Video Transcript: Why You Must Eliminate Pesticides in Food When Treating Cancer
Ty Bollinger: Robert, talk about pesticides and cancer. One of the things that I have heard thus far from other doctors is that pesticides have an estrogenic effect on the body. Can you talk about that?
Dr. Robert Scott Bell: We talk about disrupting endocrine integrity; endocrine disruptors. Now, the hormonal system is a brilliant system. I mean you’re talking about substances that can be found in your body at parts per million, parts per billion, parts per 150 billion. That’s not a lot compared to everything else in your body. Yet, you put these pesticides in there, some of them will outright destroy a hormone, for instance, on contact.
But in many ways some of them are mimicking, because that’s the way they work in the natural world to disrupt the insect reproductive system and such. So we have that larger effect in the macro environment or in our environment. And when we alter the endocrine function, we disrupt normal metabolic processes that keep us young and functioning and vital.
This also relates to enzymes because these pesticides, as well as being endocrine disruptors, they destroy the enzymes that are the essential tools of life. That also are found in the body at very minute levels relative to the entire content of the body’s liquid mineral content. And so at parts per million these pesticides not only disrupt the endocrine integrity, but destroy enzymes and our ability to break things down and bind things out.
So it’s a corruption, a vicious corruption. Not only of the food supply, but our own functional integrity that gives rise to the very cancers that we’re trying to prevent. Which is again why I say you’ve got to clean up what goes into your body. You cannot subsist on pesticide-laden foods and overcome cancer ultimately.
Ty Bollinger: All the more reason to go organic if possible.
Dr. Robert Scott Bell: Yes.
Article Summary
Pesticides are endocrine disruptors. Some pesticides will destroy a hormone on contact. Others will mimic hormones.
When we alter the endocrine function, we disrupt normal metabolic processes that keep us young and functioning and vital.
As well as being endocrine disruptors, pesticides destroy the enzymes that are the essential tools of life.
You cannot subsist on pesticide-laden foods and ultimately overcome cancer.
This sounds like a good reason so many of us women suffer from fibroids. Yet another reason to clean pesticides out of our system.
Kelly, several years ago, I suffered 3 years with a fibroid. I knew it was caused by excess estrogen. I immediately switched to organic milk and eggs and chicken (everything I could really). It helped a little. What saved me was a book by a doctor and I started taking natural progesterone – NOT progestin from a prescription. It healed me in a month and my problems went away. Next time I went to my gyno, he said my fibroid was gone.
I have prostate cancer which was diagnosed February 2015. Other than having it confirmed I opted not to continue with conventional treatment. Subsequently I purchased a Sage juicer (see: and started juicing green leaf vegetables but not organic as these are not readily available in my region. Shortly afterwards I became unwell in a serious way. My entired body ached and my kidneys were inflammed. This ailment lasted for a number of days when finally it was bicarbonate of soda which eventually returned me to good health. I avoid the medical profession whenever I can, much to the consternation of my wife and daughters. I never found the cause of this but my suspicion is that I had drank a concentrated portion of pesticides (or whatever) or in other words, I was poisoned! Anyone interested in a juicer?
It could be pesticides. I also think we must study whether mixing greens could cause interactions. In Kerala, my place, we are warned against using the miring a leaf during monsoon.
Bitter melon has been found to help with many cancers, I heard. But be careful. It upsets the stomach if taken raw. Cook slices with turmeric, green pepper, a bit of garcinia and crushed garlic. Add curry leaves if available and salt to taste. Tastes good.
I am wondering if perhaps what made you so ill was that there were many toxins coming out of your body. I have heard of that. A friend who had mercury fillings removed from her teeth also became very ill because the dentist did not use a dam to keep her from swallowing that poison. Hope you are doing better now.
Oor Wullie, the symptoms you noted following the juicing may have been a ‘healing crisis’, which is a temporary worsening of symptoms that occurs when the body is going through the process of healing itself through the elimination of toxins – this usually lasts for around a week x
My wife was always an acidic person, loved her sweets, and although she ate well, loved vegies, chicken, occasional beef she was still acidic. 6 months prior to her death, all the doctors ever said was we don’t know why the pneumonia is not clearing from her lungs, it must be a bacterial or viral infection, there is absolutely no indication of Cancer, this is what was told to myself and my two daughters on several occasions during that time. Not one doctor talked about her PH balance, her nutrition, or any alternative measures to try and make her better. They wanted her sick, to keep coming back to tell her she needed more medications for pneumonia, I can’t even imagine how many different drugs she was on at any given time, the doctors continued to push push push more or different medications. During that time they must have taken at least 4 or 5 ex-rays of her lungs and continued to tell us they didn’t know what was in her lungs keeping the pneumonia from getting any better other than a mysterious viral or bacterial infection. They said over and over again its not cancer and they would call in the CDC to try and find out what it is. Then after about 6 months they decided to do a biopsy of her lungs and it was determined that she was in stage 4 with two different cell types of Ovarian Lung Cancer and was dead 28 days later after they pumped her full of Chemo which we now know only spread the cancer and it got worse. Let me tell you this, I am an alkaline person now, and will continue to be, I am not afraid of cancer as I used to be, because I know that I have the opportunity, the education which I did not have before, and I also know for a fact that the cures are from what we consume in our lives. There are no man made drugs that will cure cancer. Maintain a healthy cellular structure within your body and hopefully you will live as disease free as possible and hopefully live a long and enduring life. I am old enough now to say what I feel, know and have learned the hard way and that is F_ _ K Big Pharma, The doctors, The Health Insurance Companies, and the Government, for the lies they have told everyone for so many years so they can get rich and continue to make us all sick for as long as they can. Once they have drained all the dollars they can possibly get from you, death is eminent by the ones you trusted the most to help take care of your health. Sick society that we live in, My wife was an absolutely beautiful person, but you know what? They helped kill her off slowly, so they could continue to collect their income, their greed.
Mr. Edmunds I am very sorry to hear about what happened to your wife. One of my colleagues was just diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer an her had been going back and forth to the doctor since last year. They told him the same thing, pneumonia. He is in hospice now. Something does not feel right about this.
Herb Edmonds I am so sorry your wife passed away !!! I feel exactly like you do because my 16 year old son has had leukemia for 1.5 years. I have been asking about nutrition and thing I can do to help him and they say eat a balanced meal and stay on our medicine ! We use Children’s Hospital Dallas and there nutrician lady has no advice ????????. This seemed wrong/weird to me when I asked several times after I did a little research ???? I think I could have avoided him getting Lukemia with a proper diet starting when he was a little kid ????????????????
I absolutely AGREE❗️❗️
I totally agree. Stay away from chemical cures, clean diet & educate yourself on things that strengthen cell wall ( fortress around every cell) I’m sorry about your wife’s suffering I watched my mother suffer for ten years , day & night full off drugs, it’s a very sad situation. Heart breaking & helplessness. May we learn from their suffering
This is all very well BUT what if going org anic can never be more than a dream for whatever reason? On your theory I guess the answer is pure and simple…we die how cheerful who cares?
You don’t have to do organic–that is a specific–just try to by naturally grown produce–it doesn’t have to be labeled organic as some folks can’t qualify for the label, but if they don’t use pesticides and herbicides it will still be better than conventionally grown. Can you have a little garden of your own, build a small greenhouse, have a patio garden in pots? Check out your neighborhood papers for neighborhood gardens. You can do it, just ask around. God bless you.
I am very sorry for your loss though I can’t agree with your summation I am ninety years old and can read the hand writing on the wall I have been treated continuously for hypercholesterolaemia for almost fifty years and I’m not bad for an old fellow thanks to modern medicine.
How can we avoid all of these horrific toxins when the FDA and EPA are so completely corrupt and on Monsanto’s payroll that that none of these deadly toxins are tested, identified and labelled!! No government and no agency has the right to poison its citizens such as is our misfortune in both the US and Canada!! Bringing them all up on charges of crimes against humanity would be the logical solution and then doing the same with the medical system that is also keeping patients sick and progressively sicker with the hyper toxic pharmaceuticals that not only keep citizens sick while “managing” their symptoms, but also killing them with the “side effects” which include death, bleeding from all orifices, seizures, stroke an CANCER!!! These are not side effects, they are definitely crimes against humanity in the first degree.
All we can do, is the best we can do, read my post above. I cannot afford organic, but the farmer’s markets have good naturally grown produce that is usually pure, or at least purer. Do some checking locally, you will be surprised. And in some places they have community gardens. You can rent a space for $10 a year and plant your own, and take care of it yourself. Happy hunting, don’t despair.
Jacky organic is not that much more money. You must be dirt poor, please define natural…Dose that mean sprayed with Roundup with Glysophate or DDt ?
duh, who loves pesticides in their food anyway ? this is just recycle of old fragments … next spam mail : buy our overpriced pesticide body cleaner, yada yada yada
I am terribly allergic to pesticides. My lips blow up to 5 times their size, then water pours out of all my pores from my nose to my chin and the skin peels off like a burn victim. It is horrific! The doctor finally figured it out when I had planted bulbs and wiped my lips. It would be better to eat a bug on your salad than pesticides! After all pesticides are meant to kill….bugs…and will do the same to a human.
I am a cáncer sur vivir, I live in Ecuador, South América, we eat always fresh fruir from the local market, I don’t yes can good or freezed food, everything is healthy, that is why I am happy to live here. I will continue eating healthy and also my family. My daughter lives in Virginia and after listening TTAC she change her way of eating, now she buys everything in Trader Joe or the Farmer Market, she makes her own bread, yougurt, snack bars, etc. I am so proud oh her, thank you for all.
Sorry some words are missing, I meant CÁNCER SURVIVOR, also I meant FRESH FOOD from our local market, we don’t eat CAN FOOD, thank you.
Francisca Jarrin
Can u trust that Organic food which is Fruits/vegetables and what else ?? are not treated with pesticides/ toxic fertilizers ect… ???
Food branded “organic” can be suspect. Some farms produce both organically-grown
produce and pesticide-sprayed produce. It has been confirmed in some regions that
sprayed produce has been labelled “organic” and that customers wind up paying more for
what they believe to be pesticide-free when in fact, it’s not. It’s impossible to determine how
often this is occurring. To be safe,it may be wiser just to grow your own if you have the space
to plant.
Jerome, I was an organic producer of berries. I now operate an organic food business. When I pick up my produce at the local wholesale warehouse it is common to see the USDA collecting samples of produce for pesticide/herbicide testing on a unannounced visit. You bet your sweet behind its worth your health to buy organic. im sure there are cheaters out there in the production fields somewhere but it’s minor compared to purchasing conventional produce and getting a full serving if pest/herb in every bite.
in Europen Unon GMOs and pesticides are banned
do not eat from a can unless its tuna or beans
modern medicine is good for traumas, infectious diseases, and the like but not for chronic illlnesses or cancer. the cut, burn, pison treatment just makes big phara and surgeons rich with a new houseboat
The majority of your comment is correct except for cans which is incorrect. Cans are lined with BPA and that itself is cancer causing. When food is placed within those BPA lined cans, the food becomes contaminated when the BPA leaches into the food. No one should be eating anything from cans at all fish and beans or not.
My dad just died from complications of cancer today. So sad.
I want to buy organic food, but my father complains that it is too expensive. I do not want to eat food with full of pesticides, because I do not want to develop cancer and have to do conventional treatments such as radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
It is not expensive to grow your own pesticide free, non gmo fruit and vegetables 🙂 Always remember that. We grow our own and you can ask family members and friends to help with cuttings, seeds. That’s what we’ve been doing for years. Sharing food 🙂
Blessings to you
I’m from Australia and we have the same problem here, organic is very expensive. I have been told that any fruit or vege’s with a thick skin is quite ok, as the pesticides don’t penetrate the skin, how true this is I’m not sure. If I’m juicing I only use organic. I’ve started buying less and buying organic. I Definately can taste the difference and grass fed meat is amazing. All we can do is pray that the big companies come to their senses.
Tina 🙂
I live in the UK, diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer early 2015 at the age of 72. The oncologist wanted to start me on radiotherapy for 7 weeks, 5 days a week. I refused as I wanted the thing removed. A long delay in finding a second surgeon who would perform the keyhole surgery resulted in the cancer spreading out side the prostate and into the bones. The oncologist said my case was incurable but because I had taken a second opinion and refused radiotherapy they left me alone with no other treatment options. At that time I didn’t know about the nutritional benefits of self treatment. Now I alkalise my body and start the day with bicarbonate of soda and blackstrap molasses as well as half a lemon in water during the day. I drink plenty of purified water and eat a range of vegetables, organic whenever I can, juice, eat raw carrots, take supplements including vitamin B17 (apricot kernals). I have given up on red meat, dairy, sugar, salt, wheat products, alcohol. For dairy I use almond milk (yummy), for wheat I use gluten free products and I drink 0.00 beer when I am socialising (just like the real taste but without the kick/bad head). A very recent CT scan and blood test shows the bone cancer is disappearing and the PSA is 0.01. I am on the mend and have no more stress about my health and look forward to being with my family for many years to come. Thank God.
Michael, I am glad that you are feeling much better with your natural treatments. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy do nothing, but make a person more sick and causes even more cancer. Where did you get vitamin B17? Did you buy it at a Health Food Store or did you order it online? Do the vitamin B17 supplements really work? Do they actually kill other forms and stages of cancer? Good luck on your natural treatments!
God bless u all. I have learnt alot!!!
I am a cancer survivor, got a bone marrow transplant in may this yr. My oncologist told me I have to be on a chemo pill for the rest of my life so the cancer doesn’t come back!!
Is it a sage thing to do?
That’s why smart people get Enagic SD501 water ionizer and use 11.5 pH strong alkaline water to remove chemicals from food. Pesticides are oil based. Only a strong alkaline water can emulsify the oil. This water also used to control cholesterol, since it is oil based.
I am a three time cancer survivor, and could not have ate slept or fuctioned without superfoods and my 11 vitamins and minerals daily along with 2000 white blood cells from superfoods (juicing ) We are what we eat. I survided chemo once, never again. That was, i feel the closest to death and if you live you have a bigger purpose.