Video Transcript: Can a Calcium Imbalance Disrupt Natural Healing? (+ the Powerful Role of the p53 Gene in Cancer!)
Ty Bollinger: Is excess calcium bad for the mitochondria?
Jae Lee: Yes, excess calcium that is stored in the membrane of mitochondria is one of the major source of reactive oxygen species that makes a lot of free radicals, and it also could damage a DNA and RNA so that it causes aging and even cancer.
By actually putting in small amount of pure calcium ion in your system, it stimulates the pituitary gland and then it stimulates your thyroid and parathyroid to rebuild bone building, to start a bone building process, osteoblast and osteoclast. So, to do that, it has to take all the excess calcium back to your bone for rapid rebuilding of your bone. And then it clears your system of excess calcium.
If you don’t have right concentration of calcium ion, intracellular and extracellular, because calcium ion serves as a second messenger, our cells cannot really make it properly. All that is happening within cell and outside the cell cannot happen healthy ways. So, it’s like you’re speaking to the microphone, if you have too much and the sound is muffled, it’s too far. It’s hard to hear. Right?
When our cells communicate, it uses AM and FM frequency modulation and amplitude modulation, and if the communication is pretty good, then everything was fine, but too much or too little, that will break down the communication and you know what happens when communication breaks down right? Everything breaks down.
Ty Bollinger: It’s chaos.
Jae Lee: Chaos. That’s where cancer happens. A lot of cancer patients also have calcium deficiency. Well not just deficiency per se, but calcium balance is off, because you could look at a person and say, “Oh you’re deficient in one area,” but you could actually have excess calcium in other parts of the body that causes calcification and calcification could be the cause of cancer as well. So, it’s where your calcium is, and by bringing in a small amount of calcium ion that could restart and reset your calcium homeostasis— that could bring in our body’s natural healing.
More than that, what calcium ion can do for the cancer patients is that calcium is if it’s—really, it’s an effective buffer for acid. So, when cancer cells produce lactic acid, lactic acid is like a cover for tumor. When the body pH or the microenvironment of tumor goes down to pH 6 to 6.5, it actually turns off immune response. That’s how tumors can hide from our immune system. When that lactic acid is effectively neutralized, then our immune system turns back on and it sees the cancer and starts to attack.
Another way that calcium iron can help cancer patients is turning the p53 gene back on again. Now p53 gene in our body is responsible for maintaining the cell, and if the cell is not repairable, then it undergoes programmed cell death or apoptosis. But in most of a human cancer cells, either p53 gene is turned off or the process to induce p53 is turned off.
[There has been] research done already that calcium ion can turn the p53 gene back on. So instead of attacking cancer from outside, whether it’s radiation, chemo, or immunotherapy, it’s attacking cancer from outside. Why not bring cancer to the right mind and realize that everything is out of whack and then let it commit suicide?
Ty Bollinger: What Jae Lee just shared is brilliant. Why not utilize substances like calcium ions that can turn on the p53 gene and induce apoptosis, [which] switches programmed cell death? It makes total sense.
That’s wonderful to see that information about calcium ions and see someone is studying balanced of ions cellularly and intercellularly. The best soil scientists of the 20th century discovered that in the soil a balance of calcium ions and magnesium potassium and sodium ions (exchangable ions). Makes the best soil for growing plants. See Dr William A Albrecht .
The problem with this information is you don’t offer any way to learn more about it. Can you provide a link or contact or reference please?
Hi Patrick –
Thanks for your appreciation with us. It means the world to us. 🙂
This is a clip from our documentary called Eastern Medicine: Journey to Asia. Ty went to interview several doctors and health experts within Asia to collect info on the successful treatments they use and compiled the info into a documentary with his team.
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Hope this is helpful. Please let us know if we can assist with anything else.
Blessings and love!
Since 1997 , professor phd Dr Gilbert Chierice had estudied phosphoetanolamine carrying calcium magnesium and Zinc into cancer cells, published several academic papers . Other scientists in Brasil continue Dr Chierice studies. Several patients were healed.
Thank you!
It is interesting article about the p53 gene.
dm full form
Nice article