Video Transcript: Anti-Fungal Diet for Cancer Prevention
Ty Bollinger: You’ve talked about the importance of the environment for cancer cells to be able to revert back into normal cells. So what is an optimal diet that you could recommend people eat? To make that environment in the body so that it would NOT be a good host for cancer cells; so that it would be a good host for normal cells, and it would keep cancer at bay? What would be a general diet that you could recommend that would keep the immune system strong and prevent cancer?
Dr. Roby Mitchell: When I started working with Dr. Wright, one of the things that I have been involved with was treating people for the fungal overgrowth that happens in our body. One of the things that I realized years before that was that the common denominator of any of these natural herbal plant / exotic fruit / super food remedies that work, the common denominator with them was that they had some powerful anti-fungal in them. That’s what garlic, that’s what aspirin, that’s with these polyphenolic compounds in the skin of red grapes, the resveratrol.
I went into the lab and I started investigating, well, which foods are the highest in these. Or not necessarily which foods are the highest, but which foods had the most impact on controlling candida overgrowth. And so I set up Petri dishes right there in the lab. And we innoculated them with candida. And then we just went about inoculating them then with extracts from different fruits and vegetables and so forth to see which ones made the biggest, what we call, “zone of exclusion” in the Petri dish.
We had the Petri control down here with a medication called Diflucan that we know kills yeast. And so we knew that it was going to leave a big clear space in there, where it didn’t allow yeast to grow. And then down here we have just water, right. And so that plate just grew white with yeast overgrowth because there was nothing to inhibit it. And then all these other plates I was able to see which ones worked better or worse at keeping yeast under control.
So with that, that was the springboard for what is now called the BALI eating plan. B-A-L-I; that’s an acronym for basic antioxidant / anti-fungal, and then low insulin.
Regardless of the name that you call it, whether it’s the Gerson therapy, or the Paleo diet, or Mediterranean diet or whatever, what is going to work as far as keeping cells out of an environment that incents them to pleomorph [change their shape or size] into cancer cells is one that keeps the yeast under control.
It keeps you from developing fungal overgrowth, because when that fungus gets up to a certain level then your immune system is going to respond with the “weapons of mass destruction” and it’s going to create a toxic environment and your cells are going to cough and choke and they’re going to start changing into a cellular form that will allow them to survive that toxic environment.
So again, regardless of what you’d call it, the food that you eat has to be food that keeps fungal growth under control and doesn’t throw gasoline on the fire. When we eat foods that have what we call a high glycemic index… so the grains and sugars, right, in corn, wheat, rice, those things, then we’re creating an environment that promotes fungal overgrowth and that’s going to cause inflammation, and that’s going to, again, incent cells to turn to cancer cells.
We have just seen that more and more as our diets have gotten more and more refined. That was over here—it started over here in the Western world. Now we see it as we have outsourced all of our computer jobs and manufacturing jobs over to these third worlds, and they get money in their pocket and then we send Coke and McDonald’s over there.
Now we’re seeing breast cancer, for instance, in women that we didn’t see breast cancer in before. We’re seeing prostate cancer in men that we didn’t see prostate cancer in before in these third world countries. And it’s again, because they’re eating the same food that gave us the problem over here.
Ty: Very, very good explanation of the relationship between fungus and cancer.
This is good info but this only gives a small part of the picture. Toxins come in many forms, one of which is fungus. I noticed that low insulin sensitivity is becoming an epidemic. We should really address that.. and it fits nicely with what you are saying. Stress is also a big problem, so let’s talk about all the variables instead of isolating them. The immune system starts in the gut and ends in the gut. Bit disappointed you didn’t mention the gut flora and its role in this problem. Thank you and keep up the good work!
I think he was just looking at one topic this time. I liked Dr. Mitchell’s work in the series and this article was great too. Sugar harms the gut, as does white flour, so they are related. Fruits and veg help.
Eating an anti-fungal diet is very good for one’s health. It is better than eating meat and fried foods all the time and junk food. Maybe we should all go on an anti-fungal diet, so that we might feel healthier and not develop chronic illnesses.
Really excellent information …. essential oils such as wild oregano are very anti-fungal … garlic oil, clove bud oil, lavender oil; lemongrass oil and many others too …
Be interesting to know his view on mushrooms
Doug Kaufmann, a Viet Nam vet, became immersed in fungi of all kinds after returning to the States, and has for years produced TV/cable programs that focus on fungi. More than 25 years ago he created an anti-fungal approach to food which is available @ knowthecause. He has written a number of books that include recipes to eliminate fungus from the body. He has presented his approach and research to various groups of professionals with interest in mycology.
Growing Candida creates waste products. One of these waste products disables our immune system. But it also stimulates the rapid growth of our ‘C’ cells that are designed to kill candida. But ‘C’ cells need essential nutrients to function. One of these nutrients is iodine. Almost all with cancer are low in iodine. I might note that fluorosilicic acid added to the water will remove iodine from the body. I will also note that glyphosate added to our food will prevent iodine replacement by locking up metal nutrients needed to trans port the iodine. As a result both fluorosilicic acid and glyphosate are known carcinogens. These two poisons can also cause gut problems similar to Celiac Disease that can form holes that will let Candida into our blood stream, to infect various parts of our body. Since glyphosate locks up the chromium that is needed to activate insulin, we get insulin insensitivity also known as Type 2 Diabetes which causes high blood sugar which feeds the Candida for rapid growth. Our response is rapid growth of ‘C’ cells to combat the growing Candida. The rapidly growing mass of ‘C’ cells along with Candida we call Cancer. The best was to stop this growth is to kill the Candida by supplying our body with essential nutrients. Adding an appropriate fungicide also helps. Veterinarians have been doing this for years. Native American Medicine Men have known this cancer remedy for hundreds of years.
wonderful information… do we know how much iodine we need?
what foods contain it other than Kelp? thank you
Well, what are the foods we should eat?
My question exactly!!!🤔🤔🤔
This is an extremely interesting take on cancer prevention.