You may have heard reference to “Vitamin P” and might even have wondered if and how it could help your health. Actually, “Vitamin P” is not a vitamin at all. It was the term given to a group of super-healing plant substances from the 1930s to the 1950s. Today these substances are better known as flavonoids (or sometimes bioflavonoids) and they can be found in thousands of plant species. Researchers continue to discover both sources for them and how they can be used to support healing − including for various forms of cancer.
What Are Flavonoids? (Vitamin P)
The phytonutrients we now call “flavonoids” were first referenced by 17th century scientist Robert Boyle, who discussed them in terms of their ability to provide pigmentation to plants. Fast-forward to the 1930s − this was when the term “Vitamin P” was coined by Nobel Prize-winning physiologist Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, who also discovered vitamin C.
Thus far, scientists have identified between 4,000 and 6,000 different kinds of flavonoids. For plants, flavonoids not only provide appealing color, flavor, and smell − they also protect from pathogens such as fungi, pests, and bacteria.
For human beings, to say that they are important to our health would be an understatement. Flavonoids are super-concentrated packets of nutrition for the human body and are essential for the functioning of virtually every cell and organ. Some common flavonoids you may have heard about include myricetin, apigenin, hesperidin, quercetin, rutin, luteolin, and catechin.
Each type of flavonoid plays a different role in your body. In general, however, flavonoids are crucial for two specific reasons. First of all, they all are essential to the absorption of Vitamin C − the key nutrient responsible for tissue growth and repair. They are also essential for the maintenance of bones and teeth and for the production of the protein collagen used to create blood vessels and muscular tissues. Without the help of flavonoids, none of this would happen!
Second of all, flavonoids are powerful antioxidants. Besides Vitamin C absorption, which also helps the immune system, preventing and reversing oxidative stress is the key element in how flavonoids help prevent and heal cancer.
The Healing Power of Rutin, Quercetin and Curcumin
Three flavonoids in particular have been shown to pack a punch when it comes to healing cancer:
#1: Quercetin
Quercetin has often been called “the anti-cancer flavonoid” and can be found in apples, onions, berries, and citrus fruits, amongst other natural foods. According to Dr. Matthias Rath, pioneering cancer researcher and founder of the Matthias Rath Research Institute, combining quercetin with green tea extract can provide an extremely powerful healing cocktail. In a study conducted by Rath and his research team published in Oncology Letters (2010), mammary tumors in rats were treated with a mixture of green tea extract and quercetin. At the end of 8 weeks, only 6 carcinomas of “grade II severity” remained while the control group had 24 carcinomas of “grade III severity.”
#2: Rutin
Rutin is a healing “partner” to quercetin since they both work hand in hand to protect sensory neurons. They are both strong antioxidants that can have an anti-inflammatory effect as well. Rutin in particular has been the focus of several studies for the reduction of painful inflammation that accompanies rheumatoid arthritis. A study from December 2016 on the cancer benefit of the stocky Vietnamese healing plant Xao tam phan (Paramignya trimera) found that the high antioxidant and cytotoxic (cancer-killing) properties of flavonoids rutin and catechin had a noticeable effect on pancreatic, ovarian, lung, skin, prostate, brain, and breast tumors.
#3: Curcumin
Finally, there is curcumin, a powerful flavonoid that has been the subject of over 3,500 documented researcher studies. Curcumin, the main substance in the Indian spice turmeric, has proven itself as a cancer-healer time and again. As with many flavonoids, curcumin works best when combined with other healing substances. In particular, piperine (from black pepper) combined with curcumin creates a cancer-healing duo that has an effect on many different forms of cancer. Studies on ovarian cancer in vitro has shown that curcumin can stamp out cancer stem cells as well.
Why Aren’t We Getting Enough Vitamin P From Food?
Flavonoids are in so many common foods out there, not only those mentioned above. They are also found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, as well as in nuts, seeds, peppers, cacao, green tea… and the list goes on. It may seem odd that most of us are still deficient in these vital nutrients. It is a sad state of affairs that most people still choose to stick to the Standard American Diet, with its high sugar load and reliance on fast food. Reliance on addictive substances such as cigarettes, alcohol, and prescription drugs also will strip the body of the vital nutrients that flavonoids provide.
The reality is that if we eat a healing diet and follow a healing lifestyle that includes lots of organic veggies and fruits, plenty of clean water, stress management techniques, and moderate exercise, we certainly should be able to reap all the wonderful benefits that flavonoids have to offer us. In fact, the miraculous healing power of phytonutrients is just one reason that eating for health and vitality will reward you with energy and vibrant life for years to come!
Please help bring more awareness about Vitamin P (Flavonoids) and cancer fighting by sharing this article with your friends and family below.
Article Summary
You may have heard reference to “Vitamin P” and wondered what it is. “Vitamin P” is not a vitamin at all. It was the term used from the 1930s to the 1950s for what we know call flavonoids − super-healing plant substances.
Researchers continue to discover both sources for flavonoids and how they can be used to support healing − including for various forms of cancer.
Each type of flavonoid plays a different role in your body. In general, however, flavonoids are crucial for two specific reasons:
1. They are essential to the absorption of Vitamin C − the key nutrient responsible for tissue growth and repair.2. Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants. Preventing and reversing oxidative stress is the key element in how flavonoids help prevent and heal cancer.
Three flavonoids in particular have been shown to pack a punch when it comes to healing cancer:
- Quercetin
- Rutin
- Curcumin
When you have cancer supplements can be very confusing. I stopped taking Curcumin with black pepper and switched to Epigenetics Turmeric because “The Cancer Tutor” website says cancer patients should avoid black pepper. After reading this article I am wondering whether to get back on it.
It is an interesting article. I have never even known that Vitamin P even existed. Gayle, is the Cancer Tutor someone that you can trust? It is not a scam?
Is there a supplement that can be purchased with all of the flavonoids in one
Thank you
Where are you able to get this Vitamin P?
Thank you.
Yes..the product is Roxburghii-plus.
Of course science is affirming there are many anti cancer properties of fruits, flavonoids etc. The leaves have even more healing properties than the fruits. Olive leaf extract has more antioxidants etc than olives and has been shown to have some 300 percent more antioxidants than green tea, also from leaves. Blueberry leaves are similar, far more medicinal compounds in the leaves than the fruit, 30 times more. All fruit leaves are similar. Ezekiel 47:12 “Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river…THEIR FRUIT WILL SERVE FOR FOOD AND THEIR LEAVES FOR HEALING.”
very good reminder! Thanks!
God Bless
yes strawberry leaves top anything for vit C.
Thank you for your feedback. Much appreciated.
OMG! That’s true! Fruit leaves in the Philippines are use for medicine.
Cancer Tutor is right, black pepper should not be eaten. A better choice is red pepper.
Can you qualify this statement please?
What’s wrong with black pepper, please?? I put quite a lot of it on my food!
It’s an immune suppressor though not a potent one like a corticosteriod, but one nonetheless. Most anti-inflammatory substances by definition have some immune suppressing qualities by varying degree, although some are more accurately immune modulators (they down-regulate one part while up-regulating others). Piperine is not a big deal unless you have a really weakened immune system. If you’re immune system is overactive like most people with auto-immune disorders (asthma, allergies, etc) it might be preferable even. Alternatives to make curcumin more absorbable and avoid piperine are liposomal extracts or those that combine curcumin with its own or other oil (actually I think combining with tumeric oil is better)
I agree
The truth about cancer has a whole article how black pepper fights cancer I trust them more!
Can I take Vitamin p during radiotherapy? (carcinoma mammae ductale invasivum)
Most flavanoids are potent anti-oxidants and chemo/radiation therapy rely on an oxidative process to destroy to cancer cells. I have read research that combines luteolin with traditional chemo but alternating between the two — not together at the same time, because the luteolin at the dose they use is potent enough to interfere with the cancer treatment
Can I get this at pharmacy
Can we have the answers please to the questions being asked?
Where can we get this vitamin P?
Can it be taken during radiotherapy?
Is red pepper better than black pepper to be taken with curcumin?
Thanks Girflush for the confirmation about the history of leaves being for healing in the bible.
My understanding of the article is that it isnt a Vitamin as such that you can purchase. It is found in these foods that are listed and obviously better to eat healthy.
Yes. Roxburghii-plus..
curcumin is better digested when black pepper [piperine] is present, also curcumin must be mixed with oil, olive oil or coconut oil for better benefiting us.
vitamin C can be used in large amounts, even when having chemo tratments, only do it after
4 hours from chemo… I learned that chemo is more effective that way and you will not lose your hair. Vitamin C is great, also as fat soluble form.
Is this treatment helpful for squamous skin cancer?
From our Small Farms, we can grow and mature these Vitamin Possessing Plants and Fruits.
Yes what is wrong with black pepper. I havent heard this before and really think this is bad information
as usual most things you get off the internet tend to be contradictory
I think you have to read everything, find any commonality from the statements made , positive or negative, and then make a common sense decision.
Black Pepper I believe from all I have read, increases the potency of Turmeric 2000 times so I am going to keep using it.
OK, the idea of Rutin is great, but what plants contain Rutin, without me having rot research more? The examples of Quercitin was a great example but the picture doesn’t always tell the story…
Where can you get vitamin p at
,it’s in foods 🌷
I survived cancer 1 and half year now and take my curcumin each day and other nutrients each day and good juices, my oncologist was pleased I do my best. I did the C injections too and refused chemo and it worked anyway I guess I was lucky. Raymond
Hi Raymond,
We are glad to hear that you are doing well!
Taking Curcumin or better still, Turmeric which contains many other active phytochemicals, without black pepper (finely ground, of course) will be mostly wasted, as the body will not absorb it. Piperine plays a vital role in helping absorption of Curcumin and other flavonoids. This has been scientifically proven in more than hundreds of reports. Moreover, black pepper itself is anticancéreux,antioxidant, immunomodulator and, of course, a bioavailability enhancer.
Very helpful topic.Thanks.I have shared the topic and hopefully a lot of people will get benefited.
I have had cancer twice in the same breast. estrogen caused. last one this year. I had very bad infection after operation and spent three months in the wound center. missed radiation and the 5 year pill that blocks estrogen also blocked everything including my meds so I quit the pill. do you think that p would help me?
Hi Janice,
We cannot give medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Best wishes!
I have complete understanding in praising the plants & fruits which prevent/heal cancer. What should stay in our understanding are two significant factors.
1. Cancer cells need food through the blood, best is sugar. What happens if no food comes and the body prepares to change completely during the fasting time. After 3 days all cancer cells, who rely on constant food will be discovered. No hiding as so often is not anymore possible. And then these cancer cells are sacrificed first. This fact has been found many years ago by an Austrian cancer specialist. Of course no doctor is ever interested to use or even to think of this fact.
2. Cancer cannot grow or survive when fever comes. A very poor community near Rome in Italy suffered under malaria with its sudden explosive fever strains. The statistic experts found that there were no cancer death reports. Medical scientists finally learned that there is a relation between fever and cancer. An American cancer specialist developed medicine to initiate fever in cancer patients and he had astonishing success. Today there are in Germany hospitals which use this therapy.
Quite clear that pharmacy will make huge losses if these two methods are used.
The quoted plants will certainly have a positive effect and increase the healing speed.
Last not least, it has been said by various experts that cancer development starts almost every time with a mental hidden strain and unnoticed.
Johann, this sounds very interesting. could you please give more info and cite published studies?
Just a small note, that in the Pictures that followed the article, it is ginger that is pictured not tumeric root.
Unless they’ve changed the image already, that’s certainly turmeric pictured. I’ve grown both tumeric and ginger at home.
Can this treatment help with grade 4 colon cancer spread to the liver and undergoing chemeo Theraphy at the moment which is horrible
Hi Stephanie,
We do not have specific information about that. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Where can I buy Vitamin P? I don’t see any links to it.
Milk thistle is the best natural aide I have found to help my liver stay healthy, after radiation treatment for cancer made it un-healthy.
Hello, I really need to know why you stopped
Your affiliation with Organixx?
As I take their best wellness kit and am
now concerned that maybe I should switch
to another provider of natural organic food based
supplements, etc.
Thanks you for all you do.
OK thanks you for the valuable information
About vitamin p it we the Indians adding
their dishes every day. and it is available
All over India.suffiently..thanking you once
Really enlightening…thank you so much for your work..
Thank you so much for knitting together much information scattered in my brain…..making packed fruit smoothies using Kombucha tea as liquid….thank you for now giving me words to explain why it works so well for me….
Thank you Dr. V.
You are a real gift to the humankind.
More power and God bless.
How sure, that the substance in the bottle is pure ?