Video Transcript: How Glyphosate is Poisoning our Food Supply
Ty Bollinger: Statistics show that glyphosate is now applied to the tune of 300 million pounds annually, just on U.S. farms alone. By now you most likely know that glyphosate is bad for your health. Especially if you’ve been following our docu-series, A Global Quest, or our videos here on YouTube.
Charlene Bollinger: But, do you know exactly how glyphosate is poisoning our food supply? Watch this excerpt from GMO expert Jeffrey Smith at last year’s TTAC Live Event to learn more about the dangers of glyphosate when it comes to your health.
Jeffrey Smith: There’s also leaky gut. Now leaky gut, how many people have never heard of leaky gut? Okay, both of you. So, there are tight junctions along the intestinal walls, and food gets broken down into itsy-bitsy pieces, that’s a technical term. And then it gets absorbed in an appropriate manner into the bloodstream. But if you create a hole there, then undigested food proteins and part of the microbiome and chemicals get into the bloodstream where they’re not supposed to be.
Then what happens is the immune system, they all take out their iPhones, right, they attack it. Take out their iPhones and they take a picture of it and they post it on their Facebook, and they say, “Attack anything that looks like this.” But it’s an old iPhone that hasn’t upgraded, its pixelated. So, the immune system attacks anything that looks like it, like the thyroid, like the microvilli, like the pancreas. That’s what autoimmune disease is. The immune system attacking the body because of old iPhones and leaky gut.
So that causes inflammation and that can lead to cancer and the carcinogenic properties that—the aspects that are carcinogenic from inside the gut can end up getting through the leaky gut and causing cancer.
Now, glyphosate was originally patented to clean boilers and pipes. Because it’s a chelator, it grabs the minerals and strips them off the walls. It is the most powerful widespread chelator. All the different minerals, it grabs them and doesn’t let them go, and that’s what drives many of its properties. So, if it drives the property—if it takes the minerals from our food supply and makes them unavailable, that is a precursor to so many diseases.
We heard Dr. Quillin in the opening remarks of this conference, talk about nutrition and cancer. If you block the mineral absorption, like for example magnesium, you may have hell to pay if you’re focusing on—if you’re struggling with cancer.
Now the last speaker and several other speakers, they talk about mitochondria. Otto Warburg talked about it, he’s a Nobel Prize winner, he describes cancer as a mitochondrial dysfunction. It turns out glyphosate is a mitochondrial toxin. There’s at least three studies showing that it damages the mitochondria.
It also blocks—because it blocks these minerals, the minerals allow certain pathways to occur. The cytochrome P450 pathway is very important to the body, it helps the liver detox. And so, if you’re not detoxing, then all the other toxins that are hanging around can cause problems, and it can create—it can oversee what can be tumor preventing or tumor causing. So, if you’re messing up the P450 cytochrome pathway, you’re in trouble.
It also messes up with shikimate pathway which produces the precursor to serotonin, melatonin, and dopamine. Which could influence—which could explain the influence of GMOs and glyphosate on mood and behavior and sleep.
We also have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, surging cancers in the United States, up five percent each year between 2004 and 2009. Well it turns out glyphosate and Roundup cause non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, which is now prevalent to about 25% of the U.S. population. It causes non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Now our government has been in bed with the biotech industry. It’s a very big bed, there’s a lot of industries in there. And the EPA does not look at low dose effects of these chemicals. They don’t require any evaluation of really tiny amounts because they figure “Oh, it has to be high amounts that cause problems.” Their science is nearly two decades old. The amount of glyphosate, per body weight in these rats, that caused non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, actually it’s here, is 475,000 times less than the EPA allows in our drinking water, in our diets, on a per body weight basis.
In other words, the tiniest amount of glyphosate is causing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Now, glyphosate actually degrades to carcinogens, to sarcosine and also to formaldehyde, which is a known carcinogen. So, glyphosate is a probable human carcinogen, according to the IARC, and it degrades into formaldehyde, which is a known carcinogen.
Now in a paper by Samsel and Seneff, they list a whole bunch of other reasons why glyphosate might be causing cancer. I don’t think I need to go through any more details, okay? We’ve got a sense that there is a link.
But Roundup as a whole, the full formulation, is far more dangerous than glyphosate alone. And the Environmental Protection Agency refuses to require tests on the whole formulation, even though Roundup can be 125 times more toxic than glyphosate alone. And part of these so-called inert ingredients are 10,000 times more toxic than glyphosate and also have endocrine-disrupting effects.
Ty Bollinger: Thanks for watching, we hope you liked today’s video!
You should have a place on your web site where people can purchase commodities from farmers direct that raise Certified Organically crops. This Roundup thing in our food supply is mot a good thing!
Thanks for the suggestion Ted!
old iPhones, that is so funny… you Jeffery!
well may be all the trouble with glyphosate is because it is used as harvest aid.What about using it as soil applied to kill weeds at sowing in field crops? I can understand banning glyphosate as harvest aid, However, in field crops where the herbicide is applied 3-6 months before harvest would be safe? An answer to this question is very imprortant? Thanks for cooperation
Hi Abdel –
Thanks for reaching out to us with your questions.
The byproducts of glyphosate are resilient and have been seeping into soil and groundwater for decades. We can find evidence of glyphosate and it’s byproducts in many places that weren’t directly treated with the chemical.
So we see that glyphosate isn’t a harmless weed-killer that washes away and becomes inactive. It’s a toxic chemical that sticks around for years after application.
You can find more on glyphosate and its dangers in the article I’ve linked for you below:
Hope this helps. Please let us know if we can assist with anything else.
Blessings and love!
How do you heal your body from glyphosate exposure? My daughter has it in her system and it is causing all kinds of health problems. Not sure what to do to get it out of her system.
Hi Rosemary –
Thanks for reaching out to us about this. Please know that we’ll be sure to pray for her.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
Along with this, we would recommend checking out our series called The Truth About Detox which can help with this. You can read more about in the link below:
Hope this is helpful. Please let us know if you would like any more info.
Blessings and love!