Video Transcript: Why Are Doctors Rushing Patients Into Conventional Cancer Treatments?
Ty Bollinger: I know there are a lot of people involved in cancer treatment, cancer research, myself included, who had some kind of a personal tragedy that got them involved in this line of research. What’s your story as far as why are you doing what you’re doing today? Treating cancer integratively.
Dr. Bita Badakhshan: So I started as a conventional doctor. Finishing family practice residency in New York and then moving back to California, I started working on different urgent cares and for Kaiser as well. And then at Kaiser and urgent care I would see cancer patients who were treating themselves or living their life in an integrated way.
Like pancreatic cancer, late stage. She said, “I was diagnosed a few years ago. I was told I’m going to die in a few months, but it’s now almost three years I’ve been living doing great.” And initially they would say − because they would see me as a conventional doctor − they said, “I know you won’t believe in this stuff.” I said, “No, I’m open to it, I’m very open to everything. I want to learn. I’m eager to learn.” So much stuff out there that we could learn and give better care to patients.
So anyways, to make a long story short, I just kept seeing patients like that and I got guided into that and then I started. And what hurt me was in Kaiser they would get the diagnosis of cancer—they didn’t even have time to research. Within a few days they had to do chemo, otherwise the doctors would tell them they’re going to die or it would spread everywhere.
So they would come—one patient I had she had urinary infection and next day she had to do chemo. I said, “No honey, you have to take care of your kidneys first. It’s a urinary infection. Get rid of the bacteria and then do your research. There’s no rush.” You don’t get cancer overnight, cancer is a process of 10 years, 12 years. I mean within eight years you get a tumor. Sometimes people don’t get diagnoses until 10, 12 years.
So, they kind of tend to scare the patient and they get worried. They don’t have time to research. Then they start the chemo.
Ty Bollinger: So it’s really almost a process of creating fear to get them on the treatments quickly.
Dr. Bita Badakhshan: Correct. Correct.
Ty Bollinger: That would be considered your kind of “aha” moment where you realize what we’re doing—it’s not working here.
Dr. Bita Badakhshan: Exactly. It’s not working and we need to educate people. We need to tell them there’s other ways to go. Going with the conventional surgery, radiation, chemo is not the way to go. There’s other ways you could do. And also you could do surgery, but no, don’t rush into it. Improve the immune system, boost your body before you do surgery because any cut, any kind of surgery in the body, it will suppress the immune system and also it will attract all the good white blood cells—all your good cells into that area, then what happens? All those cancer cells that are already floating in your body they keep growing.
Ty Bollinger: So the surgery is a really bad impact on the immune system. A drastic effect.
Dr. Bita Badakhshan: It is, and sometimes we do have to do it and we do recommend it, but before doing that you want to boost the immune system before doing any kind of surgery.
my husband was diagnosed with non-hodgekins over a year ago, by routine blood work from sinus surgery. Then went on to do bone marrow test & biopsy to conclude since he doesn’t have symptoms, only 49 yrs young. After doc answered questions a lady came in and said here’s your treatment plan…she went on for a few min about chemo & radiation.. my husband said wait!! i have to finish my golf league, it goes on for another 2 months! and can i get a 2nd opinion? Doc was nice and said ok we’ll closely monitor and do tests every 3 months. So he still feels fine, eating a little better and taking vitamins now.. no treatments yet! and looking into alternative routes such as Vit C drip & oxygen chambers, but thank God for golf!
Hello Pam. I was diagnosed with Non Hodgekins 8 years ago. I started researching Cancer but in the meantime had 6 bouts of Chemo. I dsicovered that Cancer only lives in an Acidic body so I went about making my body more alkaline(you can google that) I whizzed through the six years of 3monthly then 6monthly then annual checkups and nothing showed up. Then BAM! At my 7 year checkup it was back. Why? We had bought a house which needed a lot of renovation and I was so excited doing all this that I forgot about my alkalinity. I told my Oncologist I wanted to try myself to get rid of it for 2 months. He agreed and at my next check up my Spleen had shrunk back to a normal size and he said checkup in 12 months. This doctor was not interested in how I did it. Why? He had his own Chemo clinic. So my advice is dont give up doing what you are doing to get rid of it and make your body more alkaline.
Look into water fasting. Water fasting when you had electrolytes in the water is so much easier than plain water fasting. Get 2L of the purest water you can, add 1 teaspoon of potassium chloride (cheap supplement, get pure), half a teaspoon of sodium chloride (use himalayan salt) and 1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate.
Drink just this for 48-72 hours, then refeed with high quality food for a day, then go back on the fasting for 48-96 hours, then refeed, and just keep doing this 48-96 hour fasts and refeeding.
Fasting activates autophagy where the body breaks down old and damaged cells so new ones can form. Having electrolytes in the water stops you feeling light headed like plain water fasting does.
Good luck!
Do you do this the rest of your life if you don’t have cancer?
Please use pure distilled water to start with…then continue to use it for all your water for drinking and cooking needs.
My dearest friend, in 2003, was rushed into chemo – her family was scrambling to even try and understand what was happening, and couldn’t get any info, but her doctor said they had to start now, and be very aggressive with the chemo. The chemo was devastating. Within just two weeks, my friend was hospitalized and at death’s door. She died six weeks after the diagnosis, six weeks after starting chemo. And they kept her on chemo as I understand it, right to the last. She never had a chance to even decide for herself. She was afraid of the chemo, what it would do, she was so scared.
Now, my sister, it saved her, she was diagnosed early, and she was strong, and informed. that I think made all the difference. She was strong enough to fight. My friend wasn’t.
Good day to you. I spent June 5th through July 5th 2018 in St Frances Cancer hospital. There I received 2 or 3 chemo treatments and then they decided on radiation treatments and then back to chemo treatments in that month. Now do to financial reasons they put off my chemo treatments. I have been eating fairly well and taking activated charcoal tablets/3 a day and probiotics 10/100 Billion 10 probiotics strains. One a day. Restorative Care. Now brand. Nutribiotic Ascorbic Acid 100% pure vita C Crystalline powder. NAC Dietary supplement one a day. Biotics Corp. Liquid magnesium 400 mg a day. I am still taking doctor prescribed Cartia XT180/24HR many refills, Lisinop/HCTZ 20-25 MG for blood pressure and 30 tab Pantoprazole 40MG D-14. Generic for Protonix 40 MG tab. No refills. I am suppose to start back on Chemo tomorrow Aug 6th 2018. I have decided not to go though with it and in need of help on where to go from her with nutrition. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance to a fast response. Your truly Pamela Bourland
Hello, Pamela!
Our hearts go out to you and we are sending you thoughts and prayers for hope and healing.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series. Please know that we are not able to select an expert for you. We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
Go to A wealth of information and he healed his own colon cancer – I believe Stage 3.
Have you read about the BUDWIG DIET PROTOCOL?
As an 8 year survivor of stage 4 rectal cancer and the last 2 years with lung tumors which have remained stable with no medication…just supplements. The number 1 thing you should take to keep your immune system strong and the cancer stable is Beta Glucan. Only get the one made by Transfer Point and sold by Better Way Health…buy on line. Take the dose stated on the bottle, and always on an empty stomach. You can buy cheaper Beta Glucan, but you get what you pay for and it will not do the job. The 2nd thing is Curcumin (Turmeric). Christian Wilde Enhanced Turmeric is the one I chose after lots of research. It must contain black pepper to be properly absorbed.. Buy on line. Selenium is least 200mcg. per day. Also Vit.D3. Other than that, just the normal assortment of vitamins and minerals…I take a liquid one which has everything you basically need as a daily multi. It is Passion4Life. I will never have chemo again, it destroys your immune system which you need to fight the cancer.
Hope thi helps. God Bless! Heather.
hello Heather, I would love to connectvwith u and learn more what are u doing, I am SCC HPV (+) survivor twice
all of the sudden I got some pulmonary modules in my lung, so I am very concerned, we did super dementional bronchoscopy week ago and results are in for tomorrow, I am just horrified…
God Bless
Thank you Heather great have never read into beta glucan.
I’ve fought of non hodgkin lymphoma for nearly 10years with eating well but then it got the better of me. So I Always ask what would you or someone else do. They tumours where in my hips and spine. I believe the foods help but there’s limits on everything. So I took the treatment as no amount of broccoli was getting rid of this. I had stem cell transplant and I thank god for my donner. They put themselves out to donate. I’m going good now thank god. God bless you
This subject caught my attention after several operations because of a tumor under my skin. Even today I am not so sure whether it was something harmless or not. I just started to get information and noticed that in the USA doctors have to go to jail if they use alternative medicine. Here in Germany it was always permitted. Of course in the hospitals chemo is used and we know the results.
What is so interesting is that cancer cells need food and what happens when no foods is offered to them, when the body does not get any food ? In the fastening process the body changes and the healthy cells come into a different mode. The body concentrates first on those fat regions which can be sacrificed first. The cancer cell can’t go into the sleeping mode. Their existence is doomed and they disappear. It was an Austrian doctor who found out that fastening could eliminate any cancer cell . The longest period he found out was 42 days.
Then independently an American doctor observed that patients in the final stage of cancer did not die, when they had from another disease high fever (hyperthermia?). Until today this method of artificial fever application has got extraordinary results. It doesn’t work 100 % but this is due to the fact that the great anticancer specialists and research organizations (all dependent on contribution from the pharma industry) are not interested in this method. Nobody can deny that the pharma industry will go bankrupt if there is no cancer therapy by chemo/radiation anymore. Also the big companies which produce the connected machinery & instruments is not interested.
All will change if one courageous advocate starts a case accusing one hospital of “murder”. It will be a lightning. To whom ?
The public does not know anything about the existing net of insurance. Every hospital is ensured and their personnel also. Well, all the great insurance companies are under the control of a hidden financial institution: “reinsurance” and there are worldwide only two, MunichRe and SwissRe. Wherever there is the possibility of having to pay compensation loud alarm is with MunichRe (I worked once there). Immediately the volume of the possible compensation has to be fixed (this goes into trillions and cash reserves prepared. So, no matter how the outcome of the “murder” case reinsurance will demand from all hospitals: either start and application of existing alternative anticancer methods (fasting and artificial fever and nutrition) or
no insurance. So simple it is. Ty should make the start with this claiming process looking for a place where there is an advocate eager enough to get the fame, a historical fame of having achieved the necessary change in the cancer treatment worldwide.
Make sure you take vitamin k-2 with D3.
GCMaf is very good…it puts your immune system in to high gear…you will need to google it
You should go google the square one module by Chris Wark, Chris beat cancer naturally, it’s an Amazing lifestyle change and it works. Very informative.
See – chris wark healed his cancer mostly with nutrition and now tutors the world Also see – Ty Bollinger’s work. Also google for Beyond Chemo – another tutorial series.
Pamela. Go to my reply to Pam Aug 4th. It will help you.
Check out the Square One program by Chris Wark.
Chris Wark
You have more power than you know. Overcoming health challenges is easy when you adopt the mindset, The greater the challenge the greater the reward. Do less things that hurt you and more things that help you at an increasing pace. For each positive effort say, I’m getting better and better everyday and in every way. Always say it, it’s energizing. The power of love directed upon yourself combined with your power of positive thinking are powerfully strong with no side effects. More effective than anything any one else can do for you
I just left a post but didn’t add that I have lung cancer.
Chris Wark’s website – gives specific foods, herbs & supplements
excellent site
Pam I follow Anthony William he’s called the medical medium he has a few books out. He’s online on facebook you can follow him on there.But his first book medical medium would be a great place to start.All the protocols are natural foods and supplements millions are starting to follow him and its do-able.Just so you know I too had a cancer scare and wanted to keep myself healthy in a natural way….Good Luck
I did not have nice experience with dr.Bitta,
I spend so much money, tumor was growing, she told me I have breast cancer because my glucose index was 5.1,,she ordered expensive blood test and supplements,,didn’t mention any thing about digestion to improve my immune system
Gave me vaccination for cancer, very expensesive,,and tumor in my breast was growing very fast,,
had to stop their treatments,.
I bought black salve from Robert Roy- Nevada
3 months later I was cancer free, not expensive. Robert is real healer.
Thank you God.
Can you share where you purchased your black salve?
What kind of cancer did you have? Can you be a little more specific about Dr Roy, I found 76 records even an email address or phone number.
what is DR.Robert Roy’s web site? How can I reach him?
Robert Roy is not a doctor. Google Two Feathers healing formula.
Nebulizer with colloidal silver.
20 years ago I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma. Went through intense chemo and radiation. But I believe because my doctor had me do my own stem cells at the end of all the treatments taking out the bad and putting iback in the good ones is why I am very active at 75 years old. There were no bad cancer cells to come back with a vengeance. Why not just do stem cells? Not enough money to be made? Why has it taken 2o years to be hearing a lot about stem cells!!!
Because they haven’t been allowed in the US. People have had to leave the country for many years to get them elsewhere in the world. Now they are starting to be allowed. Insurance companies should start to cover this – a lot cheaper than other care like surgeries for the afflicted areas.
In order to do steam cells it’s necessary to do also chemo?
You Sure?
in Aug 2012 I was diagnosed with stage 4 HNSCC. I rejected radiation as it is so morbid when applied in the oral cavity. Some post radiation treated patients lose their ability to swallow and end up permanently. on a feeding tube.
Years of research on what to do on my own. M first book – Step Outside the Box,, so many more books and you tube videos since then. What I have learned: We can do so much more for ourselves than what conventional treatments offer. Today my focus is diet, implemented the ketogenic diet in late 2016, microbiome diversification/enhancement, strategies to raise PH as most cancer patients have lactic acidosis from the lactic acid constantly oozing out of the tumor and now I have been able to get checkpoint immunotherapy for free as a first line treatment through the Merck Access Program.
Thank you for sharing your healing journey with us, John!
Your support of our mission is truly appreciated.
I have a pos biopsy for 3 different places on my nose of BCC, 2 nodular and 1 on left side wall sclerotic/infiltrating.
I want to use Curaderm bec5 cream & have it in fridge, but I haven’t found a Dr who is willing to monitor me during my protocol (Dr Cham’s book & webcite) just in case I run into any infection or adverse reaction I’ve not read about.
With all the interviews in TTAC & Ty living in Austin, area, are there any doctors you all are aware of in the Dallas Ft Worth area & Southern suburbs whom I may contact to monitor my progress (not necessarily endorse but for safety only in case of any adverse reaction or unexpected infection) I expect to pay for appointments and so far,
have not found a practitioner willing to simply check in with during the course of 12-14 weeks of application. Please help ..
Joyce, I tried the Curaderm on my BCC and it didn’t work. It only worked on the surface but the cancer continued to grow below.. I ended up having to have MOHs done anyway and it was so much bigger and deeper. I wish I would I would’ve just done MOHs right away. Now I put a good quality frankincense oil on any spot I see, take astaxanthin, eat a very good diet and put a natural sunscreen on my sun damaged areas when I am in the sun. My latest skin check was clear. At my previous visits they had to freeze or cut something every time.
I take other supplements too. But the astaxanthin is mainly for skin cancer prevention.
The Gerson therapy can also be very effective.
Hello from Canada. My Dr called me while I was camping to tell me I had breast cancer. With a 3 cm tumor and small breasts she recommended I get a mastectomy, consider a double mastectomy and that she had made an appointment for me with a surgeon four days later. She left on holidays sent me to another woman Dr ..4 yrs later that office has never contacted me to ask how I am..except to try schedule me for a pap test. I did an alternative treatment in Germany which included intravenous high dose VitC, Ubiquinol,Laetrile..and depending on blood work results , B12, B6, Selenium..3x a week. I took Beta Glucsn, CBD oil(1:1 CBD :the) , stopped all sugar and reduced animal products to less then 5% of my diet. CTC tests show I have no active cancer. Drs I see now will tell me that obviously it was a wrong diagnosis.
I have been reading all the posts about cancer and even though I am not a doctor or might not be considered a pro I still have been researching it for 20 years. I wonder if it is possible that majority of those who have cancer and chosen do survive Chemo survived it on their own. I sell products at Flea markets and do speak with hundreds who have, had or survived it. John Hopkins favorite phrase to those whom have maxed out conventional treatments is, “go home and get your affairs in order.” I have had the privilege meeting many who did not accept that and went home a fighter. There they stand in front of me some 15 years later in perfect health. I hear things like , m”I did Mistletoe and research claims it to be poison’. I feel people who are fighting cancer do not understand it at all. I feel you cannot do a drop of this and that and survive. Research I have done claims that it doubles cells everyday. When you have 1 million today, then 2 million the next and on and on. To me it makes sense to go above the norm and it can cost in excess of $600. a month not pennies. you better give it all you got. I hear things like like I cured myself of breast cancer and on and on. I ask what did you do? I hear ,” we did it all. even Herbal enemas are necessary. I had a friend whom had Multiple Myeloma for seven years. It started out other places but ended up in his bones from Agent Orange. He took chemo, radiation the first time 15 years before but did not work. He did alternative and lived 7years with bone cancer. His son OD on drugs and he gave up.
Wondering if a person can still get your book the truth about cancer Global quest
Hi Wendy,
Our series The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest is for sale! Here is the link to purchase it:
We are also having a relaunch of the series starting tomorrow night at 9pm EST. Here is a link to reserve your spot:
I had a lump in my breast and was sent to a surgeon by my Primary Care Physician to have a biopsy. The results were that it was benign but the surgeon wanted oi remove it anyway. I decided against having it removed at that time. But a few years later I was considering quitting my job and moving out of state, so decided to go ahead and have the lump removed before losing my insurance. Afterwards, I got a call from the surgeon telling me the tumor tested positive for cancer and to come in to see him right away. At this point they knew nothing other than it was supposedly cancerous (I’ve always regretted not getting it re-tested at another lab, as I don’t believe it was cancer to begin with). So anyway, I go to the surgeon’s office and he immediately begins to tell me I have two options. First, I can get chemo and radiation treatments. Or second, I can get a mastectomy or a double mastectomy just to be safe, followed by radiation and then reconstructive surgery. Depending on which route I chose, he’d send me to a different specialist. I said I’d like to do some research and meet with both specialists before making my decision. His response? He SCREAMED AT ME that I have 5 minutes to decide! Well if you know me, you’d know that’s not the way to get me to do anything. So I dug my heels in and refused to make a decision without more information. He did his best to frighten me into rushing into drastic treatment (both options were drastic, considering they didn’t even know what stage tle cancer was and i hadn’t even met with an oncologist yet).
I’m sorry to say that, after meeting with a plastic surgeon to discuss a mastectomy & reconstruction, and then with the oncologist to discuss chemo & radiation, I chose radiation. If they hadn’t pushed me so hard, I might have had more time to research and been able to resist the pressure for conventional treatments. Fortunately I qualified for internal radiation (it turned out to be Stage 1 of a very slow growing cancer), which was much less damaging than regular radiation. The oncologist did his best to pressure me into also getting chemo plus genetic testing but I refused both. After completing the internal radiation, I did the first few follow up appointments and then just stopped going. By that point I’d learned quite a bit online about how deadly conventional treatments were and about alternative treatments. Also, every time I met with the surgeon or oncologist, they made comments about how weird and unusual I was. Yeah, I didn’t allow them to terrify me into rushing into having my breast(s) removed or poisoning my body with chemo, which made me strange in their eyes. I must have been putting a cramp in their vacation plans. (My oncologist had every inch of his wall filled with pictures of family vacations he’d taken around the world with the money he made on cancer patients.) These were supposed to be the best cancer doctors in Austin Texas. Oh, and my oncologist also behaved weirdly, bordering on sexuallly molesting me in his office. One time he was walking around the tiny examining room and came up behind me suddenly, sticking his hand under my shirt and grabbing hold of my breast. I started calling him Dr. Coppafeel but not to his face. In retrospect I wish I’d have reported him and also filled a complaint against both doctors for what I consider unprofessional behavior in trying to frighten me into aggressive treatment immediately. Instead I just stopped going for follow up appointments after the lumo grew back, they did another lumpectomy, and it turned out to be scar tissue. I wonder now how many cancer patients they had that went through conventional treatments at the same time I had internal radiation who are still alive today? In my lifetime, everyone I know who had conventional treatments had their cancer come back more aggressivel and died in agony less than a year later, with only one exception. It took me several years before i reflected on my experience and was appalled at the behavior of these so called professionals. They were truly irritated with me for “dragging my feet”, even though they were pressuring me into extreme measures before they knew anything about the cancer. It’s downright criminal what they do to people. I have no doubt I’d have died years ago if I’d have gotten chemo ten years ago.
My father just passed away few days ago with the of 64 years old, he was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. He’s been an alcoholic since 20’s but whenever he’s done drinking for a whole week, he made sure that he will have his daily routine of exercise and that includes running for 2 hours. He was diagnosed last July last week of the month and after series of laboratories for almost a week they concluded that it’s a “possible” pancreatic cancer. We did try to get second opinion from a another specialist unfortunately they have the same findings. We were told that his life span could last roughly 1-3months maxed. The next day he attended a check up and to our surprise the doctor immediately ordered the next day chemo. They said a lot of medical terms or so whatever. I can tell and I’m 100% sure my dad’s body was still good. So the chemo started they offered the most expensive and they say “most aggresive” chemotherapy. It’s a weekly session and week after week he’s getting thin and skinny plus it puts up a lot of pain over him 24/7. Medication or pain management does not help, he cannot eat,walk or sleep. His body started to deteriorate and finally he had his last moment few days ago. I feel like there could have been better suggestion or way for my father’s life prolonged. It felt like we were rushed and failed to be educated before we start the chemotherapy. It’s really heart breaking seeing my dad ended up to the worst possible state. May he rest in peace and please before we jump into something let us think multiple times. For the doctors please you pledged to help people not to milk money and kill your patients.
Hi Paul,
We are so sorry to hear about what your father went though and we are sorry to hear that he is no longer with us. Best wishes during this hard time.
Early 2013 my Doctor called me warning that me blood test result showed a 38PSA count so immediate action required. Hospital confirmed progressive and rampant Prostate cancer.
After 7 weeks of daily radiology treatment I was declared clear. Basically an excellent result but although relieved cautious acceptance took over. When initially diagnosed my reaction was to know all about Cancer to fully understand how to fight. Weeks of PC investigations via mainstream medical expertise resulted in zero information that I could use.
In desperation turning to ‘Alternative medicine’ and a whole world of help was available to me.
What I wasn’t warned of when presented with the cancer diagnosis was an expected cessation of any further sexual activity (confirmed) During the daily treatment my plumbing system would become almost entirely un controllable (confirmed) regular pills and later injections of female hormones would produce massive drop in Testosterone, daily and nightly severe sweating (confirmed) and that all of these after effects would all continue after treatment (confirmed)
Had I known about ‘Natural’ cures none of the above would be my constant life long problem and most important no need for ongoing regular PSA checks. Don’t let yourself be panicked into Radiology or Chemo therapy. Go to Ty Bollinger’s free newsletter ‘The Truth About Cancer’ and other invaluable information sources available.
Is any other people familiar with Rob Roys Two Feathers Healing Formula. I have occasional skin cancer and ear ringing and a few allergies that are not food types but dust and other air borne types also I have been not as sharp and tired more so I wanted to experiment with this formula to try and get my system back on track. I am 56 and 205lb male. I have read some scary posts about the formula and some good ones so I am trying to get more info
Hi Mark –
We appreciate you reaching out to us about this.
I’m so sorry to hear about this – I’ll be sure to pray for you.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global Quest series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
I’m also attaching the info about the Hope4Cancer clinic in Tijuana, MX if you’d like to reach out to them.
Please also see the resources below in case they will be helpful to you.
From our beginning, we have supported charities that really help these cancer patients.
HealingStrong supports MANY cancer patients and are amazing. HealingStrong, a nonprofit organization, is supported 100% by volunteers, who are experienced in using natural strategies. The organization’s mission is to educate, encourage, equip, and empower those seeking comprehensive natural strategies to heal strong and stay strong.
HealingStrong Connect Groups meet monthly in various areas of the U.S. and South Australia to link others interested in natural strategies, holistic protocols, and local resources. Their groups focus on mind, body and emotional healing based on Biblical promises, as they believe the God of the Bible is our healer. For more information on how to start a group, or become involved in one, please go to:, and like us on Facebook at
Cancer Crackdown is so awesome and helps patients without a lot of money get supplements and treatments and even helps them raise money:
Also, the Independent Cancer Research Foundation is another charity that we support, also known as Cancer Tutor. They have been a TREMENDOUS help for cancer patients and have a TON of life saving information they give out freely and they do real research into treatments for cancer that are outside of the toxic Big Pharma Big 3:
The best that we can suggest is to contact Healing Strong and Cancer Crackdown for any need in financial resources.
We also support Mary Beth’s “Nick Gonzalez Foundation” which is bringing Nick’s protocol to the people…which is one of the most powerful cancer killing protocols out there.
I hope this is helpful! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us again if there’s anything else we can help with.
Wishing you endless blessings and love!