Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority.”
– Sir John Dalberg-Acton
In Part I of this series, we looked at the absolute incompetence that has defined the CDC since its inception. In Part II, we exposed the true severity of this corruption, and the devastating effect it is having on our nation right now. Fortunately, hope is not lost.
There is currently a battle being waged for our nation’s safety, prosperity, and independence. This battle has put brother against brother, neighbor against neighbor, and American against fellow Americans. This battle is between good and evil… and we need to work together if we’re going to win.
A President Under Fire
But this is all great news for those seeking more power and wealth. President Trump – a political outsider who has completely upended the vicious cycle of political corruption, stopped the blatant exploitation of our economy by China, set clear and definitive boundaries with nations like Iran and North Korea regarding their reckless and threatening behavior, and who has led one of the greatest periods of economic growth our nation has ever seen – is facing an election year.
How perfect for his political enemies, then, that unemployment is skyrocketing? That people are afraid, out of work, and watching their life’s savings and dreams dwindle? What better way to boost the appeal of a bumbling career politician like Joe Biden than to crush our hopes and dreams while promising that a liberal government will take care of us.
Have you noticed that almost anything the president says is immediately denounced and contradicted by the media and his political rivals, even if it could help? Just take a look at Hydroxychloroquine.
As soon as the president suggested that the antimalarial drug may be effective against COVID-19, he was denounced by the media and DNC. But science is on the President’s side.
Researchers at NYU’s Grossman School of Medicine found that patients who were given the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine along with zinc sulphate and the antibiotic azithromycin were 44% less likely to die from the coronavirus.
Certainly, we have very limited options as far as what we have seen work for this infection so anything that may work is very exciting,” said Dr. Joseph Rahimian, the Infectious Disease Specialist at NYU Langone Health.
And he’s right – if something seems to work, why not try it? President Trump (along with many of us in the natural health community) understands that we need to support our natural defenses rather than pumping in more poison. Supporting our immune systems and practicing fundamental hygiene is essential to beating this virus (the vast majority of fatalities have been in people with seriously compromised immune systems or other existing health issues).
But that doesn’t matter to the CDC, DNC, or people like Bill Gates. They see a chance to eliminate a President who has almost single-handedly stopped their plans for global enslavement and the death of freedom. They see it as a chance to make billions of dollars. And they see it as a way to keep us complacent.
What better way to bring us to our knees than by stripping our freedoms, spreading fear, and forcing many into total dependence on the government just to feed their families? And don’t forget: this is YOUR money that they’re handing out. You probably paid much more in taxes just this past year than you’ll ever receive in some stimulus check.
And what better way to implement widespread facial recognition and digital tracking than with fear of a virus? What better way to finally implement the mandatory vaccination policies that have had pharmaceutical execs drooling for decades than fear of a global pandemic?
The CDC is quietly doing what they can to instill fear, exaggerate the true impact of the virus, and help to strip the American people of their constitutional and God-given freedom. In fact, CDC guidelines seem to be DESIGNED to inflate the numbers.
First, the CDC has been very clear that patients don’t need to be tested positive for the virus to be added to the coronavirus death toll. According to the official CDC diagnosis guidelines:
In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID–19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely….., it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate as “probable” or “presumed.”
This means that anyone who dies with a cough or other respiratory issue could be counted as a victim of coronavirus, even if there is no evidence that they were infected. Furthermore, anyone who passes away and then tests positive is then considered a death from COVID-19, regardless of the actual cause of death. People who have died in car accidents, by drowning, or from alcohol poisoning have been counted as victims of the virus even though their deaths were in no way related to COVID-19.
Colorado was recently forced to update their statistics after a local representative exposed the false reporting and requested that the State Attorney General open a criminal investigation against the state’s Department of Public Health Director for falsifying medical records.
Once the numbers were updated, the death toll in Colorado dropped by 20% overnight – and those numbers STILL included deceased patients who were never tested and were simply “presumed” to have had the virus due to a fever or respiratory condition. And speaking of Colorado…
Around the same time that the state was exposed for falsifying the data, Governor Jared Polis met with President Trump to ask for more federal funding. He assured the President that Colorado was “mostly open” with “really just bars and nightclubs still closed.”
But that was a lie.
Polis, who narrowly avoided being recalled last year, has used his authority to punish anyone who questions his “executive orders.” While he sat smiling at President Trump, he was using the Colorado Health Department to suspend the license of a small café that reopened its doors for Mother’s Day.
One of his political rivals, who opened her restaurant last week, was issued a cease and desist order. After she failed to comply (and after the local sheriff’s department refused to arrest her), Polis unilaterally suspended her restaurant license.
And while families and small businesses suffer, tens of millions are being spent on new contact tracing efforts and enforcement of these unlawful “executive mandates.” Recently, the Trump administration has indicated that it will not allocate the BILLIONS in federal funding to these corrupt organizations. And this is important.
As testing becomes more accessible, the number of confirmed cases increase. And although the mortality rate and hospital capacity has remained largely unchanged, the CDC and other corrupt health authorities have used this data to support the “second wave” theory, which has led to more oppression and more suffering by the American people.
The CDC and WHO, along with corrupt politicians, the media, and the tech and pharmaceutical industries, are on the warpath. They want to misinform and blame the president for a crisis that they’ve created. They want to scare the American people into following orders that have no basis in science, and which have led to a catastrophic economic disaster.
People are losing their homes, businesses, and hope. Soon, they’re going to be asked to accept mandatory vaccinations and massively expanded government authority in exchange for freedoms that have been theirs all along. And President Trump may be one of the few leaders standing in their way.
But no one is paying attention because we’re too busy fighting amongst ourselves.
A Nation Divided
While a war is being waged and our freedom and way of life is on the line, we’ve been too busy bickering to pay attention. Media outlets are spending 90% of their time demonizing opposing viewpoints instead of reporting the news. People are fighting online about the efficacy of facemasks and whether or not we should reopen the country.
One woman was forcibly separated from her child for “failing to observe social distancing guidelines.”
The truth is that we are not enemies. That the person who wears a facemask to go to the store is no better or worse than the person who doesn’t. Part of living in a nation that is truly free is respecting the opinions and decisions of others – as long as they don’t infringe on someone else’s rights.
If a business wants to stay closed for fear of getting sick? Let them. A business wants to reopen to avoid bankruptcy and stimulate the economy? Let them. You have a choice on where you go, who you spend time with, and what measures you choose to take regarding your health.
I could tell you that ALL of the science says that face-masks-for-all makes you more likely to contract coronavirus, but that’s your choice. I could tell you that Bill Gates and the CDC have been looking for a chance to mandate and force their patented vaccines on the public or that the coronavirus vaccine will be one of the most dangerous and untested vaccines in history, but it will be your choice whether or not to accept it.
But we need to stop demonizing those with different opinions and unite against the coming oppression before it’s too late. We need to stop labeling the pro-mask camp as “idiots” or the anti-mask camp as “uncaring.” It’s time to turn our eyes to the real enemies:
- The leaders and corporations that have been lying to us for months.
- The fascist governors who have implemented draconian rules without any due process.
- The politicians who have used this crisis as an opportunity to expand their power and force their hidden agendas instead of helping our nation get back on its feet.
As a constitutional republic, elected officials have an obligation to uphold the civil liberties and constitutional rights of its citizens, as well as protecting the health of the public. These cannot be sacrificed or exchanged for one another.
So, wash your hands. Go outside. Love your neighbor. And remember that neither the CDC, nor your local government, nor the mainstream media can take away your freedom. It is yours by right. It is yours by birth. And it’s time you stand up to defend it.
Thank you so much for the work that you guys do! Seriously. Sometimes I feel like I am crazy for thinking along these lines, that I am alone and everything is doomed. But reading this makes me feel like there is hope and things will get better soon.
Thank you for continuing to spread the truth about the corruption-that has spread from top to bottom in every part of our lives!
Scary times to be living in.
Wishing the best for all of us…………
Thank you for your information on your website. We are so glad that we are not alone as supporters of President Trump.
May our Heavenly Father bless you abundantly.
AGAINST WEARING MASKS: First of all, viruses and bacteria flow through a mask like water through a sieve. Secondly the wearing of masks creates hypoxia whereby the oxygen in your system falls from 98% to 99% down to 82% or lower which amounts to slow suffocation which in turn radically weakens your immune system against disease.
To mandate people wear masks or face stiff fines or even jail is a crime against humanity itself and could be considered to be GENOCIDE. Much better to let people breathe free and take measures to enhance their immune systems like vitamin C and other supplements.
Therefore we the people are collectively suing the government for $100,000 per person against this injury to our health and well-being and the same for our children, who are innocent victims of this tyranny, insanity and quackery.
THE New Hampshire state motto is “live free or die,” our motto is BREATHE FREE OR DIE. Therefore, we the people demand a compensation settlement from government and the medical establishment for this assault against our health and freedom.
Michael Silverhawk, a health warrior
I agree. My son and I have severe asthma and if we wear a mask it feels like I am going to die from lack of oxygen. It feels like someone holding my nose and mouth so I cannot breathe. I can tell you for people with respiratory illnesses like asthma it is a death sentence. I will not wear a mask.
it’s about time more and more people are getting some info on CDC,WHO,faucci gates etc-vacines their may be a new slowly moving PARTY in 2024 about this CRAP
Thank you Ty and Charlene.
Great piece of information. We are living in a world plagued with many wicked leaders. The voice of those who speak the Truth are rather under attack…
We need to share these kinds of knowledge with the speed we can.
The 8 facts about the virus article is mind blowing and insightful.
Thank you once again.
I agree with articles like these, but I consistently see the same thing, that we are fighting amongst ourselves and we should be working together yada yada yada. But I’m still not seeing the organizational element that directs people towards unification – just articles about all the infighting and be free and have a great day but nothing that says join this organization to go after the officials that are criminally violating their oaths of office and what not. We’re still on the defensive and until people move towards the offensive and begin taking down the criminal leaders this will just go on. Heck look at Judicial Watch – they’ve been getting information for years but Hillary is still doing her thing. Soros is on recording for using blacks to take down America but he is still around doing his thing. Gates is on record for genocidal comments, but he is still around doing his thing. So until there is some real change all of these articles are really nice, but leading us to be more informed while we continue heading to oblivion and socialism and genocide. We need those with the platforms to unify together towards a common direction that will begin moving everyone else towards that direction and then we will see some action happening. And we need to start seeing some justice instead of endless investigations that make great diversions and make people feel like something is happening but nothing is really happening of substance.
I agree. It would be easier to stand now than try to stand once the crap has hit the fan. Prevention is easier than trying to reverse once it has happened.
Agreed as well! I don’t know what to do but i’d do anything…everyone says “we need to do something” but what is that something? Petitions and demonstrations are pointless. Lawsuits are as well. Unless it’s perhaps Class Action? UGH, I just don’t know but am sick of not knowing, sick of seeing all of our liberties be stripped. Outofshadows.org shines a light the corruption in the world, a documentary shot 2 years ago. I for one won’t fall in line. I ain’t drinking the koolaid. I won’t take the mark of the beast. The only way you’ll see a mask on my face is if I’m dead. AND A MANDATE IS NOT A LAW SO THE MEDIA IS BULLYING PEOPLE INTO THINKING THEY WILL BE FINED OR ARRESTED!!!! And screw doctors. I’ll never take a drug because I know I don’t have to! There are alternatives that the rockefellers and carniegies (I’m sure I spelled them wrong but I don’t give 2 craps, they don’t even deserve capitalization) ruined way back in the late 1800’s. Take a moment and study olive leaf extract….
Same old, same old, and nothing being done!
Thank you for your time and help to be a voice and give us encouragement to ❤️❤️❤️ each other….
Charlene what you wrote is so true but the problem is that so many are brainwashed. Fear has taken over common since reality. There is a nurse that talked on Diamond and Silk about the deaths in a New York city hospital that were uncalled for of which is so sad. I question the medical field and what they are doing just to make the big bucks of which is so evil. I’ve gotten to a point I don’t trust doctors any more. I do pray that Trump wins as I do not want to live under communism. What goes around comes around and a lot of young people have not a clue. The sad part is only people like myself will take the time to read what your wrote as to many live in glass houses. God Bless you for what you do. Thanks.
I’ve got a question. How big is a single atom (or molecule?) of oxygen in nanometers? It occurred to me that if masks were woven tightly enough to keep out a coronavirus, would we be able to breathe through a mask at all? Is a coronavirus smaller than oxygen?
Sorry Sandra Lee Miller, I do not have the answer to your question but if we could get some researcher to explain the sizes of this virus we are so called spewing would put an end to all of this. I’m with you I would like an answer too. Is the virus the size of the head of a pin or the point of a pin? My thoughts, it is smaller than the point of a pin and my take on that, that there is nothing that is going to keep us from getting the virus unless we walk around with a plastic bag over our head. Charlene and Ty keep the information coming, that is the only way we will win.
I have been following your newsletter for years, purchased vitamins, essential oil, video that you suggested. I have enjoyed your information on cancer, vaccines and other health issues but can no longer read your newsletter or listen to your podcasts. You are using your platform to push a politician agenda I cannot agree with. I support your disclosing information on our government lies about the cordi 19 issue, vaccine issues, etc but telling your followers to vote for Trump is over the top for me. I can understand your applauding his support against abortions, the WHO, the CDC etc but the man has done so much damage to environmental protection regulations, mocks and belittles anyone who disagrees with him which is so low class, fires government employees when they (with good conscious) try and do the right thing (Vindman and his brother)(Jeff Sessions), stopped White House Press Cnoference for months, employed undocumented workers at his resorts, makes fun of the handicapped, not to mention his sexual conduct in the past .
I wish you had kept your personal political views from your newsletters but its apparent that you are not able to do that because you truly believe that Trump is doing whats best for our country and I do not. I do not believe he is a good Christian just because he is opposed to abortion, in many other areas of his life he demonstrates that he lacks any understand of the ten commandments!
Also, how about Trump bragging that he’s in charge of Operation Warpspeed?
I agree… We have vastly different views on DJT and bringing politics into this site is disheartening to many of us on the opposite side.
Agreed. Supporting Donald Trump single-handedly discredits this entire site. To think that they think this corporatist con-man is standing up for us against the pharmaceutical corporations and chemical companies that are poisoning us? unbelievable. He is the most corrupt politician in my lifetime.
Dear Ty and Charlene,
I have followed all the health and wellness , government schemes for over 45 years. I was a nurse and left that 45 years ago to educate anyone who would listen. concerning the truths I had found . Your material, Cancer Step Outside the Box , I gave it out to anyone who had cancer, the CA, Vaccine Material was the first time I had seen all that I had come to know in a wonderful format. You note I ordered many copies . But since Covid…..Though I am a born-again Christian active in my church and love the Lord I had begun to feel so hopeless that we would get anywhere. My family and friends I felt just tolerated me as I had talked about this stuff for years , we know mom. The censorship , disappearing currency, digital funding and tracking etc . I was truly fighting to keep sane. I was on tilt all the time. Then I clicked on Zack Vorhiers interview today and was so completely encouraged and filled with hope again . The interview was straightforward and real., . My tilt went normal again. I just want to thank you so much my dear friends in Christ for your work.. If I had a million I would send it but I will make it a point to donate to Zach, and you folks more frequently with what I have.. I too believe we will win. I am praying for Zack, and you all that the Lord will hide you under his wing and that the enemy will not see your tracks until you are safe and out of harms way.. You all are walking in an amazing gifting and clearly have been blessed with a strategy to present all of this. Thank you again.
Ty & Charlene,
Well, I have to say this. You guys went from on fire to show this is a hoax upon us, with your “8 Facts, Lies” article, and have lost site of things again. In fact, the language of this article borders on the liberal “Can’t we a;; just get along”.
Look, either we inform people to wake up and take a stand or these bastards will take complete control of our lives.
How about;
1- THERE IS NO PANDEMIC! The numbers of deaths alone that we are being given, which are even being manipulated and lied about, tell us there is no plague killing us!
2- Wake up and take off your masks— FOR THIS REASON! And contact your mayors, governors, politicians, and health departments, and tell them we object to these ludicrous implements of tyranny!
How about we just stick with the basic truth we have, and use it, to gather, and fight.
Are you fighting this plandemic or not? When you go off on tangenets, this is how they occupy us and we lose.
Amen! Just love your work, keep up the good fight! God Bless Us All!
please check out Dr. Richard Bartlett and his treatment -safe- used on babies for over 20 years – i got docked on facebook for sharing the you tube link – this stuff is real ! thanks for bringing it forth !!! BE protected and blessed .
I have been following you guys for a while and I loved your Truth About Vaccines series. I watched all of the episodes and bought digital copies. I know you have a lot of good things to say about President Trump, but I would like to ask your thoughts on Operation Warp Speed. It seems to me that he is rushing to find a vaccine and is planning on using the military to implement the distribution of the vaccines. He hasn’t said whether these vaccines would be mandatory or not, but it seems to me that the mere fact he is pushing vaccines should be a red flag. I also have worries about him partnering with Gavi, which is sponsored by Bill Gates. It doesn’t seem any more hopeful than him partnering with WHO. I also know you guys work with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. who is doing a great thing working with The Children’s Health Defense. RFK Jr. has said that President Trump has locked him out of the White House and won’t discuss vaccine issues with him anymore. What do you think about that? I feel you guys are a great resource for vaccine information, but I worry about your major support for Trump. Yes, he does seem to be the lesser of the two evils regarding presidential candidates, but I wouldn’t put too much trust in him regarding vaccine safety or choice.
Hi Holly!
We believe that President Trump is trying to do what’s right and doesn’t believe in forced vaccination, but he’s surrounded by powerful people who will do anything to see their evil plans come to pass. Although we believe President Trump is on our side on many issues, there’s only so much one man can do in place that’s so completely owned and run by Big Pharma. Although some of the things he’s doing and saying now are worrisome, he’s the first president we’ve had in a very long time who isn’t owned and controlled by Big Pharma. We continue to pray that the Lord would give him wisdom and strength in these times.
Blessings, Brianna
Keep up your wonderful work!💖
How do we fight? I try and get pushed out of a business that require masks. I am sure that is illegal but I was working and did mot have time to wait for the Sheriff. I do everything Peggy Hall
says to try. I have great luck at FedEx the employees do not believe all the lies Yet our boss wants us to wear a mask even though we never wore masks until last month and no one was sick at all.
I showed the boss all the data from the. OSHA but they ignored it and OSHA ignored my complaint. Now they want to fire people that will not wear a mask.
With so many people drinking the ‘cool-aid’ and taking the ‘blue pill’ you have to admit the Left is great at working evil to their advantage. The DNA altering vaccine is next with the embedded chip afterwards. I know for a fact that most all ‘maskers’ will wait in line for the poison to come. It’s been said, “you deserve what you tolerate”.
Thank you both so much for this information which I have passed on to several. It appears that you are both Trump supporters. I am not, but I find it interesting that you both, as Christians are. In any event, keep up the well needed research and Shalom.
Dear Ty & Charline,
I have read this next couple of documentary reports and I am impressed. This is an amazing job that will open many Americans’ eyes to the reality hidden behind leftist propaganda. And this is a reality similar to U.K. the country where I live. It is a pity that there is no one as brave as you. The British are generally interested in nonsense, and they accept the government’s recommendations uncritically, eagerly awaiting vaccines. My, perhaps only, most of them criticism ignore the silence and even more deeply toss their heads into the sand. I don’t want to bother you any longer with my opinions. I just want to thank you for the book Ty Bollinger: “MONUMENTAL MYTHS of the Modern Medical Mafia” which I received some time ago. I just read a part, but I’m already in awe. I cordially wish you all the favors of God in your fruitful work. You are in my prayers. God bless you.
Lover of your Great work: Christopher Anthony.
Dear Ty and Charlene,
What wonderful and brave people you are.
I have watched your Truth About Vaccines and followed you for months now and all the other wonderful scientists and doctors and other followers of truth. It never ceases to astound me that with all the scientific knowledge about the truth and facts of this planneddemic, nothing makes the media!!
I live in Victoria Australia a population of 6.5 million people. 26 people have died in this state
surposedly from the virus, with the exception of two, they have all been elderly in nursing homes. Melbourne is the capital city with a population of 4.8 mill it is totally shut down
children are learning from home, everything almost closed etc, same scenario as U S. I live 100km from Melbourne in the mountains, very rural, but are considered part of the greater city.
My Church is closed, the synagogues are closed. I keep saying “How come 2000 people died in Victoria in 2019 from influenza and they never made the 6o’clock news?
My friends (so called) and some family members have completely distanced themselves when I point out the above figures adding that cant you see it just doesn’t equate. It is far more sinister. I’m a voice in the wilderness.
Keep up the good work, truth and justice will defeat evil but unfortunately much death and despair will result on the way.
God Bless you
Dear Charlene & Ty,
as much we would like to believe our politicians are going to protect us, we all can clearly see they ALL are getting on exactly the same side of the altar, right now. I do not believe anymore in Mr. Presidents good intentions for everyone, when he puts the mask on, starts his warp speed and announces to vaccinate everyone with help of his soldiers. It is totally disgusting, in my opinion.
I had a hope, I had a dream, in the pat when listening to other presidents great speeches, and everything always crashed, NONE of then was ever fulfilled.
From UK. I’m not American but I trust President Trump and I wish he was my PRESIDENT he know everything that going on. but he have to go along with ivel just for a few weeks till election day! then things will change. can you imagine if he is against vaccine and mask?? the media would trash him even more. ivel is working 24-7 to bring him down . Trust in GOD HE is with HIS people we need to pray and pray. I pray every day for President Trump may GOD bless us all, and have faith
You are exactly correct.Evil is trying to overcome good.Evil will try to make right look wrong and wrong to look right.
Fantastic report…absolutely the truth. Sending it on to my entire mailing list, whether they want to hear the message or not. Some of my Democrat friends have told me that they don’t want to hear anything about President Trump or the good he has done; or about anything negative about vaccines, masks or social distancing.
The lies of the Leftists have totally manipulated the minds of their followers who have permitted fear to control their thinking. Fear doth make cowards of us all…Shakespeare was so right.
Knowledge does eliminate fear. My daughter was driving me up the wall with her absolute fear of not touching anything without spraying disinfectant on it to kill the germs. She was totally into the masks and social distancing. She had to force me to put on a mask. My attitude is, if you can’t see a bacteria or virus, why worry.
Well, I know after studying health for a lifetime that a strong immune system is the best defense against disease. Just heard a medical doctor today say that Glyphosate destroys the immune system; and many people eat conventional food. More people should eat organic and avoid foods with glyphosate that wipe out their healthy bacteria, which protect them.
I told her to just wait and start doing her own research and she found out…most of the things she had heard from the media were lies. . Now she is anti-mask, too.
We wash our hands…and take care to eat right. We get sunshine and fresh air; and have totally positive thoughts. I learned years ago. when I went 20 years without a sniffle that the first time that I started drinking coffee with milk in it for a month…I came down with the worst hack in my life. it took 30 days to get rid of it…by eliminating the dairy.
I know that the right diet is the greatest defense in the world. Also, there are medical doctors who are using modalities like TTAC wrote about are curing people. My daughter has an arsenal of natural remedies now, in case a problem would arise. She totally lost her fear of COVID19, after finding out – all she had heard from the media were lies; and truth was available to dispel her fears.
Hi Barbara, I’ve been studying health for a long time as well and am very health conscious, managing my autoimmune conditions naturally. And I totally agree that eating right, exercising and doing things like meditation are some of the best things a person can do for their body. You said your attitude is, if you can’t see a bacteria or virus, why worry. In the next paragraph you talk about the dangers of glyphosate. You can’t see that either, so why would you worry about it?
Have been reading your book, Monumental Myths. Excellent! A great read. Answers lots of questions I’ve had for a long time. BTW, as a practicing Traditional Naturopath of some 48 years of clinical experience, I found an error in your book re Naturopathic medicine. Namely, it is older than you state. It is the very oldest form of medicine. It goes back into the most distant memory of humankind. While the young men were out searching for game, the women, children and old folks scrounged around for the “insurance” food–fruits, berries, nuts, seeds, and herbs. The women were thus the original healers, learning the herbs, leaves, roots, and bark that healed. So, we’re talking a medicine that is likely over 200,000 years old. Contact me for more–including data on the rarest form of healing.
Hello I always read ur stuff it’s refreshing to listen to independent thinkers and people who are brave enough to speak out about vaccines and toxic remedies that are used today for everything . Yous have done a lot to wake people up thankyou so much for caring about others Irene ❤️
One big thing that I think should have also been considered in the aid of the blood clotting and resolution of health in all of this COVID stuff is the use of PEMF therapy. Licensed by Health Canada and the US FDA to reduce pain and improve circulation, it is something that we all need in every home. When the blood clumps due to changes in cell charge by outside EMF, it causes the blood to clump in what is known as rouloux formation. In these challenging times of virus, or extraneous effects on the mitochondria of the cells of life life, the role of PEMF therapy may be a missing key in the conversation. All health IS cell health.
Fantastic, I am agree with you. Keep up your great work. GOD BLESS YOU and your family.
I agree with most of what you have written and don’t trust the media or the democratic establishment but, also, don’t understand your support of our totally corrupt and incompetent president.
We feel that we cannot do the usual things which we enjoyed because of the strict rules which we have to follow due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dear Ty and Charlene
Thank you for persisting in spreading the truth. I have been following your trajectory and am pleased. After reading all of the comments on this page, the one from the 81 yo with high blood pressure struck me. The importance of a balanced spine to resolve high blood pressure can not be ignored. The life work of Marshall Dickholtz SR, chiropractic physician speaks to correcting the spine. Everyone should see the book “8 Steps to a Pain Free Back” by Esther Gokhale, and study ways to straighten out their spines and balance their nervous systems. I Am appreciating the comment from the retired Napropath. Peace.
Ty and Charlene, I just want to thank both of you and your team for having the courage to speak the truth about most things. I believe very strongly that president Trump is one of the most misunderstood presidents in the history of America. What is wrong if a president loves his country so dearly, and says America First? If leaders of most countries love their nations and puts it as their priority, we wouldn’t have most of the challenges we have in the world today, and migration will be less. Those of us who live outside America and are not Americans, watch with dismay how some uninformed,naive and gaulible Americans who lack critical thinking, are tearing down their country. Trump might have his faults just like any other human being but he is a man that understands the world of today. What has president Trump done wrong that the media keeps twisting everything he says negatively. With the issue of migration, there was no time he said people should not come to the US. All he is asking, is for them to come in through the right channel and not the back door. Illegal migrants is illegality. How does the media support illegality? America might be a land of migrants but there are laws governing it as a country now. Is it right for your visitor to come into your house through the window or back door? Or if your visitor has over stayed his welcome and your bills are mounting, what would you do? Ask him to go back of course. What is wrong If Trump bars those women who come from other countries just to have their babies in America so as to claim citizenship for their children. How much have the parents of such children contributed to the development of America? You can only reap where you sow. Trump wants a fair trade with other nations America is trading with, who have been cheating and taking America for granted. What is wrong with that. If he says to other nations in the United nation to pay up their own agreed part of their bills which they have been defaulting in, what is wrong. If Trump asks jobs to be brought back from China so that out of job Americans can have a job instead of waiting for hand outs, what is wrong with that. How can America allow China produce almost 90% of your goods including sensitive military equipments, while Americans are deep in drugs because all the jobs are keeping Chinese citizens busy. While America slept, over the years, China is taking over and it’s only a Trump that can halt that. Trump understands the dynamics of today’s world. America under a Trump is not shying away from its responsibilities to the world. There must be equity. You cannot continue to help those who continue to poke their fingers into your eyes. Those who love your money but don’t love you. It’s time to re- strategize and that’s what Trump is trying to do. If he says some African countries are shit- hole countries, is it not truer? It is only a shit- hole country that steal it’s citizens wealth, and ship them out to other countries while his people die in poverty. Is he being accused of racism because he has the gut to say it as it is? I am a black person and I must say that I and every other descent person condemned the way George Floyd died, but we cannot continue dig into old wounds and expect a healing. A lot of blacks also died during Obama’s time. Yes things need to change but there are better ways of dealing with issues like that. People are taking advantage of George’s name for political gain. This is wrong and a sign of weakness. We live in a very wicked world now and a lot of other nations want to see America torn apart. America has very strong institutions but it needs a strong man to drive it at this point in time, not a weak man. The democrats are too weak to stir the ship of the nation America at this point in time. Change is one of the most difficult things and a lot of people love their comfort zone. President Trump is not your typical politician who only says what the crowd would want to hear. I therefore urge all those who really love America to join hands with their president to make America great again.
Saw this post 7/27. Searched & 1ST Link was news posted today; someone didn’t respond/ended up in ER. At END of article remarks maybe due to too late (early intervention)
still looking for the treatment info. https://www.newswest9.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/covid-19-patient-used-silver-bullet-treatment-and-was-still-admitted-to-the-hospital/513-e862c047-95f3-49f5-8765-ae3d07e583b3
So grateful for your videos and information that is not disclosed to the public on mainstream media. I have posted (or tried to) post 3 videos on FB documenting the false truths about Covid 19 and it’s “cure”. Each time, the videos and my commentary has been removed-within a day. Sad. It is truly tragic that we live in a country that undermines the truth it says it stands by. And that is hypocrisy!!
I posted a comment on 07/26 and do not see it, even though comments after that date have been posted. Since you state you are against censorship, I will give you the benefit of the doubt that there is a reasonable explanation for why my comment has not been posted. Hopefully, you are not censoring comments that are critical, as mine is. Even if my questions are not answered, I would still like for my comment to be posted. I would hope that you welcome different opinions, and it seems like most comments are complimentary. Fortunately, I have a copy of my comment, so here it is again.
Ty and Charlene,
I have shared a lot of your information over the years with family, friends and on Facebook. It became obvious that you’re Trump supporters when you started writing about Trump before the 2016 presidential election. Posts about how he’s actually a really nice person, not racist, not sexist, etc. but perhaps just misunderstood. With all due respect, I didn’t buy those arguments then and I certainly don’t buy them now. I believe we should all have the freedom to vote for whomever we want to, so I dismissed it. However, your latest political posts have been very upsetting to me and I can no longer remain silent.
I have no doubt whatsoever that corruption exists within the CDC, as well as other government agencies in the U.S. and in countries all around the world. I agree that we should all fight corruption and greed. However, your decision to put President Trump on a pedestal to prove this point is absolutely laughable, if it weren’t so tragic and dangerous. THIS is the anti-corruption crusader we’ve all been waiting for to fight for truth, liberty and freedom??? Are you serious? Wow.
THIS is the person inspiring natural and alternative approaches to health??? The man is a huge fan of junk food and fast food, for crying out loud. The U.S. has made many valuable contributions to the world over the centuries, but unhealthy convenience food that makes people sick and causes death isn’t one of them – so much corruption and greed at the cost of human lives. Everyone should have the freedom to choose what to put into their body, nobody’s diet is 100% perfect and that’s ok, although I personally choose to focus on eating organic whole foods as much as possible. But aside from Trump’s unhealthy food preferences, just because one very corrupt individual is fighting against other corrupt individuals, doesn’t make him (individual 1) some kind of a hero. Far from it.
He is one of the most corrupt, dishonest leaders who likes to play the victim, spreads hate whenever he opens his mouth or goes on a Twitter rant, divides the country at any given opportunity, appears to be incapable of feeling empathy for anyone and cares only about himself. I’ve heard toddlers speak more coherently than he does and seen them act in a more mature manner. I know people without any religious affiliations who are more Christ-like in their love, kindness and compassion towards their fellow human beings, beloved animals and our precious planet than Trump, who claims he’s a “Christian.” Absolutely pathetic. And no, I’m not getting this from the mainstream media or the Democratic politicians. Thankfully, I have functioning eyes, ears and a mind to reach my own conclusions.
Since you believe that wearing masks leads to losing our freedoms and will lead to microchips etc., now that Trump is wearing a mask, encouraging others to wear masks and even saying it’s patriotic, what are your views on that? What are your views on Trump’s dangerous suggestion to use disinfectants internally to kill the coronavirus? Would YOU be willing to try that to stay healthy since he recommended it? And what are your thoughts on his Operation Warp Speed for vaccines, since you don’t support vaccines? And now that he’s changed his tune and saying the pandemic is getting worse, what are your thoughts on that? Lastly, what are your thoughts about masks being the norm in many Asian countries for decades? Do you believe the citizens of those countries are just brainwashed by propaganda? I realize this was pre-COVID-19, but If you do think so, why would you even go to Asia to do a documentary on their cancer cures? Unless everyone you interviewed is against wearing a mask (highly doubtful in my opinion).
You write a lot about your dislike of corruption and hypocrisy but I’m finding quite a bit of hypocrisy in your very dramatic, unbalanced and politically-charged posts. I believe these posts are hurting your credibility, which is a real shame because I believe you have lots of other valuable information on your website and in your documentaries, several of which I own. In addition, these posts come across as being very divisive and mean-spirited, even though you write about wanting to bring people together and say you’re fighting for everyone’s freedom of choice. If you’re so confident about the information you’re presenting, why do you find it necessary to resort to insults a la Trump? Reading some other comments in response to your recent posts, it’s evident I am not the only person who feels this way.
You call governors fascists, and use derogatory terms such as “lame stream media” and “sheeple” for people who don’t share your views. All the while completely ignoring indisputable facts such as there being actual fascists, Neo-Nazis and white supremacists who support Donald Trump. If THAT isn’t the epitome of hypocrisy, I don’t know what is. Some of these supporters carry swastikas and other such symbols of hate, do “Heil Trump” salutes and sometimes even commit acts of violence inspired by Trump.
Perhaps you or other Trump supports can enlighten me on this topic. Besides the blatantly obvious reason (votes), why is it that Trump supporters never actually say or do anything to get the fascists, Neo-Nazis and white supremacists out of the GOP, to make it clear such hatred will not be tolerated in their party???? As far as media is concerned, all media is far from perfect but calling the mainstream media the “enemy of the people,” as you do in some of your posts, is chilling considering its history.
I have lost many dear friends and family members to cancer during the past 20+ years. Sadly, many people do even not consider alternative cancer therapies or even know about them. The tragic irony here is that many more people with have to suffer from diseases such as cancer due to Trump’s policies and deregulations which allow corporations to pollute our water, air and earth to their hearts’ content for a profit. It is truly shameful. I have never believed that Trump’s strength is the economy, but I do believe that his administration has contributed to job growth and job security in the medical field – jobs for oncologists who will be treating the increasing future cancer patients due to Trump’s disease-promoting policies and jobs for the medical professionals treating the myriad of coronavirus patients, a large part of which is due to his incompetence in dealing with the pandemic.
I just found out my boyfriend’s niece and her husband tested positive for the coronavirus and we hope they will have a quick recovery. According to them, they only went out to do their shopping at Walmart and always wore masks. They said there was always someone standing at the entrance politely asking customers to wear a mask while shopping, but this was not enforced and many people just ignored the request. Wearing a mask around others outside your home is just a respectful thing to do. While imperfect, it’s a simple, non-invasive way to help decrease the spread of this virus unknowingly. When I wear a mask, I know I’m doing this more for others and that it’s not something I can count on to protect myself.
You are very passionate in your beliefs as am I. You might not agree with a single thing I have written or maybe not even read my very long comment. I have been a long-time supporter of your TTAC series but, sadly, I will be unsubscribing from your emails. Aside from genuinely being interested in the questions I asked, I cannot, in good conscience, be a participant in this Trump lovefest.
Thank you for these reports on the corruption that have infringed on almost every aspect of life not only in US but other parts of the world.It is heartening to so see that corperations and wealth people are usurping power from elected officials just because they have money and therefore can change or force anything on sometimes the gullible public for their own selfish reasons not for public good. However,this struggle for your/our freedoms is just the beginning because alot need to be done by we the people to make sure that everything is reversed to its normal state.This includes
– Trimming powers of those
corporation and to separate politics from business,stopping their funding of politicians and knowing their responsibility/position to society.
– Stop commercialization of politics which is the major cause of some of these problems.
– Find ways of reforming Capitalism to serve the interests of the country not corporations and individuals who are interested in enriching themselves to the detriment of ordinary people.
– Lastly,Americans should learn more about the world outside their own country and to understand that anything decided in their country be it a domestic policy,has the potential of affecting others in the rest of the world. Once again thank you for your advocacy and your call for the Americans and the rest of world to unite and confront the common enemies who’re trying as much as they could to divide citizens for selfish reasons.