Video Transcript: The Cancer Connection: How Dental Health Indicates Disease Risk
Ty Bollinger: Did you know that there’s a connection between oral health and disease risk?
Charlene Bollinger: Join Dr. Stuart Nunnally as he shares more on how your dental health can reveal more serious health problems.
Dr. Stuart Nunnally: And I’m going to talk first about the obvious cancer connection. There is an obvious cancer connection because there are some aspects of dentistry that we need to really be concerned about in terms of a one to one progression of the disease.
And that is this: Did you know that 63% of men in this country, if they have gum disease, advanced gum disease, have an increase chance of prostate [sic] cancer? 63%. From a Harvard Study. And also, just with moderate gum disease, which many of us in this room probably have, 33% have an increased risk of lung cancer. There’s a 50% increase in the risk of kidney cancer and there’s a 30% increase of blood cancer such as leukemia.
Most of this may not be a direct result of the bacteria or the pathogens that are involved with these, but they set up a constant inflammatory state. And as you know there’s just not a disease that we deal with that doesn’t have an inflammatory component to it.
This particular man, Gerald Curatola, has just written a book and literally was just released, that deals—and he has distilled the information very nicely there for you to see what kinds of impact dentistry can have on our systemic health. So, I recommend it to you.
Then there’s the not-so-obvious cancer connection, and that is the one that most of us in here are familiar with, and that is what in the world do we do if we have a mouth full of these? As you know, these have been debated for years, and quite frankly, I think we had the opportunity as an organization, as an American dental organization, to say years ago,
You know what? We made a mistake. We made a mistake. We never should have put mercury in any form in anyone’s body.”
And yet we can’t own up to it. We can’t own up to it. It’s a very, very sad thing, so we continue to do it. And when we don’t do it, instead of doing it here, we ship it to some poor country that has no other filling material to use and we ask them to use it.
So, it’s hard to believe that even today, about 40% of the dentists in this country are still placing mercury amalgam fillings. Now the sad thing about this is that’s 50% mercury. 50% mercury, there’s copper 30%, silver, zinc, and tin make up the rest of it. Now in most compounds, when you see that something is 50% or more of the compound you would call it a mercury amalgam filling, but for some reason in this country for years we’ve called it a silver amalgam filling.
It’s time to change. It’s time to change and here’s what we can do about it.
Well, let’s just talk first about a few more facts. First of all, this is the second most toxic element known to man. It’s an extremely potent neurotoxin. It’s second in toxicity only to plutonium. It’s very difficult to think that we would place that in someone’s body.
There is no biological barrier. It accumulates in the fetus. In fact, the fetus is a magnet for mercury. When the mom has mercury fillings, or if she’s had a vaccine that has mercury in it, the fetus is actually a magnet. You will see higher levels in the tissues of the fetus then you will see in the mom. Of course, it’s a depressant and that’s one of the reasons why so many people in this country are depressed.
In fact, if you want to depress a laboratory animal or initiate an autoimmune disease, most often it’s done in the laboratory with mercury. It almost makes me sick.
I was listening to a radio show the other day and there was a physician on the show, and he said, “Oh no, there is no reason.” The caller called in and said, “Is there any reason for me to have my mercury amalgam fillings removed?” And the physician said, “Of course not. There’s no mercury that comes from that material.” Well, the physician has lost and forgotten his ninth-grade chemistry, because the truth of the matter—
And here’s the example that he used. I want you to be prepared for this in the future, should you hear it.
He said, “If you take sodium, which is toxic, and you take chlorine, which is toxic, and you combine them together you get sodium chloride. Now, is salt toxic? Is salt toxic?” And the listener said, “Well, I guess not.” And hung up.
Well, the truth of the matter is, the poor physician has lost all sense of his chemistry background, because that’s not what happens when you mix metals together. When you mix mercury together with silver, zinc, tin, and copper, it doesn’t stay there. It’s an amalgam and it leaks out very, very freely to the environment. And the only reason it’s really been used, in my opinion, is because it’s dirt cheap.
I mean it just takes—there’s almost nothing in there that’s expensive, it’s easy to place, it contributes to cracked teeth. As you saw a while ago, you saw all the frayed edges around those mercury fillings, and what happens is that you chew on one of those for twenty years and finally you fracture off a cusp of your tooth, and then you are destined for a crown. And then you are destined for the root canal that follows and then you are destined for one thing after another as you know.
Ty Bollinger: That’s some amazing information on the importance of oral health from Dr. Nunnally.
Charlene Bollinger: If you learned something new, please share this on your social media and let your family know about The Truth About Cancer. Thank you and God bless!
Medicare should provide dental for the elderly
Medicare should as you say Karen Hunkler and I agree with you. But it will never happen. Insurance Industry is in business to make money off of the people and not to lose money taken from the policyholder.
I have heard many times on TTAC that Root Canal Fillings increase Cancer risk. I’m curious why Dr Nunnally did not mention this? Has this hypothesis been challenged by new data? I’m currently being recommended to have this procedure, and unsure what to do.
I would recommend seeing a Biological Dentist. My root canal has intermittently ached since I had it done four years ago. I’m now having it removed. I highly recommend watching the Netflix documentary ‘Root Cause’.
Josepg Stanyer
In my experience he does not recommend them. I would not get a root canal, rather loose a tooth than deal with root canal infections. Sooner or later they will cause sickness in the body.
Go to a biological dentist .. if root canal a must.. they use ozone to clean out..also laser now .
best to pull tooth.make sure they. Take the periodontal ligament where the infection
Will stay and then goes to the 3 miles of vessels … they will take stem cells from your blood
And put the fibrin in the hole .. to re grow bone.. instead of guta purcha can be toxic
Lyme spiroketes may be the cause of most dental issues.. they love the TMJ area
And eat away at the roots of teeth.. a root canal I had 15 yrs infected and
Took several rounds of antibiotics ..which destroyed the gut allowing latent lyme and co
Infections To surface .. pain swollen gums ulcers tooth loss never ending despite the years
The latest treatments . Today the lyme is down but other bacteria in the salivary and parotid glands
Bio scan is the only way. To find chronic long haul lyme.. see an ND or integrative MD
Generally a western trained Dentist taught in ADA American Dental Association schools are made to believe the following . They are being told the mercury amalgam fillings are safe regardless of the following scientific fact. The horific simple fact is that Mercury is in fact the second most poisonous heavy metal on earth just 2nd to poisonous plutonium. So this idea is ridiculous and is not a safe material to put in peoples mouths . But it is so sad to say that your Dental Association is ignoring the science anyway to make MONEY off of this cheap industrial byproduct that destroys your immune system function .And if this was not bad enough the toxic heavy metal mercury has a very serious mental neurological effect on your brain health . A chronic leaching effect of this heavy metal poisoning that easily absorbs through your blood brain barrier affecting mostly the elderly people today .
In all the Dental Schools the student is trained to drill what is allowed to make a crater large enough to fill the tooth with the mercury amalgam to make it hold stronger . But this method actually weakens the tooth over time and the toxic mercury will eventually brake apart and absorb into the patients blood stream to do great systemic harm to the patient over time .
This happened to Barry Anderson and this day will never be forgotten and how could it be anyway .
A hard repeated knock on the window with a motorist on foot yelling at me through the glass if I was Alive or Dead woke me up .
Like most Canadians and Americans even today young Barry as a child received four rows of mercury on every molar in his mouth then only a few years later in his twenties Barry stuck between bumper to bumper traffic in Los Angeles California USA in the early mid nineteen eighties passed out inside of his car at the steering wheel . Startled and abruptly awake with brain fog I rolled down my window to let the concerned man that I was OK and he returned to his car located behind my car with backed up traffic . But with no traffic in front of me far as the eye could see .Other cars worked their way around me as I thought to myself that I must have been in a temporary coma for a long time for this kind of incident to happen to me ?
But then something happened inside of my mouth that was most disturbing and frightening to me .
I felt my mouth crunching on several hard pieces of material that appeared from no where . By instinct I brought my opened palmed hand up to my opened mouth to spit out what ever was inside of my mouth and was quite SHOCKED of what was filling my hands . Almost all of my aging mercury amalgam fillings before my eyes .
As Dr. Stuart Nunnally states (A Dentist himself and expert on Biological Dentistry .”So, it’s hard to believe that even today, about 40% of the dentists in this country are still placing mercury amalgam fillings in peoples mouths including the very young with immune systems that are not fully developed .”
But what really is disturbing to me is the ADA Thai Dental Issues that I see on the island of Phuket Thailand . Their policy is to fill children mouths with mercury amalgams and to use poisonous fluoride on the children . But get this people ? Adults are not treated with mercury amalgum fillings or Fluoride is used on adults in Thailand . So in effect we have a DOUBLE STANDARD Dental Policy in Thailand for the toxic dentistry on young children but not for adults . Ask yourself this question why is it this way ? Is it for MONEY and Rebeat business only as the young teeth of the child will grow and the damaging effects of the dentistry is repeat repair and replacements for continued cash flow of money . Insurance in Thailand will force the patient to take out full body standard of care medical insurance first to add the dental insurance to the policy . You cannot separate the 2 policies .It is all a SCAM to make you pay in more ways than one .
Back to my own problem in Los LA California USA with my loss of aging mercury amalgams held in the palm of my hand . Alarmed I contacted my Motion Picture Industry Blue Cross Insurance Plan at the time . They only covered conventional ADA endorsed chemical dentistry but what could I do at the time as I did not know my options . So all of my remaining mercury amalgans where removed by this untrained dentist not using a dam and not using oxygen ozone therapy that is standared of care in all certified dental offices of any Holistic Biological Dentist today . The USA is reported to having only 200 of these safe dental clinics in the USA alone . Not covered by any insurance plan this effectively blocks most of the population of the USA of ever having the opportunity of making appointments to book this safe dentistry that requires cash payments only just for their business to survive . Sad and so true that it really is about the MONEY and not the real health of the consumer market place .
The rest of the article can be found on the Facebook of Holistic Chef Barry Anderson a must read for all . Thank You
I have been chronically ill for 13 years. It started with severe depression. .a depression that lasted non-stop for 10 years. In 2015 I had my dental fillings (mercury) removed and 2 weeks after beginning the process, I woke up one morning and I was not in depression ! ! It was amazing. I progressively weaned off of all my psychiatric medications (which I had been told I would have to be on for life). Unfortunately, I still suffer from severe chronic fatigue and pain. I live in a wesrern Eurooean country where mercury intoxication is not recognized so it has been extremely difficult to find help. I had one doctor prescribe DMPS (not legal here so ordered from another country) but there was no supervision and it practically killed me. Today, I have found a holistic nurse and I am hopeful that with her help I will see improvement. I’m thankful for people like those at TTAC who are getting the word out about these critical health issues
I have also some 2/3 fillings in my back teeth. Two have fallen out/crumbled but the top one was hollow and painful to chew on as though touching on a nerve but over several months it has refilled with what feels like flesh which is no longer painful unless i bite something hard on it. With all that you have indicated about mercury amalgans -can i get all the fillings in my mouth safely removed and the upper tooth which has the growth in the middle completely removed? Or is there an alternative safer way of filling these teeth if necessary to keep?
Thank you for educating me on the serious hazards of these mercury fillings which we are not told about by the dentists. I stumbled on the information as i was searching for info on the benefits of eating grapes, seeds, skin and all -my husband recently harvested plenty in our garden.
Dr Nunnely said increased risk for prostate cancer, but the graphic reads “pancreatic cancer.” Which is correct?
Hi CT, the statistic is in reference to pancreatic cancer.
I saw Dr. Nunnally a year ago for whole mouth amalgam removal. His care gave me my life back after suffering chronic diseases, the removal brought healing. I highly recommend Dr. Stuart Nunnally and his whole staff. We drove from VA to Texas…. Well worth the trip!
There is one closer it is “Pittsburgh Center For Holistic Dentistry” Dr. Tammy DeGregorio DMD,AIAOMT,FAAO, DMD,NMD, that I highly recommend.
When we receive fillings in our teeth and root canals, the dentists never warn us how harmful mercury can be.
Unfortunately, we live in a world where you find out in some cases years later that things are not quite what they should be with certain chemicals that we put in our mouth. Scientists Warn That Triclosan – Found in Toothpaste and Toys – Triggers Harm to the Gut – This is just another example of what we don’t know. that is why we created an all natural toothpaste that contains the natural ingredient black seed oil which is known to help cure cancer. You can learn more at
Hello, This was great information to read! I did know the mercury is not good for you. I trust my dentist that when I do have a tooth needing filled it is mercury free, does not use the metal fillings I am told. I have in the past had metal filings done by dentists.
I will search naturopathy dentist in the Cle. area that practice healthy dentistry!
I am curious above pulling wisdom teeth. They do swell and can be painful. But I don’t have trust in the medical system when they say all wisdom teeth need to be pulled. Is this just a money maker for dentist?