As Americans, we have the amazing privilege of living in a country where, for the most part, we still have the opportunity to embrace life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without excessive government intrusion into our personal lives. But when it comes to the foods we eat every day, the United States is arguably at the bottom of the pile in terms of food quality and safety. The unfortunate truth is that our increasingly tainted food supply is taking a major toll on public health.
Not to sound like an alarmist, but the modern American food supply truly is a minefield of toxic threats. We are routinely exposed to chemical additives and preservatives, many of which are banned in other countries. We face constant exposure to unlabeled genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), pesticide and herbicide residues, and perhaps the biggest threat of all that you’ve probably never even heard of − mycotoxins.
Most of these toxins found in food aren’t visible to the naked eye and don’t have a distinctive flavor, so you probably don’t even know you’re consuming them. But your body sure does, and the culmination of this perpetual toxic exposure could spell chronic disease or even early death. This is why it’s vitally important to know what to look for and avoid in the foods you eat, and it’s the reason why I’ve put together this important article for your enlightenment.
Mycotoxins: A Major Toxic Threat Hiding in Your Food
Planet earth is a lot like the human body. It is a living, breathing organism dependent upon an immensely complex and unfathomably large microbiome that populates its upper crust. Much like our own intestinal tract, the earth’s soils contain hordes of beneficial bacteria. These friendly bugs help keep living ecosystems everywhere in proper balance, as well as supply plants and food crops with vitamins, minerals, and other critical nutrients.
The earth’s microbiome also helps protect lifeforms from being destroyed by pathogenic viruses and fungi… or at least it’s supposed to, anyway. Over the past 30 or so years, these helpful critters have been abused and degraded by persistent chemical pollution. One of the biggest culprits is Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, which many leading experts say is now the leading cause of soil destruction in the world today.
Roundup, which is sprayed by the millions of tons on industrial food crops, not only destroys beneficial soil microbes, but it also chelates (removes) essential nutrients like zinc and copper from them. This leaves the lifeblood of plants and food crops completely stripped of their bio-potential. And, without this protective shield of armor, so to speak, food crops in particular are left vulnerable to toxic destruction by what is now referred to as mycotoxins, which are extremely damaging to human health.
Dave Asprey, the creator of the popular Bulletproof Diet has made addressing mycotoxins his number one priority. This is because these poisons are literally everywhere in the modern, nutrient-depleted food supply. Mycotoxins form from yeast and fungi that develop on foods grown in microbe-deficient soils, which are more the norm than the exception these days. Mycotoxins can lead to nervous system damage, hormone imbalances, and cancer.
6 Common Toxins You Want to Avoid
The worst mycotoxic offenders, according to a 2011 study published in the Journal of Saudi Chemical Society, include:
- Aflatoxins (AF), a family of fungal-based mycotoxins often found in maize (corn), peanuts, cottonseed, and tree nuts
- Ochratoxins (OT), often found in cereal grains, coffee, dried fruits, wine, beer, cocoa, nuts, beans, peas, bread, and rice
- Trichothecenes, a protein-inhibiting mycotoxin often found in cereal-based foods
- Zearalenone (ZEN), a mycotoxic xenoestrogen found in many food crops grown in glyphosate-treated soils
- Fumonisins (F), often found in corn
- Tremorgenic toxins, often found in spoiled food products
Mycotoxins seem to be most often found in conventional grains, including wheat, corn, barley, and oats. Processed, non-organic foods in general tend to be prone to mycotoxin formation. This is why the creator of the Bulletproof Diet advises adherents to stick with a so-called “Paleo” style diet low in simple carbohydrates, high in healthy fats, and rich in macronutrients.
If you’re looking for guidelines on avoiding mycotoxins, this Bulletproof Diet Roadmap infographic explains in further detail which foods to avoid, and which to embrace to minimize your exposure.
Chemical Food Additives: Banned Elsewhere but Legal in the USA?
Most standard American fare, as you’ll probably notice, doesn’t even come close to fitting the bill for a mycotoxin-free diet. Not only is American food a mycotoxic nightmare, but it’s also a chemical nightmare. This is because of all the additives, preservatives, and colorful food dyes used in much of what you’ll find on grocery store shelves today.
FDA-approved or not, these chemicals don’t in any way contribute to your health or well-being. They only feed the bottom lines of large food corporations that use them to extend the shelf lives of their products and decrease manufacturing costs. And believe it or not, there’s a whole slew of chemicals used in the U.S. food supply that are so noxious that other countries have outright banned them.
Petrochemical-based food colorings, for instance, which usually have numbers next to their names, aren’t allowed in Europe. These include coloring agents like Blue #1 and #2, Yellow #5, and Red #40, among others that are widely used in the United States. You also won’t find ingredients like brominated vegetable oil, folic acid (a synthetic version of natural folate), or butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) in Europe.
Other common food chemicals used here in the United States that are banned elsewhere due to their questionable safety profile include:
- rBHG/rBST artificial growth hormones added to milk
- Antibiotics in meat, poultry, and fish
- Propylene glycol in food and alcohol
- Arsenic in chicken
The Food Quality Double-Standard (America vs the U.K.)
Strangely enough, popular food brands often use completely different ingredients in the United Kingdom and elsewhere than they do here in the U.S. to make similar, but vastly different, products. The American version of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, for instance, is completely different than Kraft’s “Cheesey Pasta” sold in Great Britain.
Kraft’s Macaroni & Cheese product for the American market contains:
- Enriched “macaroni product” containing a laundry list of synthetic “vitamins” and additives such as niacin, ferrous sulfate (iron), thiamin mononitrate (B1), riboflavin (B2), and folic acid
- Sodium tripolyphosphate, a surfactant chemical
- Sodium phosphate
- Calcium phosphate
- Yellow food colorings #5 and #6, both of which are linked to hyperactivity in children, migraine headaches, anxiety, and blurred vision
Kraft’s “Cheesey Pasta” in the U.K., on the other hand, contains only:
- Unbleached durum wheat semolina, a FAR superior form of wheat than the heavily processed “enriched” wheat used in the U.S. variety
- Cheese Powder
- Whey Powder
- Lactose
- Salt
- Emulsifying Salts
- And all-natural coloring agents derived from paprika and beta-carotenes, the flavonoid pigments found naturally in fruits and vegetables
Vani Hari, the “Food Babe,” published her own extensive exposé on the exploitation of the American food supply by unscrupulous food corporations. She revealed that all sorts of major names like Pringles, Quaker, Betty Crocker, Kellogg’s, and Nabisco do the exact same thing. Even McDonald’s uses an entirely different set of ingredients for its french fries in the United Kingdom than it does here in the States.
The British get a simple recipe of potatoes, vegetable oil, dextose, and salt. Americans get the following with their potatoes:
- Hydrogenated vegetable oils
- Artificial “beef” flavoring derived from hydrolyzed wheat and milk
- Preservatives, sodium acid pyrophosphate, and assorted of other highly-processed oils
- A chemical known as TBHQ (tert-Butylhydroquinone) that keeps these oils from tasting rancid
- A plastic-like Silly Putty chemical known as dimethylpolysiloxane that keeps the deep-fried mess from foaming during the cooking process
Can you say disgusting? The list goes on and on, but I’m willing to bet that you already get the picture and are thoroughly disgusted with this extreme double standard of food quality within the food industry. Why are Americans being subjected to a cornucopia of food chemicals while the rest of the world consumes real (or at least much cleaner) food? It’s a matter of public policy.
GMOs: Why are they Legal, Let Alone Unlabeled?
You see, the American regulatory system has been whittled away by special interests that have convinced our legislators that all these toxic food chemicals are safe. Europe tends to take a much more precautionary approach with food additives, approving only those shown to be safe. The U.S. takes a more reactionary approach − unless you can prove a chemical is unsafe, then it’s fair game.
This has likewise translated into failed policies governing biotechnology and the use of GMOs in the food supply. Europe is far more restrictive on the use of transgenic species in food. The U.S. has not only approved their use without adequate safety testing, but also approved their unlabeled use. This means food manufacturers don’t even have to indicate their presence on food labels.
Now that millions of Americans have caught wind of the sham, there is a movement afoot to require mandatory labeling of GMOs, and possibly even an eventual ban. But in the meantime, conscious consumers are educating themselves about which food ingredients are most likely GMO in order to avoid them.
Many food manufacturers are now voluntarily labeling their products as non-GMO using certifications like the Non-GMO Project Verified seal of purity. Others aren’t making it quite as easy, which is why due diligence is required to protect you and your family from these hidden health offenders.
Where are GMO Food Ingredients Lurking?
The most common GMO ingredients found in food include:
- Corn, including corn flour, corn starch, corn oil, and corn syrup (as well as high-fructose corn syrup). Corn derivatives that may be of GMO origin include vitamin C supplements, citric acid, dextrose, and xylitol.
- Soybeans, including soy flour, soy lecithin, and soy protein isolates and concentrates. Soy derivatives that may be of GMO origin include vitamin E supplements, textured vegetable protein, and monosodium glutamate (MSG)
- Cottonseed oil
- Canola oil
- Sugar beets, from which most of the sugar used in processed foods is derived
- Dairy products that contain rBGH/rBST artificial growth hormones
- Aspartame, a common artificial sweetener derived from genetically-engineered bacteria
Avoiding GMOs entirely is becoming increasingly more difficult due to cross-contamination of transgenic species with native ones. Many meat and dairy products also come from animals that are fed transgenic feed, including genetically-engineered alfalfa, which is difficult to trace as a consumer.
Looking for a certified organic label when dealing with these ingredients is your safest bet, as the National Organic Program prohibits the use of GMOs in any organic product. I also recommend reaching out to local farmers and discussing the issue, and partnering with those who’ve made a commitment to using and growing only clean food products. Or best of all… grow your own organic garden with non-GMO seeds.
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Article Summary
America is a great country. But when it comes to the foods we eat every day, the U.S. is arguably at the bottom of the pile in terms of food quality and safety. The unfortunate truth is that our increasingly tainted food supply is taking a major toll on public health.
We face constant exposure to unlabeled genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), pesticide and herbicide residues, and perhaps the biggest threat of all that you’ve probably never even heard of − mycotoxins.
Mycotoxins form from yeast and fungi that develop on foods grown in microbe-deficient soils, which are more the norm than the exception these days. Mycotoxins can lead to nervous system damage, hormone imbalances, and cancer. Processed, non-organic foods in general tend to be prone to mycotoxin formation.
Not only is American food a mycotoxic nightmare, but it’s also a chemical nightmare. This is because of all the additives, preservatives, and colorful food dyes used in much of what you’ll find on grocery store shelves today. There are a number of common food chemicals used in the U.S. that are banned elsewhere due to their questionable safety profile. These include:
- rBHG/rBST artificial growth hormones added to milk
- Antibiotics in meat, poultry, and fish
- Propylene glycol in food and alcohol
- Arsenic in chicken
Popular food brands often use completely different ingredients in the United Kingdom and elsewhere than they do here in the U.S. to make similar, but vastly different, products.
The American regulatory system has been whittled away by special interests that have convinced our legislators that all these toxic food chemicals are safe. Europe tends to take a much more precautionary approach with food additives, approving only those shown to be safe. The U.S. takes a more reactionary approach − unless you can prove a chemical is unsafe, then it’s fair game.
To avoid genetically-modified foods, looking for a certified organic label is your safest bet, as the National Organic Program prohibits the use of GMOs in any organic product. Source out local farmers and partner with those who’ve made a commitment to using and growing only clean food products. Or best of all, grow your own organic garden with non-GMO seeds.
Well I do agree with most of what you said….except this part…
“As Americans, we have the amazing privilege of living in a country where, for the most part, we still have the opportunity to embrace life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without excessive government intrusion into our personal lives.”
When you see hiw they take away the children from their parents if the parents want’s to treat thel otherwise than what the hodpital wants to treat them really doubt awfully about the .,,freedom….and liberty…
I’m in the UK and when I read that about US hospitals being able to retain your children for health reasons if you wanted to take them away is very frightening, just goes to show how powerful the Big Pharma is and the influence it can wield on US citizens.
Yes, I’ve known about that for 25 years or more. I had an illness that the MDs didn’t even admit existed called Systemic Yeast & used a Naturopathic Dr. From CA.
Isn’t all wheat GMO now? I thought it was impossible to even find any other kind of seed – like wheat used to be grown from.
As of yet, I don’t believe there is any GMO wheat. The problem with wheat is how they grow it,we’ve changed the biology in the soil for the most part by using Roundup as a preharvest desiccant to get the wheat to come to maturity at the same time and take out any weeds that would give a problem doing harvest. The same things are done with oats, in the oat miller’s now are not accepting oats that are sprayed with A pre harvest application of Roundup.
Go to you tube look.for the interview where Dave Asprey interviews Dan Huber former member of the USDA , this interview is mind blowing, PLEASE check it out
I cannot believe that people cannot get rid of Monsanto. Or cannot get rid of the products of Monsanto. You could probably persuade Trump to make it as the most important issue of his campaign, instead of talking a lot of rubbish. He will not get anywhere by stirring up racial hatred. But he could get further to persuade people about something which affects all people of all races. You may have other candidates to do the same. The catchphrase is not making America great again, which 99% of the people do not understand, but to make it HEALTHY again. It is inoffensive and in everybody’s interest apart from the pharma and medi-criminals. Use LOGIC
Farmers support GMO’s because they say they get higher yields. They have the choice of growing GMO’s or not. That in itself is a problem. We need to pay farmers for the quality of the food, then we would get some results. Roundup was sold initially as a product that was biodegradable, clearly Monsanto should be charged for this lie.
George Corvin,
I totally agree with you.
Interesting comments! Bottom line: This is Satan the wicked angel ruling the earth- 1 John 5:19. Results Rev 12:12!
Happily, God’s kingdom- His heavenly government will take over the ruling of obedient mankind! All greed and selfishness will be gone! Amen!
Kudos to you, Ann, for knowing this and stating it so accurately! I pray the whole world will soon realize this. Joan
I don’t see how we as a country can claim freedom of choice when we have been robed of our health do to greed and corruption in the food industry. Before we knew what was in our food it was being nutrition deficient all along for sometime. We have been set up for disease how convenient for the medical field.
As for Monsanto and its Roundup — About two weeks ago, I was shopping at Home Depot, and was horrified when I saw the main aisle from the paint department and customer service desk to the door to the garden area. There were hundreds and hundreds of containers of Roundup lining that aisle, and many more stacked up on two pallets just inside the garden shop area.
Doing some quick counting and calculating in my head of what I could see, I figured there were between 1500 to 2000 gallons of Roundup in the store and garden shop.
Yesterday, I returned to Home Depot and they were all gone. I assume people in the area blindly bought all those thousands of gallons of Roundup to spray who-knows-where and on who-knows-what. I hurt inside for all the children who will be exposed to all that poison.
I have found some non- GMO wheat and corn – hope it helps all who are looking for this. The company name is Pleasant Hills Grains and they are very helpful. The only thing is that you have to grind the wheat or corn -as they are in the whole grain. The grain comes in buckets and you can purchase a top to the bucket that lets you us the bucket as your storage unit.
I personally don’t eat grains or beans because I care about my health.I was advised by my chiropractor not eat them.I believe eating these things is where autoimmune diseases start as in myself.Grains particularly are the root of all diseases,particularly when they are ground into flour.Diabetis is at the top of the list
I heard about 97%- 99 % wheat and soy beans are GMO now. So just let thrm go. Not worth putting that in ypur body.
I know when I am in Germany I can eat anything. In US I eat no bread, no meat and no dairy. All too toxic to eat. My mother in law gets sick when she has a peace of bread here, but she can eat all the bread when she stays in Germany. Eutope has less trash food big corporations pushes us to consume like here. We let them feed us. We let them.
I too can eat anything when I am in Europe……Here, I monitor everything…’s awful.
THis is SOOOO sad!!!
Does this means I should avoid eating wheat, peas, corn, any grain, beans?
What if I am growing my own corn?
Corn is universally contaminated with fungus.You should not even eat animals feed corn.Ever since I changed to a phase one diet from ,I’ve cured my arthritis,sinus issues ,the only time I feel bad is if I feed the fungus.All grains are sugar,witch feed fungus,witch make micro toxins,witch cause cancer and all inflammatory disease .The only thing more important than what you eat,is what you don’t eat.
I agree!! I’m on a strict ketogenic diet plus off grains and legumes and dairy after battling cancer…still battling to ensure the mother cell is irradicated. This country is nuts on so many levels. From food to foreign policy. I’m just sick that so many people have no idea!! Especially children who suffer from disease. Pure evil.
I agree with all what you said. Igo to visit my family in Austria, you are not even allowed to bring american seeds over there to plant in your sisters garden. No G M O,s I also checked Colgate Toothpaste from Austria, no Floride in it. All of their Toothpaste are without Floride. It tells me the Pharma wants to make us all sick, so the come with the Poisen meds. Hegelian Dialect. Approach.
I believe we are being exposed to a variety of toxic chemicals. I live in an apartment and can’t grow my own organic vegetables. That being said, if I could I would have to water them with the local city water supply which includes chlorine and fluoride among other unknown chemical and petroleum products. If that wasn’t enough, I live in a city where they have toxic air due to the petroleum they process into gasoline; causing allergy problems in people and animals.
In addition to receiving emails from “The Truth About Cancer”, I receive daily newsletters from Dr. Joseph Mercola, a holistic doctor who is interested in our health and the environment. If you want additional information, google his name and sign up for his newsletter. I have learned from his insights.
I usually don’t get political however, with the election coming in November, I hope voters will elect representatives who will fight for “we the people” rather than self interest groups who do not want full labeling on the food we buy to feed our family. I have read that 90% of the population wants to know. The bill was defeated in the Senate, but the fight may not be over. Make your own informed voting decision, the choice is yours.
I wish all a healthy and happy life.
For Patti: Some grocery stores carry organic products or you can google and purchase them online. Good luck
Repeating something endlessly does not make it true. Unfortunately. Most developed countries are regulated, controlled and restricted like never before in history and monitored at amazing levels so ‘Liberty’ and ‘Freedom’ do not mean what they used to anymore. Governments no longer serve the people only some of the people and maybe only a few of them at that – what I call the Super Elites.
So we are on our own in so many ways. While organic food is likely to be way better than junk full of chemicals etc. these food stuffs, while grown organically can and often are treated with chemicals, for example Bromide (against moulds) for storage and transport. Soil nutrient depletion does not favour organics especially but affects all farming, although the organic grower may make more effort to enrich their soils, they can only grow with what they have.
Grow what you can yourself, swap with other like growers, source local foods direct from growers you trust and buy the best of the rest that you can afford and obtain. Avoid anything manufactured unless you know for sure what it is or have no other choice. These are my goals for health.
And make it all a fun part of your daily life – your survival may depend upon it. Being full of vitality and energy makes life so much more enjoyable.
Parents give life to a child and try to give him/her through sacrifices, love and education a good life. To the state a human being is only an object which can be filled with poisons in the forms of chemicals and radiation and make him/her pay for it with money and his/her life.. It provides the minority with a parasitic existence. It seems that the US leads again. It is as simple as that.
I am a Verified Non-GMO organic farmer and orthomolecular researcher and it is true that the USDA Certified Organic Program does not permit “intentional” GMO seeds.
However, it DOES allow for, “incidental or inadvertent crop contamination”. A HUGE loophole for FOOD INC.
Therefore the USDA Certified Organic Program label is NOT the sure fire symbol to look for.
What is? Well The Non-GMO Project (the Butterfly) label that states VERIFIED with the checkmark requires that all processes in producing a food product must be certified Organic or 100% organic practices. To sum it up – the USDA Organic Program does NOT guaranty Non-GMO… The Non GMO Project Label DOES guaranty Non-GMO …and it also assures you of 100% Organic practices/ingredients. Two for One.
The USDA program allows for inadvertent contamination so you can have a certified organic green label on your zucchini even though your crop was contaminated by the Monsanto farmers field down the road. Look up the USDA Certified Organic Program Regulations and know what their expensive label stands for. In the mean time look for the Butterfly and Checkmark when deciding what to buy.
Great point!! Thank you for posting this.
I have always checked the Non GMO Proj. Label!!
Want to know about the FDA? Read “The History of a Crime Against the Food Law” by Harvey W. Wiley, M.D. who was personally responsible for the creation of the FDA. Written in 1926, this book tells about how the FDA has been corrupt from the onset and how it has never served the purpose for which it was created. It used to be available online, but I haven’t seen it lately … and it was banned across the country for awhile as well, which means it tells a truth that “they” don’t want you to know!
I live in Canada. Does this apply here, too?
I actually would rather eat tomatoes and other veggies and fruits from Canada than in US! That tells a lot!
Recently one Canadian visited me in Europe. She tried to eat few natural organic foods and drink milk that came on the table directly from my (organic, free) cow, but she couldn’t swallow any food that was alive. Her body reacted violently on any unprocessed food that came into her mouth.
She explained that ALL FOOD in Canada has to be irradiated, sterilized. She told us that Canadians are trying to fight this law, without success.
Once I bought organic beans that had Canadian organic label, and just to check what she said I put some grains in a flower pot and some in water – it never sprouted. It got rotten without a sprout.
When I buy beans from a farmer, I wash it and put in water for 12 hours before cooking and often all grains sprout. If I put a grain of bean in water, in 3 days I have a plant.
If you’re not sure that you’ve bought organic alive food, test it in water: if it sprouts, it’s alive – if it doesn’t sprout go back to producer and ask him what happened?
Canadian lady was shocked when she heard that I live next to the stable with (just a few) cows: “Cows stink!”, she cried. The fact is that smell of (few) cows lying on the fragrant straw in wooden barn is one of the nicest smells I know.
Few years ago one farmer built new modern expensive stable and 85 cows. We know he takes care, finally his family always had cows – up to 10 cows, that’s here a lot. But often his new stable produces awful stink – it’s new stink, and it’s worse then stink of a pig farm. Now I know what Canadian lady meant.
Sadly, it’s so sad.
It shouldn’t be like that.
The vast majority of the U.S. population doesn´t have any privileges and the food supply is not at all the exception.
We are all living in very uncertain times . As stated ‘ Control the food and you control the people . I’ve been very privilidged to have had my wake up call. There’s nothing like a severe health challenge to help you open your eyes … Recovered , and through this journey I was awakened
I learnt that as challenging as it is, we need to all be responsible for what we put in and on our bodies … All this toxicity creates a market of sick individuals who once on the treadmill find it’s almost impossible to get off . How I see this is that , Knowledge is potential power. When we know better we do better… We can easily see this as a defeat, that there is little we can do, well that maybe true as an individual, but as a conglomerate of people coming together, this is how change happens… For big changes to come there doesn’t need a huge swing in consciousness just enough to help the masses see the differences …. There is one man and his mission that I’ve been involved with for 20+ years now … The man is Tom Mower Snr, The company is SISEL International, the Mission to ‘Bridge the gap between science and human needs …. There are those out there that are committed to humanity, and are working hard to provide us with safe and effective consumer able products, many of our cancers today are linked with toxic carcinogens from our bathrooms, research this, it’s scary to think we are exposing ourselves and families to this …
So long as we are here, we will always have choices … Now is the time to seriously think about, where we are in all this, and what are we choosing ? for so long as people continue to support these corporations then, we can change little for the greater good… By voting with our feet and our pockets we can change much, for this is a language that is universal and understood by all … Together we can achieve great outcomes that all can benefit from …. Our health challenges today are not caused by any one thing, it’s many things we do daily that contribute to this ill health that many are experiencing. I say reach out, start talking with each other about your concerns and what can be done … There are many groups forming around the world today that are showing us the way …
Thank you Ty, you’ve made available incredible information, all in one place, ignorance is NOT an acceptable excuse … We all need to stand together, see each other as family, no matter where we’re from and we will succeed …
We all need to pay attention here. ThankYou, Ty, for this very interesting article. It’s pretty hard to Swallow, but I will take it to heart, learn and live by it.
Keep up the good work – and God bless you and your family 🙂
The FDA like so many government functions has been underfunded by design for decades. Our government often works by commission and omission against the best interest of Americans. We have a dysfunctional electorate that repeatedly allows the election of such representatives. That political reality essentially produces a dysfunctional society. Quality of life is not something that even registers as a value with many Americans. For the well off it’s just about keeping and adding to their wealth. For the vast majority it’s a routine struggle to pay the bills and try to give their kids some kind of a future.
The propaganda about America’s bounty and greatest rings hollow for far too many Americans.
GMO Compass database
It’s terrible that is how our food is now. I’ve become a distrubutor of Purium Health and it’s all organic no junk in it. I stopped all dairy, processed foods sugar, red meat and eat organic chicken and wild caught fish. With doing a 10 day cleanse taking my Purium products ( power shake, Aminos, and tart cherry 30 mins before bed. I have lost 8 lbs in 7 days and I have more energy and can’t wait to get my blood work done. I have hasimotos & hypothyroid and others have reversed their chronic conditions with this. There is research on these product that show they fight cancer among other health problems. If anyone is interested in learning more. Visit.
If you have any questions email me at
Isn’t America over populated and thus the many chemicals in our food? They are tainting the food supply to sorta slowly let us die without knowing … if any of you have ever thought this. Remember years ago, that official from Wisconsin who wanted ALL the OLD FOLK to KILL THEMSELVES but later recanted? Wouldn’t this be part of putting chemicals/GMO in the food supply?
Believe this is the most important issue in our country. When McDonald’s can make fried for the UK different from what American’s get this is really dumbing us down. As is Common Core and so many regulations. So much to do. Stop the GMO onslaught and maybe people will start caring more. Monsanto needs to go.
Your article is good but no one ever mentions in talking about meat…. How the CATTLE, CHICKEN, PIGS are FED GMO grains and things to fatten them up, then WE EAT the meat, cheese, eggs product of all the tweaks to these creatures. So why do we wonder why we are getting fatter and sicker ourselves. You are what you eat! My cat is huge (16.5 lbs and I don’t over feed her but I can’t afford organic food for her.) If I have something that takes up my spare time to do research…. I still can’t find anything that doesn’t contain corn or soy to feed her… yet.
Keep up the good work Ty! Thanks for your article. Ruth
I don’t doubt that most all of the information in this article is true. But I refuse to go through life paranoid about every single thing I consume. After all, Jesus once said that it’s not what goes into a man that defiles him… Besides, even the air we breath is polluted. In short, we all live in a toxic environment and there is no way we can completely avoid it, unless we reside in a bubble. Plus, how can we know for sure that labels are trustworthy? Just because it says “organic” or “non-GMO” is it really? Or is someone just selling us the same old crap and charging us triple the money? The FDA is corrupt so how can I know for certain? I can’t. And I can’t grow my own food because I don’t own a farm. So about 8 years ago I decided there were 3 things I could do to protect my health: 1) take vitamins and supplements, 2) consume 2 phytonutrient energy drinks (one vegetable and one fruit), and 3) take an herbal detox supplement, every day. I just turned 60 and have had no major health issues, so it’s worked pretty well for me 🙂
The Elites need to be sure that their food supply is not contaminated!
It does not matter where your food comes from it is what has happened to it from go to mouth that matters. Support local natural food supplies checking that they are telling the truth and monitor always. If we do not support the natural growers they will not be there for us.
Organic does not automatically mean healthy as the soil may be depleted, they can and often do treat the product with ‘approved’ chemicals we would not want and if the stuff is irradiated it is likely dead and lifeless junk anyway.
Check, recheck and question carefully. this is not paranoia just simple self protection and self preservation. Just do the best you can folks that all we can do. Support those whose activities will support us.
Regarding the article “Does America Have the World’s Worst Food Quality & Safety?”, I am curious to know whether Canada is the same as the US regarding food quality and safety?
I agree Ann & Joan! One day!! Just keep praying!
I’ve visited US twice this year, and always get sick in less than 1 day of eating food from here. (I’m from Costa Rica).
I decided that I’ll not eat at all while staying here since starvation is way better than intoxication from my perspective. (I only stay here 4 days, so I don’t believe that not eating will kill me or something).
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my know-how here with colleagues.
Thank you for sharing our articles with others link aduq!
Everyone please watch earthlings documentary free on youtube.
Go vegan for the planet, your health, and the billions of cows pigs and chickens murdered every day for humans taste buds!
I agree with the whole article besides saying the government doesn’t intrude into our personal lives. Fact is, they are intruding in literally EVERYTHING we do. No country is a free country, some have it better than others…but NONE are free.
This is interesting! I totally agree with what you brought up here. I am glad I stumbled upon this!