“Step onto the body scanner platform and place your hands in the air; it’s for your safety and security.”
If you’ve traveled through a U.S. airport within the past few years, you’ve probably had a government screener say something along these lines. Every day travelers are herded through the checkpoint corrals into one of these anti-terrorism full body scanners. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) claims these so-called “advanced imaging technology” devices are just as safe as traditional metal detectors. But is this really true?
When they were first rolled out post-911, backscatter X-ray tunnels quickly became standard fare at commercial aviation facilities nationwide. The TSA claimed the amount of low-intensity radiation emitted by these machines was safe, releasing less than 10 microREMs of radiation per screening. This is an amount equivalent to what an airplane passenger might incur after just two or three minutes of flying at cruising altitude.
This claim was later debunked. It was revealed that concentrated radiation blasted directly at a person’s body is much more harmful than the random patterns of ionizing radiation sent in all directions from the cosmos and by an airplane’s navigational equipment during flight. Not long after these facts came to light, the TSA came up with a different type of screening technology that it said was safer − the millimeter wave machine.
According to the TSA’s Frequently Asked Questions page, millimeter wave imaging technology “uses harmless electromagnetic waves to detect potential threats, which are highlighted on a generic outline of a person appearing on a monitor attached to the unit. If no anomalies are detected, an ‘OK’ appears on the screen with no outline.”
It all seems simple enough, right? Unfortunately, this explanation by the TSA is trite at best, and deliberately misleading at worst. A closer look into millimeter wave technology and the ways in which it affects the human body during an average TSA screening reveals a truth that the government doesn’t want you to know. The doses of electromagnetic radiation emitted by the TSA’s millimeter wave technology machines can cause cancer.
What’s Wrong With Millimeter Wave Radiation?
The fact that millimeter wave technology is used in the treatment of skin cancer (due to its known skin-heating properties), means it undeniably has an effect on human cells. This heating is a direct result of microwave frequencies entering the skin and inducing a certain level of atomic motion within the cellular structure. This is really just a fancy way of saying that millimeter wave radiation microwaves your skin.
Just how much this millimeter wave radiation microwaves your skin is where push comes to shove. But most scientists are in agreement that any amount of radiation poses at least some level of risk. The public deserves to know both this level of risk and what they can do to minimize or eliminate it.
Though not ionizing in nature, millimeter wave radiation is still potentially damaging to the human body. A 2012 paper published in the journal Radiation Research admits that the safety of millimeter wave body scanners is “difficult-to-impossible to prove using publicly accessible data.” This means that TSA claims of negligible risk associated with their use represent the opinion of the TSA, and not scientific fact.
What we do know is that millimeter waves, which exist in the 30-300 GHz range, cause “multiple biological effects,” according to another study published the same year in the International Journal of Oncology. Though this study looked specifically at millimeter wave radiation in the context of cancer treatment, the morphological effects demonstrated reveal that this supposedly “safe” form of radiation causes cellular change that inhibit cellular growth.
Like all other forms of radiation, millimeter waves don’t differentiate between healthy cells and malignant cells. Whatever cells they’re targeted at are the cells they destroy. In the case of concentrated radiation blasts from millimeter wave body scanners, it means every cell on the surface of your body.
How Millimeter Waves From a Full Body Scanner May Cause Cancer
What this all means is that millimeter wave body scanners act as giant microwaves that literally heat travelers’ bodies at the cellular level using ultra-high frequencies not normally found in nature. Microwave ovens operate at nearly the same frequencies as these machines. They induce cellular vibrations strong enough to generate heat in food, so imagine what it’s doing to your skin.
But these are just minor thermal effects, you might be thinking, since an airport body scan only lasts a mere two seconds or so as opposed to 30 seconds to a minute to warm a bowl of soup in a microwave oven. But the principle is still the same, especially when taking into account repeated exposures.
And you also have to consider the non-thermal effects of millimeter wave radiation, which disrupt cellular communication in ways that science has yet to fully delineate. The United States Air Force conducted its own research into ultra-high frequency, non-ionizing radiation as a potential weapons technology. Interestingly, in the process they uncovered evidence that the non-thermal activity of millimeter wave radiation directly interferes with the body’s ability to protect and heal itself.
A World Health Organization (WHO) report adds even more to the conversation, revealing that millimeter waves not only heat the skin but also damage eyesight and cause cancer, particularly cancer of the skin.
A team of researchers from the Center for Nonlinear Studies at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico recognized the lack of scientific research into this questionable technology. They decided to investigate for themselves how high-frequency terahertz (THz) waves, like the kind emitted from the TSA’s millimeter wave full body scanners, affect human DNA. They learned that:
“THz waves … unzip double-stranded DNA, creating bubbles in the double strand that could significantly interfere with processes such as gene expression and DNA replication.”
Skip the Full Body Scanner and Opt for a Pat Down
Recognizing these inherent dangers, the best thing air travelers can do is opt out of the TSA screening process when presented with a body scanner rather than a traditional metal detector. By choosing a manual pat-down, air travelers can minimize their radiation exposure and thus minimize the risk of developing cancer.
Though physically invasive and admittedly unconstitutional, a physical pat-down is still better than being blasted with a concentrated vortex of electrical and magnetic energy. As it sweeps around your body, the full body scanner exposes each square centimeter of your body to about 0.013 milliwatts of radiation. Collectively, this is enough to induce gene mutations, nerve damage, sterility, and even cancer.
“Low levels (below 10 mW/cm2) of NIR (non-ionizing radiation) have been found to produce many adverse health effects in animals including temporary sterility, genetic changes, and changes in the transmission of nerve impulses,” explains the Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy (FACT).
“The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has found preliminary evidence that these low levels may affect the immune system, which means the body may be less able to fight off disease.”
Article Summary
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) claims their “advanced imaging technology” devices are just as safe as traditional metal detectors. Research shows this isn’t the case and that the doses of electromagnetic radiation emitted by the TSA’s millimeter wave technology machines can cause cancer.
Millimeter wave technology is used in the treatment of skin cancer (due to its known skin-heating properties), which means it undeniably has an effect on human cells.
Like all other forms of radiation, millimeter waves don’t differentiate between healthy cells and malignant cells. In the case of concentrated radiation blasts from millimeter wave body scanners, it means every cell on the surface of your body is targeted.
A World Health Organization (WHO) report revealed that millimeter waves not only heat the skin but also damage eyesight and cause cancer − particularly skin cancer.
By choosing a manual pat-down, air travelers can minimize their radiation exposure and thus minimize the risk of developing cancer.
I’ve been getting ‘patted down’ for years. Since I lived in NYC at the time of 9/11 when the Environmental Protection Agency announced the air quality was ‘safe’ (which being chemically sensitive, I knew was a complete LIE), and having looked at how SHORT a time most studies are done, I KNEW these machines could not be okay. And now there is evidence. Thanks for publishing this.
Dear Ann,
I am chemically sensitive as well. How are you doing now?
Just flew out of Melbourne and was chosen for the full body scan….I refused and said I’d take the pat down…they were quite rude and said that option does not exist here and if I refused I would be taken off this flight and not allowed to fly for next 24 hours…rediculous! How can they get away with that?
I too was chosen for the full body scan and I was told the same thing last year when flighting out of Melbourne also. Crazy. I must follow it up as I am returning for a trip their next month so need to know my rights.
Checked up the Aussie website and here is the info:
Why a no opt-out policy?
Body scanning technology can identify a variety of sophisticated threats that cannot be detected by existing screening technology. Walk through metal detectors and the style of frisk search currently used at Australian airports simply cannot provide the same security outcome a body scanner can.
The only method of screening that could provide a similar security outcome to that of a body scanner is the type of invasive full body frisk search conducted overseas. The Government has been resolute in not introducing such searches as part of our airport security arrangements. For this reason and in the interests of security and privacy, passengers selected for body scanner screening cannot choose inferior or significantly intrusive alternatives. Accordingly, the Government has decided a no opt-out policy will be enforced in relation to screening at airports.
We need to change this!!!
I have E-mailed you guys a couple of times. The DVD I ordered several months ago did NOT work. Won’t order again if you don’t respond to your customers.
Hi Kim,
If you are having any issues, please contact our customer support team by going to this link: https://support.thetruthaboutcancer.com/submit_ticket
They will be glad to help you with your issue!
It’s not hard to request an “opt out.” when you get to the scanner. Just leave 5 to 10 minutes extra in your airport plans. I’ve been opting out ever since they were installed. They ask you to stand aside and they call for a trained female staff. She appears and asks if your bag and carry on luggage is on the conveyor and makes sure you have it and takes you to a designated spot. She explains what she will do. Run her gloved hands under your breasts and down your arms, top of your thighs and down your legs. 2 minutes tops and its done.
All my airport pat downs have been highly respectful and professional. I always say, “Thank you. You have have been very kind.” It helps both of us. Me for the appreciation; her for doing what must be an awkward job. For those of you who fear you can’t speak up for yourself at the scanner, I suggest you say, “My doctor wants me to avoid the scanner.” Only one time did I have a slightly combative operator say, “There nothing to be concerned about. It’s very lost dose.” Then you say, “Just the same, I want to opt out.” And they have to take your request seriously. Stay calm and kind and it works out just fine. Good news for those who don’t know: once you reach age 75, most airports give you an automatic opt-out!
Happy travels! (p.s. The warmed soup was a good reality check in this helpful write up)
Linda Thomas, MSW
The airports I went to did not give me an opt-out at age 75. I find alternative ways to travel because I despise the TSA and the whole operation does not make me feel “safe” when flying.
I always try to get in the line that is going through the old-fashioned metal detector. But some TSA agents enjoy hassling the public, and even being over 75 does not exempt one from their tactics. One agent closed the line just as I got to it, then directed me to the scanner. I refused, so he informed me I was asking for a patdown. He made me wait a long time for a female agent. She was kind, but I missed my flight anyway. I no longer enjoy the flying experience, and avoid it when possible.
Amen to that!
The idea of the screening has little to do with flight security and a lot to do with getting people to become desensitized to government intrusions into our lives. The TSA has failed more than 90% of the time when investigators checked for the actual effectiveness of the TSA in finding weapons, etc.. But we are not to question the TSA and its rules. Just obey. Argh!
Beverly…dont let them bully you into believing you dont have an option…they do it quite often because its easier for them…they are LAZY…totally refuse to go through the scanner…its your right
What can we do? Is there an alternative to body scanners in airports?
The alternative is the pat down. Just say, “I opt out of the body scanner and request a pat down, please.”
Yes! –just say “No”… and request a pat down instead. They can’t refuse you.
Actually they did say “No” to me when I requested pat down for my kids while we traveled to China from DFW airport last month. THey told me I didn’t have that option. So we went through the scanner sadly.
thank you, your suggestions are very helpful.
They told me the same thing…either “it’s safe, “it’s low dose radiation”, or the latest-“there’s no radiation emitted”. I tell them that i have a choice and that i’ve done my research. Then all of a sudden i hear, “female assist!” for a female TSA personnel to do my pat down. Stand your ground.
That only means 75-year-old Muslims will now strap on vests. We advertise and telegraph too much information in this country especially concerning security.
Its very disturbing to know that I have gone through this device with a TSA agent assuring me it was completely safe. What a big fat lie. A lie like this should make the TSA a target for numerous lawsuits.
I am now going to carry a copy of this article with me so I can give it to the staff who will be doing my pat downs!
Dr. Karen Bailey, FRCSC
That is a brilliant idea…especially for people that travel frequently.
I live in Australia and if you refuse to go through the body scanner after being selected, then you have to wait 24 hours before trying to go through security again so obviously you’d miss your flight. I tried to refuse by saying I didn’t believe they were safe but was basically told tough luck-go through it or don’t fly!
We live in Australia also and I had been selected to go through that scanner twice in the 5minutes,women officer was pooling my hear saying I am hiding something there and she seems to be upset not find anything. Inside the scanner I felt very strong tingling going through my body and later had been sick from my stomach for 30 minutes. After we arrive to Europe,2nd day I had to have my tooth removed by the dentist because the pain induced by that scanner. My tooth’s are in excellent health always ,that was 1st time in my life I need it a dentist and I am 60 years old. And I felt not well couple off months last year. How can we protect our self’s next times???We had been told also to go in or we will not fly.
I’ve been opting for the patdown since they’ve been installed too. I do have a question, however. When I’ve requested the patdown, sometimes I have to wait for an agent to come to me and they ask me to wait right next to the gate which is directly next to the machine. Sometimes it takes a few minutes and that’s about 10 – 15 people going through it. I always try to wait as far away as I can which is where I’ve caught some confrontation from the TSA because they want me to wait by the machine. If I wait next to the machine, am I still being exposed to its effects? If so, that’s 10 – 15 times more than if I just went through it to begin with. Any feedback is much appreciated! Thanks!
wow great observation and great question. I hope that gets answered soon cause I’m flying twice this month and would like to avoid any issues with waiting for a pat down
If you look at the physics of microwaves, they transfer energy point to point (that is why radars have to rotate to scan 360 degree). Any obstacle (tree, or the wall of the machine) absorbs microwaves, though I did not find the numbers on what percent is absorbed. From this I make conclusion, that if you stand outside of the machine, and not in the direct line of the beam emitted from the source through the body, the radiation/heat level you will get in 10-20 minutes is not very high. It is like sitting inside microwave oven vs standing outside of it. But nobody researched the subject properly. There are rumors about high rate of cancer among TSA workers. The management always assures TSA workers that machine is safe and no radiation is emitted, their requests for dosimeters are never honored. I guess nobody ever measured microwave heat outside of machine.
by the way, microwave oven is a little different because it is very short ranged. Even without any blocking walls, microwave oven won’t hurt anyone 3 meters away
While I am rather young and not quite a physician so to speak, I am pretty sure you are totally safe as long as you aren’t within the scanner itself. But don’t quote me because I can alwys be wrong. Hope this helped!
Linda above says, “All my airport pat downs have been highly respectful and professional. I always say, “Thank you. You have have been very kind.” It helps both of us. Me for the appreciation; her for doing what must be an awkward job.” Linda, you are a too kind soul. Anyone who works for the TSA is a human disgrace. Almost as horrible as the people who would sign up for a degree in Homeland Security at Northeastern U. These are the drones of the police state who have no respect for American values and only want a job within the power structure. Many of the TSA people doing these screenings are sexual deviants who relish the opportunity. You are too kind, Linda. And please do not take this as an offense, but rather as constructive criticism, you are naive. Immediately after my first body scan in 2010 I developed a serious autoimmune condition that included arthralgia, fybromyalgia, MS-symptoms, quivering muscles, brain fog, chronic fatigue and tinnitus. My immune system was compromised and every infection in my body that had previously been kept under control erupted in full assault mode. I suddenly had Lyme disease. Now, you might think I sound like a hypochondriac, I probably think so myself if I were you, but it’s true. I tested with IGeneX positive for borrelia and it took four years of intense diet and medication protocols, discovered without the help of doctors BTW, to recover. But I will never be the same – chronic fatigue remains. Thank you, Ty for bringing this article to the public.
But she thanked the one doing the pat down, not the ones with the scanner..
And why are you assuming the worst about the people working there? That’s projecting your fears and judgements, these people are humans as well. Of course there are bad apples, like everywhere, but assuming the majority is bad like you seem to do is being too cynical. Work on your self-acceptance and you will find more love in your life.
I have never been in a scanner; I travel many times throughout the year. I’ve had many ‘pat downs’ and would estimate that the TSA employees are highly authoritative and rude about half the time. I usually have a kind employee, also. When they are neutral or nice I am the same. When curt, bossy, and not sticking with their own rules, I go to battle. I am not a ‘herd’ personality type and never will consent to be treating like cattle. Sadly, the American public has allowed the state of affairs going through the airport agreeing to go through the scanners. I rarely see ‘pat down’s’ anymore.
BTW: I have traveled through Munich, Amsterdam, Zurich, Frankfurt, London, and Paris airports and have never even seen a scanner. It’s always the metal detector!
This confuses millimeter waves with x rays [badly!]- the journal of oncology – it’s findings; and to set it right look at any infographic of broadcast frequencies.
Millimeter waves are also called Terahertz, 1000 times higher than gigahertz, x rays. These are approaching the infrared band, heat etc. The oncology journal study may be bogus, as millimeter waves do not actually present a threat when used and designed with the right intent, they can both detect disease accurately and remediate the same with high success!
Will never use these machines ever. Besides all that checking is another scam from the Cheney years and he still has a financial stake at it. There are so many things that go through undetected every day, about 90% according to a study. The Pat down is another invasion of your privacy and it is offensive but at least will not kill you with cancer.
When I brought my 92 year old Dad through the airport the TSA made him show his driver’s license for the umpteenth time until he lost it. At which point he could not get across a checkpoint. The TSA agent then said to me that they accepted service gratuities. So I flipped them a 20 dollar bill and away he went. It’s all about control not about being a system that works. The TSA hasn’t caught the first terrorist yet. Onboard passengers have stopped the bad guys. And the last time I flew another passenger with a legitimate beef got slightly loud and they had him swept away. I won’t fly because I refuse to be subjected to becoming a toy for for losers who can’t get a legitimate job or fascist policing by souped up warriors looking for prey.
Three points. One on the air quality after 9/11 in the reply above – please out of respect do not ignore or overlook the reported over 4000 deaths that the clean up crews have experienced and the deaths and other health effects these people continue to experience since the White House declared the area safe to begin the clean up.
Secondly, the TSA or airport security staff are only doing their job as they are trained and required to do. As another reply suggests above, politely state your requirement to opt out of the scanner, accept a respectful and correct search, pat down or whatever (there are limits to what we should accept) and thank the personnel for doing their job correctly. It is normally and should normally be no big deal.
Thirdly anyone wishing to look further at the effects of electrical energy such as non-ionizing radiation from micro millimeter scanners on human cells might like to look into Voltage Gate Calcium Channel (VGCC) effects on cellular calcium and the possible health effects of elevated levels of calcium in the cells. Dr Martin Pall formally of Washington State University has a paper on PubMed as a starting point for such a search.
Thanks for posting. Valuable information. Most interesting
Thank you so much Ty for this information…
I can gratefully say I have never gone through one of those scanners and have always ‘opted out’. It can take a while for a female attendant to get freed up, but it’s worth it. However, think about if everyone opted out. What a commotion that would be.
Yes! That is an excellent idea! People should start a grass roots movement!
I’ve tried to make a ripple into getting that movement started, but the ease and speed of the scanners makes it easy for people to say, “It’s no big deal!”
If more people would JUST SAY NO, the TSA would quickly find a safer option to pacify the already-testy passengers!
We always opt out!
Dear Ty, etal, Thanks for sharing this information. I’ve had symptoms of electrical sensitivity/radiation pollution sickness for about 3 years, but I have avoided the full body scan machines since all the shenannigans of “9/11”. For anyone else with EHS, SPIRIT AIRLINES, is a discount airline in the U.S. that has no WIFI on board. It’s not even offered. Yay Spirit Airlines! Of course there are the 1000s of passengers in the airport and on the plane with their 1000s of EMF/RF emitting devices. The Transportation Safety Admin (TSA) offers an expedited security screening through TSA PreCheck. $85 for 5 years. There is no guarantee, but you can often bypass the long lines of other non-preapproved passengers going through full body scan machines.
@ Peter Tomlinson
that may be a typo as micro millimeter is going into Angstroms or way at or above UV light. And could you summarize the paper?
Hi Wayne, I think you directed your point to my comments. What Dr Pall was reporting was that pulsed electrical energy (really simply pulsed energy) has been know for over 40 years to be bio-active and his research showed that in the right condition the VGCC will activate and may alter the calcium levels inside our cells with the potential for some mild to very nasty consequences. We are ALL susceptible, being biological entities, whether we show signs of the effects or not. What is definitely NOT know are the long term and especially worrying, the long term low level effects.
Full body scanners may only emit a low level short duration signal but that just might fit the criteria for pulsed energy and add to the total load in any given time frame. Kids have been found to have been subjected to as many as 14,000 pulses in a normal school day – and we have no idea what this may do – i.e.. not proven to be safe at all if also not proven to be unsafe, so it a huge experiment for profit the outcome of which we have not a clue and won’t for years.
If pulsed non-ionizing radiation is known to be bio-active then some serious research is needed rather than a blanket acceptance of empty claims of safety in use.
Interesting points Peter – regular runs through a full body scanner at Schiphol Airport (Amsterdam) a couple of years ago (ending a year back) may have brought on a few “calcium issues”. For example – prostate now has calcium deposits (found in echo scan) that were not there 18 months ago…. Calcium level in arteries have increased…. Certainly raging plays a part, but just how much it has been “assisted” by scanning…
And I still have not received any answers at all (including from this site) of the effects of postal / package scanning on medical products sent from USA to Europe.. I am sure they must be scanned!!!
“aging” not “raging” – thanks auto spell checker!!!
You were right raging…we all should be outraged because its all a lie and just another reason for the government to privatize another agency and ask for billions of tax payer dollars that have no effect. They open the borders and bring in illegal immigrants/aliens that rape, kill, commit unspeakable acts and give them I.D.s and benefits, but we must receive a rectal exam. REDICULOUS
Millimeter waves used for decades all over MARS VENUS the SUN Astronomy too.
These are used to image depths of soils and waters and atmospheres..
good vs. evil that’s what we have going on now these can heal diagnose and also wreak much havoc too. The government always uses technology as a weapon long and then may release the healing modalities later on…
Terahertz is 1000x faster than gigahertz – it’s the next step in computers – it is substantially higher than any ionizing rads. and is at the border of heat and light itself. When one sees them viewing the insides of luggage what they are using is full blown terahertz / millimeter wave equipment; and this has not even been achieved anywhere in commercial electronics at that level – and even here the image is low grade and in purposely false color rendition. What they have is the total image in full color at millimeter by millimeter steps, and can zoom in to microscopic degrees at will. And this makes all CAT MRI etc.. obsolete in the extreme and those machines I say are so dangerous in all ways. This modality I speak of can diagnose and treat anything at once. Now this is only what we get.
In the old says microwaves in radar were used to bounce off not penetrate a target for tracking. The only way this can go into steel and materials is if some terahertz component is added to the BEAM.
At that point we have an obnoxious wifi / cell tower etc.. that one cannot escape too easily because of the SECRETIVE embodiment employed. As I say we in civilian life have no way of using terahertz, let alone understand what is being BEAMED at and through us. Even detection is beyond the citizen.
The transmission uses an antennae that employs a mathematical algorithm using FRACTAl CODE Propagation. This is NOT yet know to anyone in particular outside the government.
Take also into consideration that one tower can broadcast 10 Kilowatts 10,000 watts minimum of radio frequencies – no one really has measured any outputs or cares to know.
I feel for you, so sorry to hear of your predicament. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
I came across this yesterday…you may find it of interest as regards latest developments in understanding CFS and FM.
It took 4 years of UK petitions to get the EU to rule that the ‘no scan/no fly’ rule in the UK was illegal.
Social media can be fabulous….can we get an international petition going to remove all body scanners due to the false-positive rate as per the Germans plus associated health risks. This petition could be presented to The Hague in the category ‘Crimes Against Humanity’.
Millimeter wave scanners also have problems reading through sweat, in addition to yielding false positives from buttons and folds in clothing. Some countries, such as Germany, have reported a false-positive rate of 54%.
No scan/ no fly rule illegal:
As from the 22nd of November 2013, the UK government’s “No Scan / No fly” rule in which air passengers who refuse to pass through a body scanner were refused the right to fly, is to be scrapped.
The rule, which has been in place at UK airports since February 2010, was deemed to be illegal by the European Commission earlier this year and as a result the Secretary of State for Transport (UK) has just announced that passengers will have the choice of an alternative pat-down screening procedure.
I work at Jostens in Denton Texas, the graduation ring manufacturer. Just this week we started having to go thru a body scanner on our way out the building. They assured us is safe, but how can it be? I don’t believe it. I know they need to protect their assets, but they are putting our health at risk.
I don’t know but it sounds like the employees there [and you] are honest and been there awhile?
So many companies are pressured from ‘the outside’ to have ‘security’ on their agenda.
And are encouraged to buy/lease these items.
All I’d do is ask about the machine and what kind it is? Like is it X- ray or millimeter wave. If it is millimeter wave then it is only far infrared passing through the person, as far as I can tell. Or if it is merely a metal detector which uses magnetic fluxes, which can be pretty safe. I say all that because actually I don’t trust these rogues posing as superiors – a long record of crime they have. World wide.
I love these types of articles. Had I been an attorney. I would send out mass mailing to TSA Agents informing them of their right to compensation from a class action tort claim against the manufacturer and US Govt for cancer causing microwaves of these machines. To quickly go to cancer detention doctor at 123 maple street or contact our office for a doctor near you. Sue the manufacturer and suppliers for billions and provide 1000 usd compensation to the plantiff’s. That is the American way……
I was threatened by a TSA agent who said if I don’t go through the Scanner, they will have to touch me in places I don’t want to be touched.
That’s HIGHLY inappropriate; I hope you reported that agent!
Good article. Here is another great explanation that goes into more detail.
None of these abuses of unlawful searches without a warrant is about Safety. It is about Control. Step by step to Completely Control and Desensitize the population to the point that “anything and everything the government says it considered the truth”.
Thank you for this info Ty. I will keep this in mind and, also try to eliminate microwave use.
What impact do these scanners have on pregnant women. My 5 year old was diagnosed with Leukemia last year. I am still searching for answers. I travelled to Asia when I was 3 months pregnant with her. Could these scanners have anything to do with it?
I believe they don’t let pregnant women and young children go through the body scanners or the original x-ray scanners for a reason. You must let them know and they should not harass you. It could be a factor, but there could be other factors as well. You can check out the Hoxsey Bio-Medical Center or the Hope4Cancer Institute in Tijuana, Mexico for your child with Leukemia.
Yes! Read the book, “The Woman Who Knew Too Much” the story of Mary Alice Stewart, the doctor who invented epidemiology. She found just one Xray during pregnancy caused childhood cancer, and depending upon when in gestation that Xray occured, determained what type of cancer the child would have. My husband had throat cancer CAUSED by Xrays to his neck. There is also a good book called “Dr Mary’s Monkey’s” about how the govt developed a weapon using virus injected into individuals and then Xrayed them to get cancer deaths within just 28 days, every time…. RADIATION causes cancer and the lower doses are the most dangerous because they cause DNA mutations instead of cell death.
Another option is to pay $85 and get a TSA Pre-Check Travel number. Submit the number to the airline when you buy your ticket. You then go through the old fashioned metal detector and don’t have to wait in a long line.
Do you know if this is available to non American citizens as well? If so, I would like to get it. I just returned from the USA and I am going back next week.
It shouldn’t cost anything for that. Basically, if you’re concerned about the safety of the scanners, and you’re poor, you either have to take what is likely a full day’s wage (and that’s about right for me as a teacher after taxes/insurance) and give it to the TSA to get around the scanner OR pay with your time having to get patted down. Doesn’t seem fair at all. That $85 can feed my family of 4 for a week. Just some perspective. $85 sounds simple to some.
I believe you can still be randomly chosen (I think by a red light) to be sent into the full body scan. One of the last times we flew a few months ago we had TSA Pre-Check and I was sent to the body scanner and my husband was not. I always opt out but had to go through my “massage” ordeal.
Is the TSA Pre-Check the same as using the NEXUS card for airline travel?
Thank you so much, Ty, for this very informative article. Although airport security personnel do not always give you an option, we always request a pat down which they have to comply. More people should be aware of this health danger and their choice to opt out of a body scan.
This is most enlightening information for me. Next time I fly I will ask to opt out but I have never seen this done before so I hope they will allow me to have the ‘pat down’ as I travel a lot. It is depressing to think that the powers that be are not looking after our interests. Can pressure be put on the governments in the world and not just in America to do something about this or how can we as concerned citizens of the world put pressure on the authorities to change this method of security control? I live in Ireland.
Thank you for the Information great to be aware I’m not planning to go to America for these reasons but your info was good
Ty, microwave ovens don’t work at the same frequencies as stated in the article. Ovens operate in the freq. range of 2 Ghz to 3 Ghz. Millimeter waves are in the freq. range 30 GHz to 300 GHz. I don’t know whether these higher freq’s are less harmful or more harmful.
Ir’s hard to say for sure but millimeter waves as you state are pre infra red meaning they are a form of far IR. This is non ionizing unlike x rays and microwaves – when they look at planets this way they can easily look through layers of ocean and or soils the key is heat sensing via millimeter waves and another name is terahertz [named after the ‘terrorists?]
An idea is this: when you see them scan through suitcases and actually see the items what they employ is millimeter technology. And they increase contrasts and false colors when in FACT the imaged items inside are rendered [can be easily rendered] in full true color and close up making this superior to MRI CAT scans as harmless and non invasive totally real time in full color! They have to heavily disguise it all. And make the technology purposely vague and actually harmful in the case of x ray scanners.
I really think cell phones pose a hazard that is cumulative and much more harmful emit lots of ionizing radiation and so do computers as much of our technologies should be all at once trashed and replaced – the government has much more than subsidized cell phone towers and handed the technology on a silver platter too such a degree that the phone providers are actually merely a front for the US Government. The cost of such a network simply cannot add up unless the actions of unclassified agencies assist this fast escalating threat to life on earth. How can microwaves penetrate metal and concrete where in the past that band was used in RADAR nd they way it worked is to bounce waves off a target miles away and record the faint echo of a ‘purely reflected’ pulsed square wave.
So now we have the same BAND of microwaves used in RADAR OK, and these now penetrate metal and are very strong for the power broadcast. The Cell phone towers are broadcasting 5 KILOWATTS to 15 and maybe 20 KILOWATTS continuous and in pulsed mode – there is a terahertz component making up the signal making the CELL SIGNAL MANY MANY times stronger than a RADAR BEAM!
So near and facing this, a tower can light up an apartment with directly RMS 1000 watts easily night and day.
Are you aware of DFuzeEMF.com?
To those who fly frequently you might check out X-R Shield by Life Extension. I have taken this product, it is supposed to offer some repair of DNA damage and protection form radiation. They had an extension article in Life Extension magazine that discussed the benefits of this and lemon balm tea and some studies done on exposure to CAT scans and x-rays. I believe the article was in the year 2015.
I’ve been consuming Life Extension products for several years. I do have the Dec. 2015 magazine issue Caroline is referring to. In case the attached link doesn’t show up, you can look up online “Cancer risks of CT scans” by Life Extension. It’s a very detailed article that includes 39 references. “X-R Shield” and “Chlorophyllin” are two Life Extension inexpensive supplements that offer protection from ionizing radiation and toxins. lifeextension.com/magazine/2015/12/cancer-risks-of-ct-scans/page-01
My message left too early! i’d like to add that the Consumer Reports March 2015 issue contains an article entitled “The Surprising Dangers of CT Scans and X-rays”.As stated in another article of the Life Extension Dec. 2015 magazine issue, the late Dr. John Gofman, MD, PhD, wrote many books documenting higher cancer rates in those exposed to medical radiation.
I also opt out every time. I’ve had a wide range of responses over the years, mostly professional, but also belligerent and actually downright unprofessional. Even had one agent try to instigate an argument, with rolling eyes, about the safety of the scanners. I still just stand my ground, what else can one do?
It’s a good thing I don’t fly. So,these were brought in because of 911,but why? Anyone who knows about the suppressed story of the destruction of World Trade Centre building 7,knows that 911 was an inside job. Any video on this subject are the heaviest censored videos on you tube.
Laying the groundwork for “The One World Order,” that’s why.
The day after the last time I went through a scanner, I developed diffuse joint and muscle pain, bone-crushing fatigue (jet lag from
Dallas to Denver, probably minimal) and then small, red pimples showed up all over my body. A friend who is well-versed in homeopathy, suggested I take some homeopathic x-ray (wished I’d thought of that! ) I flushed from head to toe and within hours started regaining energy. The pimples resolved in 48 hours and I felt normal again, without the pain. My desire to fly ended with this experience. It will take a major emergency for me to fly commercial ever again.
I agree with your article.I carry a Diode in my pocket,blocks radiation from entering your body.works for your cell phone too.wear it on the left side of your body.I’ve had one for probably 10 years.
How many people fly in and out of the US and all other countries in the world each year? Of these fliers, how many can directly relate a condition developed from the body scanners ? How would this percentage compare to the normal rate of contracting a specific condition in the population annually? I understand the the affects of this radiaiton on the body, but for the sake of argument, can anyone provide this comparison?
TSA recently announced they don’t have to offer pat downs any longer, so we got pre-check (what a crock…) to avoid this issue, only to find out not all airlines participate in pre-check. For example. Frontier does not participate.
I got fed up with TSA years ago. I realize it’s not an option for everyone, but I just don’t fly anymore. Those that have to fly might want to look into a charter airline. Just do a search for ‘alternative to commercial air travel.’
I’ve been opting out since day one. Doing so does not endear you to the staff because they believe you are getting more radiation by flying in a plane, so why are you causing them the hassle and wasted time of a pat down?
Most folks are polite, some are argumentative, and some are deliberately insulting (verbally and physically when they do the pat down), but I just smile and insist. (The staff are desperate to believe that there is no harm because the alternative would mean that they are getting residual exposure. This possibility is too scary for them to contemplate so try to have some compassion.)
Folks flying with children under 13 get the whole family automatically opted out – I wonder why? Does that make you more worthy of trust or do they know that there are especially damaging effects to little ones?
I don’t think children under 13 are automatically opted out. I took my 6 years old and 7 years old to China from USA last month and asked for “pat down”. But the manager-looking guy came over and refused. He told me that wasn’t an option and the radiation was safe. We had to go through the scanner.
Thank you for the article. We have recently purchased la personal BLUESHEILD TESLA devise (at a large cost) that is supposed to protect us from emf. Does anyone have any feed back on these??
My husband and sometimes my self have to fly for work. Last trip through Asia was 12 flights with all the scanning for each. We also have health issues and it is very scary to think this is doing so much harm.
If you don’t want to go through the scanners or have a pat down instead of scanners, you will only travel anywhere by car so you will have to travel in your own country and never see the world, there is more to this world than a lot of Americans realise. There is a lot of America to be seen so stay home and see America.
If they don’t offer an opt out do as I would do, stripe down to my underwear and ask them to take a look for weapons- there ain’t (isn’t) anything to pat down so put the “ball” so to speak back in their court. You will fly one way or another.
Just ‘living’ is frightening and can cause stress these days. All travel is dangerous to a point. Try putting a microwave meter on the dash of your car and you will soon find that a trip to the shops will be more dangerous for you than a microwave oven in your kitchen! However, no way am I ‘approving’ microwave ovens or airport detectors! It is in the interests of Governments to keep us ‘just a little bit sick’, so they don’t want to declare what is in our food and water, in the air we breathe and the soil under our feet. As individuals, we can but try. Avoid all the ‘nasties’ we can, and try not to stress about everything else. I fly once a year and try to cut out as many stop over’s as possible.
I then ‘down’ plenty of Vit. C and Chlorella, try for plenty of sunshine and relaxation, and enjoy life.
Just being in an airport must be dangerous,…being in the airplane is dangerous, ..I recently took my grandies on a boat, looking for dolphins,….yep, I nearly died with the diesel! Short of sitting at home and eating my organic food,……??? …but then the chemicals in my furniture might be an issue!
No, I’m not being scarcastic,…………I fully understand the horrors of modern life, and I feel terribly for future generations, but I do wonder how many people make a fuss at the airport detector and then make their way to the café for a coffee and chips!!
People from other countries that fly in/out of American airports must think we have lost our minds to allow such intrusion and injustice. Other countries do NOT have security checks like U.S.A. It’s embarassing. I’ve opted out for many years. Read Louis Ann Gittleman’s ZAPPED. You’ll opt out too!
I am a career radio frequency engineer and inventor, fourth decade working with this stuff, most of you have owned one thing or another containing my work in radio, cordless phones, cell phones, digital TV, Bluetooth, GPS, NFC, in-car/on-car wireless, wireless charging. I get paid to make fringe science a reality. And I’m “awake”, to the chagrin of people I do business with, although it was an old industry colleague that “woke me up” so I’m “paying it forward”. I personally set the safety standards for exposure to wireless charging products. First I will tell you all that non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation CAN and DOES hurt you. It’s not by heating, but by direct mechanical DNA damage. Depending on which chromosome is in question, a given DNA strand’s first field-excited mechanical resonance is between 400MHz and 550MHz. They are also susceptible to mechanical resonance at integer harmonics of those frequencies. Exposure to strong enough RF at 400MHz and above, up to the THz (terahertz) band, shakes DNA into extreme excursions causing breakage and translocation defects right there in the helices. Analog UHF TV (300MHz band) and below just happened to be below the danger zone; so for decades we lucked out. But with the advent of paging and cordless phones (450MHz and above) and cellular (presently 700MHz for Verizon’s lowest LTE band, up to 2600MHz for Sprint’s highest WiMax band), and now WiFi (2.4GHz, 5.8GHz bands) we’re exposing ourselves to all kinds of cumulative physical DNA damage. TSA scanners are in the damaging frequency range – stay out of them! (I’ve NEVER been scanned) Above submillimeter range, once you get to longwave IR (thermal radiation) you’re in the clear, through the visible spectrum, until you get to UV-A which is ionizing (breaks covalent molecular bonds). Going back to devices in your life – Try not to talk on the phone with it right next to your head… use speakerphone mode or a wired or Bluetooth headset (yes they’re 2.4GHz but generally are only transmitting about a milliwatt, below what I consider the over-shake threshold). Don’t spend time near WiFi routers. Don’t live within a third of a mile of a cell tower if you can help it. Keep “smart meters” off your house. Keep the laptop computer or tablet off your lap if you’ve got the WiFi turned on.
And do what Ty’s Guys tell you.
Being a type 1 Diabetic with an insulin pump and continuous glucose monitor I refused and accepted the awkward pat down. I fly at least once a month, so I broke down and paid for the TSA Pre-check. Easy as heck to go through and just walk through the regular metal detector. If you fly often, this is the way to go.
Great article and great feedback, I raised this with friends earlier in the week, who scoffed. I when pregnant early 2000 I refused to go through exit scanners in shops and libraries, staff are told ‘they are safe’ but have no idea how they actually work. I am very electrically sensitive, having been struck by lightning 3 times etc. Along that line and tongue in cheek (partially) I do often wonder, reading this article on a laptop on a desk, what the effect of my breasts is, and when on my lap, on my gut bacteria. In Australia we don’t have the option of pat downs, if you try and insist they assume you ARE a drug dealer and are rude and aggressive, attitude is to make you pay for not wanting to be nuked. Even when you are walking through the metal detectors (how do these work?) you are alongside a very powerful xray machine, nuking your hand luggage…..
Thank you Mr. Ty . Since i got connected with this articles, you have been taught me alot & i have been learnt alot and also sharing with my beloved bothers & sisters whom they are enjoyed. May God bless you & your family the good articles you share with every one all over the world. Again i said thank you.
In Australia there is no option when asked to undergo that check. Can you suggest any alternative when flying out of Australian airports?
Thank you so much for this validation of my feelings all along. We have done a tremendous amount of traveling over the last four years. I allowed myself to use the scanner, having heard about nasty experiences that many of my travel companions have had with pat downs. Well, I recently was diagnosed and treated for a melanoma on my hairline. Many were surprised, as I am one who takes much responsibility for my health. I will never use a TSA scanner again.
I remember going through the Canada US border at the 1000 Island crossing between Ontario and New York a few years ago. The US side was supposedly testing out a new way of inspecting incoming vehicles. They had a truck, equipped with a big X-ray machine, drive slowly by a lineup with my car with a few others, scanning them with X-rays. They told the passengers to stand off to the side a few feet while they did this. I sized up the situation and moved off way more than the few feet suggested.
When I asked for information about possible radiation exposure from this procedure, the operators, who were clearly not well informed themselves, brushed me off with some sort of security line that amounted to: “mind your own business”. I tried to find out more about this procedure but never got a proper answer. I never saw a similar process again and still wonder what was the result of their ‘test’.
it’s a wonder they are not used for weight loss / scanners in some stores have caused people to involuntarily urinate.
I have not been able to travel lately, but I have been through twice. It scares children as they have to leave their parents and walk through alone
Finally someone spoke up just as I was about to,, and told them how to help this little tot manage her fear and walk through. Have the parents on the other side to walk toward. Scan the teddy, or doll ahead and give it to her to hang on to. It worked. Fright should not be on the menu as it lasts longer than most realize.
I always figured these scanners were not safe. Any radiation is harmful. I worry about friends who fly for their work. The ‘pat down’ has an innate disturbing sense to it, so that would be harder I think for me. But that is the safer way.
Well my daughter and I went recently to El Salvador, Central America, she has rehumatoids arthritis since she was 4 years old, now she is 20, she takes medicines which makes her in mine system down. As soon she seat down in the airplane she started with allergy, lot of sneezing. We stayed there for about two weeks. When we comeback two days later, she started with high fewer and developed a big rash in her all body, took her to the specialist of infections deseases UCLA, Doctor believes she got chicken pox, even though she got as a baby 1.5 years old, maybe Zika or chinchinguya. Due to a lot of mosquitos bites and the TSA. Since we travel in airplane she comeback straight to the hospital.
Thank you, Ty, for your research and also to the commenters.
I have never gone through one of these scanners and I never will. Every airport tells me they are no more dangerous than a cell phone. And then I have to ask them do you really know how good cell phones are for you??
My great grandmother died of cancer back in 1940. Before pesticides, before gmo’s, before TSA scanners. With a purer environment and healthier foods back then, what would have caused her cancer?
Possibly a compromised immune system, due to a number of factors including age, insufficient quality sleep (low Melatonin), excessive emotional stress, excessive UV from Sun, poor Diet, Smoking (even second hand), and genetics. There are/were a lot of things which place our immune system under constant assault, even back in 1940. It’s just a lot more nowadays, but still far from non-existent even back then.
It should be obvious from our experience with the FDA, that the TSA also lies about safety. I do just as much travel as possible by car and Amtrak.
Why do those TSA agents that work near the machines have a high cancer rate? Why do ex. employees of Rapiscan have those white radiation marks on their arms. Now the TSA has a policy of not opting out. RF radiation is a nightmare. I can not go anywhere around that stuff and not have a TIA mini stroke, dizziness or headache and lots of other symptoms. Makes the autoimmune stuff go out of sight-INFLAMMATION increases. I do not think I would make it through the radiation of the airport long enough to get to check in. I think RF radiation has been underplayed as a cause of cancer.
Check out the numerous videos on youtube of “blood samples after using a cellphone, wifi, or smart meter. You will see the same patterns in the blood that cancer patients have. The cells get funny and clump together.
Thanks, but the discussion is not about X-rays, its about airport scanners. It is a well known fact that X-rays during pregnancy pose a big threat and no doctor ever allows that. On the other hand, doctors do not give us any advise regarding airport scanners. My question is, is there any study about how airport scanners affect the unborn child?
All in this discussion is relevant thanks back to you! And informative to me!
This TTAC article is hazy and a wee bit slap dash. But in this topic there is a huge silence and gap about the actual devices technology and embodiments being withheld from not only citizens but electronics industries and innovators as well. I defy anyone to write the information I have on the technology; and welcome any and all debates, sure! – I have never seen truthful even introductory articles beginning to detail what is being broadcast out there. On this broad topic everything is relevant and all input necessary!
Ask Electronics Engineers they are left in the dark glaringly.It’s difficult for laypersons to ask about something that is systematically kept secret and unavailable to anyone but cell phone makers and the government all of whom are complicit and guilty.
Medicine has a technology so non invasive compared to MRI and CAT scans which make the patient radioactive and saturate the body with highly penetrating magnetic fields now and the images can be interpreted differently by different ‘experts’.
Millimeter waves can broadcast in full color with no other machines from across the room – and millimeter by millimeter scan all layers of the body using only far infrared radiation [heat]. and since it is close to light frequencies is by default non ionizing.
Astronomers are having a bad time ‘seeing’ in these high end bands since no real instrument can amplify beginning millimeter waves as is said. The industry cannot basically approach this yet. And yet again it is right there at all air ports in this country utilizing broad band millimeter waves in each city in our faces.
But we see now the lies.
I just had a heart attack, died 6 times. Had to be admitted again due to meds bring too strong because my heart recovered, which they said was half dead. Ok they took stress test, used radioactive isotope injection. Then put through a special x-ray machine. I swear to heaven I could feel the heat wave from this machine . Then had echocariagram right afterwards. Then had to get images from that special x-ray machine again – I don’t know why. I’m sure I’m headed for some kind of cancer coming up. I have 3 benign tumors in my right thigh. One is plumped up and feels like a ball. When I asked about the radioactive isotope they were quick to avoid any answers. If anyone knows about thus stuff can you email me. Maureenjones@att.net. Thanks.
I always opt for the pat down in the US and I have never had a problem with that. I live in Australia who are currently starting to use the same system and the option for pat down is apparently not available.
Airport TSA scans are a small dose of the toxic electromagnetic cocktail we are all swimming in.
For over a year now, I have been perplexed by the rapid increase and speed of my failing eyesight. Then this article gave me the answer… I went through a millimeter scanner in October, 2014. Eyesight has been declining exponetially ever since!! Never again will I allow such a thing.
i have been told that i have cancer starting in my eye. and much more cancer spots on my arms and chest (the only things that are exposed at these machines.) we all have to die of something. even answering your cell phone is dangerous. they built not one, but TWO cell towers in costa rica next to our home. so it is not just in the states. if you want to travel those machines are the consequences i guess and they route you THROUGH the USA to get anywhere these days anyway. i’ve copped nothing but a lot of bad attitude at TSA so i just shut up and ‘take it’. i know one day there will be a class action lawsuit and they will ask for your flight records to prove all the cancer you have in order to receive pitttance monetary compensation. in the meantime, travel while you can before the world becomes more dangerous to travel anyway. it is already a cluster $%^ to do so. the people at TSA are not the most upper crust of the employment pond scum anyway. ‘gotta do what they say’ and they can be very rude and make your flight schedule missed if they want.
Thank you for the support. With hardware in my body due to a hip replacement, i always request a ‘pat down’ to avoid the full body scanner which reminds me of those foot scanners in shoe stores when I was a kid.
I’m a longtime RF engineer, an “awake” one. My emphatic advice is to stay out of the scanners. Even non-ionizing radiation from 400MHz on up can damage DNA by driving mechanical resonance on the DNA strands themselves; both breakages and translocation defects. This advice extends to exposure to cell phones against one’s forest, CT scans (which IS a fancy X-ray machine, get an MRI or ultrasound instead), standing close to microwave ovens, sitting near or under WiFi access points, and living within a third of a mile of a cell tower or a mile of a UHF TV broadcast tower.
oops – meant to say “flesh”, not “forest”
One of my supporters submitted this concern to me which I published at http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj37/59.html in which he is deeply concerned about the staff, pilots, and passengers because of these scanners. He made some recommendations as to how to alleviate this situation.
So see how long ago that was? During that time it got much more intense !
And the ‘responses’ were nil?
Everyone has blinded themselves especially the escape to fantasy via traveling; communications and health matters.
Ty, here’s another documentary waiting to be produced — with the info in these comments!
Airline personnel used to have unions that protected them. Do they still? Aren’t they experiencing electrical sensitivity or radiation pollution sickness in high numbers? Out of 6.6. billion people, approx 35% experience some symptoms. Airline flight attendants were very instrumental in banning cigarette-smoking from flights. How many were injured, or died of cancer during the process? The exposure to electromagnetic radiation in any airport terminal is probably much higher than a TSA body scan, and the exposure from inflight wifi lasts much longer.
BTW – I think I mentioned early in this discussion that U.S. discount carrier SPIRIT AIRLINES does not offer onboard WIFI. I fly Spirit whenever possible and let their staff know why.
I am reminded that the terrorist won, every time I go to an airport, and have to bow down to the TSA, the most visible sign of the defeat of freedom, against a mortal enemy.
What would be interesting is to track the number of TSA workers that get cancer since they stand by the machines all day long.
www dot infowars dot com /cancer-surges-in-body-scanner-operators-tsa-launches-cover-up/
Has anyone used homeopathy to offset the effects? We’re getting radiation while in flight too and damage from our smart phones. I don’t see any way to completely avoid it.
While the cosmic radiation you receive in an aircraft at altitude is stronger than what you get on the ground it is radiation that the human race developed with. Not the same stuff as radiation from machines like scanners and cellphones (cordless phones and WiFi routers may be much much worse) and the distinction may seem minor though actually is important.
The aircraft systems quite probably radiant more harm than the cosmic radiation will ever do and if the cabin has WiFi you are getting hit hard from that source – these things are not benign.
Full body scanners emit radiation like most mechanical devices that is anything but natural and can be very disruptive to the human body which is why we need to limit our exposure – period. Cosmic radiation should not be lumped in with these mechanical sources.
I’ve tested microwave ovens with an EMF/RF meter in friends and family’s homes. It doesn’t matter the age or brand, they all leak radiation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwcr6UiM2uE
Microwave ovens are more powerful than many think, nor are they so well sealed either. I have tested top brands and found the signal at maximum on my equipment for up to 20 feet (6+metres). That is with the door closed and functions normal. Radiating devices can emit what are called ‘side lobes’ of energy and these can be quite powerful too. Even to the back as well so only by careful measurement can the actual radiation be determined. Shielding is a difficult task and expensive.
The TSA assured everybody that the first scanners were perfectly safe and it was later found that they were relying on the manufacturer’s tests and these proved to be very questionable.
Be very, very careful with ‘official’ claims of safety as some years later they all too often are proved otherwise – far too many to be unintended accidents or mistakes so there is a very long list in almost every field.
Got the pat down today after yellow squares showed up, again, on the scanner, for nothing. I felt violated like I was being molested. This is a choice of two evils.
Sorry to hear that. No fun. Somehow my uber-hot wife always gets flagged for further insurrection. I wonder why.
I flew for the first time in years this week. I opted out of the scans, and into deliberately very public pat-downs (my choice), to make everyone as embarrassed as possible. Handsy lugs can’t give me cancer.
I opted for the public pat-down too but I didn’t find it overly intrusive. What I thought was uncomfortable was when I was directed not to touch any of my belongings, especially after the homeopathic remedies I wrapped in foil triggered an alert on the way home. Funny how no one caught them traveling to my destination.
I have questioned the body scanners many times because when you get a dental x-ray, they put a heavy shield on your chest to protect you. At the airport, they are x-raying your whole body. I do not see how they can possibly claim this is a safe procedure. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR
I’m concerned. Once when I was pregnant, even though I asked not to, they had me go through the body scanner. Once. My son is now 14 months and completely fine but I’m worried it will have an effect on him at some point later. Cancer is the number one disease killer in children aged 0-15…
Any further info would be appreciated.
Dear Jessica. Look forwards with positivity not back in fear. What is done is done and the issue is not that a one time event with such a machine is dangerous, and certainly not what a dissenting pregnant woman should be forced to undergo, it is that the benefit, if any for security does not at all out way the repeated exposure of the travelling public to a radiation exposure. The scanners are not justified on many levels. The airport workers who are subjected to repeated daily exposures are the ones at real risk and there is strong suggestion that some are suffering – albeit bullied into silence as they do so.
At age 4 1/2 until 5 years I was in hospital with Stills Disease, a relative of Polio and subjected to repeated X-Rays at a time when the machines were crude and powerful enough to blast a city block at each shot and probably did. It could potentially have been extremely harmful later in life in so many ways though fortunately has not been. I am a robust active fit 67 year old after 43 years working as a pilot which exposed me to repeated Cosmic radiation as well as bad air quality, general environmental risks and the nonsense pretending to be security at airports.
Do not fear for your son, avoid the scanners if you can and ensure you enhance both your son’s and your own health with knowledge of all the other potential hazards which in total will far out way the risk of the one exposure you both received in the airport scanner. Clearly that you are following Ty’s efforts and the support team he connects you with you are doing a great deal more than most. Well done, be positive and evolve with a strong self confidence.
Jessica, I agree with Peter’s comments. A one time exposure should not be a worry. Submitting your son to the CDC schedule of vaccines is much more dangerous! Also, having a WIFI router on in your home 24/7, using a cell phone near your son, having a cell phone on in a car with your son, feeding your son food loaded with pesticides and GMOs and MSG is much more dangerous. Focus on building and protecting his immune system. Blessings as you continue being the concerned, loving, nurturing parent that you appear to be.
Thank you so much for your replies. You’re right. Looking forward. Continuing to build him up and protect him. And I follow all of the above! So ahead of the game hopefully. Next is filling out a religious exemption for whatever programs he starts in a couple years. The fun never ends…
I had to do that recently in for high schoolers. My religion, based on the Bible, prohibits us from internally mingling non-human biologically-derived substances with our own, and from ingesting known poisons. Between the Scripture verses and the many prohibited substances that are in the vaccines, it was a long write-up.
I have just returned from a 10-day trip to Europe. Currently, I feel extremely worried after learning that the TSA scanning to which I was submitted at DFW, Heathrow, and CDG were actual xray procedures. There were no signs informing us of that and of the fact that it was not mandatory to do what asked, but one could opt for a hazard-free body search instead. I have long hair and a jeweled hairpin triggered the alarm 3 times; I was not aware of it until later — nor concerned that the procedures were not safe to my health. (I have always refused medical xrays, I opt for alternative medicine and natural health lifestyle.) There should be signs in the security area informing people of the real XRAY nature of screenings and the option for body search — but everybody was being sent through the xray machine! This is like being told you will have a shower and having zyklonB poison sprayed on you in a nazi camp! THERE SHOULD BE WARNNGS POSTED to inform innocent passengers — The way there are warnings on cigarettes packages or in markets about mercury fish hazards…. Everyone was being sent through the xray machine from what I saw, I thought it was normal to comply… (The also patted me at CDG because nobody thought it was the hairpin triggering the alarm since the metal part was covered by beads; I have no travel experience – I think security staff should have figured it first thing and spare me the health hazard xray scanning…). I am terrified after having researched indepths about this matter over the past few days. I am now feeling sick especially after finding a small lump on my forearm three days ago and having had stomach issues (unable to hold food) since yesterday. I would like to know if there are other cases like mine — where customers have complained about the lack of TSA health hazard and body-search option informative signs in airports and who have had strange symptoms subsequent to 3-in-a-row TSA scanning — so that I can immediately join their activist work. The policy of “opting out from xrays” is probably not known by most travelers. I am a teacher who has never harmed anyone, there was no reason to go through this health-damaging process.
Dear Gabriela, Worry creates a stress response which causes adrenalin and cortisol to surge throughout your blood and organs and muscles.These surging hormones will cause you to feel worse, unless you use them in fight or flight. Many things contribute to balanced health, or ill-balanced health. Feeling terrified doesn’t feel good. As you said, you are now feeling sick. Find a thought that feels ‘better’, and focus on that. Focus on eating organic food, drinking spring water, regular gentle exercise, ample, restful sleep, meditation, and sharing information that will benefit others.
Yes, the environment is increasingly toxic. If you use a cell phone and have a WIFI router in your home, you are exposed to more radiation everyday than 3 TSA scans. There is more and more support for reducing exposure to man-made electromagnet radiation. Educate yourself, to reduce your stress, and then educate others, be of service to others; it is the motivation/foundation for effective activism. Everything one does to elevate their consciousness elevates the consciousness of all.
your article contradicts itself…in one place, you say millimeter waves are 30-300 gigahertz, and then later you say that the millimeter waves in the TSA scanners are in the terahertz range. Terahertz is over 1000 gigahertz. which is it?
they are in the first range. loom up l3 commjbicatikns. they manufacture and sell them.
Today I have just been through Heathrow airport and wore a sling to try to avoid the scanner as like Brisbane they will not allow you to opt out for a pat down. I was made to go through even though I had an arm injury. When trying to discuss the dangers to them they threatened to call the police and I would not be allowed to travel on if I kept refusing. After all this they still had to pat me down..I don’t get it! They fall back on the same old argument, “it carries no more radiation than a mobile phone”. I travel a lot for work and it stresses both my husband and I to go through this every time we fly… At least in the US you get an option. I would be interested in a group to lobby for transparency and more information to the public so they could at least have a pat down instead. I have just attended a medical conference in London and we are in for a pandemic of lifestyle diseases…this is not helping!!
I asked for Pat Down at EVV airport instead of scanner, TSA employee categorically refused without explanation. I did fill complaint card.
I was not happy of this situation,, maybe I should opposed that employee??
Note: i’m An airline employee.
How would you all feel if you were forced to walk through these machines every day to be able to get into work?
Not knowing our rights, my four year old son and I were flagged to go through the mmw body scanner in London Heathrow, which we objected to, but the officer said that we both must go through, so we reluctantly went through. That was a few days ago and I still can’t get over the guilt of allowing my son to be subject to this without knowing what long term implications there may be. Do you think my son could be harmed from one exposure? It’s been three days and i’m still terribly upset. Previous to our travel, he had also sustained a head injury and had broken skin on his nose. I feel so upset about the whole ordeal. Any advice / insight would be much appreciated.
Thanks for writing this article, very informative.
Hi Rachel –
We appreciate you reaching out to us about this.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area: https://www.ifm.org/find-a-practitioner/
Blessings and love!
Thanks for your reply. I’ll look into seeking expert advice. Besides medical advice what are your thoughts on what happened. Do you or any of the readers here think a one time exposure would likely harm a four year old? Thanks again.
Okay. The last two times I traveled, within 48 hours of being home, I got flu like symptoms, nausea and diarrhea!! Second time was worse than first and took a day longer to recover. I haven’t had the flu since going gluten free in over a decade. This is very unusual. My sister has been very sick like this the last few times she has flown? Any one else get flu like symptoms from flying???
Hi Kelly –
This may be worth looking into for you. Perhaps your immune system is weak. Or it could be the airport radiation or nervousness.
It would be best to consult with a health professional about this.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area: https://www.ifm.org/find-a-practitioner/
Blessings and love!
I just realized that if you own a small carry on pet you will bypass the scanner and a full pat down all together. I am from Hawaii so I’m not sure if this applies to other airport procedures. When me and my wife would fly inter-Island together we would more than often have to bring our chihuahua. Once at the scanner you would pull your pet out of carrier then wait your turn in front of scanner. Agent will then become aware of this then direct you around the machine and then wait for another agent to assist. That agent then wipes the palm of hands with swab pads then places it in another machine ,I assume to detect if you came in contact with any hazardous residues that may cause concern or pose a threat. If you turn out fine your free to go just like that, not to mention the ability to talk story with them and lighten the mood with your cute pet as the conversation starter/ender Lol!