Seldom does a week go by without articles, internet posts, and advertisements which maintain that Nobel Laureate Otto Warburg discovered that cancer was caused by low oxygen and acidic pH. Though often misreported, Dr. Otto Warburg did not win the Nobel Prize for finding that cancer cannot live in an oxygen rich or alkaline environment.
What Warburg discovered and what he was awarded a Nobel Prize for was for simply making the discovery that low oxygen was characteristic of cancer cells.
Otto Warburg made some groundbreaking discoveries about the mechanisms of cancer, especially as regards respiration and mitochondrial malfunction. Instead of the widely spread disinformation that Warburg discovered that lack of oxygen was the prime cause of cancer and that he discovered that oxygen was a cure for cancer, the truth may surprise you…
What Warburg actually discovered was that cancer cells were low in oxygen due to a change in cellular respiration from using oxygen to using fermentation of sugar. In his own words:
“Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar.”
The widespread misrepresentation of Warburg’s discovery is most often used to support the sale of products, books, or treatments which center around beating cancer with oxygen and alkalizing. At one time, Warburg did hypothesize that oxygen might be used to cure cancer. However, when he tested his hypothesis and tried to cure cancer with oxygen, he failed.
It is easy to see why Warburg’s efforts to cure cancer with added oxygen failed. This is because lack of oxygen is not the prime cause of cancer − toxins are the prime cause of cancer. Cancer cells are low in oxygen primarily because they have changed from taking in and utilizing oxygen for respiration to a more primitive form of respiration which utilizes sugar instead of oxygen. It is the cancer process itself which causes most of the lack of oxygen, not the lack of oxygen which causes the cancer process.
Regardless of what Warburg postulated and wrote earlier, in his later years he became convinced that illness resulted from pollution. In that, he came much closer to the true primary cause of cancer and other illness. This is something that had been postulated half a century earlier by the late great French scientist Antoine Bechamp. Bechamp believed that illness is the result of a combination of toxins and an unhealthy cellular terrain.
Prolonged exposure to toxins, especially in combination with cells which have not been properly nourished, oxygenated, hydrated and cleansed is THE primary cause of cancer. This is especially so if one views radiation as a toxin. Over time the stress and inflammation that result from toxins leads to a dysfunction in the cellular mitochondria.
This leads to a cellular defense mechanism in which cells revert to a more primitive form of respiration (sugar fermentation), refuse to die, multiply and form a protective barrier.
Simply stated, cancer cells have low oxygen because they quit taking in oxygen for respiration as part of the cancer process itself. Similarly, it is the cancer process itself which causes the body to become increasingly acidic. The body labors mightily to maintain blood pH within a narrow range (7.35 – 7.45) and most people first get cancer when their pH is at or close to the normal range. As the cancer progresses, the body becomes increasingly acidic.
There have been many “prime causes” of cancer put forward, such as fungus, bacteria, viruses, parasites, stress, low pH, and on and on. But notably, virtually every one of those has been around for thousands and thousands of years. What has not been around and what tracks exactly with the increased incidence of cancer is toxins.
Since the beginning of the industrial age, man has created over 100,000 unnatural chemical compounds. These have been spewed or spilled into the air we breathe, the soil our plants are grown in, and the water we drink. Adding to that are the following:
- The increased radiation from all the nuclear bombs (and more recently nuclear plant disasters such as Chernobyl and Fukushima)
- Microwave radiation
- The vaccines and other medications which the body recognizes as toxins
- All the pesticides, insecticides, cosmetic products, and a world of household chemicals
- The processed foods where harmful additives are processed in and nutrition is processed out. It all adds up to increased cancer.
This article does not mean to imply that providing the body with extra healthy oxygen, especially at the cellular level, cannot help beat cancer or is not healthy. Normally, oxygen does play an important role in normal programmed cell death. That is due to the oxidative damage caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS).
ROS are chemically reactive molecules containing oxygen. Examples include oxygen ions and peroxides. ROS are formed as a natural byproduct of the normal metabolism of oxygen.
The trick with trying to beat cancer with oxygen is getting the oxygen inside the cells. It is not enough to simply provide an oxygen rich environment around the cancer cells or in the bloodstream. This is because, as pointed out earlier, cancer cells stop taking in oxygen − and that is true no matter how much oxygen may be available.
Extra oxygen as well as a healthy alkaline diet are both very healthy things to do, but it is the author’s strong belief that relying solely on either oxygen or increased pH to beat cancer is not advisable.
What do you think? Please share your thoughts in the Comments section below.
Article Summary
It is frequently misreported that Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for finding that cancer cannot live in an oxygen rich or alkaline environment.
What Warburg discovered and what he was awarded a Nobel Prize for was for simply making the discovery that low oxygen was characteristic of cancer cells.
Lack of oxygen is not the prime cause of cancer − toxins are the prime cause of cancer. It is the cancer process itself which causes most of the lack of oxygen, not the lack of oxygen which causes the cancer process.
In his later years Otto Warburg became convinced that illness resulted from pollution. This is in line with the findings of the late great French scientist Antoine Bechamp who believed that illness is the result of a combination of toxins and an unhealthy cellular terrain.
Since the beginning of the industrial age, man has created over 100,000 unnatural chemical compounds. These are now in the air we breathe, the soil our plants are grown in, and the water we drink.
Providing the body with extra healthy oxygen is still highly beneficial. The trick with trying to beat cancer with oxygen is getting the oxygen inside the cells.
Extra oxygen as well as a healthy alkaline diet are both very healthy things to do, but it is the author’s strong belief that relying solely on either oxygen or increased pH to beat cancer is not advisable.
Well written! Oxygen is key in cancer development and growth. Interestingly, all doctors learn about Warburg in med school, yet somehow forget when it comes to practice. I like that the author adds the effects of radiation from bombs and nuclear accidents (and also let’s not forget routine emissions), combined with chemicals, polluting our environment and food, making living a healthy diet even harder. BUT, it can be done. I hope that everyone reads this!!
Excellent! What was also left out, was the body’s abilities to make healthy blood by infusing it with chlorophyll ( which is almost identical to heme or blood). New blood is made in the crypts of the small intestines, therefore VERY important to heal intestinal villa by way of Alkaline diet.
So, changing the interstitial fluids to higher ph to stop the fermentation ( cancer), making new blood with green Alkaline food, Alkaline water ( 9.5 ph) , ridding body of metabolic acids by way of saunas, Epsom salt baths, colonics, lymph massages etc.). Exercise and good sleep schedule.
These are the things I would do.
Oh, and good healthy fats from non-animal , such as flax seed, avocado, hemp and olive oil.
Thanks Donna…you said it all girl…I believe every word…thanks again
Donna, do you have any suggestions for real olive oil? It seems many of brands makes fake olive oil. Thank you.
1. California Ranch contains 100% pure olive oil in the entire bottle.
2. I also heard Kirkland Brand from Costco Olive Oil is pure, but it might go rancid before you use it all.
There are a few others that were 100% pure, but I don’t remember the names. You might be able to google this information.
If you add some grape seed oil, it will extend the shelf life…
The body does much to normalize our foods (and liquids) to a proper PH (different organs may have different ph’s)…. One example is the lemon which is acidic, but it alkalinizes the body ph. As well different organs have different ph levels. (see link below)
“””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””This is where a lot of people get confused. There are many food items that are acidic in their natural state (ie. Lemons, limes). However, after the process of digestion they produce what is termed as an “alkaline ash” once digested and metabolized by the body. So while you may think a lemon is acidic in the body, it is actually quite good at alkalinizing the body.
Alkaline water also can’t change the pH of your blood.
Here is an article on other not great effects of high alkaline water.
“””””””””””””””””””””””””””””Although the pH of blood ranges from 7.35-7.45, the pH of other body fluids is different. pH indicates the level of H+ ions, where low pH indicates too many H+ ions and high pH indicates too many OH- ions. If the pH levels drop below 6.9, it can lead to coma. However, different body fluids have different pH values. The pH of saliva is ranges from 6.5 to 7.5. After swallowing, the food reaches the stomach where upper and lower parts of stomach have different pH values. The upper part has a pH of 4−6.5, while the lower part is highly acidic with a pH of 1.5−4.0. It then enters the intestine which is slightly alkaline, with a pH of 7−8.5. Maintaining the pH values of different regions is critical for their function.
See full list on
My wife viewed a YOU TUBE video in Spanish from a Doctor who has a research clinic, Clinica Betesda in Dos Pinos, San José Province, San José, Costa Rica. He claims that the cancer cells get their fuel from blood glucose (sugar) not from oxygen as previously thought. They eat ravenously the blood glucose and use it as fuel to multiply quickly. This doctor claims that Vitamin C looks much like the blood glucose to the cancer cells and they try to devour it buy get no fuel from it and die. He says that massive dosages 25,000 milligrams by injection are needed to fool the cancer cells Have you ever heard of this ‘Warburg Cancer Cure? Does it have any credibility? My daughter in law’s father has stage 5 cancer so I want to share only credible info with her Regards, CY Gaydos CyGaydos
I know this post is older, but hope this helps others who come across it. Dr Abram Hoffer worked with Vitamin C and cancer, quite successfully. (Based on Noble laureate Linus Pauling’s work with Viamin C). There are MANY stories about curing cancer with Vit C, but that info is suppressed. It must be High Dose. Check out the 60 minutes story from New Zealand about a swine flu/leukemia patient, Alan Smith. The hospital was going to take him off life support and let him die, but is family forced the hospital, through legal action, to give Vit C. He made full recovery.
Tip: You can also find videos re how to make liposomal Vitamin C. Do some research bc some of the info may be incorrect; find the right ones.
Check out Dr Abram Hoffer’s work with Vitamin C to cure cancer, based off Noble laureate Linus Pauling’s work with Vit C. [Dr Hoffer also used Vitamin B3 (Niacin) to cure schizophrenia, help with alcoholism, showed some promise for Huntington’s disease, Parkinsons etc]
On youtube there is a 60 minutes New Zealand story from 10 years ago about a farmer, Alan Smith, who was on life support with swine flu / leukemia. The hospital wanted to turn off the machines and let him die, but his family through lawyers forced them to use Vit C. He made full recovery.
You can find articles/videos about making your own liposomal Vit C. You may want to spend some time researching to ensure you get the correct info.
All about vitamin C and niacin and Dr. Abram Hoffer, etc. I used this site for two MS degrees and it was immensely helpful. I still go on it weekly.
I think one of the biggest culprit is stress… The immune system cannot function optimally as it impedes proper digestion and break down of nutrients. So obviously nutritional deficiencies have become a significant factor. I see it as a domino effect since all the major organs (esp. endocrine, liver, etc) are seriously out of balance and aggravated by improper diet. Stress creates toxins as well.
I agree that stress precipitates/exacerbates inflammation/disease. However I imagine that stress has actually been ubiquitous throughout history and in every society today, and cancer is not equally present in previous generations nor throughout all nations and cultures. So seems reasonable to surmise that while stress likely fans the flames of this insidious condition, it perhaps is not the trigger of this dynamic that modern toxins appear to be.
It is “Ratios” the body, has to have balance, not too much or any one thing, just enough and no more. Keep the body in balance, know how cancer makes energy and how to deny it a “Home”
No, One Magic Harry Potter, spell, it is balance or lack there of. You keep your body as it was at 10 years old you would live for 100s of years but what about age? How to counter act that? Great Question and the Answer is “Adult Stem Cells”, no killing babies, “Adult” is a internal skin graft to return your “Stem Cell” count to as you were at 10 years old. It is depleted “Adult Stem Cell” which is “One” of many components of counter acting all the billions of reactions required to survive, internally and biologically.
Sttessors . why children get cancer? Why do animals too? Find their stressors they will heal?
Sugar supresses our immune systems as well probably for the same reasons it can cause cancers. Sugar can rot teeth as well, help cause diabetes, obesity. Hypertension. Its more of a drug than food. In fact I’ve referred to sugar as a drug, recieved backlash until pointing out that the brain lights up to sugar like a cocaine addicts brain lights up to cocaine. I’m pretty sure sugar helpscause hypertension, and high blood pressure too. Likely causes blood trygliceride and cholestreol count to be high as well. There other wonderful benefits in sugar I’m sure I’m missing. But that saying “you are what you eat” really rings true here. It’s a matter of education, as to what things are harmful. Moreover, It’s a matter of caring about ourselves first. Without that good health has no chance..
What about decreasing sugar consumption? The article states “the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar.”
Decreasing sugar consumption is crucial! That includes all sugars, e.g., grains, alcohol, etc. More importantly, we really put cancer cells to the task when we push ourselves into ketosis through extended fasting. For somebody who is given a serious cancer diagnosis, a 10-day fast is often warranted to fix the body’s metabolism from glucose-based to fat-based. Deep into a fast, cancer cells are no longer getting the sugars required, which puts them into the situation of either dying or changing back to oxygen. Once the latter happens, apoptosis can be restored and the cell replication and programmed cell death are returned to normal.
All this information is covered in great depth in the Truth About Cancer series.
If we could all be Cave Men and Women, for just once moment, we could see a diet without sugar. It is possible to live and make Aerobic energy without sugar. So, come back to the present, you just have to slow down the sugar, to as little as possible but just sugar to Zero alone is only one of seven key elements to preventing disease. No one answer, it is a Bio Chemistry and Quantum Physics, issue, at Nano, some of what you know here to be truth is completely thrown out the window, in Quantum Physics, it is not linear but trends over time, it is not take this so long and your be better, it is “Putting Once a Year, a ‘vaccine’ nano particle catalyst of single atom oxygen floating in the blood stream by design to oxidize the Anaerobic, upon contact, that is the only reason, is to stabilize the bond structure of carcinogens.
The problem with this idea is that the liver makes all the glucose your body needs. Eliminating sugar from the diet IS crucial as part of the strategy, but your liver still makes all you need, and thereby makes all the sugar that the tumors need.
False. Your body needs very little glucose to function. More importantly, your body needs healthy fats to survive. When it comes to fighting cancer, eliminating sugar (glucose) is extremely important.
According to Marks and professor Pantellini along with this low intracellular Potassium
with all due respect, I am not a Doctor, I am a Man who read several compelling medical journals, put a Protocol together and reversed the numbers associated with prostrate cancer, Prostrate Specific Antigens PSA was 5.2 beginning PSA Fluid 10,000, after protocol PSA 4.1 and Fluid 14,000, which is trending away from a Cancer Condition, a condition encouraging cancer to grow. However, remember I am drinking in this Protocol 1 gallon of water infused with 450 MG of single atom oxygen each day. Have done this for three years and I never get sick, ever.
How do you prepare it?
so I can give proof of concept and then you too, can do this if it makes as much sense as it did to me, I do this protocol every day.
Mark Gordon, disculpa y como preparas la fórmula de 450 mg/ gln.?
No contesta ni en ingles, menos en español…
Eating to much sugar is not good for your health, because cancer feeds on sugar. Whenever I take stress, my body tends to go down, because my mind is the one that controls everything.It is true that too much stress is not good for your general health, but I am not sure that it causes cancer. If use add one teaspoon of baking soda in their water, will one’s cancer disappear, because I have heard that baking soda cures cancer, especially if you mix it with molasses.
I used sodium bicarbonate with maple syrup in my dog she had a tumor in her lung in one month the tumor had disappeared the vets were speechless
I’ve been using 10 drops of H2O2 three times a day with great results
Same here, H2O2 works really goed, also health improvement, I use it in flu season as prevention as wel ( 10-15 drops 3%/1/25 class of water and flashing my nose) so far didn’t get a flu since I use it, also helps to kids
Can you please explain this in more detail?
Low Potassium causes changes in the Genetic structute of RNA and causes spontaneous cell mitosis
I think the focus on Warburg’s famous study with mostly stage IV cancer patients was the use of an extremely alkaline substance Cesium Chloride.
High blood sugar, high insulin in response…..both detrimental and lead to changes in the cell. Fewer mitochondria, those that exist are defective, so energy production happens in cytoplasm, rather than mitochondria. Above anything else, ketogenic diet as preventative and as adjunct treatment in the diagnosed. 3BP is very promising but no major trials yet, needs funding.
The big difference Melinda is that today we are exposed to many more harmful chemicals than in previous times. This alone makes it more difficult to detox and hence suppressing proper immune function. A very complicated process is at work with many variables admittedly. Toxins and nutritional deficiencies cause cancer but our only defense is our immune system. Cheers!
if they are using aluminum and barium in the atmospheric aerosols for weather modification and sun blocking effects, the problem with cancer seems to have multiplied a thousand fold.
Warburg did win the price for the discovery that cancer cells cannot survive in an alkaline and oxygen rich environment and that it feeds on sugar. It is not a misconception which the author says. I dramatically reduced my tumor in just a few weeks by raising the alkalinity aggressively which shocks the cells to take up more oxygen, and cutting out all sugar. Not sure what methods Mr Isaacs used for his cancer but Otto Warburgs’ theory worked on me.
Hi Jen. how are you at moment? how old are you? The cancer appeared in what body part? Did the cancer desappear completly?
Best Regards
No he did not win for what was just said. He won only once.
Where did you see that Tony Isaacs had and “cured his cancer” ?
And also can you show citation for your statement about Dr Warburg ?
If toxins are truly the root cause of cancer, it would seem to me that we would be hard pressed to actually cure cancer….especially if the true causes are toxins and radiation in the air we breath and the water we drink and the soil where even our organic food comes from. So I’m not sure how this information helps the average person who is either fighting cancer or has a loved one with cancer. An individual can only control so much of their exposure to pollution- I think that most people need to know about the “what else can I do for myself” to fight cancer in my body, or prevent it from even starting. Low sugar diets? increasing alkalinity? yoga? supplements? herbs? etc., etc. That is the kind of information people really need!
I agree with Marie. I need this information urgently for my daughter that is fighting a brain cancer. Very important for us: what we can actually do ourselves to support healing except pure pray and believe? Please replay. Thanks.
Try to call dr Burzynsky.HustonTX
713 335 5697
Doctors don’t “heal” anyone, lest their typical dispositions being overly encouraged to expand their already busting-at-the-seems egos. God made the human body, and learning how to work WITH it – to HEAL ITSELF – is the key. It is MORE THAN OBVIOUS that NO single human being has “the” answer. MANY of the suggestions, comments, etc. contained herein are very helpful… some more than others. It is clear that the medical community at large is NOT going to cure cancer; same thing for “funding” so-called research facilities. They’ve discovered a cash cow that will fund them for eternity… I’m not willing to fund such organizations! I’ll FUND those that actually produce RESULTS! Burzynsky MAY be helping the situation, and I sincerely pray he is. However, NO DOCTOR heals anyone, the human body figures out how to heal itself! Stop giving medicine so much credit. We’ve been “fighting” cancer like we’ve been “fighting” the “war on drugs” and the “war on poverty.” (How’s that working for us?!?) Instead of using a Kung Fu approach, might I suggest Judo!?! (Instead of fighting directly AGAINST something, let’s try encouraging that which works WITH the situation to get the results we prefer and desire; Kung Fu is a direct assault against the opponent; Judo uses the opponents’ movement against themselves!)
Well said!
Being Still,,, You couldn’t have said it any better.!! I don’t believe in all that garbage drugs they put in people with cancer. Our body has to learn how to fight it,, not make it worse with drugs. I was diagnosed in 2012. Though I knew I had it before hand. They took part of my lung out with a mass in it and a lymph node. That was all I allowed them to do. I have learned to fight off the cancer till this day. But there is ONE thing that people forget when they are saying this is the cause, and that is the cause..what about the Little Children ? So many of them coming down with Cancer !!!!
Could it be the vaccines? Every child gets stuck at birth & then it continues.
Totally agree. Our problem is that we are constantly looking for a cure, but WE (your body) is the cure – just give it what it needs, and it will heal itself.
Frankincense ihas very good results treating brain cancer topically. Essiac tea, hyperbaric oxygen treatments also help as well.
Frankincense essential oil helps cure brain cancer
Eu experimentaria dióxido de cloro, 30 ppm. “Cura proíbida” de Andreas Kalcker. (CDS/MMS) usar também DMSO.
Cellfood contains deuterium. Deuterium is a non-radioactive isotope of hydrogen where high energy is stored in the bond between proton and neutron. In water, deuterium will undergo the nuclear fusion reaction process that is accompanied with the release of energy (nuclear energy).
Deuterium release energy in millions of electron voltage in water, which is more than sufficient to split the hydrogen bond and covalent bond of the water molecules, then produces nascent hydrogen and nascent oxygen. Nascent oxygen is a very cost-effective antioxidant which required neutralizing the excessive free radicals as a result of oxidative stress that is the basic cause of aging and all chronic diseases.
I used to work on nuclear weapons. We were always told that tritium (the radioactive third isotope of hydrogen, whereas deuterium is the non-radioactive second isotope of hydrogen) would be quickly absorbed into the human body, as it is water-soluble (hoping that I am getting my facts straight, as this was the 1980s). Consequently, we would monthly sample a random worker’s urine by converting it to gas with a reaction agent and then run it through a detector, which would then alarm if radiation was present. I never knew this about deuterium, though.
Incidentally, in nuclear fusion, the second and third isotopes of hydrogen are fused together, creating helium, actually. This is what is happening in the sun/stars.
The truth is in there
The best hedge against disease is the relentless search to reach our Infinite potential in mind body and spirit.
Try reading the China Study by T. Colin Campbell, test animals fed a diet of 20% protein developed tumors, while the animals fed a diet of 5% did not develop tumors even when exposed to the same level of a given carcinogen. Seems animal protein is the culprit.
Hmm… It appears one cannot edit their comments here, once posted. That said, could you perhaps correct your post in a word processor (like MS Word or OpenOffice), then repost it? I really do want to understand what you’re trying to say. Thanks again…
for readers, the TJ is correct, at my level, much of what I write has to be edited, I, like Dr Otto H Warburg, could care less, what or how well you interpret what I reply, what I say or if you can duplicate the protocol, after reading my writings. In my world, those at the PhD level can either get into the subject matter and discuss the developments or “Nick Pick my Grammer”. Once and for all, I could not care what any of your opinions are, you have little or no data to prove anything and your opinions, will not direct me, I am solid.
I do exactly this same protocol every day, I never get sick and if all of you take the time to explore the internet, the Answers, are all there. If not, then there are people who have figured the puzzle out. I do not seek, what any on you seek, so caring about your opinions of my bad writing style, Go, take this quarter, call some one who gives a dam. It is exactly this certainty, as to why, I really do not care about any of your opinions TJ. or anyone else, you can type them to see your own type but as for me, I am not writing to the Nobel Prize Committee, the US Government or the FDA, who gives a flying crap!
Unfortunately as usual when fungus is mentioned as a cause, which has been long proven, their deadly DNA mutating mycotoxins (toxins) are not mentioned. That is dangerous ignorance. These toxins are very rich in our historically newly stored sillage grains and such. This discounts thousands of references that the great W.H.O. mycology head, A.V. Costantini forwarded to the world showing how mycotoxins cause every cancer known as well as a host of other disease. No surprise that when 27 of 27 new lung cancer diagnosis’s where given antifungals only, all 27 were cancer free in weeks. No surprise they use fungal mycotoxins to induce cancer in lab rats or to induce diabetes. What does that have to do with Otto? Fermentation of sugars. Alcohol is a great example. Fruit ferments, you get a fungal (yeast) mycotoxins called “alcohol.” and how many cancers does that cause? About 100? Mind you Saccromycetes is just one of 100’s that are pathogenic. Oh…and the USDA tests only for aflotoxins with many more near as potent and deadly in our food supply universally from peanuts to wheat to corn and rye. Again, grains ferment and are rich in mycotoxins. Ending…the fungalk cell and cancer cell are nearly indistinguishable. See 27 lung cancer patients above. Blessings, T.
Mycotoxins are cause to all diseases, imho. Doug Kauffman has researched and written about this for years! However, with all due respect to Mark Gordon Cooper, I can’t wait to see what you bring to 2017! Happy New Year!?!?!?
There is 1 know cure, three cures in Fast Track of FDA and 10 alternative cures which are protocols, done outside the USA. I find, that all Americans, have little thing we can do or say, while the FDA, AMA, DEA and Department of Health and Science, prevent any and all of the items which work, from us. I really think discussing a Botanist’s research, Dr OHW, has so little to do with the Traditional path. Academy choose the other ways, the synthetic, the radiation and both, usually given, to patients which stem cell counts lower than 10% of there original amount. This lack of the body to recovery due to lack of amount of stem cells to recover, is the true, irony. They know, that 97% die after five years of the Protocol and Treatment Plan. Only three survive, when both radiation and chemo, are both used. Back check me, readers.
Sadly those stats are accurate. If 97% died with your “treatment” you would think people would wise up and smell the coffee (or a rat) sooner or later .
sir, there is elimination protocols for any major and terminal disease, the problem, is your US Government’s FDA will prevent you from saving yourself. You have to go outside the USA for many of the alternative known safe and elimination protocols. There is however, only one way to disease the overall amount of disease, it is to stop doing those actions which “Encourages the Energy Creation of “Obligated Anaerobics”, kill all “Obligated Anaerobic disease”, the rest your body will kill naturally. So, how do we increase “Blood Stream Oxygen Levels” and more importantly, how do we increase our “Oxygen Absorption Rate”, out of the amount of oxygen you take in how much do you actually absorb? It is following the directions, the signs and the words of Dr Otto H Warburg, which lead me to “Tri Atomic Oxygen” generated by an machine which Sir Nikola Tesla, invented to split Oxygen two atom into two single atom oxygen. I teach you to use this technology, to elevate your oxygen level in your blood which in turn will decrease the occurances of active and free radical disease which stays in your blood, trying to infect your cells and disrupt the process of Energy Creation at the Mitochondria Level. We teach you how to counter act, the requirement of “Obligated Anaerobic Disease” to make ATP, the energy of the cell. So, the rest of the cures are outside the scope of this reply. Happy Holidays 2016
No I will not, they could not understand, if I were in the same room.
I am sorry to deny the issues refered in this article. Warburg did not rceive the Nobel Prize for his work on cancer but due to the discovery that the flavins and the nicotinamide were the active groups of the hydrogen-transferring enzymes. This, together with the iron-oxygenase discovered earlier, has given a complete account of the oxidations and reductions in the living world. For his discovery of the nature and mode of action of the respiratory enzyme, the Nobel Prize has been awarded to him in 1931. This discovery has opened up new ways in the fields of cellular metabolism and cellular respiration. He has shown, among other things, that cancerous cells can live and develop, even in the absence of oxygen. But the Nobel Prize was not awarded for his work on cancer.
I find it sad that you think so highly of yourself that you have no need to clarify yourself, that your post would have some cohesiveness and coherency. Sadly, you are like many of the PhDs and doctors who are my students… full of yourself, full of some serious cognitive distortions, and unable to see beyond that Johari Window you peek out of. After your narcissistic rant above, I believe any who read your posts will agree that you truly spend far too much time kissing your mirror.
Have a nice life kid… not that you deserve one.
What is single atom oxygen? Where can I buy that? I did a quick google, found nothing. please contact me!
My dad died of leukemia in 1980 at the age of 69. He ate the same food Mom ate who served him all of his married life from 1944. Mom died of a stroke in 2002 at the age of 82. Their dates of birth were 1911 and 1920. Lack of oxygen in Dad’s body could have accounted for his cancer because he suffered from sleep apnea. Dad had three heart attacks between the ages of 55 and 65. There is no sign of cancer in me and I turned 69 in December. Dad slept on his back and snored terribly. Mom slept on her side as do I.
It is impossible to have a diet without sugar. What it is possible is NOT to add EXTRA sugar to your diet. There is plenty of it in all fruits, vegetables, etc.
Impossible? What do you think our ancestors had year-round access to fruit and grains lol? They lived on game, fat, and fasted for the majority of the year, just like people today who stay in nutritional ketosis either full or part-time and thrive
I use Stevia and only stevia, I buy products with Stevia as a sweetener.
and I have read of and believe that a Keto Diet is very beneficial to health and weight loss.
Fruit Sugars ie. Lactose in milk & fructose acts differently in the body than straight Sucrose and Glucose. The consistent use of Sugar and High fructose corn syrup/corn syrup which are in almost all processed foods today and other junk, are the reasons for most disease. Toxins in our homes and used outside on yards, fields for crops and plants in our environment and pesticides on bugs or for bug control do nothing to keep us healthy. Toxins in Vaccines also do not make us well or cure anything.
We all need to take control of our own health and what we eat and use is a great start.
Meat is practically 100% fat and protein and water. It has only trace amounts of carbohydrates. If you went on a zero calorie diet, you would use up your carbohydrate stores within about three days.
The IRA hungar strikers lived for an average of about 60 days while consuming nothing but water and oxygen. Their energy source during that period was their internal fat and protein stories.
If a person were to consume only fat and protein and take a vitamin supplement then that person would go into ketosis. The brain prefers glucose but can survive on ketones.
TJ, NOTHING you wrote was insincere in your attempt to get clarity. It’s also worth noting that Mark Gordon Cooper seems to take things personally that were never meant to be. That’s HIS loss, not anyone else’s! Thank you for writing what others were thinking as they read Cooper’s comments: while seemingly insightful, they’re a little weak on the “writing/grammar/spelling skills.” 🙂 Too bad, he seems to know a lot; too bad so many won’t be able to intelligibly understand what he said. And, as too many with higher intelligence, he takes things someone would say about a shortcoming and makes it a personal attack… which I know wasn’t intended! RIDICULOUS! No wonder the world can’t live in peace. We have too many “know it all’s” with the attitudes of Obamass! They all know everything, you can’t teach those who think/feel this way. Too bad, too. It’s a stumbling block they’ll NEVER see as a shortcoming in need of being purged; instead, they see everyone else and what they have to say about any constructively criticized thing as the OTHER PERSON’s problem! This pretty much explains the world’s political state at present: everyone’s right… all anyone need do is ask them! All overly-defensive four year olds with the positions of authority to destroy the world many times over! Not to worry, THEY know everything! …and they have the attitudes to enforce it! Again, so sad.
How about nebulizing food grade H2O2 2 to 3 times a day for a month for preventative and curative measures?
Why H2O2? What about other powerful antioxidants? These could be taken on a daily basis…
Sir, why not FDA approved poly MVA patent expired cancer reversal? Why not stem cell haft and ozone injections, no sir you cannot handle the truth.
To what sir are you referring in your last post?
I am interested in what you have to say, think it is important, that you have studied much … but it’s hard to follow your comments. Is English your second language? That would explain the unusual word usage. Maybe you need a friend to proof read and organize your comments. If that is not the case, then there are other issues. This is NOT a personal attack, just trying to get your comments figured out.
In one post above, you were giving steps for someone to follow – buying a machine, etc.
You sounded belligerent, angry, upset at them … but if you are truly here to share your knowledge and genius, a different approach needs to be used. I do think you have a gift to share, but it is being lost.
I also noticed you told TJ that you didn’t care what anyone thought. If that is so – why waste your time here!
Or at least share in an intelligent, articulate manner – don’t waste others’ time who are truly looking for answers by being so obtuse with your information …
There are those in need.
Yes the common reply when someone has something to add and you want to shut them down. The English Nazis come out and Chang the subject. No you could not look up anything said like a real scholar would. Why be cause you want to teach not learn. You have to be right. All too common today. Go ahead and close your mind. Grammar Nazis now rule disinformation and distraction on the net. They argue, not debate. Maybe not you and I got it wrong. But can you pretend scholars that don’t wish to learn anything new just move on?
good reply yes why be on here if you think being rude is ok especially if the person has cancer now they are looking for answers they can understand and apply..
Good statement Linda, I will mention that regular and consistent exercise is as important as a good diet and the food we eat along with enough sleep. Good supplementation can fill in any nutritional gaps or shortcomings. …Harvey
I like your thinkin’, Being Still;) As a current cancer Survivor (meaning I’m still surviving;) I am moving daily toward Judo, I’ve already tried the docs and the Kung Fu ‘-‘ I have been taking Rick Simpson Oil since December, and I’m just back from the Big Cancer Place in Texas-my Doc’s say my tumor is still “fuzzy”…so not bigger, not migrating…I am happy about that! Gonna work on my alkalinity when I get home. To lady with sick daughter-first, I am sorry your daughter has this fight…prayers for you all! I would look into CBD at least, as it is legal in most states… You will have to research and follow your instincts for your daughter. Learn as much as you can. to others…let’s be kind! everyone on this site is searching for Hope, so let’s build each other up! If you KNOW a suggestion is junk, say so, but nicely. You have no idea how you can bust someone’s bubble and make them QUIT looking for the answers they seek. I believe we are all unique, and each person’s body, dna, environment, etc., is different…so get close to God, Mother Earth, and listen to your body…or listen to your loved one. It is such an individual journey. Curamin, medicinal mushrooms, the alkaline thing, water(and I HATED drinking water b4 this, go fig) nutrition…as someone above stated, immunity baby. And POSITIVITY! Get rid of energy vampires in your life! My two cents. Blessings
Your post struck a cord with me…
my dad too died of cancer (melanoma) he too had terrible sleep apnea and too had a weak heart and slept on his back..
I long suspected that his sleep apnea had much to do
with this desease and am hearing more nd more of this anecdotal evidence…
thanks for posting!
I was diagnosed with prostate cancer three years ago and I REVERSED it. That’s it and I tell you how I starved the cancer, to death. It three steps, Alkaline, No Sugar and Flood your body with Triatomic Oxygen infused into water. That’s it and it can all be taught, then if daily done, you prevent disease the ability to produce energy. We starve it to death.
you better watch closely,, Im a 220 year suvivor of prostate cancer> I ma now 64 yo. just keep vigilent with your PSA’s
20 years , sorry
What is PSA’s?
Good for you! I believe in your method and have had read of several others similarly successful. Cancer can be starved out as you describe. Too bad more people don’t know this.
Where do you obtain Triatomic oxygen infused water?
Do you really think your stomach is your 2nd lung?
The stomach does not absorb oxygen
How much Ozone water did you drink per day? What was the ppm in the water?
There is absolutely no connection between sleep apnea and malinoma.
I have sleep apnea and the lack of oxygen while I slept wrecked my body. High blood pressure and erectile dysfunction were the first symptoms. I have my machine now and the oxygen helps my body reverse whats happened. Im not a doctor but I’m can speak from experience.
I thought blood was produced by the bone marrow
Stem cell reproduction in adults can apparently be induced from consuming blue-green algae—Supposedly the algae from Lake Klamath is miraculous… Also potential volcanic growth works wonders
I use a greens that has blue-green algae daily 3 x ‘s a day. Its also loaded with veggies, fruits and herbs ! Love it and know that it is highly beneficial to my health.
Linda, where can I find what you use?
Thanks so much
Cut the sugar down and you starve the cell. Cancer cells can only metabolize glucose is what I’m understanding. It seems simple. The cause of cancer is astronomical. But the prevention seems easy. A ketogenic diet with a mix of intermittent fasting and nother cancer cell can survive…..of course there is no money in cancer prevention either……I think he had it down in 1931. It’s a shame we still discuss this in 2017
So true. Sad more people don’t know this.
So, just curious here. I keep seeing that no sugar, starve the cancer, keto this etc. Yet, surely everyone here should know about gluconeogenesis and that “sugars” are constantly being added to your blood whether you eat them or not.
So what’s the deal?
Don’t pour more sugar in. Yes we make our own glucose butt we Need only minimal and start body produces is not chemical laced.
Thank you, Max, for that one word: “gluconeogenesis.” THAT is the process that everyone who has an interest in nutrition MUST understand. Glucose is MADE by the body from other nutrients. Eliminating external sources of glucose sugar from the diet does NOT eliminate glucose from the bloodstream, glucose is a fundamental nutrient needed for energy by the human body.
So… how can we starve the cancer cells according to Warburg while we always have gluconeogenesis inside our body and therefore always glucose in our blood stream?
By consuming meat only. Zero carb diet. Yes, the body will utilize the process of gluconeogenisis to provide the minimal amount of glucose needed for organ and brain function, but it doesn’t over produce.
Agreed, it is very sad. My frustrations and angers, recently, are stemmed from this maddening realization that these truths and others have been kept secret from the masses. Im not sure by who or why though I suspect it likely has to do with money and power; the basis for many evils here on Earth.
You are on to it. Those with all the money and power control all the information, execute the orders and provide the recipes for the poisoning of our food, water, pharmaceuticals, personal hygiene products, and air and hold the actual cures for cancer and disease. The withholding of the cures for cancer is nothing more than a culling (depopulation agenda) of hundreds of thousands of us “useless eaters” while making billions for themselves with toxic pharmaceuticals and treatments that are completely ineffective other than to speed up death and create additional disease. i know it sounds insane and unbelievable but this is the truth and its time we all wake up to it.
I agree that we have all been “duped” by the medical industry .
CBD Oil has been illegal for many years, now it can be obtained
to treat many disorders that doctors have been prescribing meds
for ! I now can grow the plant that will keep me healthy and Cancer free . My doctor will not get any $$$ if I continue treating myself. We are own best medical provider, listen to your body and it will tell you what it needs . God bless you and yours !
You are right on all counts but it is even worse than that. Even the cancer “Treatment “ has been factored to the last dollar. It is the most profitable for the drug companies and the hospitals. Many chemo drugs cost over 65,000 a month. They start systematically with the most profitable one your insurance will cover. Then they do scans to show it “shrinked” a tumor. However chemo is essentually poison and was created to temporarily shrink tumors and have them return stronger. That’s because you can’t poison the cancer out of the body. Then they go to next most profitable chemo on down the line. The average person pays well over $150,000 on cancer treatment. They are scared to death and will give up their life savings, sell their house and all their possessions and anything they can borrow on credit cards or otherwise and funnel it all in just to live.Yet 97% are dead within 5 years anyway with this “treatment” (Hospital’s oncology stats). Then they are pushing you out the back door into hospice care to die since “they did all they could” because there is another cancer victim coming in the front door to start “cancer treatment” -And they need your bed.
Yes, Donna! I agree! So are you saying that it would be helpful to take Chlorophyll supplements?
Had the same question there are around 100 of supplements with the same effect
this kind of fasting does it mean such a person will not eat nothing at all for the 10 days?
From what I understand even a 24 hour fast once a week will stop tumors from starting. Plus no or very low sugar and a ketogenic type diet. Have also read of folk doing mostly raw greens, no sugar (even fruit) for several months or a year, starving it out .
Gerson Therapy can help heal certain cancers, not all cancers but the soft tissue types,with vegetable juicing. The immune system heals the body with carrot juice and other nutrient dense vegtatbles. There are 50 cases of cancer patients with documented pictures and xrays that show cancer tumors shrinking month by month on Gerson Therapy. It is very interesting and if you are sick or unwell try eating raw greens (romaine or green leaf lettuce) juicing greens , for a couple days and you will notice your body will be in much less pain.
Everyone is discussing “curing” cancer and not a soul has mentioned what we can do to prevent it in the first place???? omg
Tammy, I suppose it was just assumed. But your emotionally-charged comment stoked a fire within me and I was compelled to sit down and provide a reply. But good for you for demanding quality information, which is in very short supply these days. Basically, you just do many of the same things in order to prevent cancer. Here are some ideas and suggestions:
1. Avoid toxins in your living environment to the extent possible (both chemical and electronic). Some examples are:
a) Turn off Wi-Fi and cell phones at night and keep cell phones out of your bedroom when you’re sleeping.
b) If your cell phone is your primarily means of communication, only carry it next to your body when you absolutely have to. Otherwise, keep it at a distance of 3 or more feet away when you’re not using it. Using a headset or ear bud is better than holding the phone next to your brain. The image readily available online of a brain exposed to a cell phone is sobering, to put it mildly.
c) Don’t use tap water for hydration or food preparation. It often includes many unhealthy and undesirable elements, and seems to get worse with the passing of time. Use only distilled or R/O water instead. I personally only drink and cook with distilled water that I add 1/2 tsp (per gallon jug) of pink Himalayan rock salt OR unrefined sea salt to (refined table salt is NOT the same). This replenishes the trace minerals in the water that were lost during the distillation process. Optionally, you can also add 4.5 tsp (per gallon jug) of MSM powder (methyl-sulfonyl methane) for a real health boost. [For those who care, yes I recycle the BPA-free plastic jugs.]
d) Rid your living space of chemical cleaners, air fresheners, and virtually everything produced by the chemical industry. Then replace with natural and/or harmless cleaners (e.g., white vinegar, baking soda, ozonated (read: ozone-infused) water, liquid castile soap, etc.) Also, introduce plants into your living space for the numerous benefits they provide.
e) If you use health and beauty products, be aware that the use of toxic ingredients are both commonplace and often undisclosed (it’s not food so there is no regulation or law regarding full disclosure). It’s a fact that whatever goes on your skin (including your scalp) goes inside your body, too. So give your liver a break and reduce the toxic onslaught it already has to deal with on a daily basis.
2. As the primary gateway to your insides (read: body), keep your oral cavity clean with daily oil pulling (extra virgin organic coconut oil is ideal), brushing with a homemade natural toothpaste (no toxic fluoride!), and flossing. As a natural mouthwash, 2 drops of peppermint oil and bit of water gargled and swished for a minute is very refreshing. Don’t go overboard, tap water is fine for this purpose because you spit it out when you’re done. NOTE: Unless you are uncommonly well informed, chewing a dental probiotic after brushing and flossing to replenish the naturally-occuring “good” oral bacteria is a very healthy practice most people are totally unaware of. Be aware that most chemical mouthwashes kill both the “good” and the “bad” bacteria in your mouth. And just like the effect antibiotics have on your digestive tract, the “bad” bacteria recovers much faster and proliferates causing undesired and unhealthy consequences.
3. Habitually eat clean, organic, nutrient-dense foods and avoid unhealthy (read: toxic) junk and pre-processed foods. Don’t be fooled by the packaging; it’s marketing with profit as its goal. Many products promoted as health food are not healthy at all. The closer to nature (read: natural state) the better the food. One might ask, “Do you mean go back to cooking from scratch?” Yes, to the fullest extent possible. The health benefits are numerous. To that end, eat mostly plants, healthy fats (read: avocado, organic eggs, etc.), small amounts of grass-fed or pastured protein, raw seeds and nuts, etc.
4. Though mentioned above, the importance of this one topic merits its own section. Avoid ALL chemical sugar substitutes, processed sugars like GMO and conventional beet sugar, cane sugar of all types, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, and on and on ad nauseam. It’s everywhere so you must be vigilant! Develop a mindset that puts certain ingredients in the same category as STDs and cancer. You simply DON’T want it. The commercial food sellers widely use sugar, salt, and rancid heart-damaging polyunsaturated fats to hook consumers on their toxic food products, so expect to see it in a vast array of commercially prepared foods regardless of how they are promoted (read: conventional or “healthy”). For your own culinary creations, use organic honey, stevia, and other unprocessed fruit sugars on a limited basis. It’s called a “treat” for a reason; it’s not a staple. And in spite of the overreaching warnings of some, nutrient-dense fruits with the fiber intact are good for you on a limited basis. For example, if you were to develop the excellent habit of starting each day by making a green smoothie, it should be 80-90% vegetables and only 10-20% nutrient-dense fruit. Good choices would be ones rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients, such as various berries, kiwi, apple, pineapple, etc. It goes without saying, if you’re consuming the skin or peel only use thoroughly cleaned organic fruit. If it’s NOT on the “Dirty Dozen” list, and it IS on the “Clean 15” list, using conventionally grown fruit is fine and will save you some money. [PLEASE NOTE: If one already has cancer and is avoiding ALL sugars, that’s a different subject. But that’s not the context of this post, which is in response to a specific question regarding prevention.]
5. As a further thought on #4, there are certain food groups that are quickly converted to sugar (read: glucose) during the digestion process. Most grains and legumes fall into this group. So eating a bowl of organic oatmeal is not all that different than eating a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios (let’s assume it’s not GMO) in terms of the sugar spike it causes. The sugar spike, in turn, causes a release of insulin, which then causes the body to store fat. That also stresses the immune system, and causes other adverse issues too numerous to list here. So the bottom line is this, while certain nutrient-rich grains can supply beneficial carbohydrates as a fuel, it comes at a cost and therefore should be consumed on a limited basis. Further, since Monsanto’s Roundup (read: glyphosate) is now widely used in the conventional crop desiccation (read: drying) process, and it has been listed as a known carcinogen, ONLY organic grains should be consumed, albeit on a limited basis. Reducing or eliminating grains and legumes from your diet has the added health benefit of natural weight reduction. The pounds simply fall off as the sugar and carbohydrate intake is reduced.
6. Use high quality supplements on an as-needed basis to off-set nutrient deficiencies. Avoid the multivitamin “shotgun” approach to health maintenance. It is the rare person who is deficient in all those vitamins and minerals. At best, it’s a waste of money; and at worst, you could be overloading your system with fat-soluble nutrients that don’t easily flush out of your body. At the end of the day, the absolute BEST source of vitamins and minerals is in plant- and animal-based foods. These are far superior to anything synthesized in a laboratory.
7. Develop a good health routine that works for you and stick with it, and expect your health needs to change as you age.
8. Don’t get your health information from the mainstream media. They don’t know what they’re talking about. Truth be known, the talking heads are just reading it from a piece of paper they were given. Further, the position espoused is constantly changing and driven more by advertising dollars than beneficial science. If you want real fact-based guidance to help you develop a sound health regimen, then buy a couple of books by authors who are known to be cutting-edge, forward-thinking experts that are highly regarded for their holistic approach to health management. Two such authors (and I’m neither one of them) are Dr. Mark Hyman and Dr. Steven Gundry. Their latest books, respectively, are Food: What The Heck Should I Eat and The Plant Paradox. Both are excellent, comprehensive, and a worthy addition to anybody’s personal library.
9. If you really want the terrifying truth… And I hesitate to even write this for fear the entire post will be removed and deleted… We live in a cancer-driven society where some are monetarily enriched by the illness and suffering of others. Healthy people are not profitable, but sick people are VERY profitable. Having written that, I’m going to close this post with a heartfelt recommendation that you watch a video I recently viewed on Amazon Prime Video. The video title is Cancer Can Be Killed, which is a documentary by Jeff Witzeman. It is well worth the time investment to sit and watch.
Obviously, this limited post is not, and cannot be, all inclusive. It’s just a good starting point designed to address the issue you raised. I didn’t feel at liberty to write and post an entire book, but I hope this helps. And I apologize my reply was so long winded.
John I agree that amazon prime video “So Cancer can be Killed” is awakening. It makes me so angry that our government protects big pharma and their $$’s more than it values our lives. The film “So Cancer Can Be Killed” features two clinics in the United States – Nature Works Best in Tempe, Arizona and Utopia Wellness in Clearwater, Florida. One to watch that shows how the government is out to protect big pharma and almost killed people with inop brain tumors is “Burzynski:Cancer Cure Coverup” I recently switched to wholefoods plant based lifestyle after watching “Eating You Alive” If you only have time to watch one I strongly suggest “Eating You Alive:
@ Joe Ghrist,
This is a very belated message to thank you for your reply to my post. Also, thank you for correcting the title of the video streaming on Amazon (or at least it was streaming at that time). It looks like I accidentally omitted the word “So”. I watched the Burzynski video and it was very informative and I wholly agree with your assessment.
I’ll share another health tip with you that I’ve picked up since I last posted in 2018. (OMG, where did time go?) Celery juice. Yes, unexciting, humble celery.
It is important to follow the instructions exactly in order to maximize the benefits. Each day first thing, and on an empty stomach, drink 16 ounces of just celery juice (without the fiber or anything else added). It should be organic celery since conventionally grown celery is routinely on the “Dirty Dozen” list, which means it’s heavily sprayed with toxic pesticides. You can extract the juice from the celery using any of the following:
1) A masticating juicer, like Champion or Omega.
2) A centrifugal juicer, like Breville.
3) A high-end blender, like Vitamix or Blendtec. You’ll have to strain the juice through cheesecloth.
How long should you consume celery juice? Every day for as long as it takes. Just add it to your health regimen and stick with it. You will be astounded by the healing power of celery juice.
I believe most of what you wrote is excellent, however, as a person who has worked in this field as a Chiropractor and Nutritionist and using the Gerson therapy for cancer patients, I do not agree with you listing oatmeal as something that converts to sugar quickly. I am talking about whole oatmeal not packaged or quick cooking oatmeal. It is a grain, however, it is a complex carbohydrate, and therefore, the protein that is combined with the carbohydrate allows it to metabolize slower as all whole grains do than a processed carbohydrate. It cannot be compared to a processed Honey Nuts and Oats which is made from flour. This is incorrect information. Oatmeal is used in the Gerson therapy daily for this reason along with orange juice (another misconception as orange juice has fiber that slows down the digestion also when juiced fresh). There is no blood sugar spike, so I have to disagree on this point.
@ Dr. Acaster,
This is a very belated message to thank you for your 07/16/18 reply. For the record, I was referring to the quick cooking or processed oatmeal and attempting to steer people away from that. And I should have been more clear about it to avoid any potential confusion. So thank you again for pointing out the difference.
you took my money but I have never got my book .
now I would like you to return my money . dan cady Canada
Please send our customer success team a message here:
Ok so can we cure or eliminate cancer through anti toxin suppplements. Since toxins are the cause.? Wouldn’t that make logical sense. Just curious.
I was researching for a key note speech for a speaker at an osteoporosis function when I ran across a scientific work on the element ‘aluminum’. The book was chilling. While it explored thousands of facts it also gave a great deal of attention to the dangers of the substance especially when clever science managed to purify it and thus making it water soluble. Due to crucial suppression of environmental implications it is now present in nearly everything…and once ingested by any means it finds tissue and lodges there, apparently forever. The only way to limit human exposure is to distill water intended for human use. Or finding a good source of recent rainfall. Home filters do nothing to limit the aluminum just as they are very much a placebo where hundreds of toxins are concerned. The corrupt EPA and FDA keep aluminum under the public radar even to the extent of allowing food and drug processors the right to conceal the fact of added aluminum compounds in such ‘health’ products as injectable B 12. It’s known it causes severe brain/nervous system damage, interrupts the critical process of reabsorption…the process by which bone tissue is constantly rebuilt and various cancer incidence skyrockets from specific exposures such as women using under arm products containing aluminum compounds are 9 times more likely to develop breast cancer. But since the economic power of the aluminum industry is second only to iron/steel in clout, our environment is polluted by decades of aluminum leaching into our water from landfills and various uses in agriculture/food and beverage processing/ and as an additive in scores of hygiene/’health’/and food products with those agencies mandated to protect us passing down a gag order to various food and environmental monitoring departments to protect that industrial giant from the immense cost of a ban on its use and an overdue monumental task of an environmental clean-up. Like the horror show of mercury/lead/asbestos/fossil fuels/and tobacco and the decades of suppression aluminum still enjoys a shadow protection while leading the toxic world as causation for countless health compromises. It represents the worse case of pollution that our corrupt government chooses to protect at the cost of human health and lives.
What is the book that you read on aluminum?
You can find much more about the use of nano aluminum and barium in our geoengineering operations around the world.
I survivor from cancer. NOV 2013 i did had that monstrous cancer cervical carries until 2014. 2015 i did have chemotherapy and radiation treatment in Oregon . 2016 no more cancer. i been eating natural organic juice making at home. a lot of water. i a Christian i do love Jesus in my heart. i do work to be like a open book. God bless you all. I will love to write more right now i have to go. bye God loves you all
Thanks for sharing your story with us FL.
FL…I am so happy for you. You sound like a very good person. Take care and God Bless you. Thank you for sharing.
How about venturing into worthy diversions such as memory losses/forgetfulness(…so called senior moments); dementia, Alzheimer’s disease?
Your branch in Europe based in London; with me volunteering as an initial contact.
All of this information is wonderful, however cancer continues to increase in the world. In this country cancer is increasing at a rate to become the number one reasone for deaths more than hearts. My wife just died after going through 7 cancers over a 21 year period, she had some of the best Doctors but to no avail. we need to do more research and detailed studies to overcome this awful cancer, thank you
We are sorry to hear about the passing of your wife William. Wishing you all the best!
What do think about my company product can delete cancer cell?
I see a lot of sugar fear in the comment section because sugar feeds a cancer, but there is a world of difference between fruit glucose and processed sugar.
A world of difference because fruit glucose is bound up in compound natural trace minerals and phytonutrients that will feed the cancer the very things that kills it but at the same time glucose makes our bodies stronger, especially the immune system.
Our body’s cells will not open up to any mineral or nutrients if glucose (sugar) is not present and to avoid natural fruit sugar is to starve your own body of the health and fuel it needs.
Cancer cells have 18 times the receptors for sugar than normal cells so the cancer grabs the sugar first. This is good to know. Now you can use sugar as a Trojan Horse and let the cancer gobble up the sugar from certain fruits that delivers a death sentence to cancer.
Which fruits and vegetables have cancer killing properties delivered by glucose? I would suggest looking for a book titled “Life Changing Foods” by the Medical Medium.
Although cancers feed on industry chemicals and pharmaceuticals they also feed on heavy metals and radiation,but this is not the real cause of cancer. The real cause is a pathogen and the first clue is in the article above where it is stated that “cells revert to a more primitive form of respiration (sugar fermentation)” and we know that a virus is a primitive form of life and cannot use oxidation to turn glucose into energy. To compete a cancer cell requires many more sugar receptors (actually insulin receptors) on the cell’s surface to gobble up the sugar first and to ferment it into a usable energy to grow and multiply. Fermentation is an ancient way for converting sugar into energy but it is not very efficient by comparison to our body’s cells using oxidation.
So, yes, oxygen is unwanted by cancer cells and it can inhibit the growth of cancer providing a person is also starving the virus of the food it needs. It is a case of removing cancer causing foods (meat, dairy, eggs and saturated fats) in exchange for healthy whole foods. That’s a bit simplified but not by much. It should also be added that there are fruits and vegetables that pull out heavy metals from the body and there are other foods that pull out radiation and industry chemicals along with pharmaceuticals. It all needs to happen in order to heal because you cannot NOT remove the cancer food and expect good results with otherwise healthy eating.
I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in early February of this year (2018) with a lump on the prostate and a biopsy that gave a Gleason score of 9. This was an aggressive virus with 1/3 of the prostate biopsy showing cancer, and the oncologist I saw about 2 months later wanted to give me radiation and hormone therapy. That’s what doctors are taught and so that is what they know and what they do.
I had already changed my diet and started exercising more. I was actively consuming foods to pull out 1.) heavy metals, 2,) pathogens and their toxins, 3.) industry chemicals/pharmaceuticals and 4.) radiation. These four are referred to as the unforgiving four. It is essential to remove these 4 to starve the cancer. It is the virus that has mutated by feeding on toxicity in our body, but if you don’t have the virus you don’t have cancer. Which doesn’t mean you are not suffering from some other illness.
4 months later (Early July) I had a second opinion and physical exam with a different oncologist that could find no physical signs or symptoms of cancer. I was told that my prostate is not enlarged and it was smooth without lumps or bumps. More tests are on the way while I am now in a category called Watch & Wait.
Fruit is four times more healing than any other food and it is largely because of the glucose. And fruit glucose is far more sophisticated than processed sugars. Our muscles need glucose, our brains need glucose and every cell of our body needs glucose to live, grow and multiply.
Fruit sugar is not the same as processed sugar. The former is rich with nutrients and biological compounds while the latter is an altered and extracted sugar devoid of any life giving properties, except to a cancer that makes use of any kind of sugar to thrive.
If you want a pure untampered source of knowledge where the only agenda is to provide knowledge for healing then you can search for the Medical Medium and see what you think.
Edward, I’ve been using apex water to assist in cancer cell distruction.
How did it go, John; the Apex Water vs. cancer cell destruction? I’m using it now myself.
Hi Edward. CONGRATULATIONS on reversing your aggressive prostate cancer (PC).
I was also diagnosed with Prostate Cancer, but not as recent as you were, and my cancer was not as aggressive. I was diagnosed in 2007, Gleason score of 6 and then a PSA of 4.2. My PSA is now 13.8 and of course I am being persuaded to take conventional treatment after being on Active Surveillance (Watchful Waiting) for 11 years.
After diagnosis I did months of research and decided to change my diet and try the Watchful Waiting with the hope that a less invasive modality would be developed as an alternative to the surgery or radiation. Treatments like HIFU (High Intensity Frequency Ultrasound)and even laser ablation are now being used but not accepted by the government and cost from $25K to $40K.
I eliminated red meat, dairy, added sugars and high glycemic foods from my diet. I lost 20 lbs in 6 weeks and have not been able to gain an ounce since ( I am 5 ft 7 inches tall and now weigh only 132 lbs….when wet Ha). I was also advised to stay away from fruits and have missed the benefits of eating them for fear of the sugar feeding the cancer. Yes I know that it is different from processed sugar but the health care practitioners advised me , including the world renown Hippocrates Health Institute, to stay away from fruits. I dabble in them occasionally buy only as a treat.
Then I went on the 100% raw food vegetable diet that I sustained for almost a year but could not maintain the lack of variation and tasty foods. It did reduce my PSA but I could not sustain it. I am mostly a vegetarian with a little organic salmon occasionally and 3-5 8 oz glasses of green juice daily.
Now my anxiety is getting the best of me as my PSA continues to rise as I do not want it to escape the prostate capsule as curing cancer after it spreads is so much harder.
I would really appreciate learning more form you. I will get hold of Life Changing Foods but speaking with someone who reversed a Gleason 9 PC in such a short time is worth it’s weight in gold,
My Computer Died! by Time I got back up it was Their???
In 1941, Warburg lost his post briefly when he made critical remarks about the regime, but a few weeks later a personal order from Hitler’s Chancellery ordered him to resume work on his cancer research. Goring also arranged for him to be classified as one-quarter Jewish.
My son has been on the ketogenic diet for almost 2 years, a wonder of ancient medicine returning to its proper status in the forefront of people’s mind. As many chimed in, glucose is not the issue causing cancer, nor that which you should eliminate even if you could stop your body from creating it. The ketogenic diet works because it is anti-inflammatory, which allows better absorption of oxygen into the cells. Rapid spikes in glucose are what provokes inflammation and yes, swallowing a lot of sugar or carbs will do that. The ketogenic diet requires that the body takes time to produce glucose from the fat and therefore no spikes in blood sugar. Stop the spikes and inflammation gets back in check. An inflamed cell struggles to get O2. A cell with lack of O2…cancer and/or many other problems, as every cell in your body needs O2 at all times.
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Hi Jeff. I tried the ketogenic diet for a couple of months, very strictly to ensure that I remained in leptin sensitivity. My P,SA jumped 5 points, had increase in heart rate after a high fat meal. I was a vegetarian before trying the keto diet as there were many reports that it was a good diet for fighting cancer. All the health care practitioners that I have worked with emphasized the avoidance of red meat (no clarification of grass fed VS corn fed) which is central in the keto diet. I am not challenging the benefits of the keto diet just expressing my experiences. However, there were many benefits like improved sleep, increased hair growth, reduction in some joint aches, etc.
Are you also subscribing to the notion that sugar does not feed cancer by fermentation? Because of DNA damage to cancer cells they cannot utilize oxygen as a source of energy and ferments sugar as its source of energy. I agree that all good cells require oxygen for energy etc. and if the mitochondria is compromised it cannot metabolize oxygen.
I am back on the raw food diet, avoiding sugar and high glycemic foods. My PSA did come back down but not only with diet although it does play a significant role in healing. Than ks for your post Jeff.
Furthermore, males should not have more than 16-20 grams of protein per meal. Females: 12-16. More than that and you tax your kidneys for nitrogen elimination.
Also a keto plan is 1gram of protein per kilogram of LEAN body weight.
Thats LEAN body weight, not your total weight.
Most Americans are at least overweight (BMI 25-30) obese (BMI 30-40) and far too many are morbidly obese (BMI over 40).
Using a readily available scale you can approximate you lean body weight.
If it reads that you are 30% fat, and your total weight is 200 lbs, then your LEAN body weight is 140 lbs.
140 divided by 2.2046 is 63.5.
63.5 is the MAXIMUM grams of protein this person should have in a day. But go back to how many grams a man and a woman should have at any one sitting.
There is much more to the Keto way than what your post implies.
Your post implies that you did not have full enough understanding of how to implement a truly keto plan.
I believe you are both wrong. Diets high in protein are also capable of feeding cancer. A moderate protein diet is recommended on the ketogenic diet in order to weaken cancer cells. You can starve cancer by practicing a ketogenic diet consisting of an abundance of healthy fats (about 75 percent), only 20 percent protein, and no more than 5 percent carbohydrates.
For example, a man weighing 150 pounds should consume 30-50g/day of carbohydrates and less than 70g/day of protein to maintain an optimal state of ketosis. When only a single meal or two is consumed consisting of approved ketogenic foods, this is easy. The ideal blood sugar concentration for weakening cancer cells is between 60-70mg/dl, and ketone levels are recommended between 4-7mM.
Which study are you citing? The one from Harvard only found that association with processed meats.
One can thrive on a vegetarian ketogenic diet to keep inflammation low and heal the body on all levels. Red meat is NOT central to ketosis. More important are the high healthy fats, like coconut oil. There is an excellent cookbook out called Keto-tarian by Dr. Will Cole. He does use fish in some recipes, but keto is still achievable without.
Proper construction material, fuel, and waste removal along with freedom from spiritual causes (which trump natural mechanism). Thanks for article!
I am not sure if this is strictly on topic, but ‘miracle mineral solution’ MMS is purported to stop cancer. MMS is sodium chlorite activated by 50% citric acid solution. People who are intrigued by this can look up ‘miracle mineral solution’ on the internet. Sodium chlorite is used in many water plants in place of chlorine and is widely used in meat packing plants to kill germs without harming meat products.
interesting… i just knew that chlorine is used for meat packing plants.
I thought if your body is alkaline cancer cannot live in the body but then you talk about acid.even lemons are meant to be good for you too but they are acidic too. What are your thoughts on this?
When you look at the pH of foods you must consider the “ash”. Lemons are acidic, when when they go through the digestive processes they leave behind an alkaline ash, and this is the part that alkalized the body’s pH. Interestingly enough, food that have an initial acidic pH (apple cider vinegar with “the mother”, lemons, most fruit, & most vegetables) all leave an alkaline ash, and initially alkaline foods such as breads, dairy and meats, all leave an acid ash. I recommend the book “Your Health, Your Choice” by Dr. Ted Morter. He explains the processes and pH of the different body systems and how the pH of foods effects the body and how to eat a pH balanced diet to prevent disease.
Lemons are alkalizing
If the problem is increasing the oxygen which actually is in the cell and made by it, as distinct from somehow getting oxygen to the cell, which some doctors are also trying, why not go with intravenous vitamin c in massive doses, up to an eighth of a pound a day. This is reputed to create hydrogen peroxide, all the cells create it, cancer cells and normal cells alike, but the cancer cells respond by regaining their ability to die, yes, die, apoptosis it is called, and the body or the immune system is all the time commanding them to kill themselves, but they cannot listen because of lack of oxygen. The peroxide is, or gives, the oxygen. I am just guessing here, not being a doctor or a scientist, but that would seem consistent with all I have read in the search for a loved one’s life saving therapy.
i believe your info to be correct. i take food grade hydrogen peroxide [35] percent every day with juice and can see and feel a difference in pain in my body. out on disability. have gotten better every day for one year now taking daily dose. no mega-dose worked up to 75 drops 25 three times a day now 25 to 30 once daily cutting out sugar and high fructos corn is the best thing to do little to no sugar starves them oxygen keeps other cell strong detox is a must also that is what started the process toxic body and lack of good food. dr.sebi you tube carbon papers will get you going in the right direction good luck
keep me updated
Warburg himself showed cancer cell glycolyaia was NOT slowed by oxygen. This is different than in a normal cell which was originally shown by Pasteur. Hydrogen peroxide and ozone have been failures in cancer treatment.
It’s failure because oxygen rich environment is not enough for oxygen to reach our cells. It’s breathing techniques which will make sure increases oxygen intake. Try Bhastrika Pranayam for success. M not talking in air. Here in India, many Yog Gurus have cured cancers of many patients just by Bhastrika Pranayam and I am also doing the same. it works fast. Try and see if you have first timer cancer patients around you
In Germany they cure cancer with hyperbaric and ozone
thank you for the comments
The delivery of O2 to the cells is directly related to the presence of CO2. (Acid)) Bohrs Law. There is no way :alkalizing: will deliver more O2. There is more than enough O2 in normal circulation all the time. Warburg discovered the pentose phophate shunt…anaerobic metabolism and the link between O2 starvation and cancer but that does not constitute a cure.
Very interesting.. I worked in health care environment for about 30 yrs. I have heard various things about cancer and seen many cancers. I was told yrs ago the contrary and that Cancer actually needs O2 to survive.If you leave some breast cancers alone a person will live longer with it than making it sprea by cutting into the body. When you are cut open with surgery that becomes a prime weak spot + if CA returns it will go to or spread to those now compromised areas. The least surgeries you have in your lifetime the better. If you operate with surgery + open the body, it will cause the cancer to spread quickly when exposed to air. Now reading all this info I have some different perspectives. Could it be that because CA is inside our body + starved for O2 that it has evolved + changed to survive + replicate thru a new fuel source sugar. CA being caused by our contaminated environment, our diet. White refined sugar is now regarded by some as a poisonous to us.There are so many toxins in our environment. Our water is so contaminated, it will take more than our lifetimes to clean up. We need to find a way to kill the CA cells rt away + discover how to develop immunity to all types. I have heard that CA needs an acidic environment to survive. I met an older client who had a very expensive water purifier that controls the ph which her daughter was selling. She claimed that her health improved amazingly in a month or two when she started drinking more alkaline water. I noticed that she looked 10 yrs younger and shealso claimed to feel a lot healthier.
I also thought make your body alkaline will stop cancer but then they say lemons are good for you too but they are acidic? What is your view on that?
You can make your water alkaline by adding lemon, rather than buy an expensive machine. As is said above by Stephany on Dec 13, 2018…lemon is acidic going in but its ash or residue left behind is alkaline. Same for most veggies & fruit. You can find many lists on google images. Search for Alkaline/Acidic food guide. It is fairly simple to figure out. Eat more veggies and less meats and starches, but make sure the veggies and meat are organic as what is now called “conventional” farming (pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, hormones and GMO’s) adds the toxins which are the true causes of cancer.
Just curious as I have stage iv NET cancer. I once heard of a temperature variation in survivability of cancerous and non-cancerous cells. Is there such a thing? If so, are ranges different for the different forms of cancer and also does cancerous cells exhibit higher temperatures through sugar conversion than non-cancerous?
Very interesting article and clarifying…. It is consistent with the basic cancer protocol based on the theory that the body is able to heal itself when properly functioning and that all of us have cancer cells in our body, but we don’t all get cancer. Here is the basic Protocol:
1. Eliminate parasites. Parasites cause toxins which weaken the immune system and bodies ability to fight cancer. The toxins cause joint pain and arthritis symptoms. Take probiotics to Improve gut flora. The Appendix is not a useless organ. It stores the flora needed for a health gut. It the Appendix is removed, the healthy gut will need to be restored in some other way.
2. Detox for heavy metals. Get tested for heavy metals and detox from them. According to PubMed Nih ,The use of herbicide glyphosate allows for the uptake of heavy metals in food production. Those toxic metals such as arsenic and cadmium harm the kidney and liver and weaken the immune system. Arsenic is used on Asian rice (Thailand) to extend the quality. This was the US practice in the 1930s in the US south. The arsenic is still in the soil. Do not heat water in aluminum . Eliminate aluminum cookware. If there are any nitrates in the water, the aluminum cookware will act as a catalyst to convert the nitrates to more toxic nitrites… harming the kidney and liver. Filter our aluminum roof particles from roof shingles if you use roof rainwater for watering gardens.
3. Move away from highways and road ways which spew toxins through braking and environmental pollution.
4. Reduce, eliminate EMF from your environment. EMF radiation from cell towers, power transmission lines, power stations causes cell damage. Move away from cell towers and power lines.
5. Reduce, remove wifi, smart meters, smart home devices. Wifi is EMF. Using a phone near the head allows EMF to enter the body, particularly with children whose cranial bones are thinner and more permeable. Most cell phones are rated at 3 to 7 inches from the head… not against the ear. Having a transmitting phone near the bedside also adds EMF to the bedroom, interrupts sleep and causes cell damage. Smart meters transmit high energy EMF in bursts and cause plant damage as human cell damage. Shield the smart meters with a faraday cage and a plate behind the meter to prevent the EMF from entering the home.
6. Increase alkalinity… take 1/2 teaspoon to 1 teaspoon of baking soda daily to make the body less acidic.
7. Check for food allergies. Lack of certain nutrients may be due to the body’s inability to process certain compounds or food components.
8. Increase known cancer fighting foods and antioxidants. Reduce or eliminate industrial processed foods … preservatives weaken the immune system.
9. Ozone therapy may have a positive result in preventing cancer.
English Desk,
Sorry but I do not see any basis of fact to back up any of your “BASIC PROTOCALS” with the exception of maybe 6. Alkalinity & 8. Increase known cancer fighting foods.
Unfounded ideas do not help. Sounds like they are good things to do but?
Hi, my husband has gleason 9 and I am searching for help. Had the prostate removed 2 years ago. Then did radiation treatments. After all that the onocoligist wanted to put him on pallitive care with hormones. That’s where we stopped conventional care. We did not want the Lupron that was being offered. We’ve been trying to do this on our own with research and accupunture to build up the immune system, herbs and supplements. He feels great but the PSA is still doubling less then every 3 months. We are desperate to get this under control before it spreads. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank You in advance
Hi Donna,
We are sorry to hear what your husband is going through. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Donna Dillion,
My brother in law was diagnosed with prostrate cancer a couple of years ago. It had already spread to liver & lymp system & in blood. They said he would not last more than a few months. He was in a great deal of pain. They did radiation, meds & started chemo. He became very ill due to chemo & stopped it. They found a traditional Chinese medicine doctor here in Chongqing, China who was having success. The doctor changed diet, prescribed a number of CM herbs & preparations. He has also continued seeing MD at the Cancer center here. He has tried through diet to change the PH in his body. Not sure what the Chinese DR. prescribed but he now has no signs of cancer.
After some research to help another young boy with a brain tumor I ran across a drug KEYTRUDA [PEMBROLIZUMAB] which is reported to greatly help the immune system to fight cancer. The 9 yo boy has just gone through a second surgery & they were able to get 95% of the cancer. They have started him on the new drug. Hope this will help as prognosis is 1 in 1000. Radiation & Chemo will both likely cause some additional brain damage & retardation so hope & pray for the best that his body’s own immune system will cure the cancer.
Just do a plant based diet for health! No meds! Amen!
You might look into RAW BEETS CURE CANCER.
Search for MMS Testimonials. Lots of PSA/Prostate Successes both written and video.
Hej jag heter Rolf von Scheele.
Christian Bohrs upptäckt (Bohr-effekten).
Jag har under lång tid fokuserat på att lära mig andas en långsam diafragma andning.
Har en frekvens på 4 ggr per minut och. Det har bland annat givit mig en hög tonus i vagusnerven. Har blivit frisk från fibromyalgi blodförgiftning, ptsd, psoriasis och utbrändhet.
När Amerikanska soldaterna kom hem från kriget i Vietnam med ptsd försökte man inom sjukvården finna alternativ hjälp för deras psykiska ohälsa gentemot läkemedel. Man fann att genom att andas långsamt och djup diafragma andning får man så mycket endorfiner, kroppens morfin, att man kunde få en känsla av att vara “hög”.
Jag har arbetat efter filosofin helheten är större än summan av delarna där delarnas relation till varandra kan ge oanade effekter och resultat.
Vad jag undrar över, det finns kanske en koppling mellan den anti inflamatoriska nerven VAGUSNERVEN och cancer bekämpning.
Hi Glen,
Thanks for reaching out to us.
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Glen go to Utopia Wellness website and research cesium chloride high PH therapy.
Cure for Bladder cancer
Hi Michael –
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
I’m also attaching the info about the Hope4Cancer clinic in Tijuana, MX if you’d like to reach out to them.
Please also see the resources below in case they will be helpful to you.
From our beginning, we have supported charities that really help these cancer patients.
HealingStrong supports MANY cancer patients and are amazing. HealingStrong, a nonprofit organization, is supported 100% by volunteers, who are experienced in using natural strategies. The organization’s mission is to educate, encourage, equip, and empower those seeking comprehensive natural strategies to heal strong and stay strong.
HealingStrong Connect Groups meet monthly in various areas of the U.S. and South Australia to link others interested in natural strategies, holistic protocols, and local resources. Their groups focus on mind, body and emotional healing based on Biblical promises, as they believe the God of the Bible is our healer. For more information on how to start a group, or become involved in one, please go to:, and like us on Facebook at
Cancer Crackdown is so awesome and helps patients without a lot of money get supplements and treatments and even helps them raise money:
Also, the Independent Cancer Research Foundation is another charity that we support, also known as Cancer Tutor. They have been a TREMENDOUS help for cancer patients and have a TON of life saving information they give out freely and they do real research into treatments for cancer that are outside of the toxic Big Pharma Big 3:
The best that we can suggest is to contact Healing Strong and Cancer Crackdown for any need in financial resources.
We also support Mary Beth’s “Nick Gonzalez Foundation” which is bringing Nick’s protocol to the people…which is one of the most powerful cancer killing protocols out there.
I hope this is helpful! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us again if there’s anything else we can help with.
Wishing you endless blessings and love!
All interesting posts above. I was diagnosed with cancer 30 years ago. The suggested remedy was surgery followed up with a chemo and radio regime. I declined all and went on the anti cancer Fit for Life diet which is the easiest diet in the world to follow. 6 months later I was cancer free. I didn’t understand the science behind the diet at the time, but 30 years is a long time and now I do. What that diet did was change my PH which I don’t have any proof of but was obviously very acidic. 16 years later I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease. An under active Thyroid due to my body attacking the thyroid gland. Was told it was incurable but treatable with synthetic thyroid. 5 years later and after hearing an interview with Dr Leonard Coldwell who treats cancer by changing the bodies PH I tested my PH which was at 2.4, very very low alkanity and very high acidity. I thought at the time, cancer is an autoimmune disease as is hashimotos, maybe it might help. I started taking bicarb and within 3 days my PH changed from 2.4 to 7.2. Felt a thousand times better and finally got off the crappy medication. Next blood test showed perfect thyroid function. Since keeping my PH at around the 7.2 mark (down to taking bicarb once a month) I have not been sick a day since. I am not a doctor, but good alkanity has kept me well since then and I believe the change in my diet which changed my ph kept me alive 30 years ago. Also 30 years ago stopped eating crap, only use natural products to clean the house, no chemicals, stopped drinking scotch and switched to red wine but still eat meats. Once every couple of months I earth myself to get rid of electricity build up which started to cause muscle cramps a year ago. Absolutely no processed white sugar and only eat grass fed meats and wild caught fish. Only cook with organic olive oil. I believe stress is probably the most dangerous thing to our health but toxins and poor PH are a major contributing factor. Keep yourself alkaline is my basic message here. I truly believe it works.
Wow, what a journey! Thank you for sharing your experience with us, Maria! Wishing you endless blessings, love, and good health always. 🙂
A consideration: Kaqun Spa – oxygen rich water.
The benefit to this is when you bathe in it, this high oxygen rich water
absorbs into your skin.
When you enrich your body with oxygen, you give your body
it’s full capacity to run on all cylinders. Your liver detoxes better,
your brain processes more efficient, your immune system is stronger.
Most of all, cancer gets addressed since it can not survive in a oxygen rich
a great documentary on Kaqun water
I know there must be more to this because people I know with a terrible diet all their life, live on sugar, dont eat vegetables don’t get cancer, but I who try to be careful about everything, do. So there must be genes and attitude and stress and who knows what at work. I have kept myself alive for many years though. Currently I am doing hyperbaric oxygen and it has saved my life one more time. After reading these I am adding baking soda to my regime. I feel I owe it to myself spiritually to do all I can to take care of my own health, I sing HU, a love song to God that I learned in Eckankar and as a result feel God’s love in a very real way and gain insights I need to survive here and in all the worlds of God.
Hi Nettie –
Thanks for your comment.
It’s important to note that cancer or good health doesn’t come with a “one size fits all” solution for everyone. It’s often difficult to explain certain health phenomena or why some people live longer than others. It could boil down to many factors – stress levels, exercise, diet, thinking patterns, etc.
Our goal is to share our research, and this includes healthy lifestyle choices such as detoxing, natural herbs, nutrition, and much more. There are many things we can do to prevent (& fight) cancer naturally.
We appreciate you sharing your journey with us. Please know we wish you the very best always!
God bless you!
I am in the process of being tested for myeloma, which is a blood cancer.
Symptoms are constant fatigue and now really sore bones.; such as weak achy arms and legs and extremely sore inflexible lower back, which I am able to manage with stretching and core work.
Any one out there who has been or is currently on this journey.?
My diet is very good, no sugar, except from fruit. All organic of course.
I do eat some whole food grain but not a lot.
What a great website, lots of intelligent, caring , thoughtful, helpful people. I just wanted to add something since I can’t help wondering WHY things often are the way they are, in this case, the war on all this alternative information. The answer lay in a report done in 1910 by Abraham Flexner at the behest of various rich interests who wanted to advance the use of pharmaceuticals which their companies produced. It resulted in the subsequent oppression of what was then used, naturopathy, homeopathy, etc. More and more these modalities are being revalidated, but it’s an ongoing fight. Hopefully full enlightenment is in our future.
Many persons before me wrote something About Warburg. Do not know if I missed something, but what I want to add is that Otto worked together with Johanna Budwig. She continued his work by working out a diet to get the oxigen into the cells. She created the Budwig porridge. Two spoons of cottages cheese and one spoonful of linseed oil, stirred well, several times a day. The protein of the cottages cheese can be easily admitted into the cells. The linseed oil wich sticks to the protein arrives this way in the cells too. The oil ensures that the cells are opening up to receive oxigen into the cells.
(I am Dutch, I hope I wrote all in the correct way)
I have been told cancer thrives on air (oxygen) which goes against oxygen treatment theory.
It was explained to me while employed vat a hospital, that when a surgeon opens up a patient and discovers cancer riddled organ…. The surgeon would close up the patient asap as the air speeds up the spread process due to the cancer feeds of it.
Why are you not mentioning high animal protein intake?
Is it just so the meat industry won’t t come after you with their lawyers?
You promote an alkaline diet, so indirectly you tell people to avoid it. But is the direct approach of warning people against meat and dairy lacking due to fear of the industry?
Thanks for everything you do 😊
Another thing left out of this is the higher importance of focusing on God within the body temple. Divine intelligent energy/spirit created everything that exists and can therefore eliminate what is harmful. When you focus on God within your body temple, you can overcome anything. Focus on health and feeling good, feeling “God”. It is during meditation practice that we focus on this divine intelligent power within each and every one of us.
Yes, it’s good to build a healthy body temple for God to dwell in, but that God power within you is the creator of your body temple and is so much more powerful than any toxin, including environmental toxins and vaccines, etc.
Read Biology of Belief by Dr Bruce Lipton. I HIGHLY recommend this book to everyone. What you believe is coded into your DNA and you, the energy body, manifest your physical body. Your thoughts are the programming process. It’s all enormously fascinating!
I love this line from Star Wars:
“I am one with the Force, the Force is with me.”
I repeat often, but I say…the Force is always with me…🥰
Thank you for this article. You might consider adding a section on what some would call “afflictive emotions” perhaps related to how selfishness has become more endemic. But I really needed this review. Thank you again. Please do have a wonderful day!!!
Otto’s discovery really has very little to do with the increase of the toxins in our modern environment. When he was doing his research, Germany had higher rates of cancer than other developed countries of the time, and this was nearly 100 years ago.
What he discovered was not just that cancerous cells don’t use oxygen as a fuel source, but that they use GLUCOSE as a fuel source. And don’t stop eating. (There’s no feedback loop to stop the cells from continuing to consume glucose as fuel once the cell’s energy needs are met.) This has now been proven by other research: shut off the glucose and the cancerous cells stop growing. As for what triggers the cell to become ‘cancerous’ in the first place? Environmental toxins? Really? Cancer has been around a lot longer than that! It’s insulin. Do your own research … it’s out there and readily available online. It just takes time to find it.