Most people think that DNA damage is what causes a cell to be cancerous.
While it is true that cancer cells may have DNA damage, it is highly unlikely that DNA damage can cause any cell to become cancerous. In fact, the DNA damage is a result of the true cause cancer.
So let us discuss what really causes cancer.
There have been many discoveries about cancer in the past 125 years.
For example, William Russell (1852-1940), in 1890, discovered that there are microbes inside and outside of cancer cells.
Later it was discovered that the microbes inside cancer cells were “pleomorphic,” that is, they changed shapes and sizes depending on the pH inside the cancer cells.
In 1931, the Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to Otto Warburg for his discovery in determining that the defining characteristic of cancer cells was low “ATP energy” (ATP is made inside the mitochondria of cells and is called “adenosine triphosphate”).
In 1930, it was proven that if the microbes inside the cancer cells are killed, the cancer cells will REVERT into normal cells. This discovery was made by Dr. Royal Rife, a microbiologist who developed the use of “harmonic frequencies” to vibrate the microbes until they “exploded” and died.
Rather than winning a Nobel Prize for his discovery, Dr. Rife’s lab and inventory were destroyed by the combined consensus of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the American Medical Association (AMA).
So why was Dr. Rife shut down? It was because his discoveries led to a 100% cure rate amongst his cancer patients. See
This might seem strange to most readers. Why would a cancer researcher be shut down for curing cancer?
It is assumed that conventional medicine and the pharmaceutical industry are diligently looking for the cures for cancer. Nothing could be further from the truth.
What they are looking for are massive, massive profits selling their patented chemicals (i.e. drugs). Curing cancer is not on their agenda since that would cut into their profits.
So what exactly is the purpose of the Food and Drug Administration? The FDA is the “private police force” of the pharmaceutical industry. Their primary objective is to make sure that the profits of the pharmaceutical industry are protected, even if that means shutting down those who know how to cure cancer, such as Dr. Rife.
It is all about patents. Drugs made by the pharmaceutical industry can be patented. Frequency wave forms and molecules in Mother Nature cannot. Patents are the main drivers of the war against natural medicine by the pharmaceutical industry, the FDA and the AMA. They are all “in bed” together.
The media is also part of this conspiracy. Medical doctors are intentionally glorified on television shows and advertisements manipulating the unwell to head for the doctor’s office. The modus operandi of the media can be summarized by a person who was an expert in understanding propaganda techniques, namely Stalin.
“No one understood better than Stalin that the true object of propaganda is neither to convince nor even to persuade, but to produce a uniform pattern of public utterance in which the first trace of unorthodox thought immediately reveals itself as a jarring dissonance.” ~ Alan Bullock, in Hitler and Stalin: Parallel Lives
When a person is diagnosed with cancer, they cannot run fast enough to their nearest oncologist. The media has done their job well.
So, even though researchers seeking natural cures for cancer today know much more about the disease than in the 1930s, very few patients start their treatment with natural medicine.
The scientists at the Independent Cancer Research Foundation (ICRF) − a non-profit foundation investigating natural medicine − are the ones who discovered how the microbes inside cancer cells were partially blocking the ATP energy, as discussed below. With this knowledge, they developed more than 25 natural cancer treatments targeting and killing the microbes inside cancer cells (as Dr. Royal Rife did), thus reverting them into normal cells.
They also use a new technological device, inspired by Dr. Rife’s equipment, which kills the microbes inside the cancer cells, known as the “High RF Frequency Device” according to the Cancer Tutor website ( The Cancer Tutor website is the main ICRF website.
How Microbes Inside Cancer Cells Cause Cancer
So, let’s talk about how microbes inside the cancer cells partially block the production of ATP energy. This is the key to understanding many new cancer treatments.
First of all, let us look at what causes the ATP energy to be created in a healthy cell.
Step 1: In a normal cell, glucose receptors allow glucose inside the cell.
Step 2: In a 10-step chemical chain reaction this glucose is converted into pyruvate.
Step 3: The pyruvate enters into the cell’s mitochondria (every cell has thousands of mitochondria).
Step 4: The pyruvate is at the beginning of a chain reaction called the “Citric Acid Cycle” or “Krebs Cycle.”
Step 5: About half-way through the Citric Acid Cycle, a second chemical chain reaction begins called the “Electron Transport Chain.”
These two cycles create most of the ATP energy in the cells.
Here is the key. Cancer cells have more glucose receptors than normal cells and 15 times more glucose than normal cells, though the microbes intercept most of the glucose. So, even though a cancer cell has far more glucose than a normal cell, less of this glucose gets inside its mitochondria than in a normal cell.
Thus, a cancer cell has lower ATP energy because it has less pyruvate and it has less pyruvate because it has less available glucose.
Does DNA Damage Cause Cancer?
So let us talk about why cancer cells may have DNA damage. The Virginia Livingston team of natural medicine cancer researchers discovered that one or more of the microbes inside the cancer cell penetrate the cell nucleus (where the DNA is located).
The DNA of the cancer microbes may “mix” with the DNA of the cell and modify the DNA of the cancer cell, causing DNA damage. This is the basis of “gene therapy” in conventional medicine. But DNA damage is not what causes the cell to be cancerous. It is only a symptom of the presence of the microbes.
Cancer researchers, such as the American Cancer Society, are trying to fix the DNA damage. This is a total waste of time! But it convinces the general public that they are “looking for” a cure for cancer, when in fact they have no intention of “curing” cancer. Had they hired one of the ICRF cancer researchers they could have 25 cures for cancer in one week!
Many of the conventional cancer “research” organizations do a good job of pretending to look for cures for cancer, but in fact they have no interest in curing cancer at all.
This is the key: by killing the microbes inside the cancer cells, Dr. Rife was able to prevent the microbes from blocking the ATP energy. Once the microbes were dead, the cancerous cells were able to access their ATP energy and “reverted” into normal cells again!
The ICRF researcher who discovered how microbes block the ATP energy also developed about 25 different ways to kill these microbes while they are inside the cancer cells (the microbe is actually a bacteria – Helicobacter Pylori) thereby reverting the cancer cells into normal cells.
Here is one example of how the bacteria inside the cancer cell are killed. Let us consider the “honey and turmeric” protocol, which is part of the Dirt Cheap Protocol (that is its real name because so many cancer patients cannot afford some of the natural cancer treatments) on the Cancer Tutor website.
Cancer cells have more glucose receptors than normal cells and thus are attracted to honey. To some degree, honey can kill the microbes inside the cancer cells, but it is far more effective to mix the honey with turmeric (or some other herb which kills microbes) to eradicate these microbes. Therefore honey becomes a “Trojan Horse” to get the turmeric inside.
Three different studies show that turmeric is the most effective herb at eliminating Helicobacter Pylori and the cells are reverted into normal cells.
The Dirt Cheap Protocol includes over a dozen other techniques that are synergistic with honey and turmeric because they are also designed to target and kill the microbes inside the cancer cells. The Dirt Cheap Protocol can be found on the Cancer Tutor website ( along with several other natural cancer treatments.
In addition, the Royal Rife technology, which also reverts cancer cells into normal cells, has been replicated and improved upon. On the Cancer Tutor website, the “High RF Frequency Protocol” is automated and performs everything the original Rife frequency generators did and much more.
In conclusion, natural medicine researchers use traditional methods (e.g. carrot juice with a little beet juice mixed in) as well as state-of-the-art technologies as a cure for cancer.
Just as there are many causes of cancer, there are many ways to heal cancer. Within the U.S. and around there world there are natural medicine cancer clinics, some run by conventional medical doctors who switched to natural medicine. Further information can be found on the Cancer Tutor website.
Now we pray for life of writer Webster. Because FDA may kill him also.
Dr Zafar is right, Webster, better keep looking over your shoulder.
Cancer comes from toxic waste in our air that comes from the pig car, truck, buses and air planes. What comes out the end of these machines causes all cancers which are all diseases. Cancer is a form of evil, which begins to grow inside us as colds, flues, and viruses. By the time we are adults we are riddled with small colonies of cancer explain all our pain, aches, colds, diarrhea, all diseases, fat, and aging.
Tobacco on the other hand is just bits and pieces of dried trees. Yep, nature and there is nothing in them. They put ugly lie on the packages to blame something other than what they purposely manufacture, death, which is cancerous toxic waste. emissions from all machines.
If you believe nature can be this harmful instead of the obominations these factory pigs make,,,,,,then you are one of them and want this decaying, rotting cancerous environment for you to breath in because you are rotting and decaying in your soul
so true Brenda, I totally agree and have always wondered why so much attention to tobacco and the banning of it in all public areas in many countries – but no banning of cars and trucks and all forms of mining?!
Most people agree the article was written by a smoker whose brain is riddled with nicotine. The problem is gas emission but also nicotine! You can’t trade one for the other. They are both bad. Many smokers will blame anything to continue smoking. Anything that is not clean air that goes into your lungs is dangerous.
Non confondiamo le cose: Ho appena speso 24000 euro per effecientamento energetico della casa(anche se una parte potrà essere recuperata con gli incentivi pubblici) ed uso energie rinnovabili proprio per produrre meno inquinamento, ma non posso condizionare le scelte degli altri, posso provare ad ispirarli con il mio comportamento. Cambiare il mondo comporta la responsabilità di cambiare prima se stessi di essere pronti a fare il primo passo. E cosa può cambiare chi fuma, che ha già scelto VOLONTARIAMENTE la MALATTIA, l’INQUINAMENTO, la DERESPONSABILIZZAZIONE? Poi può raccontare a se stesso tutto quello che vuole.
Detto questo, articolo interessante anche se ritengo che non sia la sola causa del cancro. La malattia è sempre una manifestazione di uno stato non ottimale del corpo,uno squilibrio. Lo stesso Helicobacter Pylori è stato riscontrato nelle parti finali dell’intestino senza che avesse fatto danni. Ma quando si vengono a determinare le condizioni per migrare in altri siti (soprattutto stomaco) diviene devastante. E le condizioni per un buon 90% le abbiamo determinate noi in maniera più o meno consapevole
Thank you so much for this wonderful information. A great tool to have. I thank you Ty for all your CARE!
I have never read all of this in one article before. Very significant info. that can shake up your thinking some even for those who are know a lot on cancer already. This needs to be widely known.
Very informative, thankyou so much.
I have Tys videos because my brother had Cancer and we did our best to follow instructions on what to give my brother but he lost his battle on September 2nd of this year. It was difficult for him to take alot of the things mentioned because he had a tumor right by his stomach and couldn’t eqt food in his last months and had a feeding tube and could only take liquids. So what changes dis he have if not eating wasn’t making him stronger and his other organs were shutting down. He was only 55 years old.
so, I shouldn’t do radiation therapy because tumeric and honey or carrot juice and beet juice is going to make my cancer turn into normal cells?
”Warburg investigated the metabolism of tumors and the respiration of cells, particularly cancer cells, and in 1931 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology for his “discovery of the nature and mode of action of the respiratory enzyme”.[1] The award came after receiving 46 nominations over a period of nine years beginning in 1923, 13 of which were submitted in 1931, the year he won the prize.[3]”
The Rife machine was developed by Royal Raymond Rife in the 1930s. He was an American inventor. The machine might produce low energy waves. But there is no evidence that the electrical energy the machine produces can destroy cancer cells or have an effect on other illnesses either. A quick search brings up different prices for the machine from a few hundred pounds to a couple of thousand pounds. Not only is there is no evidence to show that the Rife machine does what its supporters say it does. There is also no evidence that it doesn’t cause harm. Researchers have been looking into the effects of low level electromagnetic energy on cancer cells. They have found that these low frequencies do seem to affect cancer cells but not normal cells. They are calling this tumour treating fields. One device called Optune is manufactured by the Israeli company Novocure and is approved in the US by the FDA and in Europe by the EMA for the treatment of both newly diagnosed and recurrent glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), and is undergoing clinical trials for other solid tumour types as well.
In the Phase III trial in patients with newly diagnosed GBM who used Optune for under 18 hours a day and SOC together then they lived for a median of 20.5 months. In comparison, people who received just SOC alone lived for a median of 15.6 months. This was an improvement of 4.9 months. In patients who used the device for over 18 hours a day then they lived for a median 23.4 months which is an improvement of an extra 2.9 months. Approximately half (48%) of the people who used Optune with SOC were alive at 2 years or longer, compared to 32% who were on SOC alone. At 4 years 8% were still alive in the Optune and SOC group but none in the SOC control arm. In patients who used this for over 18 hours a day then it was 11%.
It has an anti-mitotic mechanism of action which is based on the disruption of key electrically charged molecules which are essential to the mitotic process by which all cells divide. Through the interference with these key molecules then it leads to cell death via multiple pathways. The effects on cells are frequency specific and also related to the cell size as well. A number of preclinical studies have demonstrated these can offer additive or even synergistic effects in combo with either chemo, radiotherapy and/or immunotherapy. They also don’t increase the toxicity or side-effects when used with them. Some preclinical studies suggest that together with certain immunotherapies, such as PD-1 inhibitors, then it might enhance tumour-fighting effects.
you nailed it
Love to hear that you enjoyed the article, Steven!