According to a groundbreaking article published by Dr. Dino Prato, Founder of the Envita Medical Center and his team titled “Cancer and Infectious Causes” in 2014, there is clear, reliable, scientific evidence to indicate that at least 25% of all infections lead to cancer.1, 2
In fact, Dr. Prato believes this number may be even higher, based on his own personal experiences of treating cancer patients for nearly two decades at Envita. It’s important to know what these infections are and how to treat them properly.
How Do Infections Promote Cancer Formation?
Most of us already know that some viral and bacterial infections can lead to cancer. For instance, infection with the bacteria Helicobacter pylori can cause ulcers in the lining of our stomach or the upper part of our small intestine – and sometimes lead to stomach cancer.
Similarly, human papillomavirus (HPV) infections can cause cervical cancer, and Epstein Barr virus (EBV) infections can cause Hodgkin’s Lymphoma – a type of cancer in immune cells known as B lymphocytes or B cells, whose job is to make antibodies that help protect our body from bacteria and viruses.
You see, infections do three things that help cancer.1, 2
First, they weaken our immune system, increasing our body’s susceptibility to cancer. Second, they can cause dramatic changes (known as mutations) in the DNA inside our cells, causing protective cellular mechanisms such as programmed cell death, or apoptosis, to go haywire and pave the way for cancer cells to form and multiply.
Finally, infections are always accompanied by high levels of inflammation, which has been shown to help the growth and spread of cancer.
In other words, viral and bacterial infections promote cancer in multiple ways.
Therefore, treating any infections that are present, thereby reducing our body’s level of inflammation and restoring our immune system to its full capacity, is likely to be an effective method of cancer prevention as well as cancer treatment, ensuring longer remissions and a better quality of life for cancer patients.
According to Dr. Prato, a “surprisingly high number” of patients with late-stage cancer also test positive for Lyme disease and other co-infections.
What Do We Know About Lyme Disease?
Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne illness in North America and Europe. It is a multi-stage disease that causes symptoms ranging from rash, fever, chills, and body aches to joint swelling, weakness, and temporary paralysis.3, 4, 5
In the U.S., Lyme disease is caused by the bacteria known as Borrelia burgdorferi, which is very closely related to the bacteria that causes syphilis, and is transmitted mainly by deer ticks. In Europe and Asia, other Borrelia species cause Lyme.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Lyme disease is the fastest growing vector-borne infectious disease in the U.S. today, with an estimated incidence of upwards of 300,000 cases every year.
Unfortunately, deer ticks carry other infections along with Lyme disease, including Rocky Mountain spotted fever and human babesiosis, a rare microscopic parasite that infects red blood cells.
Lyme disease is often known as “the great imitator”, because symptomatically it appears very similar to many other disorders, including arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis (MS), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and Alzheimer’s disease.6
Although complete recovery is seen if patients with early-stage disease receive timely and suitable treatment, some patients keep having lingering symptoms long after the original infection has apparently been cleared.
In fact, some health experts feel that Lyme is a chronic and persistent disease for which the word “cure” is not realistic.5
The Curious – and Scary – Case of Dr. Neil Spector
According to Dr. Neil Spector, whose long-undiagnosed Lyme disease resulted in irreversible heart failure and ultimately required him to have a heart transplant surgery, Lyme disease is the infectious disease equivalent of cancer.7
Dr. Spector, an Associate Professor at Duke University School of Medicine and Director of Developmental Therapeutics at the Duke Cancer Institute, explains:
We don’t talk about cancer as just one disease anymore, and we should stop talking about Lyme this way. There are so many strains and co-infections. When you’re bitten by a tick, you can get five or ten different infections at the same time.”
There are other eerie similarities between Lyme disease and cancer, according to Dr. Spector. In fact, there have been several instances in which patients diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease turned out to have cancer instead.8
Just like cancer cells, B. burgdorferi has developed many sophisticated strategies to evade our immune system and resist antibiotic therapy. For instance, these bacteria change their shape just like cancer cells to protect themselves, become more mobile, more invasive, and so on.
B. burgdorferi bacteria also create so-called “biofilms”, which are considered to be resistant to antibiotics. Biofilms are colonies of microbes, mainly bacteria, which can form anywhere there is moisture and a surface – these include inner surfaces in our body.9
Biofilms can cause illness by damaging the surfaces to which they’re attached. Once a biofilm becomes large enough, it disperses, allowing its inhabitants to spread to other surfaces. Bacteria in our body are constantly trying to form new biofilms, and our immune system is constantly breaking them down.
Lyme and its co-infections severely depress our immune system, thereby allowing biofilms to also grow and spread unchecked. Additionally, B. burgdorferi grows very slowly, in present at very low levels in the body, can dig deep into our cartilage and brain tissue, and can live inside our cells. All of these properties enhance this bacteria’s resistance to antibiotics.
Last but not least, both cancer cells and B. burgdorferi thrive on sugar. Therefore, novel treatment strategies in which cancer patients are starved of carbs for several days and then given glucose substitutes that cancer cells cannot use, starving them to death, might also work against Lyme disease.
Coming back to Dr. Spector, his symptoms began with random, unexplained incidents of heart palpitations. Next, he experienced “brain fog” that lasted for 3 weeks, which went away spontaneously without any treatment. He also had an episode of severe arthritis, which again disappeared on its own after 24 hours.
During this time, his arrhythmias got worse and more complex. He also remembers being extremely fatigued, having burning in his heels, and night terrors.
Unfortunately, his experience is far from unique. Patients with chronic Lyme disease consistently report significantly lower health quality, more bad mental and physical health days, a significant symptom disease burden, and greater limitations on their activity levels and ability to work, relative even to patients with other chronic diseases.10
How Does Lyme Disease Promote Cancer Formation?
According to Dr. Prato, patients with Lyme disease are likely to be susceptible to cancer as it can directly or indirectly promote all three of the deadly mechanisms that help cancer formation and growth:1, 2
#1 – Inflammation
Lyme disease – and the many viral, fungal, parasitic, and bacterial infections that tend to be passed along with it by ticks – cause inflammation levels to rise in our body by releasing multiple toxins, thereby helping cancer cells to grow and spread. These toxins further act to shut down our body’s defense mechanisms, making us more susceptible to cancer. Inflammation also increases oxidative stress, damaging our body’s cells and DNA, again potentially resulting in cancer.
#2 – Immune System Suppression
Lyme and its co-infections can severely depress our immune system, making our body more susceptible to viral infections which can cause cancer-promoting alterations in our cellular DNA. Lyme disease and its co-infections also place a huge burden on our immune system, compromising it and making our body susceptible to opportunistic infections that further depress our immune system.
Normally, a healthy immune system identifies and destroys countless cancer cells in our body every day, usually before they get a chance to reproduce. However, when our immune system is compromised by Lyme and its partner infections, it becomes unable to rid our body of these abnormally growing cells.
#3 – Mutations in Cellular DNA
Viruses infiltrate cells and insert their own RNA to reprogram cells and make them a factory for creating more viruses. This takeover of cellular genes by a virus can potentially result in the cell becoming cancerous.
It’s fairly common for people to have long-lasting viral infections that are suppressed by a healthy immune system and remain undetected, with no signs or symptoms. However, once the immune system becomes suppressed by Lyme disease, these viruses become active.
In summary, Lyme is a complicated disease that is usually accompanied by multiple other dangerous infections, all of which can contribute to cancer formation via all three possible mechanisms – suppressing the immune system, causing mutations in cellular DNA, and inflammation.
Proper identification of Lyme disease and its associated co-infections, reduction of inflammation levels, and restoration of the immune system to full activity can help lower the very real risk of cancer posed by these deadly, chronic diseases.
Have you been affected by Lyme disease? We understand that it can be a very difficult experience. Please comment below and tell us more about what you’ve found most helpful in healing.
Article Summary
Infections do three things that help cancer grow:
- Weaken the immune system
- DNA mutations
- Raise inflammation levels
Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne illness in North America and Europe.
Lyme disease is known as “the great imitator”, because symptomatically it appears very similar to many other disorders.
Lyme disease promotes cancer formation through:
- Inflammation
- Immune System Suppression
- Mutations in Cellular DNA
Thank goodness my Lyme diagnosis was made within 6 weeks of contracting the disease and I received 21 days of Doxycycline. Early treatment is the best “cure”. My aches are lessening now – 6 months later. I keep general inflammation low by eating gluten, dairy and sugar free most of the time. Keto (low carb, high healthy fats) and intermittent fasting.
Eating gluten to keep inflammation low??? Please explain.
Gluten, dairy and sugar free (:
“eating gluten, dairy and sugar free” I also did a double take while reading.
I believe the commenter means “…gluten (free), dairy (free) and sugar free most of the time.”
She says “gluten, dairy and sugar FREE most of the time” = gluten free, dairy free, sugar free
I believe she means “gluten[-free], dairy[-free] and sugar free most of the time.”
Read it again Bruce …she said .’ Gluten Free’.
Remove the incorrectly placed comma in Christie’s statement and the ‘gluten’ also becomes ‘free’.
Remove the incorrectly placed comma in Christie’s statement and the ‘gluten’ also becomes ‘free’.
The comma is actually correct but the gluten as well as the sugar and dairy are ‘free.’
No – The comma is correctly situated. What she needed was a dash after the word “sugar”. A better way to express this would have been : “… eating without gluten , dairy and sugar”.
She said “gluten, dairy and sugar free”
“eating gluten, dairy and sugar free” = gluten-free, dairy-free and sugar-free.
Read Wheat Belly and Grain Brain on gluten, sugar and dairy on inflammation and your immune system.
read sentence carefully. she is saying Gluten and dairy and sugar free.
Unfortunately, 21 days of doxy is not enough to cure lyme disease. Lyme has a 4 week growth cycle so you did not even get enough to treat the full cycle. If you had been treated by a lyme literate medical doctor you would have received a minimum of 6-8 weeks of antibiotics. It’s best to treat two full cycles to make sure you got it all. Even then, because of how clever the spirochetes are drilling into our organs, or anywhere they want to get into, there’s no guarantee you won’t relapse even with 8 weeks of treatment. One of the biggest reasons people relapse is due to under treatment. I’m glad you are gluten, dairy and sugar free as that’s definitely helpful, but if you were under treated then it will possibly come back and you’ll become chronic…and believe me that’s not where you ever want to go. I’ve been there since 1994 and my life is a living hell because of delayed diagnosis and improper treatment. I hope and pray you stay well and don’t relapse.
I was bit three times when I lived in Ct. around the time that they first discovered Lime Disease. I was given antibiotics which wreak havoc on my system since it had been 15 years since I last took the stuff. Before bitten I had been following a cancer cleansing program. (I had been diagnosed with cancer of the cervix when I was 21). I have had health issues ever since being bitten. They would include Adrenal Failure, Chronic Fatigue, sleep disorder, anxiety with panic attacks, and more. However, the way I have been able to rid my body of it was using Oregano Oil, Olive Leaf Extract, Colloidal Silver, Turmeric and probiotics. I also take high levels of good quality fish oils and I use coconut oil daily. My immune system is compromised but taking the above has really helped tremendously.
Thank you for sharing, Dee! God bless you!
I have Lyme disease and had my right kidney removed last year because of cancer. I would love to learn more about keeping my body healthy so this doesn’t happen again.
I’ve found the most effective way to keep it at bay is to avoid stress , constantly support your immune system with different natural remedies and eat organic food. Practise yoga and meditate daily giving love to each part of your body.
Keep a check on your micro biome and deficiencies. And never give up OR give in.
But most of all do not rely on allopathic medicine. AND BE THANKFUL FOR YOUR BLESSINGS not your messings.
Nobody’s perfect. God bless.
Ann love – South Wales UK
LOVE this, Ann! God bless YOU!
Hi Suzette,
We have a lot of great articles about healthy living on our website that may interest you! Here’s where you can go to search by keyword or scroll through the pages to see what interests you:
Happy reading!
I was diagnosed with Lyme disease after seeing 8
Doctors. I thought I had MS. After finding a very knowledgeable person in Tennessee she detoxed me first followed by foot baths hyperbaric chambers and lymph massage acupuncture and sleeping on biomat. It was such a scary frustrating time I wish I had known about you when I had no idea what was wrong with me.
Thank you for all your wonderful articles
Myleen where at one tennesse? I live in Mississippi and dealing with Lyme and cancer. Been trying to detox for two years now. I’ve been to several drs but none have helped but loved giving me a huge bill to pay. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I had Lyme about 5 years ago I did saliva testing how we found it and after 9 months on herbal tinctures my numbers were 0. I’ve tested every 3 month since and every time numbers 0. I highly recommend this over antibiotics. There’s a lab in Washington State that I use they also sell the tincture s. If you want more info email me at title it lymes
I discovered three ticks lodging on my right leg in June 2017. They had been there for 48+ hours. I contacted the GP and he prescribed a 7 day course of antibiotics. Since I suffer the various symptoms, wonder whether I could be infected with Lyme, regardless of having taken the antibiotics. I have mentioned this to the Endo Consultant and GP, but neither seemed to be concerned. I have also kept the ticks for analysis, but no-one seems to be bothered. I would welcome your advice.
I too lost a kidney due to cancer. Please, which is the best cancer treatment for sarcoma and only one kidney? I need a specific alternative dr well versed in uterine sarcoma. I live in Texas. Thank you
Hi CathyAnn,
We are sorry to hear what you are going through. We unfortunately cannot provide you with medical advice, so the best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
My friend has chronic Lyme, the best solution to keep it in check is cats claw, at the first sign of symptoms rearing their ugly head ( joint pain or head twitches)
We learned this after dear friend became allergic to 3 classes of antibiotics after being put on them by a renowned Lyme specialist for a very severe case of Lyme.
I’ve had Lyme disease for the last 3.5 years, with two bouts of meningitis, but have focused on strengthening my immune system and getting rid of fungal/parasitic/bacterial infections in the body. I am 98% better with small bouts of fatigue and some insomnia remaining. I have a part time physical job which I chose purely for the physical side of it and so I am on my feet and moving around for at least 5 hours every day. I had 16 days of doxycycline and then researched herbal remedies. I’m aware that there could be bacteria colonising within biofilm somewhere in my body but forewarned is forearmed and I am ever vigilant. I wish everyone who has a lyme infection the very best and the strength and support to move forward
All cancers ARE parasites /bacteria/fungi that usually live in our bodies with hundreds if not thousands of others …dr Hulda Clark cleared thousands of cancers just using herbs ( wormwood and walnut Hull etc )
They take over when we are weakened by stress ,trauma etc
As the mainstream recently only just noticed that cervical cancer is caused by human popallova virus ..Epstein Barr causes another etc ..they all cause cancers do a parasite cleanse …and feel great!very cheap and use organic natural herbs only !😘happy healing everyone awesome series 💪
My lymes is clever but Ive learned to
Be cleverer by constantly changing my remedies and avoiding allopathic medicine.
Avoiding stress , eating organic , yoga lifestyle when energy and body allow , and keeping an eye on deficiencies that change constantly. AND
Sending loving thoughts to each part of my body daily, counting my blessings. 🕉
My very independent, self sufficient, 42 yr old daughter is now living at home with us, and has been for over a year. Her symtoms of Lyme started over 4 years ago. She was living in Chicago
(Lakeview/Lincoln Park area) running her own business for 18 years, that she started from scratch (Pet Care Service, that was very successful, she employed 3 dog walkers, Was active every day, out walking dogs and in great shape. Little by little started with joint and muscle pain, brain fog, and fatigue that just took over. Went to several Doctors, but no diagnosis, then herniated disc in back, surgery at Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minn. Saw every
specialist there, trying to get to the bottom of her pain, brain fog, and fatigue. No ONE could
give her an answer there. The diagnosis finally came from a Clinic in Chicago, Call Whole Health Chicago (Igenix test sent to California, and waited 4 weeks) and a Chiropractor who does EAV. She went through depression, complete change in personality, 2 DUI’s within a couple of months, to 5 days in jail (Holy Cow!!!) in Illinois (we live in Minnesota) 50 days of in patient treatment, then intensive out- patient treatment, all the while being so very ill a lot of the time! Both of us were reading and searching as much as we could to find remedies and answers! A doctor in our town now specializes in Lyme, since there are so many people
suffering with it. She saw him also (ALOT of this is NOT covered by Insurance) and is expensive. Fortunately, she had put money away for retirement, and has paid out of pocket for all of the natural supplements and treatments. It’s Crazy Expensive! It is terrifying to watch this happen, and KNOW that there is no mainstream Medical treatment other than antibiotics for this! And we all know what too many antibiotics can do to a body.
I have had this little fear in the back of my mind that Cancer may rear it’s ugly head at sometime, because of the over whelming, constant battle that her immune system goes through fighting the Lyme. It seems to be chronic, and never Really goes away.
She is still living with us, and has started an on-line business that she can do from home, and so when the lyme takes her down for a few days, she can still manage to keep her business going. (She gave her business away to her main dog walker, when she became too ill to even
manage the scheduling and payroll any more). I KNOW that broke her heart, because that business was “her baby”. There is SO much to this story that should write a book,
I never thought in a million years this could happen! Now I see this connection to cancer has
been made and it is even more scary. We just need to keep on battling!!!
Thank Goodness I have all of your DVDs on the TRUTH ABOUT CANCER. I guess when I got your email, having read your book several years ago (because I have always been interested in NATURAL health and wellness) I recognized your name, and bought the whole set.
I bought the Echo Water treatment system too, but it has not been installed yet. My daughter
drinks A lot of water, and we live on the edge of town, with a well. Just thought it was another way that I could help with her health.
Thank You Ty and Charlene, for all your Research AND your kindness and caring for others!
Wow, thank you for sharing your daughter’s journey with us, Barb. We’ll be sure to keep her in our prayers. You’re such a strong, supportive, and wonderful mother for being here to support her in all ways that you can. We appreciate you from the bottom of our hearts. God bless you and your family!
I have had Lyme disease all my life! When I led a really high stress lifestyle for many years my immune system became so suppressed that I had very mild symptoms. As soon as I graduated with my doctorate there was no stress and I descended into Lyme dementia along with all the other serious neurological issues. So after 10 years of unemployment and sickness I am now no longer in a position to pay for treatments and supplements and none of the Lyme literate doctors take my insurance. I don’t eat sugar or grains or legumes and I only eat non-gmo organic vegetables, pasture raised meat and wild caught fish. I was doing calcium edta chelations for off the charts heavy metals but the money for this has run out. What can I do? My son has fragile-x and Lyme and EBV too and cannot work. His immune system is so suppressed I daren’t sent him to a day facility so I can work because he has no concept of hygiene and has PTSD too. Help!
Hi Josephine! I’m so sorry to hear this – we’ll be sure to pray for you and your son.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
I’m also attaching the info about the Hope4Cancer clinic in Tijuana, MX if you’d like to reach out to them.
Please also see the resources below in case they will be helpful to you.
From our beginning, we have supported charities that really help these cancer patients.
HealingStrong supports MANY cancer patients and are amazing. HealingStrong, a nonprofit organization, is supported 100% by volunteers, who are experienced in using natural strategies. The organization’s mission is to educate, encourage, equip, and empower those seeking comprehensive natural strategies to heal strong and stay strong.
HealingStrong Connect Groups meet monthly in various areas of the U.S. and South Australia to link others interested in natural strategies, holistic protocols, and local resources. Their groups focus on mind, body and emotional healing based on Biblical promises, as they believe the God of the Bible is our healer. For more information on how to start a group, or become involved in one, please go to:, and like us on Facebook at
Cancer Crackdown is so awesome and helps patients without a lot of money get supplements and treatments and even helps them raise money:
Also, the Independent Cancer Research Foundation is another charity that we support, also known as Cancer Tutor. They have been a TREMENDOUS help for cancer patients and have a TON of life saving information they give out freely and they do real research into treatments for cancer that are outside of the toxic Big Pharma Big 3:
The best that we can suggest is to contact Healing Strong and Cancer Crackdown for any need in financial resources.
We also support Mary Beth’s “Nick Gonzalez Foundation” which is bringing Nick’s protocol to the people…which is one of the most powerful cancer killing protocols out there.
I hope this is helpful! If you have any further questions/concerns, please let us know as we are happy to help.
Thank you for supporting our mission, and have a blessed day!
Hi I’m been diagnosed lung cancer stage 3 a been chemo 3 and 30 radiation…now my onco doctor telling me he did not find anyway that my cancer will coming back cause they monitor me by ct in every 3 months….then 6 months…my question I’m all as us having allergy….Im. interested in your healthy living….I’m not a smoker.. not a drinker never touch any drug….I’m 66 years old….
Hi Maria – Sorry to hear this. We’ll be sure to pray for you! The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
I’m also attaching the info about the Hope4Cancer clinic in Tijuana, MX if you’d like to reach out to them.
Perhaps you could try doing a phone consultation with one of the doctors on this list so they can better advise you on the best steps to take in your individual case.
Hope this is helpful to you. Please let us know if we can help with anything else. God bless you!
Looking forward to The Truth About Diabetes, and Heart Disease. Hopefully….
Fantastic idea, James! Thanks for sharing. 🙂
If you’ve had lyme disease, what are the best things you can do to kill the dangerous bacteria and return cells to normal function?
Hi Dora! Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
Pharmacueuticals Cartel controlled by The CORRUPT ROTHSCHILDS and ROCKERFELLAS SORROS is only interested in profits they DO NOT want any cures ,How do they keep cancer going for profit BURY the natural CURES.. NEVER GIVE TO CANCER RESEARCH or raise money for them,And never leave any money to them in WLLS, while people do this there will never be a cure they make trillions from people with cancer, many natural cures for cancer are being systematically being suppressed by any means, the corrupt cancer cartel depends entirely on the continued existence of cancer for power over people and profits .cancer research funds YOU give are strictly used to shut down and suppress by any means natural CURES , but it is NOT just cancer they want you on the money go round for Alzheimers.. Diabetes.. Heart.. Lyme or to give it the correct name is BORRELIA BURGDORFERI BORRELIOSE this is the cause of 90% of DEPRESSION .BORRELIA BURGDORFERI was deliberately released by infected TICS on people in the USA to see the effect on people and it has now spread world wide by TICS and other flying insects ,This is a GERM WARFARE WEAPON.Also so is CHEMO made from MUSTARD GAS all drugs have their roots in the NAZI Death camp Experiments They are still going today like BAYER. it is all well documented on the web and YOU TUBE for NOW..PSYCHIATRIST and corrupt big pharma’s money go round is not the answer,so what is effective against ALL ills BIO RESONANCE based on the pure science of QUANTUM PHYSICS.And others suppressed by big pharma is GcMAF, MMS and many others your own research NOT what your oncologist or doctor tells you, they are ALL controlled and funded by the corrupt big pharma, if big pharma can make money at the expense of your health they certainly will do and with the full co-operation of the corrupt FDA..USDA..CDC..WHO..AMA..FSA..ACS..NCI …And in the UK the corrupt M.H.R.A…All these aforementioned are the police force of the corrupt Pharmaceuticals to make sure big pharma revenue is never threatened by any means by finding natural holistic cures for all ills that big pharma cannot patent 90 % of drug trials falsified by big pharma and aided by the aforementioned…THIS IS ALL FACT VERIFIABLE INFORMATION.See the web sites by Ty Bollinger THE TRUTH ABOUT CANCER and THE NATURAL NEWS by Mike Adams. Also get the free book by S.D WELLS 25 FACTS OF HIDDEN CURES. See The sacred plant website.Daniel Smith Project Greenlife jailed for saving 1000s with MMS
I can’t count the number of times I’ve been bitten by ticks and taken doxycycline. And I did have breast cancer last year. As part of my “stay healthy” plan, I go to a medical clinic where the practitioners do functional medicine. One of the treatments they offer is UVL rx (ultraviolet light treatment) in which they put in an IV through which ultraviolet light shines on all the blood that passes it for 45 minutes. The light kills “bugs/pathogens. This frees up the immune system to take care of more important things. I’ve had 4 treatments each a few months apart. After 2 of them I had a strong herxheimer reaction, felt crummy the next day and then the day after that had lots of energy and felt great. I’m sure a lot of “bugs” were killed by the UVL. I wish every doctor’s office and ER had this available. I believe by offering this treatment they could probably do away with most antibiotic use.
Good to know, and thank you for sharing, Evelyn! This could be helpful to others who have this treatment available nearby. For those considering using UVL rx treatment, have a look at some research and talk to your natural doctor to find out if this treatment can be helpful for you! Love and blessings to all!
I was diagnosed by my regular doctor with Lyme
She told me it was an old infection, but still wanted me to take antibiotics.
I didn’t start the AB but went to an American lady friend (who was a healer) and asked her for advise.
I had several symptoms at that time like heart-palpitations, ear ringing, and one very big swollen foot.
She told me to take Andrographis. It helped! This is years ago. All my symptoms dissapeared and haven’t returned since then.
Hope someone can have use of my message.
I have been living with Lyme and co for 10 years. I eat a clean diet and generally feel well because of my eating habits andd yoga and excersize. But it’s beem a LONG LONG road costing a lot of money and strife.. As long as I feel like I am on top of the disease, I generally feel ok. But when a flare up comes or I get a bout of major brain fog, I am reminded that sadly, Lyme and company and their horrible effects are still in me. It’s part of me and I just try to keep knocking it down . But I will say that a clean diet and yoga have been the best thing to help avoid flare ups and just for general well-being. This disease is no joke. It’s incredibly invasive just like many cancers. Thank you for posting this article and information. People need to know the truth.
Hi Kristen,
Thank you so much for sharing this with us. And thank you, especially, for sharing your tips and feedback with us. I’m sure this will be helpful to many.
People DO need to know the truth. Thank you for helping us get it out there. We appreciate you!
I apparently contracted Lyme Disease almost 30 years ago during a trip back to my home town in Iowa. It was only diagnosed two years ago by a wonderful Naturopathic Physician…who I thank God for. I went to her office for my annual blood test and she decided to quietly test me for Lyme because she said, “You are always saying your legs hurt.” I was so relieved to find out what I had. Having read the various symptoms of Lyme, I can now see years of thyroid issues, arthritic pain, brain fog, incontinence, night sweats, muscular pain, surgical scar tissue problems etc. that were all due to Lyme. Regular MD’s never figured it out and I saw them for ALL of the symptoms. I even paid for hyaluronic acid injections for my knees only to learn that Lyme loves hyaluronic acid and loves to hang out in knees. I went for pelvic physical therapy only to learn that Lyme attacks the pelvic floor. I was diagnosed as Hypothyroid only to learn that this came from Lyme. My ND was able to get me off of thyroid meds for the first time in about 25 years. I’m still fighting the battle and it is scary but at least I know what I have. Normal MD’s did nothing to help me and I have spent about $40,000 in the last two years (not easy when you are facing retirement) for dental and medical issues relating to Lyme. I also have heavy metal toxicity that required replacing all my metal fillings and crowns etc. Fees for Naturopathic doctors (and for controversial removal of fillings and crowns by biological dentists)are not usually covered by our broken health care system. You’re on your own.
Similarly, I contracted Lyme about 35 years ago, as a child (but I did not know that was my problem). I had awful leg pains, nightmares, brain fog, etc. Thankfully, my body fought it and I went into remission from lyme for decades.
After having children in my 30’s and facing sleep deprivation for a few years, the Lyme symptoms returned. This time I was told by a very knowledgeable friend to get a blood test for Lyme. She recommended the Igenex blood test, which examines your blood for both old and new Lyme antibodies. I had a very high count of old Lyme antibodies… So my body was fighting the old infection, which had come back when my body felt exhausted. So many things became clear then… The root of my sickly childhood, the fact that my body was still actively trying to fight Lyme, etc. With the help and guidance of some naturally minded friends, I started receiving help from a Natural Practitioner with QXCI technology (alternative energy medicine) and homeopathy. I truly believe that because of these practices, I have my life back. And because of homeopathy, my body has now “learned” how to fight Lyme. My body is equipped with a very strong immune response to this old strain of infection. The co-infections have been a challenge… I had to battle several of those. But I would say that today I am capable of living a pretty normal life, thankfully.
It was expensive, but worth every penny.
Omg all the symptoms you describe are my 11 year old son!!!!! I’ve been battling for 4 years to find out he too has night sweats, incontinence, tummy pains, muscle pain ,intolerances etc
Thank you I just need to now find a good naturopath physician which is hard here in the UK!! Can I have the details for yours please if you don’t mind? Also how did you treat yourself ?
Thanks xxx
Thank you for sharing, Leslie and Cindy! Wishing you both endless love, healing, and blessings.
Salma, I’m so sorry to hear this – I’ll be sure to pray for you.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
Wishing you and your family endless blessings, love, and good health!
Cold laser by erchonia has worked for my family for 15 years and repeated tick bites. Always best if found early but not too late if combined with DNA testing to treat the dna mutation with added nutritional supplementation to bypass
The damaged pathways. Cold laser kills the tick cocktail of bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Also penetrates the biofilm.
Worth checking it out.
I am fully recovered from Lyme disease after treatment by Dr. Frank Shallenberger at The Nevada Center in Carson City, Nevada. He uses a combination of conventional treatment and natural treatment, the linchpin being ozone therapy. He is also successfully treating cancer and HIV/AIDS, to name a few.
Please send me the reference article citations for Ty’s review: ” Lyme Disease and Cancer: Is there a connection?”
Hi David,
All the references are available if you click on the Sources and References tab that is directly below the article summary.
I got Lyme disease in early 90ties without any knowledge what it is and how dangerous condition Lyme could create. I did not get any antibiotics or even blood tests done. Several years i felt awful, flu like symptoms non stop, heart palpitation, icy cold hands and feet, aches and tingling sensation across all the body, headache, very often severe colds and flu. Several years later i spent 3 months in Finland and almost every evening took so called “Finish Bath” that is very popular in Finland and that means sitting and sweating for about an hour or more in a dry heat after taking a cold or normal shower.
It helped me much- flu like symptoms and pain almost disappeared, fatiq was not so unbearable though i suffer of it until now.
Infrared bath also was good but Turkish or Russian wet bathing had very bad impact on me causing heart and alergical problems (mostly because very wet air i think).
My life quality periodically has been very low since mid of 90ties. During last 7-8 years I suffer again from body, back and muscle aches, tiredness and fatiq, periodically poor vision and brain fog, digestive problems and chest infections. Doctors associate symptoms with my age.
4 times last year i had a blood test done for Lyme disease, results always were negative.
After excluding sugar and white bread from my diet and drinking plenty of different herbal tees last few months i feel a bit better.
Just believe that all this is caused by Lyme disease and there is not a real cure, indeed. If somebody has different experience, please, share!
Protandim helped me feel no effects from lyme disease
Thank you for this article. It was very well researched and written. I contracted Lyme disease in June 2017. I noticed a small itchy bite on my thigh that kept growing, and 2 days later late in the evening I noticed a light halo around it. That day I began to feel fatigued. It was too late to go to urgent care so I called my doctor first thing in the morning. It was about 3 inches in diameter by then and I had a fever and body aches. She is a conservative functional MD and prescribed high levels of vitamins to boost my own immune response to fight it. I got significantly worse over the next few days to the point that I was in pain in every bone and joint of my body, especially my lower back. I suspected I was pregnant also, since we were trying, so I was hesitant to take or use anything for pain. I was suffering more than any sickness I ever had. By then I had conceded to get a second opinion from my friend’s Lyme specialist, and by God’s Grace she had a last minute cancellation the next day. My bullseye rash was “7×8” at this point and I felt like I was dying. She told me to immediately pick up amoxicillin (had to be conservative since I was pregnant) and within 12 hours my symptoms started melting. I changed doctors to a chiropractor in my doctor’s office who was functional med provider who believed in using antibiotics AND natural methods to treat Lyme. I ended up having a miscarriage a week later. It’s been a year and a half and I still haven’t had a test come back with no active Lyme infection yet. I’ve had 2 more 6 week rounds of antibiotics (Ceftin and Doxy) that didn’t change my c-6 protein levels (though I started to feel better), as well as a lot of supplements to correct many low vitamin levels, immune deficiencies in my blood, and hormone supplements to correct my hormone levels that are all over the place because of the stress of Lyme on my body. I also have the co-infection EBV and a couple other viruses, some that have gone dormant again and other still hanging on active. I am currently taking herbs for treatment: Cat’s Claw, astragalus, and Olive leaf. I have been gluten free for several years already, but eating low carb makes me feel the best physically and mentally. Chronic fatigue and brain fog have been a major symptom. Having a clinical massage therapist do craniosacral and myofascial release has helped tremendously with muscle spasms and pain in my back and neck, as well as chiropractic adjustments. I was going weekly for a long time and I’m down to monthly now. It’s an expensive chronic illness to treat. It is becoming an epidemic that everyone should educate themselves on so they know what to do if they or someone in their family contracts it. The faster the treatment the better your chances. I’m all for natural everything but I think having antibiotics right away may have saved me from dealing with the severity this long term, and maybe could have saved my baby. I’ve left all that in God’s gracious hands though. His plans are better than mine, and this illness has brought me to my knees and closer to Jesus, where I need to be. I’m trusting in His healing and timing because it’s certainly out of my hands. Thank you Bollingers for all you do to educate the people!
What a testimony, Shelly. Thank you for sharing this with us in such detail. We can’t imagine how difficult it must have been to experience a miscarriage along with this. If it’s helpful, uring our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
Hope this is helpful to you. Please let us know if you need anything else.
I was diagnosed with Lyme and am using Mitosynergy (bioavailable copper) to control bacteria levels. Check out the Bioavailable Copper page on facebook.
I was diagnosed with Lyme’s early this year and was treated immediately a w/30 day Doxy regimen. It was caught within 3 weeks of exposure and I have been lucky to have minimal symptoms since. I eat gluten free due to a high spike on my blood work, so high of a spike actually that it shocked my physician, so despite the joking from family and friends about “joining the trend of gluten free” I have made it a lifestyle change and definitely feel better. I limit sugar. (hard this time of year!) I also mainly eat Keto and do IF.
GOD bless you for doing this. I watched the 9 part series, encouraged EVERYONE to do so as well. People are paralyzed with fear. Maybe in the past I would be as well, but watching the series I would (with the grace of the Almighty I won’t have to) go the natural route. GOD , the Master Healer gave us the tools (herbs, fruits, vegetables and spices) to use to heal HIS earthly temple….our bodies.
This program and the hard work achieved to give people knowledge about better health choices are remarkable. I also have found info from Anthony William, Medical Medium, truly an amazing gift that also reasonates in the fact that our body is designed to heal when given proper foods, protocols and detoxing. No baby is born with a clean slate anymore and we all carry passed on toxins, viruses along with daily toxins, poor diets, Pharma drug usage, radiation, past and current stress negatively affect our energy or body flow to function effectively. Common sense protocols to heal our body from diseases/cancers. It is such a relief to finally understand why I have been ill 62 years of my life.
How to prevent cancer
My sister-in-law was diagnosed with lyme and had awful headaches, blurred vision and felt terrible all over I suggested to her after her 3rd round of antibiotics to go get her some turmeric w/ biopene (black pepper) turmeric is a natural fighter of inflammation. Soon after taking it a few times, she was able to get off the antibiotics,
Really..what the update on copper? I use to wear a bracelet for arthritis. In was bit in 1998. But didn’t understand the dangers. I started feeling bad, but have other health issues. So blame them! I tested several years later for Lyme disease but.. I think it was neg. Will the test ALWAYS remain Possitive? Perhaps I should retest?! Thanks, Debi
Hardly surprising as Lyme is a manufactured disease, germ warfare out of Connecticut. it has gone crazy invading the inland of New England thanks to global climate change. Not to say your revelations aren’t important, because getting the word out and educating the ignorant is vital to the radical change that is going to be needed in order to invoke a better future.
I absolutely agree its manufactured along with all the changes being made to our food all the chemicals and additives, our drinking and bathing water is poison and the air we breath is infected with goodness knows what, being contaminated daily by planes because the chemtrails are fully of viruses and chemicals to make us ill. Then we have emf s to deal with and our environment i.e. say our furniture is treated with chemicals so are carpets etc etc. We are given false info all the time. Then add in the big pharma poisons and vaccines and we are have a real battle on our hands. Food is sprayed with chemicals in a big way, there is nothing that those doing the controlling haven’t interfered with. my relative has lymes and its been seventeen yrs and still no improvement maybe deterioration
hi carol totally agree with you they are delibrately making us ill as if it was not enough in all we eat we drink now they are chemtrailing us day & night GLOBAL WARMING TOTAL LIES it is depopulation nothing else as for your relative look up zappers i think the zapper will distroy it i know it rids parrasites don croft zapper terminator 2 please look into this
Matt wasn’t it Plum Island Research Center?
Thanks for sharing that. They have closed the facility on Plum Island and have moved it somewhere in the middle of the country. Now anything “escaping” can spread by the wind across the entire eastern half of the country.
Finding a functional medicine doctor likely saved my life. I have battled with numerous ailments that went from mild to debilitating for 11-13 yrs. We got me off of almost all of the scripts I was taking and his suspicions of mold/biotoxin Illness due to water based mold were proven true via my lab work and mold found in our home. Slowly but surely I am making progress. I fear cancer could come next, but I am no longer afraid as I truly believe in the truths you are enlightening so many with and believe we have the power to heal our bodies.
Hi Kizzy,
I read your comment on The Truth About Cancer and wondered if you would be interested in emailing with me about our experiences as I’m going through recovery from mold/biotoxin illness myself. I’ve been outwardly suffering with it for well over 10 yrs before finding the right doctor who specializes in the illness. I’m still trying to “get right”. I hope to hear from you. I wish you all the best in finding your way back!
I was diagnosed with Lyme in July 2009 after 10 years of being misdiagnosed. Like the doctor mentioned in this article, I too had arrhythmia and palpitations along with pericarditis. My kidneys and liver were shutting down. In 2013, I learned about essential oils after suffering from one massive kidney stone. I realized that if the essential oil could lesson the discomfort from the stones and support my body that they could support my body in other ways, as well. I started using whole food nutrients along with essential oils specifically to lesson muscle and joint discomfort and to clear some of the fog and memory loss. After a few weeks of consistent use, I noticed a HUGE decrease in my pain levels and I was able to start thinking more clearly and remembering things again. After 3 months of daily use, it was like my symptoms never existed. When I am not consistent and let my diet get away from me, I still suffer from symptoms but it’s nothing I can’t improve through lifestyle and daily routine. I can’t tell you how thankful I am that someone was brave enough to share with me…it changed my life.
You say you started using whole food nutrients and essential oils! Which exactly?
What specific essential oils do you use ?
Bruce Ludlow
Suzy I would love to know the essential oils you used in your protocol! Thanks!
Thank you for sharing. Which essential oils do you use?
How does one find a reliable diagnosis of Lymes?
What essential oils in particular are you using ?
In the summer of 2017 my sister was bitten by a tick that gave her Lyme disease, she was in the hospital for a while and received treatments for the Lyme. She said she had recovered, however, two months ago she became very ill with flu like symptoms and was hospitalized, the doctor told her she has stage 4 cancer and had only 3 months to live unless she had chemotherapy, she refused the treatment. She is now fighting for her life, things look very bleak. I kept saying this all started from the Lyme disease, this article shows that it’s as I suspected, please if anyone knows what we can do to save my sister, please let us know we don’t have much time. There are hundreds of people praying for her.
Look into LDN, low dose naltrexone. Go to the LDN Research Trust foundation website and watch the dvd on their home page called ‘The Game Changer, LDN and cancer’ where Prof Dalgleish and Dr Akbar Khan discuss its use in cancer.
I am very sorry to hear about your sister but please try not to stress yourself and your sister as that is going to make it worse.
Tell her to cut down on sugars, animal and dairy products.
Go on organic if possible vegan diet.
Juicing wheat grass and green raw vegetables.
Take shots three times a day and lots of fresh berries like blueberries, blueberries and raspberries make smoothies.
She should take organic turmeric with black pepper and apricot kernel every day with her juices or smoothies.
Lots of organic garlic, lemon and ginger.
Once her immune system is strong she can fight any infection.
Believe me this will help a lot with Almightys blessings.
My sister’s had stage 4 cancer and it’s reversed to stage 2 now.
Hope this helps.
Bless you and your sister. You are in our prayers 🙏
Did you watch the truth about cancer documentary? There are many natural approaches and doctors she can see that can treat her.
Look up Chris Wark. He didnt have Lyme but he had stage 4 cancer that he beat by making big dietary & lifestyle changes & reducing toxins in his life. He has a whole program telling about what foods can kill cancer & how he ate, info about tests, etc. Praying for your sister.
I suffered with lyme for 35+ years and am finally feeling somewhat better at 70 years of age. My present routine consists of body cleansing, some fasting, and a very, very strict diet of all organic food and no wheat or gluten products and very good vitamin supplements. I may also have prostate cancer, but refuse the traditional treatments as I believe the body will heal itself with the proper diet and life changes, clean water also being paramount. All of this protocol came through years of study on the internet so not being a doctor I can only tell you what I did. Lessen the toxic load on your body, try to rid the inflammation in your body. I am praying for your sister too and hope your outcome is successful.
canabis…rick Simpson oil (high THC)
Medicinal cannabis works – from experience. 50mg of medicinal THC oil and 200 to 400mg of CBD per day. Don’t do Rick Simpson. Too extreme and does not consider how important CBD is. Alkaline diet very important. It works.
Did she try medical cannabis?Google anticancer diet.Meditation and energy work.And believe that her body can heall itself.
I would get your sister to do the works Ann, see the nine episodes. But if you have not got time do this now in the mean time.
Frankincense 2 drops every two hours by mouth, Colloidal silver under the tongue, high dose turmeric, Essiac Tea, no sugar, no wheat no dairy, use organic foods and juice beetroot, carrot and ginger after fasting each morning. Eat a raw organic carrot if hungry and keep to plant based foods.
Post haste; don’t delay.
Ann, first let me say I am sorry to hear of your sister’s illness. My husband was diagnosed with chronic lyme in 2014 by a holistic practitioner who treated him with homeopathy. He seemed to recover with a lingering thyroid issue . Six months ago he was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. He was treated with surgery to remove the mass, and we did choose chemo to shrink the lesions in his liver to prepare for surgery. We are also using as many other supportive and holistic treatments as we can to keep his immune system as strong as possible – essential oils, THC/CB, many nutritional supplements, energy healing and positive mindset. He is doing so well he actually looks 10 yrs younger! I would recommend the book Natural Strategies for Cancer by Dr Russell L Blaylock for information on how to support the body with nutrition. Bless you all <3
Add to cannabis oil…, oil of oregano, orally sublingual held for 2 minutes…as adult i take 27 drops of 7% (of active ingredient) a day..(divided into 3 doses) when my flares of Lyme occur.. works quickly, I do in rounds of 5 days, hold 2 , and resume. ..many properties.. in coffee, hot tea…hold under tongue for 2 minutes…then swallow.
… hold venus fly trap tincture.carnivora liquid..sublingual, one cc ..2x day.,
Ann Ladd,
Here’s my short story in this experience.
My father was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer.
He had to have an emergency colostomy bag put in.
I was terrified when I found out he was going to try chemo. he almost didn’t make it through the second round. He opted to quit chemo and wanted me to help him with natural remedies. The first thing I bought him was a bemer pulsed electromagnetic field therapy machine. They’re expensive but proven therapy. These machines alone are curing cancer stage 1 and stage 2 in other countries. Not allowed to say that here because of FDA. But it’s probably what saving my Dad’s life right now. You can find them used on eBay for about $1,500 and up. The new ones come with a warranty and you can call a doctor to find out what they suggest but I paid $6,400 for mine. I think they do have a payment plan if you’re interested in payments and can’t pay the full amount in full. out of everything I have purchased for my father this is what he’s saying is saving his life.
I also put my father on some high-dose liposomal vitamin C, turkey tail, and a very good probiotic. I bought him a magnet to set his water on so that it structures his drinking water.
He swears it’s the bemer though that is shrinking his tumors. And yes he had another scan done and his tumors are shrinking!
I hope this helps. Good luck to you and God bless.
I was diagnosed with chronic Lyme back in 2015 by my naturopath. Conventional (CDC) Western blot results would have given me a negative result, but the positive diagnosis came using Igenex lab Western blot. I also had blood drawn and cultured (Advanced Labs) . The culture and antibody testing came back positive for Borellia. This took 4 months for growth and a positive result. Lyme caused me to develop food sensitivities, among them gluten. I was also eating a plant-based diet before my diagnosis, so I was avoiding dairy which can cause inflammation. By working with a Lyme-literate MD and my naturopath, I have fought off this insidious bacteria enough to have my energy back, and my neck and knee pain have gone away.
We’re so glad to hear you’re doing well now, Sandra. Praying for your complete healing and many blessings in the new year.
Thank you so much for this information.
Anyone with Lyme disease might want to investigate AMP COIL . . . I’d be happy to provide more information if you like.
Blessings of love and health.
Thanks for the suggestion, Timothy! We appreciate you!
Yes please tell me about this amp coil. I have lymes disease
I would like to know more about this.
Thank you,
Bruce Ludlow
Yes, I have found the Ampcoil extremely helpful. Also, herbs recomended by Stephen Buehner who has a great book on the subject as well as the homeopathic rwmedies by Byron White.
Hola! Vivo en México. Hablo inglés pero estoy tan cansada como para buscar ahora las palabras. Espero alguien pueda contestar. Estoy diagnosticada con fibromialgia y llevo una vida difícil por ésta enfermedad. Dolores musculares, fatiga, mal sueño, problemas con colon y vejiga, niebla mental y como otros mil síntomas más! He tenido perros desde que recuerdo y como es natural, ha habido brotes de garrapatas. Mis síntomas coinciden con la enfermedad de Lyme. Mi pregunta es: Las garrapatas de los perros pueden transmitir la enfermedad de Lyme?
Gracias de antemano por contestar.
Hi Laura,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Hi, my name is Debbie, I have been learning from the Truth about Cancer for about 2 years now, the first seminar you had with all of the Dr.s like Dr. Mercola and Dr. Group and Dr. Jay Davidson the one I learned about Lime Disease from was Dr. Jay Davidson, he has healed his wife from Lyme Disease. you must go to his web site and learn how he did this.All these are Great Doctors and have a lot of great information we all should learn from.
I was hospitalized with “West Nile Virus” in 2008 then in 2012 Lyme then 2014 Pertussis now 2018 MDS. I believe my immune system gave up after so much stress. Now undergoing chemo for MDS to hopefully retard progression to Leukemia.
My friend, Kerri Simpson, had chronic Lymes for years add was ever in disability because of it. She sought holistic remedies, and was able to be completely healed. She is now a naturopath and is known as “The Wellnut”. Kerri has helped with the healing of many chronic Lyme sufferers, and has recently released a new book about her journey to healing. Check her out on Facebook and Instagram for more info.
Amen to functional medicine…I feel awesome now….not on any pharmaceutical s…just taking vitamins and eating proper food for my medicine!
I have chronic Lyme disease after being bitten by a deer tick about 7 years ago. Had a course of antibiotics which didn’t seem to do much. Have tried various natural protocols: Buhner, Cowden, etc. For the last 5 months on Dr. Zhang’s Chinese medicine herbs which seem to be helping. He is very heavy on garlic. Also taking colloidal silver daily. Have a good deal of energy, though I doubt anything will restore my damaged knee joints.
In 2008 I became very ill. I spent a lot of money going to doctor after doctor trying to figure out what was wrong. I and some doctors thought I was dying but could not figure out why. I did not have insurance so they did not do exhaustive testing. The final conclusion without actually doing the test but just based on my blood work was Mono or CMV. They don’t give you any medication but just tell you to get lots of rest. I am not a sit around person. If there is something wrong with my body I want to help build it up. So I called an alternative medical center. When the doctor heard my symptoms she asked have you been tested for Lyme. Of course, I hadn’t. Most local testings will be negative but there is at least one lab in CA that specializes in testing for Lyme. I was tested and 1 year and 2 months after becoming sick I found out I had Lyme disease.
I never went the traditional route because after my own research online it appeared to me that the antibiotics did not work for those who were not diagnosed right away. It has been a long journey and I know I have come a long way but I still feel that I am not where I want to be.
It has affected my heart, which with my cardiologist we watch closely. It could require a pacemaker in the future. My heart rate has gotten as low as 33 at night and that is just the recorded ones. It has also affected my brain and I live with pain. It deformed one side of my body and made it go numb. Even though I had physical therapy and got back most my function, still things are not what they were and that side of my body is full of pain. My muscles get so tight they are hard to loosen and when they do get loosened it last only a few minutes to a few hours.
I feel blessed to have come as far as I am but I do always look for more ways to improve. Everything I have done has improved me in some way. My last choices, which I started in 2015 has made an amazing difference. Before I could hardly make it through the day and now I have a part-full time job, homeschool, run a small side business, and help my husband with his two businesses. The energy that I have now is amazing. But I know that I need to continue to build up my immune system. This article has made me realize it even more.
I have so appreciated your docu-series. These are some things that I have known about for years but is nice to hear them and to have it reiterated in my own mind. My children have no vaccines other than having a tetanus shot when it had to be done, which I still don’t like.
Thanks again for all the good info. And if you have any more info on Lyme I am always open.
I was diagnosed with late stage lyme 13 years ago. I started with antibiotics for the first 2 years. My gut was pretty much destroyed in the process. Stopped the antibiotics. I cleaned up my diet, continued to exercise, started experimenting with supplements. Then I discovered a structured water that really helped me turn the corner. I really started to heal and recover. Unfortunately I was infected again by a different bacteria from a tick and nearly died. This episode allowed the lyme to re surface with vengeance. It’s been a long road of recovery, but I’ve managed to become very healthy again. Exercise, clean diet, very low sugar and carbs. I try to stick to a keto diet. The structured water and taking a combination of herbs that reduce oxidative stress and inflammation has been the key. It’s called Biohacking, using nutrigenomics to heal the body. I’m actually in better health now than before I was infected with Lyme 13 years ago.
I have chronic Lyme disease and hashimotos. I found a great dr who has used a lot of holistic things that have helped but not given me complete healing (supplements, hemp oil, diet etc). The hemp oil seems to really help my joint pain. I recently watched the truth about cancer and that motivated me to start juicing daily. That seems to have helped some as well. Also, I try to jog a small amount a couple times a week. If you are able to do small amounts of physical activity , I believe that helps reduce the fatigue.
My family only believes in real doctors. Real meds. I have chronic Lyme with numerous co-infections. EBV. Severe SIBO. Endocrine system. Plus Hoshimotos. Organs not working. Paralyzed from waist down but feel everything. My shoulders and hands are now affected. .Trying to improve immune system. Holistic was helping. Family got rid of him. I trusted him. So knowledgeable l I am doing this on my own Without help I will die.
My wife and I make frequency modulated plasma research machines for research into mold reduction in Agricultural products. (DBx2-pro) I do not understand why there is never any mention of Royal Raymond Rife’s work in the 1930’s. Those who have had the black mold killed inside the walls of their barns have had their Lyme symptoms disappear … go figure! Whether it is hand held, RF, magnetic, or plasma … magic seems to happen when we vibrate
Diagnosed four years ago with Lyme (had bull’s-eye rash 24 years ago ). Throughout the years suffered from different illnesses that were thought to be autoimmune problems. Three years ago I was blessed with a spiritual healing that allowed me to continue treatment with natural options. Two years ago started using Rife Treatment and continued doing gluten, dairy and sugar free diet. For the most part, I had been doing really good. A few months ago I started having G.I. and esophagus problems. I decided to do a colorguard which didn’t turn out good. So, now I am trusting in God to part the waters and to let me know what I should do next. I wholly believe in natural healing and will try to pursue Chris Wark program. Unfortunately most natural antiviral foods/spice used to eat I can’t get down my esophagus now. Like I said, God gives us resources and I just need to be still and listen.
Honestly, when I look back at triggers… I would say mold/chemicals/allergens/EMF definitely caused problems.
Healthy Bessings and Merry Christmas!
I believe I have had Lyme since the early 70’s before it was a “thing” When they came out w Lyme from Lyme Conn i went to dr and he said it was only in CT… finally got some treatment in 2007, then was on antibiotics for 5 yrs- 12 different ones… did get some better but not a whole lot. Diagnosed w breast cancer sept 2016 ( which at the time i said was caused by Lyme) then 2 weeks after i finished radiation i had a heart attack… I have tried almost everything and all forms of drs, holistic functional traditional etc etc. I am a bit better now but nowhere near where i would like to be. I also had/have EBV from the early 70’s as well.
Three of our daughters have been diagnosed with lymes disease. Working with a naturopathic doctor and eating a sugar free paleo diet helped them. Then or oldest daughter became much worse, developed a heart murmur, was in daily pain and lived in a state of fatigue. We found an integrative doctor that uses Low Dose Immune therapy for lymes. It turned her life around, she wasn’t growing and many days could hardly function. She Is night and day different from a year ago. And has she grown this year… She is now average size for her age. The low dose immune therapy also helped our younger girls drastically. They all feel so much better. We still eat a whole food diet and few grains.
It is a difficult disease to battle… Especially as you watch your children robbed of childhood.
My heart goes out to everyone battling this.
Thank you for spreading this news.
I was diagnosed with Arthritis recently so I insisted on having blood test for Borrelia.It came positive.The antynodys vere so high (140) that my doctor said that I don’t need antibiotics.He said it must have happened long time ago and my immune system fought it off.So I am not sure what I should think about it…
Find a doctor who will give you at least 30 days (60 days is better) of Doxycycline. Otherwise you could have more problems further down the road. I have seen many friends get sick after a doc would not give them the proper antibiotics. I wish you nothing but the best.
You need to find a Lyme literate doctor as soon as possible through ILADS! 30 days of antibiotics will not be long enough!! I personally was undiagnosed for over a decade and had insanely high numbers like you. I have needed years of therapy to get any better. Lyme and co-infections almost killed me.
My 4 yo daughter was diagnosed with Lyme disease last summer..she had headaches, light sensitivity, headaches and bruise-looking marks on her body. She did the round of ATB which cured all of the symptoms. Except headaches. It has been almost a year now and this sweet little girl still needs afternoon naps and complains of headaches at least once a week. I am scared about long term effects and possible side effects…thank you for the info as I keep searching for alternative (natural) remedies to treat her.
Hi Carol,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Can you identify any of the specialists who you interviewed to discuss Lyme’s? What TTAC series was it incorporated into? I would like to purchase it.
Hi Susan!
To view all of the references and sources of the article you can click on the link at the end of the article that reads: “[+] Sources and References”
Hope this helps!
I am going to a clinic in Foster City ca. People come from all over the world . It is called “Pacific Frontier Medical, inc. I hope this helps someone. I am starting to wonder if mine was not caused by a pill that made me sick from day one called “Arimidex” I took it for breast cancer and I’ve been sick off and one for 10 yrs.
I just started Arimidex. May I ask how long you’ve been taking it? Day 3 & I DON’T feel well, but want to give it all I got! THX!
Hello Carol. I am going to “Pacific Frontier Medical” in Foster City ca.
Dr. Jay Davidson is a Lyme expert, and functional medical practioner. He’s got a home program you can purchase, he was also on Ty and Charlene’s The Truth about Cancer, and I know his extensive background ( Lyme disease plus the complications nearly killed his wife) could help you. If he wasn’t on TTAC, he is known by the Bollinger’s through Jonathan Otto who did the documentary Autoimmune Secrets and worked on the producing of TTAC as well. You can Google: Dr.Jay DavIdson .com and can get direct coaching or purchase his home DVD program and go at your own pace. I am going to!! ☺☺
For those of you suffering with the insidious Lyme Disease you may want to search for a (naturalistic) doctor trained in Doctor Sunshine’s protocols for treating it and other bacterial and virus infections. These protocols have a proven track record of treating Lyme Disease in as few as
four treatments in many patients . My holistic naturalistic doctor has done extensive training under Doctor Sunshine and is having much success in using his protocols.
This is for Ann, and her sister with the cancer. I had stage 4 grade B lymphoma a year and a half ago. I too refused conventional chemo. Dr. Eslinger, in Reno, NV. did 5 weeks of integrative therapy for me. I feel like I am over the cancer. God gets the glory. A great wife and support system, and the keto for cancer diet were instrumental as well. Check out his book “Outmaneuver Cancer”. I believe he will do a phone consult too. It probably saved my life. God bless you, and prayers for you and your family, however you choose to proceed! Nick
I have been trying to read everything I can get my hands on from TTAC and watch their videos. I am 43, and I was bit by a tick back in 2008. I didn’t kmow what Lyme disease was at the time. I never got the bullseye rash either. Well, in 2009, I was diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease. My symptoms were HORRIBLE! I couldn’t function on my own anymore. I also had to take medical leave from my job as a nurse. I ended up with a central line in Sept 2009 for 5 months of IV antibiotics. I did well for about a year, and then symptoms started coming back. I found a great osteopathic doctor an hour away. He also diagnosed me with Babesia. That was in 2011. My laundry list of other diagnoses are: chronic pain, chronic back issues, mitral valve prolapse, restless leg syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic joint pain, arthritis, anxiety, depression, insomnia, osteoporosis, migraines, teeth pain and sensitivity, interstitial cystitis, etc. For the last 1 1/2-2 years, I had been off all antibiotics and only took LDI shots. I did really well for the longest time. I mean, I still had a lot of my symptoms, but they were tolerable. Well… March 2018, I was also diagnosed with cancer. More specific, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, HR+, HER2-, Stage 1, Grade 3 in my right breast. I also tested positive for the CHEK2 gene mutation. I’m the first in my family to have breast cancer. Other cancers, yes, but not breast. I’ve been through the wringer since March. I wish I could treat more naturally, but insurance won’t cover that….and I’m out of money and out of a job. I’m still raising my 14 year old daughter, who was also bit by a tick and contracted Lyme disease 6 years ago. She got treated immediately and has done well. But she’s having symptoms recently that I’m wondering if it’s Lyme starting problems. I wish that Lyme and Cancer didn’t exist.
Dear Christy, I will be praying for you, I am so sorry!! Your daughter too. There may be some cancer non- profit organizations that help people with cancer, get funds for treatment and for basic needs- I think Ty and Charlene know of one, I’m pretty sure they mentioned it in TTAC, a Global Quest. My memory is not that sharp, as I am getting older but you should go to their Facebook page and see if they have any contact info. And I certainly will hold you up to our Loving Father that he WILL provide for you and bring healing to your body and comfort to your soul.😊💝💝💝
Could somebody tell me of a good functional/nutritionist doctor that treats successfully Lyme in Florida?
I’m not sure where in Florida but I go to a wonderful doctor in Orlando. His name is Dr Kalidas. Saved my life.
Hello Jennifer and Kelly,
If you are interested, here is a link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
Hope this is helpful too!
I was diagnosed with early stage Lyme within 2 weeks of being bitten by an infected tick in 2007. Very fortunately for me, my PCP and Naturopath agreed that a high and prolonged dose of antibiotics ( 5000 units for 3 months) was necessary to prevent the symptoms from becoming chronic. I had one relapse in 2010 when I was diagnosed with colon cancer, was treated with a shorter course of antibiotics and have had no known trouble since then.
For general prevention of cancer and Lyme recurrence I use CBD capsules and ASEA Redox among other supplements daily.
Thank God for a proactive PCP who wasn’t afraid to go outside the existing protocol for treatment!
I was diagnosed with Lyme after 10+ years of suffering and excruciating pain and exhaustion with no relief from traditional medicine and my GP. My saviour was Dr. Anthony Smith, “Dynamic Health”, in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho who treated me in Sept. 2016. I travelled from Canada to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho to seek treatment & I KNOW this man saved my life! Dr. Smiths program is called LYMESTOP ( and a strongly encourage fellow Lyme sufferers to check out his program. It’s a program of his treatment followed by vitamins & supplements. Personally, my GP told me my vitals were normal, blood test results were “all within normal ranges”, and I was just getting older, the normal signs of aging!, it was all in my head, I was overthinking things etc… What I have absolutely learned through all of this is that you MUST become your own health advocate. If your told your test results are normal and you feel your like your on your own and dying, if your told it’s all in your head, if your told there is nothing wrong with you – don’t walk, RUN! Be your OWN advocate for your personal health! For myself, I found Lymestop and I thank God every day for Dr. Smith. Every person with Lyme suffers miserably and I’m sure we each experience our own personal pain and symptoms, and possibly what works for one might not work for others. However, I encourage you to check out online and read and learn everything it entails. It did help me and I pray it possibly can help others.
One thing that bothers me about these online forums is fellow Lyme suffers, that for example say “they have found that essential oils helped them” but don’t include “exactly which essential oils” and then choose not to reply to people posting “exactly what essential oils helped them”. I’m sure their intentions are good, but I ask PLEASE that you include details of “what exactly worked for you or what ongoing home treatments you continue to do”. PLEASE SHARE!! Check out Dr. Anthony Smiths “Lymestop”. I live in Canada and continue to buy comparable Vitamins and Supplements to the Lymestop program here in BC. I choose this route simply because I don’t have the funds to order these supplements in US funds and then also pay the duty in US funds. Unfortunately, our currency is not at par. I wish all Lyme suffers everywhere “healing and peace”. Don’t give up and again, be your own health advocate & please share details of your health journey & exactly what has/is helping you. Healing Wishes in 2019!
Here, Doctor Robert Rowen shows how ozone therapy greatly reduces inflammation and also greatly aids the immune system while also helping to kill pathogens. These are problems with both Lyme and cancer.
I was diagnosed of Lyme disease four years ago. I was so terribly sick. I think my worst complaint was the severe headache. I was taken doxycycline hyclate 100 mg as treatment for Lyme disease, twice a day for 21 days. and didn’t seem to be improving. I did not display a rash or any kind of bull’s eye. Diagnosis was from blood test. We tried every shots available but nothing worked. My Lyme Disease got significantly worse and unbearable because of her cognitive thinking. In 2015, our physician advised we go with natural treatment and was introduced to Organic Herbal Clinic natural organic Lyme Disease Herbal formula, I had a total decline of symptoms with this treatment, the fever, joint pain, weakness, shortness of breath, and anxiety. and others has subsided.
Thank you for sharing your healing journey with us, Kimberly!
I was diagnosed with MGUS which could lead to multiple myeloma. I was then diagnosed with Lyme and was treated with abx and since the abx all the para proteins in my. Blood gave gone and have stayed that way for three years.
I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease years ago. after antibiotics didn’t work, I did some research on my own and found Amber Rose book Pioneers Healing Lyme Disease with Bee Venom. I’m on my third round of Bee Venom injections and my numbers are going down. I get my next IGENX Lyme test done this week. excited to see if the numbers are continuing to go down. I also Use Essential Oils: Clarity, Joy, RC, Thieves, Sacred Mountain, White Angelica and Rosemary. I just in the last 2 months stated Aggressive PEMF therapy as well with the “Magna Wave” machine.
Just recently started with Oral CBD oil as well and that is helping a ton with pain and sleep.
I take a lot of immune support as well. In spite of having 2 strains and 2 of the worst strains
All of the above has gotten me back to a pretty active life.
Hi, I have been diagnosed with Lyme disease and really thought I was dying! Had so many weird and wonderful symptoms and the doctors were at a full stop on where to go with me. A year after I was diagnosed I become ill with psychosis mentally ruined! Now on heavy anti psychotics and thankfully in remission but it was a scary time as I was suicidal. Please push your doctor for the long blood test as there are a lot of false negative
test results still happening but don’t give up the fight
I have good results with cats claw tincture, combined with samento tincture and artemisia tincture (also fights cancer!) (you have to drop these 3 times a day in a glass of water) for my Lyme monoarthritis in my knee. Also less fatigue and brain fog. Every night I drink 1 litre of jiaogulanthee to detox and cleanse. To get the death bacteria and parasites out of my body, I also drink water with Zeolite as it helps to absorb these and eliminate them. Besides all that, I take turmeric, vitB12, vit D, iodine, oregano oil and moringa powder daily. I eat a plant based diet too.
In my living room, I often diffuse frankincense oil.
My arthritis was treated with Humira for 6 years, it helped to stop de inflammation and swelling in my knee joint. But it suppresses your immune system and unfortunately I developed a basalcellcarcinoma on my eyelid last year. So… Bye bye Humira, welcome natural remedies!
Thanks to The truth about cancer: a global quest, I learnt I could treat that baso with curaderm bec5..
What a journey… It was interesting to see how it healed compketely!
Thank you very much for everything you do and for spreading the truth, it saved me from a very complicated operation witch would have left me with ugly scars on my face!
Wow! What a miracle, Karen!
You’ve done a lot of hard work to reach this stage of health. It’s not easy to stay committed and maintain consistency. We want you to know how proud we are of you. 🙂
Wishing you endless blessings and love!
Look into mycoplasma, a Lyme co-infection, as a cause of cancer. Over ten years ago all my dogs were dying from various types of cancer (five were diagnosed with it on one day) until a medical researcher alerted me to the cause being mycoplasma. I started treating them all with Doxycycline preventatively and have had no more cancers since then.
Wow! This is amazing, Barbara. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.
That is one of the reasons that one should not leave infections inside the body because it can be very dangerous. Infections like cancer can spread to other parts of the body including the organs.
I finally got antibiotics three months after getting bitten, which helped a bit. I used some of the recommended herbal tinctures along with serrapeptase to break down the biofilm, but it wasn’t until I tried the tip from a German family who all had suffered from Lyme’s, to drink salt water every day, that I finally saw rapid progress and got rid of symptoms completely. That was 6 years ago.