Being told you’re cancer-free by your doctor is certainly a reason for celebration. However, rather than declaring victory over cancer, such news should be viewed with cautious optimism. Unfortunately, a mainstream prognosis of being cancer-free often does not mean that the cancer is completely gone. Regardless of whether the cancer is actually gone or not, mainstream cancer treatments often ensure that cancer will return and may be harder to beat than ever.
Conventional treatments often create dangerous cancer stem cells and often only eliminate the weakest cancer cells − leaving behind more potent cancer cells to multiply and roar back with a vengeance. In addition, conventional cancer treatments fail to address and eliminate the root causes that enabled cancer to gain a foothold in the first place. Further, the two main forms of mainstream cancer treatments − chemotherapy and radiation − usually severely impair our immune systems, which are our vital natural first lines of defense for beating and avoiding cancer.
“Not Detectable” Does Not Mean Cancer-Free
When doctors are no longer able to detect the presence of cancer, that does not mean that cancer is gone. It only means that cancer is not present in amounts they can detect. Cancer cells may very well still be present in the body and cancer may have even metastasized and gained footholds in other parts of the body.
Doctors know this, which is why they hedge their bets with recommendations for continued chemo treatments. What other possible reason could there be to subject a “cancer free” patient to further chemo side effects? And especially to further damage to the vitally important immune system with drugs which are themselves Class 1 carcinogens?
Yes, most chemotherapy drugs are Class 1 carcinogens, which means that they cause cancer. Radiation also causes cancer. Recent studies have demonstrated that radiation treatments actually cause cancer stem cells to develop. Cancer stem cells are the most potent form of cancer cells which are 30 times more difficult to eliminate than ordinary cancer cells.
The same appears to be true of chemo treatments. Even without the creation of cancer stem cells, both chemo and radiation kill off the weakest cancer cells first and are often unable to eliminate the most difficult and virulent cancer cells. It is those strong remaining cancer cells which multiply and make cancer increasingly difficult to treat as time goes by.
Address & Eliminate the Root Causes of Cancer
As explained by the late, great French Scientist Antoine Bechamp, far and away the number one cause of cancer is toxins. Especially prolonged exposure to toxins in combination with poor cellular terrain, such as cells which have not been properly nourished, cleansed, hydrated, and oxygenated. Cancer also tends to happen most often when a body is out of balance. This can happen if the body is too acidic or is deficient in key nutrients. Mainstream cancer treatments do nothing to eliminate toxins, nor do they help restore a body to proper balance.
In some instances, cancer returns very quickly. In other instances it can be years before cancer once again rears its ugly head. Keep in mind that some cancers are very slow growing. It can take up to eight years from the time that cancer gains a foothold before a tumor becomes large enough to be detected.
How to Kill Cancer Cells So They Don’t Return
When one receives a cancer-free announcement the best idea is to consider the message with cautious optimism and to formulate a game plan to make sure that cancer is completely eliminated and never returns. This game plan should NOT include continued chemotherapy. Chemotherapy does not cure cancer. It may temporarily eliminate it or reduce it to non-detectable levels, but only nature cures.
Instead of more chemotherapy which paves the way for the return of cancer that is more vigorous than ever, look to nature to address the root causes of cancer. This includes putting the body in proper balance and building and maintaining a healthy immune system. This is the natural first line of defense for beating cancer and keeping it at bay.
Since toxins are usually the main cause of cancer, the first thing to do is to detoxify and eliminate toxins from your body as well as eliminate exposure to toxins in the home and work place. In addition, endeavor to make your body as inhospitable to cancer as possible by eating and living healthfully.
You can start by doing the following:
- Getting the body back to a proper healthy balance by addressing nutritional deficiencies
- Avoiding refined sugar as well as bleached white flour and processed and feedlot type meat products
- Eating organic as much as possible and eating plenty of raw vegetables and some raw fruits
- Juicing with organic vegetables and some organic fruits
- Getting plenty of natural sunshine
- Taking key cancer-fighting and immune boosting supplements
- Getting adequate sleep
Author’s Note: It is not my intention to rain on anybody’s parade if they have been given a “cancer-free” verdict from their conventional doctor. Rather to urge cautious optimism and to help people beat damnable cancer once and for all.
This information is being suppressed from you by the mainstream media and the medical establishment. Please help us spread our message of truth so we can help more people heal from cancer.
Article Summary
Being told by your doctor that you are now cancer-free is cause for celebration. However, the news should be viewed with cautious optimism.
Regardless of whether the cancer is actually gone or not, mainstream cancer treatments often ensure that cancer will return and may be harder to beat than ever.
When doctors are no longer able to detect the presence of cancer, that does not mean that cancer is gone. That is why they often hedge their bets and recommend continued chemo treatments.
Most chemotherapy drugs are Class 1 carcinogens, which means that they cause cancer. New research shows radiation treatments also cause cancer stem cells to develop. Cancer stem cells are 30 times more difficult to eliminate than ordinary cancer cells.
Look to nature to address the root causes of cancer and formulate a game plan to keep your body strong and cancer-free. This includes putting the body in proper balance and building and maintaining a healthy immune system.
You can start by doing the following:
- Getting the body back to a proper healthy balance by addressing nutritional deficiencies
- Avoiding refined sugar as well as bleached white flour and processed and feedlot type meat products
- Eating organic as much as possible and eating plenty of raw vegetables and some raw fruits
- Juicing with organic vegetables and some organic fruits
- Getting plenty of natural sunshine
- Taking key cancer-fighting and immune boosting supplements
- Getting adequate sleep
I cant see anything that has helped in this article,8 and half your with living with lymphoma and treating myself with heathly eating finaly I needed help by having chemo and this article tells you to stay away from sugar????we know this and detox ,though in one of your videos I had bought I noted a dr stating sugar dosent cause cancer or feed it otherwise we would be all riddled with cancer,,,though my chemo doctor has told me that it feeds of it ,so yes I am confused a little . but will make judgment on how I eat with what’s works for me and hopefully keep cancer free another 8 years.
I learned so much about cancer from your videos. My oncologist wouldn’t even discuss anything but chemo and radiation. I asked all the right questions politely- His response was “Well if eating healthy was the answer, then no one would do chemo ” That’s when I said enough!
I’m stage 3 cervical, following the plans you’ve shared with everyone free of charge.
So far, tumor free one year.
I’m glad the times are changing, people are thinking more about what they put into their bodies.