While dermatologists and sunscreen manufacturers have made it their mission to convince the world that sun exposure causes cancer, this is all a big lie. Sunlight is not the primary cause of skin cancer. In fact, sunlight actually prevents cancer!
Considerable evidence shows that vitamin D (which is produced from the sun’s rays), is protective of many cancers. This includes the deadliest of skin cancers – melanoma. In addition to melanoma, there are at least 13 other cancers that seem to be positively affected by sunlight. Most notably are breast cancer, colon cancer, and ovarian cancer.
Sun Exposure Does NOT Cause Melanoma
While melanoma accounts for less than 2% of skin cancer cases, it can metastasize to other organs and become very aggressive. It is responsible for the majority of skin cancer deaths. However, researchers have found that that sunlight does not cause melanoma.
Dr. Daniel Coit, surgical oncologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), shared his research on melanoma at a 2012 MSKCC Health Education Seminar. Dr Coit presented some startling evidence and cleared up important myths regarding melanoma.
He surprised the audience when he said that most melanomas are not related to sun exposure, and therefore sunblock or avoiding sun exposure does not prevent melanoma. Dr. Coit explained how melanoma is directly related to family history and called it a disease of gene mutations.
A British review done in 2002 also had some interesting findings. Overall the results provided no clear link between sunscreen use and the prevention of melanoma. While two studies did show a protective effect, three studies showed a negative association. Meaning there was a significant increase in malignant melanoma with sunscreen use.
Dr. David Mitchell, PhD, professor at M.D. Anderson’s department of Carcinogenesis, found via a fish study that UVA does not cause melanoma and is not responsible for the rise in the incidence of melanoma over the past 30 years.
How Sunlight Prevents Cancer
On the contrary, countless studies have shown that sun exposure actually reduces the risk of skin and other cancers.
How does sunlight reduce the risk of cancer?
Vitamin D increases cell differentiation, suppresses growth signals, reduces cell proliferation, reduces the effect of IGF-1(insulin- like growth factors) on cancer progression, and inhibits angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels in tumors). Therefore, it is more likely that low vitamin D levels account for the rise in skin cancer incidences. In fact, numerous studies show that low vitamin D status may actually contribute to the development of cancers of the skin, breast, colon, ovaries, and others.
Here are just a few of the studies:
- According to Dr. William B. Grant, PhD, epidemiologist and founder of Sunlight, Nutrition and Health Research Center, insufficient sun exposure will likely result in the deaths of over 50,000 Americans each year. In one of Dr. Grant’s studies he showed that mortality rates of 17 types of cancer were inversely correlated with vitamin D from sun exposure. The study also showed that vitamin D reduces the risk of melanoma. Another of his studies found that UVB reduces the risk of 16 types of cancer in the United States.
- A 2003 study published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology showed that sun exposure had an inverse relationship to melanoma risk. Those who had been exposed to more sun during their lifetime had a reduced risk of melanoma.
- Research performed at the University of Leeds found that melanoma patients with the lowest vitamin D levels had the poorest prognoses. Conversely, melanoma patients who had high levels of sun exposure (and thus higher D levels) were less likely to die from the disease than those who stayed out of the sun.
- In a study of 3,000 individuals with non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, individuals who were exposed to UV rays lowered their risk of developing cancer by 30-40%.
- Two 2005 studies cited by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) showed that sunlight was helpful in treating malignant melanoma. Patients with the most sun exposure were less likely to die than those who avoided the sun.
Numerous other cancer experts have come to the same conclusion: Sun exposure is not to blame for the increase in skin cancer rates and is actually protective of many cancers. However, sunscreen could be part of the problem.
Is Sunscreen the Answer?
In the past 50 years, sunscreen use has increased dramatically. According to the CDC (U.S. Center for Disease Control), at least 61% of American adults protect themselves from the sun, and that this reflects a substantial increase over the years. Back in the early 1970s, sales of sunscreen were around $18 million. By some estimates, this has now grown to almost $400 million annually.
Yet, clearly studies do not inclusively support the efficacy of sunscreen to prevent cancer, including melanoma. If you consider the studies mentioned, the occurrence of melanoma (and other cancers) has actually been found to decrease with greater sun exposure, and increased by sunscreens which block the production of vitamin D. If sunscreen really did prevent skin cancer, we would have seen a rapid decline in rates. Instead, incidences of skin cancer have been rising.
This means that the dramatic endorsement for avoiding the sun and slathering on copious amounts of sunscreen may have made millions of dollars for sunscreen producers, but put millions of people at a greater risk for cancer.
How Sunscreen Causes Cancer
In addition to blocking vitamin D production, sunscreen also directly contributes to cancer. When people wear high-protection sunscreen, they tend to stay in the sun too long. By doing so they expose themselves to excessive radiation, and possibly sunburn or sun poisoning.
It is claimed that too much ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun or sunbeds can damage DNA in skin cells. The effects of the sun’s rays advance through the action of the free radicals produced in the skin. If enough DNA damage builds up over time, it can cause cells to start growing out of control, which can lead to skin cancer.
To further explain, sunburn is a painful immune response from UV radiation that creates inflammatory chemicals called cytokines. Through this process, damaged cells are removed and are replaced with healthy cells. While this might sound good, cytokines generate free radicals that can damage DNA, potentially causing mutations that lead to tumor initiation.
Ample evidence supports the involvement of cytokines in events leading to the initiation, promotion, invasion, and metastasis of cancer. Plus, it is not a perfect system. Damaged skin cells that aren’t removed can lead to skin cancer. So there is a clear difference between “getting some sun” and routinely “turning into a lobster.”
The Cancer Risk from Chemical Sunscreens
And don’t overlook the added cancer risk from chemical sunscreens themselves. Chemicals found in many sunscreens are toxic endocrine disruptors and damage the heart and liver.
Sunscreen soaks into the skin and enters the bloodstream. A single application can last for up to two days, and as it is absorbed through the skin it bypasses the liver for detoxification.
Chemical sunscreens function by absorbing UV light. As a result, they form DNA-damaging free radicals. In a study done by the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, research showed that the reaction between Octyl methoxycinnamate (OMC) and sunlight was twice as toxic as the chemical on its own. OMC is present in 90% of sunscreen brands!
Prevent Cancer by Eating Your Sun Protection
A reasonable amount of sun exposure along with a healthy lifestyle can significantly decrease your risk of cancer. It is important to know that nutrient-deficient diets, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and obesity are believed to account for at least 50% of cancer-related deaths, including from melanoma. Genetics is closely linked to the ability to defend against UV damage and skin cancers. While we cannot change the genes we were born with, we can make lifestyle changes that positively affect gene expression.
If you do tend to spend considerable time in the outdoors, consider protective clothing or use of mineral sunscreens. However, the best sunscreen is available in your kitchen.
Consume a diet high in antioxidants such as vitamin C and E and eat plenty of chlorophyll-rich green vegetables. Fresh, raw vegetables and unprocessed foods provide the body with an abundance of powerful antioxidants and nutrients that will help you fight the free radicals and help prevent sunburn.
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Article Summary
Sunlight is not the primary cause of skin cancer. In fact, sunlight actually prevents cancer! There is considerable evidence that shows vitamin D (which is produced from the sun’s rays) is protective of many cancers − including melanoma.
At a 2012 conference, Dr. Daniel Coit, surgical oncologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), shared his startling research on melanoma: that melanoma is directly related to family history and that most melanomas are not related to sun exposure, and therefore sunblock or avoiding sun exposure does not prevent melanoma.
Other studies have also shown that sun exposure does not cause melanoma, and that the use of sunscreen can actually increase the risk.
Exposure to the sun facilitates the production of vitamin D. There are well over 800 published research papers showing the effectiveness of vitamin D to protect against cancer as well as to aid in its treatment.
In addition to blocking vitamin D production, sunscreen also directly contributes to cancer. When people wear high-protection sunscreen, they tend to stay in the sun too long. By doing so they expose themselves to excessive radiation, and possibly sunburn or sun poisoning.
Chemicals found in many sunscreens are toxic endocrine disruptors and damage the heart and liver.
A reasonable amount of sun exposure along with a healthy lifestyle can significantly decrease your risk of cancer. If you do tend to spend considerable time outdoors, consider protective clothing or use of mineral sunscreens.
Hi Curtis, … try sleeping outdoors for UV-nighttime-exposure + getting electrically-‘grounded’ …. supplement with quercetin, etc. GOOD LUCK!!!!
If you are taking any meds or supplements that make you more susceptible to skin cancer or sunburns then the above article should be taken with a lot more consideration and investigation before you make any decisions
No shiit Sherlock!
I suggest you hear Dr. L. Day’s personal testimony of her healing of cancer on her website – drday.com
I just take things as they come … I have rarely ever used sunscreen, but I do try to get direct sunlight in small doses. I love the great outdoors, however, and I think clothes that cover the body are good, and sun hats are good!
One thing is wrong. Sunscreen has not been around for 50 years. Tanning lotion has. There has been nothing on the market until about 15 to 20 years ago that actually blocks the sun rays. Before that it was to absorb the sun and tan.
Sunscreen came in about 1973 but it was called sun tan lotion with an SPF of about 4-8 then in early 80s. It was up to 15 by late 80 early 90s
the SPF went to 30
Frank, I’m 66 years old and as a kid in the 1950s I can remember lifeguards usually wearing an opaque white ‘sunblock’ (zinc oxide ?) on their noses . A sunblock indeed…and easily 60 years ago. I suspect people were using such substances before that period for localized (nose especially).
My mother used to slather Sea and Ski on us at the beach all the time in the late 60’s, it was indeed a sun block.
I remember you mentioned the sunscreen that you and your family use is you do use sunscreen, but I can’t seem to find that info. Can you let me know? Thanks!
I use a mixture of witchhazel and a few drops carrot seed oil in a spray bottle to make sure I don’t burn. Got the tip from a Young Living friend. Works great!
I have carrot seed oil from Young Living! Great tip on how to use it! Thanks!
Why is it that I see old friends all leathery skinned, is this sunbeds or sunlight.
Neither, it is your family genes. I am 58 years old, blonde with blue eyes and have been tanning for over 33 years indoors; my skin looks better than most of my same age friends. My Vitamin D3 level was 60 at my last lab work, and my doctor was thrilled.
Robin, sunlights effect on the aging of skin is not strictly genetic. There have been numerous studies of people who drive a lot, in the US and in the UK. In the US, our left side is closest to the window when we drive and on the right side in the UK. With no sun screen, the photos show dramatically more sun damage to the side of the body closest to the window.
i can absolutely relate to this. but theres more research to be done here,
you see there are two types of UV radiation, A and B
if you have both rays hitting your skin then you have a balance and don’t get burned easy
if you have one ray because the other is blocked out then you start to develop issues a couple well known blockages to uv rays
one is windows UVB does not usually go through windows
and then sunblock….
i have darker skin on my left arm because of the driving that i do. but my skin is healthy because i have developed a tan…
everyone has natural sunscreen called Melanin.
melanin is produced the more and more and longer you are out in the sun…
since we need vitamin D
this is how our body adjust to receiving more or less sunlight… too much sunlight for too long without enough melanin causes a sun burn….
too little sunlight for too little time causes vitamin D deficiency…
think about it…….
Just because you got lucky Robin, does not mean other people will be as lucky. Tanning beds produce dozens of times more UV than what you would get from natural sun. UV rays are KNOWN and CONFIRMED to cause DNA damage in *all* organisms, and therefore, potentially cancer and aging, if you receive enough of it often enough. Your story is anecdotal.
Leathery skin might be from advanced glycation endproducts (AGE’s), due to diet. Google it.
How is mineral sunscreen different than traditional sunscreen?
Mineral sunscreens do not contain any harmful chemicals in order to do their job; rather they are finely ground minerals, such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, that are evenly dispersed in a skin-friendly cream. The minerals physically block UV rays and are not absorbed into the skin. Mineral sunscreens can be pricier than chemical-based sunscreens, but you can wear them all day long without worry. Several brands are tinted so they blend with skin tones. The untinted ones are bright white, and sometimes seen on the noses of lifeguards.
Check out — wsj.com/articles/a-guide-to-the-best-mineral-sunscreens-1403293319
mineral sunscreen (means that which has titanium dioxide and zinc oxide in it, and) does not have all the harmful chemicals in it, as pretty well all other sunscreens do. The article only mentions Octyl methoxycinnamate (OMC), which I don’t recall encountering when I did my research. As I understand it, the main problem chemicals in almost everything are oxybenzone and retinyl palmitate.
Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide (TiO2 and ZnO) apparently do no penetrate the skin, and the immune system has a mechanism to break them down if they do, so they are not dangerous.
I had melanoma on my arm. It was on the forearm exactly where i had been bitten by a spider 20 years before. The spider was brown and fluffy looking. I’m in Canada where there are no recluse spiders reportedly. When I was bitten, it was numb from the bite to the tips of my fingers on the back of my hand for 3 days. When I had the melanoma removed, it was numb in the same way but for 6 months. This melanoma occurred 26 years ago. I had no chemo but I took megadoses of vitamins and have had no recurrences.
Getting lots of sun and vitamin D this years has helped me a lot, especially with my heart palpitations that I’ve been having recently–due to a depletion of magnesium. The sun has been a real savior for me. I didn’t know that I was deficient in vitamin D. From now on, I will do whatever I can to get enough vitamin D. I wear very little sunscreen and try to get out several times a week–otherwise I’m locked down on a computer in a near windowless office.
I have had over 50 skin cancers and 2 possible melanoma’s. As a teen I was at the beach or in the pool all summer and often with severe sunburns. Occasionally used sunscreen, but mostly I wanted that deep dark tan that was popular back then. I stopped doing this when I was 30. I always thought sunscreen was toxic so I don’t use it at all today, I am careful when I am in the sun not to over-expose. Really, I’m shocked that I am not wrinkled with skin like leather, however, I have always been a pretty clean eater and still consume high antioxidant foods. So my skin is nice in general, but the damage was done to the cells years ago. For the past 20+ years I have removed the skin cancer with a product called “C-Herb” that kills the cancer cells on the “spot”. My Dermatologist thinks I a little “nuts” but she sees that it works so does not give me a hard time that I treat them naturally rather than have them cut off.
Please tell us where to find out more about C-herb. Thanks!
Just google it, there are dozens of sites: http://www.getwellstaywellathome.com/nutritional.aspx?recid=13
Can I use the “C-Herb” for freckles, too? Thanks.
Be very cautions to believe people who want to get you interested in a product in the comment section. It could easily be someone who is trying to make money by selling you a product. They use your fear on a specific topic to get you interested in spending the money. Look out.
I have ordered mine from Nutritional Resources for the past 20 years.
You can use apple cider vinegar or white vinegar too to kill skin cancer. I used white vinegar for a large spot on my face and the apple cider vinegar for smaller spots on my face. It’s a very gradual process but after about a month of spraying it directly on my face for a few minutes for about a month they have disappeared. The large spot left a small scar but no one seems to notice.
If chemicals in sun screen damage heart and liver, what about cosmetics and anti aging products?
Anything you put on your skin absorbs in seconds. So, if it has toxins in it, which most products do, you have toxins in your body. I think that’s why so many people get sick. We’ve been doing it for decades. Read your labels and make wise choices.
Yes cosmetic s cause cancer if they include certain chemicals. Chemicals in general should be a red flag. I make my own with almonds. Check out YouTube.
I remember as a child laying out at the beach using Red Iodine and Baby Oil….we called it cooking. I’m 54 years old, sandy blonde with blue eyes….NO SKIN CANCER, thank you Lord but I do have Crohn’s Disease. Any help for folks suffering from Crohn’s Disease? I’ll tell you this…if it were not for being in a beach community I would be more depressed than I am. The sunshine helps keep me upbeat, I get sad during the Fall months. The fact that I can drive to a beautiful beach and watch waves and remember who is in charge (God our Father) keeps me going. One more upset with my Crohn’s and I’ll be with bag…..then the REAL depression will start, I’m sure. I fight it everyday. I do work so that helps but some days I wonder how much longer I can do this. My family and home have suffered due to me not being strong enough to keep everything going….but I keep trying.
For Crohn’s I have my clients immediately get off gluten .. And drink Kangen water !! My clients go completely into remission !!!
I’d like to know what kind of “doctor” you are Lisa Johnson.
I know a woman who had Crohn’s and she went to a live in lifestyle center. They took her off of all dairy and flesh food and she improved.
Marcie Davis, I know of an all natural product that could possibly help you with your Crohn’s Disease. I have a friend who has had tremendous results from using this natural product and could share her story with you.
Hi Marcie, I also have an autoimmune issue that I believe has been helped by changing my lifestyle/diet etc. I read the Micronutrient Miracle by Jayson and Mira Calton. It may really help your situation. Very interesting and eye opening. Yes, God our Father is in charge and I believe He puts people in our lives to bless others, so I pray this is a blessing to you.
Sorry to hear you have Crohn’s Disease; my son-in-law has it. However, he found out a few years ago that he also has a wheat intolerance. He avoids wheat as much as possible, and his ‘Crohn’s’ symptoms have really lessened. Good luck.
Also, a plant-based diet that does not include any oil or other saturated fats really helps many “diseases” if you stick with it.
My father suffered badly from that as well as diverticulitis – no beaches or huge amounts of sunshine in England though. You have my sincere sympathy and I hope you are able to keep going. Have you looked into the use of turmeric at all incidentally?
my husband uses a probiotic made in new Zealand called immunity fuel, with great results
The Book, “The Maker’s Diet”by Jordan S. Rubin may be helpful with understanding some things which may help Crohn’s Disease. Knowing the Lord as Saviour brings much meaning to life, and particularly in sickness.
Cindy Oliver, that’s an AWESOME book!! Changed my life 😉
Re Crohn’s Disease. lifestream has an amazing product called BowelBiotics+ This is Digestive Enzymes powder mixed in any drink [followed by an additional glass of drink, preferably water]. It has digestive enzymes and it is a GR8 product. Creates dark easy bowel movements. Hopefully it will help tremendously for you 🙂 Packaged in New Zealand website lifestream.co.nz or Distributed in Australia planethealth.com.au I get mine posted from healthpost.co.nz and I have not visited first 2 websites (got them from the label)
Best u try it and see for yourself 🙂 It is completely different from other products! Better health to you Marcie and others in need 🙂
Marcie, my daughter in law has Crohn’s. She is so much better on a strict gluten and dairy free diet. Dairy in all its forms is a big factor for her and other Crohn’s patients. It is the casein (protein component) in the dairy that is the problem. This means using nut milks (not soy) as a replacement. Legumes need to be well soaked before cooking and maybe avoided for a while. Some Crohn’s patients can try and take a little organic butter after their symptoms improve. Ghee is better
I will certainly pray for your daughter. I have had 4 surgeries. I am scared to try much because I don’t need a flare up. I only weigh 100 lbs. and am 5’1″ which dr. said I quit growing at 15 when it started. I can’t keep weight on, tired all the time. Just getting old and starting to feel the arthritis part. I use Lactaid Milk which helps so much. I also eat Rice cereals ONLY. Corn products and wheat bothers me really bad. Please tell her DO NOT DRINK! I do smoke pot to help and it does stop nausea and cramping. Thank God I have a place to get it because FL is so stupid and slow about approving medical MJ and I’m proof it works!
Sue, you sound reliable on Crohn’s. Can you suggest any particularly trustworthy book specific to Crohn’s? Thanks
The Maker’s Diet by Jordan Rubin. He had one of the worst cases of Crohn’s & is now symptom free!!
Check out a great video Diseases or Deficient at bigresults.basicreset.com. I add minerals to our water to structure our water so our water is now healthy water. Our bodies are deficient in minerals. Many people see amazing changes with your issue just drinking the right water. Prayers for your Healing too:). I live in sunny Florida and spray the mineral water after applying coconut oil. I have not burned this summer and my skin is hydrated and soft.
you may want to look into this…serrapeptase.info/crohns-disease-faqs/
or maybe you have already…good luck and God Bless…
Thank you I will. I haven’t heard of it before. Any new information is good information. I’ve had this so long. Sure would like to get relief.
Hi Marcie, I have recently watched a show of a family that migrated to CO in order for their 13 yr old son to receive treatment for his Crohn’s with Cannabis/THC oil. Not only did it save his life, but it also kept him from needing a bag. During the show, his mom provided the before and after endoscopy pictures provided by his physician; the changes were significant. (Channel-Viceland, Weediquette, Episode 1)
Here is also an article citing some of the most recent studies of Crohns and Cannabis treatments: blog.sfgate.com/smellthetruth/2016/03/12/worth-repeating-medical-marijuana-defeats-crohns-disease/
Keep trying, never give up. Many blessings to you on your healing journey.
I have Sunlove sunscreen from JJ Virgin. It’s a mineral based sunscreen, though I haven’t used it yet as I typically get sun in the mornings and therefore haven’t received a burn.
Isn’t it disgusting how all sun screens now say to avoid the sun between 11 and 3, which is the optimum time to get your Vitamin D from the sun…..Anyone would think there was a depopulation/create more customers for big pharma, agenda in place…..
I enjoy your articles very much,when I have the time to read,thank you,enjoy your day
Does c-herb work on pre-cancerous spots on face that get a dry white scab on them?
The cool thing about the C-Herb is that if the cells are non-cancerous there will be no reaction. It will work on viruses, like warts, herpes, etc. or malignant cells. I don’t sell it because I don’t want to be accused by the powers that be of treating cancer. I have used it for 20 years and never had a problem with it.
I make my own sunscreen with Carrot Seed Essential oil – it doesn’t smell great so I add Lavender Oil to make it smell better. I add it to Coconut Oil or Jojoba Oil and put it in a glass spray bottle for easy application. It is not waterproof so I’ve added Non Nano Zinc Oxide powder for when my kids are at the water park. The whole carrot seed oil thing is very controversial so I tried it on myself first and it worked just fine – never got a sunburn. It’s all I use on my kids and they have never got a sunburn – they do get a nice tan though. I can’t do the toxic sunscreens anymore – you know better, you do better….plain and simple. Thanks for sharing this article, Ty 🙂
READING ELAINE’S COMMENTS is like reading a reflection of myself. I too was a California girl with a deep dark tan, brown eyes, and very dark brown hair, although Italian background, I was naturally very fair skinned. I would burn -( I believe the burning, not the tanning and all before age 20, causes the skin cancer). then get the deep dark tan, with the help of baby oil and cocoa butter. so much of us wanted in the 60’s and 70″s. Riding my bike to the beach or taking the train and spending all day during the summers certainly didn’t help. Stopping in my 20’s didn’t prevent skin cancer and A typical cells (pre-melanoma).
Now over 60 my skin is still nice, not leathery as I’d expect and actually get complements,What gives?? If they knew. It has to be the antioxident diet, adding olive oil, drinking green tea for many years and researching the benefits of other teas like dandelion and Nettle. Eat those greens from dandelion (very bitter but a little bit in a salad have an abundance of benefits). And the greens from beets are delicious sautéed with garlic. Reasearching sesame oil. Will continue to wear big hats, keep covered up and PRAY, and now after reading more information sans the sunscreen.
Good question Marilyn.. Hope an answer comes. That is how my squamous cell started. It was not a pleasant experience.
Mineral sunscreen is chemically much simpler than traditional sunscreen. Traditional sunscreen contains a variety of synthetic chemicals (there are several, and some brands use different ones, but oxybenzone is one example) that are thought to be hormone disruptors. In other words, they mimic the activity of hormones. Now, they are not bad just because they are synthetic. It’s that there is some evidence that these particular chemicals have a structure that can imitate the structure of hormones in your body. Hormone disruptors in general are thought to be possible causers of cancer.
Mineral sunscreens usually contain titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. These physically block the sun by reflecting the sun off of your skin. They should be healthier because they are mostly inert. They don’t react with anything in your body. It’s basically like putting a thin layer of powder over your skin. I think that this article fails to mention that for those worried about exposing their skin to UV rays, wearing mineral sunscreen could give you some peace of mind without the worry of exposing yourself to nasty chemicals.
It’s interesting to note that Australians (Caucasian folks) who live in a hot dry country have a huge rate of skin cancer
That’s because most of them don’t know that Omega 3 is a natural sunscreen.
The ozonlayer had thinned out In the 80-90ies causing major skin damage is the reason…
Ozone is created by the interaction of oxygen(O2) and UV causing ozone(O3) … this makes the ozone layer a local phenomenon AND NOT A GLOBAL OPNE … MORE POOR MANIPULATION TACTICS. There is always a ‘hole’ over Antarctica.
Crohn’s disease – get off the GMO’s.
AMEN! Got to be rich to eat good foods! I know GMO’s, Gluten and Milk are my enemies but they are in so many of the foods we so often eat. Our country has done this to us by using corn and wheat in EVERYTHING! (example margarine…do you know what that is??? My gosh, I’m surprised we aren’t all VERY SICK people just from that mess). When are we going to stop letting our country tell us what to eat and what we can put into our bodies to help us feel better? They, I bet, don’t eat the things we are often eating. They can afford “Grass Fed Beef” & Organic foods because we as tax payers are paying them enough to purchase these things. Why aren’t we the common man given these opportunities??? Is this part of the “getting rid of the weak” program Obama has put us on? Notice you don’t hear his wife out talking about diet anymore….I wonder if that’s because her butt got bigger when she entered OUR HOUSE…(even though I’ve seen Obama say MY HOUSE….Boy do I have news for you!!! That ANTE your house buddy, that’s our house….sorry that’s another chat. I’m just tired of seeing all of these opportunities to get well and stay well knowing I can’t touch them because they are so expensive. I can’t take another thing away from my grocery bill to purchase things like this to help me stay well. I’ve had Crohn’s since I was 15 years old.(now 54)…had 4 bowl recessions and the thought of getting stopped up again is scary because next it will be the bag. I am really trying to take better care but getting off the cruddy foods and moving to the good ones scares me really bad and doctors these days are just to busy to really listen. I can’t afford to get sick again, I am the breadwinner in our family. I will continue to read this post and try things I can because I am tired of being weak and tired all the time. Can’t keep food in me, can’t get it out at times and because of the recessions I don’t get the nutrition I need from my food…this keep me so tired. B12 can’t do it all….but it tries. Thank you for sharing your Crohn’s stores with me. How does one change their diet? Over night or slowly?
Good foods are not just available for the rich! Please watch the documentary called Forks Over Knives. Beans and rice are one of the healthiest dishes you can eat and are also one of the cheapest to buy! Rolled oats is one of the least expensive cereals. Switch to a whole food, plant- based diet and stop buying processed foods or anything with preservatives, chemicals, or artificial colors or flavors. Stop buying anything with animal products like meat, fish, eggs, or dairy! No fast food either. Whole plants can help your body regenerate itself! Be well!
Susie, I believe the truth lies somewhere between the Forks Over Knives vegan crowd and the Paleo junk-meat crowd–both of which are vastly over-simplified and closed-minded. Autoimmune & microbiome disorders are most often cured by paleo diet, but done with organic grassfed carefully chosen animal products and specific wild caught fish. Especially pasture-raised eggs. It may be possible as vegetarian or vegan, but soak/sprout at least half the bean meals, use whole oats (or at least steel-cut) rather than rolled, avoid all sugars and processed grains (especially flours, even gluten-free & legume), stay low glycemic, avoid all GMOs but especially BT corn, eat lots of above-ground (less starchy) vegetables, etc. Yes, whole plants, unprocessed foods, nothing artificial (colors, hydrogenated fats, preservatives), and plenty of protein from lentils and garbanzos. Vegan is the right direction to lean toward, but it has to be done right and low-glycemic (to foster the proper gut microbiome) and not done exclusively. Vegans also must be educated on vitamin B12, zinc, selenium, vitamin K2 (from natto) and many more issues before they can do it safely. Study it for hundreds of hours or else don’t go too extreme. Salud!
Well Said. A lot of vegetarians long term term can end up having a lot of other health issues if they are not careful in getting specific nutrients into their diet. One addition comment. Everyone is unique is what diet is best for themselves. We can educate ourselves on what the best diet should be on, however, ultimately we just have to experiment.
I started surfing about 8 years ago and usually go out from 10am to 2pm. I have been using zinc oxide on my face, back and shoulders or I would be burnt to a crisp I think. Is this bad? I can wear a rash guard for my back and shoulders but what should I do for my face if not zinc oxide?
I’ve been doing research about sunscreen and SPF factors, etc. for quite some time now. I learned that wearing cotton clothing and a cotton hat will protect a person with about 15 SPF without sunscreen. (That doesn’t mean you can stay in the sun all day like that.) And, as they say above, being aware of how long you are in the sun makes a difference as well. Do your own research and be careful in the sun. Personally, after having chemo and now an autoimmune disorder, I’m more susceptible to sunburn than I was before any of that happened. Therefore, I wear a UV jacket when ever I’m outside. I also either wear the hoodie the jacket comes with or my UV sunhat, and/or use my UV umbrella. And yes, I do wear sunscreen… that I make myself. It’s organic. No toxins at all. It works great!
There is published material that shows that sun exposure on the genitals increases the production of testosterone. In Sweden and Germany total body sun exposure is quite common. Perhaps, we should be guided by how we were 100,000 years ago, without clothing and eating a wide variety of natural foods, as that is how we evolved. A return to nature may well be the answer to many of our ailments.
When I was in a macrobiotic commune in the 70″s It was considered common knowledge that it wasn’t the “Sun” that caused the
skin cancers…..IT was the Sun that brought out any “cancer” to the surface. Sound craxy? any comments. THX ANd then there’s all
thenanio-engineered crap dumped on usfrom the chem=trails. And consider this” For every problem that appears in the Universe at the
same time a solution appears”
Plenty of reading tells me we should get all the sun we can without burning or heavy tanning. I do wish I had protected my arms better in past years. They have very few times been burned badly, but they have a lot of skin damage. The last time I was burned badly was when our family got some Banana Boat supposedly SPF-50 sunscreen when they changed their formula several years ago and made it useless, which was worse than using nothing, because of the deception factor. I was a lobster. The first time I thought I just didn’t put enough on, so after healing, I put on more than ever on the next ride, and repeated the experience.
I just got some of Natural News’s sunscreen without the bad stuff in it, but have not gotten to try it yet. We do however need sunscreen for our bicycle rides of many hours, up to 150 miles long. Going without is not an option unless you want 2nd-degree burns. With that much sun, you’ll still tan under almost any sunscreen.
Until we read about the dangers of the chemicals in normal sunscreens, we put on lots, because you cannot re-apply when you’re drenched in sweat and covered with salt and with road dirt (from car and truck tires wearing out and leaving this black rubber powder on the roads which gets kicked up by the front tire and sticks to the sunscreen). A big hat is also not an option, as our air speed is typically 20mph and sometimes over 50mph on downhills and the wind would blow the brim into our face so we can’t even see. We’ve hardly been offered any real solutions.
I have had cancer on my lip which was cut out. I have had precancerous on my ears, whole face. I put acid paste on my ears, whole face….
three times a week for 2 1/2 months. After 6weeks I was having a shower and all the skin from my forehead down to my mouth fell on the
shower floor. My face was raw. I continued with the program for a total of 2 1/2 months and after a month I had new baby skin on the tops
of my ears and my face down to my mouth. This was in the summer months……I could not go out in the day time…only in the evenings.
The doctor advised me it was caused by the sun.. I do not smoke,drink or use any form of drugs.
The precancerous skin on my face has come back twice, but only in a few spots. This was in the last seven years.
I am fully healed in the last two years. The Doctor advised me that any sore or rough skin that does not heal in two weeks
is probably cancer. See your Doctor SASPO.
Hope this helps someone.
Take care and play safe.
You suggest using a mineral sunscreen, however where can I find it? every sunscreen I use has all of the chemicals you say not to use…can you suggest some name brands of mineral sunscreens? I bought a sunscreen suggested by TTAC (it contains all natural ingredients) however it is very thick, pasty and hard to spread. Not an easy formula to use everyday. Thanks for any help you can offer in this regard.
Patricia, while Zinc Oxide is great for some occasions, there are other alternatives. I was a burner all my life with freckles and fair skin. Then I met a friend who told me that Omega 3 was a natural sunscreen. So I began using Organic Coconut Oil and I would go instantly brown, no burning at all, and I still made Vitamin D3. This is not the tanning Coconut Oil but the Organic cold pressed form. Going to the beach was a bit different than the rivers and pools where the Coconut Oil worked. The salt air was abrasive so I needed a new way to use natural sun protection. My partner and I started using 8000mgs of fish oil a day, usually around 6000mgs before going to the beach on extremely hot days (in Australia) where we found we could stay in extreme heat with full sun exposure for 3-5 hours without burning at all. I have recommended this to family who have also found the same result. Omega 3 is a natural sunscreen and prevents all burning.
Not sure who manufactures it, but I get mine from Nutritional Resources.
My job requires me to be in direct sunlight for hours at a time about 80% of thew time I am working. I have beendoing this job for 22 years and do not use anything to block the the UV rays.
I always thought that one day…..skin cancer would rear it’s nasty head.
I believe we were are duped into believing the sun caused cancer. so this is good news.
One thing is rather alarming though in the article??!!
SLOAN KETTERING can never be a trusted source for information in preventing cancer!
They are the ones that suppressed the research on a major study performed by their own scientists over the application of B 17 as cancer treatment protocol when they found it to be highly successful in treatment.
Wheat is def. a problem for me. I don’t do corn, wheat, whey type products. I do eat a very bland diet to stay in remission. I just wish I felt better. I have no energy, no desire to keep fighting to keep a job etc. I’m really surviving for my kids. I’ve had this so long I don’t eat hardly every. Scared to because you never know when you’ll need a bathroom. I’ve been so sick that I could take one bite of food and run…and I do mean run to the bathroom. While I was pregnant I did so well but my doctor couldn’t believe it. It was after the babies were born that I had my problems and surgeries. I figure it was from stress taking care of a new born and not being able to take care of myself. I love my kids so I wouldn’t change a thing!!!
I have been buying wheat grains from direct from farmers. I have a grain grinder with 6 inch stones to grind the grain.
I make whole wheat bread and give it away to seniors. For seniors with bowl problems, I grind the grain four times so
the grain is super fine. Seniors with bowl problems have never complained about using the bread I make. They cut the
loaves in half and freeze one half because the loaves are so large.
Now I have a problem………
All farmers around here are spraying their wheat crops with round up a week prior to combining. I find it hard to believe
that the round up does not get on the grain , as the farmers state. It seems nearly all farmers are spraying round up on their wheat
crops in the western provinces. I am now trying to find ORGANIC farmers who do not use round up on their fields.
The more I think of it ……
I’m trying to avoid all GMO modified food products. I wish all food products were labeled as GMO modified.
A lot of foods do not rot any more .
Just my thoughts
If this article is true, how do you explain the finding that skin cancer is contraindicated in people with Multiple Sclerosis (where low Vit. D is the norm and perhaps a causative factor)?
Tracy, I’ve read of studies, Australia & worldwide, that correlate MS to higher latitude and agree that low Vitamin D is one factor in MS. MS is an autoimmune disorder with a variety of synergistic causes–a major one being gut microbiome. Read The Wahl’s Protocol by Dr Terry Wahl, who partially reversed her own MS! Please explain the correlation of MS with skin cancer and which type of skin cancer and cite sources. Thanks.
sorry Claire … but a reading high as 60 for D3 IS PROTECTIVE and not anecdotal!
Thanks for the well written article Elyn. For the benefit of other readers, I would like to add a bit more information about the relationship between electro-magnetic fields and melanoma. Sam Milham, a well known epidemiologist and one of the early developers of the field of occupational epidemiology documented large increased risk of melanoma associated with certain types of electromagnetic fields. An excellent reference is Sam’s book titled “Dirty Electricity”. For readers who prefer to listen than read, Sam covers much of the information here: host2.cyberears.com/27045.mp3
More recently, Sam has written up a study of a cluster of ocular melanoma cases where high levels of dirty electricity were present in ground currents. The article may be viewed here: sammilham.com/Huntersvill%20OM%20report%20September%2028.pdf .
Past sunburn events probably do play a role as there is a large difference in melanoma rates between white people and other races and the highest rates of melanoma are found in Australia and New Zealand where the sun is very strong. However, Sam describes how electromagnetic fields stress the immune system which then gets tired. This, in turn, allows cancer to establish in the body whereas the immune system of a healthy person can eliminate the cancer.
For people who already have melanoma, the following interview with a melanoma survivor should provide peace of mind for anyone who is prepared to make changes to their lifestyle and follow the Gerson therapy: youtube.com/watch?v=6tRhkYQ9q-g
I can only wear sun screen with zinc in it – anything else makes my skin turn red, itchy and very sore for days afterward. I think the chemicals in most sun screens can be very toxic!
For much more info on this, read The Vitamin D Solution by Dr Holick, a dermatologist.
To stay safe, learn your Minimum Erythmal Dose, which is the amount of sun exposure to achieve just the slightest redness or skin sensitivity, and do not get more than 50% of your MED.
Not sure if it’s the leafy green vegetables, the omega 3’s, or what, but I find that I can tolerate much more sunshine after several years on a much healthier diet.
Marcie, your Crohn’s Disease is an autoimmune disorder. See The Autoimmune Solution by Dr Amy Myers or The Immune System Recovery Plan by Dr Susan Blum. They’re both MD’s who cured their own autoimmune disorders. Also, Gut And Psychology Syndrome by Dr Campbell-McBride has some good advice for Crohn’s, despite being primarily about autism & brain disorders. A major factor in Crohn’s and autoimmunity is your diet and its affect on your microbiome, so read all the recent books on microbiome (e.g. Brain Maker, Microbiome Solution, etc.) Don’t believe those ignorant MD’s who say Crohn’s is unrelated to diet. Your path to recovery is in the books by the MDs who read the science and cure their patients. Wish you well!
Thank you Alan! I will read the books (thank you Amazon) and yes you are right. The doctor I have been seeing since I was 15 now has such a big practice he doesn’t have time to really talk to me any more. He use to spend a lot of time with me but never really told me exactly what would happen if I couldn’t or didn’t take care of myself….we didn’t have internet back then so it wasn’t like I could just look up WebMD. The Assistant in his office has made me realize what damage this disease can do to me. Had a girl in his office who had no separation in the areas below causing her major problems in other areas. That scared me to death! Guess once they do all they “think” they can do they give up. I’m not giving up and I won’t. Seeing most doctors are from India and other foreign places you’d think they’d fight to get these natural things here in the US but I guess they too have gotten on the pill train to get extra income where they lose income from Insurance companies paying what they feel is fair, not what is billed. I pay good premiums for my health insurance through the State so I have good coverage. I just can’t afford the co-pays and deductibles….let along pay for good food to have the right nutrition. This I am working on!!! Use to want to be hooked up to an IV pole just so I didn’t feel tired all the time. Doc laughed at me….I told him I was serious! It wasn’t funny to me at all…..
Again, thanks for the info. M
Hi Marcie, You already understand how medicine is profit-driven, pharmaceutically educated, and focused on symptoms rather than causes, so the time you spend reading the right books will give a big payback. You have to be better informed than the average MD (which is easier than it sounds). Nutrition and medicine are riddled with lies & mistakes, so keep an open mind, keep reading, and trust no one.
Every time I spend money on healthier foods, I remind myself that it’s so much cheaper (and healthier!) than paying a doctor. Know the “dirty dozen” and “clean fifteen” to save on grocery costs (EWG’s website).
The short answer for autoimmunity (& cancer & inflammation & weight etc) is: avoid processed foods (and always study ingredients), eat plenty of above-ground vegetables, strongly avoid wheat and avoid processed grains (avoid flours! eat INTACT grains), avoid all added or extracted sugars (e.g. whole fruit is fine but fruit juice not so much), liberally eat healthy organic pasture-raised meats & eggs (dairy is a longer story) but don’t be fooled by processed or industrially-raised “natural” animals, wild-caught low-mercury high-omega3 fish (herring, sardines, WILD-ONLY salmon), no GMO-corn as the BT toxin likely contributes to small intestine hyper-permeability.
There’s lots more, so read the books! For the first book you might relate best to Microbiome Solution by Chutkan, as she is a practicing gastroenterologist, but also read the autoimmunity books, as that’s what Crohn’s is. These books are largely in agreement, tho with differing emphasis.
To your health!
autofabalancedlife- I am on a committee here in FL to help get it passed, United for Care. We have had a hard, long road with the idiots that we have in control here in FL ! I do get things from CO and CA that have helped me so much, mainly with nausea (everyday) and giving me an appetite. I am living proof that you can get help with medical mj. Since mj has been regulated and well grown I do so much better with my Crohn’s (it is listed in the FL law that people with this can get the medication) but waiting has been horrible! When all I could get was Mexican trash….it wasn’t in remission ever! Now I do get good times of remission! I so believe and if I had not been born and raised right here I’d be gone in a heart beat. I love the North FL beaches and that is my meditation spot so I can’t see me ever living in CO although I do love it there…just too cold. Guess I’ll just end up in jail over my healthcare as my bf put it.
Here in upper FL, small town, it is harder to get these items. Beans are good, if you can eat them….they gas me up so bad it hurts. I love rice and eat that as a cereal too. I like oats but grits are not my friend at all…..even though I love them, they don’t love me back, guess that’s the corn effect.
How does one change over, is it a slow process or do you just stop drinking sodas TODAY? Oh, what a headache I’m headed for. I love my caffeine but it is one of those things I really need to shed….
Marcie, have you ever tried soaking all kinds of seeds (legumes and grains) overnight? This process is called ‘germination’. It destroys all phytates and phylates, natural chemicals that some folks exhibit allergies toward. This process also increases the seed’s nutrients – 14X Soak oat groats this way … great for porridge.
Where can I find more information on the above? I’ve never heard of such. No mother around to help me with these old remedies anymore and working full time with child leaves limited time for self care or research….at least until he graduates from college!
Germination is the first step in sprouting seeds. There are a large number of books about the nutrition of sprouting/economy/simplicity of sprouting. Find material in good health food stores – books themselves are very inexpensive too … for this topic.
Re Sprouting: Yes, it is healthy to take whole plant seeds (lentils, garbanzos, beans, whole oats, pumpkin seeds, nuts, etc), soak them overnight, then rinse several times a day in a jar on it’s side for 24-48 hours. Just long enough to begin a sprout, not long like alfalfa sprouts. That reduces Mother Nature’s seed preservatives, the anti-nutrients like phytates, tanins, & lectins, that interfere with nutrient absorption. But the phytates are also helpful in preventing cancer and providing phosphorus, so do it on the most nutritious meals but let it slide when in a hurry or inconvenient (e.g. nuts). It’s probably not a major factor in Crohns, but you’re likely nutrient deficient, and this will assist that aspect.
Thank you for that information! I am going to start this week-end. I did find an article on Broccoli Sprouts which I love Alpha Sprouts on my sandwiches so I’m all in for that one. I might should have started this years ago but there’s no time like the present.
Hi Marcie, As with everything in health & nutrition, there are layers upon layers of details even just in sprouting. I just discovered that my oats won’t sprout and learned that whole, hulled, “raw” oats aren’t really raw–so we can soak them but not sprout. I recall that Andrew Weil (MD) says on his site not to eat alfalfa sprouts because of some natural phytochemical in them (don’t know the truth there). Many people mindlessly sprout any seed, but we don’t really know if the plant is as edible as the seed (e.g. think of tomatoes), so I aim for just the beginning of a sprout rather than a big one, unless I’ve researched it well. There are many warnings about people sickened by bacteria in sprouts–especially store-bought but even homemade sprouts because of bacteria on the original seed that flourishes in the warm, humid sprouting jar. For that reason, I use our chlorinated city water to rinse the sprouts–though I first soak them in filtered water. I sometimes soak nuts before making “milk” (cashew milk is my favorite, hazelnut milk is delicious in coffee, and I often add a few Brazil nuts for selenium), but I don’t bother to sprout the nuts I eat in salads–and consider that a time to get the benefits of phytates. Hope I don’t scare you off with all the details–sprouting really is simple, but nutrition & health is an ongoing learning process. You’ve inspired me to sprout the broccoli seeds I’ve had sitting around for a year. I love the raw, sprouted, dried pumpkin seeds from Costco “In The Raw” brand. I just read that sprouting IS important for Crohn’s. Practically every book on health & nutrition mentions Crohn’s suggestions in passing, but I haven’t searched to see if there’s a good (dietary, not drugs) book entirely on just Crohns’s. To your health!
Hi Jeremy Stewart…..my maiden name is STEWART! Too cool! I wanted to try turmenic and purchased some but never ate it because I got scared it would stop me up. I can’t afford to get plugged up…if you know what I mean… (guess I’ve had this so long I don’t get real technical and just say what needs to be said…no shame here…LOL) Do you know if it will hurt gastric area? I’ve read some people have bad reactions to it but I have wanted to try it. You should consider moving to the STATES. FLORIDA is my saving grace. If it were not for our beaches I think I’d be a basket case….from not being able to deal with stress very well. I go to the beach every week-end and meditate. That helps me so much!
Know your sunlight. UVA is just “beyond” visible, 400 nm to 320 nm wavelength. UVB is shorter, at 190 to 320 nm. It is UVB that makes vitamin D and doesn’t penetrate far. UVA pentrates the skin further and does more damage while not giving any vitamin D. UVB doesn’t penetrate the atmosphere well at oblique angles, so you generally only get it when the sun is at 45 degrees or higher. So get your vitamin D at local apparent noon (highest sun angle) for a short time, rather than many hours at lower angles. Also see which one your sunscreen blocks.
Cholesterol is a precursor to vitamin D, so those on statins or low-fat diets should do further research. (And read the book The Cholesterol Myth by the cardiologist Dr Sinatra! Also perhaps the book Big Fat Surprise by Nina Teicholz?)
Dr Holick of Vitamin D Solution says that showering right after sunshine does not wash off the vitamin D, but others disagree and I’m undecided.
Wonderful replies by Alan Friedman. Please keep writing here. I agree with all you tell us. I can speak from my education as well as my health in life. I am a board-certified, degreed Nutritionist and I have been so dismayed with all the MD and big pharma misinformation. I live in Florida, which too, seems to be in the dark ages……..Thank You !!!!.
Leigh Renee- I also live in FL and totally agree with you on our MD’s. I really think pharma isn’t regulated much in this State and that’s one reason we STILL have pill mills in the South Florida areas! Now we just found out my husband’s military is no longer going to handle Pain Management because of all of the news about addiction. They are taking him off of his pain meds. as we speak!!! Guess they want our veterans to all turn to Heroin because a lot of them won’t manage well without help. This country has gone crazy….and Florida Governor Scott can kiss my……..Crohn’s Diseased butt! Didn’t vote for him the 1st time and didn’t vote for him the 2nd. He owns several medical walk in clinics (under his wife’s name because he wanted to drug test all food stamp people, so he could bill the State of FL for these test…they tried and they didn’t find all the junkies they thought they’d find. Then it became unconstitutional to test.) I am praying medical MJ is voted and approved in November. ONE MORE TIME FLORIDA….PLEASE HELP PASS THIS LAW. I am living proof of MJ putting my Crohn’s Disease into recession for the first time without surgery in over 45 years. All the pills make me so nauseated.
God bless this country and the loving caring people in it. I’ve learned a lot from reading the reply’s on this article than sitting in my doctors office for (again….45 years). Don’t you find that strange? I do!
Dear Marcie,
I have been a proponent for medical Marijuana for a long time…I live in central Fla and it is the pits……I feel for your husband……. depending on other factors surrounding his pain level, sometimes Noni Juice helps with pain……..I bought some for my grown son who is in constant pain and it helped somewhat but made his stools too loose….I like the way Trump supports our veterans…I agree, Rick .Scott is a real jerk..
Please make sure you and your friends get out an VOTE this November. Even if they don’t want to vote for a president. In FL we will be voting for medical mj again. PLEASE make sure you spread the word! I’ve tried the juice and it really bothered my stomach. My husband can’t drink a lot of stuff like that because of other health issues.
I wrote above, “I just got some of Natural News’s sunscreen without the bad stuff in it, but have not gotten to try it yet.” Well, we tried it today. We were out in the sun a couple of hours, and I got burned. Is there no solution??! I’m not happy.
I think you just have to be cognizant of the amount of time you’re out in the sun and if you’re skin can handle it or not. I use a mixture of witch hazel with a few drops of carrot seed essential oil in a spray bottle and it def helps, but I also don’t stay out too long. Dr. Mercola recommends 15 mins a day of full body exposure to the sun, but that’s only 15 mins. If you’re going to the beach I would bring some long sleeve sun shirts and hats and a beach umbrella for shade. I think the key with sun is to get some in moderation and try to limit excessive exposure.
I’m in the sun an hour most days with no sunscreen and do fine but that’s later in the day. What I said in the last post about being burned with NN’s sunscreen in the middle of the day may have been a bit premature. My skin felt hot (like burned), and looked red, but the look may have been from the lighting in the motel room’s bathroom. Now a day later my arms look barely burned—almost normal. Anyway, as I said in my first post, we (I and my family) ride bicycle up to 150 miles in a day at the peak of the season. I have been tanned but never burned while using SPF 50 Coppertone which we thought was protecting us from the risk of skin cancer (but now we know better). We put on loads before the ride, because you cannot re-apply later when you’re raining sweat and covered with salt (from sweat) and road dirt (the black rubber powder from worn car tires that gets kicked up by our front tire and sticks to the sunscreen). We are serious cyclists, and our airspeed is at least 20mph all the time that we’re not climbing, and sometimes over 50mph in descents. We do wear helmets, but a big hat’s brim would just get blown into your face. It is absolutely not an option. I do need to see if long-sleeved summer wear for performance-oriented cycling is becoming available yet.
UV is biologically active and it does come from the sun BUT it has zip to do with hot daylight exposure. Therte is UV at nighttime killing all kinds of nasty bugs! Proof – THERE IS NO FILTER BETWEEN US AND MOONLIGHT …a reflecting sun light carrying UV radiation.
Contrary to the misinformation taught in public schools, the moon produces it’s own light, it is NOT reflected light from the sun. Read the bible!
There are several verses you could be referring to, about the moon giving its light, or actually _failing_ to give its light when the sun is darkened, something in the future. The failing sun is the reason for the failing moon.
Follow the money. Who is the maker of PABA? The original sunscrean that was eventually found to cause cancer and had to be removed ? Who is the maker of the chemicals we have now in sunscrean? That also cause cancer? Someone needs to do a good investigation into that. God did not create the Sun to cause cancer. Greedy chemical companies want to make billions by killing us.
Sunlight is more than 100,000 lux (lumen per square meter), while a full moon on a clear night is about 0.25 lux (per wikipedia), so how does moonlight have any relevance in the effects of UV? I don’t understand what you’re trying to tell us.
Alan maybe the ability to be biologically effective has to do with proper frequency and not strength(Hz).
It’s also NOT necessarily frequency. It all has to do with physiology. The majority of individuals that get skin cancers are the ones who obtain sunlight in an unnatural way combined with other factors, such as poor diet. How often do you hear of farmers, surfers, or construction workers getting these cancers? Never! Because they are getting the light while their bodies are in constant movement and constantly changing angles and sweating. Our bodies were not designed to lay in the sun in one spot for hours to get sun; or to be coated with chemicals while laying motionless in the sun; those are the people who get skin cancers. I was born and raised in Florida, have spent most of my life (when not at work) outside in the sun not wearing shirts or shoes, or any kind of lotions, and doing activities like fishing, farming/gardening, beekeeping, etc. I’m near 60y/o and have no skin cancers. My skin is NOT leathery and is a uniform tan. People need to learn how nature works and quit “tanning” unnaturally!
It is very similar to food. All foods are good for you and provide adequate nutrition when prepared correctly and from NATURAL sources – like organic fresh! But when those same foods are prepared improperly through a system of “processing” and adding synthetic or unnatural ingredients, are bad for us.
hey rattlerjake … you are beginning to bug me! I am a decade older than you, have gone to study for the priesthood for 3.5 years, AND HAVE NEVER HEARD SUCH NONSENSE AS YOU HAVE WRITTEN … it is OK to be contrary, but not-OK to be ignorant. re. UV FREQUENCY BEING IMPORTANT … in the 1930’s – 1950’s, American MD’s developed a very successful therapy called UVB1 … it operated on a specific UV-frequency … by design. It cured all kinds of ailments.
It is you that is ignorant! First of all what does “study for the priesthood for 3.5 years” have to do with anything; you think that makes you special or somehow superior? Not in the least, evidently you never finished, that explains a lot about you! Secondly, American MD’s are also the ones who told people that SPF prevented skin cancer, that chemo and radiation get rid of cancer, that eggs, salt, coffee, and animals fats are bad for you; yet years later they have all proven to be good for you! And last, being in FULL sun and subjected to ALL of the light waves is a huge difference to a therapy with one specific frequency. You’re a fool!
I use the same – 40 drops of Carrott Seed oil – 20 drops of Lavender and a 1/4 cup of hazelnut oil. I also add 1 tsp of non-nano Zinc Oxide to make it water proof. I pour all contents into an amber GLASS spray bottle (never use plastic and Essential Oils together). Works great and I only use Young Livng as well. I have 2 little ones that I use this on all summer and they have never experienced a sunburn.
I kinda wonder if Manuka honey would have effective results too?
We have what’s been called a “donut” hold over parts of Australia too. That maybe why it gets so hot here. I love summer and I make sure to get out and sunbake for at least 3 hours most days, even in 40C (104F) heat. I could never do this up until 8 years ago because I’ve always burned so badly in the sun. Ignorantly I smothered myself in sunscreen all my life until I discovered that Organic Coconut Oil acted as a sunscreen and taking 8000mgs of Fish Oil also acts the same way. I haven’t burnt since I started using these. I go very very brown in Summer now with no burning and I can manage to keep my Vitamin D3 nice and high (offsetting of course with Vitamin K2 to prevent toxicity symptoms).
As a stone mason, I have worked outside all my life, I have never exposed my skin to the sun, except my face and arms. In 2013 I was diagnosed with cancer of the urinary tract(bladder and prostate) but was related to being poisoned. My skin is totally healthy and I have never used sunscreen, I have friends in the trade who overexposed their skin to the sun on extremely hot summer days, used sunscreen and a few ended up in their late 50’s with skin cancers. I know of one that died fairly quickly. On hot summer days I covered up outside, or worked indoors.I love the winter sun here in the uk. You should never wear sunscreen, it is part of the pharmaceutical poisoning of mankind agenda.
Drink Kangen Water, spray 6.0 PH on your skin before and after being in the sunshine. If you get burned, immediately spray 6.0 PH (and continue to spray) on your skin, it will take away the pain from the burn and will turn skin tan instead of turning red.
Love that recipe. Thank A. How much witch hazel ratio. Dilute with water or straight and then add a few drops of carrot seed oil?
I have been diagnosed with actinic keratosis on my face. I am told that this is a pre cancerous condition. The medics want to treat it with efudix cream which has a number of potential nasty side effects. Does anyone have experience of alternative non invasive treatments of this condition?
Hi, just wondering if anyone knows why the mainstream media foesnt want people to know this information?? Thanks x
It all comes down to money. You need to look into big Pharma etc it’s all about making money.
The Bible says that when God made the sun, “and he saw that it was good”. Are we going to believe the Creator, who is Good, or man who deceives, lies and murders.
I have basal cell pre cancer that was removed, can this spread to in the body itself or just affect the skin? is there a treatment or should I get a colonoscopy?
How much sun is the right amount for a fair skinned person living in central Texas? I was recently diagnosed with a severe vitamin D deficiency despite being outside about 30 minutes or so a day. I’m fair skinned, have blonde hair and blue eyes, and tend to burn easily. I know it’s winter right now, so that probably impacts the time I need to spend outside due to less skin exposed and more cloud coverage. What’s a good amount for summer and winter here?
Hi April,
We cannot recommend a specific amount of time to be in the sun. We would suggest speaking with a trusted professional about this.
April – You might have a gene that inhibits vitamin d absorption (yes that gene does exist and you can get tested for it), or may even be allergic to vitamin d, which prevents proper absorption. I was allergic to it, until my NAET practitioner treated me for it. Now I can absorb it. I would Google NAET practitioners in your area. Mine here in Chicago has worked wonders for me, nothing short of a miracle.