancer. Cancer treatments? CANCER.
And while some of these things are avoidable, many aren’t. In a bid to make as much money as possible, the pharmaceutical and agricultural industries have thrown public health by the wayside. You can’t even take a drink of water without potentially exposing yourself to cancer-causing toxins. Water filters and organic diets just aren’t cutting it anymore.
What Can We Do?
Since 1971, we’ve been waging a “War on Cancer”. But what have we accomplished? Last year there were 17 million new cases of cancer and almost 10 million deaths. Meanwhile, the cancer industry generates hundreds of billions of dollars every year. Chemotherapy is a known carcinogen yet remains the primary treatment for cancer. And there’s a reason:
There’s no money to be made in natural cancer treatments or prevention.
And industry is another problem. In 2017, agriculture and related industries contributed over ONE TRILLION DOLLARS to the U.S. GDP. These companies know that GMOs, herbicides, pesticides, processed “food,” and refined sugar are causing cancer (and obesity, and heart disease, and brain damage…) but they keep pushing their poisons. And who’s going to stop them?
Big Pharma is the biggest financial contributor to the FDA. Communication companies practically run the FCC. Agricultural bioscience companies literally sponsor, run, and publish their own safety studies. Regulation is a joke, because private money is still running the show.
And they’re all working to keep us in the dark. Tech giants are continuing to censor information, banning and blocking anyone who might put a dent in the bottom line of corporate interests. Even court documents are being removed from the public eye if they don’t support the corporate agenda.
So, buy your water filters. Grow your organic gardens. Say “no” to mammograms, amalgam fillings, and toxic cleaning supplies. But until we expose these industries for the liars and murderers that they are, nothing will change. Until we get the money out of our government, cancer will continue to rise.
By the time our children graduate, cancer will be the leading cause of death in the developed world. We can sit quietly. Or we can do something.
Write and call your representatives, spread the word, and fight for truth.
We are causing cancer in children because we are injecting them with vaccines containing human and animal DNA fragments and contaminated chemicals like glyphosate, polysorbate 80, aluminum and formaldehyde. All of these things cause cancer by themselves, but babies are inoculated with all from day 1 of life, for 18 years! It’s clear as day but nobody is talking about this. Why not?
Hi Staci –
Thanks for reaching out to us about this.
We actually have created an entire docu-series to bring awareness to this issue. You can find episode 1 available for viewing at all times:
We have the series available for purchase if you want to have a copy for yourself and to watch anytime. You’ll have lifetime access to the episodes in your Member’s Area along with additional reference and transcript materials.
Hope the info in this docu-series is as helpful to you as it was to us.
Blessings and love!
I know there is a cancer cure. I once went to a cancer clinic in Mexico, and saw people from around the country. I knew a friend that was healed by their medicine. We are lacking minerals in our body.. The reason the clinic is in Mexico, is because the medical association ran them out because they didn’t want to lose their profit.
Anyone with half a brain can look at the financed cancer research to date and see that the protocol of money distribution is not elimination or prevention but prosperity of that over developed, gluttonous commubity.
Not surprising .. Follow the Money. It’s evil. If you’ve read the Health Ranger’s commentary of the corruption/expose of one man who ripped off the people for 8 years making billions with FAKE ORGANIC products with the help of our FDA…it’s long overdue for good people to rise up. The man committed suicide, hows that? I never saw or heard any of it in our news reports. Only through the Health Ranger. Who can you trust? Are there others who are duping the people? Greed is green in the worst way. Just my thoughts..
Blessings, Pat
It is not too surprising why everybody at all ages are getting cancer with all the poisonous chemicals that one puts in food, with exhaust fumes which we breathe from vehicles, the electronic devices which we have, and the chemicals which we use to clean the house and put in our bodies.
I am curious and confused. What, if anything, can one believe coming from the CDC or FDA? And yet, your blog/ article is using them as evidence to support certain theories. CDC is a subsidiary of the pharmaceutical industry and owner of 20 plus vaccine patents. Just say I, for one, am very skeptical about anything coming from those sources.
Hi Bill, great comment! Our rule of thumb is to cross-reference all of the “facts” presented by the CDC and FDA by looking at the data itself. While motives and decision-making are often influenced by big pharma, the numbers rarely lie.
When I have a problem. I look for the cause and remove it. In doing this I have overcome many health problems. Twice I had serious tumors and with the first one two doctors told me that they would give me no guarantees, if I didn’t have the tumor surgically removed. this was back in 1976. I opted for prayer and left the office of the second doctor. I was told not to pray too long. I prayed and a book came into my hands on raw fruit and vegetables by N.W.Walker ,D.Sc. I eliminated the dairy, which I had been advised to eat by a nutritionist; and only ate raw fruit and raw vegetables. In 2-1/2 months the tumor was gone. In 1988 I developed a nasty looking bulbous growth with spikes coming out of it on my chest.. It scared my children; they wanted me to go to a doctor. I looked in my pantry and became aware that I was going through a 5 pound can of honey every 3 weeks. I stopped the honey…and in less then 3 months the growth with its spikes was gone; nothing but a small pink spot was left. It taught me that nothing grows without a fuel…remove the fuel and the problem will dissolve.
Wow, what a journey!
We’re so happy to hear that you’re doing well now, Barbara.
Thank you for sharing your insight!
God bless!
Thank you Ty and Charlene for all you do! You have helped me to help myself. I get so much resistance from doctors. According to them I should have expired years ago. I admit that I am struggling with the proper diet. Organic is expensive and confusing. How can you have an organic “seedless fruit”. It is clear to me what organic means, but a seedless fruit is clearly artificial food. I spread the word to anyone who will listen. Politicians will be contacted.
The truth for each person depends on how he or she inquires and asks the right questions of both sides: medical oncologists and naturopaths to find out his or her own answers for creating hope. There are many doctors out there and many naturopaths so find those whom you can relate to and whose philosophy matches your own.
Everyone has a right to their opinion and why are so many people waiting for others to lead them. Lead yourselves to where you want to be. We heal by staying positive and focusing on the well being of everyone in the system and the right words are THANK YOU to everyone who serves us irregardless of what they might say: the doctor, nurse, oncologist, radiologist, naturopath, admin staff, cleaning and food service people etc. they are all doing their best from what they know. It is up to each of us to learn what we can do for ourselves and go after it. We must face at some point that we do not live forever. ….. while we are here we need to use the right attitude and create healthy relationships with our practitioners and we have the choice to choose so do so wisely. Finally, if one believes in eternal life then we have to trust that everything works out either way.
We are being subjected to non-ionizing radiation from every direction – wi-fi (in our homes, in our schools), cell towers, “smart” meter networks, systems in our cars. The effects are cumulative. More layers are being added and, since people don’t immediately feel the effects (or don’t know that they are feeling effects of wi-fi), they are unaware of the long-term damage. Children are especially vulnerable.