Video Transcript: Nutrition and Cancer (5 Things Every Cancer Patient Needs to Know)
Ty Bollinger: I can see from the place that you live that you understand the impact of nutrition. Talk about the impact of nutrition specifically on cancer. What is cancer and what does nutrition have to do with cancer?
Dr. Patrick Quillin: A broad expansive sort of global question here Ty. So forgive me if we take a couple of side spurs. My book, Beating Cancer with Nutrition, which has sold a half million copies and is considered the definitive work in that area. It’s been translated into five languages. I organized three international symposia on the subject of adjuvant or healthful nutrition in cancer treatment. And then the textbook came out of that, Adjuvant Nutrition in Cancer Treatment. So all of this is not just hearsay in any window.
Essentially there’s five main reasons why all cancer patients need to use nutrition as part of their comprehensive cancer treatment. And a forewarning, I would not use nutrition as sole therapy against cancer. It’s insufficient, but it is irreplaceable.
And so given that, let’s just think of the five main reasons why every cancer patient needs to include nutrition as part of their comprehensive therapy.
Number one, nutrition actually is a big part of the malnutrition. Forty percent of cancer patients die of malnutrition, not of the cancer. Cancer is a wasting disease. Appetite is affected. You end up in the hospital with food that you’re unfamiliar with. Chemo and radiation can induce cachexia or lean tissue loss. So malnutrition kills 40 percent of cancer patients. The only therapy for that is proper nutrition. It sometimes needs to be aggressive with the metabolic support team such as total parenteral [taken in a form other than through the digestive tract] nutrition and other things.
Number two is that nutrition can help to make chemo, radiation, and surgery more of a selective therapy. In other words, chemo and radiation are non-selective toxins. They’re cytotoxic poisons. They kill everything in their pathway. And there is what they call “collateral damage.” So a patient who is receiving chemo is going to have a certain amount of hair loss, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, all as part of the chemo. But nutrition can make chemo, radiation, and surgery more selectively toxic to the tumor and less toxic to the patient.
This is where a very important part of my message is to get the oncologist and the nutritionist and the cancer patient in the same room together and they all have the goal of beating this cancer. And the fact is a well nourished cancer patient can better manage the disease and the therapies that are used for it. So number two is nutrition makes chemo more of a rifle rather than a hand grenade.
Number three, we find that cancer is a sugar feeder. Cancer is what’s called an obligate glucose metabolizer. Meaning that there’s a dramatic uptake of glucose in the cells of tumor cells. If you can lower gut and blood glucose you can help to slow down cancer. There’s a number of therapies now that target this whole unique Achilles heel of the cancer cells.
Number four, we find that your immune system is supposed to recognize and destroy cancer cells. In a cancer patient the immune system has failed its duties. There has to be some ways of up-regulating the immune system. So that’s a whole study in itself.
And number five is that nutrients can become biological response modifiers.
Back in 1971 when Richard Nixon launched the war on cancer he said, “we will have the cure for a major cancer within five years by the bicentennial, 1976.” We don’t. We don’t have a cure for any major cancer today either.
We have some better treatments, but essentially what launching the war on cancer… and we have now spent in the neighborhood of 50 billion dollars on research at the National Cancer Institute, and over a trillion dollars in therapies… we now have 40% of men born today can expect to develop cancer in their lifetime. In the year 1900, 3% could expect to develop cancer in their lifetime. We got a problem there.
But one of the things we know from cancer research and nutrition research is that nutrients can become biological response modifiers. They change the way the body works.
Article Summary
There are 5 main reasons why all cancer patients need to use nutrition as part of their comprehensive cancer treatment.
Number one is that nutrition actually is a big part of malnutrition. 40% of cancer patients die of malnutrition, not of the cancer. The only therapy for that is proper nutrition.
Number two is that nutrition can help to make chemo, radiation, and surgery more of a selective therapy. More toxic to the tumor and less toxic to the patient.
Number three is that cancer is a sugar feeder. There’s a dramatic uptake of glucose in the cells of tumors.
Number four, we find that your immune system is supposed to recognize and destroy cancer cells. In a cancer patient the immune system has failed its duties.
Number five is that nutrients can become biological response modifiers. They change the way the body works.
I already have the 9 videos on The truth about cancer the global quest
I love listening to or reading any thing Dr. Patrick Quillin. My husband was diagnosed with non hodgkins lymphoma in 2012, 4 years after my second breast cancer surgery. I fed him wheat grass juice, while he was taking chemo and for 3 days after, he also had other juices daily all through his treatments, I pushed him to eat only all natural foods, 2016 and he is still getting good results from his oncologist and his blood work. Dr Quillin is so 100% accurate, we need good nourishment to survive.
I love everything Dr Quillin writes or says. He is 100% correct in my mind – good nutrition is the key to getting well. My husband was diagnosed at age 69 with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. He had toxic chemo going through his veins on the left and in his right hand was 4 oz of fresh squeezed wheat grass, which he had for every treatment and the week after treatment, He also drank freshly juiced vegetables daily, ate salads , some fresh fruits, but mostly a healthy diet, he slept many many hours, it is now 2016 and he is still showing no signs of cancer return. Thank you TTAC, you are making such a difference in the lives of all of us who have been victims of the health care systems globally. Don’t ever stop educating us and keep spreading the word, we will!!
Dr Q, please enlist an editor. You need help writing in a direct way….I think there’s a lot of important information struggling to get out. This article is written so as to offer no specifics or recommendations.
A current cancer patient looking for help.
What the good doctor does not mention is, what kind of nutrition? We all get nutrition any time we eat breakfast, lunch or dinner. But some foods are more nutritious than others. Some foods are more likely to help the fight against cancer, and others are likely to cause cancer, like meat, dairy, fat and sugar.
A plant based diet devoid of all meat, & dairy, that is low in fat and sugar has been proven to fight cancer and prevent it most cases. I don’t know if Dr. Quillin is promoting this idea but the evidence is there and growing.
Loma Linda University Hospital in Southern California no serves meat either to their patients, nor can you purchase it in their cafeteria. Major Medical is beginning to get it.
Think plant based whole foods and what the Doctor is saying here is totally correct.
I need to talk to some one about the needs for my body for squamous cell ca of my mouth? What should I be taking I have had two surgeries within 7 years. i need to heal my immune system and heal the inflamation in my mouth lichenplantis is raging. I take emu oil and essiac tea?
I have the same problem. I juice green vegetables and stay away from sugar. Exercise and work the lymphatic system that help to dump toxins from the body.
Thank you for your response I will certainly try this, and let u know how it works for me?
They diagnosed me last March with stage 4 spine and bone cancer. Also in my left breast. I’m taking Brown Seaweed every morning. And once or more a week I drink ginger & turmeric tea. Got so good they kicked me out of hospice. Look me up on FaceBook. The recipe is there. Very easy. Cures lung cancer , brain tumor and dissolves kidney stones. Bettye F Abrahamson.
Also mostly sugar free. Trivia sweetener.
If you can let me know as soon as you can I would certainly appriciate your efforts?
My spouse is taking daily 5 to 6 apricot seeds, incent oil 3 times daily, fresh ginger in her food, has reduced her sugar intake and sees no progress towards healing. She has an ovarian cancer which has metastasized. She takes a multi vitamin mix daily. She is barely 100 lbs.
She now has circulation problems near her ankles and her fingers are swelling and hurting. She further has an infection under her tongue after biting it.
She spends great time sleeping but does not recuperate .
She has refused twice the major operation which would have removed the mass and the affected organs.
What can be done to change her situation?
Have her switch immediately to a plant based whole food, low fat, low sugar diet. Read the book “How Not To Die” by Dr. Michael Gregor. Read anything by Dr. Dean Ornish who has been curing cancer for years now.
Dr. Gregor has numerous videos on his website: that discuss fighting cancer with anti cancer vegetables such as broccoli and cruciferous vegetables.
Help her by doing it with her and you’ll save yourself too.
For the weight loss she should get capsules of Omega3.
Some doctors give Omega 3 and protein, but I am not sure if Protein is good for the tumor
Military Micronutrient Formulation
I am not from the Truth about cancer or a nutritionist, but my son was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma last July. He commenced Chemo Therapy and I was worried the Chemo would kill him because I could see the effects it had on his body. I read the “China Study” book which showed a direct link with animal protein and cancer. When the animal protein was introduced in the study the tumours grew, when it was taken away the tumours went. I took my son off all meat and diary and bought a masticating juicer (one that slowly juices veg and fruit). I juiced wheatgrass (handful), Kale (4 leaves), spinach (handful), lots of carrots (5), granny smith apple(1), ginger (1 1/2 inch), lemon (1), broccoli (half head), raw beetroot (1) I gave him a 10 ounce glass twice a day when he was on the Chemo. I also gave him good fats in the form of Avocado made into a smoothie with chia seeds, hemp protein Cacao Powder, porridge oats made with coconut and almond milk I would sometimes add an orange or berries for sweetness but not too much. Its important to juice the raw organic veg, its a way of getting nutrition into the person without them having to use energy to digest it. I didn’t use much fruit because sugar feeds cancer. I found the smoothies the best way of getting the avocado, porridge Chia seeds, Hemp Protein and Cocao Powder into him. He got the all clear three weeks ago. He has gone back to eating meat but only organic in much reduced quantities. I am continuing with the veg juicing. I hope this helps. Marion.
blessings to you and your son
I love the new set up and I love all you do
Thank you so much Teresa!
Can you point me toward information that can help thyroid cancer. Docs just want to cut everything out and poison the rest. I read a lot and own your series. not much showing up for thyroid. Working over all toward a strong immune system. Can you help??
I have been looking in vain through your site for info. re. the role of an OVERACTIVE immune system in developing cancer and nutritional guidance for dealing with it, but the emphasis seems to be solely on helping a compromised immune system become stronger. Help ! I’m very confused !
Cancer survivor
Hi Dermot,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the experts who appeared in our docu-series. You can learn more about them here:
This is fpr Christian Malard,, Chridtian we are praying for you and your beloved spouse. I am most sincere, Correct and informed an essential first step. . I am a breast cancer (masectomy) survivor and…oh…if only I had known what I know now through this site and GMI I feel most strongly that I would still be a whole person and not have endured the ravages of a brutal assault on my body and mind plus radiation apres operation( the VERY worst decision of my life and very reluctantly agreed to even though every fibre of my body was screaming at me not to..I had overwhelming feelings of guilt for possibly leaving my husband alone if I didn’t. It was all to much to bear.My surgeon and my husband were so ‘nice’ to me saying it is your decision which became the ultimate pressure amd I did not have this knowledge then that I have now I WISH TO GOD I HAD HAD !! I was being asked to make a decision on radiation trestment…..treatment? ha ! killing treatment.. within ten days of the operation…just when my body was in full rebellion and physical shock and mind shock too.I was in absolutely no state to make an informed decision and as a consequence went right against my intuition when every fibre of my being was screaming NO! It was the worst decision of my life.That was one year ago exactly. Since then I have reffused all medication and I feel better than I have ever done before. I do not live in what I would term a first world country, My surgeon did a good job but removed one of my lymph nodes without my prior permission and never even told me afterwards..I was left to work it out for myself.
Dear Christian… whey have I told you all this? I understand where your spouse is coming from perfectly since I have troden the same path myself and I understand her AND your agony and screaming need to make decisions. It is a very tough time for you both but one thing is for sure.. decisions need to be made and they cannot wait. I can understand this too..what is holding her back?
We are holding you in our arms as we pray for you
God bless you and keep you in His Care.and Light
Jackie, I am curious, why was the radiation the worst decision of your life? I recently completed my course of radiation and feel it was the best decision for me. I used organic oils on my skin, ate a diet very low in sugar, made healthy green leafy smoothies, drank lots of water, ate good fats & proteins…and have felt great, just mildly tired now and then, had no skin burns or problems. I am now concentrating on staying cancer-free through nutrition and lifestyle. But I do not regret the surgery to remove the breast cancer, nor the radiation to kill any remaining cancer cells. I am now cancer free and determined to do never go through that again – but I feel I utilized the best of both worlds – western medicine and alternative practices – and will move forward with my life, cancer-free and determined to live and eat in such a way as to remain cancer free! I feel too many people categorically condemn either western medicine or alternative medicine, depending on where they stand, and am grateful for the advice of my doctor, who encouraged me to educate myself and choose the best that each had to offer. They really can complement and enhance each other for the best possible outcome.
I understand you did the best with what you knew or was told. While general good nutrition is standard protocol, it is not sufficient – however, Micronutrient Immunotherapy is more than sufficient and predicted to replace chemitherapy- except MD s will recommend Drug Immunotherapy – not as effective long term as MI. Over the counter supplements are not available in Isoform, which is key for absorption along with ratio, dose and dose schedule. As a Chef and Wellness Coach, I am walking proof as I beat prostate cancer and enjoy quality of life because of MI, not radical treatment.
Feel free to connect,
I am very interested in learning more about MI, I am now 8 years away from chemo and radiation. and I couldn’t agree more radiation was the absolute worst so called treatment ever,. my body is still shrinking on one side. Irene
Ok the key is having your body generate high levels of endogenous Glutathione, triggering your immune repair function
Hi lee,
I would like to know more about MI.
Please email me, if you are able. It would be much appreciated.
It says that cancer feeds off sugar, so does that mean fruits and breads should be eliminated from the diet also?
Hi Irene…would love to speak with you. I was just diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins lymphoma and would love to talk to someone that has been through it. THX mike
Hi Mike: so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. |I was diagnosed in 2005 with breast cancer and again in 2008. In 2005 I did only the surgery, because I was so scared and knew absolutely nothing about cancer or how I even got it. Diagnosed again in 2008 – this time it was aggressive cancer, HR11 positive and 3 lymph-nodes involved. My husband was diagnosed in 2012 with Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma – he was 68 then. The oncologist gave us no hope at all, and gave my husband a 9 year limit at the most. He did chemo, the health system wanted him to do radiation, we refused – because of the location of the tumor and the damage radiation could do to any one of his organs.
When I was diagnosed, I immediately started juicing. I got a the Juice Lady’s Book on juicing. I still juice , not as often as I should, but it is still a major part of my maintenance program. We eat locally grown whenever possible, I try to keep within the borders or our own country – less pesticides on the food that way. I only buy beef, lamb, and chicken that is humanly raised, without drugs, and/or chemicals, and are free range.
When my husband was sitting in the chemo chair, I gave him 2 oz fresh juiced wheat grass, and 2 oz each morning for the next 3 days. He also had fresh juice from the juice lady’s book, again, he had fresh fruits and vegetables, mostly in their natural state, vegs sometimes steamed. We researched our vitamins and supplements, supplementing with only what we thought our bodies were completely void of. Magnesium, selenium, ferrogluc iron, B12, – we also increased our natural foods with these same nutrients in an effort to rebuild.
I guess you first need to consider all that is available to you – naturally – weigh your options – and make your decision from there. There is so much information available through TTAC, it is almost over whelming, but if you have purchased a package, you will find your answers in there. I wish I had this kind of information available when my husband and I were diagnosed, I most certainly would have made wiser choices. Cancer, in my mind, is a body gone amuck, our job is to bring it back to it’s normal state. Man is not wiser than God, and God designed a perfect machine when He created man.
Hope this helps, at least a little. I wish you well. Regards Irene
We have a lymphoma case in remission due to Micronutrient Immune Therapy
Let me know if interested, thx
Sorry, Lee, I misaddressed my last e-mail to Irene and I meant to write Lee.