Video Transcript: Using Chelation Therapy to Detox
Ty Bollinger: What effect does the immune system play in the cancer equation and is detox a good idea?
Dr. Susser: Well, I think the immune system plays a pivotal role in cancer. It may be the reason we get cancer, when the immune system fails for whatever reason. And what is the reason for failure, as you mentioned, toxicity and what kind of toxicity you have. Well, we all have too much toxic metals in our body. We all have too much lead, cadmium, mercury. And Walter Bloomer, have you heard of Walter Bloomer from Switzerland?
Ty Bollinger: Yes.
Dr. Susser: He did a study where he gave—I forget the exact numbers. Fifty-some people got chelation every month. Chelation means metal binding. It’s a process of putting a substance like EDTA in the body. It hooks onto the metal, and floats it out the kidney. And that’s a major detoxifier for heavy metal. Sweating is good too. In Finland, they did a study with saunas and sweating and they found you could sweat more lead in an hour than you could pee out in 24 hours.
Ty Bollinger: Wow!
Dr. Susser: So sweating is good but it’s still not enough in most cases to get rid of the lead toxicity. And Walter Bloomer said that there was a 90% decrease in cancer in patients who got the chelation.
And 90 percent decrease, he had 59 patients who got treated, one of them got cancer over an 18-year period of 117 patients or so who didn’t—who were the controls in a sense. They didn’t get the chelation. And that group had 17 cancers.
Ty Bollinger: Okay. So you have 1/17th of the cancer.
Dr. Susser: Yeah, we had 1/17th of the cancer. It came to 10 percent.
Ty Bollinger: That’s pretty effective.
Dr. Susser: You know, the study was not a perfect study, but it was a very good study and it was approved by the Swiss government.
Ty Bollinger: Okay. So you’ve got the heavy metals, one of the toxic burdens that compromise the immunity.
Dr. Susser: Heavy metals is a biggie.
Ty Bollinger: Okay.
Dr. Susser: And then there’s bio films and toxic infections, Lyme disease probably, many other infections, chronic viral infections like chronic herpes. And all these things—by the way, the talk I gave today was on vitamin C and cancer. Vitamin C is a great detoxifier for these vicious things like chronic herpes. Chronic Lyme disease is another one. I treat a lot of Lyme disease.
Ty Bollinger: With vitamin C.
Dr. Susser: With vitamin C, with peroxide, sometimes with antibiotics, and you notice we’re talking about using unnatural things. We’re using scientific unnatural things. And I went through a phase in my career. I said, “I don’t want to use any unnatural things.” So I would only use natural things. Well, there aren’t any totally natural things. And those that are, are not near as natural as we think they are.
Ty Bollinger: So really maybe a better term would be not something that’s totally natural or unnatural, but looking for something that is less toxic on the system, is what we should aim to do.
Dr. Susser: Yeah. And you have to fight fire with fire. If you have a patient who—and you want to play shaman and give them tree bark and leaves and stuff like that, that’s all well and good if it works. But if you have something like chelation therapy and you have detoxifying vitamins like vitamin C and glutathione. There’s a lot of nutritional treatments that detoxify.
How do you do or get Chelation?
Alternative doctor may offer EDTA/DMPS IV chelation. Ask at a health food store for the name of a doctor who helps in this way. Best wishes.
How MUCh does that cost?? Most Holistic doctors are out of my budget ! !
How much Chelatiov cost & where do I find a Dr. in the Rockville, Md. area?
check with N.I.H.A in D.C. they offer chelation therapies and have Functional M.D.s on staff. The clinic is super progressive minded. I live in Texas and I see a Dr there.
EDTA IV chelations removes Ca/Lead/unclogs blood vessels. EDTA suppositories may help.
DMPS IV chelations removes heavier metals and chemicals.
Far Infrared Sauna removes heavy metals fast, but doesn’t unclog blood vessels.
Hair tests show good minerals/heavy metals…helps a person monitor their progress in detoxing.
Too often of detoxing may remove too many good minerals.
Distilled water (has no minerals) during IV chelations help rinse the heavy metal through the kidney.
Celiac people may have liver’s that don’t detox well so heavy metals/chemicals build up. Tests may not work to diagnose Celiac. Gluten may hurt intestines so less nutrients/minerals/good oils absorb.
Cilantro at night may help detox.
Serrapeptase may eat up Ca and maybe lead?
Organic sulfur may help detox sugar etc.
Now brand- Detox Support or Now brand- Detoxifier/Regenerator may help detox Chemicals at night/far from food.
Liposomal Vit C/lipsomal glutathione may help detox/get rid of radicals. Glutathione/alpha lipoic acid recycles Vit C/Vit E.
Zn/Mg/fish oil/Vit C/Vit D3/K and more may help. Sea salt has 22 minerals which may help after detoxing to restore good minerals.
I detox at night or time when no food is in my blood with lots of water.
Hi, what about Zeolite for heavy metal detox?
Zeolite powder is a perfect example of a natural heavy metal detoxifier and there is a reason why the regulatory agencies and drug companies don’t want it on the market. I’m
Just recently I had 10 sessions of chelation therapy with my holistic doctor to get rid of the high levels of lead, aluminium and mercury from my body as I thought I was slowing down mentally.
I was surprised and very demoralized that it didn’t work…… at the end of the therapy I still had the same levels of metals in my body. Can you explain this as I am baffled?
Many thanks,
Patricia Fullerton – 66 years
I had oral chelation therapy for osteoporosis and it worked great. I went from the worst osteoporosis, the bones of an 80 year old, to the top of osteopenia and that was over 10 years ago and I still don’t have osteoporosis any more. My Natural doctor, Dr. Roger Billica from Tri Life Health in Fort Collins, CO did my treatment. It took about a year on the oral therapy but was so worth it.
How does chelation work to improve osteoporosis?
Lead has an affinity for the bones, and so, over time with appropriate chelation therapy sessions, some may find help. Lead, like other heavy metals displaces healthy minerals. Chelation is rarely a quick fix and can be a very intense therapy with pros and cons, so best to work with someone who has a lot of experience and knowledge re. chelation I.V.s and does a full history of your specific situation, the health of your detox pathways, kidney function etc. You need to have a supportive diet especially to replace minerals lost in the chelating process, and periodically check kidney function. (Over time chelation may actually improve kidney function, but initially it could be somewhat stressful for some people) Some prefer suppositories which in some cases comes with glutathione.
I’m curious about the oral therapy – Was this a pill, liquid, etc? Did you get it from your natural doctor? Do you recall how much the therapy cost per month (as I know insurance will not pay for it)?
Yes i woukd be interested to know this also as my mom has severe osteoporosis and is having a hard time w/finances for the drug she takes for it.
I had several relatives who took Fosomax and paid dearly for it. (I warned them, but they only starting listening after considerable suffering and broken bones while on such drugs) There is considerable research on the serious effects of anti-osteoporosis drugs not the least of which is they don’t allow for the growth of NEW bone. Bones are living and renewal is critical. Anyway, these relatives ended up with broken femurs etc. from these awful drugs….. Unfortunately, even after stopping, it can take years to clear this crap from your system…. Re. chelation – in whatever form — is rarely a quick fix and not for everyone. (see above comment) One advantage of suppositories is that they are cheaper than I.V.s and unlike oral EDTA bypass the gut which for many people is far from functioning optimally. Before you consider any EDTA oral supplement, suppository (often used with a binder for toxins released such as activated charcoal) or the most expensive I.V., you should get other things in check. Is she able to get any kind of exercise in… Movement is vitally important….What’s her diet like? Is she getting enough magnesium*, silica, selenium, boron, iodine, vitamin D, K2 etc? Many people supplement with calcium not understanding that most supplemental calcium instead of going to the bones, go to the places that it isn’t wanted such as the arteries. (Please see on articles pertaining to why this happens.) Does she get plenty of mineral rich foods such as dark greens, super greens/food such as clean source spirulina, alfalfa, kelp, Celtic salt (not to be confused with table salt – big difference – Dr. Barbara O’ Neill on youtube has done some excellent presentations on this), Brazil nuts, pumpkin seeds, grass fed organic bone broth, bee pollen etc. Also, Vitamin C deficiency is rampant in general and especially those with bone issues. The body needs plenty of Vitamin C to absorb calcium. (Not ridiculously low RDA standards) Please see Dr. Suzanne Humphries article on this. I’d strongly suggest that you visit the research data base of for studies, articles re. natural therapies etc. for osteoporosis. ***They are an amazing resource! I don’t know your mother’s situation, so obviously, it’s your choice what you do. EDTA may prove beneficial but as noted in an above comment, you need to build a plan and work with a knowledgeable ND, functional medicine doctor, and not jump in too quickly. Good luck!
Can you recomendable a kelation doctor in Santa Cruz ca?
I’m very interested in this approach as well and would love some detailed information. Is there anyone in Western Australia offering chelation therapy?
I was diagnosed with osteoporosis in my mid thirties. Doctors didn’t know why and what to do… I think I have exhausted the medical and alternative system here in WA. My lifestyle is as clean and healthy as it can be, but I’m getting worse every year, my condition is now severe, and I only just turned 40. My body doesn’t detox well and I have severe food intolerances. Any help is greatly appreciated. 🙂
So glad this worked so successfully in your case!
Hello: From reading much of your work, I know that you also know of the work of the last Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez who used pancreatic enzymes (actually porcine pancreatic glandulars containing all of the known and unknown substances), to “cure” or manage cancer (along with detoxification and nutritional protocols – food and vitamin and miner supplements). Dr. Linda Issacs, who worked alongside Dr. Gonzalez continues in the practice of treating cancer with the above-mentioned protocol.
I am a practicing chiropractor for 33 years in New Jersey. I am looking to purchase/obtain the porcine pancreatic glandulars that Dr. Gonzalez and Dr. Issacs use in their practice. Specifically, I am interested in purchasing them for use on myself. I don’t have cancer – thank God. I am looking to use them for wellness. I called the Allergy Research Group (Nutricology) located in California because that company, at one time, supplied the porcine pancreatic glandular to Dr. Gonzales and Dr. Issac’s patients. From reading Dr. Gonzalez’s books and listening to a recent webinar lecture that Dr. Issacs gave or listed on her website, I see that they don’t use the Allergy Research Group porcine pancreatic glandular anymore. I know they use a product for which the manufacturer of the ingredients is a company located in New Zealand called Waitaki Biosciences.
Are you able to direct me to where I can purchase the porcine pancreatic glandular product that is used by Dr. Issacs and by the late Dr. Gonzalez? Thank you for your help.
Foot pads?
They can be very helpful for some, but are best combined with a full plan that might include infrared saunas, diet, theraputic detox baths, healthy diet and possible chelation options.
Hi Roxanne, I see your reply to many of the questions above, but unless I’m missing it, I do not see a response to my question about Zeolite. Some holistic professionals recommend it for heavy metals and I really would appreciate your opinion. If chelation is not available near me, would this be a helpful and viable option possibly along with sauna etc….? Thank you
Hi Bev, not a heavy metal detox expert but have learned a certain amount through my experience of heavy metal and chemical poisoning and burns. (A horrific ordeal, i won’t go into) Zeolite seems to be an supplement of controversy, but my key practitioner who trained with an internationally respected doctor of environmental medicine strongly recommended ZeoBind. I’m not saying it must be this specific product, but I do know that it does help with detox… The issue then arises how it compares to heavy hitters like EDTA (which also has it’s fans and critics). I can’t speak to that. For me, once other things were in place, (as noted in other entries) I’ve worked with EDTA chelation IVs at lower doses than typical because of my petite size and sensitivity, Heavy Metal Detox by Enerex, foot ionic baths, infrared and ozone saunas with niacin (Dr. Mercola speaks of this protocol but build flush niacin VERY slowly starting at “baby dosages” and another product called ‘Heavy Metal Detox’? which is a three part formula with some good science behind it out of Europe. I haven’t used this one for a while, so can’t quite recall the name … I think it’s HMDetox? If interested, I have a link for it somewhere.. Detoxing metals can be tricky, so do your research and build a plan and don’t jump in too aggressively or you can make yourself ill. Be sure to gets lots of fibre, BINDERS, good minerals etc, and support your liver, kidneys and lymph and plenty of pure water as binders can constipate and you need to stay well hydrated. There are many products out there, and I can only speak to things I’ve used as each person will react differently to different protocols. Good luck and let me know if you want the specific website for the three part homeopathic cilantro, chlorella etc. blend.
Roxanne, thank you so much for all of this information and detail, I really appreciate it! I will check into the things you mentioned and heed your caution as well. I would be interested in that link when you get a chance.
You’re welcome, Bev. There’s so much info (and controversy) re. the best ways to detox metals, but at least you have some info to work with. It might be worth re-visiting some other comments I made re. support therapies, supplements, too, if you’re fairly new to this. I forgot to mention that you do want to be sure to have sufficient protein when drawing metals out of the body, too. Detox of the brain can be especially tricky, and The Sophia Institute in Seattle headed by the well respected Dr. D. Klinghardt has some protocols on this, though their online lectures usually cost something. (Maybe some of his talks are online on youtube) While detoxing, also check out on lymph support via exercise, creams and herbal/homeopathic tinctures… products like Lymphdyerial (spelling?); getting plenty of deep sleep, and from the research I’ve read, sleeping on your right side helps for better brain detox. Here’s the link to the product I mentioned which may or may not be helpful to you. Some say chlorella is a so-so binder and others say it’s useful. You can explore their info… Not always easy to bring to North America (I’m in Canada and it may be easier for those in the U.S.) but you can email them and they’re helpful. (With any protocol you need time — it’s taken me years to drop my extreme levels) *** Also, do you currently have any mercury amalgams in your mouth? Some say not to start a heavy metal detox until they are carefully and properly removed by a biological dentist. (something you may need to research?) ….
Roxanne, Wow, thank you again for all your care, knowledge and resources! So much to “digest” here. I’m not really sure where to begin, but I know i will be guided. I do think I will need to re-read many of your comments on this page and hopefully that will help to get my footing. I think slow and steady wins the race, especially when someone is detoxing while not being under the specific care of a professional. I love the tips about sleeping on the right side and didn’t know that about protien while detoxing. The dental fillings are a bit of an issue and have been hearing lots about iodine and silica. This is getting to be quite the journey. I appreciate your support very much. Thank you again.
Two years ago I had Stage 3C colon cancer and they used oxaliplatin which is platinum salts. My oncology doctor said after two weeks its all flushed out. Since my neuropathy continue to get worse months later I researched it myself. I confirmed what I found with the oncology nurse which is totally the opposite of what the oncology doctor said which was platinum stays in the body 30 times above normal even five years after the chemo therapy was finished. My question is how to remove platinum salts from the body?
Do you recommend this therapy, if you still have mercury fillings?
I’m not sure which doctor or video I heard on but he stated that you could detox heavy metals with sodium alto ate in a few weeks. In thinking that seaweed would work as well or maybe better since it has it in it plus the chlorophyll and all minerals so it should help with support the body while detoxing; however, you might have to use a lot more kelp than you would sodium alginate.
Does anyone know about this?
Oops, that was supposed to read “sodium alginate.
Hi, any advice for curing peripheral neuropathy?
Hi Steve,
Thanks for your comment. We cannot provide you with medical advice, so the best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Best wishes!
Zeolite is a perfect example of a natural heavy metal detoxifier that is also an alkaline mineral. There is a reason why the regulatory agencies and drug companies are trying to get it off the market.
Why is that Dr Piper? Because it works and can’t be patented?