On the day that would have been my Dad’s 76th birthday, January 7th 2020, a young journalist named Kelsey Osgood (KO) posted an article entitled “Chemotherapy Truthers Are the New Anti-Vaxxers.”
I want to respond to a few of the allegations and assertions, just to set the record straight.
KO asserts: A group of online cancer truthers have zeroed in on chemotherapy as the ultimate example of the hubris and greed of Western medicine and Big Pharma. They claim chemotherapy is ineffective, that it weakens the immune system, and even that it causes cancer.
TB response: I can only assume that the term “cancer truther” is a direct reference to Charlene and myself, as our initial website, www.CancerTruth.net has been around since 2006. It’s not only we that are claiming that chemo is ineffective. That’s what most of the studies say.
Is Chemotherapy Ineffective?
According to a 2004 report by Morgan, Ward, and Barton (Department of Radiation Oncology, Northern Sydney Cancer Centre, Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney, NSW, Australia): “The contribution of cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adult malignancies. … survival in adults was estimated to be 2.3% in Australia and 2.1% in the USA.”
In another study published in the February 2017 issue of JAMA Internal Medicine, researchers Rupp and Zuckerman looked at 18 FDA approved chemo drugs, and found that NONE of them actually helped cancer patients live longer.
Interestingly, the American Society of Clinical Oncology has set goals for new cancer drugs of extending life or controlling tumors for at least 2.5 months. Did you get that? Extending life by 2.5 months is the goal for new chemo drugs. Wow. Talk about setting a LOW BAR!
Now get this! In a study published in the September 2016 issue of JAMA Oncology, researchers Kumar, Fojo, and Mailankody found that only 19% of chemo drugs approved from 2014 to 2016 met this abysmally low standard.
Does Chemo Weaken the Immune System?
It’s not just the “cancer truthers” who claim that chemotherapy weakens the immune system. According to BreastCancer.org (not exactly an anti-chemo website), they state:
Chemotherapy is the cancer treatment most likely to weaken the immune system. … As chemotherapy medicines damage the bone marrow, the marrow is less able to produce enough red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Typically, the greatest impact is on white blood cells. When you don’t have enough white blood cells, your body is more vulnerable to infection.”
On the website of the American Cancer Society, we read:
Cancer and its treatment can weaken your body’s immune system by affecting the blood cells that protect us against disease and germs. As a result, your body can’t fight infection and disease as well as a healthy person’s body can.”
Can Chemo Cause Cancer?
Every oncologist knows that chemotherapy has “collateral damage” (aka side effects). It’s not a matter of “if” but “how much” collateral damage will be caused by the chemo. Just like when the USA strikes another country or terrorist cell, the decision is frequently based on deciding how much collateral damage to “civilian” populations is deemed acceptable.
Have you heard of tamoxifen? It’s a breast cancer drug. Did you know that it’s classified by the World Health Organization and the American Cancer Society as a human carcinogen?
According to the Report on Carcinogens, Fourteenth Edition, which is published on the NIH website,
Tamoxifen is known to be a human carcinogen based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity from studies in humans. … Data from epidemiological studies and clinical trials indicate a causal relationship between exposure to tamoxifen and cancer of the uterus (endometrial type). … In rats, it promoted the development of … liver tumors in several studies and kidney tumors in one study.”
In light of the above facts, does chemotherapy really make sense? Even if tamoxifen was effective (which increasingly it is not), does it really matter if it “cures” breast cancer only to cause endometrial or liver or kidney cancer as a direct result of the treatment?
Additionally, in a 2009 study published on Science Direct, researchers Yan, Lu, and Yao demonstrated that chemotherapy not only enriches but also induces cancer stem cells. And a 2012 study from China indicates that chemotherapy can induce a phenomena called “stemness,” which occurs when the cells begin to express genes (such as p21 and p53) that are vital for maintaining stem cell functions. This, in turn, can drive the recurrence and speed the metastasis of cancer.
KO asserts: One of the more outrageous moments of the seven hours was when Bollinger’s associate Tony Jimenez, who founded an alternative cancer clinic in Mexico, interviewed a Japanese man named Shu Funase, introduced as “the author of over 250 books.” Funase, wearing a vaguely medical-looking white coat, told Jimenez about his latest book, an exposé on chemotherapy. “It’s only just a poison,” he said in broken English, “so the poison will kill the patient. To cure, no. To kill.”
TB response: We were in Japan for 4 days while filming our documentary, and every time we saw Shu Funase, he was wearing the same “vaguely medical-looking white coat.” That’s how he dresses. Regarding his quote about chemo, his intention was not to say that the PURPOSE of chemotherapy is to kill. He was saying that the RESULT is that chemotherapy can kill a patient. Big difference from what Kelsey is insinuating. English is Mr. Funase’s 3rd or 4th language, which results in “broken English.” How many languages do you speak fluently?
KO asserts: Anti-chemo warriors have, perhaps unsurprisingly, joined forces with anti-vaccine advocates, whose crusading efforts have led to the resurgence of numerous preventable diseases like measles.
TB response: Despite the fact that neither Charlene nor I would take chemotherapy, we are not “anti-chemo” (and we’re not “anti-vaxx” either, FYI). We are for freedom to CHOOSE. That’s all. I think that’s where folks like Kelsey and others don’t really get it. And speaking of the measles … were you aware that it was a fully vaccinated 22-year-old theater employee in New York City who developed the measles in 2011 and was released without hospitalization or quarantine? Ultimately, she transmitted the measles to four other people, according to a May 2014 report in Clinical Infectious Diseases that tracked symptoms in the 88 people with whom “Measles Mary” interacted while she was sick.
There have been other measles “outbreaks” that occurred in fully (or almost fully) vaccinated populations, but the point is that if the measles vaccine (MMR) was effective, then there should NEVER be an outbreak in a fully vaccinated population.
KO asserts: Vaccines, with their myriad difficult-to-pronounce chemical ingredients, are easy hooks to pin health woes like cancer on, although no studies to date have definitively linked the two.
TB response: That’s just not true. A 1992 study in the British Medical Journal was the second study to confirm a “significant association” with the intramuscular vitamin K shot and childhood cancer.
But that’s not the only vaccine that has been associated with cancer. On May 18, 2006, the FDA held a meeting of the “Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee” (VRBPAC). I found the summary document on the FDA’s website back in 2006, and thank God I downloaded it, because the FDA has since then deleted it! Pay attention to Table 17 at the bottom of 13. There is some damning evidence about the link between the HPV vaccine and cancer. According to the data, the Gardasil vaccine increases cancer risk by 44.6% in people who are already carriers of the same HPV strains (16 or 18) used in the vaccine.
In other words, it appears that if the vaccine is given to a young woman who already carries HPV in a “harmless” state, it may “activate” the infection and directly cause precancerous lesions to appear. The vaccine, in other words, may accelerate the development of cancer!
Did you know that the MMR was first developed by Dr. Maurice Hilleman during his time at Merck? As the head of the Merck vaccine program, he developed over three dozen vaccines, more than any other scientist in history. He was a member of the U.S. National Academy of Science, the Institute of Medicine, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society. He received a special lifetime achievement award from the World Health Organization. Interestingly, Hilleman was one of the early vaccine pioneers to warn about the possible dangers of vaccines.
In this video, Hilleman openly admits that vaccines given to Americans were contaminated with leukemia and cancer viruses. In response, his colleagues (who are also recorded) break out into laughter and seem to think it’s hilarious. They then suggest that because these vaccines are first tested in Russia, they will help the U.S. win the Olympics because the Russian athletes will all be “loaded down with tumors.” (Thus, they knew these vaccines caused cancer in humans.)
This isn’t some “conspiracy theory.” These are the words of a top Merck scientist who probably had no idea that his recording would be widely reviewed across the internet (which didn’t even exist when he made this recording). He probably thought this would remain a secret forever. Bottom line: YES, there are studies that have linked vaccines to cancer.
KO asserts: In October of this year, the Bollingers staged a conference in Anaheim, California, called The Truth About Cancer Live. Three of the headline speakers featured are primarily known for their anti-vaccine views: Del Bigtree, producer of the widely criticized documentary Vaxxed; Robert F. Kennedy Jr., environmental lawyer turned anti-vaccine campaigner; and Andrew Wakefield, the author of The Lancet study that proposed a link between the MMR vaccine and autism. (Wakefield’s study was debunked and The Lancet retracted it; he’s since been stripped of his medical license.) Kennedy’s focused on how the HPV vaccine Gardasil increases risk of cervical cancer. (The CDC maintains Gardasil is safe.)
TB response: The Lancet may have retracted the study, but Dr. Wakefield’s study was NOT debunked. Documents released in 2011 show that on December 20th, 1996, a meeting of The Inflammatory Bowel Disease Study Group based at the Royal Free Hospital Medical School featured a presentation by Professor Walker-Smith on seven of the children who would later become part of the group of patients Dr. Wakefield wrote about in his 1998 paper. Professor Walker-Smith’s presentation was entitled, “Enterocolitis and Disintegrative Disorder Following MMR – A Review of the First Seven Cases.”
It’s important to remember that Dr. Wakefield was falsely accused of completely fabricating his findings about these same children in his 1998 paper, but these documents reveal that 14 months before the paper was published, two other researchers (Professor Walker-Smith and Dr. Amar Dhillon) independently documented the same problems in these children, including symptoms of autism.
The British Medical Journal’s accusations that Dr. Wakefield fabricated his findings are therefore false. The mainstream media accusation that Dr. Wakefield’s findings have “never been replicated” is also blatantly false.
Regarding the CDC’s assertion that the Gardasil (HPV) vaccine is “safe” – well, ummm, let’s just say that’s a big fat hairy lie.
Using the MedAlerts search engine, as of Dec 31, 2019, there were a total of 57,595 vaccine reaction reports made to the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) associated with HPV vaccinations, including 389 deaths.
In an April 4, 2016 article published in the journal Vaccine relating to adverse events in Alberta, Canada, we see that in 195,270 girls tracked after receiving HPV vaccine injections, 19,351 (9.9%) ended up in emergency rooms within 42 days of being vaccinated.
Is the gardasil vaccine safe?
I think not….
KO asserts: Largely in response to anti-vaccine propaganda, Facebook, Instagram, Google, and YouTube have taken significant steps over the course of this past year to squash bogus or harmful health information.
TB response: Kelsey talks about suppression of information as if it’s a GOOD thing. Wow! Do we REALLY want the “tech giants” to CENSOR information that someone deems to be “harmful”? That’s exactly what happens in China.
Is it “anti-vaccine” to read a package insert?
On the 2013-2014 package insert for FluLaval vaccine, it stated “there have been no controlled trials adequately demonstrating a decrease in influenza after vaccination with FLULAVAL.”
Did you know that the multi-dose flu vaccine still contains Thimerosal? And not just a “little bit” either.
The multi-dose flu vaccine has 25 mcg of Thimerosal. The shot is 0.5mL.
Let’s do some math:
25 mcg / 0.5mL =
25 mcg / .0005L =
250,000 mcg / 5L =
50,000 mcg / L
1 mcg / L = 1 PPB, therefore…
The multi-dose flu shot has 50,000 PPB of Thimerosal!
Remember that 2 ppb mercury is the mandated limit in drinking water and normally 200 PPB would label something a toxic hazard. So the multi-dose flu shot has 250 TIMES the allowable limit of mercury in a toxic hazard.
There are at least 240 studies that have focused on thimerosal and found it to be harmful, with adverse reactions including allergic reaction; malformations; auto-immunity; developmental delay; and neurodevelopmental disorders, including tics, speech delay, language delay, and ADD.
Although we’ve had many “hit pieces” written against us, this one was not near as full of hate and vitriol as previous articles. However, I was a bit disappointed that Kelsey clearly is in favor of censorship and suppression of information when it comes to vaccine and cancer treatments. It’s hard for me to fathom how people who SAY that they are for freedom actually are NOT in favor of freedom when it comes to these 2 topics. It would be refreshing to have someone disagree with us, but then say something like “despite the fact that I am pro-vaccine and would take chemotherapy if I had cancer, I am adamantly opposed to censoring this information and believe people like Ty and Charlene should be able to exercise their First Amendment rights, because without freedom of speech, the USA would be more like China.”
In the words of Evelyn Beatrice Hall: “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”
Please remember this…
When debate is not allowed…
When scientific questions are NOT allowed to be asked…
When ad hominem attacks are rampant…
When name-calling is pervasive…
When censorship is the recommended resolution…
The debate has left the scientific realm and has become “religious dogma.”
I could continue, but it’s almost 3am and I’m tired…
Great Rebuttal. Keep up the fight!
Thank you, John!
I’m with John! And I thank God every time I think of Ty and Charlene. Please thank them for their obedience to God’s calling!
I believe this, but what can one do when alternative treatment is not covered by insurance and there’s no way you can pay for the high cost of alternative treatments (in the tens of thousands of $)? I currently am fighting Estrogen Fed breast cancer,.
You go Ty. The US spends more money on healthcare and is the sickest developed country in the world and our kids are sicker than ever proves that our medical system and vaccine protocol has failed. I don’t need any studies or proof to know that since the crazy mandated vaccine schedule came into effect, there has been a major rise in Autism, ADD, allergies, autoimmune diseases, etc. (something you never heard of even 40 years ago). i have friends and family that had perfect healthy babies and were severely damaged by to vaccines. We are sacrificing the health of this nation all in the name of greed.
My belief is that vaccines cause more harm than good and I include ALL of them.
If you research I would bet 99% could be stopped using treatments instead.
Thank you Ty and Charlene for all that you are doing.
Can you also talk about Luprone and Arimadex. Two drugs given to woman to ” protect” them from a breast cancer reoccurance? I just found out that Luprone is actually an ” antineoplastic agent ” meaning that it is a chemotherapy drug, They don’t tell you that when they are giving it to you. =(
Hi Ana, great question. This has been passed along to Ty, Charlene, and the team to take a closer look. We are sorry to hear that you weren’t given all of the facts to make an informed decision. Sadly, we see this far too often in the modern medical world. If we don’t have our long list of questions ready, we simply won’t have them answered. Wishing you health and wellness <3
Thank you, Ty!
Thank you for your ministry.
The majority are past believing in pharmaceutical corporations, for goodness sake, people only need to read the insert in all meds, though you will not gain access to vaccine inserts so readily, but it is clearly printed on the insert that the vaccine has a long list of seriously adverse reactions…. folks just need to ask for the insert, and read it! Mandatory vaccination is assault on the human body, no one should have the right to put chemicals in a persons body.
Some vaccine inserts are available online. What a nasty list it is.
I applaud your efforts to get the truth out. Your research is so enlightening. Keep up the good work, the truth needs to be out there.
Thank you for taking the time and caring to respond to KO’s attack. I also appreciate all the work and research you do. Sylvia from Cat Island, Bahamas. Oh…
Since taking chemo, taxol and carboplatin (2008, I stopped after three rounds) my platelet count gradually climbed 1,4000,000. It was normal before the chemo treatment. I’m taking Chinese herbs etc. over a year now..
Sylvia, we are so glad to hear that you are trying Chinese herbs. Please let us know what works for you and which herbs you take. We, along with our community, would love to know!
I quit both drugs yesterday after the worse sickness in my life. My white cells flatlines and the couldn’t give infusion for 2 weeks (low dose weekly infusion). I did 9 weeks. I am staying on Herceptin for the HERS2+ second cancer. At age 68 I have lived a good life. Ready for the inevitable now.
Thank you Charlene! Very well written and important. I will be saving this one for reference when i need to!
Bless you both for your hard work spreading the Truth about cancer.
May God protect you in your quest.
Love and blessings forever!
Having witnessed too many cancer (chemo & radiation declines to death results) friends succumb, I am definitely inclined to NOT follow western med therapies, rather question & research alternatives like TTAC! Thank you for your continued work & exposure to alternatives!
We are so blessed to have the Bollingers fighting this almost impossible fight for us. They are saving many lives by making this important information available to all who lucky enough to read it. I live in New York State where they recently passed a law that unless children are fully immunized, they cannot attend school. I have had to witness my great grandchildren being forced to be injected with these poisons just to be able to attend school.
Please keep up the fight and know that there are folks out there who are so grateful to you for all of the good you do. Regards, Pat Hoppel
Patricia, it hurts our hearts to see these forced vaccinations continue to become legislation. We are so grateful for all of the medical freedom fighters continuing to show up and protest. Be sure to tune in to http://www.thetruthaboutvaccines.com for the latest!
Ty and Charlene:
I used to leave my comment with calculations of mercury amounts under many articles and videos. Eventually it went viral. Note some difference, and calculations made easier
Thimerosal (thiomersal) is 50% mercury by weight (central mercury atom with 2 side chains, ethyl and thiosalicilate)
25 mcg per 0.5 ml dose of flu, Gardasil , tetanus and other adult vaccines
50 mcg / ml = 50 ppm = 50 000 ppb of mercury
1 mcg per 0.5 ml dose = 2000 ppb of so called (deceptively) “childhood mercury free vaccines”
Hazardous waste for mercury starts from 200 ppb. /note, not for “something, but for mercury/.
Thus “mercury free” vaccines for children have 10 time s more mercury than hazardous waste threshold.
Other vaccines have 250 times more mercury than hazardous waste threshold.
Working synergistically with other harmful chemicals: nano aluminum (450-900 mcg per dose, depending on vaccine), formaldehyde (carcinogen, part of embalming fluid), phenol. polysorbate 80 (emulsifier, opens blood-brain and placental barrier, weakens lipid cell membrane), infectious live viruses and their DNA, human (aborted fetal) and animal DNA and proteins from unsterilized animal blood used for cell culture media, and from tumorigenic cell lines used to grow viruses (monkey kidney -VERO, dog kidney – MDCK, aborted human MRC-5 and WI-38 and others). Many other harmful chemical and biological ingredients used, only some are mentioned on CDC.gov vaccine ingredient lists.
Agreed! And thank you for sharing. We have a great article you may enjoy on those “additional” ingredients that were once used, if not still. https://thetruthaboutvaccines.com/e-coli-vaccine-ingredient-list/.
I found that an UTI e.coli infection can sometimes be stopped by taking d-mannose.
Still want an antibiotic? Do d-mannose with it.
Ignorants with power are on the rise . I saw 2 very dear friends burnt from the inside out with chemo . Such an early and painful death ! When my diagnosis came I found an oncologist who respects my beliefs and choices .
To those who make obscure vaccines and treatments I say : “ Do you want to give it to your own family ? GO AHEAD ! Just stay clear of me .
The Cabal works for Satan and de-population is their goal. Vaccines are another tool.
Jesus is the only answer, and always was. Sharing our knowledge is the key to being close to the wisdom of God. His knowledge is the key. Live clean, He is our medicine and joy !
You two are bright stars on the horizon, bringing the light to our world. Never stop spreading His knowledge and love to others in need. And this world has much need of His light. Praise God !
Excellent rebuttal! Thank you for your clarity and expertise and sharing it with us!
Thank you for the work you are doing! Thank you for your courage! It’s extremely disturbing as a healthcare professional interested in science-based, holistic healthcare to see the witch-hunt in mainstream media in response to honest, open discourse about the safety and efficacy of mainstream medical treatments like vaccines and chemotherapy. I am not a specialist on either, but I support an open dialogue that includes concerns and feedback from the public and medical sector and find it disturbing when that is shut down. It begs the question why. Science is always interested in challenging hypotheses to improve outcomes and trying new theories to advance our understanding. We never know everything there is to know. Surely discussing the limitations of current treatments only opens the door to improving on them for patient good. This does not mean we must be anti-vaxxers or anti-chemo. It means we are seekers and would put our devotion to our patients before our dogma – often at great risk in the current environment. But I would think this should be common to all practitioners and praiseworthy. I speak from my heart. One of my closest friends works for the pharmaceutical industry as an epidemiologist as passionate about his work as I am mine, and we have robust debates that only ever enrich us both. I think the best medicine emerges when we are fearless in our willingness to scrutinize the status quo for its merits and shortcomings, and seek together to create something better going forward.
I love you and all of the people who are united in this mission. May we live in the world of highest good.
Two words: THANK YOU 😉
Well said Ty! 🙂
Thank you for this wonderful information. I would just like to add that with the Gardisil vaccines for the first time in history since pap smears were introduced that cervical cancer has risen by 93% in the 20 -24 year group and in the 25 – 34 age group has risen by 45%. These figures are quoted in cancerresearch.uk.org. Similar figures are showing up in Europe, USA and Australia. These figures correlate with this first use of Gardisil to 2019. Love your work Ty & Charlene and may be people are just becoming more educated on the subject of cancer treatments and vaccines and to gain good knowledge so they can make the right choices on what goes into their bodies.
Thank you for sharing, Donnella!
Ty, Thank you.
Thank you for this article. Thank you for all that you do. And especially thank you for providing the resources, and the links that prove what you say is true. I love that those resources are the exact establishments that are claiming you’re spreading misinformation. Funny that they are calling themselves liars then!!
Thank you Ty for your excellent rebuttal. For taking the time to kindly replying with facts to counter this man. I would never believe Kelsey, but I don’t have the facts nearby to speak intelligently to expose the truth. Thank you for all you guys do! God bless!
I can’t thank you enough for all the work you do to keep us informed about these important topics. I am 74 and in very good health. I take no prescription drugs. And neither my husband nor I get vaccinated for the flu. I have been blessed with excellent genes and do not want to take them for granted. Un-fortunately my circle of peers are permitting themselves to be victimized by the medical establishment and big pharma. But even young healthy people are being duped. Have you ever looked into the research (or has there been any) into the connection between birth control pills and cancers of the breast, ovaries and uterus? Or abortion and cancer? These are “hot” topics and could bring even more vitriolic lies down around your lives. Again, thank you, and may God bless you and your beautiful family.
Hi Sharan, thank you for your support! Yes, here are two articles on birth control and cancer that we hope you find informative: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/hormonal-birth-control-cancer/ and https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/estrogen-and-breast-cancer/. We haven’t yet covered the link between abortion and cancer, but we will certainly look into it. Thanks for sharing!
What a wonderful response. Thank you for all that you do…all of you…
You are very welcome! 🙂
Thank you for continuing education on these things. Keep up the great work!!
In addition to stellar response, super informative and well written.
In the last section, “Please remember this…
When debate is not allowed… etc…”
I would include:
When vaccine defenders spout industry and apologists talking points with no research of their own…
When vaccine defenders do not respond to facts and studies presented…
(A unexamined life is not worth living. ~ Socrates)
At this point of easily attainable knowledge on the subject, vocal vaccine proponents must be: 1) entangled in the vaccine industry; (2) too lazy to do the (quite easy) research; or (3) parents, doctors, and organizations who have vaccinated their children and now are in fear of the moral liability for not having done their due diligence. For 1 & 3, this is why the debate must be shut down fully and immediately. But do they really think truth can be paved under until they pass on and escape judgement?
are not willing to
Thank you! Ultimately we need to take responsibility for our own bodies, which means carrying out our own research and settling on a solution, or range of solutions, that we are comfortable with once we have explored all options. And this should be respected – basic human rights!
I want the entire medical “organization” (conspiracy) and it’s armed and dangerous henchmen in “Big Pharma” to receive their deserved justice. They are responsible for the death of my wife (father, sister, aunts, you name it), as they refused to acknowledge the existence of alternate and homeopathic cures for all cancers (as demonstrated by Dr. Otto Warburg in his 1931 Nobel Prize winning award. I’m led to believe that to practice Dr. Warburg’s cures can lead to mysterious untimely death). Jesus teaches to not hate, but I’m sorely tested in this, as the death of my wife was just too much.
(Archie Bunker was right – “Hypocritical Oath,” indeed).
All of this is an expression of my opinion, and a collection of bits of information, accompanied by my own experience being my wife’s care-giver.
Hi Bill, thank you for sharing your story with us. We are so very sorry for your loss. Sadly, this is true for so many people who have found their way to our community. Every day, our goal is to share the truth so that families will know their options so they don’t go through such a devastating loss. The pain of losing mom & dad, and so many other family members is with us every day, guiding us toward truth and light. Wishing you peace and health <3
A very intelligent, calm, kind response to an article of a mixed-up mess of truth and falsehood. I thought it was very convenient that she listed so many options for people to pursue if they read her article and decide to look into the freedom options. 🙂 🙂 They now have names and organizations to plug into their search boxes. 🙂 Way to go, Kelsey… 🙂
Thank you for what you are doing to shine the light of health and liberty truth so we can choose for ourselves. Pretty ironic how it seems so many who are “pro choice “ when it comes to taking the life of an innocent child aren’t so “pro choice” when it comes to health decisions or schooling choices. How can they really say they are “pro choice”?
Anyway, thank you for this excellent article. I read hers and yours, and yours is far better and much more worthwhile. 🙂
Thank you, Deanne!
Excellent info. I hope Kelsey reads it!
Concerning chemo, radiation & surgery: one very close friend, Mary, got thru the first set of chemo/ radiation——- but in less than 5 years she had it back again —-worse than ever & the chemicals sent this brave woman to the brink of a HORRIBLE death2 times—- she said “ no more” & within 2 weeks she was gone!
My sister was diagnosed by a dr as having breast cancer refused their treatment—- at which time this dr refused to see my sister and sent ME to adult protective services because she was handicapped & I sided with my sister because it was HER right to refuse these barbaric treatments! I spent months fighting it and they dropped it because they couldn’t prove anything wrong! But MY name is still on THAT list!
My sister lived 7 years after that diagnosis in relative health until she went into the hospital 2 weeks before she died & I was told she had invasive liver cancer! She was put on hospice instead of Palliative care – and died peacefully in 1 & 1/2 weeks without pain ! I did not have to see her in pain at anytime during those years& I was with her to the end! She died with dignity—— cancer did not take her humanity , nor did those HORRIFIC drugs that the drs wanted her to take!
Hi Sue, thank you for sharing your story and we are so sorry for your loss. <3
Rock on Ty and Charlene! I do hope the truth will persist in this environment of trolling, name-calling and other cowardly efforts to avoid an actual debate, which would of course prove the danger and abomination of the modern sick-care industry!
It was excruciating to watch my sister die from the effects of chemo, when she might have had a peaceful departure naturally. But she needed guidance from an authority, and her doctor was the one she chose. People just do not know or trust their bodies enough to make those big decisions, and many are not willing to change their lifestyle at a late date. I just have to accept it as her way. I am grateful for your work, though, and know you’re impacting many. And you are so right about the devastating effects of chemo. What a horror, which my sister absolutely admitted. I just read the comments to the article you reference, and most of the comments are pro natural, anti chemo. Blessings to you.
Your rebuttal spoke not only from years of backed scientific research, but also from your heart filled with passion for this topic. I wholeheartedly commend you for this especially watching loved ones suffer from cancer. What struck me the most was your closing statement ” Please remember…” I couldn’t help but think that this is the state of our country. I hope that it being an election year, that we vote for a new President and Administration who will have the same passion to move our country forward and not backwards and who will not censor our rights and freedoms as you mention in your closing points.
I purchased the 9-Part original Quest CDs several years ago and viewed your recent documentary of Eastern travels. Continue to enlighten, inspire, and respond to detractors with passion (and facts!).
Congratulations. Well responded to all these lies. Thank you for your patient and corageous work on cancer and health. I am currently reading Essential Oils, Ancient Medicine which is co-written by Ty. Impressive book, much recommended.
Thank you, Andres!
For those of us who have been touched by cancer in some form or another, I do not think any rebuttals are needed. We have been through it and we know what we have experienced – so called “scientists” and their lackeys will always juggle the numbers and words to show that they’ve got it right while everyone else is wrong but as they say “the proof of the pudding is in eating”.
Just ignore this “cr@p” and carry on with the great work you guys are doing – the silent and suffering masses will give the ultimate verdict.
Thanks, Ty and Charlene. We are getting more and more like China every day and don’t realise it. I agree, chemotherapy is a straight out chemical poison, hatched after the last world war and another way to use their deadly chemicals. They know very well what this treatment does to people and they are making a lot of money doing it. Same as the vaccines, which is becoming a very big money making scheme for the drug companies. It is all poison as far as I am concerned and we shouldn’t be injecting anything into our bodies. The thing that is worse than all this though I think is the pretence that it is the only treatment and without it you will die, when in actual fact the reason we get cancer in the first place is because of chemicals and pollutants in our environment and food and other things like EMF etc interferring in the way our body works.
Thank you, Ty. I laud your research and efforts to keep us well informed. If not for the work you did on the Truth About Cancer: Asian Edition, I would still be laying in bed with debilitating undiagnosed illness and with no clue how to heal myself. From information obtained in your research I was able to convince medical doctors and biological dentists that I had lyme disease and a very serious case of cavitations. I am healed now. (I bought the series, by the way.)
Pat, we are thrilled to hear this and are so happy to hear about your recovery. If you have anything specific to share about your journey with Lyme disease, and how you healed from it, we would love to hear it!
Dear Ty, Several years before your initial appearance to speaking out on the internet, I began my own intense research about cancer and standard versus alternative and integrative medicine. My husband had been diagnosed with a 2 1/2 colorectal tumor. Neither the treatment modality nor the prognosis were acceptable in our opinion. Neither was in alignment with our pastoral and mission call and seemed a blatant attack against both. As my husband recalls our visit to the super-sub-specialist surgeon,
“The man told me on Thursday I could have surgery on Tuesday and after that nothing below my belly button would ever work again “. My husband replied that we might end up there but we certainly weren’t going to start off there! I said, “Don’t sign us up today!” We went clinging to our healing Savior and the scripture He had given us. Proverbs 3:16, “In wisdom’s right hand is length of days ….” Thus began our prayer and pursuit for wisdom. It was an intense, tearful, and a sleepless time of seeking out truth. The internet was not then what it is now. One year later – no chemo, no surgery, no radiation – the tumor was completely gone.
Years later I found Cancer Tutor. Then on YouTube The Truth About Cancer! I have felt like we were family since.
Much more to our story, but, this is to say I am grateful
And supportive of your mission. It is similar to ours. And hey, international travel and vaccines is whole other topic for those who can’t go some places without them. It is an issue in custody matters. As well as an array of other issues. We know the dangers, how about some articles about protecting ourselves and our children when vaccines are unavoidable and yet we want to protect ourselves as much as possible.
Many blessings,
Ginny, thank you so much for sharing! What wonderful news! Our team will be in contact to hear more of you and your husband’s story <3
I’m so grateful you’re speaking out with truth in your rebuttal to false accusations! Please keep up this great work you are doing! I learned of and watched TTAC during my stage 4 Ovarian cancer treatment. My cancer was aggressive and advanced at diagnosis (May 2017). I would have died without something happening immediately to reduce multiple tumors. The information you presented helped me find and affirm the validity of adding holistic treatments and the power of nutrition to the western medicine model of care I was given. I feel these additions truly made a difference during treatment even though, and probably because, it went against the norm. I survived chemo! So many do not. To date, I am 54, clear, and God willing, plan on a living a long life after cancer. You have literally made a difference in my life and wellness. I continue to share your message and enthusiasm that there are 100’s of ways to cure cancer. God bless you and your team!
I wonder which manufacturer of which line of chemo-poisons secretly funded this hit piece? These days I read quite a few “news stories” that turn out to be actually just industry PR for vaccine makers. I guess the net is being cast wider now to include chemo propaganda. Amazing how they feign journalism, attacking with obvious lies in mocking tones and forcing sincere humanitarians, clad in truth, to defend themselves. I would have said such people are making you waste your time, except that your mission is to reach as many people as possible with the truth, so really KO just presented you with yet-another opportunity to share what you know in a highly focused way. You must be getting under someone’s skin pretty good with the truth or else you would be ignored.
Thanks for this, hundred percent agree with all of this – very well said. Keep doing what you are doing.
Ty Thank you for sharing the truth about cancer and health. People like you do the hard work to help educate and inform us while others take cheap shots and spread half truths, lies, misinformation and twisted fiction to confuse and manipulate people. As a force for good we must continue to defend our choices and freedoms against the dark side. Thanks again and keep up the great work.
Obviously, it took a lot of time and research to compile your rebuttal. Thanks for the effort, and your foresight to save the CDC’s deleted reference.
Thank you for all you do to share the truth to the world Ty & Charlene!
I pray God’s protection be upon you and your loved one. Your are
so appreciated
Your rebuttal was excellently done. Thank you for keeping up the good fight. I pray for encouragement and strength for you in this effort. Let’s remember that the oppostion roars loudly but may not be as powerful as it seems. Thanks to efforts of courageous people, the truth IS getting out there to the general public. That is why the opposition works so hard to silence our voices.
So well written! May God continually bless you.
I would like to know how safe it is to get a bone scan? I know radiation is injected in me, so how safe is this?
The only reason that they are doing this to you is because you are spreading the truth. I have seen firsthand the results of Western medical with cancer. Back in 2013 my brother was diagnosed with colon cancer. You were one of the first people that I found to read about all the different options that are available to one with cancer. Unfortunately, he didn’t listen to me. I was told to keep my comments to myself at that time. He is no longer with us. And his two-year-old son at the time is being raised without a daddy. In 2018, I was given the words “you have cancer “. I went directly to your site and pulled up all the research I had done five years earlier. One thing led to the other which led to another which led to another. Now two years to the date of when I found out that I had cancer I am still on my healing journey. It has not been easy, it is not been cheap, but I am here and living life. What you have given me is hope and that is the most priceless gift that anyone can give someone when they hear those words “you have cancer “. Please do not give up your fight! People need you. I need you. I was blessed to attend TTAC in Anaheim this past October. Oh my goodness! What an event you put on! I walked away from that with more hope than I had ever had before. I met some amazing people who are either on their own journey or are helping people that are on their journey. I met some new friends who will be lifelong friends because we talk the same language. This information needs to get out to all the people. And you know you are doing something fantastic for the people if “they “are trying to shut you down. I pray to God that you never give up. I know that my life is changed because five years ago I found your website and I read your book and watched your documentary. Every time someone says to me “oh my gosh, you look fantastic! “ or “You don’t look like you have cancer “,… every time I reply “cancer is not a death sentence. Cancer is just the body not being in balance and if you do the things to put your body back into balance the body will take care of it self and leave you healthy. God created us.. and He did a brilliant job in giving us all we need to heal. We just need to get out of the way (aka stop putting poisons in our body).“ This information is what I have taken from all my research which originated from you and all the people you have exposed us to. Please please please do not give up the fight. We need you. God bless you all and may you continue to serve our God by helping His children the way you do. I love you all! Live with gratitude and kindness!
Thank you, Anne! What wonderful words. We appreciate your support and are so glad to hear you were able to join us for our Live Event in 2019. Will we see you in 2020?!
well said, the right to choose is what is most critical here, however the science is hard to ignore.
Wow, what a respectful, intelligent and informative response that gives much info and food for thought. Thank you so very much, Ty, Charlene and your whole team of people who are so faithfully devoted to this vital cause. We will all benefit from your research and tenacity, whether we “like and agree” or not! You are doing invaluable work- I applaud you all- God bless you richly.
That kind of censorship, negative comments about alternative methods and lack of recognizing scientific research in the past shows that Ty and Charlene have made a big enough impact in the world to be noticed. My father died of cancer after many radiation treatments. My uncle died of cancer after many chemotherapy treatments. Thank you for the courage and dedication you display and letting the world know about a safer and more effective way to combat cancer.
Thank you for your work. Sadly, my mom has stage 4 ovarian cancer at 83 years old. She ate healthy, always maintained a good weight. She was athletic her whole life and exercised daily by walking. Did not ever drink or smoke. Did not ever take birth control, or as another poster mentioned, had an abortion. She breast fed my sister and I. In other words, my mom was a poster child for doing all of the right things. What did she do wrong? She always followed her doctors advice. She got her flu shots every year, she took all drugs her doctors prescribed instead of adjusting her diet or taking vitamin supplements. She got a lung infection and it was determined then that she had ovarian cancer. I never heard that a lung infection is indicative of ovarian cancer! I think she is having an autoimmune problem. She never listened to me about going to different doctors and is now caught in the cycle of chemotherapy which will surely kill her. Thank you for your good work in educating people!
BTW I avoid vaccines – I have not had the flu shot now for 18 years and I taught elementary school for 27 years. I never got the flu and rarely caught colds. It is because my immune system was strengthen by exposure! Ask any teacher!
Love this rebuttal, Ty, but I pray that they don’t start coming after you. I know that your faith in God is strong, but I pray that it doesn’t have to be put to the test! Thanks for standing up for the truth!
One thing I’m having a little trouble understanding is the amount of Mercury in a flu shot dose mentioned above. I know that Ty is 100 times smarter than me (!), but I had trouble understanding his calculations on how much Mercury was in the dose. Another site I looked up was this – http://drdahlman.com/mercury-in-tuna-and-flu-vaccines-a-comparison/ – and he said that the amount of Mercury in one shot was 12 times what the FDA recommends is safe in a day’s time. (See excerpt below) Maybe I’m getting confused or just not understanding something correctly.
Amount of Mercury in ALL Flu Vaccines Except FluMist:
Each manufacturer of influenza vaccines except MedImmune’s FluMist, in their package insert claim it contains 50 mcg thimerosal which equates to approximately 25 mcg mercury in each 0.5-mL shot. It is added as a preservative.
From the above numbers, the FDA recommends 2.05 micrograms per day for a 4 or 5 year old…a six ounce can of tuna contains 52.7 micrograms of mercury…and a flu shot contains 25 mcg of mercury.
Pregnant women are advised to limit, if not avoid, mercury in their fish and food to protect the developing baby. By the FDA’s own recommendation, children and adults should limit their exposures as well. Danger is suggested for a 45 pound child at levels above 2.05 micrograms per day…tuna can be avoided…but the same FDA recommends flu shots each year after the age of six months and that flu shot contains 12 times the recommended exposure in just one day!
Carrying out these calculations, math tells us that one must weigh 550 pounds to take in a safe level of mercury from a flu shot…according to the FDA.
WHO Scientists admitting they don’t know if vaccines are safe: https://youtu.be/s2IujhTdCLE
I have issues with the calculations in how much mercury there is in just in a multidose of fluvanal (?). The calculation used says there is 50K ppb OR 50K mcg/L. That’s 50,000 mcg per ONE liter. I don’t know about anyone else but I don’t know the last time I had a full liter of a vaccine, let alone a sum total of one liter for all the vaccines I’ve ever had combined.
Paul, the point of the conversion is to show the calculations needed to arrive at the amount of Thimerosal in a LITER, because we know that 1 mcg / L = 1 ppb. [Parts per billion (ppb) is the number of units of mass of a contaminant per 1000 million units of total mass.]
I’ve shown that the number is 50,000 mcg / L –> thus we know the multi-dose flu vaccine contains 50,000 PPB of Thimerosal. I never insinuated that anyone would be injected with a liter of vaccine.
Your dedication is so comforting in a world full a fear regarding cancer. Thank you for your mission, your dad is smiling from ear to ear 🙂 you guys are amazing!!!!
Thanks Kris! God bless! ~ Ty
Great article and rebuttal, and a very necessary one, too. Since it is almost always the same faulty arumentation that the Big Pharma proponents come up with.
Thank you for your great work, be safe, and keep up the fight!
I would read the truth about cancer articles every chance i got.. i thought i would help others with Pranic Healing and also use the ideas of TTAC.. imagine how devastated i was when i was told i had a malignant tumor in my intestines.. i cried so hard and felt like i was cursed.. then friends came out of the woodwork to remind me about all of the research done by TTAC.. such as Fasting Protocols, Herbs , tinctures, Pranic healing and juicing among other ideas..the doctors said i had to have the surgery because i was almost blocked.. i had the surgery in May of 2019.. and just as i thought.. Chemo was prescribed by my oncologist.. thanks to TTAC.. i felt brave enough to tell the doctor to stop calling me.. i was going the holistic route and i would not need their poisons.. i am healthy now.. my CEA is at 5..4.. the doctors are surprised.. im not.. between Pranic Healing, Vitamin C iv’s and Cannabis Tinctures and Fasting on and off,.. i feel great.. Thank you TTAC.. you helped save my life.. thanks to YOUR research and your social media posts, im here to say, i lived thanks to you.. and my friends and Especially my Pranic Healer.. Patrick Galligan.. god bless him.. and may god bless you guys for all you do… i own 2 sets of your DVDs and books… I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Keep up the good work.. expose the Big Pharma for what they really are.. just pushing poison for money until the patient dies or gives up. Thank you.
Bonnie, thanks for sharing and thanks for the support. Praise the Lord!
God bless you!
Both my twin daughters are positive for HPV. Within a short time between their diagnosis. One had surgery the loop and the other they want to do the surgery. I am wondering is this surgery realy necesary or are they not necesary. It realy has me wondering. Will it make things worse if they are cutting tissue. I think they did get it from a vaccine. Most definitely.
I have had a kidney transplant and the doctor said I must cover up when I go out in the sun as my medication causes skin cancer . My friend had a kidney transplant and she has had skin cancer 3 times. Why do our doctors warn us and it’s in the insert of our medication but the doctor giving the vaccine doesn’t tell you that pharagraph 13 warns the vaccine has not be tested for carcinogens. I don’t like taking my medication but I have no choice.
Very informative information!!!! thank you!
But what would your reply be to people who say they know people who had chemo and are ok now?
Thanks in advance, Deb, Australia.
Hi Debra, our goal is provide as much information as possible to our audience so they know their options. How can we have true medical freedom when many cures, herbs, supplements, and other natural approaches are hidden from us? We want people to make the right choice for them. For some, that may be the conventional route. For many others, a natural or integrative approach has been extremely effective. <3
Many people who had cancer and undergone chemotherapy were not cured from this disease because even with the chemotherapy their cancer returned. Chemotherapy is toxic which does not help with cancer. It appears to be one of the major conventional treatments which cancer patients are forced to take.
Hi Ty,
I didn’t have time to read through all the comments but i notice that the boxes of Flu Vaccine that you show are old. From 2012 and 2014. Do your comments apply to the current vaccine? Do you have a box that is current and shows the same info?
BTW – I believe in having medical rights and do not subscribe to the flu vaccine for myself or others and don’t feel that anyone has the right to tell me what I should or should not be putting in my body in regards to medication.
Wonderful rebuttal. It is so important for many of us to hear facts. And you listed them precisely. Thank You!!!
Hi , I tried to find a doctor in Germany to advise me…no success.
IF there will be forced vaccinations…or…No vaccine , no fly No vaccine , no access to theaters , no vaccine no this , no that..
I know You can and probably may not give medical advice.
What would You or Ty do , IF there would be a forced vaccination to reduce the vaccine-impact on the body.
My guess drink tons of water on this day , take a lot of Vitamin C and D3 drink lemon water.
Btw I learned from a Thai “jungle doctor”
Many old age problems like rheumatism can be cured by just drinking at least one liter water every morning .It may take a rather long time , but costs next to nothing to try…
Thank-You for all this great information 🙂
What is the best food to feed a one year old just diagnosed with leukemia and now undergoing chemo treatment? Thank you
Chemotherapy ABSOLUTELY causes cancer! My mum was a prime example of it 20 years ago. After her fourth dose, she all of a sudden had leukaemia and died in 3 days.