Can you imagine having your cancer cells wiped out without surgery or pain? Can you imagine it costing under $5,000 dollars to reverse the diagnosis from “terminal cancer” to “cancer free”?
Many people have been told by their oncologist, “There’s nothing more we can do for you, get your affairs in order”… but then through some means have learned that there is hope. At first it may seem unbelievable and even scary to try one more thing after battling through the conventional cancer treatment route…
But many who have tried the Rife Frequency machine discovered that the pain was the first to go. Then they regained their appetite and the body began to restore itself. If you’re like many people, you’ve probably never heard of Rife Frequency or its inventor, Dr. Rife. But it’s a story worth learning − especially for anyone touched by cancer.
Who Was Dr. Royal Ramond Rife?
Dr. Royal R. Rife (1888-1971) was an amazingly intelligent microbiologist with a passion for truth and healing. His story reveals a great deal about the goodness of gifted men willing to sacrifice everything to save humanity from the suffering of terminal cancer.
Sadly, there are others who will stop at nothing to profit from the same…
This is a story filled with intrigue and drama; a message of hope for people afraid of cancer or suffering from cancer. Through the brilliance of several men throughout history, a means to defeat disease was created and lost − and then recreated again. This article is meant to shed light on the science behind cancer and how four men over a period of 100 plus years discovered how to destroy it.
It also reveals the challenges these same men faced from the cancer industry. The medical mafia have done much to destroy these devices and the men that developed them over the last 110 years. But fortunately there are good people who keep working for our benefit. And in keeping with The Truth About Cancer’s message of hope, it is my intention here to bring hope to those suffering that it is possible to conquer cancer.
In the early 1900s, Dr. Royal Rife discovered a means to view live viruses under the microscope that he built (called the Universal Microscope) with over 6,000 parts and magnification up to 60,000 times the subject’s normal size. Because of this tool, he was awarded the honor of being the first scientist to discover, by viewing it live, the cancer virus that attacks human cells.
After studying the cancer virus, a microbe, he was able to determine several different kinds using a slit-spectroscope. It sounds complicated, but basically it is a crystal that shines light through an instrument that can split the light into individual wavelengths. This is important because invisible and visible light are made up of wavelengths that can be measured.
Royal Rife discovered the unique spectroscopic signature of each cancer virus. Then he used the color wavelength (spectroscopic signature) to make them visible under the virus microscope (Universal Microscope).
The science behind this is resonant frequency in light wavelengths. The individual beam or light ray hits the virus and the virus resonates or vibrates making it visible under the special microscope. Similar to sound waves, we hear the sound a certain way because of the vibration it makes in our ears. The sound can also be felt as a vibration, which is the way people who are deaf can detect sound. This resonance is significant because it matches each type of cancer virus uniquely.
With the aide of his Universal Microscope, Rife observed the cancer virus invading tissue in the petri dish. He also realized that the cancer virus takes on different shapes as it goes through its lifecycle, similar to how insects change form through their lifecycle (i.e. the moth lays eggs that become worms that develop into moths). Without this knowledge it is difficult to track the virus and easy to confuse it with other entities.
What Is the RIFE Frequency?
After several years of tracking these cancer virus, Dr. Rife developed a technique referred to as the RIFE Frequency. Simply put, he used the resonant frequency (the frequency that the virus vibrates at) to cause the virus to oscillate and then turned up the intensity or volume if you will. This resulted in the structural integrity of the virus collapsing and destroying itself. This phenomena was referred to by Rife as the “mortal oscillatory rate” or MOR.
The good news is, every cell and bacteria resonate at their own unique frequency with healthy cells and probiotics vibrating at a higher frequency. As a result only the targeted cancer virus gets destroyed, leaving the other tissues intact. The germ gets killed and the body is relieved of the infectious agent without damage.
Rife Tests His Experimental Treatment
In 1934, Royal Rife was given a number of human test subjects. This group was from the Pasadena County Hospital and all of them had terminal cancer. They had been essentially left to die because no more could be done for them by the cancer industry.
Under the supervision of a Special Medical Research Committee of pathologists and oncologists from the University of Southern California (USC), the patients were brought to Rife’s laboratory in San Diego to undergo his unique experimental treatment.
It was their job to expertly document the progress of the patients over a 90-day period during treatment. They reported astounding results: 86.5% of the patients were completely cancer free. Another 13.5% received an adjusted treatment (more potent) for an additional 30 days and then they also became 100% cancer-free. In conclusion Rife’s “beam-ray” technology was 100% effective against terminal (stage IV) cancer in all of the participants.
Not Everyone Wants a Cure for Cancer
However, not everyone was excited about this success. Rife’s technology posed a huge threat to the cancer industry and medical institutions in general who, according to statistics, get most of their revenue from oncology. In other words, if cancer can be cured they would go bankrupt − and lose out on making billions of dollars treating cancer patients.
They were not about to let that happen. The cancer industry was dedicated to preventing the public from discovering that there was a painless treatment that had a 100% cure rate for terminal cancer. It was also inexpensive because it operated on a minimal amount of electricity.
The medical establishment didn’t want people to get the “dangerous idea” that they didn’t need drugs; that would mean they didn’t need Big Pharma! The medical mafia (American Medical Association, American Cancer Society, and FDA) was on the trail to stamp out, obliterate, and debunk the truth before it could ever get out. And they were pretty successful… for a while.
Dr. Royal Rife kept meticulous records of his laboratory results, including stop-motion photography, resulting in a huge archive of evidence that his Rife Frequency Machine worked. Using a “beam-ray device” − or frequency generator − he emitted electric impulses to gently, painlessly, target cancer viruses inside of the cells. It caused the viruses to become denatured (structurally break down) which deactivated them.
More specifically, Dr. Rife used a two frequency generating machine to send a “carrier frequency” (high radio) and the low frequency that matches the microbe’s (cancer virus) signature frequency into the body. This electrical energy penetrated the cell membrane of the cancer-infested cell and caused the microbe to over-oscillate and implode. It is somewhat like a laser putting a hole in the target resulting in the contents flowing out and killing it. Note: It is very important that the Rife machine outputs radio frequency and not audio for the best results because radio frequencies penetrate the body better than audio frequencies.
Royal Raymond Rife’s success was the beginning of his downfall. His character was destroyed, his microscope was dismantled and key parts stolen. His colleagues were threatened so that they turned their back on him and his archive of evidence proving that cancer can be cured was also stolen. It was devastating, but he continued on with his protocol the best he could until he died at age 83 in 1971 from alcoholism and sleeping pills.
Tesla and Priore Contribute to Healing With Electromagnetic Frequency
Nikola Tesla
Another scientist, Nikola Tesla picked up the baton in the mid 1900s. He was an electrical genius and responsible for many inventions. He also concluded that electricity was useful as a healing modality using the phase conjugate wave phenomenon − also known as the “time reverse wave.”
This method was very interesting. It worked similar to Rife’s electromagnetic frequency but used a longitudinal wave instead of radio frequency. This wave penetrated the subject and reversed the diseased condition back to a time when the condition did not exist.
Although there is no known record of Tesla developing any technology specifically to heal cancer, it is likely that he did make a contribution. Sadly, though not surprisingly, this important contribution was also stolen and hidden from society when Tesla’s labs were destroyed.
Antoine Priore
Antoine Priore developed electromagnetic devices for healing in the 1960s and 70s that his tests showed were also 100% effective against all diseases, including cancer. Priore understood that all living beings have a cellular structure that emits electromagnetic waves. These waves have a specific unique signature or thumbprint. When one learns the thumbprint of a specific microbe (including the cancer virus) that microbe can be obliterated by amplifying the electrical wave impulse.
Furthermore, the electric wave can be reversed by introducing a mini-wave. This is how the time reverse system of Tesla works. Somehow, when a little wave is introduced into the system, everything moves backwards along the path of the new wave − like a crayfish that swims backward, but with an amplified force. It causes a reversal of the condition that existed when the wave was introduced.
This is the process of healing that was observed by Priore and how he achieved 100% healing against all disease conditions and restoration of body parts in the test subjects. The cells were induced with a longitudinal electric impulse that caused this reversal action to restore the cell to its original genetic predisposition. A “miracle,” so to speak. And very dangerous to a society that thrives on profiteering from disease.
Thus, in the year 1974, all funding and support was suddenly withdrawn. This was done just before Priore could apply his system to a full body apparatus for humans instead of just lab animals. It would have required a four-story building to contain and operate the apparatus to irradiate the entire human body sufficiently so every cell was permeated by the electrical energy. This was necessary to accelerate the body’s natural healing mechanisms.
Priore’s system is different from chemotherapy and radiation treatments. The apparatus is programmed with each microbe’s signature frequency that targets only those microbes. Because human cells have a different electro-magnetic frequency they are completely unaffected. One scientist explained it this way − the electrical impulses move through the body like a comb and gently flow past all the human cells without any stress. The microbes, on the other hand, get hit with the wave and experience stress that kills them.
With chemo and radiation treatments there is usually significant damage to surrounding tissue. This causes severe stress on the immune system and liver to deal with the toxicity.
Rife’s Discovery Given New Life
In 1986, Barry Lynes published his book, “The Cancer Cure That Worked.” Lynes brought Rife’s technology back to the public arena for another opportunity to be recognized for combatting cancer and other chronic maladies.
In 1990, Drs Lyman and Kaali, researchers at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City, discovered a cure for the AIDs virus using a similar technology as Rife, Tesla, and Priore.
They applied a low voltage (50-100 microamperes) to the HIV-infected blood in test tubes. In this instance the protein coating on the virus that produces reverse transcriptase, an enzyme that is necessary for penetrating the membrane of human cells, was prevented by the current. So, if the virus is unable to get into the cell membranes, then it is also prevented from setting up production in the nucleus to reproduce itself. This shuts down its entire system. Left unchecked, the DNA of the host cell reproduces the virus until it bursts and releases millions of newborn virii into the bloodstream to invade other areas of the body. Moreover, if the virus cannot produce reverse transcriptase enzyme it also becomes visible and vulnerable for attack by the immune system. Thus, it gets destroyed.
The two researchers used electrodes that they inserted into HIV patients’ veins to get the electrical impulses inside the body. This method was expensive and had to be redone every month because it damaged the blood vessels. But it was very effective against the AIDs virus.
In 1992 Lyman and Kaali received a patent on their method which proved beyond doubt that it worked. However, it was kept hidden from the public once again.
Dr. Bob Beck Adapts the Technology
In 1991 Dr. Bob Beck, a scientist, was introduced to the technology that the Albert Einstein College of Medicine researcher Dr. Kaali discovered and altered the technique to make it non-invasive. He applied the electrodes to the skin where the veins and arteries are closest to the surface. This would be the wrist and the ankles. He found the wrist to be especially conducive to the current entering the bloodstream and knocking out the pathogens (microbes). The amount of current is only 50-100 micro amperes so it doesn’t damage the skin or cause any adverse conditions.
It was Dr. Beck’s firm belief that cancer is caused at the “systemic level” by the imbalance between the number of cancer cells circulating in the blood and the strength of the immune system. His solution was to remove microbes from the bloodstream and “supercharge” the immune system, which in turn allows the immune system to fight off the cancer cells as it was meant to do.
Dr. Bob Beck devised a treatment program whereby he attached electrodes to the wrist of the patient in a specific way. This allowed the micro-currents (small electrical current) to penetrate the skin and enter the bloodstream. These gentle electrical impulses destroyed the microbes and allowed them to be flushed out of the body through the normal elimination processes. It was kind of like doing spring cleaning on a systemic level − removing the trash allowed the defense system to kick in at a much higher capacity.
In doing this he discovered that electrifying the bloodstream effectively destroyed pathogens, bacteria, viruses, fungi, cancer, and more. The general term for these “things” is microbes. They are so small you need a special microscope to see them. They enter the body through various means, such as improperly cooked meat, GMOs, processed foods, chemtrail air, and polluted water (including bottled water).
These microbes interfere with the immune system and the mitochondria’s production of energy so they effectively weaken the body on the systemic and cellular level. When they enter the cell’s nucleus they set up production of cancer cells by changing the DNA to replicate cancer cells.
This is how cancer becomes tumorous and mass produce these tumors rapidly. Then the microbes move on to attack other cells and set up more colonies of themselves. This is referred to as metastasis.
The good news is, there are a limited number of microbes that are cancer viruses so the task of determining their signature frequency was not too difficult. Royal Rife had already mapped them out, and through Dr. Lynes research it was brought to light for use again. Then steadily applying the plasma wave radiation or low frequency waves to it caused its destruction without fail.
The other interesting phenomena is that when the cancer virus inside the human cell is destroyed, the human cell is reverted back to its normal functions.
This phenomenon stems from the understanding that cancer cells start from a normal human cell. Something goes wrong, whereby a cancer virus is allowed access to the interior of the cell. Then it takes over the cell’s master cellular control system. The virus becomes a parasitic entity living off the cell’s nutrients with its own master control system.
It is like an organism living inside of the cells that takes over and forces the cell to reproduce the building blocks for the parasitic part to take over more and more of the body. But when the virus is dismantled, the master cellular system is restored to the cell and all the previous functions are resumed − assuming the treatment aimed at the cancer doesn’t destroy the human cells.
This reversal of cancer in the cells saves the body from the extra work necessary to form new cells. The disease is simply removed from the cells and the body is restored. If some tissue is damaged beyond restoration it must be rebuilt, but the bulk of the tissue is left to resume its normal activities.
In contrast, the cancer industry’s method of chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery leave the patient with so much damage that the treatment itself is the cause of death in many patients. On the other hand, Rife and Beck’s electro-medicine method kills the invader and leaves the body healthy so it can live. A much better system!
Dr. Beck also includes nutritional protocols to strengthen the body to eliminate waste faster and slow down the detoxification process. Too much detoxification performed too quickly can cause systemic problems. A weak person can suffer serious repercussions if the process is not done correctly. For this reason, it is highly recommended that a person using the Rife and Beck protocols also employs an expert practitioner that can monitor their health and progress.
Once you realize that what you eat has a significant effect on your health, then you understand that you must change your diet permanently. This is how you can prevent or maintain your health after serious illness.
In the Sources & References link below this article I have listed several resources for further investigation of this important topic. Rife machines are available on the market but only for use to control pain and for veterinary applications. This is because the Cancer Industry is not willing to suffer the loss of profits on systems that work. There are ways to get around them though and you may find the references very enlightening.
While rife is “A” way, it can be enhanced by “Catalyst induced, infused and IV” material designed to be in the area which the Rife Frequency, is to be used. The Catalyst will be “Calibrated to that Exact Frequency”, so when the use of the Rife Frequency is used, it will be the Most Effective. Think of it like if you put metal particles in oil, then magnetized the outside casing, you could attract or repeal, by changing the polarity, pos or neg or neutral. Yes, we enter into Nano Particles, Bio Chemistry Quantum Physics, trends, SPC, statistical process control, standard deviation and 3 sigma, for the math and chemical formulas. Summary, we can by design, cause migration of medicine, through the body, by pulling and repealing the nano magnetic, opposite polarity in the bonds of the Molecules, in most cases, we pull Neg, Ions, our US Patent, Ion izes whatever flows through it, “Catalyst” it is an Alchemy design metal formula, we made. We have several applications for this revolutionary “Catalyst Technology”, this can stop all Air Pollution globally, for pennies and my company presents this as FREE!
Could you contact me? What you propose interests me. Thank you
Hi there I have a Rife Machine GB4000 with MOPA & actually using it on my husband for cancer. What type catalyst would be used to improve treatment? Thanks! Carol V
Hello Carol, i was wondering on a update on your husband. How is everything going these days with his health?
Did the machine help?
My mother has stage 4 breast cancer, that has transferred to her brain and lungs.
I’m looking into a holistic approach where of course the doctor are preaching theres nothing else do do for her.
We have a rife machine. Have lung cancer what are the best frequencies to start with. But Drs. Have given me 10 months to live.
I have a frequency generator and John Bedini RPX carrier wave unit but so far never used it on cancers so can offer little help. There is a list on the ‘net of frequencies that others have used.(Electro-TherapyDeviceFrequencyList ) Try
Years ago I had a friend with a “terminal” lung tumour which was completely reabsorbed back into his body using Hulda Clark Protocols. Basically her thesis says that paracites excrete a growth hormone that causes rapid cell division. Clark used Black Walnut Hull tincture, Wormwood tincture and cloves to kill paracite eggs. We found a local GP with some ampules of Vit C which were administered twice weekly.
My understanding of cancer says it is the body’s last ditch effort to over-come some sort of toxicity. Eliminate the toxic substances and you start to recover.
If you have a frequency device that can be programmed to sweep through a range of frequencies you could start at 100kHz and step sequentially up to 600kHz but my sense is that you do not want to “carpet bomb” the body with frequencies but use selected, target ones.
The late Dr Bob Beck used around 4Hz AC from a 27Volt battery-operated unit that he designed. I built one but have never tested it on cancers.
Clark designed a pulsed DC unit that was only 9Volt. The one I built sometimes it appears to provide results tho’ I question how effective it could be at such low power.
The original work by Drs Kaali & Lyman (~1993) is interesting. They US Patented their unit as their hospital (Albert Einstein?) said there was no interest in non-chemical protocols there.
Plenty of expensive quackery out there so be diligent. E.g. NES Professional is a complete hoax. Be objective. I know it is hard if you are the one with a condition.
Buy a Mathew Rife, RIFE machine. I bought one and they really work. I was in an accident and damaged my spine and was in constant pain. I bought a RIFE machine and now I live a life of no pain or at the least minimal pain occasionally. It has made a great difference in my life.
Hello Family; WOW, Great things are happening. Thank you TY thank you Mark, well done!! In a body that is designed to heal it’s self, what happened to change that ?? We ARE a Frequency Generator, we generate frequencies by our thoughts-words and deeds, feelings and emotions and experiences. We are the Alchemy of Life. We can change our frequency in a heart beat. The expression of Love changes our Frequency along with the feeling that Love brings. Forgiveness changes our Frequency and changes our Vibrations. The creation of Peace and stillness changes our Frequency. All these words are easy to say and it takes our Divine will power and decision to change our life and slow life down a little and decide what is important in our life. With All Love, Honour and Respect. Keep up the Great work. Love. Alan.
Thats all the replies? We need more! There are a lot of bioresonance macines to treat virtually everything by the problem characteristic frequencies. So theres a stream of terminally ill people turning into healy and happy nowdays?
Aleksis, I agree that Bio Nano Particles of the designed Catalyst, Single Atom Oxygen, is the catalyst, in less than 35 Nano, crossing the Brain Blood Barrier, absorption goes up as much as 300%, so the doctor must dose. Sir, I claim to be able to teach you how to deny the bio chemical requirements for Cancer to make ATP. I, force alkaline, Zero Sugar by IV and flood the blood stream with “Single Atom Free and Radical” particles, to purge all “Obligated” to fermenting and “Anaerobic” with “Lack of Oxygen”, pH less 7.365 or Acidic. We force the biological unit, alkaline, deny sugar by IV drip and flood the blood with “Density of Single Atom Oxygen” which will stabilize the disease/cancer cell, through the “Bonds”, see we are alchemist, we build Catalyst with metal, which can, change liquids, can kill all parasites, bacteria and Ionize the bonds. Outside the scope of this email is the two items your replies never get into, Chemistry of making ATP, the two processes, are Use of Oxygen to convert to Energy or Fermenting Sugar to make ATP, in presence or not of Oxygen. However, if the mitochondria is flooded with Oxygen and Alkaline, then the ATP, will be made with Oxygen. The body is programmed to be human if it makes energy from Oxygen. Fermenting sugars is a previous Bio system we call plants, to make energy. See, we all evolved from plants, then about 30,000 two genes appeared, Language and Endocannabinoid system which works in conjunction with the Phyto Pyto system, in this case, Organic chemistry has just discovered the cure for a select group of Cancer, using Tetrahydrocannabinol to trigger CB1 neurotransmitter, which triggers the Immune System to send Stem Cells to kill Brain disorders. So, if the blood is “catalyzed” then the ability to be influence by these Frequencies will increase.
Yes, the Medical Mafia is so disturbing! This is wonderful news. I have been shouting to people how to cure cancer, yet I keep getting the response ” What if your wrong?” Well, how many more of my family and friends have to die because traditional was once again wrong. It is beyond my comprehension why people with cancer won’t even look into the info I give. Unbelievable! Their minds are that programmed. By the way, the people I told were wrong. Dead wrong!!!
Ditto!! I ask my self the exact same question? Why don’t they try it?
In my opinion, those type of electric therapies should be used to cure terminal cancer instead of those ghastly conventional therapies like radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery which just make a person sicker, cause even more cancer, and even death. I think that thsoe conventional therapies should be banned completely and bring Rife’s, Tesla’s, and Beck’s old electric therapies. Maybe with those type of therapies, nobody would be worrying about conventional therapies and death.
and maybe more people would be dying. see every human body is unique. what works for you may not work for me, etc. They should allow manufacture and sale of Rife, Tesla and Beck machines here in the USA, but alas the FDA has declared them useless and snake oil. At least give us a chance to try that mode of therapy, even if we do all the rest. And Mark Gordon Cooper, I have no F’ing idea what you are talking about. Oxygen can not exist as a single atom, it must combine with something, even itself. O2
Where do you get this machine/treatment etc – who do you contact??
Hi Blanche. I found mine on Ebay but there are companies that sell them. There are Facebook pages dedicated to them. People are helping each other. I have had a great response from those Facebook pages. Good luck & pray for the right machine to come along. That’s exactly how I found mine. Take care!
I got mine from Mathew Rife on tik tok.
I am wondering if anyone has an unbiased opinion about the differences in The Rife machine, the Bemer and whatever the Tesla product is, if that is even available now is??
Hi Kim. If you research each one of those modalities, they each have their part in healing. On the website, truly heal, they discuss some of those products and their benefits. Good luck in your search for healing. We are in this search as we speak. My husband used the GB4000 3-4 times per week and just started PEMF Therapy this week. He has IV vitamin C therapy on is opposite week of chemo. Praying that he disregards the chemo altogether. Thanks for reading! Have a fantastic day! Carol V
Hi Kim, how did you make out in deciding which PEMF to go with. I am in this same situation right now trying to decide. Thanks
Great info! Thanks for sharing all of this, although I’ve heard of this invention, I still didn’t know the whole story. I also think its important to add if there are any clinics that offer such treatment and their locations, I personally am very interested if in Europe, for example, you could find such treatment.
From memory, I heard that if you get electrocuted by lightening and survive your body gets rid of the cancer. Not sure if true and if this is related to this in some way. Any comments on this?
We have been using a “Spooky2” version of the Rife machine for myeloma for a few months now yet a CT scan shows that the cancer is still marching . Has anyone out there got any information that will help us in a language that will enable us to understand and improve what we are doing
Hi Lorraine-is it a square wave form or ‘sine’ wave form? Important difference. The answer MUST be sine wave. Square wave form puts damaging esmog into the body. Stop all use of electrical gadgets (wireless gadgets are pulsating microwaves in a squre wave form-the most penetrating of all) and switch off all electrics at night. DARK room at night so body can produce melatonin. Have you changed diet and lifestyle? Have you stopped all use of petrochemicals? Are you on any detoxes? It’s never just one approach.
duh, a square wave is the sum of sine waves. and all these devices are square waves.
My GB-4000 instructions say to use square wave. Note the instruction booklet is not sold by the company making the machine.
Where to go to get this type of treatment for breast cancer? Who can help? There no alternatives in the U.S.
Deb, I’m going through this treatment now in the Buffalo, NY area. If you are anywhere near I will give you the name.
Where in Buffalo?
Hi Carol
You say you’re going through this treatment now. Would you mind supplying me the name also.
Thank you
Can a person with a pacemaker use Arife machine?
I don’t think so, but can’t say for sure.
I know someone who has a rife half mat. I’ve read the instructions, and it says not to use with pacemaker.
My father has a defibrillator pacemaker and instead of holding the hand held metal tubes he puts his feet on metal plates hooked to the machine. So far no troubles with his heart.
Is this treatment or technology available in Canada?
I currently am fighting Stage IV Colon Cancer that spread to my liver in the form of 12 tumors. I live in the US, can I gets this treatment somewhere close. I am inly 46 and not ready to die!
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Can this machine cure a multi nodular goiter? I was told surgical removal of the entire gland was the only solution. I don’t want to remove a vital organ that is working and I don’t want to be on medication for the rest of my life.
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Hi judy
During WW1 the US government added “Iodine” to salt to destroy goiter epidemic.
Which they removed from salt in recent years.
Where can i purchase this machine?
I Have seen several BCX Ultra Deluxe Rife machines in clinics in Mexico. They say they use the BCX because the tubes put out more voltage than the metal electrodes, therefore, the frequency will go deeper in the body.
I have seen the BCX advertised on google.
I’m looking at buying a gb4000 ride frequency machine. My cranial sacral chiropractor uses it on me while she works on me. She muscle tests to see what Frequency to use. This machine is amazing!
I have one for sale.
Hi Jason,
I am interested in possibly purchasing. Please contact me when you can. Thank you!
I have a CellQuicken rife machine. It is nothing short of AMAZING. It has obliterated my breast cancer, hubbies varicose veins, cataracts, sorted his broken shoulder when he tumbled off his bike, got my body (fatty liver etc) completely back into balance and health. You name it – my frequency healing machine sorts it. No more vultures in white coats with their dangerous poisonous drugs for my family, thank you! We are in control of our own health. It’s a great position to be in !
Where did you get it?
Where do you purchase the machine
Go to cancer tutor dot com. They will tell you where to get the machine and where to get the necessary instructions to use it.
Go to They are in Pretoria, South Africa, and send the machine all over the world. It is absolutely amazing. Over 7000 treatments on it.
Irene. James, where did you purchase your machine please?
I am seeing mostly terrible reviews about this machine and the owner, they pay and no machine or the machine doesn’t work most of the time
i treat with Rf we use latest radio frequancy devices now days they are faster and better in every way than Rife machine and his science is so far off it is laughable 🙂
What brand of RF machine can be used to fight cancer? What is the name of one you have used?
Photon genius is a modern day healing machine based on rife and Tesla technology. Very cool.
My name is Joe Stanley and I live in Canada. I was diagnosed with stage OF (4) cancer 2 years ago. My wife and I are Christians and we prayed for direction. The Lord told me in a dream not to do chemo.
We have been treating my cancer with the video diet and I recently started using a rife machine a friend gave us to try. It’s been 1 week and I will update all as we go along……but one thing I do know. I’d be dead right now if I had taken chemo or radiation. I continue to heal.
Dear Joe,
Our hearts go out to you and we are sending thoughts and prayers for hope and healing.
God bless.
I live in Canada. I was diagnosed with stage OF (4) cancer 2 years ago. My wife and I are Christians and we prayed for direction. The Lord told me in a dream not to do chemo.
We have been treating my cancer with the video diet and I recently started using a rife machine a friend gave us to try. It’s been 1 week and I will update all as we go along……but one thing I do know. I’d be dead right now if I had taken chemo or radiation. I continue to heal.
I have a GB-4000. I understand it can be used to apply the Bob Beck frequency [3.92 Hertz] to the body. Is it that simple? Just program the device to run at 3.9 Hertz for a couple hours a day? Or for that matter any PEMF device that can be tuned to a frequency close to 3.92 Hertz?
Hi, can anyone post any updates on their success with the Rife Machine?
We have a GB4000 MOPA. have had success in reversing some of my own muscle function issues which were from pharma imaging meds. I have been acquiring different Spooky2 products and have found them effective as well. Even on the remote settings.
Inspite of all that, I have family members who say it’s evil (and they won’t come visit) because some pharma based nurse is against it claiming royal rife had seance trances that is supposedly how he got his frequencies. This claim does not make sense when he had high powered microscopes. Anyone have any information or resources on how to combat this?
Dr. Bill Mcgraw has a protocol for those interested in using frequencies.