Old wives tales and recipes for remedies from your grandmother is woven into the fabric of most lives. Many of us grew up with parents who attempted a home cure before buying medicine or (heaven forbid) making an appointment with the doctor.
A couple of generations ago, the average population didn’t seek out a doctor unless it was clear that it was a serious illness and had exhausted all efforts at handling the problem at home. When doctors weren’t available, or affordable, families sought relief in what is now referred to as holistic medicine or “alternative” medicine.
“Alternative” Medicine is Not Wicked
Before we begin, let’s look at the actual terms being used, shall we? Specifically, the terms “alternative” medicine and “traditional” medicine. Hmmm… the definition of “traditional” is “something that is long-established and time-honored.” Since herbs, foods, roots, and other natural remedies have been used for millennia, I would contend that natural medicine should actually be considered to be “traditional” whereas drug-intensive medicine (which has only been used for a century or two), should actually be considered the “alternative” medicine.
Do you see how the phrase “he who defines the terms wins the argument” is true? By convincing the world that drug-intensive medicine is actually “traditional” medicine, Big Pharma has re-defined the term and persuades people across the globe that this type of medicine is the gold standard when in reality it is not.
Now, I am not asserting that modern medicine is bad. It is indisputable that incredible advances in medical technology have saved millions of lives from suffering and death. There is no doubt that many doctors and scientists enter their fields with the goal of helping others. You want to trust your doctor. You want to believe that the pill they want you to try will make you feel better.
However, we’ve become blind to a very dangerous trend. Too many of us listen to the “professional” and assume that this doctor has our (the patient’s) best interests at heart. As the doc listens to the problem, nods with very little thought, reaches for the prescription pad, and sends you on your way… confidence dwindles.
To make matters worse, a growing majority of patients now ask for drugs by name. They know the one they want based off a commercial seen on television. It’s the one that’s going to take care of the problem they didn’t even know they had.
Giving Up Power Over Your Health
Over the last several decades, there is a frightening “profit over patient” approach that is literally changing the way we live and take care of our bodies.
When did we stop even trying? How did we get here? Why do we now run to our doctors begging for pills to handle every little ailment that appears? What has changed that made our thinking go from natural to pharmaceutical?
Eat all the junk you want… here’s a pill for high blood pressure.
Don’t exercise at all… here’s a pill for obesity.
That stress is no big deal… here’s a pill to alter your mood.
Gobble up that sugar… we have your insulin ready.
Smoke and fake-tan and ingest known toxins… chemotherapy will fix you.
Why should you care when there is a pill to handle the consequences of the food you eat, the environment you live in, and the lifestyle choices you make?
Thankfully that is not the approach taken by those who practice more natural methods of patient care. Sadly, alternative medicine practitioners are on the receiving end of a lot of ugliness.
“Alternative Medicine” is a Dirty Word to Big Pharma & the Medical Mafia
Natural alternatives are frowned upon in the modern age, and those who seek them out are openly ridiculed. If you’re a practitioner of alternative therapies, that ridicule can take on a life of its own.
It’s no secret that the allopathic medical community has long scoffed at the ideas and methods of holistic and alternative medicine practitioners. While shouting publicly about protecting the health of society, they whisper in secret about protecting a health-care monopoly that comes with huge payoffs and kickbacks.
Modern medicine, some physicians, and big pharmaceutical companies don’t want us reverting to the old ways for fear of losing the almighty profit prescription and over-the-counter drugs have provided…
Does this seem extreme to you?
The War on Alternative Medicine
Consider this… the American Medical Association (AMA) has been waging a war against the entire chiropractic community since the 1920s. By spreading mis-truths and propaganda, the AMA attempts to discredit chiropractors as quacks and charlatans. They paint them as modern day snake-oil salesmen who do more harm than good.
As recently as 1987, the American Medical Association (AMA) and several other medical agencies were found guilty of attempting to create a monopoly on health care in the United States.
The courts found the AMA guilty of the following:
- Systematic defamation of naturopathic, chiropractic, and osteopathic physicians
- Publishing and distributing propaganda specifically intended to ruin other healthcare professional’s reputations
- Forcing doctors to refuse collaboration with naturopathic, chiropractic, and osteopathic physicians in the co-management of patients
- Denying hospitals access to naturopathic, chiropractic, and osteopathic physicians
Despite being found guilty of these atrocities, and even opening doors slightly to osteopathic physicians, the war continues through massive loopholes. The agencies merely changed the style of their attacks. In 2006, the AMA stated publicly their opposition to the licensing of naturopaths. Psychiatrists jumped on the AMA’s bandwagon to shoot down the credibility of psychologists along with naturopaths, chiropractors, and midwives.
They state that their opposition is based on their concern for the safety and quality of care of patients. The war is far from over. The AMA continues to lobby state licensing boards to deny anyone the right to practice if their degree doesn’t state “Doctor of Medicine” or “Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine.”
They want the states to rewrite the rules according to the game they want to play.
Alternative medicine practitioners are quick to point out some of the biggest reasons why people should seek out care from non-conventional physicians. They highlight statistics that clearly show more people dying from prescription drug side effects, hospital errors, infections contracted at medical facilities, and unnecessary surgeries.
Compare that, if you will, to the relatively low instance of patient harm resulting from alternative care.
If the AMA were concerned, they’d clean up their own dirt instead of sweeping it under the rug and attempting to place blame where it doesn’t belong. However, they aren’t the only culprits…
The American Dental Association still supports poisonous mercury in fillings and scoffs at natural dentists using alternative fillings in the interest of patient health. Fluoride has been proven to do far more harm than good, but is still in widespread use with the ADA’s proud endorsement.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) claims to protect children, but refuses to disclose how much of their funding comes from companies that produce and manufacture vaccines. They suppress reports on the truth of how vaccines can be harmful or even life-threatening.
Even the American Cancer Society continues to point fingers elsewhere while they nurture partnerships with pesticide and drug manufacturers. Their conflicts of interest lie between funding and the environmental research on the causes of the cancers they claim to be fighting.
As long as policy makers are under the control and funding of medical and pharmaceutical powerhouses, the natural and alternative physicians and practitioners will continue to have an uphill battle to wage. Every drug that hits the market comes with a media campaign meant to detract from the long list of side effects.
Chiropractors are touted as quacks despite having patients that have shown obvious, documentable, and positive results of treatment.
Naturopaths continue to quietly provide patients with relief via treatments meant to help and cure, not mask or disguise symptoms.
Midwives bring safe, peaceful, low-stress birth experiences to parents. Many parents seek to write their own birth-plan and have it followed without threat of C-section or induction because the doctor is on a timeline or hasn’t been trained in alternative methods to support the mother through birth.
Alternative medicine physicians practice despite the challenges. They receive their degrees and go into practice knowing that they will face opposition daily. Online sites are full of negative reviews from people accusing them of quackery. Positive reviews are met with disbelief and even anger from people that found a public option for shaming and negativity based on their beliefs.
It’s a modern day witch hunt and the stakes aren’t burning − but they are high. If the AMA ever wins their fight, we may all die from the care they bring to us under the guise of knowledge and concern.
As always, do your own research. Talk to more than one healthcare practitioner before making any health decisions. Sometimes a combination of natural and traditional medicine can be the most beneficial for anyone facing an illness or disease such as cancer.
The bottom line is that it’s your disease, your body, and your choice. Don’t let medical bullying and fear influence your decision.
Thank you Lord for the light of Ty Bollinger and his family.
All I can say Ty is a huge Thank you…and one day ll this uphevel on the truth anout cancer buisiness is hoing to stop..because people are moving..they are really upset about what this big pharma is doing to their children and love ones..all I can say is that trying to put the body under alkalinity is the best thing we can do to try to keep the cancer out of our body and as well as our love ones…which means stop eating meat and diaries….and eat and drink a lot more fruit juices and green vegetables…change our adn by being as happy and close to our ….Lord as we can….and ask Him to help us do the best for us and all people who needs to be healed ..out there is the dark side …we do need His help….so we put our faith in His hand.
Thank you Ty again take care
Thank you Ty Bollinger! I am harassed every time I mention anything about natural healing, vaccines, and fluoride. Even from my own family!
It is indeed a challenge–but your “The Truth About Cancer” series was enormously helpful, well researched and validating. Never forget that one person can make a difference. I so appreciate you!
I really appreciate you Ty and your beautiful family for giving so many the gift of truth! I was aware of much of what’s going on but having all the info in your Truth About Cancer series is awesome and I thank you so much for the sacrifice!!!
The Queen of England uses Homeopathy etc
Thank you, Ty. I would like to suggest that we stop using words like ‘My’ and ‘Your’ with disease and cancer. A recent article by Mike Adams makes a lot of sense to me. It is not MY prescription–it is the doctor’s prescription or diagnosis of a disease. Words are powerful. I suggest we give them back to whom they originated from–doctors, Big Pharma–and do not claim them as our own.
Thank you Ty Bollinger. I have learned some very valuable information from you Truth About Cancer series. I have been choosing alternative medical treatments for my cancer this last year and I am pleased with how it has helped me.
Happy to here that their is someone looking for alternative meds for cancer I had kidney cancer it was removed with my kidney living 5 years cancer free yeaaaa. Well this year surprise breast cancer. Hit me hard now I need radation and being cautious because I was handed a bad deal I have fibrosis in my lungs so now do I get radation or do nothing doer my cancer . So here I sit waiting for my ct scan results trusting the Docs are telling me the truth that the radiation won’t fry my lungs Daaaaa So I’m all for alternative methods yes bring them on Pat Quinn
Thanks Ty, for being a leader in this movement. Most people are followers(sheep) and will do what they see most others do. As more people get educated on this common sense approach to natural medicine eventually the herd will follow.
Years ago I went to my Dr very very sick he agreed that something was really wrong and
was very concerned .He did not have a clue
yet he wrote several prescriptions for me
……but this happens all the time across
America normally ….complacent and
rendered powerless people we give up
our responsibility to heal over to others
I got mine back….no over the counter
Our prescriptions for about 20 yrs…Ty
remains an inspiration Namaste
Thank you for your contribution to better world health!
Big respect to those in the industry who speak out knowing the risks. My comment is more to do with semantics as I have heard many in the that the term “alternative” medicine makes the point that is is an alternative to allopathic & is playing along with their machiavellian agenda to industry make the valid, in my mind, point natural health /traditional medicin
some extent, whereas traditional makes the point loud & clear that this has been around for thousands of years & allopathic is the new boy on th statistics. the block & is fast becoming the number one killer in the heal
Ty thank you for these excellent articles most informative and educational. Education of the public is crucial if we have any hope to bring Awareness main stream. Big Pharma’s countless bombardment of TV ads, Magazines, have condition the masses to believe that Pharmaceutical Drugs will cure any and all disease. This is a Travesty to mankind.
I love what you are doiing Ty, it is beautiful work and a good mission. People must also do there own research and read the labels on the products they buy, because you are responsible for your own body no one else. It take a lot af time and energy, but you will have a better and healthier life. Thank you!
Thank you Ty for giving us the truth about cancer and how to conquer it with natural foods and herbs. I have been praying for our HOLY FATHER GOD ALMIGHTY to protect you and TTAC as you go forth to give us the true and natural ways to conquer cancer. Keep up the good work. AMEN!
well said
You are doing a wonderful job by keeping us informed updated etc. I watch and read everything I can that you make available and will continue to do so. Cancer is a reality unfortunately, but can be cured and thanks to the info you put out there, we are on the way to conquering cancer without chemio. God bless you and assist you in your quest!
Do you know what we call “traditional”, “alternative” and natural medicine that works?
Please provide alternative treatment procedure? OR keep our self away from Cancer from it being happen to us.
Thank you, debchilds21. I believe that we should never claim possession of things or conditions that do us harm. Maybe reply to a diagnosis with something more temporary, as “I have been diagnosed that I have been visited by___”, & begin to evict the culprit with proper natural means for the affliction.
I agree. I want to pack up all the people who believe it was better back in the good ol’ days, pack them into a time machine, and send them back where dying from a trivial disease was a real threat. People demonize “Big Pharma” as being money grubbers. I doubt their homeopath/naturopath/witch doctor is providing these all natural “remedies” for free.
This is true and I had forgotten that the royal family use Homeopathy, thank you for reminding me.
I have a big toe fungus toenail. How can it be cured for.good! Also my right big toe is inflamed with a small bunion. It’s been 3years to no avail for both problems. I have no health issues.
I am here to testifies on how Dr Odia help me to cure my sickness called CANCER OF THE LUNGS which has been eating me up for 2 years and 4 months, and when I go online I saw his email on how he cured so many people, so I emailed the Dr and tell my problems to him, and tell all his necessary needy for the healing, after that day he gave me an assurance of 3 days of his herbal healing, and said I should go for a medical check up on the 4th day of which I get to the hospital the new result now shows that the cancer was gone,And now am so happy and free from it thanks to Dr Odia. Please if there is any one in need of his help should kindly contact him on his email address ( drodiaherbalistcenter@gmail.com )
Thank you for sharing truths that can set us free of illness.
Very well written and sadly so true. My father and I both practiced alternative medicine in Switzerland and were constantly harassed by colleagues and government agencies. It became so bad we had to flee the country and lost everything. I’m glad you brought the truth about cancer series to life as it’s a great help for patients and friends who have cancer. Sadly though many of them will refuse to even read about it or listen to it and go with their oncologist with chemo and radiation. Those are the ones that have died or are dying.
Hi Dr ,
We are offering Ayurveda alternative therapy in 14 locations in the USA…and opened our first therapy center in Manhattan, New York, NY.
Please visit our website and forward, thanks
totally agree never ever claim any illness –
So true Dr. Baxas. It’s called “Stockholm Syndrome”
This is so frustrating! I feel for you all.
My daughter used the Gerson juicing [beets for the betalain/carrots for the beta-carotene, and green apples for the pectin] and enzyme compounds in whole organic foods: phytochemicals/phytomedicine
Her Oncologist at Boston Medical Center keep complaining in her medical records that “she brings me research articles from greenmedinfo.” Sayer Ji would be very proud of her!
She was all “cleared” for another fat-grafting surgery and she has the surgery schedule paper to prove it.
He put a stop on the surgery, saying that she cannot continue unless she has a gadulinum-based breast MRI.
Her pathology report states that she is allergic to codeine and contrast dye. Also, there are now lawsuits against the gadolinium heavy metal manufacturing companies that make them [GE, Bayer, which is a Monsanto company now, etc.
He pulled the rug from under her, just days before her “cleared for surgery” reconstructive/fat-grafting under the adhesion ed scar.
He violated the Patients’ Bill of Rights Act of 1998 [sec.153., (a)(1) complications of masectomy [adhesion to the chest wall scar] and the Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act [All stages of reconstruction involved and treatment of physical complications of the masectomy [scar]. He NEVER gave her a referral to a physical therapist since July 2017 [medical negligence] even though she kept asking for scar pain relief [nerves sliding over the breastbone under the scar/fascial adhesion]
Is he a controlling narcissist? Is he just plain evil?
He complained in her Medical Records that she continuously refused chemo and radiation, while completely ignoring the up-to-date research that she gave him regarding cancer stem cells:
I guess we should contact a Cancer Advocacy Group or a Womens’ Rights Group or someone who can help. This is like living in the Twilight Zone..
Thank you for your compassion and in your time in reading this.
Very helpful article on the argument for alternative medicine. Many truthful points have been made and I do agree with almost all of them. The natural way of treating illnesses and disorders is actually the best for me.
Is there a list of alternative cancer specialists that TTAC recommends? Please direct me! I’m in Suffolk County NY. My integrative MD is insisting I see a surgeon with whom I have an appointment tomorrow morning to discuss having an excisional biopsy. 😔
Hi Kim!
Thank you for contacting and trusting us. Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us. This list is offered as a resource for our followers. The Truth About Cancer is in no way responsible for any interaction you have with any expert.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage with all the experts’ info:
Another resource you’ve found for people in you’re situation is The Institute of Functional Medicine. They provide a search option to locate a practitioner in your area. Here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner near you: https://www.ifm.org/find-a-practitioner/
I hope this is helpful!
Thank you for supporting our mission, and have a blessed day!
This is what man face today, and it is not just in pharmaceutical companies that hide the truth from people. Is in both mind and body the system is hiding everything from us. This also is true in art industry when mind and body interacts to a better human as total, but those who use their art to showcase such benefits, are held behind and not showing their work to public. Art world so called contemporary, shows man nullity, so they can stay as null and not to grow.
Matrix and rabbit hole? Yes