You have brain fog that is beginning to affect your work and personal relationships. You feel fatigued even though you got eight hours of sleep the night before. You’re embarrassed by pungent body odor and bad breath. What’s more, you can’t get your mind off that chocolate cake sitting in the break room at work, just calling to you to take a bite.
If you can relate to one (or perhaps all) of these symptoms, it may be a sign you need a detox.

It’s No Wonder We Need to Detox…
The body naturally detoxifies itself on an ongoing basis, day after day, 24 hours a day. The large intestine, the lymph system, the liver, the kidneys, the lungs, the skin — these organs are all designed to expel waste from the body in one way or another.
So, if we have so many mechanisms within us that do the detoxing for us, why do we need to do anything else to help these processes along?
It’s a good question. And the answer may have been a lot different 50 years ago, when the toxic burden on human beings wasn’t as great as it is today.
Unfortunately, we no longer live in the world of the 50s, 60s, or even the 1970s. Today, health-effecting toxins come in the air we breathe, in the water we drink, in the food we consume, in the products we put on our skin and hair, and in the way we live our stress-filled lives.
Here are just a few areas where we are bombarded with more toxins now than ever before:
- Pollution. According to a 2016 report published by the World Health Organization (WHO), outdoor air pollution has risen by 8% globally in just the last five years.
- Pesticides. In a 2012 paper for the National Institutes of Health, Dr. David Bellinger hypothesized that 16.9 million IQ points had been lost in children because of everyday pesticide exposure.
- Drugs and Alcohol Use. Both regular drug use (illegal substances and prescribed pharmaceuticals) and regular drinking take their toll on our detoxification pathways, especially on the liver and the digestive system. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) found that 21.5 million American adults battled substance abuse in 2014.
- Chemicals in the water and food supply. “Unsafe food containing harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites or chemical substances causes more than 200 diseases – ranging from diarrhea to cancers,” says the WHO. In addition, today’s municipal water supplies may contain anything from fluoride, chlorine, and lead, to parasites such as Giardia, to endocrine disruptors found in oral contraceptives.
- Household and personal care products. Our skin is our largest organ for elimination. All those commercial “lotions and potions” we love to use are absorbed directly into the skin, as are the untested chemicals used to create them. Some toxins found in sundry products include phenoxyethanol, parabens, and formaldehyde.
- Negative thoughts and emotions. Yes, even negative thoughts and emotions can translate into stress in the body. Chronic stress elevates cortisol levels, causing inflammation and a host of disease conditions. According to CBS News, the number of Americans admitting to being in “extreme stress” rose by 18% between 2014 and 2015.
Detoxing is a Necessity of Our Modern World (Even if Your Doc Says Otherwise)
Many people still believe that taking the time to detoxify the body is a luxury, like going to the spa or getting a pedicure. Unfortunately, this is also the view of many professionals in modern medicine as well.
“I didn’t learn about detox at medical school or residency,” admits Dr. Sara Gottfried, best-selling author and expert in detoxification and hormonal imbalance. She first learned about the importance of detoxification practices when she was studying yoga and the Ayurvedic principles of Panchakarma.
Many of the scientific discoveries that formed the foundation of our conventional medical system occurred over 100 years ago. A lot has happened since then, including an exponential rise in toxic risk.
But just because your traditional physician may not be up to speed on the need for regular detoxing doesn’t mean that you have to suffer through the symptoms of toxic buildup yourself!
4 Signs You Need to Detox
So how do you know when your toxic load has gone too far? The signs and symptoms are many, but here are some common ones to watch out for:
#1 – Brain Fog: Perhaps the most unknown yet most common indication that a detox is in order is cognitive impairment. This can be anything from simply not thinking clearly (also known as “brain fog”) to a lack of motivation that persists for more than a day or two to severe anxiety and/or depression.
Why would what we digest and what we do or do not expel from our body affect our brain? “The more we research neurotransmitters… the more we discover that most of them are manufactured in the digestive system and then transported to the brain to be used,” says Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, author of The GAPS Diet.
#2 – Fatigue: Besides cognitive effects, the other common warning side that you may have an overburdened detoxification system is fatigue, muscle aches, and joint pain. Again, this can be felt as anything from general malaise and lack of energy, to severe pain and even chronic fatigue syndrome-like symptoms. In fact, a 2013 joint investigation found that the presence of mycotoxins (stemming from water-based mold) was a factor in over 90% of chronic fatigue cases they studied.
#3 – Body Odor: Another not-so-pleasant side effect of toxic build-up (especially in the liver), is increased body odor, increased fecal odor, and bad breath. The main way that toxins get excreted from inside your body is through the bowels and through urination. When these pathways become “clogged” by too many toxins or they are not working properly for other reasons, your sweat (as well as your urine and feces) can take on an acidic smell.
Another indication that your liver may need a detox is a furry coating on the tongue, which can also be the cause of bad breath. Eating too much red meat can often leave bacterial residue in the gut which can then “ferment,” leading to bad breath, body odor, and extra pungent-smelling bowel movements as well.
#4 – Chemical Sensitivities: Chemical sensitivities are becoming increasingly common in our modern world, so much so that the National Institutes of Health have a word for it: multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS). The cause of MCS may be toxic build-up. This just makes sense since sensitivity to a chemical toxin may simply be your body’s way of saying “I’ve had enough.”
Auto exhaust, pesticides, tobacco smoke, synthetic perfumes, and other artificially-scented products are just a few of the categories that may contain harmful toxins. They are also the most common contaminants individuals have a sensitivity to (between 11 and 31% of Americans say some surveys). Remember that many manufacturers of products that contain fragrance, such as laundry detergents and hand soaps, do not need to list the majority of their chemical ingredients. If they did, you would find that many of these substances have not been tested for safety.
The Answer to Toxic Overload? Detoxification!
These, of course, are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the signs and symptoms of toxic overload. Others include:
- bloating and gas
- skin issues and acne
- trouble sleeping
- food cravings
- sinus issues
- headaches
- constipation or diarrhea
- dark circles under the eyes
- problems or pain during menstruation
The point is, when you are filled to the brim with dozens of potential toxins that your body just can’t handle, you don’t feel good. Period.
The good news is, once you begin on your “Detox Journey,” the amount of energy, vitality and good-feeling emotions you may feel (for some, on the very first day!) will get you hooked on this healthy habit for a lifetime!
How to Detox
Want to learn how to detox? Check out these articles with some great tips to get started:
- 31 Easy Ways to Detoxify Every Day (Some May Surprise You!)
- Discover the Healing (and Detoxifying) Power of Bentonite Clay!
- 11 of the Best Essential Oils for Detox
- Radiation Detox: How to Rebuild Your Health after Radiation Therapy
- Chemotherapy Detox: How to Rebuild Your Health after Chemo
Editor’s Note: This article was initially published in 2017 and has been updated in 2024.
Article Summary
The body naturally detoxifies itself on an ongoing basis 24 hours a day, but it’s not enough.
Here are a few areas where we are bombarded with toxins:
- Pollution
- Pesticides
- Drugs and alcohol use
- Chemicals in the water and food supply
- Household and personal care products
- Negative thoughts and emotions
Signs and symptoms of toxic overload:
- Brain fog
- Fatigue
- Body odor
- Chemical sensitivities
- bloating and gas
- Skin issues and acne
- Trouble sleeping
- Food cravings
- Sinus issues
- Headaches
- Constipation or diarrhea
- Dark circles under the eyes
- Problems or pain during menstruation
Why is it when I try to save it in Pinterest it says it’s block cause it could be spam?!
Have you tried clearing your cookies and cache? This may fix the issue.
It may also be her security settings, if she has everything in high security, nothing will get through. She will need to add The Thruth About Cancer as a safe contact. Then she will be able to safely receive information from Ty and company.
I have the same comment! Where is the remedy to detox??
Hi Jutta,
If you search “detox” on our website you should find some articles about detoxing. You may also want to check out our detox series, The Truth About Detox:
Best wishes!
Do you have any suggestions on how to approach detoxing children… I have two boys 7 and 8 , adopted, the older boy has special needs and is a extremely restrictive eater and the younger one was a baby born addicted to opiates. Both have a lot of signs needing of detox.
I’d find a good, educated Naturopathic Doctor or Functional Medicine Doctor near you that can help. I’m an adoptive Mom of special needs too. 😊
And so much can be done online also.
Have you looked into doctor Natasha Campbell-Mcbride’s GAPS protocol? That has some helpful advice on how to expand picky eaters diets to help heal them.
Found this benefical but how do i detox?
Hi Margaret,
If you search “detox” on our website you should find some articles about detoxing. You may also want to check out our detox series, The Truth About Detox:
Where is the detox remedy? 🙂 It would be nice if it accompanied the article. Thanks!
I agree, it would be nice to know what to do about it 🙂
I was wondering same thing .
The Best Detox I found was reading Medical Medium by Anthony Williams,all about nutrition,herbs,
Elevated-biotics found in fresh off the tree fruit and freshly picked harvest of vegetables. I now eat more organic fruits and less fatty meats and dairy. Celery juicing every AM and Wild Blueberries
In a smoothie.He explains why in all four of his books,Liver one coming out soon.!!Blessings EK
I was looking for the remedy as well
What is the recommended detox plan? There are so many to choose from with so
Many different products. I’d love to know what TTAC team suggests.
Hi Darcie,
We cannot recommend specific detox regimes. If you search “detox” on our website you will find some articles about detoxing. You may also want to check out our detox series, The Truth About Detox:
Agreed! What are steps to detoxification?!?!?!
I agree!
I would love to know a good detox too – i’ve read about soooo many but are too scared to start them as some seem so extreme and might cause other harm.
I agree. The detox remedy?
I truly agree😊
Sometimes it all seems too much. I know it’s wrong to feel this way but I’m overwhelmed.
I’d like to know that too—- what is a recommended detox?
Yes!!! I would like the remedy too! For myself and my kids!! Thanks!
Great request Carol
Try epsom salt baths and take broken cell wall chorella to clear heavy metals from the body. Also do a parasite cleanse once a year. Heal emotional problems that have been bringing you down. Most of all eat super clean all organic. Hope that helps
Words are not enough to say how inspiring your cancer message is–may our heavenly father continued to bless you and your loving family–Ty thank you
I agree! I don’t see a link or anything that tells you how to detox.
I agree with Carol. After reading article,,, I am looking for how to detox…
I have an Omega juicer..I went to the store yesterday and got 20 pounds of black grapes..I will be just drinking grape juice and green juice and tea for as long as they last. You have to navigate you own path to health.. I also do colonics when I detox. Just do something..
Yes I agree too! I was expecting to read it also.
Agree. Would like to see the detox article.
Hi Lorraine,
If you search “detox” on our website you should find some articles about detoxing. You may also want to check out our detox series, The Truth About Detox:
There are tons of them. The simplest is activated charcoal in capsules. Dr Hyman’s and Dr Mercola’s websites and have plenty of natural ways to do it. – Edythe
Yes, I would like to know, too, which detox you recommend. Thanks.
Where is the detox information
Hi David,
If you search “detox” on our website you should find some articles about detoxing. You may also want to check out our detox series, The Truth About Detox:
I agree. 🙂
Great article! Although, after the conclusion, there are no suggestions or other articles to illustrate how best to detox these harmful chemicals out of our systems. I was hoping for some direction here.
Ok so how do we detox?
Would like to know how to Detox. So many detoxes out there which one do you use? Please get back and give me an answer if possible. I am from Kalispell and have bought your book at the barbershop. I began reading your book because I work with Dr. Thomas pittaway. I am his hygienist.
Keep up the good work Ty your a godsend!
Hi. You talk about detoxing in this article but you don’t say what to use or how to detox. What can I use to detox? Thanks
I’m wondering the same thing as Carol. Where do we find the detox remedy?
I think it’s good to make it simple as to the exact place in Latvia where you can receive this viral treatment! And the cost! The same with the places in the states where we can get reliable treatment…..I did go down to the Hoxsey Clinic and spent good money and came home and followed it religiously, Only to not have it not work, my lymph nodes got gigantic under my arms and in groin , I was forced to take Ibutinib chemo pills and the lymph nodes are now all gone but I am worried about my stem cells after listening to your info so far, and I am now broke……so I am in desperate need of knowing what I can now do to help my stem cells without costing me a fortune? Help! Thank you for listening!
Love you guys, but 10-12 emails in 2 days is overkill. Enough already! 1 email a day is plenty, because I already get so many others.
Hi Brenda,
Please reach out to our customer support team to see what they can do for you:
What are some natural detox remedies?
I totally agree. These articles are good but they should be followed with a link to what to do.
Yes,where is the detox remedy? Your presentations are good, but vague! They leave you hanging…… how and what to juice, how to use the essential oils? Where can I find this info?
I would like to know where the detox remedy is too
Ok, so HOW do we detox? I’ve learned from other articles not to use supplements to detox but to use real food. I wish someone would lay out a specific plan that didn’t cost a lot of money so I would know exactly what to do/eat.
This article is great, but I wish you’d include how to detox. What are some varying ways one can detox their body?
Hi Micki,
If you search “detox” on our website you will find some articles about detoxing. You may also want to check out our detox series, The Truth About Detox:
Yes. The remedy detox please
Dr. Darrell Wolfe supplies the “Daily Cleansing Tea”- Dr Detox. Amazing results, and he has “Curcumin Cayenne” as a therapy to rid the body properly, creating an environment in which nothing bad can form or live.
I agree with Carol, what is the remedy?
I purchase your Gold Edition a couple of days ago and really enjoy that study. And I am now watching the number 5.
When I purchase the Gold Edition, I read you had a series on detoxing the right way.
I search all your email but can’t find anything on the subject.
Can you let me know if you have such a series?
Thanks kindly
You give the signs and symptoms but no ideas on how to detox. Please give us the different ways to detox. If one is juicing, how about some recipes. Don’t just throw out problems without solutions.
How do you detox safely? What method do you recommend?
Hi Laura,
We cannot recommend a specific type of detoxing, but if you want more information about detoxing you can search our website. You may also want to check out our detox series, The Truth About Detox:
Happy learning!
What are the steps to detox? I know I need to but I have no idea how to go about it.
Yes, I too would like to have seen what the detox is and how to do it.
Thank you
This is very important information to assessment of health issues. What’s missing is valid remedies to help prevent those health threatening factors. More often than not, at the end of the message is a product that is marketed as remedy at prohibitive cost. AND the product is powdered, expensive and doesn’t give results needed. Food is medicine. Disclose a proper diet and exercise regimen and results needed will happen. PLEASE let me know what these foods are. I appreciate your help!
It would be HELPFUL if you gave us practical info
Re detoxing! Like what, where and how.
Yes!! I concur, a detox protocol or even a link to another page with detox solutions would have been awesome!
Hi Ty could you please recommend a detox program. There’s so many out there I don’t know what is safe or best. Thx
Hi Sallie,
We cannot recommend a specific detoxing program because everyone’s body is different. If you want more information about detoxing, you can search “detox” on our website you should find some articles about detoxing. You may also want to check out our detox series, The Truth About Detox:
I agree with Carol. You have written an article about Detoxing and the importance of it, yet you don’t include an answer. Seens incomplete to me.
Hi Monika,
If you are interested in learning more about detoxing please check out our website for more articles. You can also look into our series The Truth About Detox:
I’ve been taking synthesis since 1980. Is there another option for my hypothyroidism?
I’ve been taking synthroid since 1980. Is there another option for hypothyroidism?
It’s possible TTAC doesn’t have a detox product. Their discussion is right on. I, for one, know plenty of good detox products and now I will go out and detox.cuz I got most of these bad things…again.
Thank you for pointing out the issue. But what is an effect detox cure? Makes no sense to point out a problem if there isn’t a solution. Plus don’t give a solution that merely keeps you guessing and doesn’t get to the point and begs you to buy hundreds and thousands of dollars of books and tapes. I hate those hyped up so called help programs. I’m not an idiot nor is most of society. Just tell us straight up!
I agree is there a detox remedy you suggest
Give us at least a hint of how to detox ourselves!
Hi Grace,
If you are interested in learning more about detoxing, please check out our series The Truth About Detox:
I would like to have a detox remedy if you have one to suggest. I have already signed up for your cancel lectures and enjoy the information.
Carol I was thinking the same thing. Good article however, it reads like it is unfinished.
Hi Victoria,
If you search “detox” on our website you should find some more articles about detoxing. You may also want to check out our detox series, The Truth About Detox:
Ty are you and Charlene approaching with St Jude. The sad children being given chemo is criminal I’m sure you agree
I have Wally enjoyed one two three programs. Great work!!!
This is very interesting and I can relate to some of those symptoms but you have not got a detoxification to follow and apply could you send me the information on how to detox.
Thank you Ty I really love your work you do.
Love your articles. Have learned so much. I agree with everything you write. God Bless You! Thankful there are people like you, who care about us, to send this information so that we will know more about our options.
Hello, I am so grateful for the videos presented about cancer and how there is an answer to killing it without the cut, burn or poison method that the medical industry advocates.
Bless you and your time and effort put into educating those who want to be free of cancer.
I look forward to watching your next video #4.
Gods Grace and Love,
Delores Lozier-PIke
Hello, I recently watched your video about cancer and am blessed to have watched it. I will be passing this onto others.
Gods Grace and Love,
What can I buy to detox
Hi Peggy,
We would suggest speaking with a trusted professional about what would be best to detox with. You can also search “detox” on our website you should find some articles about detoxing. You may also want to check out our detox series, The Truth About Detox:
And the solution??
Could you please advise of the best way to effectively detox? I’d be interested in the solution rather than just reading about the problem 🙂
Thanks very much, look forward to it!
Hi Anita,
We cannot recommend specific detoxes, but if you search “detox” on our website you should find some articles about detoxing. You may also want to check out our detox series, The Truth About Detox:
I too would like the information about the detox remedy! Unpleasantly surprised that was not included in this article or in a follow-up article
After reading this information on detoxing, I feel that it is something my body desperately needs. You would be doing myself and many, many others, a great favor by posting the remedy for detoxing. Thank you!
How do you detoxify?
Hi Kelle,
If you search “detox” on our website you should find some articles about detoxing. You may also want to check out our detox series, The Truth About Detox:
I have tried in three browsers and this link is not working. Please fix it. I want to share it with others and can’t when it is broken 🙁
Hi Morrissey,
Please send our support team a message and they can look into this for you:
How is the simple way to detox?
I got quite sick years ago with toxic overload and far infrared sauna made me better – my naturopath recommended it, and now I have them regularly (especially good after I have had exposure to paint, carpet cleaners, febreze plug-ins, etc.)
I didn’t get Episode 4. I am very disapointed. Please send to my email so I can listen tomorrow during the day.
Hi Janet,
Here is that link for you:
I have missed the 3rd episode. I am trying my best to keep up with it. I am a student and it is not so easy so PLEASE I would appreciate if you could send me the link fo watch it. Great job in unveiling the truth about cancer. I am very grateful!
I wan’t able to see Episode 3. Can you send it to my email tomorrow. Thank you so much. God be with you today…..
hi i have enjoyed greatly episode 1, 2 and 4 but missed number three … there a possibility of watching this one ? thankyou
Hi Karen,
Episode three is available for free at this time. We may be playing this episode again in the future!
Can I find information I need from your site? I do not remember the Truth about Detox series? There is so much information how can we assimilate it all into something that works for me?
Lastly, is this series on Asia only in sneak peaks? I thought it was in a whole series first time out? I watched the part on mistletoe as a cure yet where to get it and how to take it is another issue completely. For me, having all the knowledge is not enough especially if I do not know where to go or what to do with the information or what natural formula to use or where to get it?
Thanks a lot! I’ve learned a lot about detoxification.
Hi. I really enjoy what you send us! I read and take notes and read again. Thanks. I have always had dark circles under my eyes and would really appreciate it if you would directly address it in one of your articles like this. I know it must come from some sort of toxicity. I have heard it mentioned twice without any further information. I would be so happy to read a lot of directed articles if you have them. Thanks. Terri
Hi Terri – thanks for your suggestion and for your feedback!
We appreciate this and we’ll add it to our list of article topic ideas! 🙂
As long as you’re signed up for our mailing list you’ll be sure to be notified once an article on this is released.
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You can then enter your name and email address.
Please let us know if you have any other questions.
Thank you for supporting our mission!
Hi Ty, Can you give me any information on Colloidal Silver and if it is truly what people are claiming? I am having a lot of back pain and gut issues right now and Dr’s can’t seem to figure it out.
I loved your series in Asia and when I can afford to, I hope to be able to support this wonderful group.
Hi Julian –
Thank you for reaching out to us about this.
I’m sorry to hear about this – I will be sure to say a prayer for you!
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. But we do have an article on this topic on our website.
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
Thank you so much for your feedback on our Eastern Medicine documentary. We’re truly thankful for your appreciation.
Blessings and love!
They said that taking chlorophyll or chlorella helps you remove heavy metals out of your body.
Here is a great read regardng cancer “WORLD WTHOUT CANCER” by G. EDWARD GRIFFIN.