Video Transcript: Why Having Good Medical Insurance Can Be Dangerous to Your Health
Ty Bollinger: So Robert, here’s a couple of quotes I want you to talk about. First one, I’ve heard you say that “the most dangerous thing a person can have is good medical insurance.” What do you mean by that?
Dr. Robert Scott Bell: Well, it’s a funny thing to say and some people get offended when I say that because you know the biggest bulk of the American population, unfortunately we’ve been clamoring for affordable health care or affordable health insurance, which really nothing about the system supports health. It is, as you said, medical insurance.
It is covering management of disease; it’s not preventive of disease and if we were to look at the appropriate role for insurance it would be dealing with catastrophic unexpected scenarios. That is a legitimate role for insurance. Not the way it is utilized today as a third party intervener in the doctor-patient relationship.
And going back to the monopoly of medicine and the Flexner Report, they limit your choice of doctors – any kind you want as long as it’s allopathic, right? That’s like old Communist Russia or East Germany. You can have any color car you want as long as it’s black. It’s not much of a choice, but we’ve been convinced that we have to have a choice within the no choice scenario.
And so when we talk politically about whatever you want to call Obamacare, and it could have been Bushcare, it doesn’t matter to me. That it embraces an exclusivity and a monopoly and mandates your participation, and it is a corruption to begin with.
So, if I say the most dangerous thing you can have is good medical insurance, the reason is this. It’s because it guarantees the doctors will order every invasive test possible and give you access to every invasive medical procedure, drug… anything. And these things are deadly, deadly. And when you find out what really cures cancer and heals cancer, I mean, heck, just read Cancer – Step Outside the Box by this guy… who is this guy? Oh Ty, that’s you.
You’ll see that the reality is more people die of the treatment of that form of monopoly medical oncological treatment. And that if you did nothing, if you did nothing you would at the very least survive the same amount of time, but with a much higher quality of life and in most cases you may live far longer if you did nothing. Although there are some things, many things in fact that you can do, and that’s what we’re doing here, revealing at least some of those things that you can do. So yes, I believe as it is today the most dangerous thing you can have is good medical insurance.
I totally agree. I came to this conclusion myself some 8 years ago and cancelled my medical insurance. I notice people who do have medical insurance have a tendency to go to the Dr more often because it is paid for and thereby become victims to the system.
That’s only true if patients are less competent than their physicians with health. I have full coverage and I rarely see a physician, let alone one that takes my insurance. In the case of Medicaid and Medicare plans, I would be hard-pressed to find a physician more competent in wellness than myself. Patients need to get active in their health. Having coverage doesn’t necessarily result in more physician visits because American physicians who take these plans are incompetent or limited. It is a punitive system on the bottom-end. I was punished for daring to even see a specialist, much less a primary care, so I had to become my own.
I have felt the same way about this. I totally agree with Dr. Bell.
So, Dr Bell, what are you to do if you are diagnosed with a catastrophic desease? The alternative, going to another country to receive treatment is definitely not affordable for most of us.
A healthcare ministry such as Christian Healthcare Ministries or Samartian may be the answer for you.
Dear Carol
There is no easy answer to your question, but in a way you have already given the answer yourself.
The obvious thing is to make sure not to arrive at such a point, but what you do with such a diagnosis depends on your state of personal empowerment.
What do I mean by that?
1. Are you capable of going against the stream.
2. Are you capable of and willing to doing the research needed.
3. Are you capable of and willing to dedicate yourself to your health full-time and indefinitely.
4. Are you capable of and willing to revising and changing just about everything about your diet, fluid intake, emotional situation?
If the answer to those questions are YES, then your choice will be going it the alternative route [or with an health therapist (opposite of doctor)] and taking full responsibility for your own health and healing.
If not, better stay with whatever your doctor recommends and hope for the best.
Now, going back to the first line that I wrote, I suspect that your stance will have nothing of my point above, but is simply a question of where to get the standard treatment… and hence, if not affordable to go elsewhere, you should stay with what you have.
So, either keep what is or take matters into your own hands and cure yourself……
Where does the corrections need to be made on a corrupt system? Education, education. Not cutting people off at the knees. There are lots of other areas as well. For a country to vote a trump in as leader of the free world, you better start acknowledging the goodness in other countries, you really are not the best in the world. That is ego talking. Enough?.
Some people would say that voting any of the last several presidents means we’re not the best in the world. Can we please leave the politics out of this discussion?
Ummm, the reason people voted Trump in is because we’re sick and tired of things as they are and never changing, always devolving into more big government, like this colossal failure of a healthcare plan. Trump does not speak to America losing it’s way, it tells me maybe there is still hope. And as far as America being egotistical over #1? We’ve NEVER been that where medicine is concerned unless you’re talking about emergency care. I’m grateful for an ER if I break my leg but beyond that, I stay as far away from conventional doctors as I can.
This is so true! We do not have health care, we have sick care or at best medical insurance. And, the insurance companies make all the decisions, not necessarily what is in the best interest of the ‘sick’ or injured person. There are other options other than procedures or prescriptions for many of today’s illnesses. It’s time to make diet and lifestyle the standard of care.
I unfortunately became a victim of this terrible “sick care system”. I felt very sick with flulike symtoms. Tried three doctors who said they were not taking new patients even though I told them I was very sick. Great Hippocratic oath wouldn’t you say! So I went to the emergency room at Bryn Mawr Hospital to have the red carpet rolled out when I flashed my Blue Cross insurance card. They did determine acute Lyme and all was well until several cocky and arrogant doctors came into play, saying I needed a permanent pacemaker, which is to 0.01% never indicated for someone with Lyme carditis as it heals within one to 6 weeks. i was on the mend, when another arrogant nurse practioner ripped the temporary one out never telling me why, when all hell broke loose. they rushed me into get a groin wire and then the next day a permanent Pm was placed which caused be to die. I wound up in a coma after having bled to death since the electrophysiologist failed to research a heart compromised by Lyme should never have a permanent PM ever as the tissues are not stable. it needs time to heal. I had to have a cardiac thorasic surgeon race in off of the street – yes there was no one in the hospital go figure to save my life. After i came out of the coma I was told that no one ever expected me to live and if so i was going to definitely be neurologically impaired. Well since I use only holisitc modalities and never go to a doctor, which I never will again, I now have scared the performing doctor to death. he thought he made his money and lots of it, but it all backfired. Stay away from doctors and hospitals, they treat you like a mannequin and only care about the money not care. My life has been a mess since that episode having two additional surgeries and now in constant pain from damaged nerves. Well this time they won’t take my money I found a good German doctor in Germany to help me. What a sad state of affairs in this country!!!
If you have Lyme they don’t want to help since people who help Lyme are harassed. I current have Lyme and go to a Lyme doctor and acupuncturist who offers ozone. Ozone and herbs/no gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO…taking vitamins/good oils/minerals…probiotic…LDN..detoxing may help infections fast as it helps the immune system and nutrients absorbed in intestines.Yes…Lyme can be in the heart, but can help that fast. They just want to make money and play it safe. B vitamins may help nerves. Progesterone/Vit B12 methylcobalamin may help bones/remyelinate nerves and help stress and the immune system/raise oxygen. Prolotherapy may help short circuit nerve pain. They did the opposite to what I needed…took away supplement/progesterone/thyroid medicine etc that help my immune system. Lyme/coinfections may lower Mg/Mn/Fe. They would not give me Mg even thought antibiotics lower Mg and Celiac lowers Mg and my heart/constipation due to no thyroid medicine needed Mg. They said we don’t have vitamins here. They said I have enough Mg, but I didn’t and had all the symptoms of low Mg etc. Blood tests may not help for Mg etc since it is mostly in the tissues. Antibiotics may lower the immune system/hurt the gut lining/lower Mg and wipe out the good bacteria in the large intestines. I can never go into the hospital again since they take away my “life support” and their support is backwards to what I need. God bless!.
We do have “sick care”. When was the last time your doctor said “let’s find out the cause of your health issue”. Instead you leave the doctor’s office with 5 or more prescriptions. Educate yourself…the Health profession (oxymoron) certainly is not!!! If you do not you “deserve what you get!
A breath of seriously fresh air.
Thank you!
Thank you for all you do for us!! You are amazing!!
The problem is not with insurance. The problem is with the backward sociopathic way medicine is practiced in the United States. Getting sick should not be a financial homerun for healthcare providers. The fact is health care costs more in the US than in any other nation and our health care and outcomes are inferior to other first world nations.
So what’s the alternative???
The Alternative is prevention that is not mammograms etc which are X rays that may cause cancer, but natural help. Celiac diet may help many people. No gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO…taking vitamins/good oils/minerals…probiotic…LDN..detoxing. Chiropractors/acupuncturists/Alternative doctors and more may help. Chiropractors are not just for bones. They know nutrition etc. American food hurts people. Eating organic and nothing with a label may help/sunlight/exercise/low stress etc. Blood tests may not give good results. You can take a physical and they say there is nothing wrong with you when you know you are not well. Hair tests are awesome etc…much real help and then a person can figure out how to help their health. Detoxing is important. People clean their car/house/clothes, but not the inside of their body/brain. People can lean how to help their health.
I should have been more clear. I’ve been looking for an alternative to the current health insurance system. I’ve already incorporated many of the healthy eating and lifestyle changes into my life. I’ve already refused conventional treatment for hypothyroid condition (the new chronic disease this year) I was suppose to have, but I have none of the symptoms. I already don’t trust conventional medicine or the insurance industry that controls it. I’m looking for a doctor and medical system I can trust and AFFORD. What’s available? I want to stop paying for medical insurance I don’t use because I don’t trust the doctors or the system. What’s the alternative?
If your a christian look at Medi Share and Samaritans they run about $200-$350 depending on age and low low prices for family’s and discounts for being healthy, plus you have many people praying for you 🙂
Low thyroid is common due to gluten making antibodies to the thyroid. If you catch it fast a person may heal the thyroid. Heavy metals/Cl/F/Br/cruciferous family uncooked/soy and more may block thyroid. I need thyroid medicine always and doctors often withhold it from me due to a strange TSH. My pituitary may not be making TSH. Alternative doctors maybe $125 a half hour. Ask at a Health food store for recommendations of Alternative doctors, but chiropractors/acupuncturists are trained to help in a similar way. Naturopath may also help, but I have not seen one trained well enough yet. I am getting ozone through the acupuncturist for Lyme. Chiropractor was the first one to say don’t eat wheat/sugar/yeast. Conventional doctor offers hair test at no profit and more, but he is special since his sons has Autism. Low progesterone also affects thyroid.
Yes…the Chemo is expensive and didn’t help. My grandmother had many tests run on her a few days before she died. They wanted to get the most money out of her before she died. I have MS and they ran many tests, but my MS is due to Celiac which they don’t acknowledge. Blood tests may not work for Celiac/Lyme/hormones/TSH/Vit A/Mg/Vit B12/Fe/heavy metals and more.They go by blood tests which give incorrect results and then say there is nothing they can do to help their health. Alternative medicne has hair tests/Genova tests/Zyto scan/electrodermal testing which don’t hurt and give great results so people know what health is and how to help it. Conventional doctors may throw away these tests and not comment on them pretending they are false information, but their tests are false information and keep a person sick which makes them money. Twice they told me I was not Celiac when I am and it was what caused my MS. MS people aren’t getting basic help like thyroid medicine/Vit B12 methylcobalamin shot/Celiac diet/detoxing/vitamins/good oils/minerals etc. MS doctors refuse to give LDN which helps the immune system and helps 99% of MS people. The answer to health is there, but people need to go places that may not be covered by insurance. I don’t mind paying out of pocket for ozone/EDTA and DMPS IV chelations/acupuncture etc. People could go to a chiropractor who is trained in nutrition which may be cheap. Insurance pays for what doesn’t work and they over charge. Maybe people trust what costs more like wanting better sports shoes that cost more. If it is cheaper maybe they don’t think it works, but natural is God’s way…and cheap. Man’s way is expensive and may not work and cost much. The chiropractor can do hair tests etc. People need to think outside of the box and not just do what others did that didn’t work. They may think if insurance covers it is is proven to help/work, but not so.
My friend died after 5 Chemo which poisoned her and hurt her gut lining. She thought the hospital would help her gut lining, but they maybe only gave her pain pills/antibiotics which may lower the immune system so she died after a week there. Ozone/Far Infrared Sauna/Vit C/detoxing/no gluten, dairy, soy, sugar, GMO/vitamins/good oils/minerals/probiotic/LDN/mushrooms/Essiac/Vit D3/fish oil/glutatihione/Zn/Mg/Amour thyroid/HCl and enzymes/Vit B12 methylcobalamin with intrinsic factor/rhodiola/coenyzme Q10/ginger/Now brand- Detox Support/juicing/eating organic and nothing with a label and more may help the immune system/cancer/nutrients absorbed/pH/oxygen in cells.
My friend never visited a Health food store (too tired/sick or just trusted Conventional medicine) and maybe didn’t take vitamins assuming she wanted the Chemo to work the longest and not interfere with it. She wanted the best Chemo place/doctors that was “more natural”. When people have fear they want the best and she wanted Conventional treatments. She thought she had great doctors that would help her. My friend’s breast cancer maybe due to taking The Pill which has progestin and then being a menopause where progesterone that helps the immune system goes down. She may have been estrogen dominant and Celiac where gluten hurts intestines so less nutrients absorb. Chemo/radiation may hurt the intestines in addition so people may not get many nutrients absorbed. She took Tamoxifen.
Cancer is “big business” and maybe people who die give money to the hospitals etc to do more research like they do for MS. The answer is already here in Alternative medicine. People may need to detox, not put more poisons into their body and rebuild their cells to burn oxygen by eating gluten free/eating no food with a label/eating organic/eating no grains or soy. Meat/dairy/soy/BPA raise estrogen in a person. The time to learn about health is now. Prevention is easier than cure. To try to learn about health when the person has cancer is harder. My friend didn’t know much except to eat the American diet which destroys the brain/body.She may have known not to eat too much sugar, but she smoked and had a mini stroke due to The Pill many years before the cancer. She was separated from her family/husband and starting a new life far from them. Stress uses B vitamins and zinc and steal progesterone which helps the immune system. She is gone to heaven now. I wish I could have helped her, but she wanted Chemo/Conventional help and natural help was foreign to her., She was open to natural help a little bit, but wanted to do Chemo/natural help at the same time. The Chemo is strong so won and she hardly did the natural help.
I should have been more clear. I’ve been looking for an alternative to the current health insurance system. I’ve already incorporated many of the healthy eating and lifestyle changes into my life. I’ve already refused conventional treatment for hypothyroid condition (the new chronic disease this year) I was suppose to have, but I have none of the symptoms. I already don’t trust conventional medicine or the insurance industry that controls it. I’m looking for a doctor and medical system I can trust and AFFORD. What’s available? I want to stop paying for medical insurance I don’t use because I don’t trust the doctors or the system. What’s the alternative?
Trust yourself and trust in God for the guidance to what you need and what will help. All else will be provided.
Do a search for “alterative health insurance” or “health sharing” and you’ll find other options. Two that I know of are Liberty Healthshare and Christian Health Ministries.
The best thing that happened to our family was not being able to afford medical insurance. Without medical insurance, we’ve become more conscientious about preventing disease. It’s completely changed our mindset and approach to health.
I have long that that having insurance was a push to the conventional medical system. After all, not much else is covered, and God help a conventional doctor who actually starts questioning his education and starts looking outside the “drug and cut” paradyme. We need to overhaul our food system, from beginning to end, educate people on the poisoning of America (and the rest of the world) and the consequences–ill health, unneeded medical intervention, etc. etc. etc.
Have you looked into Medi-share? It’s not insurance but a Christian medical cost sharing plan.
Thanks, I’ll check it out.
There are health ministries such as Christian Healthcare Ministries, Samaritan, etc. that provide coverage for much less than a monthly insurance premium. Only allopathic care is covered, but it’s much better than nothing and would prevent the loss of all assets in the event of a costly illness. We lost our medical insurance due to the cost of Obamacare premiums in 2012 and have been on CHM since.
I agree…we just paid for appointments/supplements out of pocket for natural help. Often there was a cash price for dentist/Chiropractor and Alternative doctor gave real help to fix the root cause instead of drugs which only cover symptoms. I think most people would also do prevention then too instead of assuming the doctor will fix any health issue they let kick in due to lack of taking care of their health. Give the money to the real help instead of insurance premium/copayments/deductibles which pays for Coventional medicine which may not help much and cost much.
I am from New Zealand and have found this Subject on Health insurance very interesting. I have used an insurance care policy and have only needed to use it on some occasions as our system for public use can be on a waitng time frame. Depending on how serious the problem is. Has become very expensive and I now question that as to affordability at my age.
To can’t thank you enough for bringing us the information that you do. I hope I live long enough to see a change in our medical system, thankfully I have the knowledge that you have given me to make informed decisions.
I use my ‘good’ medical insurance for chiropractic care, and the Flexible Spending Account that is part of that insurance policy to pay for deep-tissue massage therapy. I recently learned that I could even use the FSA for yoga classes (with a doctor’s note, which my chiropractor will provide). The funds that go into that account are not taxed plus the charges for those services are not taxed. I could also purchase the supplements my chiropractor sells with the FSA if I so chose. In addition my ‘good’ medical insurance pays for my _preventative_ dental care. Lastly and perhaps most importantly, my ‘good’ medical insurance gives me peace of mind that if were, for example, injured in an accident or disabled in some way, my family would not need to become destitute in order to provide for my care. So, while the doctor makes a good point about the overuse of diagnostic tests, and makes brief mention of catastrophic care, I find his argument misleading. Does the doctor have medical insurance? Does the doctor have home insurance; car insurance?
Low thyroid is common due to gluten making antibodies to the thyroid. If you catch it fast a person may heal the thyroid. Heavy metals/Cl/F/Br/cruciferous family uncooked/soy and more may block thyroid. I need thyroid medicine always and doctors often withhold it from me due to a strange TSH. My pituitary may not be making TSH. Alternative doctors maybe $125 a half hour. Ask at a Health food store for recommendations of Alternative doctors, but chiropractors/acupuncturists are trained to help in a similar way. Naturopath may also help, but I have not seen one trained well enough yet. I am getting ozone through the acupuncturist for Lyme. Chiropractor was the first one to say don’t eat wheat/sugar/yeast. Conventional doctor offers hair test at no profit and more, but he is special since his sons has Autism.
Can anyone tell me about hyperthyroidism? I don’t hear much about it an that is what I have. My Dr wants me to do a nuclear scan and I am hesitant. I am looking into a doctor who practices alternative medicine but will have to pay out of pocket.
Suzy Cohen book about Thyroid is excellent. A thyroid may become hyper and burn out and crash and be hypo. Ca may block too much thyroid hormone. Gluten may cause hyper/hypo thyroid. Gluten may make antibodies to the thyroid which may hurt it. Gluten may cause the thyroid to speed up also.Gluten is wheat/barley/rye..oats/corn/rice so many are grain free. Gluten is hidden in many places..air/meat basting/some spices/nuts not sold in the shell/supplements/medicine/make up/lotions/certified gluten free/food with a label. LDN/gluten enzymes may block hidden gluten. No gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO/food with a label. …taking vitamins/good oils/minerals…probiotic…LDN..detoxing helps me.
I have health insurance best decision I ever made. I have choices in my life. I am not rich. I have known many people in my time who have no health insurance and it’s bad when they were faced with a deadly disease.
My husband died of cancer no matter how healthy he eat what vitamins he took who he saw he died. A percentage of people do no matter what they do. My best friend died same scenario ate great actually never ate junk. Still he died.
My father is 88 years old I take care of him at his house not that he cannot do anything he just wants me there for company. But I have learned heaps from him. He has never eaten junk food. He grows his own vegetables well most of them. He mainly eats everyday kale. Endive. Beans. Peas. Soup from marrow bones. And drinks only rainwater. He walks straight flat stomach lean healthy he has his hair and he looks 60 in fact people are horrified when he says how old he is.
I make his food each day so I know. Drs are shocked to and he has health insurance as a backup.
Tengo ahora un seguro medico muy bueno, el medco primario es del mejor hospital de la FL .no tengo nada que decir . no estoy enfermo de nada , perooo estaremos en contacto
In June of 2016 I started having symptoms which seemed like kidney stones from all I had heard about them. After the doctor did a ultra sound it was found that I had a baseball sized mass on my left kidney. There followed a Ct scan and an MRI. I had surgery at the end of August and ended up loosing my kidney along with the tumor being removed. The tumor was cancerous, but fortunately it was contained in the tumor and surrounding tissues were clear.. It’s my belief that the cancer’s likely cause was the fact that for many years I used toxic chemicals in my gardening activities (of which I have disposed of over the past 10 or so years); up to 10 years ago I ate the SAD diet as most Americans do; maybe even Agent Orange exposure in Vietnam may have been the cause. For a number of years now my gardening has been totally organic, we have disposed of toxic household chemicals and personal items, and eat as close to an organic diet as possible – not even going to fast food/restaurants any more. It’s sad that I didn’t start earlier – much earlier. But what is is, and nothing can be done about it. I am health otherwise and have recovered well from the surgery.
Now, for my next 3 month check up with my Urologist wants me to get a Ct-scan prior to the appointment. Before I saw this interview I was already debating whether I should get the scan or not, suspecting that it in itself could help cause more cancer. I am 71 and I would suspect that as we get older the possibility of the radiation causing cancer increases.
In addition, I have a cyst on my remaining kidney that the doctor says likely will not be a problem, but I would suspect that I should somehow have some kind of periodic check to be sure it’s behaving itself.
My question is what are the alternatives of keep a check on things?
Hi Tom,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
You can do Thermal imaging which my acupuncturist offers.. X rays in a Cat scan are not healthy. Iodine may help cysts. No gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO/food with a label…taking vitamins/good oils/minerals…probiotic…LDN..detoxing may help prevent many health issues/cancer.
What if you are in a car accident or any type of situation where you have to be hospitalized and have surgery to save your life, what would you do with out health insurance?
If you become a victim then you have enabled the doctor to make you so. You have the choice and you have the responsibility to enable yourself to make that choice to the best of your ability to find a good doctor. If you haven’t found a doctor that will talk to you about specific questions that you have written down when you have an office visit, then you are approaching your medical coverage in a less than optimal way. True all doctors are not in medicine to help the masses, some are in it to make a buck and so you get 7 minutes plus x,y,z. However, you have the choice to see a doctor that will give you 15 minutes of his time to thoroughly go over your health concerns. On the other hand, what happens when a naturopathic doctor doesn’t see that your arrhythmia could be the beginning of a heart attack and instead sells you a bottle of phytonutrients and you drop dead while getting into your car to go home? My point being you should use both allopathic and naturopathic medicines in tandem to insure long term good health if you are older than 40. Until we can force our elected officials to give us universal health care with the option of having allopathic care or naturopathic care or both, then we are spitting in the wind. Let’s face it…everything is politics these days and you are going to have to get involved or you and your loved ones are going to come out on the losing end. The lobbyists in Congress have long been lobbying to disenfranchise or even do away with the Codex Alimentarius and to bring the vitamin and supplement industry to their knees, especially if they deal in herbs. Why? Because Big Pharma wants the rights to any and all material that may benefit the synthesizing of pharmacological derivatives of those herbs. Why? MONEY! Why hasn’t it happened yet? Because of one man in Congress: Warren Hatch, senator from Utah, a Mormon and Mormons own a large part of the manufacturing and/or distributing of vitamins in this country. Just go into your grocery store and look on the back label and you will see what I am talking about. And the naturopathic medicine industry has its bad apples too, so BEWARE and do your due diligence in researching everything anyone says to you about any “cure” or “treatment” for anything that ails you. Some are wonderfully helpful and others can work with allopathic medicine to lessen possible side effects of allopathic treatments. Thanks for letting me rant.
I rant also after having help withheld from me and watching others die due to lack of real help and help withheld. Doctors maybe narcissistic and have much ego and enjoy playing “God”. To me natural help is God’s way and man’s way is drugs. The hospital did not give me thyroid medicine I took for 30 years…said I didn’t need it and have my health backwards on charts with 20 errors in one report. God is real..allowed me to survive, but now adrenals are burned out. I know enough to rebuild my health, but knowing they enjoyed hurting me since I love Alternative medicine is sad. Yes…find the best natural help in your area and best Conventional help if needed. Get 3 opinions..not just one. Each person may offer different kind of a hair test…another a Zyto scan…another an IV chelation etc. There are many who are not trained enough in natural help, but pray for them that they learn more daily.
I like chiropractors/acupuncturists…are trained well. Many Alternative doctors are just Conventional doctors who pretend to do Alternative medicine. I saw a person who said I guess I am going to die since this one Alternative doctor didn’t know enough to help him. He just needed to go to the other Alternative doctor who was the best in the state and he would survive/thrive. Conventional medicine may not help with the Celiac diet/supplements/detoxing/fixing the root cause/rebuilding the brain/body which Alternative medicine may help fast. A doctor who has a few vitamins on their shelf may only know Alternative medicine 10% and may think like a Conventional doctor 80%. They are pretending to be an Alternative doctor.
They may learn more each year, but people may die if they don’t get proper help now…go to other help, not just hope the one doctor will help enough. Get the best ideas/help from many sources. it is like car/house shopping/dating…don’t take the first person and assume they will help to the maximum. Some doctors are in it for the money. MS/cancer/ADD etc may heal fast, but Conventional medicine wants to make money off them. Vet also do this with pets…soak you for much money and little help. Healing you doesn’t make them money. They should not get paid until they really help you. Insurance may pay for big business not the natural help, but that is what will heal you/keep you alive/well/thrive. Some say they can’t afford natural help, but it is since/cheaper, but many don’t want to change their diet/life style/take supplements. They can afford it…it is just Conventional medicine which is political makes them afraid of Alternative medicine so they don’t go there.
I was told when my MS started not to go to Alternative medicine by the Neurologist, but I did and that taught me how to suppress my MS. Conventional medicine is now making folate/fish oil/biotin into a drug and they pretend they are doing Alternative medicine already, but people stay with them and stay disabled instead of going to real Alternative medicine and healing fast. People can heal with the right kind of help. Some are so loyal they stay with the doctor who is not healing them instead of find someone else to help them. God is real…all things are possible.
People should not limit their healing thinking they are getting the maximum help when they didn’t try elsewhere. I could rant for 5 hours explaining the abuse/lack of help for health and how people are staying sick when they could heal if given the right kind of help. 1/2 of my MS support group has died in bad ways due due to lack of real help like no thyroid medicine or Vit B12 shot or telling them they are Celiac etc. One wanted oxygen and they deprived him of it…a simple request…it was like mercy killing. They should not play god and decide who they will help. Their help may not be enough…if they only know about drugs they only know 1/2 of what is available to help people heal and should never say there is no more hope/help. Insurance should cover both Conventional and Alternative medicine. Alternative medicine is cheaper and helps health, but it is political so they want only big business covered. Pay out of pocket…get the help you need. Talk to a health food store for who in your area is good for natural help. When people say “we like our drugs” it made me sad. They were very disabled and the drugs were not helping. That was their excuse to not look elsewhere. God bless!
First I want to thank Tye and his team for opening my eyes with your documentaries on the Truth About Cancer.
I’m tired of paying $300 and $170 for prescriptions I can’t affor. I’ve decided to take control of my life and not putting my full trust in doctors.
Since then I’ve eliminated processed foods, starting eating gluten free, and as much organic food possible. I’m using essential oils and taking vitamins, as well as weening myself off some of my medication with the assistance of a Holistic Doctor.
I have to say I am slowly starting to feel a difference.
Dr. Jennifer Daniels has been talking about this for years.
Health insurance has little to none to do with health care. Both are different, similar to car insurance versus your car repair shop around the corner. – Even the Sowjetunion did not go so far that their insurance system was handled by the finance department. Obamacare excludes treatment options, mandates non-personalized medicine, and produces physician shortages – on top of that the finance dept, that includes the IRS, is handling your health insurance. Only in America!
I read somewhere that doctors are good for diagnosing a problem but the cure is out of their realm. It is hard to find an affordable holistic practitioner. I wanted to see a certain doctor for hormone replacement. He wanted $500 just for the consultation and $250 each visit after that. No insurance. The average person cannot afford this. To live and eat healthy can be expensive. Organic foods, supplements, etc.
My 2 cents.
Yes…some Alternative doctors may make you wait 2-3 months and charge $500 to walk in the door. Don’t go to that kind of place. They may say they will not help you and have a list of others that need help. They maybe Conventional doctors pretending to be Alternative doctors and really don’t know enough to really help. I went to the best Alternative in my state who saved my life when I got poisoned by colloidal silver. You can submit any appointment for insurance, but supplements/treatments are out of pocket and may deduct on taxes if it is 7.5% of your income etc…(need ask new rules). A person may not need to go to the Alternative doctor very often. A chiropractor is well trained in nutrition/supplements/detoxing etc. Just get the best you can from a variety of people. My acupuncturist offers ozone for Lyme. Another doctor offers a great hair test with no profit. Another doctor offers T cell count testing and AL complex. Another offers to not go by TSH since it is not helpful. A true Alternative doctor would help thyroid when Conventional doctors may ignore it. The Celiac diet may help many health issues go away fast. gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO etc. Alternative doctors are all different….some charge high price for supplements, some charge fairly for supplements and have much knowledge in how to help a person. I have MS and had to figure out how to suppress it on my own and now with Lyme/coinfections I had to learn to help myself again. I have spent 17 years learning and may know as much as a Naturopath by now. People can learn how to help their health. I am at the mercy for LDN/thyroid medicine/Vit B12 methylcobalamin shot/bioidentical hormones from doctors. I wish I could help all things myself. Doctors often have ego and want to change my protocol to what they want, but it took me 17 years to figure out what I need that works awesome for me and I don’t want it changed to satisfy their ego since I would not survive on THEIR way. They are not trained and are not inside my body to know what I need. Ask around for recommendations for the best people and who charges fairly. To find a fair/generous person is a gift from God. The fantastic Alternative doctor was fair, but is now charging much more due to maybe assuming insurance will help pay for things. I was sad to hear of his prices jump from extremely fair/kind to where most people would not want to pay the price now. He could go back to his other prices, but I think he thinks he is finally getting what others are getting and that he deserves more.My iV chelation doctor is very fair…no charge to start the IV chelations or get his help. Ask around for recommendations for people.. There are some nurse practioners who help with bioidenetical hormones. Health food stores may have a magazine of businesses in your area that help with Bioidentical hormones. There are not enough Alternative doctors. Many are harassed for helping Lyme and more by Conventional medicine. There are herbs….vitex etc at health food stores that may also help with hormones. Call a compounding phamacy for the name of a person who may help with hormones.Amazon has progesterone which may help from yam. I need estriol/progesterone/testosterone…all three to be ok.
God bless!
Amen to that! They also accept the deadly prescriptions for the same reason and avoid the more effective less dangerous supplements, herbs, foods or other alternative avenues because their insurance won’t pay for those. Side effects? They could care less. They can hardly believe me when I tell them that at the age of over 70, I have seen an MD 4 times in 46 years and am never ill — no flu, colds, joint replacements, arthritis, heart trouble, a-fib, etc., etc., have never used the Medicare coverage I’m forced to pay for and only go to the hospital to visit sick friends or entertain skilled nursing patients. I’m a vocalist. The brainwashing is so thorough, it’s hard to wake anyone up, but I keep trying! ?
Thanks Shasha. I appreciate the information.
You are welcome! Best wishes. Natural help instead of removing the thyroid is best. Amy Myers is also good about thyroid in books.