Video Transcript: Dr. Morais’ Innovative Cancer Detection & Treatment Protocol
Dr. Justin Morais, MD: Of the ones we use, the most important is the Chinese herb, Linzhi. Have you heard of it?
Ty Bollinger: No, what’s it called?
Dr. Justin Morais, MD: Linzhi.
Ty Bollinger: What exactly is Linzhi and I can tell Linzhi you said “ZED.” So that’s what—we used to live in New Zealand, and they call Z, Zed. So that’s interesting.
Dr. Justin Morais, MD: It’s a mushroom. It’s a kind of Chinese mushroom. Linzhi mushroom specifically used for fighting cancer, but I found the Germans also believed in that, but they believed in bringing in selenium. They found that after the war, the soil in Germany and all were depleted, and everyone was getting cancer. So, they did, when they take cancer patients and tested the amount of selenium in the body was so low. So, selenium was very important in Germany, and the next they found was very important is beta carotene, around 20,000 iu, for cancer patients to take 20,000. Prevention, they take 10,000. So you combine Linzhi, selenium, beta-carotene and make the atmosphere negative ion, cancer will run away.
Ty Bollinger: So, you made the environment unfriendly for cancer. Okay, now how do you make the environment with negative ions?
Dr. Justin Morais, MD: Yeah, I got this negative ion.
Ty Bollinger: Right here?
Dr. Justin Morais, MD: Yeah that one, the rock—Himalayan rock.
Ty Bollinger: Himalayan rock.
Dr. Justin Morais, MD: With a high voltage for the frequency of the rock makes the atmosphere negative ion. That’s the one.
Ty Bollinger: And so why is negative ion so important, is it due to the free radicals?
Dr. Justin Morais, MD: That’s right, removing all the free radicals.
Ty Bollinger: Yeah, that’s an interesting combination. And I’d heard about the selenium. I think it was with the work of Dr. Gerhard Schrauzer, a German doctor on selenium.
Dr. Justin Morais, MD: What most of I do is from Germany.
Ty Bollinger: Most of what you do is Germany. Okay, tell me about this machine behind you. What is this?
Dr. Justin Morais, MD: No, this is picks up the frequencies. It picks up the frequencies of every organ, and there are eight points in this that can identify cancer. One is the lymphatic system, the allergy system, and the degeneration system. We used—the Germans don’t put the word cancer. They put “degeneration system”. I show you the points. This is the lymphatic system. Okay. And I must get a reading of 50. Let me check whether the machine working. Yes, 50. So she’s clear, that one lymphatic point is clear. The doctor you better watch this, this is the allergy point, middle finger. It’s clear.
This is a cancer point, the Germans call degeneration point. I’ll give you a map. Yeah, so I’ve cleared three points. And this is the breasts, if I want to see the breast. I’ll— clear, you saw the 50 there. This is the lymph system, the allergy system, the degeneration system. So, I’ve seen the six points in the upper body that really concerns cancer is clear. There are two in the leg. It’s in the fourth toe, opposite. It’s clear. The other leg. So, all the cancer points, are clear. So, any new patient come, I pick up one or two. I asked him to go and see a Western doctor, do a CAT scan or MRI to confirm, or I send them to do a cancer marker test.
Ty Bollinger: So, do these points have anything to do with acupuncture points? So, the combination of acupuncture with frequency.
Dr. Justin Morais, MD: It’s German acupuncture points.
Ty Bollinger: German acupuncture points, okay.
Dr. Justin Morais, MD: I have all the books here.
Ty Bollinger: I see you have a lot of books.
Dr. Justin Morais, MD: These are the English American guys who started the whole thing in the 50s.
Ty Bollinger: The Body Electric.
Dr. Justin Morais, MD: The Body Electric, then the English, Davidson, then the Germans, then the Indian, Srinivasan Energy Medicine. Then the Chinese. Everything is here.
Ty Bollinger: Dr. Morais, thank you so much for sharing with us today. This is fascinating stuff. You’re doing great work, and we really appreciate it.
Dr. Justin Morais, MD: Thanks. Thanks. It’s nice having you around.
Great information, how can I contact him?
Hi Wayne –
Thanks for your comment.
Here is the info we have for Dr. Justin Morais:
Dr. Justin Morias
If you’re interested in getting the contact info of any other health expert from our Eastern Medicine: Journey to Asia documentary, we have comprised a list of the featured health experts and doctors. Ty and the team are still working on collecting the contact information for the rest of these doctors and experts. Please note that this link will be updated with more doctor’s contact info as they share it with us.
Blessings and love!
I recently came across some doctors who are working with cancer patients using the Warburg Way. I was intrigued by the results and wonder if you or any of the doctors you work with are familiar with it.
Hi Juanita –
Thanks for your comment.
Dr. Thomas N. Seyfried gave a wonderful presentation on Otto Warburg’s discoveries at our TTAC Live 2017 event. Here’s a clip to help:
We also have this article which could be helpful to you:
If you have any further questions, please feel free to let us know. 🙂
Blessings and love!
I would like to know if any interviews has been done in India, I would love to read about it. Seen so many countries having beautiful centres like this and I wonder if there’s any in India and in Africa.
Thank you.
Hi Vuoke –
Thanks for your comment.
You could take a look at our Eastern Medicine: Journey to Asia documentary in which Ty went to different countries in Asia and interviewed several doctors and health experts for more resources within Asia. 🙂
Here’s where you can find the trailer:
And if you needed more info on the documentary, you can take a look at the link below:
You can find episode one for free viewing here:
And finally, if you’re interested in getting the contact info of any other health expert from our Eastern Medicine: Journey to Asia documentary, we have comprised a list of the featured health experts and doctors. Ty and the team are still working on collecting the contact information for the rest of these doctors and experts. Please note that this link will be updated with more doctor’s contact info as they share it with us.
Hope this is helpful. Wishing you blessings and love! ❤️
Have you ever heard of the Budwig diet?
Hi Robin, yes! Here is a great article that explains a bit more about the Budwig Diet: We have heard many positive testimonials about this diet from our community. 🙂 If you’ve tried it, we’d love to hear about your experience!
Where is this doctor Morais located? What country?
Hi Vanessa, Dr. Morais is located in Singapore. You can find his contact information here:
Thanks so much of what your doing Ty good bless ,
I need good natural doctor in Canada to treat papillary thyroid cancer ,the DR i was working with him said dont worry about it it is not cancer has been out of the cancer list , do u know any think about it, please help ,i dont want to go to Conventional treatment ,since i know your are here Ty and i saw all your series , i do believe in natural that gift from Good , Thanks
Hi Sue, we’re sorry to hear that you are going through this. Our team is praying for you! Unfortunately we are not able to recommend a specific doctor in your area. Here is our list of experts & doctors from our A Global Quest documentary if you’d like to reach out to any of them: Otherwise, we suggest searching online for a naturopath or integrative oncologist in your area. Many healing blessings <3