Video Transcript: Making the Right Choices for Your Body: Chemically, Physically & Spiritually
Dr. Peter Osborne: So today, I want to talk about a concept. It’s very rarely discussed, and it falls back on my expertise. I’m a clinician, so I’m in the clinic and I’ve been practicing for 16 years. I’ve treated over 5,000 people with chronic autoimmune conditions. And the message that I want you to walk away with today, may be one of the most important messages you’ll ever have if you’re trying to prevent cancer.
Because what I want you to understand is that cancer is actually end-stage autoimmune disease, and that’s what we’re going to be talking about today.
So, here we go. The concept of pre-cancer. We have a lot of pre-diseases. We have a lot of the conceptual pre-disease that’s already been established in the medical literature.
How many of you’ve heard of pre-diabetes? Yeah, all hands go up.
How many of you’ve heard of osteopenia as opposed to osteoporosis, right? It’s pre-bone loss. It’s bone loss in its earlier stages where it’s not quite classified as full-blown bone loss, or osteoporosis.
Pre-hypertension. Okay.
Pre-dementia. Pre-dementia is—how many of you’ve ever had brain fog? Memory problems? Struggled with irritability? Right? That’s pre-dementia, guys. It’s brain inflammation.
You don’t wake up one day with your memory gone. You don’t wake up one day with Alzheimer’s disease. It’s a slow, steady, progressive inflammatory process that over time, eats away your brain.
And then autoimmunity. Autoimmunity as pre-cancer. Very important, very important.
So, how many of you saw this Time cover? This was several years ago. Time came out with a special article on inflammation being the cause of all major chronic degenerative diseases, including cancer, including autoimmune disease. So, inflammation being kind of the core element, the core fundamental piece as a causative factor in chronic degenerative diseases. So, that’s heart disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoarthritis.
How many of you in here have an autoimmune disease? Wow, okay. So, this is right up your alley.
So, what I want to talk about, you see this little diagram here, environmental triggers create an overburdened immune system, which then tends to lead toward an autoimmune response. When you have autoimmune disease long enough, that chronic inflammation that’s being caused from self-attack, meaning your immune system is attacking your own tissue, creating an inflammatory damage to that tissue, that sets the stage for pre-malignant change. That sets the stage for cells to morph and change into malignancies.
And over time, as your immune system attacks and attacks and attacks and attacks, think of it like this: your immune system chronically attacking you until it no longer has the resources to continue attacking. Right? At some point, your body says “I can’t keep doing this. We don’t have enough protein to keep producing enough antibodies, we’re out of zinc, we don’t have enough certain nutrients.”
At this point, you’re now in a state of immunodeficiency, which is when cancers grow. Cancers grow when our body’s immune systems are overburdened long enough. And again, the bottom piece of that is cancer. How many of you have ever heard of functional medicine? Okay, good.
This diagram—whoops, here we go. This diagram is also known as the triangle of health. And I want you to look at it. And the core of this triangle is your genetic code. You can see the DNA. Genes are like light switches. They can be turned off or on. And they’re turned off or on by your choices.
So, how many of you’ve ever heard you have the X, Y, or Z disease because you have bad genes? Anybody ever have a doctor tell you that? It’s poppycock. No, really, it’s poppycock.
You are all gifted with wonderful genes from God. You’re alive here today because you have the best of the best of the best. Generation after generation of refinement and excellence. None of you have bad genes. You all have wonderful genes.
What happens in autoimmune disease and cancer isn’t bad genes, it’s bad choices, it’s bad behaviors. And sometimes these bad choices and bad behaviors aren’t on purpose. There’s a saying, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”
Liked what he said just need more information on what he is suggesting we eat.
Great speaker! Valuable information. Would like to hear more from him on specific ways to prevent and/ or to heal cancer. What choices?
This article really means alot to me because my Mom is in the end stage of
metastatic breast cancer(it spread to her lungs).And I fully believe her getting it
had to do with her drinking heavy & smoking most’ve my life till her diagnosis. She smoked Camel Nonfilters.
Im hooked on sugar and I know that I need to cut down drastically to prevent myself from getting it.Moms case has made me much more self aware especially when it comes to what I ingest.Since I can’t control air pollution 😡
Right now my drinks are water and tea,my diet is mostly fish,nuts,yogurt-greek,fruit,& beans.The sugary evils are shoofly pie,doughnuts, cheesecake,and chocolate chip cookies. Oh yeah Swedish Fish😍
How/where do I see the complete talk/video by Dr. Osborne that this clip was taken from?
Nice piece of truth.
This is so true. 😊
Would have liked to have heard the whole talk. Was very good but wanted to hear more.
Thanks for your feedback Angie!
Need further info on this. How do we decrease inflammation. Which supplements.
Thank you.
Hi Dawn –
Thanks for your note.
Our friends at Ancient Nutrition have a wonderful product that helps combat inflammation. Here’s the direct link to where you can learn more about it:
Blessings and love!
Interesting, but what do we do about it, how to reduce the inflammation?
Hi Janice –
Thank you for reaching out to us about this.
We have articles on this topic on our website.
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
Blessings and love!
Scary…my husband has many autoimmune diseases…MS, Celiac Disease and Diabetes being the major ones. I need to learn more to help him!
It ended at the “bad intentions” statement??? Right in the middle of the presentation???
Hi Kim –
Thanks for reaching out to us about this.
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If so, please try to refresh your browser and play this video again. I’ve tested this video to make sure it does play through. Otherwise, you can try to play it from this link as well:
Please do note that this is a clip from Dr. Osbourne’s full presentation at our TTAC 2017 Live Event. Full recordings can be purchased here for those who would like to support our mission and our efforts:
If you need further assistance please don’t hesitate to let us know and we’d be more than happy to help.
Blessings and love!
Wow, great information for our health and wellness : ) We can always learn something new, it is amazing how valuable the tools to uncover healing lie within each and everyone of us!! Our bodies are always trying to tell us something. My Dad, and two of my favorite aunts, all passed away from autoimmune conditions, two of them cancer and one was Parkinson’s variant. They were all dear to me. I have always had an interest in the functional medicine point of view/methodology to healing. What really turned my life around and my already inquisitive mind that I have always had, was the loss of all these very important people in my life!! It was a gamechanger, I want to know root causes to things and to listen to our bodies, our bodies give us clues and signs !! : ) Thank you for bringing all of this valuable information center stage, it is so vital to all of us : ) Thank you and take care, Amee
Hi Amee,
We’re so sorry to hear about your losses. You honor their memory now by allowing such pain to bring such positive change in your life, and in the lives of those around you. Thank you for joining the movement and helping to save lives!
Blessings, Brianna